标题 | 拉卜楞寺英文导游词 |
范文 | 拉卜楞寺英文导游词(精选3篇) 拉卜楞寺英文导游词 篇1Lanzhou is the only city in the Yellow River basin where the Yellow Riverpasses through the city. The city is close to mountains and rivers, and themountains are still, forming a unique urban landscape. In order to highlight thecharacteristics of a city with mountains and waters, the comprehensivedevelopment project of the north and South Mountains environmental greening andthe Yellow River style tourism line is being accelerated. The construction ofroads and bridges on both sides of the urban section of the Yellow River, theconstruction and reinforcement of river embankments, the dredging of shippingrivers, the development of tourist attractions, the style of urban architectureand the greening, beautification and lighting are integrated, and the Silk Roadculture, the Yellow River culture and the national culture are integrated It's acollection. The Yellow River not only nurtures the people of Lanzhou, but also bringsrich specialties here. Melons and fruits such as brandy melon, soft pear,Dongguo pear and peach are well-known for a long time. Local products such aslily, black melon seeds, rose, bracken and hookah are well-known at home andabroad, making Lanzhou a famous melon and fruit city at home and abroad. Lanzhou is an important town on the ancient Silk Road. As early as 5000years ago, human beings lived here. In the Western Han Dynasty, the countygovernment was established, which was named Jincheng by the meaning of "JinchengTangchi". At the beginning of the Sui Dynasty, it was changed into the generalmanager's office of Lanzhou, which was called Lanzhou. The ancient Silk Road hasalso left many places of interest and splendid culture here, attracting a largenumber of Chinese and foreign tourists to come for sightseeing and tourism,making Lanzhou the center of the Silk Road grand tourist area, which spans 20__kilometers and connects Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes, Tianshui Maiji Mountain,Yongjing Bingling temple, Xiahe Labrang temple and other famous scenicspots. 拉卜楞寺英文导游词 篇2Located 1 km to the west of Xiahe County, daxiahe river forms a basinbetween Longshan and Fengshan. The Tibetan people call it a cornucopia, andLabrang temple is located on the cornucopia. Together with the DrepungMonastery, Sera Monastery, Gandan monastery, tashilumbu monastery and talmonastery in Qinghai, it is called the six major monasteries of the Gelug Sect(yellow sect) of Lamaism in China. Labrang is the transliteration of Tibetan"lazhang", which means the place where the Buddhist palace is located. The temple was built in 1709, the 48th year of the reign of Emperor Kangxiof the Qing Dynasty. There are 18 magnificent Buddhist temples, more than 10000monk houses, numerous buildings and red walls, with extraordinary momentum.Among them, the most famous is the six ZHACANG. Zacang, which means college inTibetan. The six chacangs are the six Buddhist Colleges: Wensi College ofxiuxianzong, upper college and lower College of xumizong, Shilun College ofastronomy, Medical College of medicine and xijingang College of law. Among them,Wensi college is the center of the whole temple, with three main parts: fronthall, main hall and back hall. The front hall is for the statue of Kingsongzangan of Tibet, and the main hall is hung with a plaque of "huijue Temple",which was granted by Emperor Qianlong of Qing Dynasty. The main hall, with 11bays, is 100 meters wide and 75 meters deep. It has 140 columns and can hold4000 lamas chanting sutras at the same time. The hall is decorated with colorfulbanners, more than 100 butter lamps and cigarettes. It is a Buddhist atmosphere.There are also two pulpits, a sutra house and a printing house in the temple,with tens of thousands of cultural relics and more than 60000 Tibetanclassics. There are 18 "Lacan" in Labrang temple. "LAKANG" (Buddhist temple) is themeeting place for lamas to chant scriptures. Among them, Shouxi temple is thelargest, with 6 floors and a height of more than 20 meters. Inside the hall,there are about 15 meters high Buddha statues of Sakyamuni. The roof issurrounded by golden dragons and the wall is surrounded by silver lions. It iswell deserved to call Labrang temple a higher institution of TibetanBuddhism. 拉卜楞寺英文导游词 篇3In 1709 (the 49th year of the reign of Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty),the first master Jiamuyang xiebadoji (all know Miaoyin xiaojingang) returnedfrom Tibet to his ancestral home to build a temple to promote Buddhism at theinvitation of Chahan DanJin, the South Prince of the Yellow River, the firstbanner of Heshuote tribe of Mongolia in Qinghai. In the summer of that year, themaster brought his disciples to zhaxitan, where he saw beautiful mountains andrivers, surrounded by auspicious clouds. It was an ideal place to build atemple. That is to say, we began to build the rabrang monastery here. Throughthe continuous expansion and improvement of Dai Jiamuyang master and the livingBuddhas, it has developed into a grand building complex with an area of 866000square meters, a construction area of more than 400000 square meters, more than90 main temples, more than 10000 monk houses and six ZHACANG (colleges), variousBuddha halls, many living Buddha palaces and lecture platforms, Fayuan, Yinjingacademy, pagodas, Jiamuyang master villa, etc. At its peak, there were more than3600 monks. There are 139 temples under its jurisdiction, and the religiousauthority covers Gansu, Qinghai, Sichuan, Kang, Mongolia, Northeast China andXinjiang. It is not only a sacred Buddhist Buddhist temple, but also acomprehensive institution for spreading knowledge, and a cultural and artisticcenter for the Tibetan people in the whole Amdo region. Won the secondTibet. On the eve of liberation, there were 6 sutras halls and 48 Buddhist hallsin Labrang temple. Among them, there is one seven storey building, one sixstorey building, four four storey buildings, eight three storey buildings andnine two storey buildings It covers an area of more than 1000 mu, including fourbronze tile roofs, two green glazed tile roofs, 31 Tibetan buildings, 30 livingBuddha houses, 6 Jiwa houses, 6 big kitchens, 1 printing house, 2 lecture halls,2 Jiamuyang villas, more than 500 Scripture wheel houses, more than 500 commonmonk houses, several pagodas and memorial archways. The whole building ismajestic, row upon row, well arranged, and can be called the first famous templein andor area. These buildings can be divided into stone and wood structure andcivil structure. There is a saying that there is no wood outside and no stoneinside. The architectural forms include Tibetan style, Han palace style andTibetan Chinese mixed style. After liberation, because of the interference of the far left route,Labrang Temple suffered great damage. The seven story pozhangmaruo Buddha Hallwas demolished in the "four Qing Dynasty" and a cinema was built. The largestBuddha statue (24 meters high) in the hall was smashed and made of steel in1958. Ten years of "Cultural Revolution" is even more unspeakable, a Buddhisttemple into a food factory, slaughterhouse. The temple door was closed and themonks scattered. The temple building only retains the northwest corner of theoriginal temple, accounting for about a quarter of the original temple area.Most of the temple sites are occupied by government units. Although Labrang monastery has gone through many vicissitudes, since theThird Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Partyof China, under the care of the Chinese government, it has implemented theparty's ethnic and religious policies. Since the reopening of Labrang monasteryin 1980, the state has allocated more than one million yuan for the maintenanceof the original Sutra hall and Buddha Hall. |
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