标题 | 广东省万绿湖导游词范文 |
范文 | 广东省万绿湖导游词范文(精选3篇) 广东省万绿湖导游词范文 篇1各位旅客大家好!我们的旅游巴士就快进入万绿湖风景区了。万绿湖是河源人利用自然创造的人工业绩,它是1958年大跃进的产物,前身是新丰江水库,20xx年被评为国家4A级景区。万绿湖是华南最大的人工湖,因四季皆绿,处处皆绿而得名。万绿湖总面积为1600多平方公里,比一个香港还要大。370平方公里的水域面积相当于56个杭州西湖,湖内拥有360多个绿色岛屿,以及1100平方公里的青山。万绿湖与西双版纳、鼎湖山被专家称为北回归线沙漠腰带上的东三奇。万绿湖最大的魅力在于水。在万绿湖,可以领略到西湖水的秀丽、桂林水的碧绿、九寨沟谁的清澈透明和高原湖水的洁净秀美。但万绿湖又是独特的,它把水域壮美、水质纯美、水性甜美、水色秀美都集中在一个湖里。 万绿湖的水是国际一级地表饮用水,水质纯美,可直接饮用,是难得的、未受污染的清洁水源。万绿湖的水色秀美。请大家看,由近及远,湖水呈现出不同层次的绿色,有墨绿、深绿、碧绿、浅绿、淡绿、粉绿,等等。随着太阳照射时间、角度的不同,湖水一天之中还有四种不同的.颜色变化。万绿湖的水为什么会那么绿、那么美呢?这得益于万绿湖的青山,大家请往湖的四周看看。湖岸向四周眼神的山都很低矮,大多是海拔1000米以下的中低山。这些山都被绿色植物覆盖,整个湖区的森林覆盖率达90%,湖区的山被称为植物王国,生长着758种植物。 我们将乘船游览万绿湖的水月湾、龙凤岛、镜花缘、送水观音塑像等景点。乘船的时候请大家注意安全,不要在船上奔跑和吸烟。各位游客,为什么会有水月湾这么一个诗情画意的名字呢?原来,万绿湖的水冲刷到这里时,形状就像一弯新月。水月湾被誉为万绿湖中最美的小岛,它设有众多的水上娱乐项目,有沙滩泳场、钓鱼台、清水摸鱼、撑竹排、小木舟,等等。龙凤岛是新丰江国家森林公园的植物园。从空中俯瞰,龙凤岛的东部像龙,西部似凤,整个岛屿如龙飞凤舞、游龙戏凤的形态而得名。岛上种植了许多松树、枫树,古人认为龙源于松,凤演与枫,罕有龙凤呈祥之意,这个小岛也被称为爱情之岛、吉祥之岛。 大家请看,最为特别的是这九棵奇特的松树,形态各异,雨衣龙生九子;1997年,100多名粤港小学生种植了1997棵的97香港回归环保林。镜花缘是按照我国十大古典小说、清代李汝珍的《镜花缘》所设的一个景点,小说中提到百花仙子投胎降生在岭南海丰郡河源县唐秀才家里。由于万绿湖与《镜花缘》书中所描写的精华水月之梦境不谋而合,人们便根据小说中的意境设计了镜花缘这个景点。大家请看左侧这款大型石碑,上面刻着镜花缘三个大字,是著名书法家黎雄才99岁高龄的笔迹。 各位游客,船继续前行,我们看到右前方的小岛上有一尊洁白的观音塑像,这是万绿湖的送水观音。世上观音都称送子观音,唯独万绿湖的观音叫送水,观音。为什么呢?这源于一个美丽而古老的传说:据说很久以前,连续三年大旱,迫使这里的客家人走的走,死的死,最后只剩下一堆年轻的夫妻。面临着饿死威胁的夫妻两用仅存的野菜去救观音变成的逃犯老太婆,观音菩萨被他们舍己为人的精神感动,便用柳枝沾了净瓶里的水挥了一挥,南湖便下了三天三夜的大雨,小溪欢快地流淌着汇成了一条江,而南湖成了河源的玉米之乡,人们感恩观音菩萨,把这条江取名为新丰江,当地人还在观音山上修建了观音庙,内设观音坐像,称为送水观音。 各位游客,过去观音送水给客家人,今天客家人把水送给深港人。未建水库之前,东莞、深圳经常遭遇洪荒、旱灾,香港饮用水非常困难,而修建新丰江水电站则解决了这一难题。游览完河源的山山水水,我们深深地体会到,热爱大自然,爱护我们生存的地球,实际上是保护我们子孙后代永远栖息的家园。大家共同努力,让青山绿水长存于天地间。 广东省万绿湖导游词范文 篇2榆林白云山位于陕北佳县城南5公里的黄河之滨,因山上建有古迹白云观,山下黄河峡谷风貌奇异而闻名遐迩。白云观始建于宋代,主建于明清。明万历四十六年,万历皇帝朱翊钧给白云山亲颁圣旨一道,亲赐御制《道藏》4726卷,从此声名大震,当地官民信士大兴土木,营造道观。后经历代续建补修,白云观共占地8.1万平方米,建成以道为主,兼有佛、儒教庙宇54座,各类古建99处,并存有古建、雕塑、绘画、书法、音乐等丰富的文化精萃,成为全国著名的道教圣地,西北地区最大的明代古建筑群,陕北最具影响的道教文化旅游胜地。白云山为全国重点文物保护单位、风景名胜和宗教活动场所。 白云山古称双龙岭,亦叫嵯峨岭,后因终年白云缭绕,而称白云山,庙也因“山门无锁白云封”而叫白云观。道家胜地白云观,自从明万历皇帝亲赐御制《道藏》4726卷以后就声名大震,几百年来香火长盛不衰,远近香客们至今都络绎不绝。此外,白云观还是整个西北地区最大的明代古建筑群,大小庙宇殿堂鳞次栉比,大处看雄伟壮观,小处看精美绝伦。在白云观上还可以望见不远处的黄河大峡谷,苍劲的陕北黄土风光一览无遗。 据《佳县志》记载,明万历三十三年(1605),终南山道士李玉凤云游四方,来到白云山,观其山景秀,便结庐而居,采药治病,设化教民,普济众生,他医德高尚,医术精湛,一时间名扬四方,被万姓尊为玉凤真人。白云观便是在真人的主持下开始修建的。 白云山属典型的庙观文化,它把祖国的传统文化、宗都文化、黄河文化、黄土文化、民族文化等有机地熔于一炉,其内涵深刻,形式多样,内容广泛,不失为一座巨大的文化保库。 白云山庙是一座存留完整、规制宏大的古建筑群,包括庙堂、牌坊、亭台、通道、桥梁等,古建面积8。1万平方米。这座恢宏的古建群在平面布局上依山势渐次升高,形成三条轴线,鳞次栉比,疏密得当。主轴、次轴均采用两翼对称这一传统布局,建筑大都用木结构,并充分利用榫卯结合之木构架,种类多达20余种。建筑屋顶依照庙堂的尊卑、作用、位置等,采用了歇山、悬山、硬山、重檐等众多形制,同时分别覆以高贵琉璃瓦或布瓦,产生了高低有别、主次分明、色彩缤纷的效应。屋脊兽头也形式繁多,造型优美,是很有价值的工艺珍品。木牌坊在白云山古建中享有特殊身份,它兀然独立,飞檐出挑,翼角翘起,搏风击雨数百年不倾不圮。白云山出类拔萃的建筑,和谐地体现了明清营造法式,又融入了鲜明的地方风格,使之更臻完美,相得益彰,显示了历代建造师的精湛工艺水平。 白云山道教音乐被誉为白云神韵,圣镜仙乐。明万历三十六年(1620__年),北京白云观道士王真寿等,持陕西布政使司贴来白云山教务,首次把北京白云观的道教音乐传到白云山,因而白云山道教音乐具有古典音乐和宫廷音乐的双重成份,即古朴典雅,又庄重肃穆。清康熙年间,白云山道士苗太稔云游江南各地,广集名山道乐,因而,白云山道教音乐又具有婉转优美、清新秀丽的江南风格。在长期的演出活动中,道士们吸收佛教、晋剧、唢呐、民歌中的曲调和技巧,形成了以经韵曲调、笙管音乐、打击乐为主的独具特色的白云山道教音乐,并成为道教音乐四大流派中最具地方特色的一派。白云山道教音乐曾传播四方,誉满省城,至今这一神韵仙乐仍诵唱古观,经久不衰。 广东省万绿湖导游词范文 篇3Zhenshan is located 3 kilometers southwest of Sihui City, with a height of649 meters. In the scenic spot, the trees are verdant, the mountains are clearand the valleys are secluded; the clear spring waterfall, the clouds aresteaming and the fog is blue, which is like a fairyland on earth. In the Tang Dynasty, Zhenshan was originally named guangzhengshan, but itwas renamed Zhenshan because of the saying that the virgin of Wen family waspromoted to immortality here. In addition to the unique natural landscape,Zhenshan is well-known in Lingnan, which has a lot to do with the legend ofWenshi Zhenxian. According to legend, in a small village in yaosha township at the foot ofZhenshan mountain, there is an old couple who are over 50 years old and have nochildren, which is a bit of a fly in the ointment. One night, as soon as thecouple entered the dreamland, they vaguely saw a snow-white lotus floating in,and suddenly felt the fragrance of the house. Soon after, his wife becamepregnant, conceived in October and gave birth to a baby girl. The couple werevery happy. When the girl was full moon, an old friend from a neighboringvillage came to celebrate with his wife and three-year-old brother Qiao. The twofamilies also made an engagement for their children in public. In the twinklingof an eye for more than ten years, when the two families saw that their childrenhad grown up, they began to prepare for their marriage. Unexpectedly, the twofamilies were devastated by the tiger's harm. Qiao's father was very ill anddied for half a year. The woodcutter's mother was also blind because she was drywith tears. Seeing the miserable situation of the woodcutter's family, Miss Wenthought about it again and again. She put on white clothes and resolutely wentthrough the woodcutter's family to serve her mother-in-law and shoulder theheavy burden of life. Miss Wen's righteous deeds and moral character arewell-known. However, when the local rich men saw that Miss Wen had grown into afair lady, they had already coveted her and had a bad heart. Once they brokeinto the house and wanted to tease her. Miss Wen held scissors and denouncedher, so they had to leave unhappily. However, they didn't give up. Later, theywanted Wengu to submit on the ground of forcing rent and debt. Wengu only gotrefuge in Guangzheng mountain. After a long time, they were found by thosepeople and tried to commit violence. Seeing this, aunt Wen hurried up to thestone cliff by the edge of the pool and sternly scolded them: "I'd rather diethan obey than humiliate me!" Then jump down the deep pool. All of a sudden,there was a strong wind, lightning and thunder, and torrential rain. Thoseshameless people, being blown into a stampede, rolled down the mountain. Afterthe rain, Wen Gu's body was lying on the pool like a deep sleep, while thoseshameless people were dead in the mountains. Seeing this, the villagers not onlyregretted the misfortune of Wen Gu, but also congratulated the gangster for notdying well. As we were about to go down to the pool to pick up Wengu '. But onceupon a time, a piece of yellow paper floated down from the sky, and the booksaid, "Zhenshan is a piece of white stone, Zhenshan is a piece of white stone;human beings are sentimental, and their hair is white. Who worries aboutZhenshan?" Later, Guangzheng mountain was renamed Zhenshan, and Wengu tiaotan wasnamed Zhenya. When the imperial court learned of this, the emperor decreed thatWengu should be granted the title of Wenshi Zhenxian. Sihui county governmentalso built a temple at the mouth of zhengu Valley in the 17th year of Zhengyuan(801) of emperor Dezong of Tang Dynasty. It was called zhenlie temple, alsoknown as fairy altar. The temple is a Taoist temple, offering a statue of Wenguwith a golden body. It is held by the abbot of the Taoist priest. For more than1000 years, incense has been burning continuously. In the past ten years, the memorial archway and Tianyin tower have beenbuilt in Zhenshan scenic area. Around the Zhenshan mountain, there are manyfamous places, such as incarnation pool, fairy fish, fairy snail, stone bowl,stone basket and so on. When you travel here, you can not only enjoy the quietnatural landscape, but also see things and think of immortals. |
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