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标题 广州塔导游词


广州塔导游词 篇1










广州塔导游词 篇2





广州塔导游词 篇3






























广州塔导游词 篇4

  Guangzhou tower, built in Shuangta Road, Haizhu District, Guangzhou City,is 125 meters away from the South Bank of the Pearl River, facing Haixinshaisland and the Pearl River new town across the river. Guangzhou tower is alarge-scale urban infrastructure with the functions of radio and televisiontransmission, cultural entertainment and city window. With a total height of 600meters, Guangzhou tower replaced Canada's CN TV Tower and became the world'stallest self-supporting TV Tower at that time. Now it is the world's secondtallest self-supporting TV Tower after Tokyo Sky Tree tower in Japan. It hasalso become a new landmark of Guangzhou. Guangzhou tower has several of theworld's largest: the longest skyladder, the highest revolving restaurant, thehighest 4D cinema, the highest commodity store, the highest horizontal Ferriswheel, and the highest air post office.

  The longest aerial ladder: the spider man plank road with more than 1000steps, which is set at a height of more than 160 meters; the highest revolvingrestaurant: the 424 meter revolving restaurant, which can accommodate 400 peopleto eat and enjoy Chinese and foreign food; the highest 4D Cinema: watchingfragrant movies at a height of 100 meters; the highest commodity store: the 432meter high Guangzhou tower souvenir retail store, which can store the Guangzhoutower Beautiful models to take home. The highest horizontal Ferris Wheel: ahorizontal Ferris wheel is added outside the 450 meter open-air viewingplatform, which can take you to see the beautiful scenery of Guangzhou.

  The highest air post office: send blessings from relatives and friends athigh altitude. Spider man trestle road is located between 168 meters and 334.4meters of Guangzhou tower. 1024 steps spiral upward around the core tube of thetower, with a total length of about 1000 meters and a total height of 166.4meters. According to the introduction, the starting point of the plank road ison the 33rd floor, and the ending point is on the 62nd floor. Generally, ittakes 45-60 minutes to complete the whole project (1024 steps).

  Standing at the slender waist of the tower and walking on the plank road,you can not only follow the winding stairs to view the beautiful scenery ofYangcheng from different angles, but also challenge your physical limit bywalking 1024 steps. 90 fully transparent hollow glass floors are specially seton the plank road, which are distributed on different floors, bringing visitorsthe magical experience of spider man walking in the sky. Compared with thejumping machine more than 300 meters high in the world's tallest Las Vegasamusement park, the downhill seat of Guangzhou tower's amusement project is 150meters higher. It is a real choice for super brave people to challenge the highaltitude limit and experience the exciting heart beat of amusement. Free fall at484 meters for 30 meters, bringing the ultimate crazy play experience.

广州塔导游词 篇5

























广州塔导游词 篇6

  Good morning, tourists. I'm the tour guide of this parade. You can call meXiao X. Today, let's take you to Guangzhou for a special visit.

  Welcome to Guangzhou, the beautiful city of flowers.

  Today I'll take you to Guangzhou tower. She is a new scenic spot inGuangzhou. If she doesn't come to Guangzhou tower, she will come to Guangzhou invain. Ha, ha, ha Let's go!

  The most convenient way to visit Guangzhou tower is to take the subway.I'll take you to Chigang tower station on line 3 and come out from exit B. Nowwe come to the Guangzhou tower in the center of Guangzhou! Guangzhou tower isalso known as "xiaomanyao". Because of its unique structure, it is like a girlswaying her slender waist, so it has this funny nickname! The thinnest part of"xiaomanyao" is on the 66th floor, 600 meters above sea level, which is thetallest tower in China! It also has the functions of sightseeing, display,sightseeing and transmitting signals! In the Guangzhou tower, there are also sixworld's best, namely: the highest self-supporting TV tower; the longest aerialladder; the highest revolving restaurant; the highest 4D cinema; the highestopen-air viewing platform. You can eat, drink and have fun! Inside, you don'thave to worry about your safety, because Guangzhou tower can resist theearthquake of magnitude 8 and typhoon of magnitude 12. No matter it's windy orrainy, it's the most comfortable inside! What are you waiting for? Go in andhave a look!

  I've already bought tickets for you, and now I'll give them to you, one foreach Please follow me through the security check, pay attention not to bringwater and food Now that we have got on the sightseeing elevator, you will go upas fast as flying clouds. In less than 2 minutes, now the elevator has stoppedsteadily on the 84th floor, 433.2m high sightseeing floor.

  You can walk around and have a look. There is a 360 degree invinciblescenery outside the window. You can have a panoramic view of the whole city.Please look to the north. This is the new central axis of Guangzhou. If you lookdown, this is the third longest river in China - the Pearl River. It's like aribbon. The green river flows slowly from the bottom of the tower. Bold touristscan stand on the "glass lattice" which is stretched out in the air, and you willfeel as if it is suspended in the sky, up and down, left and right are allempty. Looking at the ground road under the glass floor, the traffic flow is assmall as ants, and the pearl river meanders under your feet, which may make youdizzy

  If you come here in the evening, the night scenery of Guangzhou is evenmore beautiful, which makes you forget to return.

  Today I'm very happy to visit Guangzhou tower with you. Please enjoy it. Iwish you have a good time

广州塔导游词 篇7

  Hello, my name is Li Mingze. I'm your guide. Today I'm going to take you toGuangzhou tower. It is a new scenic spot in Guangzhou. If you don't come toGuangzhou without going to Guangzhou tower, you will come to Guangzhou invain.

  The most convenient way to visit Guangzhou tower is to take the subway.First, take line 3 and get off at Chigang tower station. Please look up and havea look. This is what we are going to visit today. Guangzhou tower. It istowering, magnificent, beautiful and moving, there is a beautiful name calledsmall Manyao, this name is not very moving?

  Let's go in! We've already got on the sightseeing elevator. You'll go up asfast as flying clouds. It doesn't take two minutes. Now the elevator has stoppedsteadily on the 84th floor, 4332m high sightseeing floor. You can walk aroundand have a look. The 360 degree invincible scenery outside the window gives youa panoramic view of the whole city. If you look north, this is the new centralaxis of Guangzhou. If you look down, this is the Pearl River, the third longestriver in China. It is like a ribbon. The green river flows slowly from thebottom of the tower. Bold tourists can stand on the "glass lattice" in the air,you will feel like floating in the sky, up and down, left and right are allempty. Looking at the road under the glass floor, the traffic flow is as thin asants, and the pearl river meanders under your feet, which may make you dizzy Ifyou come here in the evening, the night scenery of Guangzhou is even morebeautiful, which makes you forget to return.

  Today I'm very happy to visit Guangzhou tower with you. Please enjoy it. Iwish you have a good time

广州塔导游词 篇8





  推荐3点半到达电视塔,然后排队安检买票,这样一般4点半-5点可以上到电视塔顶,就可以看日落的广州了,然后可以欣赏拍摄夜景,这样从3点半开始的行程, 基本可以看到白天、傍晚、夜晚的广州全景,比较全面。夏天去电视塔的话由于昼夜长短不同(夏天的夜景比较晚),往后推两小时即可,并且晚上7点-8点是电视塔人最少的时候,错开人群也会比较舒服。










  广州塔(小蛮腰)矗立在广州城市新中轴线与珠江景观线的交汇处,与海心沙岛和广州市21世纪CBD区珠江新城隔江相望,海拔600米,是一座集旅游观光、餐饮、文化娱乐和环保科普教育等多功能于一体,具有丰富文化的大型景观建筑。其塔体高约450米,天线桅杆高150米,以总高度600米占据世界第一至高电视塔的地位。 作为地标式建筑,广州塔不仅有着变换的色彩,还可展现出动人的“空中交响乐”:46环LED灯带,环环向上画出纤纤细腰美态。

  特色1:广州塔被评为国家AAAA 级旅游景区





  特色6:422.8米高空之上旋转餐厅 ,带您体验舞动舌尖之旅



广州塔导游词 篇9

  广州塔,建于广州市海珠区双塔路,距离珠江南岸125米,与海心沙岛及珠江新城隔江相望。广州塔是一座以观光旅游为主,具有广播电视发射、文化娱乐和城市窗口功能的大型城市基础设施。 广州塔总高度600米,取代加拿大的CN电视塔成为当时世界第一高自立式电视塔,现仅次于日本东京天空树塔为世界第二高自立式电视塔,也成为广州的新地标。 广州塔拥有几个世界之最:最长的空中云梯、最高的旋转餐厅、最高的4D影院、最高的商品店、最高的横向摩天轮、最高的空中邮局。

  最长的空中云梯:设于160多米高处,旋转上升,由1000多个台阶组成的蜘蛛侠栈道; 最高的旋转餐厅:424米高的旋转餐厅可容纳400人就餐,享受中外美食; 最高的4D影院:身处百米高空看有香味的电影; 最高的商品店:432米高的广州塔纪念品零售商店,可以把广州塔精美的模型带回家。 最高的横向摩天轮:在450米露天观景平台外围,增设一个横向的摩天轮,可以乘坐摩天轮一览广州美景。

  最高的空中邮局:在高空邮寄出亲朋好友的祝福。 蜘蛛侠栈道位于广州塔168米至334.4米处,1024级阶梯围绕塔身核心筒螺旋向上蜿蜒,全长约1000米,跨越总高度166.4米。据介绍,栈道起点在33层, 终点在62层,一般完成项目全程(走完1024级阶梯)需45~60分钟。

  置身塔身纤纤细腰处,行走在栈道之上,除了可随蜿蜒向上的阶梯,在不同角度全方位远眺羊城美景,还可通过行走1024级阶梯挑战自身体能极限。栈道上特别设了90块全透明镂空玻璃地板,分布在不同楼层,为游客带来蜘蛛人漫步高空般的神奇体验。 广州塔的游乐项目速降座椅相比之前世界最高的拉斯维加斯游乐场300多米高的跳楼机,还要高出150米,是真正的超级勇者挑战高空极限,体验刺激游乐的心跳之选。于484米高空自由落体运动30米,带来终极疯狂玩乐体验。



广州塔导游词 篇10

  Guangzhou tower is the landmark of Guangzhou, including the transmittingantenna, with a height of 600 meters, which is the highest tower in China. Soyou can overlook the beautiful scenery of Guangzhou from top to bottom. Its headand tail quite, the waist exquisite slender, also has "the small Manyao" thecommon name. The light will be on at night here. Even if you don't visit thetower, you can come here to photograph the appearance as a memento.

  From the bottom to the top, Guangzhou tower is divided into five functionalareas a-e. the base part of the tower, that is, area a, introduces the displayfunctions of Guangzhou's history, culture, economy and tourist attractions, andsets up supporting facilities for tourism services. The tower crown, also knownas area E, is equipped with catering, entertainment functions and viewingplatform.

  The entertainment projects of Guangzhou tower include high-altitudehorizontal "Ferris wheel", "extreme project of downhill experience" and 4Dcinema. In addition, there are many other scenic spots, such as Pearl Riverphotography viewing platform, 488 photography viewing platform, Baiyun /Starlight sightseeing hall, vibration damping system sightseeing hall, spiderman plank road. Most of them are based on viewing photography.

  There are many kinds of package tickets in Guangzhou, which can bepurchased according to personal needs. At present, most tourists choose the mostbasic tickets for Baiyun Xingguang sightseeing. Of course, if you want toexperience Ferris wheel or spider man plank road, etc. You can choose thepackage you want. It would be more cost-effective.

  It is recommended to arrive at the TV Tower at 3:30, and then queue up forsecurity check to buy tickets. Generally, you can get to the top of the TV Towerfrom 4:30 to 5:00, then you can watch the sunset of Guangzhou, and then you canenjoy the shooting of night scenery. In this way, you can basically see thepanoramic view of Guangzhou in the day, evening and night from 3:30. If you goto the TV Tower in summer, due to the different length of day and night (thenight scene in summer is relatively late), you can push it back for two hours,and 7-8 p.m. is the time when the TV tower has the least number of people, so itwill be more comfortable to stagger the crowd.

  Pearl River photography viewing platform: Area A, located on the 2nd floor,covers a large area and is built along the river. It has a unique and broadview. It is an excellent place to photograph the city's central axis and a goodplace to take photos with the Guangzhou tower. You can take photos with thetower here.

  3D and 4D Cinema: Area B is located on the 17th to 22nd floors. The feelingof 4D cinema is very three-dimensional, and the chairs can swing up and down,back and forth, left and right with the plot in the corresponding situation,which can maximize the viewing effect and realistic experience.

  Spider man trestle Road: Zone D, located from the 33rd to 62nd floors, isthe world's longest spiral aerial ladder. The rotating all transparent hollowglass floor brings a magical experience of walking in the sky like a spider man.You can enjoy the beautiful scenery of Guangzhou from different angles.Generally, it takes 45-60 minutes to complete the whole project (1024steps).

  Baiyun / starry sky sightseeing hall: Zone E, located on the 107th and108th floors, is the highest indoor sightseeing point of Guangzhou tower. BaiyunXingguang sightseeing ticket refers to this sightseeing hall. The twosightseeing halls are respectively themed with Baiyun and starry sky, where youcan have a panoramic view of the new central axis of the city and the vast PearlRiver. Each floor is equipped with a "suspended corridor" made of transparenttempered glass, which allows you to view the scenery in the air. In thesightseeing floor, there are also the world's highest air post office and thesouvenir counter of Guangzhou tower. You can choose a variety of souvenirs andsend postcards of Guangzhou tower to send your blessings to your relatives andfriends.

  Damping system tour Hall: Zone E, located on the 109th and 110th floors,reveals how the 600m Guangzhou tower can resist strong wind and shock. Those whoare interested in technology and knowledge can have a look.

  Ferris Wheel: Zone E, which is the highest horizontal Ferris wheel in theworld. It is a romantic thing for many young girls to sit on the ferris wheel inthe high place. Many people still propose here.

  488 photography viewing platform: area E, the platform is located on thetop of the tower, which can have a 360 degree unobstructed panoramic view of thecity, occupying the best shooting point on the top of the city. Photographylovers can come here to take pictures of the beautiful scenery of Guangzhou fromdifferent angles, but the cost is relatively expensive, generally onlyphotography enthusiasts come.

  Deceleration experience: Zone E, located at the super high altitude of455m-485 m antenna mast on the top of the tower, is the highest verticaldeceleration amusement project in the world. It won the Guinness world record inMay 20__, and the Guinness Committee specially named it "the world's highestadventure". If you love to challenge the adventure, you must not miss it.





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