标题 | 迪士尼导游词 |
范文 | 迪士尼导游词(精选13篇) 迪士尼导游词 篇1各位游客:大家好,欢迎大家来到迪斯尼! 香港迪斯尼乐园位于大屿山,环抱山峦,与南中国海遥遥相望,是一座融合了美国加州迪斯尼乐园及其他迪斯尼乐园特色于一体的主题公园。香港迪斯尼乐园包括四个主题区:美国小镇大街、探险世界、幻想世界、明日世界。每个主题区都能给游客带来无尽的奇妙体验。 美国小镇大街: 到访香港迪士尼乐园的游客会首先在美国小镇大街展开他们的旅程。美国小镇大街是根据典型的美国小镇设计而成,富于怀旧色彩,所展现的时代正是煤气灯正由电灯取替、以及汽车代替马车的年代。这些怀旧设计带领游客进入神奇王国,让他们体验乐园内不同的世界。 幻想世界: 到访幻想世界的游客会首先在睡公主城堡展开他们的旅程。游客犹如置身迪士尼故事中,找到他们最心爱的迪士尼人物:可以在咖啡杯内盘旋;又或是与各个可爱的迪斯尼人物如小熊维尼、白雪公主及老鼠大哥--米奇老鼠见面。 幻想世界的中心标志将会是一个崭新、独特的梦想花园,唯香港迪士尼乐园独有。 探险世界: 探险世界让游客亲身感受一个亚洲及非洲地区原始森林的旅程,同时探险世界亦将多种奇珍异卉集中在一处展出。游客可以参加乐园内的森林河流之旅,及发掘其它惊险的游乐设施如整个以森林之王Kingofthe Jungle为题的岛屿等。探险世界更设有一个最大的室内剧场,这剧场专为迪士尼现场表演而设。 明日世界: 明日世界将会是一个充满科幻奇谈及实现穿梭太空幻想的地方。香港迪士尼乐园中明日世界的全新设计和感觉与其它的主题乐园截然不同,华特迪士尼幻想工程将整个园区创造成一个专为探索太空漫游奇遇与经历的星河太空港口。每个游乐设施、商店及餐厅均以机械人、宇宙飞船、浮动星体作装饰,将成为太空港口的一部份。游客可以在飞越太空山经历时空旅程,亦可乘坐飞碟来回穿梭太空游乐设施太空飞碟。 游客朋友们,今天就为大家讲解到这儿,谢谢各位的支持! 迪士尼导游词 篇2各位游客: 大家好!欢迎来到迪斯尼乐园游玩。我叫杨紫芊,大家可以叫我小杨或杨导。今天有幸和大家一起游玩,我很高兴,望大家能玩好! 迪斯尼乐园分为三部位,第一个是小朋友最喜欢的游乐区,第二是生动可爱剧场,第三就是美丽诱人烟花。 游客们,我们现在到了室内过山车,这是一个勇敢者的游戏,谁有胆量不防亲自体验一把。过山车一次可以坐六人,先是上坡,上到滿眼是“星星”,再十大马立的往下冲,当您被吓下得毛孔耸立时,这里专业的摄影师会记录下你的精彩顺间。有眉飞色舞的,有吓得直哆嗦的,还有......总之你不妨试一试。 现在,游客朋友们我们到达了迪斯尼剧场,是一个4D影院。这里正在上映有关米老鼠和唐老鸭的影片。片中米奇不小心把水弄洒了,那么你真的就会感觉到水溅到了您身上;唐老鸭送你许多钻石和珠宝,你就会情不自禁的伸手来拿;最有趣的是最后唐老鸭飞起来了,它仿佛向你飞来,最终它从后台观众席走了出来,全场报以热烈的掌声和欢呼声。 经过这几天的游玩,你们学到了知识,我很开心,你们一定记着我哟,下次再来。再见了! 迪士尼导游词 篇3大家好!我是你们的导游小辰,我要为大家进行全程的讲解。大家看,这就是你们盼望已久的迪士尼乐园了!大家请跟我来吧! 这里是世界上最小的迪士尼乐园了,不过,麻雀虽小,五脏俱全。虽然是最小的,但里面的东西应有尽有,你们一会儿就知道了。 迪士尼乐园包括:美国大街小镇、幻想世界、探险世界和明日世界四个主题。 我们先在美国大街小镇开始神奇的旅程。它富于怀旧色彩,所展示的是用汽车代替马车的年代,这些怀旧设计带领我们进入神奇的王国,让我们体验昨天的世界。 下一站是幻想世界,在这里你可以找到最心爱的迪士尼人物:维尼、米老鼠…… 想当年我来的时候还没有这些东西,你们太幸运了! 探险世界里异常奇妙,最惊险的要数河流漂流了,我们的目的地是泰山小屋,路上会遭遇各种险情,我准备了一些玩具步枪,大家去拿吧!前方发现敌情!怎么会是一只马桶?晕!啊!有一头狮子,遇到了它该怎样?有一句话说得好:三十六计,跑为上计!准备好了吗?各位旅客,大家快溜啊! 大家看,这是一个新的地方,也是咱们实现穿梭太空的好地方。每个游乐设施、商店及餐厅均以机器人、宇宙飞船、浮动星体做装饰,将成为太空港口的一部分。你们可以去最刺激的飞越太空,不过有晕车等病的人最好不要去玩哦!这里就是我本人最喜欢的明日世界了! 好,请大家休息一会儿,一会儿我继续为大家讲解介绍! 迪士尼导游词 篇4暑假里,妈妈带我和姐姐去上海旅游,我们去的那天是七月十六日,刚好是上海迪士尼开园一个月的日子,为了这一天,我真是等了很久了。 我们坐了一夜的火车,第二天早上七点到达上海站,导游已经在接我们了,不顾一夜的坐车劳累,我们直奔上海迪士尼乐园。 我曾在电视上,网络上,多次看到过上海迪士尼的宣传,也曾无数次想象过迪士尼的样子,但当它真的出现在我的面前时,我还是感到非常的震撼。 迪士尼乐园非常大,游人非常的多,还有很多外国游客。这里的游乐项目非常多,但每个项目都要排一个至两个小时的队,我们玩了加勒比海盗,巴斯光年,爱丽丝梦游仙境,晶彩奇航等八个游乐项目,还看了园中的花车巡游,冰雪奇缘的表演和太空幸会史迪奇,最让我难忘的是晚上的夜光幻影秀,离节目开始还有一个小时,人们就开始找位置坐下,等待着一场视觉的盛宴,二十点三十分节目准时开始,绚丽的烟火从奇幻童话城堡四周升起,城堡大门打开,依次出现了迪士尼中的各种人物,有白雪公主,安娜和艾莎,还有米奇和米妮,狮子王,阿拉丁神灯,小熊维尼等,并伴随着迪士尼的经典歌曲,观众们都看得要疯狂了。 节目结束了,我好长时间才回过神来,迪士尼真是太好了,那是一种你无法想象的好看、好玩。 再见,迪士尼,我意犹未尽。 迪士尼导游词 篇5经过20个小时的火车颠簸,我怀着激动的心情来到了梦想之地――上海。 出了火车站,映入眼睑的是一座座高楼大厦,四通八达的`立交桥上车来人往,真壮观啊!出了火车站我们坐地铁来到了小姑家,稍作休息我们来到了上海最繁华的街道――南京路。一出地铁站口就看到南京路上人头攒动,你来我往行色匆匆。还不时有无轨电车穿梭在人群中,真是热闹非凡。我们在几个大商场里转了一下,就来到一个叫“汤姆熊”的游戏厅里,这里什么游戏都有,我们先玩了投球游戏,接着又玩了扫蜘蛛。砸怪人。双枪连击等游戏。 随后,我们乘无轨电车来到了外滩,夜晚的外滩到处是闪烁的霓虹灯,美丽的东方明珠塔直插云霄,一座座西方建筑静静矗立在诉说着上海那个不堪回首的过去。电视画面里经常看到的报时大钟整点响起了动听的音乐,江堤上是人山人海,遥遥望去,杨浦大桥上灯火通明,黄浦江面时时响起轮船的笛声,好一副热闹的画面啊! 迪士尼导游词 篇6各位游客朋友: 大家好,我是本次迪斯尼乐园的导游。我姓李,大家可以叫我小李。现在大家乘坐的是迪斯尼专线,本专线将在1小时候到达香港迪斯尼乐园,途中我会为大家做一些有关迪斯尼的介绍。 香港迪斯尼乐园是一个老少皆宜的童话王国,主要分为:明日世界、探险世界和幻想世界,这三个世界适宜的人群也不一样,下面就来听听你适合哪个世界吧!明日世界时一个充满刺激,变化莫测的游戏王国,它的代表游乐设施就是飞越太空山。飞越太空山又被称作“室内过山车”,乘客在车厢的整个旅途只有不到20秒的时间,可以看到亮光,其余全在黑暗中度过,太空车直上、直下、忽左、忽右,让许多乘客流连忘返;探险世界是一个与充满神秘的地方,丛林历险是探险世界最有趣味性的游戏,乘客们坐在船上,可以看到许多动物,喷水的象宝宝、伺机吃人的食人鱼、晒日光浴的大猩猩,通过船长风趣的讲述,乘客们会通过重重难关,最终到达终点泰山的木屋;幻想世界是每个喜欢童话的人必须要去的地方,那里的有了设施虽然不是很刺激、很神秘,但那是卡通人物的集结地,可以跟它们一起合影留念。对了,还要提醒大家,在整点的时候还会有迪斯尼人物表演的节目哟!下午3点和晚上7点分别有迪斯尼大巡游和星梦奇缘烟花表演。 现在到站了,大家赶快去尽情畅游童话王国吧! 迪士尼导游词 篇7今天早上,我和爸爸妈妈早早来到了上海迪士尼乐园。 在迪士尼乐园的门口有一个很大的喷泉,喷泉中间有一条用石头雕成的巨大鲸鱼,它喷射出来的水柱上面有一个踩着冲浪板的米奇,随着水柱的压力变化上升或下降。在四周分别是高飞、米妮、布鲁托等形态各异,生动有趣的形象。 进入大门后,我们去了幻想世界。那里的机动游戏都很好玩,不过“小小世界”让我印象深刻。在这里要乘上一条小船,穿过不同风格的地点,两旁有布满各种各样的小人偶,载歌载舞,整个过程十分有趣。玩完之后,我们就去“小小世界雪糕屋”买了一个巧克力香蕉味的雪糕篮来吃,味道好极了! 逛完了幻想世界,我们来到了探险世界,前往泰山树屋游玩。那儿要顺着楼梯爬到约二十米高的树屋上,那里会有各种场景告诉我们泰山的故事。 接下来在七个小矮人的行程中,我最喜欢的是“七个小矮人矿山车”。它在行驶过程中会突然下坠、急停甚至倒着走,只要你有足够的胆量,就来挑战它吧! 其实,最震惊我的是晚上那烟花们的聚会――星梦奇缘。瞧,仙女挥动魔法棒,三颗火焰小球欢快地跳上星空,拉开烟火序幕。然后,各种“花儿”争奇斗艳,……多么奇妙啊!有机会你一定要亲眼看看“星梦奇缘”。 这一天,多么难忘,又多么让人流连忘返! 迪士尼导游词 篇8Hello everyone, I'm the tour guide of Disneyland. My name is Li. You cancall me Xiao Li. Now you are taking the Disney special line. This special linewill arrive at Hong Kong Disneyland in one hour. On the way, I will introduceDisney to you. Hong Kong Disneyland is a fairy tale kingdom suitable for all ages. It ismainly divided into: tomorrow world, adventure world and fantasy world. Thesuitable crowd of these three worlds is also different. Let's listen to whichworld you are suitable for. Tomorrow world is a game kingdom full of excitementand unpredictable changes. Its representative amusement facility is flying overthe space mountain. Flying over the space mountain is also known as the "indoorroller coaster". Passengers can see the bright light in less than 20 secondsduring the whole journey in the carriage, and the rest are spent in the dark.Many passengers forget to return when the space vehicle goes up, down, left andright; Adventure world is a place full of mystery. Jungle adventure is the mostinteresting game in the adventure world. Passengers can see many animals on theboat, such as baby elephant, piranha and gorilla in the sun. Through thecaptain's witty narration, passengers will pass through many difficulties andfinally reach the wooden house on Mount Tai; Fantasy world is a place thateveryone who likes fairy tales must go. Although the facilities there are notvery exciting and mysterious, they are the gathering place of cartooncharacters. They can take pictures with them. By the way, I would also like toremind you that there will be Disney character performances at 3 pm and 7 pmrespectively. Now it's the station, let's go and enjoy the fairy tale kingdom! 迪士尼导游词 篇9Today, my mother and I went to Disneyland together, played a lot ofprojects, it was fun! I first went to fantasy world to make an appointment for Winnie the PoohAdventure, and then went to tomorrow world to see Steve. Steve asked a girl likeme: how old are you? The girl said: 8 years old. Steve asked again: are youmarried? No! The girl said. Then you have to work hard, said Steve. At thistime, caused a burst of laughter. "What's your name?" he asked. What do you do? Asked Steve. I would not tellyou. Said the elder brother. Humph! I have a computer, I'll check it! SaidSteve. Li ChuanChao, wear a pair of glasses and sneak around. I've got it! SaidSteve. So you are a wanted criminal! No wonder you didn't tell me! Said Steve.Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Line up the little flying elephant, line up for a whole hour, finally lineup. As soon as I went in, I ran back, because there was a little pink elephantin the back. How envious the people below us are when we sit on it and fly! Lunch at Disney, there are chips, chicken wings, coke, hamburgers,delicious! What I like most is to travel in the small world, where I can meetAmericans, Asians, Europeans and Africans. There are many dolls in it. They arevery cute. By the way, I forgot to tell you that we'd better take a boat toenjoy the little world. I'm so happy in Disney. My mother bought me a Minnie changing box. But nowI'm going home. Come back next time! Goodbye! Disney! 迪士尼导游词 篇10各位游客,大家好,欢迎大家来到东京迪士尼乐园观光游览,我是你们的导游,很高兴在这童话般梦幻的卡通乐园中与各位一同追溯童年,希望我的解说能给大家留下一个深刻的印象! 日本简介 日本位于亚洲东部,是一个不光从科技领域还是文化层面都飞跃发展的国家,在日本东京以东的千叶县是一个开放最为显着的城市,这里不仅建有成田国际机场、大型国际会议中心,还有堪称世界第一的迪士尼乐园,就是我今天所要向大家介绍的东京迪士尼乐园。 东京迪士尼乐园简介 东京迪斯尼乐园于1982年建成,是由美国迪斯尼公司和日本梓设计公司合作建造的。它位于日本东京都以东的千叶县浦安市舞滨,主题乐园面积为四十六公顷,堪称"亚洲第一游乐园". 世界市集 这里是东京迪士尼乐园内规模最大的市集,它包含了来自全世界的新奇物品,有糖果糕点专卖店、由米奇亲手创办的小型杂货店、大街日报摊、相机中心、小镇时尚店、赫林顿钟表珠宝、西饼城、玩具小站、魔术用品店、致贺屋、剪影室、迪士尼画廊等等。除此之外还有各种家用百货,把迪士尼的世界带回家中!想为家中增添一些迪士尼梦幻世界气氛的游客,请到此集合!这里的迪士尼系列商品丰富多彩,无论是厨房用品、还是卫浴用品,都将为您家中带去欢乐魔法。您也来尝试一下用自己喜爱的迪士尼商品装饰家居吧! 便士拱廊 东京迪士尼乐园便士拱廊内收集的众多曾经风靡一时的游戏机,这些游戏机造型古典、结构质朴,都是几十年前在美国曾经实际被使用过的。当绚丽的霓虹灯吸引您走进这座建筑物时,您会看到各式古董游戏机。在这间以美国最小的硬币单位"便士"命名的游戏房里,只需花一些零钱就可以玩得不亦乐乎!这里有当年盛行一时的弹珠台、棒球游戏,给人一种时光倒流回答童年的感觉。 迪士尼画廊 这座东京迪士尼乐园优雅的宅邸是一家维多利亚时代风格的画廊。画廊里展示各种主题的艺术作品,它们都是由迪士尼艺术家们创作的,包括原创艺术作品、模型、素描以及雕塑等。画廊内还开设有绘画班,您可以在此轻松愉快地学习如何画出米奇和他的伙伴们。 迪士尼绘画教室 在这里可以学画米奇和伙伴们的头像,并且还可以将完成的作品装入纪念纸框,带回家留作纪念,不过绘画教室属于收费项目。 迪士尼公司 维多利亚风格的店堂内,米奇、美妮、唐老鸭等迪士尼明星的系列商品琳琅满目!这些物品都是东京迪士尼乐园限定版,非常稀有。 双层巴士 复古造型的双层巴士是深受来东京迪士尼乐园游客欢迎的一种交通工具。20世纪初行驶于纽约街头的双层巴士将带您游览园区的街景。巴士绕圆环缓缓行驶一周,游客可以从不同角度欣赏到各个主题园区的风景。 坐上巴士,放眼欣赏园区风景,您一定会有许多新的发现。途中,巴士司机还将身兼导游,为游客介绍各处景点,懂日语的游客请留心倾听哦! 迪士尼导游词 篇11Dear tourists Hello and welcome to Disney! Hong Kong Disneyland is located on Lantau Island, surrounded by mountainsand facing the South China Sea. It is a theme park integrating thecharacteristics of California Disneyland and other Disneyland. Hong KongDisneyland includes four theme areas: American town street, adventure world,fantasy world and tomorrow world. Each theme area can bring visitors endlesswonderful experience. American town street: Visitors to Hong Kong Disneyland will first start their journey on thestreets of small towns in the United States. American small town street isdesigned according to the typical American small town, full of nostalgic color,showing the era when the gas lamp is replaced by the electric lamp, and the carreplaces the carriage. These nostalgic designs lead visitors into the magicalkingdom and let them experience different worlds in the park. Fantasy World: Visitors to fantasy world will start their journey at Sleeping PrincessCastle. Visitors can find their favorite Disney characters in the Disney Story:they can spin in the coffee cup, or they can meet with various lovely Disneycharacters such as Winnie the Pooh, snow white and Mickey Mouse. The central symbol of fantasy world will be a new and unique dream garden,which is unique to Hong Kong Disneyland. Explore the world: Adventure world allows visitors to experience a journey of virgin forestsin Asia and Africa. At the same time, adventure world also displays a variety ofexotic flowers in one place. Visitors can take part in the forest river tour inthe park, and explore other thrilling amusement facilities, such as the wholeisland with the theme of king of the jungle. Adventure world also has one of thelargest indoor theaters for Disney live performances. Tomorrow's world: Tomorrow's world will be a place full of science fiction and fantasy. Thenew design and feeling of tomorrow world in Hong Kong Disneyland is quitedifferent from other theme parks. Walt Disney fantasy project has created thewhole park into a star river space port for exploring space adventures andexperiences. Each amusement facility, shop and restaurant is decorated withrobots, spaceships and floating stars. It will become a part of the space port.Tourists can fly over the space mountain to experience the space-time journey,or take the flying saucer to shuttle back and forth through the space amusementfacilities. 迪士尼导游词 篇12On the eve of the Dragon Boat Festival, three of us came to Hong KongDisneyland, which I had been looking forward to for a long time. When I came to the gate of the park, it said "welcome to Hong KongDisneyland" in Chinese and English. Mickey Mouse on the door seemed to say"welcome to..." Entering the gate, I saw a fountain. In the middle of the fountain, therewas a big whale. On both sides of the fountain, there were statues of pug andDonald Duck playing with the whale. The whale's power was great. The waterspewed by it drove a Mickey on a skateboard straight up to the ground, makinghim never land. When I entered the park, I couldn't help crying out, "ah, Disney has somany entertainment projects!" we visited the anti fighter base camp, maze manor,adventure Kingdom, fantasy castle, tomorrow's world, grizzly bear ValleyHowever, the most exciting is the grizzly mine truck in grizzly valley. He isthe craziest rapid miner in the West. The naughty grizzly bears will rush out ofthe mine and suddenly travel backwards through the grizzly valley. In theprocess of reversing, I held on to my father tightly, thinking that there wassomething wrong with the mine car, and my father couldn't figure out the state,so he said to me loudly, "if you are afraid, just call out..." When the mine carstopped, I found that I was still alive. My legs were shaking and my tears wereflowing out. It turned out that it was the evil grizzly bear, but I thought itwas the same as the one in the eastern OCT, which made me a false alarm. After swimming these, I finally went shopping in a small town in America. Ibought a lot of things I like. Carrying bags, set foot on the journey home,Disneyland, see you next time! Comments: Wow, this article is wonderful! Both the language and theparagraph level of the article are very reasonable and appropriate! The littleauthor also uses the writing techniques from general to individual in thearticle, recording the whole process of his visit to Disneyland. After readingyour article, it seems that I have witnessed everything in front of my eyes!Excellent! 迪士尼导游词 篇13Hong Kong Disneyland is the world's fifth Disneyland model, Disney's 11ththeme park in the world, and the first theme park based on California Disneyland(including Sleeping Princess Castle). Visitors to Hong Kong Disneyland willtemporarily stay away from the real world, enter the colorful fairy talekingdom, and experience the mysterious and fantastic future country and thethrilling adventure world. Hong Kong Disneyland covers an area of 126 hectares, which is the smallestDisneyland in the world. However, there will be several expansion projects inthe future, of which the first phase is under construction. Hong Kong Metro hasa dedicated Disney line between Xin'ao station and Disney Station, which is thesecond special railway line to Disney in the world. Hong Kong Disneyland themesong "let's fly" is sung by the honorary ambassador of Hong Kong Disneyland,Jacky Cheung. The official communication languages of the park are English andChinese (Putonghua and Cantonese). Hong Kong Disneyland has a number of unique attractions, two Disney themehotels, and a variety of shopping, catering and entertainment facilities. Thepark generally includes four theme areas (8 in California, 7 in Florida andTokyo, and 5 in Paris), which are similar to other Disneyland, includingAmerican small town street, adventure world, fantasy world and tomorrow world.In addition to the well-known Disney classic stories and amusement facilities,Hong Kong Disneyland also plans some amusement facilities, entertainmentperformances and cruises specially designed for Hong Kong in line with thecultural characteristics of Hong Kong. In the park, you can also find Disneycartoon characters Mickey Mouse, Winnie the Pooh, Hua Mulan, Cinderella,Sleeping Princess, etc. The first phase of Theme Park Hong Kong Disneyland isdivided into four theme parks: American town street, adventure world (pirateworld from May 4 to September 2, 20__), fantasy world and tomorrow world. Tomorrow's world: Tomorrow's world is a place full of science fiction and fantasy. The newdesign and feeling of tomorrow world in Hong Kong Disneyland is quite differentfrom other theme parks. Walt Disney fantasy project has created the whole parkinto a star river space port for exploring space adventures and experiences.Each amusement facility, shop and restaurant is decorated with robots,spaceships and floating stars. It will become a part of the space port. Touristscan experience the space-time journey in "flying over the Space Mountain", ortake the flying saucer to shuttle back and forth through the space amusementfacility "space flying saucer". Project: flying over space mountain, flyingsaucer, bass Lightyear interstellar adventure, car world Buss Lightyear interstellar adventure and his teammate buss Lightyear aredriving a star spaceship to make a 360 degree rotation in space, and you canlaunch laser cannons to repel the enemy forces and attack their bases, and reachthe top of the best performance list. Fly over the space mountain and ride the amazing indoor roller coaster totwist, turn and fall in the dark sky. Under the background of music and soundeffect, you can experience the excitement between the boundless universe andstars. You can walk with meteors and comets and fly to the bright future! Theminimum height requirement of this amusement facility is 102 cm. You can use theamusement facility of Disney express pass card. Fantasy World: Visitors to fantasy world will start their journey at Sleeping PrincessCastle. Visitors can find their favorite Disney characters in the Disney Story:they can spin in the coffee cup, or they can meet with various lovely Disneycharacters such as Winnie the Pooh, snow white and Mickey Mouse. The centralsymbol of fantasy world is a new and unique dream garden, which is unique toHong Kong Disneyland. Projects: Sleeping Princess Castle, Mickey Fantasia, little flying elephantrevolving world, Cinderella Carousel, fantasy world railway station, dreamgarden, crazy hat revolving cup, Mickey Gold Award musical, Winnie the PoohAdventure, snow white wishing hole. Explore the world: Along the huge rivers, through the African prairie, into the mysteriousforest of Asia, to the island of Mount Tai, the brave navigator will also leadtourists to explore the mysterious secrets of nature. Adventure world also hasone of the largest indoor theaters for Disney live performances. Projects: Lion King celebration, Taishan tree house raft, Taishan treehouse and forest river tour, Liqi fountain The Lion King celebration is a Broadway song and dance drama adapted fromDisney's classic animation "Lion King". It's a gorgeous and grand celebration,which can make you marvel! You can use the amusement facilities of Disney's fastpass card. When you enter the mysterious river full of exotic customs, you willencounter roaring elephants, attacking hippos, dangerous cobras, attacking apes,etc. the journey is full of surprises and jokes. Highlights of Hong Kong Disneyland 1: song and dance youth dance express:"song and dance youth dance express" is a new entertainment project launched byHong Kong Disneyland in 20__, with vigorous dance and enthusiastic interactionas the biggest selling point. At that time, 17 fashionable performers will enjoysinging and dancing on the mobile stage with the banner of "singing and dancingyouth". Meanwhile, the host will lead the performers to play games with thetourists. tourist They can also join the carnival singing and dancing team, singing anddancing with the actors. Highlight 2: cloth doll mobile experiment: cloth doll mobile experiment isalso a new project launched by Hong Kong Disneyland in 20__. The alien "Dr. firemelon" and his right-hand man "Jianzui" are driving their newly invented? D? Dtwo wheel drive egg shaped mobile test vehicle slowly along the streets of smalltowns in the United States, and constantly soliciting tourists to study sciencewith them. They will ask tourists all kinds of "brain twists" and the answers tothe questions are very amusing and interesting. Highlight 3: Town Hall: Town Hall is the location of Hong Kong Disneylandservice center, which is absolutely a stop to visit Disney. Here, visitors canobtain the map and scenic spot guide of the park, reserve restaurant seats, andquery all data of Hong Kong Disneyland. Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel is the flagship hotel of Hong Kong Disneyland.Its architectural style is full of nostalgic features of the Victorian era. It'slike going back in time, back in the Victorian era, turning into a royalaristocrat, enjoying the magnificent and romantic life. The hotel is 6 floorshigh, with restaurants, shops, bars, teahouses, spa massage centers, suites,conference rooms, 903 Ping sandurilla banquet hall and wedding viewing platform.The Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel is divided into four types: garden view, seaview, sea view room with terrace and state guest hall. The top floor of thehotel is the VIP floor, with a view of the theme park. Each guest room and suiteof the hotel is designed according to the Victorian palace room. The nostalgicdecoration is combined with modern facilities, including flat LCD TV, high-speedInternet device, safe deposit box and mini bar. Free drinks are provided tobring the noble enjoyment of dream. Hong Kong Disneyland can also arrange Disneyfairy tale wedding, so that guests can hold a real Disney wedding in the themeresort. Disney Hollywood Hotel Disney Hollywood Hotel is located in the greenwaterfront, with beautiful garden scenery. The eight storey building has 600guest rooms. Most of the rooms are designed with two double beds, which canaccommodate up to four people at the same time. There are restaurants, shops,lounges, swimming pools, shopping malls, game rooms and a garden atrium like amap of Los Angeles, in which there are famous streets, buildings and signs ofHollywood. The design of the hotel is based on the architectural art style of"decoration school", with Mickey Mouse decoration of the 20th century, creatinga unique "Disney decoration school" art design. The design of the hotel combines the strong lines of the traditionaldecoration school and the kind and unique Disney creation, with the lightingeffect full of film sense, creating a brilliant atmosphere of "Hollywood". Inthe hotel, the Mickey Mouse theme restaurant in the form of self-service is verypopular. In addition, guests can enjoy the sea view when they are in the hotellobby Garden, beautiful scenery. In addition to the outdoor swimming pool, thecourtyard garden also has a pedestrian corridor with "Hollywood" street as theblueprint, which makes the residents feel like they are in the world-famous"Hollywood" city and feel the extraordinary golden age. Disney Hollywood Hotel is 8 stories high, with restaurants, shops, bars,piano shaped swimming pool, and a "sunset platform" for tourists to enjoy thesunset. The most eye-catching is the garden designed like a map of Los Angeles,with famous streets, buildings and signs modeled after Hollywood. Along the way,there are handprints and footprints of international stars and local famousartists. The hotel is divided into three kinds of rooms with garden view,Paradise view and sea view. The 600 guest rooms provide star rated service, comfort and fun experience,as well as outdoor quiet environment, rich food, diversified facilities andsatisfactory service, which will make a happy ending for your "Hollywoodexperience". Park tickets Category weekdays designated days_ Adult HK $295 HK $350 Children (3 to 11 years old) HK $210 HK $250 Elderly (65 years old or above) HK $170 HK $200 Admission is free for children under 3 years old. All ticket prices are inHong Kong dollars. The current exchange rate of RMB to Hong Kong dollar is0.88:1 (20__-10-21). Prices and dates are subject to change. _Designated days include Saturdays, Sundays, Hong Kong public holidays,school summer holidays (July and August) and mainland golden week (may 1-7 andOctober 1-7 each year). Highlight 4: Animation Art Classroom: animation art classroom is a place toteach tourists, especially children, how to use brushes to depict cartooncharacters in Disney fairy tales. In addition to multimedia videos, professionalcartoon teachers also provide detailed guidance for tourists. Visitors caneasily draw classic cartoon characters such as Mickey Mouse and Donald Duckhere. Highlight 5: antique cars on small town streets: there are all kinds ofantique cars on small town streets in the United States, including minibuses,prison cars, taxis, etc. Visitors can take the antique car from the street tothe town square. Sitting in these lovely antique cars and enjoying the cartoonlike streetscape along the way, I feel quite wonderful. Highlight 6: Hong Kong Disneyland Railway: the Hong Kong Disneyland railwaystarts from the small town street of the United States, passes through the majortheme parks of Hong Kong Disneyland, and leads tourists to enjoy the variousattractions of Disneyland Disneyland is a very classic amusement project. __ small town street,USA: When you enter Disney's first stop, you can imitate the style of Americanrural towns in the early 20th century. You can enjoy the nostalgic buildings ofAmerican markets, various elegant antique cars, and taste all kinds of Chineseand western delicacies. Projects: Hong Kong Disneyland railway, antique cars on small town streets,Disneyland stories, town halls. Hong Kong Disneyland expands three new parks According to Lin Silang, senior vice president of Disney's CreativeDepartment of fantasy engineering, three new parks will be added to theexpansion of Hong Kong Disneyland, namely "maze Manor", "grizzly Valley" and"anti fighter base camp". According to the chairman of Walt Disney World andresort, Mr. Luo sile, Hong Kong Disneyland is optimistic that the expansion ofthree new theme areas will show Disney's best creativity, innovative technologyand storytelling skills. The new amusement facilities will help promote thesuccessful development of our latest Disney theme park. Among them, the theme park of "maze Manor" will play the "science andtechnology" card, with monkeys leading the way and trackless cable cars takingtourists to unexpected places. More than 10 different scenes will be used toshow the strange collections of different countries and regions, and specialeffects such as fire and flash will be added to enhance the visual effect."Grizzly bear Valley" allows visitors to fly through the fountain and thewestern wilderness in the wild mine, and see different forms of bears in themine cave. The theme park of "anti fighter base camp" comes from the film,focusing on the design of body language and dynamic special effects. |
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