标题 | 贵阳到西江苗寨的导游词 |
范文 | 贵阳到西江苗寨的导游词(通用3篇) 贵阳到西江苗寨的导游词 篇1各位游客朋友大家好!欢迎来到苗族之都—西江千户苗寨。俗话说“读万卷书,行万里路;也要名师来开路,导游来带路。”我叫依依,大家可以叫我小依,非常荣幸能给大家做导游;在旅途中如果大家有什么问题,还请大家及时提出,我将尽我所能为各位解答,在这里我预祝大家旅途愉快! 澳大利亚人类学家格迪斯在他的著作《山地的移民》里写道,世界上有两种苦难的移民,一遍布世界没有自己家园的犹太人;二是几千年来不断迁徙的中国苗族。而西江这个地方就是苗族第五次大迁徙的主要集结地。西江苗族最早约在西汉汉文都时迁徙到这里的距今也有1800多年的历史了,所以西江也可以叫千年古寨。到目前为止,西江有1288户人家,接近6000人,因此又称千户苗寨。这里是中国最大的苗族,也是世界最大的苗寨。 给大家大概说了西江的概况,想必大家已经迫不及待到的想要讲到它了吧!我们前面就是观景台了。 苗族是一个悲壮的民族,经历了五次大迁徙最后逃亡到这里定居,西江苗族来到这个四面环山的山谷里,地势险要、易守难攻。所以选择在这里定居也是考虑到一定的战略作用。在苗族呢有这样一种说法,水湾越大的地方,就越能够狙击财富、狙击人才。大家看西江是不是处在一个大水湾里呢!前环水、背靠山、左青龙、右白虎。这里汇集了天地的灵气,真是一块风水宝地! 人们都说“玩在西江,看在西江,更要醉在西江”在千户苗寨里穿行,犹如穿梭于这个古朴苗苗族文化的历史时空中! 贵阳到西江苗寨的导游词 篇2各位游客朋友,大家好!欢迎大家来到“歌舞之州”、“神奇之州”、“百节之乡”的贵州黔东南,我是大家今天的导游—张琴,“张扬个性,如鼓似琴”,大家可以直接叫我张导,现在我们开始走进国家级4A级旅游景区——西江苗寨。 苗家招待客人以酒为重,苗族同胞们将以他们最高的接待礼仪——十二道迎宾拦路酒来迎接我们。喝酒方法何其多,唯有此处最特别,只要你的手碰到了牛角酒杯就必须得喝完,所以我们酒量略差的朋友,只要用嘴对着苗族姑娘们手上的牛角酒杯轻轻尝一口即可。 西江苗寨位于雷山县东北面,距县城37公里,距州府凯里39公里。寨内有1288户人家,居民近6000人,为全国最大最典型的苗寨,因此被称为“千户苗寨”,西江是苗语“鸡讲”汉译而来,意思是苗族西氏支系居住的地方。这里保留着原生的民族文化,原始的自然生态。 西江千户苗寨坐落在河谷,源于雷公坪的白水河,穿寨而过。这是苗家的风雨桥,出于改善村寨风水条件和方便居民生活,多数苗寨都在自己村寨附近建有风雨桥,以关风蓄气和挡风遮雨。 这里的建筑以木质吊脚楼为主,为穿斗式歇山顶结构,层层吊脚楼依山势而建。吊脚楼一般为三层,底层用于存放生产工具,圈养牲畜和家禽;第二层用作客厅,堂屋,卧室和厨房。大家是不是看到堂屋外侧建有一个很特别的靠椅呢?那叫“美人靠”,主要用于观景、乘凉,有这样的说法,“美人靠上靠美人,不是美人俏三分”;第三层用来存放粮食和杂物。 西江苗寨最不缺的就是节日,其中“过苗年”,“牯脏节”尤为隆重。“长桌宴”是苗族过苗年的喜庆方式,也是苗家最隆重的待客礼仪,家家户户都会搬出桌子板凳,像接龙似的一长条,排上数百米,桌上摆着腊肉、酸菜、酸汤鱼等苗家特色菜肴,一会大家就能亲身体验了。“牯脏节”是苗族最大的祭祀活动,一般是七年一小祭,十三年一大祭,届时要杀一头牯子牛,着盛装,跳芦笙舞等,并邀亲朋好友共聚一堂,以增进感情,家庭和睦。 贵阳到西江苗寨的导游词 篇3I will share all I know with you today. I hope you can have more harvesttoday and have a good trip. Xijiang Miao village is located at the foot ofLeigong Mountain in the northeast of Leishan County, Qiandongnan Miao and DongAutonomous Prefecture of Guizhou Province. It is connected by more than tennatural villages built close to the mountain. It is the largest Miao village inthe world at present, according to 20 reports__ According to the annualstatistics, there are 1288 households in Xijiang Miao village, with a populationof more than 6000, of which the Miao population accounts for 995%. Therefore, wecan say that the base camp of Miao is in Guizhou, and the base camp of GuizhouMiao is in Xijiang. Miao nationality is a hardworking nationality. It has a longhistory and is closely related to Jiuli, Sanmiao and Jinman in ancient times.They are in a continuous line. Therefore, Miao nationality comes from Jiuli inemperor's time and Sanmiao in Yao, Shun and Yu's time, while jingman in Shangand Zhou Dynasties is a descendant of Sanmiao. Due to some historical reasons,Miao people have gone through several times The Da Qian Tu finally arrived inGuizhou, which is located in the southwest of China. He took root here andcreated the Miao culture with Guizhou characteristics. Guizhou is the placewhere the Miao people live and the area where the Miao culture is mostcompletely preserved. Guizhou has concentrated the main cultural characteristicsof the Miao people in China. Miao people have always lived together to formdifferent villages. Most of them have one family name, and rarely live together.Now we see the traditional architecture of Miao people, the stilted building,which is a symbol of Miao people's hard work. The construction technology of thestilted building in Xijiang thousand family Miao village is far from the Ganlanarchitecture of south people's nest in Hemudu culture. It can be seen that theMiao stilted building has a long history in Guizhou It is a place with greenmountains and beautiful waters. The Miao people's villages are mostly builtclose to the mountains, forming a unique living style. The houses are mainly ofwood structure, most of which are two-story and a few of which are three-story.On the hillside, most of them are stilted buildings, the front is a building,the back is a bungalow, and the lower layer is piled with firewood. People live on the second floor. If there is a third floor, it is used forstacking grain and so on. On the second floor of the hanging feet, there isusually a beauty seat. Because the beautiful girls of the Miao nationality liketo sit on the beauty seat and embroider, it is named beauty seat 20__ On May 20,20__, Miao people's stilted building construction techniques were approved bythe State Council and listed in the first batch of national intangible culturalheritage list. There are many Miao festivals: Miao new year, Chixin Festival,April 8 and so on, all of which have strong national characteristics. Miaopeople are a passionate nation, and Miao people will sing and dance in many oftheir festivals. Miao people are as famous as Dong people, Miao Feige and Miaoanti paimu drum, which have the reputation of Oriental disco. What we see noware anti paimu drum and Miao Feige The wooden drum dance is bold and bold, freeand harmonious, vigorous, vigorous, passionate and passionate. It shows thestubborn temperament and strong vitality of the Miao people in the mountainarea. She is the cream of Miao dance, a living fossil of Miao culturalactivities, and a wonderful flower of the world's national culture. BrotherFei's tone is loud, loud, bold and bold, and bright. When singing, it vibratesthe valley and has a strong appeal. There is a guzang festival once every 13years in Qianhu Miao village, which is the most important event of Miaopeople. Xijiang can be said to be a living Miao culture museum. In Xijiang, we canlearn all kinds of Miao culture and customs, and the table banquet for Miaoparents is one of them. The long table banquet for Miao family can reach morethan 3000 people from dozens of people to more than 3000 people. The food alsohas Miao characteristics. Miao people's diet is mainly rice and cereal. Theyespecially like to eat sour and spicy food, such as sour soup and pickledcabbage. There is a local saying that they don't eat sour food for three daysand walk around. It can be said that every family has acid, every meal has acid,and everything has acid. Of course, spicy food is indispensable. Vegetables arespicy. In addition, Miao people especially like drinking. Miao people arehospitable, friendly and trustworthy. As a guest in the Miao family, you willfeel that you are well treated. The Miao diet culture can be said to be awonderful flower in the diet culture of China's ethnic minorities. Xijiang isindeed a good place__ After visiting Xijiang in, Yu Qiuyu, a famous Chinesewriter, said, "Xijiang answers everything with beauty. Next we are going tovisit youfangping. The Miao people have a fixed youfangping or youfangpo foryoung men and women to fall in love. Most of them express their love in the formof couplets. This kind of public love can be married with the consent of theirparents. Xijiang Miao Museum At present, Qiandongnan Prefecture has built atourism brand in Xijiang, so the infrastructure of Xijiang is very complete.Some policies of the government not only improve the living standards of Miaopeople and their compatriots, but also provide convenience for tourists. It'sgood to appreciate so many Miao buildings, colorful Miao customs and theirprofound and simple customs We must have gained a lot in history and culture, sothis is the end of our trip to Xijiang. I believe you have a certainunderstanding of Miao culture. Welcome to Xijiang again to travel and serve youagain. |
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