标题 | 大理崇圣寺三塔导游词 |
范文 | 大理崇圣寺三塔导游词(精选8篇) 大理崇圣寺三塔导游词 篇1崇圣寺三塔早在1961年3月就被国务院公布为第一批全国重点文物保护单位。1978年至1981年,国家又拨款对三塔进行了历时三年维修加固。在这次维修加固中,有两项重要发现:一是三塔的基脚不是石基而是土基,二是清理出佛像、写本佛经等珍贵文物680余件,这是至今为止发现的最丰富的、最重要的一批南诏、大理国时期的文物。这些文物成为研究南诏和大理国历史的历史资料。在南诏国和大理国时期,藏传佛教、印度密教和禅宗(中原地区)等宗教文化曾在大理得以交汇和融合。因此大理被社会学家称作“亚洲文化十字路口上的古都”。 大理三塔三塔倒影公园。是上个世纪80年代由50年代末大跃进时修建的水库即积水潭衍生而来。公园占地27亩,有水面积十余亩。公园坐北向南,背靠一公里外的崇圣寺三塔,以园内的潭水能非常清晰地倒映出三塔的雄姿倩影而得名,它为刚劲挺拔傲立千古的三座古塔镶嵌、制作了一面能一展倩影芳容的的晶莹透亮的明镜,让屹立于苍穹的三塔美景增添了许多秀丽与优美,园内建筑有体现白族民居的楹联照壁,有题诗刻赋的大理石亭碑,有影摇水中的漾波亭。 内种植有各种茶花、缅桂、桂鹃等众多异草奇花。是游人吟诵诗词楹联,或观赏百草花卉,或与水中三塔美景摄影留念而怡然自得、流连忘返的绝佳之地。它不仅妙在阳光灿烂的白天,而且还妙在月光如水的夜晚,月映三塔的绝佳美景才称得上是真正的“三塔映月”。三塔倒影以其将大理的标志性象征——三塔与蓝天白云,日月星辰和苍山雪景及四时鲜花包涵、融入其中的绝佳美景,令世界称奇赞叹、为大理增色添彩和扬名争光的亮丽风光,吸引来数不胜数的中外来宾到此游览观光和摄影留念,被印上不少画报、书籍的封面和邮票及明信片,多年来为大理赢得很大的名知度,为大理乃至云南和中国都赢得不少的声誉……崇圣三塔和三塔倒影公园相辅相成相互映衬而相得益彰,相与增色互为添辉,是最能代表大理形象的重要人文景观和美丽象征。 大理崇圣寺三塔导游词 篇2崇圣寺三塔,距离下关14千米,位于大理以北1.5千米苍山应乐峰下,背靠苍山,面临洱海,三塔由一大二小三座佛塔组成,呈鼎立之态,远远望去,雄浑壮丽,是苍洱胜景之一。 崇圣寺三塔的基座为方形,四周有石栏,栏的四角柱头雕有石狮,其东面正中有块石照壁,上书“永镇山川”四个大字,每字1.7米,笔力雄浑苍劲,气势磅礴。塔下仰望,只见塔矗云端,云移塔驻,似有倾倒之势。三塔的主塔名叫千寻塔,为方形16层密檐式塔,底宽9.9米,高69.13米,塔顶有铜制覆钵,上置塔刹,与西安大小雁塔同是唐代的典型建筑。 崇圣寺三塔相传建于南诏保和时期,近年来曾在塔顶发现南诏、大理中时期的重要文物600余件。南、北二小塔,位于主塔之后,两塔间距97.5米,与主塔相距70米,成三塔鼎足之势,两塔均为八斛形檐式空心砖,共10级,各高43米。 崇圣寺三塔布局齐整,保存完善,外观造型相互协调。大塔协领两座小塔,突出其主要地位,同时又衬托出小塔的玲珑雅致;小塔紧随大塔,衬托出大塔的高大、雄伟。 大理崇圣寺三塔导游词 篇3崇圣寺位于大理古城北1.5公里处,东临洱海,西靠苍山应乐峰。 崇圣寺建成的时间为南诏国后期,为南诏国第十代王劝丰佑时(824—859年)所建。建成之后即为南诏国和大理国时期佛教活动的中心,到大理国时成为著名的皇家寺院。故崇圣寺有“佛都”之誉。 崇圣寺又名三塔寺,也就是我国明代旅行家徐霞客在《滇游日记》中所写的三塔寺和现代武侠小说大师金庸在《天龙八部》中所提到的天龙寺。崇圣寺壮观的庙宇建筑在清咸丰同治年间烧毁,只有三塔完好地保留下来。 崇圣寺中的“圣”指的是观音,大理地区观音崇拜极盛,一年一度的三月街也称观音街。《续云南通志》记载:“崇圣寺前有三塔,寺内有观音像,高二丈四尺,唐蒙时董善明铸。” 1961年3月,被国务院公布为全国首批重点文物保护单位。20xx年被评为全国AAAA级旅游区。 大理崇圣寺三塔导游词 篇4Dali has a long history and splendid culture. It is known as the "famousnation of literature". Dali is the settlement of the Bai nationality. More than4000 years ago, the ancestors of the Bai nationality multiplied in Erhai area.After the establishment of a county in the Han Dynasty, they communicated withthe Central Plains and became a transit station for the central dynasty tocommunicate with Myanmar and India. Dali has been the transportation fortress ofYunnan since ancient times. In history, the Southern Silk Road and the ancienttea horse road met here. Tour guide tools During the Tang and Song Dynasties, Nanzhao and Dali established theircapitals here. Dali, as the capital of Nanzhao and Dali, has had frequentcultural exchanges with the Central Plains for 500 years. It has built temples,built pagodas, carved stones and erected steles, and prospered in culture. TheThree Pagodas of Chongsheng temple, Hongsheng temple, Buddha Temple Pagoda,Cangshan temple, Gantong temple and Dehua stele in Dali are still wellpreserved. Today, we are going to visit the Three Pagodas of Chongsheng Templein Dali, a national key cultural relic protection unit, which is famous at homeand abroad. Dear friends, now we are about to arrive at the Three Pagodas of ChongshengTemple in Dali. It is the symbol of Dali and even Yunnan. It enjoys highpopularity at home and abroad and is an important tourist attraction inDali. First of all, I would like to introduce Chongsheng temple, which is locatedat the foot of yingle peak of Cangshan Mountain, about 1.5 kilometers northwestof Dali ancient city. It is generally believed that it was built by the tenthgeneration of Wang quanfengyou of Nanzhao state in the later period of Nanzhao.Chongsheng temple has a large scale. According to the literature, the temple hasa scale of "three pavilions, seven floors, nine halls and one hundredbuildings". In Dali after Nanzhao, Buddhism was more developed, known as"Buddhist kingdom" and "Miaoxiang kingdom", while Chongsheng temple was known as"Buddha capital". Nine Dali kings abdicated and became monks, practicing here.After the completion of Chongsheng temple, it became the center of Buddhistactivities in Nanzhao state and Dali state, and became a famous royal temple inDali state. The holy name of Chongsheng temple is Guanyin, because the worshipof Guanyin was popular in Dali area at that time. The Three Pagodas ofChongsheng temple, Nanzhao Jianji bell, Yutong Guanyin, zhengdaoge tablet andBuddha plaque, and Sansheng gold statue are regarded as the five importantweapons of Chongsheng temple. Unfortunately, Chongsheng temple will encounterthe Dali earthquake during the Zhengde period of the Ming Dynasty. Fortunately,the three pagodas still exist. The Chongsheng temple we see today is restored and rebuilt on the originalbasis. After the restoration and reconstruction, the overall layout is theprimary and secondary three axes, which is divided into 8 platforms, 9 entrancesand 11 levels. On the main axis, there are sixteen kings, the great kings, thestone carving, the wall, the golden bird, the mountain gate, the heavenly kinghall, the Wang Hai building, etc. the buildings on the two sides of the axis andthe secondary axis are well proportioned: the abbot hall, the guest hall, LuoHantang and the patriarch hall show the essence of the classic architecture. Thewhole complex is full of ups and downs, scattered, resplendent and majestic. The three pagodas are a group of buildings in front of Chongsheng temple,so the three pagodas are also known as the three pagodas temple, which is thethree pagodas Temple written by Xu Xiake, a traveler in Ming Dynasty, in hisdiaries of traveling to Yunnan, and the Tianlong Temple written by Jin Yong, amaster of modern martial arts novels. The three pagodas are recorded in XuXiake's Travels: "the temple is under the tenth peak. It was built in Kaiyuan ofTang Dynasty, and is famous for worshiping saints. In front of the temple, thereare three towers, and the middle tower is the highest, square in shape andtwelve stories in length, so it is now called the three towers. " The Three Pagodas of Chongsheng Temple are composed of one large tower andtwo small ones. The big tower is also called Qianxun tower. The distance betweenQianxun tower and the two small towers in the north and south is 70 meters, andthe distance between the two small towers is 97.5 meters. It is a tripod with aunified layout, harmonious shape and an integral whole. Qianxun tower, 69.13 meters high, is a square hollow brick tower with denseeaves. It belongs to the typical architectural style of Tang Dynasty, and itsshape is similar to Xi'an small wild goose tower. The Qianxun pagoda has 16floors in total, with a bronze bird in each corner of the top. The inner wall ofthe tower runs up and down vertically, with wooden stairs. You can climb the topof the tower and enjoy the panoramic view of Dali ancient city from theobservation hole. Qianxun tower stands on a two-story high platform. On the eastfacing screen wall in front of the tower, you can see the four vigorous andpowerful stone characters "Yongzhen mountains and rivers". Each character is 1.7meters high. It was originally written by Mu Shijie, the grandson of muying, theDuke of Guizhou in the Ming Dynasty. During the 1925 Dali earthquake, except for"Chuan", the other three characters were destroyed. What you can see now is thatthey were carved according to the outline of Mu Shijie. There are two reasonsfor writing these four words: one is that there are many floods and evil dragonsin Dali area in history. Therefore, to control the water, we must first controlthe dragon. But the dragon only respects the pagoda and is afraid of the Mirs.Therefore, as long as the pagoda and the Mirs on the pagoda exist, the dragonwill not dare to do evil. Of course, the flood will be reduced. Another way ofsaying is that in the Ming Dynasty, Dali, which is located in the border area,has become a part of its territory. In order to fully express its adherence tothis territory, it is more appropriate to "inscribe a stele" on the standingtower foundation. The two towers are 42.19 meters in height, each with 10 stories. They are apair of octagonal brick towers with dense eaves. Above the eight stories, theyare solid, below the eight stories, they are hollow. There are three coppergourds on the top of each tower, which are magnificent and solemn. The outlineis like a cone, which is a typical architectural style of Song Dynasty.According to the relevant historical data, the construction of the North-Southpagoda was later than the Qianxun pagoda, which was the period of Duan Zhengyanand Duan Zhengxing in Dali. Now the two towers that we see have deviated fromthe vertical line and are in a worrying tilting state, but don't worry, becausethey have been tilting for more than 400 years. Since its construction, the Three Pagodas of Chongsheng temple have notonly experienced thousands of years of wind, rain and sunshine, but alsoexperienced 30 strong earthquakes. Among them, during the great earthquake inZhengde period of Ming Dynasty, most of the houses in Dali ancient citycollapsed, and Qianxun tower also cracked like a broken bamboo. Ten days later,it was miraculously self compounded. In the 1925 earthquake, 99% of thebuildings in urban and rural areas collapsed. The keqianxun tower only knockeddown the top of the pagoda, which is another miracle for the three towers builtdirectly on the earth without stone foundation. As one of the oldest and mostmagnificent buildings in South China, the Three Pagodas of Chongsheng Temple arethe symbol of Bai culture in Dali and ancient history and culture in Yunnan. Thethree pagodas are an integral whole, magnificent and simple in national style.Over the past thousand years, the three pagodas have gone through manyvicissitudes, gone through the erosion of wind and rain and many strongearthquakes, and still stand tall. It shows the wisdom of the working people inancient China. It has high historical, scientific and artistic value, and is animportant material for the study of ancient architecture and history. In 1961,it was announced by the State Council as one of the first batch of national keycultural relics protection units. In 20__, it was rated as a national 4A touristarea. It is a famous historical and cultural city, a symbol of China's excellenttourist city Dali, and an important cultural landscape of Dali, a nationaltourist scenic spot. Dear friends, we entered the gate of the Three Pagodas of Chongsheng Templein Dali, visited the three towering pagodas of "Yongzhen mountains and rivers",and went on to the bell tower. Nanzhao Jianji clock was cast in the 12th year ofNanzhao Jianji, so it was named Nanzhao Jianji clock. Xu Xiake once wrote in hisdiary of traveling to Yunnan: "the bell is very big, its diameter can be morethan Zhang, and it is as thick as a foot, and its sound can be 80 Li."Therefore, "Zhong Zhen fo Du" has become one of the 16 famous scenic spots inDali. Jianji clock was destroyed in the Tongzhi period of Xianfeng in QingDynasty. We see the recast Jianji clock, which is 3.86 meters high, 2.138 metersin diameter and 16.295 tons in weight. It is the fourth largest clock in Chinaand the first in Yunnan. The clock was rebuilt and installed on the day of HongKong's return to the motherland in 1997. When the "Zhong Zhen Buddha capital"was restored, it was also a warning. Dear friends, after visiting the Jianji bell tower, which has the largestbell in Yunnan, we climbed dozens of steps along the wide passage and enteredthe majestic Yutong Guanyin hall. The rain bronze Guanyin was cast in 899 A.D. in the second year ofZhongxing reign of Nanzhao. It is said that an eminent monk of Chongsheng Templein Dali had vowed to raise money for casting a bronze statue of Guanyin all hislife. When it came to the shoulder of the statue, the prepared copper had beenused up and he was helpless. At this time, the sky was raining with copper andthe ground was full of copper beads, which were used to cast the statue. So itwas named "rain copper Guanyin". The statue of rain bronze Avalokitesvara, 24feet high, together with the three pagodas and Jianji bell, is one of the mostimportant three of the five heavy vessels in Chongsheng temple. Yutong Guanyinwas destroyed in the cultural revolution in the past ten years. Today, theYutong Guanyin hall is expanded and rebuilt on the original site. It is 29.99meters high, covers an area of 8100 square meters, and has a construction areaof 4384 square meters. It is another important scenic spot of the Three Pagodacultural relics scenic spot. It was completed in 1999 and is a high-qualityproject of Yunnan Province to welcome the World Expo. The statue ofAvalokitesvara, which is now recast, is carefully reproduced according to thephotos left at the end of the Qing Dynasty. The statue of Avalokitesvara on theleft and right sides of Yutong and the four Avalokitesvara[shuiyueavalokitesvara, cuoyeavalokitesvara, male Buddhist monk Avalokitesvara,and negative stone Avalokitesvara] are all made vivid and lifelike. When we ascended the second floor of Yutong Guanyin hall, we saw two rarepaintings in front of us, namely the biography of the history of Nanzhao and thepainting of Sanskrit by Zhang Shengwen. The picture biography of Nanzhao history was painted in 899 by Zhang Shunand Wang fengzong, the officials of Nanzhao state. It is dedicated to shunHuazhen, the last king of Nanzhao state. The original painting is paper color,580.2 cm long and 31.5 cm wide. The scroll is divided into three parts: theorigin of Weishan, the sacrificial iron pillar and xibaihe, which are valuablematerials for studying the history, religion and folk custom of Nanzhao. Zhang Shengwen's painting of Buddhist images is also known as the volume ofBuddhist images in Dali. Completed in 1180, the painting was painted by Dalipainter Zhang Shengwen. This painting volume has a very high position in the arthistory of Yunnan. It has been praised as the "pride of the north and the South"for a long time. Dear friends, now we will finish the tour of the Three Pagodas ofChongsheng temple. Due to the time, we are only a part of the tour. If you havetime, you will come to Dali again and I will serve you wholeheartedly. Thankyou~ 大理崇圣寺三塔导游词 篇5The Three Pagodas of Chongsheng temple, 14 kilometers away from Xiaguan,are located 1.5 kilometers north of Dali, under yingle peak of CangshanMountain, with Cangshan Mountain on its back and Erhai Lake on its face. Thethree pagodas are composed of three pagodas, one large, two small, and in astate of tripod. From a distance, they are magnificent and magnificent, and areone of the scenic spots of Cang'er. The base of the Three Pagodas of Chongsheng temple is square. There arestone railings all around. Stone lions are carved on the four corner capitals ofthe railings. There is a stone wall in the middle of the eastern side. There arefour big characters "Yongzhen mountains and rivers" written on it, each of whichis 1.7 meters. The strokes are vigorous and magnificent. Looking up from thebottom of the tower, you can see the tower standing in the clouds, the cloudsmoving and the tower standing, which seems to be toppling. The main tower of thethree pagodas is called Qianxun pagoda. It is a square 16 story tower with denseeaves. The bottom is 9.9 meters wide and the height is 69.13 meters. The top ofthe tower has a copper covered bowl and a Tasha on it. It is a typical buildingof the Tang Dynasty with the big and small wild goose pagodas in Xi'an. According to legend, the Three Pagodas of Chongsheng temple were builtduring the Baohe period of Nanzhao. In recent years, more than 600 importantcultural relics of Nanzhao and dalizhong periods have been found on the top ofthe pagodas. The south tower and the north tower are located behind the maintower. The distance between the two towers is 97.5 meters, and 70 meters awayfrom the main tower. The two towers are made of hollow bricks with eightDendrobium shaped eaves, with a total of 10 levels and a height of 43meters. The layout of the Three Pagodas of Chongsheng temple is neat and wellpreserved, and the appearance is in harmony with each other. The big pagodaleads the two small pagodas to highlight their main position, and at the sametime sets off the exquisite elegance of the small pagoda; the small pagodafollows the big pagoda to set off the tall and majestic of the big pagoda. 大理崇圣寺三塔导游词 篇6Dali, the only Bai Autonomous Prefecture in China, is one of the earliestbirthplaces of Yunnan's history and culture. The Qin Dynasty formallyincorporated Dali into the territory of the feudal state. The Han Dynasty set upcounties here. Nanzhao state in the Tang Dynasty and Dali state in the SongDynasty established their capitals here. Dali became the political, economic andcultural center of Yunnan at that time. Dali ancient city is a famous historicaland cultural city in China. It has the reputation of "xianmingbang" and "theancient capital at the crossroads of Asian culture". It is one of the firstbatch of excellent tourist cities in China and won the title of "the bestcharming city in China". Its long history and splendid culture have left manycultural relics and historic sites. Among them, the most famous is the ThreePagodas of Dali, Rich in cultural connotation and unique aesthetic value, it waslisted as the first batch of national key cultural relics protection units bythe State Council in 1961. In the eyes of many tourists, it is the symbol ofDali and Yunnan ancient history and culture. If you don't visit the ThreePagodas in Dali, you won't visit Dali Dali Three Pagodas stand at the foot of Cangshan Mountain and the Bank ofErhai Lake. The scenery of lakes and mountains makes the three pagodasparticularly enchanting, while the three pagodas are opposite each other, whichmakes Cangshan and Erhai Lake more beautiful. Dali Three Pagodas are likebeautiful and affectionate Bai girls, welcoming tourists in all directions withtheir unique outstanding demeanor, Now the temple has been destroyed in wars anddisasters, but the three pagodas have survived thousands of years, which is akind of historical and cultural fate Among the three pagodas, the main pagoda, also known as Qianxun pagoda, wasbuilt in the period of Nanzhao state in Tang Dynasty (AD 836). It is 69.13meters high. It is a 16 story square hollow brick Pagoda with dense eaves. Itsshape is similar to Xi'an small wild goose pagoda. It is one of the typicalpagodas in Tang Dynasty, We must come up with some towers of different shapesthat we have seen. Do you know that towers can be divided into several typesaccording to their forms? Let me tell you! Generally speaking, they can bedivided into four types: pavilion type, such as the big wild goose pagoda in theWest; close eaves type, such as the little wild goose pagoda in the West;covered bowl type, such as the White Pagoda of Miaoying temple in Beijing; KingKong throne tower, such as the King Kong throne tower of Zhenjue temple inBeijing, Some people can't help asking: the Xiaoyan Pagoda in Xiyin, the LeifengPagoda in Hangzhou and the Qianxun Pagoda in Dali are all closely eavesedpagodas. What's the difference between them? Dali Qianxun pagoda is 69.13 meters high, while Xi'an Xiaoyan pagoda isonly 46 meters high. If you compare Xiaoyan pagoda to a slender and dignifiedgirl, it will be eclipsed in front of Qianxun pagoda. Leifeng Pagoda in Hangzhouwas built in the Song Dynasty with only five stories, while Dali Qianxun pagodawas built in the Tang Dynasty with 16 stories, The long history and superbconstruction techniques all show the unique charm of the Three Pagodas in Dali.In particular, in the great earthquake in 1514, the Qianxun pagoda "cracked twofeet and was like a broken bamboo", but "compounded within ten days"; in 1925,the strong earthquake in Dali city collapsed nine rooms, while the Qianxunpagoda only fell, Jinpeng was destroyed. It's a miracle. If you look carefully,you will find that "Yongzhen mountains and rivers" is engraved on the wall infront of the pagoda. The font is powerful and intriguing. Why is there "Yongzhenmountains and rivers" on the base of Qianxun pagoda? Because Dali is a placewith many floods in history. "Yongzhen mountains and rivers" reflects that oneof the important reasons for the construction of the three pagodas at that timewas the flood in Zhenfu, These four words also reflect the important historicalposition of the Three Pagodas in Dali. By the way, the functions of the threepagodas can be roughly divided into three types: worshiping Buddhism,suppressing disasters and reducing evils, and viewing. Qianxun pagoda has threefunctions in one, and has high cultural and artistic value Qianxun tower is still amazing to us. The two small towers, North andsouth, separated behind the big tower, have attracted our attention. The twosmall towers are located in the southwest and northwest of the big tower, 70meters away from the main tower, forming an isosceles triangle with the maintower. They were built in Dali during the Five Dynasties period. They are both10 storey, 42.4 meters high, octagonal hollow brick towers with dense eaves,From a distance, the three pagodas are integrated, majestic, and have a simpleBai ethnic style Here I would also like to tell you that the three towers have twocharacteristics different from the inland towers: first, the number of floors ofthe three towers is even, while the inner tower is odd. Second, the CentralPlains tower shrinks linearly from the base upward, with big bottom and smalltop, showing a rectangular trapezoidal shape; while the three towers are smallerup and down, larger in the middle, and curved in the outer contour, which ismore straight and handsome compared with the Central Plains tower For thousands of years, the Three Pagodas of Dali still stand tall andbecome important material for studying the history and culture of Dali. At thattime, the Bai people in Dali were able to build the Qianxun pagoda, which can becalled the first Pagoda in southern China. Undoubtedly, it is a historicalmiracle. How the Qianxun pagoda was built for more than a thousand years hasalways been a mystery, The method of building a tower with one layer of soil isadopted. After the tower is repaired, the soil layer is dug out to show thetower. Therefore, the construction method of the three towers has always beendescribed as "piling civil construction tower" and "digging soil to show thetower". It is not hard to imagine that Dali during the Nanzhao period had anunprecedented grand occasion of economic prosperity, colorful culture andnational unity, More than 600 Buddhist relics have been found in Qianxun pagoda,including a large number of Buddhist statues and manuscripts, as well as a goldstatue of Avalokitesvara, which is extremely precious. These discoveries haveuncovered the mystery of the ancient Dali "Buddhist kingdom". According to therecords, there were 3000 small temples and 800 large temples in Yunnan duringthe Nanzhao period. At that time, Dali Chongsheng Temple became the center ofBuddhist activities, and Dali was also known as the "Buddhist kingdom", Throughthe three pagodas, we can easily imagine the profound influence of Buddhistculture on Dali After visiting the three pagodas, we can have a look at the bell tower andYutong Guanyin Hall of "Zhong Zhen fo Du". This bell, together with the treasureof Chongsheng Temple in the three pagodas, was built in the 12th year ofNanzhao's founding. Unfortunately, it was destroyed in the Xianfeng Period ofthe Qing Dynasty. Now this huge copper bell is built to celebrate Hong Kong'sreturn to the motherland, according to the old system of Nanzhao's founding. Itis 3.86 meters high, 2.138 meters in diameter and weighs more than 16 tons. Thebell tower is 19.97 meters high, In 1997, Hong Kong returned to the motherland.Behind the bell tower is the rain copper Avalokitesvara hall, which houses thelargest and tallest indoor Avalokitesvara in Yunnan. The rain copperAvalokitesvara was originally cast in the 13th year of the founding of Nanzhao.Unfortunately, it was destroyed during the cultural revolution. The recast raincopper Avalokitesvara, which is 8.6 meters high, was carefully reproducedaccording to the photos left in the late Qing Dynasty, In addition, the totalheight of lotus seat and xumizuo is 12.6 meters. The lotus seat and the statueof Avalokitesvara are gold plated bronze statues, weighing 11 tons. The shape issimilar to that of the statue of Avalokitesvara painted by Wu Daozi of TangDynasty. It has the characteristics of male and female in Dali Dear friends, the tour of the three pagodas scenic area is coming to anend. The reconstructed Chongsheng temple complex is of a large scale andrepresents the glory of Dali royal temple, the "Miaoxiang Buddha kingdom" inhistory. Welcome to visit the three pagodas scenic area of Chongsheng templeagain! 大理崇圣寺三塔导游词 篇7As early as March 1961, the Three Pagodas of Chongsheng temple wereannounced as the first batch of national key cultural relics protection units bythe State Council. From 1978 to 1981, the state allocated funds to repair andreinforce the three towers for three years. During the maintenance andreinforcement, there are two important discoveries: one is that the foundationof the three pagodas is not a stone foundation, but a soil foundation; the otheris that more than 680 precious cultural relics such as Buddha statues andwritten Buddhist scriptures have been cleared up, which are the most abundantand important cultural relics discovered so far in the Nanzhao and Dali periods.These cultural relics became historical materials for studying the history ofNanzhao and Dali. During the period of Nanzhao and Dali, Tibetan Buddhism,Indian Esoteric Buddhism and Zen (Central Plains) were integrated in Dali.Therefore, Dali is called "the ancient capital at the crossroads of Asianculture" by sociologists. Dali Three Towers three towers reflection park. It is derived from theJishuitan reservoir built during the great leap forward in the late 1950s in the1980s. The park covers an area of 27 mu, with water area of more than 10 mu. Thepark is located in the north and south, with its back one kilometer away fromthe Three Pagodas of Chongsheng temple. It is named after the pool water in thepark can clearly reflect the majestic and beautiful images of the three pagodas.It is inlaid with a crystal clear mirror that can show the beautiful images ofthe three pagodas. The buildings in the park are white There are couplets on thewall, marble Pavilion steles inscribed with poems, and Yangbo Pavilion in thewater. There are many exotic flowers such as camellia, Cinnamomum Burmese,Rhododendron, etc. It is an excellent place for visitors to recite poems andcouplets, or to enjoy flowers and grasses, or to take photos with the beautifulscenery of the Three Pagodas in the water. It's wonderful not only in the sunnyday, but also in the moonlit night. The beautiful scenery of the three towers isthe real "three towers reflecting the moon". The reflection of the threepagodas, which is the symbol of Dali - the three pagodas, the blue sky and whiteclouds, the sun, the moon and the stars, the snow scenery of Cangshan Mountainand the flowers at four o'clock, makes the world marvel, add color and fame toDali. It attracts countless Chinese and foreign visitors to visit and takephotos here. It has been printed with the covers and photos of many pictorialsand books Over the years, stamps and postcards have won great fame for Dali,even for Yunnan and China Chongsheng three pagodas and Three Pagoda reflectionPark complement each other and complement each other. They are the mostimportant human landscape and beautiful symbol of Dali. 大理崇圣寺三塔导游词 篇8Dali is a beautiful city on the western Yunnan Plateau. It is the mainresidence of Bai nationality. It is one of the first batch of nationalhistorical and cultural cities approved by the State Council. It is also anational key scenic spot. Dali was called Yeyu in ancient times, which was named after Duan Siping,the leader of Baiman in the Five Dynasties, who established Dali state. In Tangand Song Dynasties, Dali was the political, economic and cultural center ofYunnan. The scenic spots of Dali include Cangshan Mountain, Erhai Lake, ancientcity and butterfly spring. Today we are going to visit the Three Pagodas ofChongsheng temple, which has become a symbol of Dali tourism. General situation of Chongsheng Temple Chongsheng temple is located 1.5km north of Dali ancient city, adjacent toErhai Lake in the East and yingle peak in Cangshan Mountain in the West. Chongsheng temple was built in the later period of Nanzhao state, duringthe reign of the tenth generation of Nanzhao king quanfengyou (824-859). Aftercompletion, it was the center of Buddhist activities in Nanzhao state and Dalistate, and became a famous royal temple in Dali state. Therefore, Chongshengtemple has the reputation of "Buddha capital". Chongsheng temple, also known as the three pagodas temple, is the threepagodas Temple written by Xu Xiake, a traveler of Ming Dynasty, in his diariesof traveling to Yunnan, and the Tianlong Temple mentioned by Jin Yong, a masterof modern martial arts fiction, in his eight chapters of Tianlong. Themagnificent architecture of Chongsheng temple was burned down in the Tongzhiperiod of Xianfeng in Qing Dynasty, and only the three pagodas remainedintact. "Sheng" in Chongsheng Temple refers to Guanyin. The worship of Guanyin isvery popular in Dali. The annual March street is also called Guanyin street."Continued Yunnan Tongzhi" records: "there are three pagodas in front ofChongsheng temple. There is a statue of Guanyin in the temple. It is two Zhangand four feet high. It was cast by Dong Shanming in Tang and Mengdynasties." In March 1961, it was announced by the State Council as one of the firstbatch of key cultural relics protection units in China. In 20__, it was rated asnational AAAA tourist area. Chongsheng temple is here. Please follow me out. Basic knowledge of tower Entering the gate, we can clearly see the three towers above the steps. Thelarger one in the front square is called Qianxun tower, and the smaller one atthe back on both sides. Originated in India, the pagoda was first used as a Buddhist relic in theshape of a semicircular tomb. After it was handed down to China, it combinedwith traditional Chinese architecture and evolved into a variety of forms, suchas Pavilion style, close eaves style, covered bowl style, King Kong throne styleand so on. The three towers we see now are of close eaves type. In addition to the three pagodas, there are also one pagoda and snake bonepagoda. Chihiro tower The full name of Qianxun pagoda is "Dharma Realm Tongling Mingdao Chengta".It was built in Nanzhao quanfengyou period of Tang Dynasty. It is said that ittook Gongtao and Huiyi craftsmen 48 years to design and build it. Qianxun tower stands on a two-story tall platform. It is 69.13 meters highand has 16 floors. It is a rare even number tower with more floors in China. The structure of the tower is a hollow brick tower with dense eaves andhollow core. In ancient times, there were well shaped stairs for people toclimb. From bottom to top, it is composed of tower base, tower body and towerbrake. There is a white marble Buddha statue in the niche, and the niches onboth sides are window openings. The direction of the window openings on the twofloors is staggered alternately to facilitate the lighting and ventilation inthe tower, and the staggered opening of windows is conducive to the firmness ofthe tower. From the third and fourth floors, the eaves of the pagoda graduallyconverge inward, and finally converge at the top of the pagoda. The outline ofthe pagoda body is not a rigid straight line upward, but a curve of adductionupward and downward and slightly convex in the middle. Its shape is similar tothat of Xi'an small wild goose pagoda. Once upon a time, there was a bronze golden winged bird in each corner ofthe top of the tower, which was said to be used to suppress the dragon, demonand water monster in Erhai Lake. Zhaobi There is a Zhaobi on the east side of the pagoda. On the Zhaobi there arefour regular script characters of "Yongzhen mountains and rivers", each of whichis 1.7 meters high. It was written by Mu Shijie, the Duke of Qian state in MingDynasty. There are two reasons for these four words: one is that there are manyfloods in Dali, "Yongzhen mountains and rivers" is intended to subdue thefloods, and the Dapeng golden winged bird on the top of the tower is also athing to subdue the dragon; the other is that after Dali was incorporated intothe territory of the Ming Dynasty, "Yongzhen mountains and rivers" under thetitle of Qian Guogong (mu Shijie, the grandson of Mu Ying), who guarded Yunnan,was intended to defend Yunnan mountains and rivers to the death. |
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