标题 | 介绍丹霞山的导游词 |
范文 | 介绍丹霞山的导游词(通用5篇) 介绍丹霞山的导游词 篇1“亲爱的游客们,你们好!我的名字叫黎嘉豪,你们可以叫我小黎也可以叫我黎导,今天将由我带领大家去游览丹霞山,希望我们能一起度过开心、愉快的一天。好,请大家跟我走。我将会一边走一边为你们介绍丹霞山。 首先我先把丹霞山的概况简要地给大家介绍一下。中国红石公园——丹霞山为世界地质公园、世界自然遗产、国家级自然保护区、世界遗产提名引地等,位于广东省韶关市仁化县和浈江区境内。丹霞山还是广东四大名山了! 丹霞山的总面积是294平方公里,丹霞山主峰海拔409米,它与众多名山相比远不算高,也不算大,但它集黄山之奇、华山之险、桂林之秀一身,具有一险、二奇、三美的特点。风景区划分为上、中、下三层以及锦江风景区、翔龙湖和有被誉为天下第一奇景的阳元山,上层是三峰耸峙;中层以别传寺为主体;下层以锦石岩为中心。三百多年前澹归和尚在丹霞山开辟别传寺时,曾挑出12处风景,命名丹霞十二景:锦水滩声、玉台爽气、杰阁晨钟、丹梯铁索、舵石朝曦、竹坡烟雨、双沼碧荷、乳泉春溜、累顶浮图、虹桥拥翠、片鳞秋月。主体是阳元山景区和锦江画廊游览区这两个景点,因此我们等会儿也重点参观这两个景点。好了,事不宜迟,现在就让我们一起去饱览丹霞山的美景吧! 大家请跟我来!走进丹霞山,首先会看到阳元山景区因有天下奇景阳元石高28。5米。直径7米而得名,景区游览面积6平方公里,主要景点阳元石,北为坤元山,一阴一阳遥相对应。还有古寺混元洞、七座天生桥、拟禽拟兽的山石造型等。我们现再来到了翔龙湖景区这里,翔龙湖景区位于丹霞山南侧谷地,因其湖面轮廓酷似一条腾飞的青龙而得名。沿湖有龙须间、九龙峰、仙居岩、雾隐岩、乘龙台、祈龙台等自然十八处美丽的景区。 大家再看!锦江景区的景江似一条玉带自北而南穿行与丹霞山群峰之中,沿岸赤壁临江,朱碧辉映,翠竹夹岸……目前开辟水上游程10公里,沿途几十处景点串珠分布。下游至望江亭,可见仙山琼阁、遍山石盆美丽的风景直到阳元山景区,经过景点有鲤鱼跳龙门、锦岩大赤壁群像过江等。 各位游客,丹霞山的游览就到此结束了,希望大家玩得愉快,游得开心。 丹霞山的导游词4 “亲爱的游客们,你们好!我的名字叫黎嘉豪,你们可以叫我小黎也可以叫我黎导,今天将由我带领大家去游览丹霞山,希望我们能一起度过开心、愉快的一天。好,请大家跟我走。我将会一边走一边为你们介绍丹霞山。 首先我先把丹霞山的概况简要地给大家介绍一下。中国红石公园——丹霞山为世界地质公园、世界自然遗产、国家级自然保护区、世界遗产提名引地等,位于广东省韶关市仁化县和浈江区境内。丹霞山还是广东四大名山了! 丹霞山的总面积是294平方公里,丹霞山主峰海拔409米,它与众多名山相比远不算高,也不算大,但它集黄山之奇、华山之险、桂林之秀一身,具有一险、二奇、三美的特点。风景区划分为上、中、下三层以及锦江风景区、翔龙湖和有被誉为天下第一奇景的阳元山,上层是三峰耸峙;中层以别传寺为主体;下层以锦石岩为中心。三百多年前澹归和尚在丹霞山开辟别传寺时,曾挑出12处风景,命名丹霞十二景:锦水滩声、玉台爽气、杰阁晨钟、丹梯铁索、舵石朝曦、竹坡烟雨、双沼碧荷、乳泉春溜、累顶浮图、虹桥拥翠、片鳞秋月。主体是阳元山景区和锦江画廊游览区这两个景点,因此我们等会儿也重点参观这两个景点。好了,事不宜迟,现在就让我们一起去饱览丹霞山的美景吧! 大家请跟我来!走进丹霞山,首先会看到阳元山景区因有天下奇景阳元石高28。5米。直径7米而得名,景区游览面积6平方公里,主要景点阳元石,北为坤元山,一阴一阳遥相对应。还有古寺混元洞、七座天生桥、拟禽拟兽的山石造型等。我们现再来到了翔龙湖景区这里,翔龙湖景区位于丹霞山南侧谷地,因其湖面轮廓酷似一条腾飞的青龙而得名。沿湖有龙须间、九龙峰、仙居岩、雾隐岩、乘龙台、祈龙台等自然十八处美丽的景区。 大家再看!锦江景区的景江似一条玉带自北而南穿行与丹霞山群峰之中,沿岸赤壁临江,朱碧辉映,翠竹夹岸……目前开辟水上游程10公里,沿途几十处景点串珠分布。下游至望江亭,可见仙山琼阁、遍山石盆美丽的风景直到阳元山景区,经过景点有鲤鱼跳龙门、锦岩大赤壁群像过江等。 各位游客,丹霞山的游览就到此结束了,希望大家玩得愉快,游得开心。 介绍丹霞山的导游词 篇2各为游客朋友2113大家好,很高兴能有5261幸陪同大家一起游览我们广东著名的风景名胜区4102——丹霞1653山,首先我先把丹霞山的概况简要地给大家介绍一下。 丹霞山座落于仁化县城南约9公里处,距韶关市区56公里。丹霞山与南海罗浮山、博罗罗浮山、肇庆鼎湖山并列为广东四大名山,1988年被国务院定为国家级风景名胜区。全山均为红色砂砾岩,远眺全山,“色如渥丹,灿若明霞”,因而又有人称之为“红石花园”.丹霞山主峰海拔409米,它与众多名山相比远不算高,也不算大,但它集黄山之奇、华山之险、桂林之秀一身,具有一险、二奇、三美的特点。风景区划分为上、中、下三层以及锦江风景区、翔龙湖和有被誉为天下第一奇景的阳元山,上层是三峰耸峙;中层以别传寺为主体;下层以锦石岩为中心。丹霞十二景:锦水滩声、玉台爽气、杰阁晨钟、丹梯铁索、舵石朝曦、竹坡烟雨、双沼碧荷、乳泉春溜、累顶浮图、虹桥拥翠、片鳞秋月。 丹霞山一年四季无论晴雨早晚,都有不同的景色供游人观赏。早上,可以在丹霞山看到日出的奇观和滔滔云海;晚上,可以看到绚丽的晚霞和恬静的夜色。雨天,极目远眺,使人胸怀开阔,万虑顿消。至于春夏秋冬,四时景色的奇妙,则只有身历其境者,才能体会到. 介绍丹霞山的导游词 篇3“亲爱的游客们,你们好!我们现在已经来到了世界第8项自然遗产:丹霞山。首先,让我为大家简单介绍一下丹霞山。 中国红石公园——丹霞山为世界地质公园、世界自然遗产、国家级自然保护区、世界遗产提名引地等,位于广东省韶关市仁化县和浈江区境内。丹霞山还是广东四大名山了! 丹霞山的总面积是294平方公里,主体是阳元山景区和锦江画廊游览区这两个景点,因此我们等会儿也重点参观这两个景点。好了,事不宜迟,现在就让我们一起去饱览丹霞山的美景吧! 大家请跟我来!走进丹霞山,首先会看到阳元山景区因有天下奇景阳元石高28.5米。直径7米而得名,景区游览面积6平方公里,主要景点阳元石,北为坤元山,一阴一阳遥相对应。还有古寺混元洞、七座天生桥、拟禽拟兽的山石造型等。我们现再来到了翔龙湖景区这里,翔龙湖景区位于丹霞山南侧谷地,因其湖面轮廓酷似一条腾飞的青龙而得名。沿湖有龙须间、九龙峰、仙居岩、雾隐岩、乘龙台、祈龙台等自然十八处美丽的景区。 大家再看!锦江景区的景江似一条玉带自北而南穿行与丹霞山群峰之中,沿岸赤壁临江,朱碧辉映,翠竹夹岸......。目前开辟水上游程10公里,沿途几十处景点串珠分布。下游至望江亭,可见仙山琼阁、遍山石盆美丽的风景直到阳元山景区,经过景点有鲤鱼跳龙门、锦岩大赤壁群像过江等。 亲爱的游客们,对不起,由于这里的景色很多,不能一一介绍。请大家各自去游览观赏,记得下午三点钟在丹霞山风景区门口集合,祝大家玩得开心愉快!” 介绍丹霞山的导游词 篇4亲爱的游客们: 大家好!我是这次行程的导游,大家可以叫我丰仔。我们现在已经来到了韶关的丹霞山。丹霞山也叫淡夏山,是国家级风景名胜区、国家级自然保护区、世界地质公园、世界自然自然遗产。现在我们出发,看景点,在路上记得不要乱扔垃圾。Let's go! 看!现在我们已经来到了阳元山风景区。它因有阳元石而有名起来,景区游览面积达6平方公里。它的主要景点是阳元石,高28.5米,差不多有13个姚明那么高!另外还有古寺混元洞、七座天生桥等景点。阳元山与阴元山之间,分别是男人和女人的生殖器官样的石头,说到这两块石头,就不得不说说这个传说了:很久以前,有一对情侣被木佛精捉住了,他们是阿丹和阿霞。一天,他们想逃出去,结果被木佛精发现了,被木佛精的火葫芦烧得通红,变成人面石,也就是现在的焦岩人面石。现在可以自由活动,15分钟以后回来集合。 好,大家都注意啦!现在我们去锦江游赏吧!锦江上游可以到阳元山景区,下游可以到望江亭。它像一条玉带一样穿行在丹霞山的群峰之中,游程10公里,沿岸赤壁临江,朱碧辉映,翠竹夹岸,秀色可餐。江上的景色各式各样,今人赞叹不已。 现在,请大家自由游览,17时30分请在大门集合,我们会在酒店住宿,明天继续我们旅程,祝大家旅程愉快!17时30分我们再碰面,再见! 介绍丹霞山的导游词 篇5Hello, everyone. It's my pleasure to accompany you to visit DanxiaMountain, a famous scenic spot in Guangdong. First of all, I'd like to brieflyintroduce the general situation of Danxia Mountain. Danxia Mountain is located about 9 kilometers south of Renhua county, 56kilometers away from Shaoguan City. Danxia Mountain, together with LuofuMountain in Nanhai, BOLUO Luofu Mountain and Dinghu Mountain in Zhaoqing, is oneof the four famous mountains in Guangdong Province. It was designated as anational scenic spot by the State Council in 1988. The whole mountain is redglutenite, overlooking the whole mountain, "the color is like wodan, the coloris like bright Xia", so some people call it "red stone garden". Its geologicalstrata are composed of clastic red rock, gravel rock and powdery sandstone,containing calcium, iron oxide and a small amount of gypsum, red in color, whichis the representative of sandstone topography. This kind of landform is the same as Wuyishan in Fujian and Jinjiling inShaoguan, belonging to Danxia landform. In ancient times, Danxia Mountain wascalled the old land of shaomufo, also known as the elder village. According tothe general annals of Guangdong Province, in the period of Tang Dynasty and FiveDynasties, Fayun, a Buddhist monk, had a rest in the jinshiyan of DanxiaMountain. In the period of Nanning, there was a Sangha structure hall forworshiping Buddha statues. At the end of the Ming Dynasty (1645 AD), Li Yongmao,the governor of Qianzhou, and Li chongmao's brothers came to the mountain forbusiness, digging stone steps, building doors, and building houses as a place ofseclusion, and changed their name to Danxia Mountain. The main peak of Danxia Mountain is 409 meters above sea level. Comparedwith many famous mountains, it is neither high nor big, but it combines thewonders of Huangshan Mountain, the dangers of Huashan Mountain and the beauty ofGuilin, with the characteristics of one danger, two wonders and three beauties.The scenic area is divided into upper, middle and lower levels, Jinjiang scenicarea, Xianglong lake and Yangyuan mountain, which is known as the mostspectacular scenery in the world. The upper level is dominated by three peaks;the middle level is dominated by biechuan temple; the lower level is centered onjinshiyan. When monk Dangui opened biechuan temple in Danxia Mountain more than300 years ago, he selected 12 scenic spots and named them: Jinshui beach sound,Yutai Shuangqi, Jiege morning bell, Danti Tiesuo, rudder stone Zhaoxi, ZhupoYanyu, double marsh Bihe, Ruquan Chunliu, reding float, Hongqiao Yongcui, Pianscale Qiuyue. Danxia Mountain has different sceneries for visitors to enjoy all the yearround, whether it's sunny or rainy, sooner or later. In the morning, you can seethe wonder of sunrise and the surging sea of clouds in Danxia Mountain; in theevening, you can see the gorgeous sunset and the quiet night. On rainy days,when you look far away, you will have a broad mind and worry about everything.As for the wonderful scenery of spring, summer, autumn and winter, only thosewho have experienced it can realize it. As soon as you enter the Danxia Mountain scenic spot, you will see theDanxia gate tower. The golden wall of the gate tower is brilliant. The archwayis engraved with the three characters "Danxia Mountain" inscribed by XiZhongxun, vice chairman of the National People's Congress. Along the mountainpath to the banshanting, turn left to the direction of jinshiyan, and you willsee a rock first, which is connected with a steep cliff on the top and a deepgully on the bottom. The situation is dangerous, like a pass. In the NorthernSong Dynasty, the Buddhist monk Fayun climbed up the secluded edge and wasintoxicated with the scenery here. He stopped to have a rest and said withadmiration: "I have spent half my life in a dream, and today I feel pure andempty." Later, it was called "mengjueguan". Although the stone is only a fewfeet wide, it is extremely neat and shaped like a Buddhist niche. Sitting on it,you can have a glimpse of the Jinjiang River at your feet and the marble on yourhead. Not far from Mengjue pass, there is a weathered cave engraved with thefour characters "you Dong Tong Tian". There is a small flat in front of thecave. Next to the gate of the former Jinshi nunnery, you can overlook the clearwater and listen to the sound of the beach. After a short rest, you can explorethrough the cave. About 1000 meters from the cave to the sky, a cliff stands up against thesky. The cliff splits a narrow gap from top to bottom, 200 meters long, 40meters high, about 1 meter wide, and the narrowest point is only 0.7 meters. Itbecomes a dangerous path from the cave to jinshiyan. From here, I can only feelthat the cliffs on both sides stand up, and I want to lean to the sky. Lookingup at the sky, I can only see the long line of the sky. The branches and leavesof the shrubs growing in the crevices of the cliffs on both sides are staggered.From time to time, there are rock eagles, which are as fast as meteors, addingto the mysterious atmosphere here. Among the numerous caves in Danxia Mountain, jinshiyan is the mostattractive one for tourists. It is named after the five colors of the stonewalls and the four seasons of metamorphosis. Jinshiyan is the first place whereDanxia Mountain was developed. During the Chenghua period of Ming Dynasty, monksplanted pine and fir everywhere and built galleries and temples of jialantang.Standing at the entrance of jinshiyan cave, you can see a flying spring fallingfrom the sky. It is like a rainbow dancing in the sunlight. This is "Jinyanwaterfall", one of the twelve new sceneries of Danxia. The waterfall is calledMawei spring, which was called "Longwei spring" in ancient times. The source ofspring water is in the mountain stream on the right side of Hailuo peak. Afterflowing out of the surface, it falls down from the top of jinshiyan mountain,forming a 200 meter long Xuanquan waterfall. Jinshiyan consists of four caves, namely qianshengyan, zushiyan, fujinyan,feibaohuyan and Longwangyan. Among them, Fuhu rock is the largest, with a depthof more than 20 meters and a height of about 4 meters, which can accommodatehundreds of people. Five hundred Arhats were originally worshipped in the cave.Unfortunately, they were destroyed during this period. In 1981, the destroyedBuddha statue was rebuilt, and the 32 "Yingshen" of Guanyin Bodhisattva wascreated. Mr. Zhao Puchu wrote a poem praising: "what's the fate of havingfriends from afar? People from Jinjiang come to the edge of Jinjiang River. Theyare tired of kneading mud and selecting images. They are eager to think ofDunhuang and admire the sages of the past.". In Longwangyan, which is close toFuhu rock, there is a honeycomb like vein on the inner wall of the cave, whichis like scales. Sometimes it is hidden and sometimes appears. It is tens ofmeters long, just like a giant dragon with distinct scales in the cave. On thesurface of these lifelike "dragon scales", there is a kind of microorganism,which can change the color of red, orange, yellow and green with the change ofair temperature and humidity. It is very mysterious. This is one of the twelveancient sceneries of Danxia Mountain, the "autumn moon with scales", also knownas "dragon scale beetle". After seeing jinshiyan, walk back along the original road and turn rightafter passing the mid mountain Pavilion. There is only a line of blue sky facingyou. There are cliffs on both sides. There is a door between the cliffs. It'sextremely dangerous. It can be said that "one man is in charge of the pass andten thousand people are not allowed to open it.". However, when you look backinto the distance, the Jinjiang River is winding among the staggered peaks,which is also interesting. Entering the middle-level scenic area, the first one to arrive is thefamous biechuan temple in Lingnan. Biechuan temple was originally built in thelate Ming Dynasty and early Qing Dynasty. Li Yongmao, the former governor ofGanzhou, Jiangxi Province, and his younger brother, who were the posthumousministers of the Ming Dynasty, spent more than 100 taels of silver to buy DanxiaMountain as a place of seclusion. They chiseled stones for steps, paved roadsand bridges, built houses, and separated rock caves into rooms for living. Thisonce remote gully gradually flourished, and later became a refuge for the oldand young in the Ming Dynasty The paradise of chaos. Soon after Li Yongmao died,his younger brother Li chongmao went to Haichuang temple in Guangzhou to seemonk Dangui, a righteous man who fought against the Qing Dynasty in the lateMing Dynasty. He donated Danxia Mountain and asked him to build a temple inDanxia. After returning to Danxia Mountain, Dan designed the construction mapaccording to the terrain characteristics of Danxia Mountain on the one hand, andraised funds and materials for construction on the other hand. With thepainstaking efforts of monk Dangui and his disciples, a large-scale temple wasfinally built. It was named biezhuan temple with the meaning of "no writing, nobiography outside the religion". It became one of the ten largest jungles inLingnan at that time. |
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