标题 | 罗浮山导游词 |
范文 | 罗浮山导游词(精选8篇) 罗浮山导游词 篇1各位游客:大家好!欢迎你们来到 “罗浮仙境”,寻觅仙人的胜迹,接受仙气的熏陶,探索大自然绿色宝库的奥秘。下面让我们一同走进罗浮,畅享罗浮仙路之旅吧! 人间仙境(您现在所游览的景点是人间仙境) 罗浮山是国家级风景名胜区,国家4A级旅游景区,中国道教十大名山之一,大家知道罗浮山名字的由来吗?据《罗浮山志》记载,罗浮山是罗山、浮山二者的合称。传说浮山是蓬莱仙岛中的一个小岛,随着风浪从东海飘浮到南海,最后停在罗山旁,两山合为一山,这山就取名罗浮山。罗浮山在很早以前就被认为是神仙的洞府、南海的“蓬莱”,给人们留下了许多神奇的传说,吸引着历代文人隐士前来游览或栖隐。东晋时,道教著名人物葛洪就曾经来这里修炼传教,并修建了一些道观,使这里逐渐成为岭南地区的道教圣地。 此后,历代朝廷都很重视罗浮山的人文历史研究,并给予大力支持,这里逐渐成为全真派的中心之一。罗浮山与道教有着不解之缘,道教里的第七大洞天,第三十四福地就在罗浮山,大家现在所在的位置就是这第七大洞天——朱明洞天,洞天就是能够通达上天的洞室,罗浮山有大小洞天十八个,朱明洞天最为有名,是十八洞天之首,朱明洞天意为“朱明耀真之天”,洞内大洞套小洞,有桃源洞、蓬莱洞、蝴蝶洞、青霞洞、两仪洞、泉源洞、梅花洞7个小洞天。石洞形态各异,各自成趣,相信大家一定迫不及待去探究一番了。大家先别着急,不妨从这里向远处望一下,大家看远处的山峰,那里有梅花山、象山、马山和狮子峰,山上郁郁葱葱,其中有高大雄挺的云杉(南洋杉)和香樟树以及漫山苍翠的杜鹃林,还有大家可能见所未见、闻所未闻的珍奇植物呢,这里气候舒适,植物繁密,按照风水学说法,正是具备了天地安和、物种丰富的特征。也难怪历来有不少名士仙翁常来这里,使这里成为一个山清水秀,仙缘永在的道教之胜地,人间之仙境。 请大家停下脚步,大家现在所在的这个小园子就叫人间仙境感觉,你们看,这里山环水绕,曲尽通幽,亭廊四立,钟鼓对偶,楼阁精雕。周围种植奇花异卉,树木成荫。当云烟吞吐,呈现清流奇石,望之如垂练,跳珠溅玉真仙境之胜。元代四大家之一王蒙,曾以葛洪移居罗浮为主题,创作过两幅画,其中《稚川移居图》描绘的就是葛洪带着家人入罗浮山的情景。这幅画在20xx年北京保利春季竞拍会上最终以4.25亿人名币落槌。文明总是经历的时间越久越能体现它的价值,人们对《稚川移居图》的高度重视充分说明葛洪移居罗浮山炼丹的重要影响,也昭示罗浮山是一座天地安和,万物苏生,消灾纳福,宜居宜游的仙山,是一块养生延寿的风水宝地。 沿着“通天行” 旁边的石梯往前走就是观赏罗浮“第七大洞天”、“ 第三十四福地”的最佳位置。“洞天”意山中有洞室通达上天之意。“福地”是指得福之地,多为真人所主宰,是次于洞天一级的仙境。洞天福地是东汉以后确立的,其实是指人迹罕至、景色秀丽的山脉或岛屿,认为此中有神仙主治,乃众仙所居,道士居此修炼则可得道成仙。 罗浮山导游词 篇2大家好!我是你们的导游唐佳慧,你们可以叫我“唐导游”,今天我们来到罗浮山这名胜风景区。 来到入口,是一口小池和一口大鲤鱼池,还有一个小凉亭,供大家休息。小池里也养着各种各样的鲤鱼,大鲤鱼池上有一排排搭石,是要去到河对岸的“桥路”,走到对岸,再向前走,就是会仙桥了,据说曾经有仙子在上面相会呢!还有个小故事:警幻仙姑与各仙女们下凡游玩,没想到偶见织女,织女迎上来:“姐姐近来可否是好?”警幻仙姑笑道:“妹妹真是越发懂礼,你好,我便心安,也会好。”两姐妹又说了几句,便相背而行。没过多久,警幻仙姑与织女又在一座小桥上相见,这个故事被大家流传开来,于是,将桥取名会仙桥。大家是不是被故事吸引住了呢? 我们再来到元帅楼,这个地方曾是元帅:陈毅、朱德等住过的地方,据说:陈毅、朱德等元帅在战争中身受重伤,人们为元帅们建起了一座小房子,家具一应俱全,专供元帅们休息养伤,供他们这些英勇的元帅吃喝。 乘坐空中缆车,在空中鸟瞰,景色大半收尽眼底:远处豪华的别墅区,下方一棵又一棵的百岁古树,还有那陡峭的美丽山峰……这些都是大自然的赠品。(除别墅区和各别建筑) 以上就是我们这次导游的全部内容,我们下一次再见!拜拜! 罗浮山导游词 篇3Luofu Mountain scenic spot is a provincial-level scenic spot, located inAnxian County, Mianyang City. It is composed of Luofu Mountain, Baishui lake andLongquan gravel palace, covering an area of 67 square kilometers and 80kilometers away from Mianyang City. The famous scenic spots of Luofu Mountaininclude Luofu Mountain, Wenjiang stone forest, Qixian cypress, Feiming temple,etc. Luofu Mountain is precipitous, with twelve peaks from east to West arrangedin turn, passing through the clouds and breaking the fog. It has the reputationof "connecting the peaks to the sky but not making a profit". Under the twelve peaks of Jinping, there is the site of the ancient QiangKing City. The ancient temple "Feiming Temple" was founded in the Tang Dynasty.It is a place for pilgrims nearby. The stone forest in Wenjiang is formed bygravelly limestone, which is a marvelous sight with various forms and fallingwind. Qixian cypress is the second largest ancient cypress in China. LuofuMountain has lush vegetation, vast forest and beautiful scenery. Baishui islocated in the mountains of Hubei Province, facing the plain. The lake is quietand clear. There are 23 islands scattered in the lake, each with its owncharacteristics. On the island, the trees are luxuriant, the vines are twining, the birdsare singing and the birds are singing. The lake bank is winding and deep, andharbors are everywhere. Wild ducks, egrets, mandarin ducks and other water birdsflock to the lake. Longquan gravel palace is a rare special geological structurespectacle, which is the largest conglomerate cave in Sichuan Province. Insidethe cave, there are many strange large-scale spaces, such as halls, windingcorridors, deep rivers, deep streams, deep twists and turns, mysterious andstrange. There is also a rare and well preserved Triassic sponge reef belt 200million years ago in the scenic area, which is a rare geological landscape. 罗浮山导游词 篇4Luofu Mountain is rich in natural resources and geographical advantages.She has beautiful mountains and rivers, and is compatible with Taoism andBuddhism; the wonders of the cave, springs and waterfalls can be seeneverywhere. The mountains are magnificent and the natural scenery is beautiful.There are many historical sites, temples, famous works, natural landscape andcultural landscape; the development of tourism resources has greatpotential. Luofu Mountain is known as "the first mountain in Lingnan". Guangshanhighway passes through it. She Fangyuan, with an area of more than 260 squarekilometers, is one of the top ten famous mountains in China. It is also a famousTaoist mountain in China. Taoism calls it the seventh cave and the 34th blessedplace. It is the sister of Xiqiao Mountain in Nanhai County, so it is alsocalled Dongqiao mountain. Luofu Mountain is located in the center of the "tourism and leisurecorridor" in eastern Guangdong, and it is a branch type scenic spot andrepresentative scenic spot of the "Guangzhou Hong Kong Huizhou" golden tourismtriangle. The whole Luofu Mountain is composed of Zhuming cave, huanglongguan,sulao and feiyunding. The pure land garden of Luofu is a newly developed scenicspot in huanglongguan. It is adjacent to the developed urban agglomerations inthe west, Hong Kong, Macao and Southeast Asia in the south, and Huizhou in theEast. It is no more than 130 kilometers away from Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Huizhouand Hong Kong. The transportation is very convenient. Luofu Mountain is famousfor its vastness, precipitousness and precipitousness; it is also famous for itswaterfalls, flowing springs, dense forests and beautiful scenery. There are 432peaks, 980 famous waterfalls, 18 grotesque caves and 72 secluded rocks.Feiyunding, the main peak, is 1296 meters above sea level. The top plate of thepeak is round and flat, with luxuriant flowers and plants, and clouds and mist.The magnificent sunrise can be comparable to Mount Tai. Every year, there arehundreds of thousands of people who climb to watch the sunrise. Waterfalls, famous springs and grottoes are the natural masterpieces ofLuofu Mountain. There are waterfalls and springs everywhere. Baishitan waterfallfalls from the 87 meter high cliff, thick fog covers the sky, and the rainbow isdazzling in the sun. Under the rock, "I don't know when it's June in summer.".The waterfall of baishuimen falls thousands of feet and sounds like the sky, andthe bone is cold when you hear it; the waterfall of Shuiliandong falls "thePearl curtain in the sky is drooping straight"; the waterfall of Huanglongdong"flies like the sound of wind and rain all over the sky". There are many springsin famous mountains and holy water in ancient temples. The "Changsheng well" inChongxu temple, the "zhuoxiquan" behind Baoji temple and the "niangquan" besidesulao temple are known as the three famous springs of Luofu. They are rich inwater, sweet and clear. They can be as famous as Xiqiao's leafless well and HangZhou's hupaoquan. There are many fairy caves, eighteen big caves and hundreds ofsmall caves in Luofu Mountain. This cave is called Dongtian in Taoism. EachDongtian is a small world surrounded by several mountains. The cave is quiet andbeautiful, with gurgling springs and ancient trees. Luofu Mountain is located on the Tropic of cancer, with subtropical climateand abundant rainfall, which is suitable for the growth of many plants. Thereare more than 3000 kinds of plants, of which more than 1200 are medicinalplants. It is a natural Chinese herbal medicine library. In the past, one of thefour major markets in Guangdong was set up in the Luofu Mountain Chongxu ancienttemple, which was called Dongtian drug market. Local specialties such assulaolai, Yunwu sweet tea and sishijiaguo have unique flavor. Su Dongpo's "fourspring at the foot of Luofu Mountain, Luju red bayberry is second to new, eatingthree hundred lychees a day, not long as Lingnan people" is the bestportrayal. In addition to the magnificent natural scenery, many myths, legends,historical sites and the flourishing of Taoism and Buddhism, Luofu Mountain isknown as "immortal cave". In the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Ge Hong came here to buildan nunnery, cultivate Taoism and refine alchemy, and create a Taoist Holy Landin Lingnan by painting. In the Tang Dynasty, Taoism and Buddhism coexisted, andTaoist monks gathered like clouds. There was a grand gathering of "five hundredflowers to visit Luofu". There are nine temples and eighteen temples on themountain. 罗浮山导游词 篇5罗浮山,物华天宝,人杰地灵,具有得天独厚的资源和区位优势。她,山清水秀,道佛相容;洞天奇观,涌泉飞瀑随处可见。山势雄伟壮丽,自然风光旖旎。古迹繁多,寺观遍立,历代名人咏题佳作不胜枚举,自然景观和人文景观融为一体;旅游资源的开发极具潜力。 罗浮山,享有“岭南第一山”之称。广汕公路穿越其境。她方园260多平方公里是中国十大名山之一。它又是我国道教名山,道教称它为第七洞天,第三十四福地。它与南海县境内的西樵山为姐妹名山,故又有东樵山之称。 罗浮山地处粤东“旅游休闲走廊”的中心地段;是构成‘广州一香港一惠州”旅游金三角的支掌型景区和代表景区。整个罗浮山由朱明洞、黄龙观、酥醪、飞云顶四大景区组成;罗浮净土园林是黄龙观景区内新开发的旅游景点。它西连发达的城市群,南接港澳与东南亚,东邻90年代兴起的大惠州,与广州、深圳、惠州、香港的距离最远不超过130公里;交通极为便利。罗浮山以广大、奇峭、峻拔称雄;以飞瀑.流泉、密林、清秀称幽。她共有大小山峰432座.飞瀑名泉980多处、洞天奇景18处、石室幽岩72个。主峰飞云顶,海拔1296米,峰顶盘圆平坦,花草并茂,云雾缭绕,日出的瑰丽可与泰山媲美。每年重阳节;登高观日出者有数十万之众;蔚为壮观。 飞瀑名泉、洞天奇景是罗浮山自然天成之杰作代表。山山有瀑,处处流泉。白石滩飞瀑从87米高的悬崖倾泻,浓雾遮天,阳光下彩虹耀眼;瑰丽壮观。身处岩下,’‘夏暑不知逢六月”。白水门瀑布跌宕千尺响如霄,闻之骨寒;水帘洞瀑布“天上珠帘直下垂”;黄龙洞瀑布“飞作满天风雨声”。名山多聚泉、古刹具神水。冲虚观内的“长生井”,宝积寺后的“卓锡泉”、酥醪观旁的“酿泉”并称罗浮三大名泉,水丰不竭;甘甜清冽;能与西樵的无叶井齐名,和杭州的虎跑泉并列。罗浮山仙洞密布、大洞十八、小洞数百。这洞,乃道教之谓洞天,每个洞天都是由几座山环抱而成的小天地。洞中清静幽秀,其间泉水淙淙,古木森森。 罗浮山地处北回归线,属亚热带气候,雨量充沛,适宜多种植物生长。有植物3000多种.其中1200多种为药用植物,是个天然的中草药库。广东过去四大市场之一的药市就设在罗浮山冲虚古观在则,称洞天药市。土特产酥醪莱、云雾甜茶和四时佳果则别具风味。苏东坡的“罗浮山下四时春,卢桔杨梅次第新.日啖荔枝三百颗,不辞长作岭南人”是最好的写照。 罗浮山除去绮丽壮观的自然风光之外;诸多的神话、传奇、古迹以及道佛两教竟相繁衍的盛况;为其披上一层神秘的面纱,素有“神仙洞府”之称。从东晋葛洪来此建庵,修道炼丹,著画立说,开创为岭南的道教圣地;到唐代道佛(教)共处,道士僧人齐集如云;有“五百花首游罗浮”之盛会。山上寺观遍立,有九观十八寺之多。 罗浮山导游词 篇6Hello everyone! I'm your guide Tang Jiahui. You can call me "guide Tang".Today we come to Luofu Mountain. At the entrance, there is a small pond and a big carp pond, and a smallpavilion for everyone to rest. There are also various kinds of carp in the smallpond. There are rows of stones on the big carp pond to go to the "Bridge Road"on the other side of the river. When you go to the other side, you can seeHuixian bridge. It is said that there were fairies meeting on it. There is alsoa little story: Jinghuan fairy went down to earth to play with fairies.Unexpectedly, she met Zhinv and said, "is elder sister good recently?" Magicfairy said with a smile: "sister is really more polite, Hello, I will be atease, will also be good." The two sisters said a few more words and went againsteach other. It wasn't long before the fairy girl and the weaver girl met on asmall bridge. The story spread, so the bridge was named Huixian bridge. Are youattracted by the story? Let's go back to the marshal building. This place used to be where marshalslike Chen Yi and Zhu De lived. It is said that marshals like Chen Yi and Zhu Dewere seriously injured in the war. People built a small house for marshals withall kinds of furniture for them to rest and recuperate, and for them to eat anddrink. Taking the aerial cable car, you can get a bird's-eye view of most of thescenery: the luxurious villa area in the distance, one hundred year old treesbelow, and the steep and beautiful mountains These are gifts from nature.(except villas and individual buildings) The above is the whole content of our tour guide. Goodbye next time! 罗浮山导游词 篇7Luofu Mountain in Boluo County, Guangdong Province, is a combination ofLuoshan and Fushan. It is on the coast of Dongjiang River in the northwest ofBoluo County, 35 kilometers away from BOLUO county. The northwest bordersZengcheng and Longmen respectively, covering an area of more than 260 squarekilometers. It has always been known as the ancestor of the mountains inGuangdong. Liu Zhao noted in the book of geography of the later Han Dynasty:"you Fushan floated from Kuaiji to Fuluo mountain.". "Taiping Yulan" quoted songHuaiyuan's "Nanyue annals" of the Southern Dynasty as saying: "this mountain isoriginally called Penglai mountain, and one peak is integrated with Luoshanmountain in the sea.". According to Yuan Hong's Shanji, "Luoshan has existedsince ancient times. Fushan was one of the peaks of Penglai, and the flood cameto Luoshan when Yao Dynasty. These are the legends of Luofu Mountain. Luofu Mountain is vast and steep, which was formed by Yanshan movement inJurassic and Cretaceous of Mesozoic 70 million years ago. A large number ofgranites intruded and compressed the crust, making the strata fold to form domestructure mountain. Feiyunding, the main peak, is a granite mountain, standingon the edge of the Pearl River Delta; the sea breeze from the South and the airflow from the North meet here, and it is surrounded by clouds all the yearround. In 1408-1420__ (Yongle period of Ming Dynasty), Chen Lian of Dongguanwrote "Luofu Mountain records", which said: "in the morning, the clouds are atthe foot of the mountain, the peaks are exposed, and the peaks are like in thesea, the clouds are flowing, the mountains are moving, and the wonders of theworld are also." This kind of scene is similar to the description of Penglai inthe book of Fengchan in historical records: "before the three gods mountainarrives, it looks like a cloud; when it arrives, it lives under the water; whenit comes, the wind often leads it away." There are similarities, which may bethe origin of the legend of "Pengdao floating in Luoshan". Luofu Mountain is composed of impermeable granite strata, with 432 peaks,cliffs, 980 waterfalls and springs. Especially in BaiShiLi, baishuimen andHuanglongdong three waterfalls. Luofu Mountain is also rich in groundwater. Themineral water gushing from the depth of rock strata, such as changshengjing andzhuoxi spring, are all excellent famous springs. The mineral water now developedand exposed in the north of Luofu Mountain fault zone is a healthy drinkcontaining zinc. Luofu Mountain is located on the Tropic of cancer and belongs to the southsubtropical climate zone. High temperature, rainy and thick soil layer make it anatural botanical garden in south subtropics. There are more than 3000 kinds ofevergreen trees, broad-leaved forests, vines and herbs, among which 1240 areChinese herbal medicines. The mountain is rich in oranges, oranges, oranges,pomelo, longan and litchi. From 713 to 741 (during the period of Kaiyuan in TangDynasty), the mountain monk made a tribute of sweet oranges, which was namedYuyuan oranges by the emperor. Su Dongpo was demoted to Lingnan in the NorthernSong Dynasty. However, after arranging for Huizhou to visit Luofu, he fell inlove with Luofu, who lived in the "four seasons of spring". In the life of "Lujuand Yangmei are second to new, eating 300 lychees a day", he "did not saygoodbye to being a Lingnan person". Luofu Mountain is also rich in forest animalresources. There are more than 40 kinds of rare birds known. There are 36 kindsof animals such as sleeping pigs and 15 kinds of reptiles and fishes, amongwhich the boa (Python) was once a tribute in the Tang Dynasty. There are morethan 70 kinds of insects, known as "little Phoenix", "covered with five colors,light scattered golden Hibiscus" butterfly is particularly precious. LuofuMountain is the south medicine base. In the Song Dynasty, there were fourmarkets of pearl, fragrance, flower and medicine in Guangdong. Qu Dajun'sGuangdong new language records: "there are four cities in Guangdong: one ismedicine market, on the left of Chongxu temple in Luofu Mountain, it is alsocalled Dongtian medicine market." (the other three cities are Guangzhou Fangcunflower market, Hepu Lianzhou maiyuqiao pearl market and Dongguan LiaobuChenxiang market). The "luofusheng Baicao Keke has miraculous effect" Baicao oilis sold at home and abroad. 罗浮山导游词 篇8广东博罗的罗浮山,是罗山与浮山的合体,在博罗县西北境内东江之滨,距博罗县城35公里。西北分别与增城、龙门接壤,方圆260多平方公里。向来称为百粤群山之祖。《后汉书·地理志》刘昭注:“有浮山自会稽浮往傅罗山”。《太平御览》引南朝宋怀远《南越志》云:“此山本名蓬莱山,一峰在海中与罗山合而为一”。袁宏《山记》称:“罗山自古有之。浮山本蓬莱之一峰,尧时洪水泛海浮来傅于罗山”。这些都是罗浮山得名的传说。 罗浮山山区广大,峻拔奇峭,是7000万年前中生代侏罗纪和白垩纪时燕山运动形成的。大量花岗岩侵入,挤压地壳使地层褶皱形成穹窿构造山地。主峰飞云顶是花岗岩山体,屹立于珠江三角洲边缘;南来的海风与北来的气流在此交汇,常年云雾缭绕。1408~1420__年(明永乐年间)东莞陈琏所撰《罗浮山志》云:“晨起见烟云在山下,众山露峰尖如在大海中,云气往来,山若移动,天下奇观也。”这种情景与《史记·封禅书》对蓬莱的描述:“三神山未至,望之如云;及至,反居水下;临之,风辄引去。”有相似之处,这或许是“蓬岛浮来傅于罗山”的传说之所本。 罗浮山由不透水的花岗岩地层组成,山体切割程度大,大小432座山峰,峭壁危崖,980多道瀑布流泉,“山山瀑布,处处流泉”。尤以白石漓、白水门、黄龙洞3处瀑布为著。罗浮山地下水也很丰富,从岩层深处喷涌而出的矿泉水如长生井、卓锡泉,都是上乘的名泉,现已开发的出露于罗浮山断裂带北侧的矿泉水,是含锌的健康饮料。 罗浮山地处北回归线,属南亚热带气候区。高温、多雨、土层厚,形成南亚热带的天然植物园。常绿乔木与阔叶林和众多的藤本、草本等植物,计有3000多种,其中中草药即有1240种。山中盛产柑、橙、桔、柚、龙眼、荔枝。713~741年(唐开元间),山僧即以柑甜味美的柑子作为贡品,并被皇帝命名为御园柑。北宋苏东坡被贬岭南,满腹惆怅伤感。但在安置惠州来游罗浮之后,却爱上了“四时春”的罗浮,在“芦桔杨梅次第新,日啖荔枝三百颗”的生活中,“不辞长作岭南人”了。罗浮山的森林动物资源也很丰富。已知的有名贵的飞禽五色雀等40多种。有睡猪等走兽36种和爬行类、鱼类15种,其中蚺(蟒)蛇曾是唐时贡品。还有昆虫类70多种,被称为“小凤凰”、“浑身披五采,光散金芙蓉”的蝴蝶尤为珍贵。罗浮山为南药基地。在宋代广东有珠、香、花、药四大市场。屈大均《广东新语》记载:“粤中有四市:一曰药市,在罗浮山冲虚观左,亦曰洞天药市。”(其余三市为广州芳村花市、合浦廉州卖鱼桥珍珠市和东莞寮步沉香集市)“罗浮生百草棵棵有奇效”的百草油,远销国内外。 |
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