标题 | 黄帝陵的经典导游词 |
范文 | 黄帝陵的经典导游词(精选3篇) 黄帝陵的经典导游词 篇1欢迎大家来到这里,下面我来为大家介绍一下! 这个黄帝陵——天下第一陵就在延安市的黄陵县,黄帝,姓公孙,名叫轩辕,出生于母系氏族社会。母亲名叫附宝,据史书上载:“农历二月初二,在沮水河畔(今黄陵县沮水河)沮源关的降龙峡生下黄帝,从此就有了二月二龙抬头”吉祥之说。司马迁在《史记》里对黄帝是这样描写的:“生而神灵,弱而能言,幼而徇齐,长而敦敏,成而聪明”。可见,黄帝从出生到成长就不是一般人物。他15岁就被群民拥戴当上轩辕部落酋长,37岁登上天子位,黄帝一生重大贡献就在于历经五十三战,打败了榆罔,降服了炎帝,诛了榆罔,降服了炎帝,诛杀蚩,结束了战争,统一了三大部落,告别了野蛮时代,建立起世界上第一个有共主的国家,当选为中华民族第一帝。人类文明从此开始了。所以后世人都尊称轩辕黄帝是“人文初祖”、“文明之祖”。为此,延安又被称为中华民族的发祥地。 黄帝是中华民族的祖先,他出生于陕北黄土高原,黄帝族主要活动于陕北黄土高原,黄帝逝世后安葬于今黄陵县桥山之巅。自唐代宗大历五年建庙祀典以来,这里一直是历代王朝举行国家大祭的场所。新中国建立后,每年清明、重阳节均在此进行祭祀典礼,特别是清明节公祭已是中华民族传统祭祀大典。黄帝陵是中华民族圣地,海外侨胞将其誉为“东方麦加”。1962年,国务院公布其为全国第一批重点文物保护单位,编为“古墓葬第一号”,号称“天下第一陵”。黄帝陵区景色迷人,山麓有建于汉代的轩辕庙,庙东侧碑廊珍藏历代帝王御制祭文碑57通,现又新增香港、澳门“回归纪念碑”。陵、庙所在地桥山现有千年古柏816000株,是我国最大的古柏群。庙内有相传黄帝手植柏,高20余米,胸径11米,苍劲挺拔,冠盖蔽空,是我国最古老、最大的一株柏树。 黄帝陵的经典导游词 篇2亲爱的游客朋友们,大家好!我们今天游览被誉为世界中华第一陵的---黄帝陵。我是你们本次旅游的导游,我姓蒋,也可以叫我蒋导。如果在旅游中遇到了问题,大家可以向我提出,我会帮助大家。祝大家旅游愉快!为了让大家对黄帝陵有一个深刻的了解,我先给大家介绍一下我们申华民族的始祖——黄帝。 黄帝,是距今5000年左右的原始社会末期的一位杰出的部落联盟领袖。据古籍记载,黄帝为少典之子,姓公孙,因长于姬水,又姓姬。封于有熊,号有熊氏。曾居于轩辕之丘,又号轩辕。因崇尚土德,土色黄,所以又称为“黄帝”。 传说中,黄帝不但是一位英雄的领袖人物,而且也是智慧的化身。人们把许多发明创造都归功于黄帝或他的妻子、臣下。如造舟车、制衣冠、务蚕桑、创医学、定音律、造文字、布五谷、烧彩陶及政治生活中的典章制度、风俗习惯中的婚丧礼仪等,后人以黄帝时代作为中华民族迈人文明社会的开始,所以,黄帝被尊为“人文初祖”。 关于黄帝埋在哪里?现在有很多说法。但是,从历史资料的记载以及历代政府的态度上看,大家马上就要看到的黄帝陵就是黄帝百年后唯一的安寝之地。西汉史学家司马迁的《史记》明确说“黄帝崩,葬桥山”。而黄帝陵历史上就称为“桥陵”,1944年才改称今名。在中国古代文献记载中,黄帝是在黄陵县的桥山骑龙升天的,后人们将黄帝衣冠埋葬在这里,起冢为陵,这就是黄帝陵的由来。另外,黄帝陵一带被考古证明曾经是这一带原始氏族的聚居地,出土的陶器和石器,带有鲜明的仰韶文化的特征。 黄帝陵位于陕西省黄陵县,北距西安约180公里。黄陵县原名中部县,1944年经呈请原民国政府批准,更名为黄陵县。1997年6月,黄帝陵被中宣部公布为全国百个爱国主义教育示范基地之一。 大家现在所处的位置是轩辕广场。这里是谒陵的起点。轩辕广场的地面是用秦岭天然河卵石铺就而成的,共计5000块,含义是代表着中华民族5000年的悠久历史。眼前的池子叫印池,相传是黄帝洗笔的地方。印池之水来自沮河。在古汉语中,沮通“祖”,故而沮河也被看成是祖先之河。夜晚来临,这里会出现“沮水月夜”的美丽景观。 现在,我们所经过的这座桥叫轩辕桥。这座桥横跨印池,为全花岗岩石材建造,被誉为“中国近代全石材第一桥”。轩辕桥北端通向庙院的龙尾道共有95级台阶,寓意黄帝“九五之尊”的崇高地位。拾级而上则是宽阔的庙前广场,近年来的公祭活动大都在此举行,现代传媒已使它广为人知。站到宽阔的庙前广场,请大家再回头看轩辕广场,你一定会感受到一种“雄伟、庄严、肃穆、古朴”的恢弘气势。 拜祭黄帝,一般为“先祭庙,后谒陵”。轩辕庙坐落在沮水以北,坐北朝南、居高临下、雄伟壮观。请大家跟我走进这个神圣之地。这座祭祖黄帝的古老庙宇,相传初建于汉代。原来在桥山西麓,宋代移至这里。轩辕庙由四进院落构成,庙门为汉代建筑风格,庑殿顶,白墙,黑琉璃瓦,高大巍峨,古朴大方。“轩辕庙”三个字是由蒋鼎文先生书写的。跨入轩辕庙大门,左侧有一株参天古柏映入眼帘。古柏枝干苍劲,苍翠欲滴,冠如华盖,郁郁葱葱。该树树龄已有约4700年,相传为黄帝亲手栽植,所以称“黄帝手植柏”,1982年,英国林学专家罗皮尔等人在考察了世界27个国家之后来到我国,惊叹它是“世界柏树之父”。1998年,该树被第一批认定为“中华一百棵古树名木”之列。 离开碑亭后,继续向里走,会看到左手边有一块一米见方的青石块,石上刻着一副巨大 的黄帝脚印。该石出土于黄陵东南的郭洼。据说黄帝的脚印共有三副。一副在河南,一副在山东,一副就在黄陵,脚印石旁有栅栏围护。据当地人讲,如果有人隔着栅栏用硬币投中大脚趾,就预示着大吉大利,万事顺意。 在轩辕殿前左侧,有一株柏树。树干斑痕密布,纵横成行,好似有断钉在内。据传,公元前l09年,汉武帝北征朔方归来,祭黄帝陵时在此树干上钉钉子挂盔甲所致。所以叫“挂甲柏”,也叫“将军柏”。每年清明节前,树孔内还会溢出柏汁,凝结为珠,像泪珠一样。清明节后,又恢复原样,被人称为“群柏之奇”。 现在,映人我们眼前的建筑叫轩辕殿。大殿建于明代,门额上悬挂着原国民党爱国将领程潜1938年所题的“人文初祖”四字大匾。 进入大殿,映人我们眼前的是半浮雕黄帝像。这尊民族始祖的圣像,是以东汉武梁祠庙的画像石刻拓片为蓝本,经国家文物局征求有关专家的意见后批准,放大刻制而成。 轩辕庙北端坐落着20__年新建成的祭祖大殿,20__年清明首次以国家级礼仪公祭华夏始祖轩辕黄帝的仪式在这里举行,大殿整体建筑秉承汉风唐韵,融古老传统与新时代气息为一体。殿前祭祖广场均由花岗岩铺装而成,占地1万余平方米,可同时容纳5000行祭典活动。 好了,轩辕庙就参观到这里。下一步我们将登山,拜谒黄帝陵。 黄帝陵是中华民族始祖轩辕黄帝的陵冢,被称为“天下第一陵”。1962年被国务院公布为全国重点文物保护单位“古墓葬第一号”。陵家位于黄陵县城北1公里的桥山上。 黄帝陵有一绝叫“桥山古柏”。不论您从哪个方向进人县城,都可以看见面积5800亩的桥山,满山翠柏,葱郁一片。目前,坐落在陕西省黄陵县的“中华始祖”轩辕黄帝陵景区内共有柏树8.1万余棵,树龄在千年以上的古柏就达3万余棵,是我国最古老和保存最完好的古柏群。这真是“古柏参天黄帝陵,苍烟缭绕晓风轻。桥山彻底高耸翠,沮水缠腰万载青”。这些古柏可都是无价之宝,因此,我国历代政府都高度重视黄帝陵古柏的保护。 各位朋友,我们现在就来到了陵园大门,请大家向门外左侧看,这个高20米的圆锥土台,叫“汉武仙台”。据说汉武帝祭祖后,非常羡慕黄帝驭龙升天成仙。于是命数十万大军每人背一袋土上山,一夜之间筑成这座高台。他登台祈仙,对众人说:“如果我能如黄帝那般乘龙归天,抛下妻子算得了什么,不过如撇下鞋子一样罢了。”而今,汉武仙台有两条石砌曲径通向台顶。上行77级台阶,下行78级台阶,谓之“七上八下”。据说登台一次可增岁添福。 朋友们,前方这座陵冢就是我们的祖先——黄帝的安息之地。该陵为扁球形土冢。冢前又有一碑,上刻有“桥山龙驭”四个大字,意思是此地为黄帝驾龙升天之地。传说黄帝活了100多岁,天帝感其丰功伟德,派一条巨龙接他升天,臣民们不愿黄帝离去,将他团团围住。巨龙驮着黄帝腾空而起,慌乱间人们扯下了黄帝的衣襟、靴子、佩剑。人们把黄帝的衣靴宝剑埋在这里,起土成冢作为纪念,这便是黄帝陵是衣冠家说法的由来,但是传说毕竟是传说,《史记》等书明确记载“黄帝崩,葬桥山”。而且汉武大帝等各代帝王均来此祭奠黄帝,所以这里是公认的黄帝陵所在地。 “桥山龙驭”碑前还有一碑,刻有郭沫若1958书写的“黄帝陵”三个大字。 好了游客朋友们,由于时间关系,咱们今天黄帝陵的讲解就到此结束,大家可以自行的参观,半小时后我们门口集合,请注意安全,谢谢大家! 黄帝陵的经典导游词 篇3After the Yellow Emperor united with Yan Emperor to defeat Chiyou, theleader of the Chinese tribal alliance became the common leader of the world,which made the Chinese nation step into the era of civilization from thebarbarian era. The great achievements of the Yellow Emperor were naturallyrespected and worshipped by later generations. After the death of the YellowEmperor, in order to express the nostalgia for this cultural ancestor, peopleset up tombs as mausoleums and temples to offer sacrifices in Qiaoshan. In thethousands of years after the death of the Yellow Emperor, the activities ofoffering sacrifices to the Yellow Emperor never stopped. In Yu, Xia, Shang,Zhou, Qin, Han, Sui, Tang, song, yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, the YellowEmperor was worshipped as an ancestor, except in some periods when he wasregarded as a "God" and "emperor". After Qin Shihuang wiped out the six countries and unified the world, hestipulated that all the tombs of the emperor were called "mausoleums" and thecommon people's tombs were called "tombs". In the Han Dynasty, it was stipulatedthat there must be a "Temple" beside the emperor's mausoleum. At the beginningof the establishment of the Han Dynasty, Liu Bang, the emperor of the HanDynasty, issued an imperial edict to the whole world - "I pay great attention tothe ancestral temple and offer sacrifices.". Today's God's sacrifice and thegods of mountains and rivers are worshipped, and the "Xuanyuan Temple" is builtat the West foot of the bridge. Later, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty personallyoffered sacrifices to the mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor. It is recorded inShiji, Volume 12, Chapter 12 of Xiaowu and Shiji, Volume 2, Volume 18, Chapter 6of Fengchan: "in the winter of the coming year, it is said that the ancientsfirst mobilized their troops and then Fengchan." Then he went to the north toinspect Shuofang, and killed more than 100000 soldiers. He also sacrificed tothe Yellow Emperor Zhongqiao mountain, and released his soldiers. " In thewinter of the first year of Yuanfeng (120__ BC), Emperor Wu of the Han Dynastyled 100000 troops to the north to visit Shuofang. When they returned, they madea special trip to Qiaoshan to offer sacrifices to the tomb of the YellowEmperor. This is the first record of the mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor inofficial history. Since the Tang and Song Dynasties, due to the attention of the emperors ofvarious dynasties, the tombs have been enlarged. In 770, the fifth year of emperor zongdali of Tang Dynasty, Zang Xilang,the festival envoy of Wenfang, wrote: "there is a Yellow Emperor Mausoleum inFangzhou. Please buy a temple and enjoy the sacrifice at four o'clock. It islisted in the sacrificial ceremony". With the approval of emperor Daizong, theTang Dynasty started a two-year large-scale renovation activity in Qiaoling,building the Yellow Emperor Temple and planting 1140 cypress trees. Since then,offering sacrifices to the Yellow Emperor has been upgraded to a nationalceremony, and Qiaoling has become the only official place for offeringsacrifices to the Yellow Emperor. This not only helps to standardize the ritual,but also plays an objective role in strengthening political rule and culturalidentity. After the wars in the late Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties, the tombsof the former emperors, including the mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor, hadappeared the situation of "being unable to help cutting wood". The "destruction"of sacrificial buildings makes normal sacrificial activities impossible.Therefore, as soon as Zhao Kuangyin ascended the throne, he issued two imperialedicts in the first year of Jianlong and the beginning of Qiande, stipulatingthat the mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor and the mausoleums of Yan Emperor, GaoXin, Tang Yao, Yu Shun and Xia Yu "each had five families in charge of themausoleum, and the ancestral temple of the spring and Autumn period had anethereal prison" and that those who destroyed it had to repair it. In the secondyear of Kaibao, due to the erosion of the Juhe River year after year, cliffcollapses and water collapses often occurred at the West foot of the bridge,threatening the survival of the temple. Local officials wrote to the imperialcourt, and song Taizu issued a decree to move Xuanyuan temple from the West footof the bridge to the Yellow Emperor's palace at the east foot of the bridge,which is the present site. |
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