标题 | 拉卜楞寺英文导游词 |
范文 | 拉卜楞寺英文导游词(精选5篇) 拉卜楞寺英文导游词 篇1Located 1 km to the west of Xiahe County, daxiahe river forms a basinbetween Longshan and Fengshan. The Tibetan people call it a cornucopia, andLabrang temple is located on the cornucopia. Together with the DrepungMonastery, Sera Monastery, Gandan monastery, tashilumbu monastery and talmonastery in Qinghai, it is called the six major monasteries of the Gelug Sect(yellow sect) of Lamaism in China. Labrang is the transliteration of Tibetan"lazhang", which means the place where the Buddhist palace is located. The temple was built in 1709, the 48th year of the reign of Emperor Kangxiof the Qing Dynasty. There are 18 magnificent Buddhist temples, more than 10000monk houses, numerous buildings and red walls, with extraordinary momentum.Among them, the most famous is the six ZHACANG. Zacang, which means college inTibetan. The six chacangs are the six Buddhist Colleges: Wensi College ofxiuxianzong, upper college and lower College of xumizong, Shilun College ofastronomy, Medical College of medicine and xijingang College of law. Among them,Wensi college is the center of the whole temple, with three main parts: fronthall, main hall and back hall. The front hall is for the statue of Kingsongzangan of Tibet, and the main hall is hung with a plaque of "huijue Temple",which was granted by Emperor Qianlong of Qing Dynasty. The main hall, with 11bays, is 100 meters wide and 75 meters deep. It has 140 columns and can hold4000 lamas chanting sutras at the same time. The hall is decorated with colorfulbanners, more than 100 butter lamps and cigarettes. It is a Buddhist atmosphere.There are also two pulpits, a sutra house and a printing house in the temple,with tens of thousands of cultural relics and more than 60000 Tibetanclassics. There are 18 "Lacan" in Labrang temple. "LAKANG" (Buddhist temple) is themeeting place for lamas to chant scriptures. Among them, Shouxi temple is thelargest, with 6 floors and a height of more than 20 meters. Inside the hall,there are about 15 meters high Buddha statues of Sakyamuni. The roof issurrounded by golden dragons and the wall is surrounded by silver lions. It iswell deserved to call Labrang temple a higher institution of TibetanBuddhism. 拉卜楞寺英文导游词 篇2Lanzhou is the only city in the Yellow River basin where the Yellow Riverpasses through the city. The city is close to mountains and rivers, and themountains are still, forming a unique urban landscape. In order to highlight thecharacteristics of a city with mountains and waters, the comprehensivedevelopment project of the north and South Mountains environmental greening andthe Yellow River style tourism line is being accelerated. The construction ofroads and bridges on both sides of the urban section of the Yellow River, theconstruction and reinforcement of river embankments, the dredging of shippingrivers, the development of tourist attractions, the style of urban architectureand the greening, beautification and lighting are integrated, and the Silk Roadculture, the Yellow River culture and the national culture are integrated It's acollection. The Yellow River not only nurtures the people of Lanzhou, but also bringsrich specialties here. Melons and fruits such as brandy melon, soft pear,Dongguo pear and peach are well-known for a long time. Local products such aslily, black melon seeds, rose, bracken and hookah are well-known at home andabroad, making Lanzhou a famous melon and fruit city at home and abroad. Lanzhou is an important town on the ancient Silk Road. As early as 5000years ago, human beings lived here. In the Western Han Dynasty, the countygovernment was established, which was named Jincheng by the meaning of "JinchengTangchi". At the beginning of the Sui Dynasty, it was changed into the generalmanager's office of Lanzhou, which was called Lanzhou. The ancient Silk Road hasalso left many places of interest and splendid culture here, attracting a largenumber of Chinese and foreign tourists to come for sightseeing and tourism,making Lanzhou the center of the Silk Road grand tourist area, which spans 20__kilometers and connects Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes, Tianshui Maiji Mountain,Yongjing Bingling temple, Xiahe Labrang temple and other famous scenicspots. 拉卜楞寺英文导游词 篇3位于夏河县城西1公里处,大夏河将龙山、凤山之间冲积成一块盆地、藏族人民称之为聚宝盆、拉卜楞寺就坐落在聚宝盆上。它与西藏的哲蚌寺、色拉寺、甘丹寺、扎什伦布寺、青海的塔尔寺合称我国喇嘛教格鲁派(黄教)六大寺院。拉卜楞为藏语“拉章”的转音,意为佛宫所在的地方。 寺庙始建于清康熙四十八年(1720xx年),有18座金碧辉煌的佛殿,万余间僧舍,崇楼广宇,鳞次栉比,金瓦红墙,气势非凡。其中,以六大扎仓最为著名。扎仓,藏语意为学院。六大扎仓即六大佛学院:修显宗的闻思学院,修密宗的续部上学院、续部下学院,修天文的时轮学院,修医药的医药学院和修法律的喜金刚学院。其中,闻思学院为全寺中心,有前殿、正殿、后殿三大部分。前殿供藏王松赞干布像;正殿悬“慧觉寺”匾额,为清乾隆帝敕赐。正殿11开间,宽l00米,深75米,有柱140,大可合抱,可容4000喇嘛同时念经。殿内挂着各色彩幡,燃酥油灯百余盏,香烟缭绕,一派佛国气象。寺中还有两座讲经坛以及藏经楼、印经院,珍藏文物数万件,藏文经典6万余册。 拉卜楞寺还有“拉康”18处。“拉康”(佛寺)即全寺各扎仓的喇嘛集体念经的聚会之所。其中以寿禧寺规模最大,有6层,高20余米,殿内供高约15米的释迦牟尼佛像。屋顶金龙蟠绕,墙旁银狮雄踞,外观十分宏伟。人称拉卜楞寺是藏传佛教的高等学府,是当之无愧的。 拉卜楞寺英文导游词 篇4尊敬的女士们、先生们: 你们好,欢迎你们到甘肃庆阳北石窟寺观光旅游!我很高兴能为大家提供导游服务,满足诸位客人的需求,使北石窟寺能给大家留下美好的印象。 庆阳北石窟寺与敦煌莫高窟、天水麦积山石窟、永靖炳灵寺石窟一样,属甘肃早期的一座规模较大的石窟寺,其风格与山西云冈石窟和河南龙门石窟相近,在中国佛教石代佛教圣地,全面体现了古代陇东佛教活动的兴衰与发展。也是古丝绸之路东段上的一颗艺术明珠。 陇东,为华夏文明的发祥地之一,周先祖曾在董志塬一带开创了华夏农耕文化的先河。北石窟寺位于董志塬的西侧,东北距庆阳地区行署所在地西峰市25公里。这里古属雍州,秦属北地郡,西汉至晋代为安定郡,北魏时归泾州,唐代为宁州,五代、宋时属原州彭阳县,元代为镇原州,明清属镇原县。其地东抵陕西榆林,西通黑水,南接泾渭,北达贺兰,自古以来,就是中原地区北达宁夏、内蒙、西抵河西的军事重镇和交通要冲。北魏以来,随着佛教的兴盛和开窟造像的风靡,这里又成了萧关古道上的一大佛教胜地。据史料记载,北魏永平二年(公元520xx年)“泾州沙门刘慧汪聚众反,诏华州刺史奚康生讨之。”“康生久为,及临州尹,多所杀戮,而乃信向佛道,数舍其居宅以立寺塔,凡历四州皆有建置。”奚康生在泾州平定了沙门刘慧汪叛乱后,为了安定民心,巩固北魏王朝的统治政权,于宣武帝永平二年,大耗民财,“命匠呈奇,竞工开剖,积节移年,营构乃就”创建了北石窟寺和泾川的南石窟寺。无论奚康生当初开窟建寺的动机如何,足见当时佛事活动之兴盛,而陇东的劳动人民竟用自己勤劳的双手和聪明的才智,在粗犷的黄土高坡上为后世留下了一份极为精美的艺术瑰宝。 北石窟寺自北魏开窟建寺后,历经西魏,北周、隋、唐、宋、清各代不断增修扩建,形成了这样一处规模宏大的石窟群。宋、清碑文记载,古代寺院、殿宇轩昂、龛像俨然,丹素炫彩、金玉垂辉、佛光普照、僧众云集、阁楼峻丽、蔚为壮观。岁月悠悠,斗转星移、清末兵燹。战乱烽起、寺院建筑,付之一炬。僧众遭戮,佛事废弃。新中国成立,1959年甘肃文物工作队在陇东进行文物普查,重新发现了北石窟寺,1963年成立文管所,对这一佛教文化古迹开始清理保护。寺院现有大小窟龛296个,石雕造像2126尊,碑碣7通,各代游人题记150余方。其窟龛分布密集,形如蜂房,内容丰富,形式多样。窟院南北长125米,宽40米,面积为5000平方米。窟龛分布的岩石断面南北长120米、高20米,大小相间,可分三层雕凿,造像均为高浮雕和圆雕,形象逼真,风格各异。现为全国重点文物保护单位。也是陇东著名的旅游胜地。 165号窟是北石窟寺最大的一个具有代表性的洞窟,位于窟区正中,是北魏永平二年奚康生主持开凿的“七佛窟”。窟门两侧高浮雕两尊守门天王,其事高5.8米,身着铠甲,足蹬战靴,怒目锁眉,神情威严,大有震慑一切邪魔的气魄。身旁横卧两尊雄狮,虽年久残损,然张口舞爪,威态犹存。 该窟好象一座高大的殿堂,空间宏大,气势磅礴。覆斗式顶,距地面高14米,南北宽21.7米,进深15.7米,平面为长方形,面积340多平方米。窟内东(正壁)、北、南三壁雕七尊立佛,佛高8米,磨光高肉髻,面相方圆,细眉大眼,鼻大唇厚,体魄雄建,褒衣博带袈裟,施无畏手印。俨然一派华夏民族伟人的形象。关于七佛图和七佛造像题材,全国早期开凿的其他石窟出有实例,然而完整意义上的七佛窟和七佛造像,唯北石窟寺最早最宏伟最有代表性,为以后七佛窟的兴建开创了先例。《魏书·释老志》简述佛教经义时,曾说:“释迦前有六佛,释迦继六佛而成道,处今贤劫。文言将来有弥勒佛,方继释迦而降世。”《增一阿含经》卷四云:“七佛天中天,照明于世间。”这些记载,说明七佛在佛教中的重要地位。佛经中的七佛,不但能“宣说法教”,“照明于世间”,而且可“解除”一切众生的生死病痛之苦。北魏王朝编造七佛的种种“功德”,对七佛和弥勒的宣扬是在于极力沟通人神之间的界限。北魏从太祖拓跋硅到宣武帝元属正好七位皇帝,奚康生禀“皇帝即当今如来”之义旨,为北魏七个正式皇帝大造七佛,一则歌颂佛教历史,加强佛教正统思想的传播。二则讨好朝廷,歌颂皇帝功德,安抚民众,巩固北魏统治政权。因而供俸七佛在当时陇东地区十分盛行。七佛造像成为北石窟寺的一大特色,从北魏一直延续到晚唐,题材形象十分突出。这说明北石窟寺在陇东古代是一处非常正统的佛教圣地。而当年生活在水深火热中的陇东劳动人民用自己的双手,不惜血汗来雕凿如此宏伟、众多的七佛像,也寄托了他们对美好生活的种种愿望。 拉卜楞寺英文导游词 篇5郎木寺是甘南藏族自治州碌曲县下辖的一个小镇。一条小溪从镇中流过,小溪虽然宽不足2米,却有一个很气派的名字“白龙江”,如按藏文意译作“白水河”。小溪的北岸是郎木寺,南郎木寺图片岸属于四川若尔盖县,属于甘肃的“安多达仓郎木寺”和属于四川的“格尔底寺”就在这里隔“江”相望。一条小溪分界又联结了两个省份,融合了藏、回两个和平共处的民族;喇嘛寺院、清真寺各据一方地存在着;晒大佛,做礼拜,小溪两边的人们各自用不同的方式传达着对信仰的执著。 传说中的西王母,是中华民族的总先妣。造人的女娲、巫山神女、巴人的祖母巫蜒等,都是西王母部的支系,西王母部落,都以母虎为图腾,又称黑虎女神。而郎木在藏语中的原意就是“虎穴仙女”如今郎木寺(虎女寺)所处的四川、甘肃交界地带,自古以来就是川、甘、青各族民众朝拜黑虎女神的圣地。藏传佛教兴起后,在那里建寺已历千年,但仍被命名为“虎穴仙女寺”——郎木寺。而且,这地跨两省的大寺内,最受民众尊崇的不是诸天众佛,而是传说中的老祖母郎(藏语虎)木(藏语女性),其原来居住的洞穴,那是圣地中的圣地。洞外地下涌出的泉水,就是嘉陵江主源之一的白龙江的源头。 |
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