标题 | 如何写白鹤梁导游词 |
范文 | 如何写白鹤梁导游词(精选5篇) 如何写白鹤梁导游词 篇1各位朋友,大家好!欢迎大家来到涪陵白鹤梁参观,我是你们的导游---,大家可以叫我小张。非常荣幸有机会为大家服务,大家参观中遇到什幺问题可以随时找我,预祝大家有一个愉快的旅程。 白鹤梁位于重庆市涪陵区长江江中心的一块天然石梁上,关于白鹤梁这个名字的由来,一说是早年常有白鹤群集梁上;一说是唐朝时朱真人在此修炼,得道后乘鹤仙而去。不管怎样,白鹤梁这个名字是很有诗意的。 白鹤梁是在造山运动时天然形成的,像一只俯卧在江中的巨鳄,其身长约1600m,宽约15m,东西向延伸,与长江平行,背嵴高约为138米,在叁峡大坝蓄水前,比当地常年最低水位高出2至3米,随着每年枯水期和丰水期的变化,夏隐冬现。 在1200多年前,也就是唐朝广德元年,有人在白鹤梁刻下两条石鱼,记录了当时的枯水水位。此后,效仿者不断,共形成了石鱼雕刻18尾,生动记载了一千多年来长江72个枯水年份的水位资料,被称为保存完好的“世界第一古代水文站”。在白鹤梁石鱼文化中,还有着“石鱼出水兆丰年”的民间传说。我们的祖先认为石鱼出水的来年,是一个风调雨顺的好年景,农民辛勤劳作,就可以换来一个好收成,主政的地方官们,可能有一个好的政绩,他们把出水的石鱼称作“祥鱼”。不仅如此,自唐代启,每当石鱼出水时,历代文人雅士,包括黄庭坚、柳公权、苏轼、朱熹等都会乘船来到白鹤梁,吟诗作赋并将诗文题刻于岩上,至今石刻上留下了文人墨客3万多字真迹,篆、隶、行、草皆备,所以又被誉为“水下碑林”。 20__年整个叁峡工程竣工后,水位提高到175米,在长江两岸山体上“135”、“175”水位线标志随处可见,“时间紧迫”这是当时参与叁峡文物抢救的专家们的共识,他们用“抢救文物”四个字来表达他们的迫切心情。配合叁峡工程进行的文物保护工作的好坏将直接影响叁峡工程建设的形象,是衡量叁峡工程是否是文明工程的重要标志。白鹤梁就属保护工作中的一项重点工程。叁峡水利工程建成后,曾经夏隐冬现的白鹤梁石刻将长眠于水下40米深处,为了供世人观赏,国家创造性地修建了白鹤梁水下博物馆。该项文物保护工程由“水下博物馆”、“连接交通廊道”、“水中防撞墩”、“岸上陈列馆”四部分组成,于20__年5月18日白鹤梁水下博物馆正式开馆。 透过水下博物馆的玻璃舷窗,大家可以直接欣赏白鹤梁题刻,更有解说员通过各种有趣的历史故事,将白鹤梁1200年的历史展现给大家。如果你觉得凭肉眼观察仍不过瘾,水下博物馆内还设有遥控装置,通过这些装置,你可以将白鹤梁拉至眼前看个够。所有的参观将在40米以下的水位进行,滚滚长江将从这个水下博物馆的穹顶上流过,非常特别的体验哦。当然,可能有的游客朋友们在担心水下的安全问题,请放心,水下博物馆在设计时,已经将船只的冲撞抵压考虑了进去,同时,水下博物馆是个无压容器,不会给身体带来任何不适。 说了这幺多,想必大家已经迫不及待了,我们的参观时间是一个小时,一小时后在这里集合,在参观的过程中大家一定要注意看好自己的随身物品,以防遗失。现在就让我们一起走进白鹤梁水下博物馆。 如何写白鹤梁导游词 篇2各位旅客朋友们,大家好。欢迎大家来到涪陵白鹤梁,我是你们的景区导游,小李,我会热诚为大家服务,给大家有一个精彩和难忘的旅程。 在长江与乌江的交汇处有一座古巴国的故都——涪陵,在涪陵城北的长江中,有一道长1600米,宽约15米的天然石梁,因早年常有白鹤群居梁上,展翅嬉戏、引颈高歌,白鹤梁由此得名。 在这其貌不扬的地面建筑之下,正掩藏着白鹤梁一段惊世骇俗、耐人寻味的前世今生。那幺接下来,就请大家跟我一起去探寻这白鹤梁的前尘风华。 各位游客,现在我们已经进入一楼序厅,映入大家眼帘的是白鹤梁最大的一尾石鱼,它雕刻于清代,长3.1米,重达3.5吨。白鹤梁上共有石鱼18尾,而我们的镇馆之宝是始刻于唐广德元年的“线雕双鲤”,请大家跟着我上二楼,现在大家看到的这两尾石鱼就是我们的镇馆之宝了,前面的一条是雌鱼,身长1.08米,口衔莲花;后面的一条是雄鱼,身长1.07米,口衔蓂草,它们身上的鳞甲各有36片,我想大家已经猜到了,六六大顺嘛,六是非常吉利的数字。 民间有句谚语,说的是“燕子低飞蛇盘道,大雨不久就来到”,大自然的天气预报可谓是五花八门,而我们白鹤梁更是为人类的天气预报谱写了一段传奇历史。1963年,考古专家来到白鹤梁上进行考察,惊奇的发现,两尾石鱼眼睛的高程,与涪陵当地水文站的零点水位在同一水平线上,比1865年英国人在武汉江汉关水文站所设立的第一根水尺,要早1100年。这意味着,早在1200年前,我们的先辈就已经对当地的长江水位有了一个非常准确的记录。大家请跟着小李走,后面的朋友请跟上。 好了,朋友们,我们现在所处位置是水下博物馆内的交通廊道。请大家注意看了,从这些廊道上的参观窗口便可看到真正的白鹤梁题刻。白鹤梁题刻汇集了唐宋以来千余年各派书家遗墨,荟萃了有“颜筋柳骨”之称的颜真卿、柳公权等名体书法于一梁,大放异彩,千古流芳,因此白鹤梁又被誉为"水下碑林"。这里的题刻、图像断断续续记录了1200多年间72个年份的历史枯水位情况,对于研究长江中上游的枯水规律、航运以及生产等,都有着重大的史料价值。 如何写白鹤梁导游词 篇3游客朋友们: 你们好,欢迎来到美丽的涪陵,我是你们的导游——小杨,今天呢,我们将要参观“世界第一古代水文站”白鹤梁,在我们的游船还没抵达之前,我先对白鹤梁给大家做一个简单的介绍。 白鹤梁水下石铭位于涪陵区城北长江江心,它是一块长约1600米,宽15米的天然巨型石梁。石梁仅冬春枯水期露出水面。关于它名字的来历众说纷纭,但都与一个叫尔朱通微的人有关。相传唐时尔朱真人在此修炼,后得道,乘鹤仙去,故名白鹤梁。白鹤梁题记始刻于唐代广德元年,梁上公有题刻165段,其中水文题记108段;石鱼18尾,观音两尊,白鹤一只,主要分布在长为220米得中断石梁上。 白鹤梁题刻共记载了自唐迄今1200年间72个年份的历史枯水资料,白鹤梁上的石鱼石刻,不但有着重要的科研和史料价值,人们还以石鱼的眼睛作为枯水水标,每当江水退石鱼就会露出水面也意味着一个少雨的枯水周期已经过去,丰收年景已经到来,有“石鱼出水兆丰年”和“年年有余”之意。因此,古人就在白鹤梁上刻有“枯水季节,若石鱼出水面,则兆年丰千年如许”的石刻题记。经过多年的观察并掌握枯水变化规律的结果,有不少细心的人,就将石鱼出水时间,观鱼者的姓名、籍贯和石鱼路出江面到枯水线的距离用尺测出来,刊刻在石梁上,日积月累就形成了1200多年极其珍贵的水文记录,是我国乃至全世界最早的至今保存最完好的一座以“石鱼”作为枯水标志的古代水文站,白鹤梁上题刻纵横交错,篆、隶、行、草皆备,颜、柳、黄、苏俱全,还有少数民族文字题刻,有朱昂、吴革、王士祯等历代骚人墨客众多的诗文题刻,集文学、书法、绘画、石刻艺术为一体,有较高的艺术价值,故有“水下碑林”之美誉。 白鹤梁现在已定为全国重点文物保护单位。随着三峡工程的步伐,举世闻名的白鹤梁题刻已被淹没于水底,为了保护好这一人类珍贵的文化遗产,中国政*极富创造性的在原址修建了“水下博物馆”,对白鹤梁实施了最有效的保护,通过保护性的理性思考,解读它所承载浓缩的历史资讯,所以白鹤梁题刻原址水下保护工程不是“纪念碑”式的,而是以人类进步的哲学思想和先进的科技手段,来延续石刻的生命历程。也充分体现了新一代的我们对古代文明的尊重。好了,我们的游船已经到达目的地了,请大家依次下船,尽情参观! 如何写白鹤梁导游词 篇4Good morning, dear tourist friends! You look ruddy and energetic, but I hada good dream last night. I'm glad to meet you on time on this sunny weekend. I'm__, today's tour guide, and this is master x, today's security envoy. Today wewill lead you into Baiheliang in Fuling. Baiheliang is a natural stone beam in the north of Fuling City, Chongqingmunicipality directly under the central government, which is located in theupper reaches of the Yangtze River. It is 1600m long and 15m wide. It is namedBaiheliang because it has been visited by Baiheliang for many years. It is alsosaid that the origin of this name is related to a man named Er Zhu Tongwei. Itis said that in the Northern Wei Dynasty, er Zhu Tongwei did not want to mergewith ER Zhu Rong, the elder brother of the family who usurped the throne. Heabandoned his family to learn Taoism and became a Taoist. Erzhu alchemy market,to Hezhou (today's Hechuan), the price is proud of Taishou. The governor wasangry and threw Er Zhu into the river. The bamboo cage does not sink, but itgoes down the river. At Shiliang, where white cranes gather in Fuzhou, afisherman from Baishi raises his net and gets it. Er Zhu was sleeping soundly,and the fisherman did not answer for a long time. The fishermen still set uptheir nets in light boats, and Erzhu continued to practice the truth andalchemy; in the evening, they bent their knees to talk relatively, and in theevening, when they were tired, they reached the river to dream. The bambooflute, the fishing song and the bronze chime have their own interests. One day,er Zhu took Dan and drank with Baishi fisherman. After getting drunk, he tookthe white crane to become an immortal. Baiheliang got its name from this. Most of the time, Baiheliang is precipitated in the river water. Only whenthe Yangtze River enters the dry season at the turn of winter and spring, canour Baiheliang come to light. However, the time of leaving the water is usuallyonly 20 days, sometimes just a few days. The reason why Baiheliang is called awonder is that it has important scientific and cultural value. Up to now, manystone carvings of past dynasties are still preserved, including the authenticworks of great calligraphers and great writers of past dynasties. Therefore,Baiheliang has the reputation of "forest of underwater steles". Among thesestone carvings, the most famous are the fish seen in the Tang Dynasty and thedouble carp in the Qing Dynasty. After the founding of the people's Republic of China, scholars andhydrologic scientists studying cultural relics visited here. They found that thewater level of the stone fish eye in Baiheliang is basically consistent with thelocal water level zero position recorded by the waterway department. This is asurprising discovery, which means that our ancestors had an accurate record ofthe change of the water level of the Yangtze River as early as 1200 years ago.Therefore, Baiheliang is also known as "the world's first ancient hydrologicalstation". The ancients not only recorded the change of the water level of the YangtzeRiver in this unique way, but also found the influence of the change of thewater level of the Yangtze River on agricultural production. They observed thatwhenever the water level of the Yangtze River falls below the stone fish in thedry season, the next year is often a good harvest year with good weather.Therefore, it has been said since ancient times that the water level of thestone fish is a good harvest year. The construction of the Three Gorges project has realized the Millenniumdream of the Chinese people. However, after the completion of the Three Gorgeswater conservancy project, the inscription on Baiheliang, which has beenaccompanied by Fuling people for more than 1000 years, will always sleep 40meters underwater. How to protect this "national treasure" has become animportant test for the protection of cultural relics of the Three GorgesProject. After the scientific research of numerous experts and scholars, thethickest adopted the idea of building caisson Museum on the original site.Because this not only protects cultural relics, but also forms a touristattraction, and increases the possibility of applying for world culturalheritage. From the official commencement in 20__ to the impoundment of the ThreeGorges Dam to 156 meters in September 20__, the original two-year underwaterconstruction period has been compressed into one year, during which a longshutdown period of more than two years has passed. On May 18, 20__, thecompletion ceremony of Baiheliang underwater museum was held. The wholeprotection project is composed of "underwater Museum", "connecting trafficcorridor", "underwater anti-collision pier" and "on shore exhibition hall". Later, when you come to Baiheliang, you can visit these stone carvings inthree ways: one is to watch them through the glass window of the corridor, theother is to watch them through the operating camera, and the third is that thosewho are more interested in diving can wear diving suits to have a close contactwith our stone carvings. Well, dear friends, our scenic spot is coming, please get ready to get offthe bus, take good care of your valuables, pay attention to safety, thankyou! 如何写白鹤梁导游词 篇5各位旅客朋友们,大家好。我是负责你们今天讲解的导游员,大家可以叫我小赖,首先感谢和欢迎大家进行本次旅游,我会热诚为大家服务,让大家有一个精彩和难忘的经历。在开始此次游览之前,我想先为大家简单介绍一下白鹤梁。 白鹤梁位于重庆市涪陵区城中心的长江之滨,是全国重点文物保护单位,属于历史文化类人文风景旅游景区,是浩瀚江水中的岩砂质天然石梁。它自西向东延伸,与江流平行,呈14.5度的斜度向江心倾斜,常年伏没江中,只有每年冬春季之交,水位较低时才会部分露出水面。梁上有石刻碑文160余方(尚有部分题刻淹没水中),题刻的书法艺术造诣较高,刻工精湛,不过,因三峡高位蓄水,为防淹没,特建水下博物馆以保护题刻,20xx年2月开工,20xx年底竣工。 白鹤梁,古称巴子梁,关于其名称的来历,一说是因为白鹤群聚集梁上得名白鹤梁,还有一说是相传唐时尔朱真人在此修炼,后得道,乘鹤仙去,故名白鹤梁。它是涪陵城区长江之中的天然石梁,长1600米、平均宽度15米。自唐代广德元年以来,石梁上题刻有众多诗文图案和长江枯水水位,距今已有1200余年历史,被誉为“世界第一古代水文站”、“水下碑林”。上所刻的石鱼是古代水文观测标志,石刻文字题记则是古代水文观测的记录,是极其重要的水文历史资料。其题刻、图像断续记录了1200余年间72个年份的历史枯水位情况,对研究长江中上游枯水规律、航运以及生产等,均有重大的史料价值。1974年在巴黎召开的国际水文工作会议上,中国代表团以《涪陵石鱼题刻》为题,向大会提交报告,白鹤梁的科学价值遂得到世界公认。白鹤梁上有黄庭坚、朱熹、庞公孙、朱昂、王士祯等历代骚人墨客众多的诗文题刻,篆、隶、行、草皆备,颜、柳、黄、苏并呈,还有浅浮雕、深浮雕、线雕、呵图案、花边等,风格各异,精彩纷呈,其水下碑文之多,历史之悠久,内容之丰富,形式之多样,堪称世界水下一大奇观。 由于三峡工程的兴建,位于淹没水位线下的白鹤梁题刻将永远沉没于江底。为了保护好这一水下瑰宝,白鹤梁题刻水下保护工程经国家文物局批准,建造水下博物馆,该工程由“水下博物馆”、“连接交通廊道”、“水中防撞墩”、和“岸上陈列馆”四部分组成。水下博物馆的保护罩体工程设计名“穹顶”,位于题刻正上方,呈椭圆形将整个题刻平面覆盖。水下保护罩体墙外设有游人参观通道,游客可由岸上经钢制廊道乘自动扶梯进入水下保护体内,分三种方式参观:透过廊道玻璃观看,通过水下摄像头观看和身穿潜水服潜水观看。 时间如流水 ,关于游前简介我就先说到这儿,我们马上就开始正式的旅程了,大家做好准备了吧,那好,现在就请大家随我一起去亲眼见证吧。 |
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