标题 | 祥云天华山导游词-陕西导游词 |
范文 | 祥云天华山导游词-陕西导游词(通用3篇) 祥云天华山导游词-陕西导游词 篇1滇西祥云天华山星君阁下的苍苍石壁上,存留着“云洱无双地,匡州第一山”的深刻大字,这是古人抒发感叹的两句五言游仙诗。 反映道教神仙思想、洞天福地的五言游仙诗,源于汉代以前,繁荣在魏晋阶段,不拘五言一格地兴盛在隋唐。沿古人留在天华山的众多五言七言游仙诗的线索,会游入一方悠久而独特的宗教文化历史,会惊叹大自然的神奇妙景,会深入浅出真人营造的圣境,百姓继续的香火。 祥云,古老岁月就洋溢过道教神仙色彩。元狩元年,汉武帝派使者追踪南现五彩祥云,元封二年设置的云南县,就县外人们眼里的一片神秘之境。蜀汉建兴三年,蜀汉武侯诸葛亮南征,在云南县设置管辖滇西北的云南郡府,天华山“诸葛寨”“驱巨兽征服孟获”的传说及诗话,又充满神仙色彩。唐武德七年,古云南县改称匡州,落脚生根的道教在天华山已称雄于古云南县和洱海地区,赵真人雪乾在天华山修炼留下了宫观仙坛和神台。明代宗祯年间,后继的出家之人,出手造上玉皇阁、王母阁,修下星君阁,在上、下之间建造了观音阁,创造了天华山佛、道融合的圣境。当年,隐居在这一圣境中的御史李素著作《南华奏议》成功,一鸣惊人,道教圣地天华山随之名扬四方。 天华山雄奇的是两座对峙而高高耸立的险峰气势,玄妙的是怪石林立悬空、岩洞幽深。峭壁高峰之上的奇景,凡人无法飞入景内,只能遥遥仰视奇观,对面营盘山险峰之上,突出矗立的几尊巨石,仿佛传说诸葛亮还在和伴随的赵子龙观察南滇动静,也仿佛神话修炼成仙的道人飞腾而上,在绝壁顶上等侯南天门的洞开。天华山自身的险峰悬崖峭壁上,一条同上而下,首尾鳞爪宛然如生、知数丈粗抱余的石龙,仿佛乌龙由天而降,冲向峡谷。明代诗人刘善赋游来感动,写下七言绝句游仙诗:“巨灵突兀显示奇踪,绝壁千寻倒挂龙;莫谓石顽无雨降,须知洞古有云从。”这条石龙,在古代早期展示洞天福地的道教仙境里,被赋予了浓郁的神气仙风。说它是服从诸葛亮调动、破了孟获山猿野豹豺狼怪阵的黑龙。说它战争胜利后在回归龙潭之时化作石龙倒挂天华山,永远点滴玉液琼浆。险峰上下的奇石古洞和云卧仙床,是吸引逸人幽客、方外羽流的玄妙体系。对峙的营盘山上,那有名的'如珠奇石,在诸葛寨里夜来有光,与天华山倒挂石龙引发了众多游仙诗的出现:“……对峙山藏珠焕彩,石龙探取繁岩巅。”“妙境天华古洞仙,古珠夜明照南滇……”“……龙飞倒挂珠明夜,玉滴高悬石化融……”“龙蟠险岭明珠现,玉滴悬岩妙药金……”这些诗中的句子,形容很有代表性。 天华山上、中、下宫观楼阁就在悬崖之下,河谷峭壁悬空之上。古往今来,逸人幽客、方外羽流对天华山的奇险难以名状,而这里的道教建筑也别具风姿。古代真人开凿登山通道。石级约200余级。与石级相连的上、中、下宫观楼阁,或借峭壁之险,或假狭隙岩洞之奇,与自然景物浑然一体,毫无斧凿之感险;既不完全是宏伟的宫殿,也不是一般的神祠和简单的茅庐、洞穴;既依就峭壁之中悬空的洞穴平台,也加之就岩架梁起拱出檐建筑。让人感觉到;既有宫殿形象,又有人间园林风貌;既有威仪,又不高耸突出那种凌驾于苍生之上的神圣;既是天堂,也不悬隔人间;既上、中、下三宫浑然一体,又层次分明,各成一个相对独立的院落;既呈现天人感应的思想观念,也展示道教落脚天华山的古老渊源。 天华山远在唐初、近在明清是古云南县和洱海地区的道教名山,其“周围悬崖壁巅,古迹仙踪”皆为一方“小洞天”,难怪有“云洱无双地,匡州第一山”,和“天下仙上为第一,人间胜景世无双”的众多游仙赞诗。仙姿神态的天华山充满古迹“仙踪”。 祥云天华山导游词-陕西导游词 篇2各位游客: 您可知天下温泉二千六,惟有华清为第一吗 举世闻名的华清池,位于陕西省临潼区(县)骊山北麓华清宫故址,西距西安30公里,东与秦始皇兵马桶相毗邻,南依骊山,北临渭水,华清池的悠久历史能够追溯到古老的原始社会,并以其天然温泉吸引了在陕西建都的天子帝王,周、秦、汉、隋、唐历代封建统治者,都视星辰汤是供唐太宗李世民和之后几个皇帝沐浴的汤池,比贵妃池要早100多年。 星辰汤离水源最近,水质最好,水流量最大,并且没有管道,水直接涌进汤池。在西南角有座小殿宇名叫尚食汤,是供皇帝近臣及为嫔妃服务的尚食局官员沐浴用的池子,面积约30平方米,南北有对称的两个台阶。 这个池子在民国时期,冯玉祥将军还曾维修过,供老百姓使用,是使用时间最久的一个池子。在南北两排殿宇的空旷处,夹有一个石栏围成的浴池遗址,是用青石铺砌的长方形喷池,规格虽小,但结构精雅,是专供太子沐浴的场所。 看完了五门厅,华清池景区的游览就将结束了。下头请大家自由参观,半小时后集中,我们去下个景点。多谢! 祥云天华山导游词-陕西导游词 篇3Dear tourist friends, Hello, we now come to Taibai Mountain, a magnificentand beautiful national 4A scenic spot. First, let me introduce the Taibai Mountain, the main body of the scenicarea, which is the main peak of the Qinling Mountains mountains and the firstpeak of the Chinese mainland to the east of the Qinghai Tibet Plateau. As thesaying goes: one side of the soil and water raises one side of the people. Infact, it's not only people, but also mountains. It can be said that it is theunique landscape of Qinling that gives birth to this famous Chinese mountain,which is famous for its high, cold, strange, special and beautiful. You can see different mountain ranges here. Their morphologicalcharacteristics are different, which is very interesting. In particular, thereare various geomorphic forms formed by Quaternary glacial activities. If youlook carefully, you will find that they are still intact and clear. Maybe youcan also see the historical changes. Next, let's talk about the different climate of Taibai Mountain. I wonderif you've ever heard of the wonder of snow in June in Taibai Mountain. It's oneof the eight famous scenic spots in Guanzhong. Maybe you are still in the hotsun at the foot of the mountain. When you come to the top of the mountain, it'scold and windy. Does that sound amazing? But unfortunately, due to the warmingclimate, less snow in winter and hot weather in midsummer, it's hard to see sucha landscape. In addition, the animal and plant resources in our scenic area are veryrich. On Taibai Mountain, Chinese herbal medicine is everywhere, and clover isunique to Taibai Mountain. Rich plant resources also provide sufficient food forwild animals. Giant panda, golden monkey and takin are breeding here. If youhave a chance, you can also see these lovely friends. OK, let's start our tour! Dear tourist friends, Hello, welcome to Longfeng square. When you hear this, you must ask why it is called this name. It's becauseit's near Longfeng Mountain and it's built on the mountain. Now you can see abeautiful bridge, which is the rainbow bridge. Next to the rainbow bridge is alarge color music fountain. You can enjoy the beautiful water scenery and watchthe wonderful fountain performance here. I believe the music fountain will bringyou a visual feast. Forget to introduce, here is the largest and most dazzling open panoramicwater show. You can enjoy the water dance with landscape, music and lighting. Ibelieve you will think you are still dreaming after watching it. There will betwo music fountain water dance shows every night. You will feel the full impactof sound, light and electricity. Speaking of which, are you impatient? Opposite to the music fountain is the leisure square of the CentralWaterfront Commercial Street. You can go to the bar to have a drink with yourfriends, or go to KTV to sing. Of course, if you like to be quiet, you can alsohave a quiet tea, or go to the flavor restaurant to taste the local snacks. Wealso have a local specialty supermarket here. You can also buy some for yourfriends. In front of us is the waterfall group of Taibai Mountain Dragon and PhoenixSquare. In fact, it is also an important part of the beautiful night scene ofTaibai Mountain. You can enjoy all this beauty in the evening. I believe it willnot disappoint you. OK, that's all for you. Let's meet at the next scenic spot. Dear tourist friends, Hello, we now come to qingniu cave. I'm your guide.I'm very happy to visit qingniu cave with you today. Hearing this, do you want to know the origin of the name? Let me introduceit to you. It's said that when Taishang Laojun rode along the northern foothillsof Qinling Mountains to here, he was attracted by the beautiful scenery, so hestopped here to explain the Scriptures. That's why we got the name of qingniucave. Of course, we can see that qingniu cave had a unique beauty. Otherwise,how could it attract taishanglaojun? Now let me tell you an interesting thing. It is said that later, the localresidents dug up a stone ox in the cave, so they built a temple here, mainly forthe local people to worship and pray. Later, you can visit and pray for yourfamily and friends. Well, I'll finish my explanation for you. I hope I can help you. Let's makean appointment for the next scenic spot. Dear tourist friends, Hello, welcome to Tangyu hot spring. I'm your guide.Today, I will visit this beautiful scenery with you. Do you know that Tangyu is one of the 72 valleys in Qinling Mountains.Tangyu hot spring has been famous all over the world since ancient times. It isa hot spring group composed of 11 natural artesian springs. The watertemperature of the hot spring is 73 ℃. The water is rich in more than 20 kindsof minerals and trace elements that are beneficial to human body. Can't you waitto hear that? In fact, the ancients have long discovered this geomantic treasure land. Doyou know that as early as the Western Zhou Dynasty, King Wen of Zhou built asoup pool here for recuperation and treatment, which was also called FengquanShenze at that time. besides. Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty brought YangGuifei here four times and named it Fengquan soup. From this we can see that theancients had a special preference for the hot springs here. Since you have come to Taibai Mountain, taking a hot spring to wash awaythe dust is also an indispensable part of your trip to Taibai Mountain. This isthe end of my introduction to you. I hope it will help you. Next, you can visitby yourself. Let's meet at the next scenic spot. Dear tourist friends, Hello, now we come to the gate of Taibai MountainNational Forest Park. I am your guide, and I will visit with you next. If you look to the left side of the door, there is a commemorative stone,which is called commemorative stone. The stone is engraved with the Chinesemountaineering team's first visit to mount Taibai. Speaking of this, I have tosay its origin. On April 25, 1956, the newly established Chinese mountaineering team Shizhanchun and other 32 people, under the guidance of Soviet experts, climbedTaibai Mountain, the main peak of Qinling Mountains. This is the first time thatChinese mountaineers have climbed a mountain more than 3000 meters inShanghai. Dear tourist friends, Hello, now we come to Taibai Mountain. Taibai Mountain is the main peak of the Qinling Mountains. It can be saidthat the mountains and waters of the Qinling Mountains gave birth to this famousChinese mountain, which is famous for its high, cold, strange, special andbeautiful. Li Daoyuan and Bai Juyi have praised its magnificence and beauty. Noone can destroy such a beautiful ecological landscape. Do you know that Taibai Mountain, as the main peak of Qinling Mountains, is3771.2 meters above sea level. When you see it, do you feel that it has amysterious color that makes you yearn for it? I don't know if you've ever heard of snow in Taibai. It's one of the eightfamous scenic spots in Guanzhong. Why do you say that? That's because when weclimb mountains in summer, the sun is burning at the foot of the mountain andthe cool wind is blowing on the hillside, but the cold wind is blowing on thetop of the mountain. So don't forget to bring thick clothes when you climbmountains in summer. Of course, there are many wonders in Taibai Mountain, such as quaternaryglacial relics, high mountain flower sea and so on. I believe you will beintoxicated with it after reading it. Even Mr. Xu Mingzheng, deputy director ofShaanxi Provincial Tourism Administration, was unconsciously infected by thebeautiful scenery of Taibai Mountain after his visit, leaving Guanzhong with sixdays of leisure. Never tired of seeing each other, only Taibai Mountain'swonderful sentences. Are you impatient to hear that? OK, that's all for you. Let's make anappointment for the next scenic spot. As you can see, our Guanyin cave is a natural cave composed of five layersof stone caves, which makes Guanyin cave more natural and full of fragrance. Iwonder if you felt mysterious when you first came in? When we first came in, I don't know if you noticed that there is a magicancient tree at the entrance of the cave. This big tree is in the air. It feelslike it grows out of the cave. But it's strange that you can't see the root inthe cave. The trunk of this tree is strong. You see, there is a sign of athousand year old tree in Dongtian. The local people call it Wuyou tree. Dear tourist friends, how do you do? Now we come to yangwenzhou MemorialPark. I'm your tour guide. It's my pleasure to visit yangwenzhou memorial parkwith you today. Let's introduce it to you. A mountain will be famous for a person, and a person will be great for amountain. Today's Taibai Mountain is connected with a person's name forever. Heis Yang Wenzhou. Let me introduce Yang Wenzhou to you first. He was the Deputy Secretary ofthe Party committee of Taibai Mountain National Forest Park. In the 1980s, underthe pressure of doubt and opposition, such as whether he could produce hot waterand where the money came from, he started drilling wells, and spent every day onthe construction site, eating and working with the drilling workers. Dear tourist friends, Hello, the two peaks that appear in front of you areCamel Mountain. That's right. Can you take a closer look at it? Does it look like a bigcamel kneeling? Do you know that this camel is the largest camel in the worldand the most loyal usher of Taibai Mountain. From a distance, it seems to greetyou and welcome you. In fact, Taibai Mountain is known as China's natural zoo. There are morethan 300 kinds of rare animals and 230 kinds of birds. Have you heard of thefour treasures of Qinling mountains? They are giant panda, takin, golden monkeyand Crested Ibis. You can understand it carefully later, and you will know thatthis title is worthy of reputation. Besides, there is also the blood pheasant, a special product of ourcountry. Speaking of it, you may feel very strange. It's like a domestic hen.It's named after the blood red head, abdomen and feet. I don't know if you knowthat there is another animal here called Sumen antelope. It looks like a sheep,not a sheep, not a horse, not a horse. Does that sound interesting? OK, that's all for you. You can have a rest. Let's meet at the next scenicspot. Welcome to Guiguzi cave. I don't know how much you know about Guiguzi. Letme introduce him to you. Gui Gu Zi was the originator of Taoism and political strategists in thespring and autumn and Warring States periods. Speaking of him, he was amysterious figure in Chinese history. Taoism believed that Gui Gu was a realimmortal in ancient times. It said that he had lived in the world for more than100 years and then disappeared. Is it full of mystery? There are many legends about him. According to legend, Guiguzi is the sonof Qinglong, a villager, and Donghai Longnv. Now we come to Dushan. Next, I will visit Dushan with you. You know, there is an interesting legend about Dushan. Let me tell yousomething about it. It is said that this mountain is the highest one in PenglaiFairy Island. It heard that Taibai Mountain is higher than three mountains andfive mountains. It was very dissatisfied, so it went all the way to TaibaiMountain to compare its height. But when it got to the foot of Taibai Mountain,it saw that the shortest mountain on Taibai Mountain was higher than it. It wasvery ashamed. When it was ready to escape, it was detained by Taibai Mountain.There was a couplet: Dushan Shame, high as Taibai, do not want to compare highand low; Taibai retain, low is also Castle Peak, should know that there is amountain outside the mountain. Now we come to the ancient plank road of the Three Kingdoms. I don't knowif you've just come here and feel a strong sense of history? Speaking of plank road, did you first think of building plank road openlyand secretly? So it can also be said that it embodies the wisdom of ancientpeople and is a miracle in the ancient traffic history of our country. It issaid that during the Three Kingdoms period, Liu Bei had a military adviser namedFazheng, who was an important military adviser. He suggested Liu Bei build thisplank road to confuse Sima Yi. The ancient plank road of the Three Kingdoms is 1100 meters long. You know,20_ In, this plank road also made special reports on the Central Seven "militarycolumns" channel! Now we come to the Sleeping Buddha Temple. Next, let's visit the exquisiteand simple Sleeping Buddha Temple. Speaking of our Sleeping Buddha Temple, we have to introduce a historicalorigin. You know, in 1932, Mr. Yu Youren came here. Interestingly, he left adoggerel in the Sleeping Buddha's place: good Sleeping Buddha, good SleepingBuddha. After sleeping Pepsi, I want to sleep too. Who will protect the country.Although this doggerel is humorous, it also reflects the old people's concernfor the country. When you hear this, do you think of Fan Zhongyan's idea that weshould worry about the world first and enjoy the world later. Hello, tourist. Now we come to kaitianguan. Speaking of this name, it also comes from Li Bai's poem Taibai and mywords, I want to open Tianguan. Today, you can have a feast for your eyes here,because you can not only see a large area of virgin forest and undulatingmountains, but also see the strange scene that the rain is continuous at thefoot of Taibai Mountain and the sky is clear on the mountain. Let's open Tianguan. It's still a natural bathing beach. Do you feelrefreshed when you just come here? That's because the ozone emitted by the pinetrees here can bring you a fresh feeling. Now we come to the seven women peak. It's my pleasure to visit seven womenpeak with you. If Taibai Mountain is magnificent, then our seven women peak is beautifuland the most spectacular. It is the most beautiful peak of Taibai Mountain. The seven peaks are invarious shapes and lines, like the seven fairies standing side by side andfalling into the world. Does that sound fantastic? However, QINV peak is not only beautiful, but also famous for its danger.It is called Xiaohua mountain, isn't it very powerful? While enjoying thebeautiful scenery of QINV peak, we can also see Shixia TIANTI, Yuji ridge,Shengui Tanhai and other famous scenic spots along the way. You see the place where the huge stones rush down in front of us, this isthe stone array. Maybe you don't know much about the Stonehenge. Let me give you a briefintroduction. Stonehenge is a periglacial landform of Quaternary glacial relicsin Taibai Mountain, also known as Shihe. During the period of glacial movement,the mountain uplifted and melted, and the mountain disintegrated, forming such abreathtaking and magical landscape that we can see. Every glacier stone hererecords the passage of time and the evolution of everything. If you areinterested, you can observe it carefully, and you may find traces of glaciermovement. Dear tourist friends, the place we are now arriving at is Xiaban temple.Next, let me introduce it to you. You just came here, did you feel a little cold? Yes, our Xiaban temple is2800 meters above sea level. It already belongs to sub cold zone climate, so youshould exercise more to prevent cold. Next, I'll give you a brief introduction to the origin of its name.According to legend, in the Sui and Tang Dynasties, due to the prosperity ofBuddhism, in order to facilitate the local people's visit, people used localmaterials, made of red birch wood, built two temples here, the lower elevationis Xiaban temple in front of us. Dear tourist friends, Hello, welcome to huixianping. Next, I will visithuixianping with you. As you can see, what appears in front of us is a large area of flat land.As the name suggests, this is the place where the immortals gather. Maybe if youstay here a little longer, you'll feel immortal. Our vision of huixianping is very wide. You can enjoy the beautiful sceneryhere. Looking to the north, it's Erxian mountain, the exit of QINV peak. It'ssaid that Erxian mountain is the place where Taishang Laojun and Taibai Jinxingplay chess. There are towering ancient trees here. The environment is elegantand the scenery is pleasant. Standing in huixianping, you can see the mountains in the East, the famousTaibai snow in the south, the attractive scenery of the Red River Valley in theWest and the vast Weihe plain in the north. I believe you will be intoxicatedwith it. Hearing this, are you impatient? OK, next you can visit by yourself. Let'smeet at the next scenic spot. Dear tourist friends, how do you do |
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