标题 | 最全白鹤梁导游词 |
范文 | 最全白鹤梁导游词(精选5篇) 最全白鹤梁导游词 篇1各位游客朋友们: 大家好,非常高兴能在涪陵和大家见面,我是你们的导游,大家可以叫我小唐。欢迎大家来到涪陵,接下来几天就由我陪大家一起度过了,我会热情地为大家服务,有什么问题也可以尽管找我。希望大家能有一个精彩和难忘的经历。 今天我们要去的第一站就是白鹤梁了,它也是我们涪陵最富盛名的景点。白鹤梁位于我们重庆涪陵区城中心的长江之滨,是三峡文物景观中唯一的全国重点文物保护单位,联合国教科文组织将其誉为“保存完好的世界唯一古代水文站”。它是一块长约1600米,宽15米的天然巨型石梁。每一年12月到次年3月长江水枯的时候,才露出水面。相传唐朝时朱真人在此修炼,后得道,乘鹤仙去,故名“白鹤梁”。 白鹤梁长年淹没在江水之中,仅在冬末枯水季节露出水面。考古学家在石梁上共发现文字题刻165段,3万余字,石鱼18尾。题刻记载了唐广德元年至本世纪初72个枯水年份的长江水位资料,为研究长江上游的历史枯水水位变化规律提供了可靠资料。被誉为“世界第一古代水文站”、“水下碑林”。 白鹤梁上有黄庭坚、朱熹、等历代骚人墨客众多的诗文题刻,篆、隶、行、草皆备,颜、柳、黄、苏并呈,还有浅浮雕、深浮雕、线雕、呵图案、花边等,风格各异,精彩纷呈,它水下碑文之多,历史之悠久,内容之丰富,形式之多样,堪称世界水下一大奇观。 由于现在三峡工程的兴建,位于淹没水位线下的白鹤梁题刻将永远沉没于江底。为了保护好这一水下瑰宝,白鹤梁题刻水下保护工程经国家文物局批准,建造水下博物馆,该工程由“水下博物馆”、“连接交通廊道”、“水中防撞墩”、和“岸上陈列馆”四部分组成。水下博物馆的保护罩体工程呈椭圆形将整个题刻平面覆盖。水下保护罩体的墙外设有游人参观通道,你们可以由岸上经钢制廊道乘自动扶梯进入水下保护体内,透过航空玻璃窗观看白鹤梁水下题刻。除此之外,你们还可以在长江防护大堤上建造的岸边陈列馆内,通过电脑屏幕观看水下摄像头拍摄的水中白鹤梁题刻实况;甚至部分有需要的游客也可以潜水参观。 目前涪陵白鹤梁已经纳入重庆市六大精品景区之一,正在如火如荼地进行提档升级改造。另外,下一步,我们白鹤梁题刻还将申请世界文化遗产。到时候欢迎你们再来,会有更多的惊喜。 最全白鹤梁导游词 篇2各位朋友,大家好!欢迎大家来到涪陵白鹤梁参观,我是你们的导游,大家可以叫我小张。非常荣幸有机会为大家服务,大家参观中遇到什么问题可以随时找我,预祝大家有一个愉快的旅程。 在1200多年前,也就是唐朝广德元年,有人在白鹤梁刻下两条石鱼,记录了当时的枯水水位。此后,效仿者不断,共形成了石鱼雕刻18尾,生动记载了一千多年来长江72个枯水年份的水位资料,被称为保存完好的“世界第一古代水文站”。在白鹤梁石鱼文化中,还有着“石鱼出水兆丰年”的民间传说。我们的祖先认为石鱼出水的来年,是一个风调雨顺的好年景,农民辛勤劳作,就可以换来一个好收成,主政的地方官们,可能有一个好的政绩,他们把出水的石鱼称作“祥鱼”。不仅如此,自唐代开始,每当石鱼出水时,历代文人雅士,包括黄庭坚、柳公权、苏轼、朱熹等都会乘船来到白鹤梁,吟诗作赋并将诗文题刻于岩上,至今石刻上留下了文人墨客3万多字真迹,篆、隶、行、草皆备,所以又被誉为“水下碑林”。 2019年整个三峡工程竣工后,水位提高到175米,在长江两岸山体上“135”、“175”水位线标志随处可见,“时间紧迫”这是当时参与三峡文物抢救的专家们的共识,他们用“抢救文物”四个字来表达他们的迫切心情。配合三峡工程进行的文物保护工作的好坏将直接影响三峡工程建设的形象,是衡量三峡工程是否是文明工程的重要标志。白鹤梁就属保护工作中的一项重点工程。三峡水利工程建成后,曾经夏隐冬现的白鹤梁石刻将长眠于水下40米深处,为了供世人观赏,国家创造性地修建了白鹤梁水下博物馆。该项文物保护工程由“水下博物馆”、“连接交通廊道”、“水中防撞墩”、“岸上陈列馆”四部分组成,于2019年5月18日白鹤梁水下博物馆正式开馆。 透过水下博物馆的玻璃舷窗,大家可以直接欣赏白鹤梁题刻,更有解说员通过各种有趣的历史故事,将白鹤梁122019年的历史展现给大家。如果你觉得凭肉眼观察仍不过瘾,水下博物馆内还设有遥控装置,通过这些装置,你可以将白鹤梁拉至眼前看个够。所有的参观将在40米以下的水位进行,滚滚长江将从这个水下博物馆的穹顶上流过,非常特别的体验哦。当然,可能有的游客朋友们在担心水下的安全问题,请放心,水下博物馆在设计时,已经将船只的冲撞抵压考虑了进去,同时,水下博物馆是个无压容器,不会给身体带来任何不适。 说了这么多,想必大家已经迫不及待了,我们的参观时间是一个小时,一小时后在这里集合,在参观的过程中大家一定要注意看好自己的随身物品,以防遗失。现在就让我们一起走进白鹤梁水下博物馆。 最全白鹤梁导游词 篇3Hello and welcome to the beautiful Fuling. I'm your guide Xiao Yang. Today,we are going to visit Baiheliang, the "world's first ancient hydrologicalstation". Before our cruise ship arrives, I'll give you a briefintroduction. Baiheliang underwater stone inscription is located in the middle of theYangtze River in the north of Fuling District. It is a natural giant stone beamabout 1600 meters long and 15 meters wide. Shiliang is only exposed in dryseason in winter and spring. There are many different opinions about the originof its name, but they are all related to a man named Er Zhu Tongwei. It is saidthat in the Tang Dynasty, immortal Er Zhu practiced here, and later got the way.He went by the crane fairy, so he was named Baiheliang. Baiheliang inscriptionsbegan in the first year of Guangde in Tang Dynasty. There are 165 publicinscriptions on the beam, including 108 hydrological inscriptions. There are 18stone fish, two Guanyin statues and one white crane. They are mainly distributedon the 220 meter long stone beam. Baiheliang inscriptions record 72 years of historical low water data fromthe Tang Dynasty to the present. The stone fish inscriptions on Baiheliang notonly have important scientific research and historical value, but also take theeyes of stone fish as the water mark of low water. When the river water recedes,the stone fish will come out of the water, which also means that a dry watercycle of less rain has passed, and the harvest year has come, with the sign of"stone fish out of water" It means "abundant year" and "surplus year afteryear". Therefore, the ancients carved a stone inscription on Baiheliang, whichsaid, "in dry season, if a stone fish comes out of the water, it will beprosperous for thousands of years.". After years of observation and masteringthe law of low water change, many careful people have measured the time when thestone fish came out of the water, the name and native place of the fish watcher,and the distance from the stone fish road out of the river to the low water linewith ruler, and printed it on the stone beam. Over a long period of time, it hasformed an extremely precious hydrological record for more than 1200 years, whichis the earliest and best preserved one in China and even in the world "Stonefish" as a sign of low water in ancient hydrological stations, White Crane RidgeInscription crisscross, Zhuan, Li, line, grass are available, Yan, Liu, Huang,Su, there are minority characters inscription, there are Zhu ang, Wu Ge, WangShizhen and many other poets and poets of the past dynasties, a collection ofliterature, calligraphy, painting, stone art as one, has a high artistic value,so there is "underwater fish" "Forest of Steles". Baiheliang has now been designated as a national key cultural relicsprotection unit. With the pace of the Three Gorges project, the world-famousWhite Crane Ridge Inscription has been submerged in the water. In order toprotect this precious human cultural heritage, the Chinese government hascreatively built an "underwater Museum" in the original site, which hasimplemented the most effective protection for the White Crane Ridge. Through theprotective rational thinking, the concentrated historical information it carriesis interpreted, so the original site of the White Crane Ridge Inscription Theunderwater protection project is not a "monument", but a continuation of thelife course of stone carving with the philosophy of human progress and advancedscientific and technological means. It also fully reflects the new generation'srespect for ancient civilization. Well, our cruise ship has reached itsdestination. Please get off the ship one by one and enjoy yourself! 最全白鹤梁导游词 篇4欢迎大家来到重庆白鹤梁!我是你们的导游,我姓x,大家可以叫我小x。为了便于大家参观游玩,下面我首先大家介绍一下。 白鹤梁位于长江三峡库区上游涪陵城北的长江中,是一块长约1600米,宽16米的天然巨型石梁。白鹤梁景观是三峡文物景观中唯一的全国重点文物保护单位,每年12月到次年3月长江水枯的时候,才露出水面。相传唐朝时朱真人在此修炼,后得道,乘鹤仙去,故名"白鹤梁"。联合国教科文组织将其誉为"保存完好的世界唯一古代水文站"。 白鹤梁,这个诗化的名字缘何而来,虽然众说纷纭,但都与一个叫尔朱通微的人有关。相传,在北魏时,尔朱通微不愿与篡夺皇位的族兄尔朱荣合流,弃家学道,道成,号尔朱真人。尔朱炼丹售市,至合州,价傲太守。太守怒,将尔朱囚笼抛江。竹笼不沉,却顺江而下,至涪州白鹤云集之石梁,遇一名白石之渔人举网而得之。尔朱时正酣睡,渔人久呼不应,击磬方苏,遂为至交。渔人仍然轻舟布网,尔朱继续修真炼丹;晚则曲膝相对清谈,倦则抵足揽江入梦。竹笛渔歌,铜磬经文,各得其趣,两情甚笃。一日,尔朱取丹与白石渔人佐酒畅饮,醉后,乘白鹤化仙而去。白鹤梁便以此得名。 白鹤梁题刻始刻于唐朝广德元年(公元763年)前,现存题刻165段,3万余字,石鱼18尾、观音2尊、白鹤1只,其中涉及水文价值的题刻有108段,是全世界唯一的一处以刻石鱼为"水标",并观测记录水文的古代水文站。比1865年我国在长江上设立的第一根水尺--武汉江汉关水文站的水位观测记录要早1100多年,故有"世界第一古代水文站"之称。 据有关部门观测,白鹤梁唐代石鱼的腹高,大体相当于涪陵地区的现代水文站历年枯水位的平均值,而清康熙二十四年所刻石鱼的鱼眼高度,又大体相当于川江航道部门当地水位的零点。1988年8月,被国务院公布为全国重点文物保护单位。 20xx年被国家文物局列入中国世界文化遗产预备名单。三峡大坝蓄水175米后,白鹤梁题刻将永远淹没于近40米的江底。从中央到地方各级领导都高度重视白鹤梁题刻保护工作,对白鹤梁题刻的保护与否,直接关系到向世界昭示三峡工程是否属于文明工程的关键。白鹤梁保护工程先后共产生了7个保护方案,有10余名中国工程院、科学院院士参加了白鹤梁保护方案的评审工作。经过十年的反复论证,根据国际"威尼斯宪章"中不可移动文物以原地保护为主的原则,20xx年国家采用了工程院院士葛修润提出以"无压容器"的保护方式,创造性地修建了世界上唯一在水深40米处的白鹤梁水下博物馆。白鹤梁原址水下保护工程是三峡工程的四大文物保护项目之首。白鹤梁保护工程20xx年动工修建,20xx年5月18日正式落成,被国家文物局评为科学技术创新一等奖,总投资约2亿元。 白鹤梁上题刻纵横交错,篆、隶、行、楷、草皆备,颜、柳、苏、黄俱全,还有少数民族文字,可谓集历代名家书法之大成,素有"水中碑铭"之美誉。题刻多出自历代文人墨客之手,以北宋著名文学家、书法家黄庭坚最为著名。梁上题刻或诗或文,记事抒情,吊古怀旧等,集文学、书法、绘画、石刻艺术为一体,实为罕见的水下奇观。 为了更好的保护和开发三峡白鹤梁水文题刻,20xx年葛修润院士提出了一套在长江白鹤粱题刻的原址上建立水下博物馆的"无压容器"方案,通过建一个注满净化过滤江水的容器来抵消内外压力。这一方案具有更高的安全性,既可以更好的对具有1220xx年历史的世界罕见的江底水文题刻进行保护,又为科学研究和游人参观提供了条件。 今天我的讲解就到此结束了,下面是大家自由参观的时间,我们大概在30分钟后在门口集合,希望这次参观能给大家留下一个深刻的印象,预祝大家能玩的开心,谢谢! 最全白鹤梁导游词 篇5I have friends, everybody is good. I am responsible for your today's interpretation of the tour guides, you can call me little lai, thanks and welcome to the tourism in the first place, I will sincerely service for you, let you have a wonderful and unforgettable experience. Before I start the tour, I'd like to make a brief introduction of built for everyone. Built in chongqing fuling city shore of the Yangtze river, is a national key cultural relics protection units, belong to historical culture class humanistic scenery scenic spots, is the vast natural Shi Liang rock in the river sand. It extends from the west to the east, parallel to the river, a 14.5 degrees slope to jiangxin tilt, perennial fu river, only a year since the turn of the winter, water level is lower part above the water. Has more than 160 inscriptions on beam (part is inscribed copy flooded with water), calligraphy attainments is higher, inscription skill, however, because of the high water storage, to prevent flood, specially built underwater museum to protect the inscribed copy, in February 20xx, completed by the end of 20xx. Built, called BaZi beam, about the origin of its name, said today (Monday) because its name built on crane group gathered bridge, there is a saying is from tang dynasty, zhu reality in the science of uniting the, after word, take the crane fairy, therefore built. It is a natural Shi Liang fuling city of the Yangtze river, 1600 meters long, width of 15 meters on average. Since the first year of the tang dynasty GuangDe Shi Liang inscribed copy has many poems on the design and the Yangtze river stage, it has been more than 1200 years of history, is known as "the world's ancient hydrological station", "underwater forest of steles". Carved on the stone fish is ancient hydrological observation symbol, carved stone text words is ancient hydrologic observation records, it is extremely important hydrologic data. Its inscribed copy, images, intermittent recorded more than 1200 years, 72 years history of low water level, to the study of the Yangtze river shelter-forest low water law, shipping and production, etc., all have significant historical value. In Paris in 1974 at the international hydrological work conference, the Chinese delegation "fuling stone fish inscribed copy" to submit a report to congress, built the scientific value of get the world recognized. Built on huang tingjian, zhu xi, Mr Sun, joao doesn, Wang Shizhen successive dynasties are many poems, locations of grass, nationalities, line, all ready, yan, liu, yellow, and Sue and appears, deep and shallow relief, relief, line carve, ha design, lace, etc., style each different, colorful, the underwater inscription, has a long history, the rich content, the form of diversity, the underwater wonders of the world. Due to the construction of the three gorges project, located in the flood water level line built inscribed copy will sink in the Yangtze river forever. In order to protect the underwater treasures, built underwater approved by the state administration of cultural heritage protection project, construction of underwater museum, the project by the "underwater museum", "connect traffic corridor", "anti-collision pier in water", and "shore gallery" of four parts. Underwater museum of shielding body engineering design of the "dome", is located in the upper part, oval covered the entire inscribed copy plane. Underwater shield wall body has visited channels, visitors from the shore by the steel corridor take the escalator to underwater protection body, points to visit in three ways: through the corridor watch glass, through the underwater camera watch and wearing a diving suit to watch. Time like running water, swim about introduction I said here before, we immediately began to formal journey, everybody ready, ok, now please follow me to go see it. |
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