标题 | 西双版纳导游词双语版 |
范文 | 西双版纳导游词双语版(通用3篇) 西双版纳导游词双语版 篇1亲爱的游客大家好: 欢迎来到美丽的西双版纳,我是“野象谷”的金牌导游。今天,我将全力带领大家游玩人称“热带雨林神奇秘境”的“野象谷”,领略它的神秘,探索未知的一面,请大家跟我来吧! “野象谷”森林公园是国家AAAA级风景旅游区,位于云南省西双版纳自治州景洪市境内、勐养自然保护区南部,是野象活动最为集中、频繁的地方。沿途步行道旁的森林中,偶尔可见野象出没和活动的痕迹,幸运的游客或许还在傍晚或黎明之时看到林间漫游的野象群...... 说起野象,象肩高约2米,体重3~7吨。野象的食量很大,一头成年野象一天大约需要吃300千克的食物,它们主要是以树叶、果实、树枝、竹子等为主食。现在我们就乘坐国内最长的观光缆车参观野象活动的情景及美丽的热带雨林景观。 为了满足游客观看亚洲象的心愿,20xx年,野象谷建立了我国唯一的一所大象训练学校。当地的少数民族非常喜爱大象表演,游客更是人人必看,大象每天表演好几场,还经常座无虚席。亚洲象长长的鼻子顶端有一个手指一样的突出物,非常灵巧,可以从地上捡起一片树叶,可以从人们手中接过各种东西。它们的智力也常常让人们吃惊:经过训练的大象居然能辨认面值不同的人民币!可以用鼻子把人高高举起,也可以让游人荡“秋千”。它们对人类非常友善,是人类的好朋友!可惜的是,亚洲野象已经是严重濒危的物种了,现在列为国家一级保护对象。 亲爱的游客们,我们的旅途马上要结束了,大家玩得开心吗?虽然没能目睹森林中野象觅食的风姿,但是亚洲象的精彩表演一定会给您留下难忘的回忆。谢谢大家,再见。 西双版纳导游词双语版 篇2各位游客,大家下午好!欢迎来到西双版纳中有着“热带雨林神奇秘境”之称的“野象谷”。我是你们的地陪,我叫,大家可以叫我覃导,也可以叫我小萍,今天我将会尽我全力带领大家玩尽“野象谷”,希望大家今天能够玩得尽兴!野象谷充满神秘、奇异,它那优美的自然景色,惊心动魂的探险活动,一定会让你赏心悦目,终生难忘,让你了却回归自然的夙愿。现在我们已经在“野象谷”的大门了,大家就紧跟着我的步伐一起走进“热带雨林神奇秘境”吧!… 各位游客,我们沿途都可以看到奇花异果。野象谷有许多热带雨林特有的奇花异果,比如:绿珊瑚树,一年四季只有枝干,没有树叶,西双版纳人称“光棍树”。据说男的摸了会打一辈子光棍,女人摸了却会走桃花运哦。我们以前所看到的无花果都只有乒乓球那么大,是吧?可是,在野象谷看到的,却比我们的拳头还要大。当地人把这种红果子称为“假槟榔”,实际是一种棕榈树的果实。这里,我想问大家一个问题,竹子会开花吗?嗯,其实,竹子开花很少见,内地人说竹子开花就要枯萎了。可是在西双版纳会经常看见竹子开花。这个叫一品红,这里的一品红通常都长到房子那么高,要仰起头才能看见。也许是环境的关系,这里的睡莲特别清新。“一束艳光出幽谷,数瓣清香送人间”就是对睡莲的完美写照。这个是芭蕉花! 各位游客,现在我们已经来到了“百鸟园”。百鸟园中饲养着云南特有的珍稀鸟类和一些美丽的观赏鸟类。这个是国家二级保护鸟类白鹇。据鸟类专家考证,它很可能起源于云南。白鹇由于体态娴雅、外观美丽,自古就是著名的观赏鸟。我国很早就饲养白鹇,古诗、词及其他文学作品中常有记载。18世纪传入欧洲。各国动物园大多都有饲养。这个是顽皮可爱的虎皮鹦鹉。虎皮鹦鹉与人非常亲近,只要你靠近,它们就会成群地飞到你的身上,发出动听的鸣叫,让你尽情地拍照。园内驯养的大型鹦鹉和其他鸟类还会进行许多生动有趣的表演。 好了,各位游客,为了满足游客观看亚洲象的心愿,20xx年,野象谷建立了我国唯一的一所大象训练学校。大家看这幅图,它是经过训练的大象在表演踢足球。瞧,它准确地将“点球”救出了!这个呢?它是高难度的“叠罗汉”,必须三头大象经常在一起配合才能默契。一头大象成功地表演了走独木桥,另一头大象给她献上鲜花鼓励。这个是大象与人拔河。十个男子汉被大象轻轻一拉,前仰后合,差点摔倒!当地的少数民族非常喜爱大象表演。游客更是人人必看,大象每天表演好几场,还经常座无虚席。亚洲象长长的鼻子顶端有一个手指一样的突出物,非常灵巧,可以从地上捡起一片树叶,可以从人们手中接过各种东西。它们的智力也常常让人们吃惊:经过训练的大象居然能够辨认面值不同的人民币!经过训练的大象可以用鼻子把人高高举起,也可以让游人荡“秋千”。它们对人类非常友善,是人类的好朋友!可是现在,亚洲野象已经是严重濒危的物种了,列为国家一级保护对象。所以,我想在这里呼吁,让我们共同来保护它们吧! 说到这里呢,我想问大家一个问题,有谁曾经见过野象吗?这里是亚洲唯一能够看到野象的地方——野象谷的原始森林。整个野象谷森林公园占地数万亩。现在我们就乘坐国内最长的观光缆车观察野象活动的情景和观赏比较完整的热带雨林景观。大家一定要注意安全哈!大家可以看到,这里的森林与沟谷雨林一样,都是原始森林,不同的是,它地势开阔,气势宏大,一望无际。野象谷原始森林内保存有完整的热带雨林和亚热带常绿阔叶林生态系统,是大象喜食的丰富植物。据统计,有250多头亚洲野象常年在这一带活动。由于野象大都在晚上或凌晨活动,您可以在野象谷森林公园的树上旅馆住宿,静候野象的出现。野象最喜欢出没的林中小溪,据统计,几乎每2.7天就有一群野象来到这里活动。西双版纳的原始森林是一个动植物资源的天然宝库,种类繁多而复杂。高等植物居全国首位,约有4000多种,占全国植物种类的七分之一。这是原始森林中的老藤缠树。这个浑身是刺的叫荆棘树,据说野象对它都要避让三分呢! 好了,我们的旅程马上要结束了,覃导也要跟大家说再见了。那临别之际,我想给大家献上我的才艺表演,可是呢,因为我是我唱歌属于高音上不去,低音下不来,中间还走调。讲冷笑话的话,又怕打扰到了大家的心情。所以呢,我就不在大家面前献丑了。我就跟大家一起来做猜字谜的游戏作为我们今天最后的回忆吧! 1. 2110 ,猜一个字。 答案是:言 2. 一人一张口,口下长只手,猜一字。 答案是:拿 3. 一家有七口,种田种一亩,自己吃不够,还养一条狗 ,猜一个字。 答案是:兽 4. 一边是红,一边是绿,一边喜风,一边喜雨,猜一个字。 答案是:秋 5. 七个人有八只眼,十人亦有八只眼,西洋人也眼八只,家母同样眼八只,猜四个字 答案是:货真价实 各位游客,今天大家玩得开心吗?大家的热情给我留下了深刻的印象,同时,也希望我的服务能够给大家留下一丝美好的回忆。在这里呢,我想送大家四个字吧。首先第一个字是缘,缘分的缘,俗话说“百年休的同船度,千年修的共枕眠”那么今天和大家的共处,算算也有千年的缘分了!接下来这个字是原谅的原,在这一天中,覃导有做的不好的地方,希望大家多多包涵,在这里跟大家说声对不起了!再一个字就是圆满的圆,此次行程圆满的结束,多亏了大家对我工作的支持和配合,小覃在这里说声谢谢了!最后一个字还是源字,财源的源,祝大家的财源犹如滔滔江水连绵不绝,也祝大家工作好,身体好,今天好,明天好,现在好,将来好,不好也好,好上加好,给点掌声好不好!好!谢谢!张学友有首歌叫做《祝福》,里面有一句歌词:"若有缘,有缘就能期待明天,你和我重逢在灿烂的季节" 。我期盼着,再见各位。谢谢大家! 三: Xishuangbanna is the southernmost prefecture of Yunnan Province. The prefecture is nicknamed "Aerial Garden" for its luxuriant and multi-layered primitive woods and tropical rain forests, which are teeming with animals and plants. Renowned as a huge natural zoo, Xishuangbanna's rain forest and monsoon jungles provide a habitat for nearly 1000 species of animals. Within thick and boundless forests wild elephants and wild oxen ramble about, with peacocks in their pride, gibbons at play, and hornbills whispering. Thirteen species of wild life enjoy state protection, including loris, the gibbons, the red-necked cranes, the brown-neck horn-bills, and the green peacocks, which to the Dai people are a symbol of peace, happiness and good fortune and whose graceful postures can put professional dancers to shame. The region has 5,000 kinds of plants or about one-sixth of the total in China. This has earned it the renown and sobriquet "The moonstone on the Crown of the Kingdom of Plants". Among these are such fascinating ones as the "color-changing flower" whose colors change three times daily and the "dancing herb" whose leaves rotate gently. Then there is "mysterious fruit" which reverse tastes, turning sour to sweet. Species of trees that go back a million years are still propagating themselves. The "King of Tea Trees ,"which authorities say is at least 800 years old, continues to sprout, adding extraordinary splendor to the ho meland of the famous Pu'er tea. In Xishuangbanna, there is a saying: "Even a single tree can make a forest and an old stalk can blossom and beat fruit ." 西双版纳导游词双语版 篇3There is a beautiful place with poetic and picturesque scenery. This is thebeautiful Xishuangbanna. Here is a famous scenic spot in China, its main feature is the integrationof the advantages of natural landscape and cultural landscape. Located on thenorthern edge of the tropics south of the Tropic of cancer, it is warm, sunny,humid and rainy all the year round. It is the only oasis in the Tropic of cancerdesert belt of the earth and is known as a natural wonder of the earth. Let's first visit the "Wangtian tree" scenic spot. Wangtian tree, about 60meters high, is listed as a protected tree species in the world. Next, let'sfeel the unique style of Dai nationality. This kind of house is made of bambooand wood, which is divided into upper and lower floors. The upper floor is notonly damp proof and ventilated, but also can avoid the attack of poisonoussnakes and mosquitoes. It is suitable for people to live in. The lower floor canalso be used to raise livestock and store commonly used farm tools and sundries.The shape of the bamboo building is like a peacock, and also like a huge tentbetween the blue sky and green trees. Bamboo building is a unique building ofDai people. It has historical, artistic and scientific value. Another attraction of Xishuangbanna is the wild elephant valley in thetropical forest. The trees in the tropical rainforest are as thin as people inthe tropics. The rainforest is twined with vines. The famous plants arestrangled. It's a kind of silent cruelty that comes from such places. It's rareto see a wild elephant in the wild elephant valley. There is a tree hotel in thevalley. It's a legend! If you have time, you can stay in the tree and wait forthe wild elephant. When you go back to Mount Tai in the forest . If you are lucky enough to meet a wild elephant, you may as well watch afree elephant show, which is also very interesting. Let's have a look at theDawen landscape here and the charming Dai village water. Dai people have anatural sense of reverence for water. Villages are usually built near the water.The most solemn festival of Dai people is the water splashing Festival. Theybuild a kind of God tower on the drinking well in the village. On the decoratedcolorful tower, there are many small mirrors inlaid in order to get theprotection of gods. The tower covers the well to avoid dust and debris falling into the well.The Dai family, even the children, have been influenced by adults sincechildhood and never play by the well. The Dai family's love for the water thataffects their survival can be seen. Another major feature of the Dai people is that they laugh at life anddeath. They think that "if people don't practice good before they live, theywill suffer in hell after they die." So the Dai people, who are deeplyinfluenced by this idea, are very friendly to people. Dai People's life anddeath, outlook on life, rich in a strong sense of Buddhism. They also believethat life and death are only between thoughts. It is precisely because of thefear of death that the happiness of life is so real and the fragments of lifeare so brilliant. Well, our trip is over. If you have a feeling that it is not enough, pleasecome to the beautiful Xishuangbanna for sightseeing in person! |
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