标题 | 南岳衡山的导游词 |
范文 | 南岳衡山的导游词(通用17篇) 南岳衡山的导游词 篇1进入忠烈祠,首先映入眼帘的便是这奇特的"七七纪念碑"。碑为全花岗石结构,由一大上小共5颗倒立炮弹组成,象征着汉、满、蒙、回、藏等各族儿女团结一心,共御外侮,碑的基麻上刻着醒目的"七七"大字,意在警醒全体中国人永不忘国耻之痛! 穿过纪念堂,大家看到的这是个绿草如茵的山坡,两侧有石级,共分为9层。草地上用大理石镶了"民族忠烈千古"6个大字,衬以邻近的苍松翠柏,更显得十分庄严,令人肃然起敬。朋友们,让我们怀着敬仰、缅怀之情,继续向上去吧。 好了,现在我们登上了忠烈祠最高处--礼堂平台了,不知刚才有没有人注意数了脚下的石级没有?对,一共276级。为什么是个数目呢?这是为了纪念第九和第六战区阵亡的276位中高级军官而专门安排的,那么,这些英烈们究竟魂归何处呢?就在这最后一进建筑--享堂里。 享堂是忠烈最主要的建筑,也是过去祭祀活动的主要场所。正门上是蒋委员长亲笔书写的"忠烈祠"匾额。大家仔细看一下,有什么问题吗?对,"烈"字下面少了一点。为什么会少呢?这里有很多说法:一说是希望今后战争能少牺牲一点儿;一说是他打算抗战胜利后再补上;还有一说是书法中的种艺术处理。见仁见智,众说不一。享堂内呈"十"字形,可容500人,正面供奉有佛坛和"抗日阵亡将士总神位"。它的碑文是薛岳于1942年题写,妙在无论横念竖念,左念右念,都可以念通。全文是:"恭立忠烈祠,以怀忠烈神,我怀忠烈魂,誓继忠烈神。"现在堂内陈设了大量抗战图片资料,大家可以自己看一看。 南岳衡山的导游词 篇2各位女士、各位先生: 大家好!欢迎大家的南岳衡山做客。如果您有什么问题和要求,请告诉我,我将尽力给您帮助。祝愿大家轧过愉快的锋山之行。 各位朋友,如果您曾为工作的重压而苦闷,如果您曾为身体的疾患而忧虑,那么今天,您可以把种.种烦恼不快全部抛开,因为您即将欣赏到的,是以"五岳独秀"而蜚声守内的南岳衡山风景区了。 衡山位于湖南省中部,纵越衡阳、衡山、衡东、湘乡、湘潭、长沙等六县市,地跨八百里,峰立七十二,南起"雁阵惊寒,声断衡阳之浦"的衡阳回雁峰,北抵"停车坐爱枫林晚,霜叶红于二月花"的长沙岳麓山。主峰祝融峰,海拔1290米,在湘中南丘陵中卓尔不群。"一览众山小"。衡山就像一幅湘绣,楚天湘水,一览无余;它又像一卷画轴,浓渲淡染,举世无双;它更像一首诗歌,高叹低吟,回味无穷。 南岳衡山的来源有很多传说。一产盘古开天辟地,死后化为山川林木,头化为东岳泰山,脚化为西岳华山,腹华为中岳嵩山,右臂化为北岳恒山,左臂则化为南岳衡山;另一说是中华始祖之一的炎帝神农式追赶仙鸟,用神鞭将朱鸟打落成南岳,所以大家在南岳古镇入口处所见的牌坊上便绘有失鸟图案,南岳山徽"朱鸟"也因山而来。古人们往往以天空星象图来进行占卜,所谓"天则有星宿,地则有州城"。据《星经》记载,南岳地处二十八宿的轸星之翼,号为称量天地的"衡星",所以也就命名"衡山"了。轸星旁边不有一颗主管人间寿命的"长沙"星,衡山古属长沙,故而又有"寿岳"之称,人们常说的"寿比南山"就以山而来。 穿过南岳古镇,迎面而来的是一组气势恢弘的宫殿式建筑,这便是有着"江南小故宫"之称的"南岳大庙"。 南岳大庙为湖南省重点保护文物,始建于唐初,距今上千年,以后历经宋、元、清等朝6次大火和16次重建。瑞存建筑为清光绪六年重修,占地76800平方米,沿中轴线依次为棂星门、有奎星阁、川门、御碑亭、嘉应门、御书楼、正殿、寝宫和北后门等九进四重院落。 南岳衡山的导游词 篇3各位游客,再走过寝宫和北后门,离开大庙,我们就来到了南岳衡山主峰登山处,前面这个花岗石门叫做"胜利坊",是1947年为纪念抗日战争胜利而建。坊上刻有一副楹联:"七二峰,如避群英,胜算先操,中流砥柱;五大洲,盟联友国,狂澜竞挽,世界和平。"从中,我们依稀可以想见那烽火连天的峥嵘岁月。 各位朋友,从现在起,我们就将踏上登顶之路。在这之前,请允许我先提醒您几个注意事项:衡山作为著名的风景区处自然林区,是严禁攀折花木和吸烟点火的,让我们共同来爱护这一片美好的大自然吧!南岳的气候素有"三重天"之称,即"山下一重天,山腰一重天,山顶一重天",每重天之间约有3度的温差,请注意带一些保暖衣物备用!山上虽然修建了行车大道和人行小径,但仍有部分地段较陡峭,请大家留神一下,互相照应点儿!好了,万事俱备,让我们向衡山最华丽的乐章--主峰祝融峰进发吧! 朋友们,南岳衡山在五岳之中以风光绮丽著称,素有"五岳独秀"的美誉。那么它究竟"秀"在哪里?秀就秀在这满山的树,满坡的草,满眼的绿!沿途大家已经看到,衡山树木茂密,郁郁葱葱。南岳植物资源丰富,有树种600多,森林面积达30多万亩,而且还有不少名树古木:福严寺有一棵据传受戒于六朝时慧思禅师的银杏树,树龄已达1400多年,树身需三人合抱;藏经殿后的白玉兰,距今也有500多年的历史了;允春亭的摇钱树,无碍林的"同根生"、"连里枝"等,也是比较罕见的。 好了,爬了一段山,可能有点儿累吧?那我们在这里休息一下。面前大家看到的是我国建筑最早,规模最大的抗战纪念地之一,也是国民政府在大陆惟一保存的大型抗战纪念陵园--忠烈祠。 忠烈神祠建于1939年,落成于1942年,陵园为仿南京中山陵式格局,坐南朝北,依山而筑,左右对称,层次分明。沿中轴线共有五进建筑,长达320米,宽约60米,四周还有13座大型烈士陵墓,安葬了抗日阵亡的国民觉第九战区和第六战区将士。前面这就是忠烈祠正门,它为拱形三门重檐牌楼,正上方镶嵌着刻有祠名的汉白玉门匾,上面的"南岳忠烈祠"5个镏金大字是由原国民觉第九战区司令长官兼湖南省政府主席薛岳所题。 南岳衡山的导游词 篇4现在大家脚下跨过的是寿涧桥,它前面就是南岳大庙的南正门--棂星门。"棂星"是古星宿之一,主管人兴国旺,以"棂星"命名的庙门,自然也是希望咱们国家人才辈出,万业昌盛。 穿过棂星门,大家来到的这座建筑叫做"奎星阁"。奎星就是主管文学艺术的魁星。奎星阁在古代往往用做戏台,每逢节庆祭祀之日,一些戏班都会在台上演出一些传统地方戏,如"魁星点状元"、"五子登科"、"秋胡戏妻"等等,台下则挤满了四乡八里赶来的乡民们,热闹非凡。细心的朋友可能注意到了,奎星阁的基石上有4个铜钱大小的孔洞,这是干什么的呢?对了,它可以产生共鸣,增强音乐效果,可见我国古代劳动人民是多么聪明呀!穿过川门、御碑亭、嘉应门和御书楼,我们就来到了正殿。正殿又叫圣帝殿,供奉圣帝火神祝融氏。圣帝殿高21米,宽54米,深35米,是大庙最高、最大的建筑,也是大庙中心。大家可以看到,它由72根花岗石柱支撑,寓意南岳七十二峰,其中2根由整块石凿成,重28000斤,另外70根由两截接成。殿内正中是由四龙二凤环绕的神龛,圣帝的泥塑金身就置于其中,高6.3米,高戴冠冕,持笏端坐,神态威严,金碧辉煌,左右排班站立着金吾二将和六部尚书。 大家看到,圣帝殿东有道教的财神殿,西有佛教的观音殿,那么南岳到底奉什么教呢?这就是南岳衡山的大特色--佛道共荣。道教于西晋传入南岳,南北朝佛教流入,山后两教就一直并存,扬光大。山上既有我国第一个女道士"南岳夫人"魏华存修道的黄庭观,也有禅宗南宗五大宗派发源地的福严寺和南台寺,还有先道后佛的上封寺等等,中国的两种主要宗教文化在这里达到了和谐的统一。 南岳衡山的导游词 篇5各位游客: 你们好,欢迎你们来到衡阳旅游,我是你们的导游__。 欢迎您们来到“南岳第一峰”——回雁峰景区参观游览。 在我们湖南有两个著名的八百里:一是“八百里南岳”;一是“八百里洞庭”。南北朝时期有个名叫徐灵期的道士,在他的《南岳记》中首次提出:“周围八百里,回雁为首,岳麓为足”。回雁峰既是衡阳城市的标志景观,雁城的城徽就立在回雁峰景区的门前,回雁峰景区处处表现着雁意象的魅力;又是衡阳城市的底蕴所在。这里是伟大思想家王船山的诞生地,回雁峰寿佛殿是南岳寿文化的重要组成部分,是衡山作为“寿岳”“南山”的重要佐证;还是衡阳城市的地理依托---回雁峰不但是凝聚衡阳人想象力和自豪感的精神靠山,而且是结聚整个湖湘地理灵气的重要“穴位”。八百里南岳犹如一条“巨龙”,我们现在就是站在“龙头”的风水宝地上。 回雁峰——南岳第一峰,峰高96.8米,面积6.32公顷,位于衡阳市城南。20__年12月被评为国家“AAA”级旅游区。走进回雁峰景区,首先我们要介绍的是雁峰广场。广场中最引人注目的就是这座高12米的大雁雕塑,四只铜铝合金铸成的大雁形态各异,昂首云天,象是欢迎各位的到来。大家猜猜,为什么是四只,而不是其它数字呢?对了,四只大雁就是表示我们“南岳第一峰”一年四季都欢迎四面八方贵宾的到来,同时祝大家四季发财。“雁雕”的创作者是出生于湖南安仁县,曾留学日本、法国的浙江美院已故著名雕塑家周轻鼎教授。现在这座雕像已成为衡阳市的标志,我们衡阳也有“雁城”之称 现在我们来到了回雁峰的北门入口,这座仿古式的门厅采用的是对称式的建筑,琉璃黄瓦,典雅古朴,门厅上方“南岳第一峰”五个大字的匾额,是已故中国佛教协会会长,著名书法家、社会活动家赵朴初先生的墨宝。两边的对联是: 雁阵破长空 展翅腾云 俯仰方知天地阔 峰头揽胜景 骋怀极目 登临不尽古今情 此联撰文是已故衡阳市政协秘书长李兆璜,本市书法家陈文质书写。请大家看看这幅用东北松雕刻的南岳群峰图,绵延七十二峰,气势磅礴,引人入胜。两边的对联也是由李兆璜撰文,本市已故著名书法家邓磐石书写。 瞰城廓 雾散云开 四面氛烟皆扫尽 临福地 神怡心旷 千年名胜又重新 门厅前后两幅对联,对仗工整,生动而形象地把回雁峰的特点和登峰揽胜的怡情逸趣淋漓尽致地描绘出来。 现在大家看到的就是回雁峰。峰头上有出生于湖南安仁、毕业于黄埔军校、原中华人民共和国国防部副部长唐天际将军手书的“回雁峰”三个大字。在回雁峰留下了湖南安仁“一文一武”著名人物的大作:文是大雁雕塑的创作者周轻鼎教授,武就是唐天际将军。 “回雁峰”之名来源有三,一曰:北雁南来,至此越冬,待来年春暖北归;二曰:山形似雁,张翼回旋,是以其山势而得名;三是因为一个美丽的故事。传说有个叫“雁妹子”的姑娘,曾经救过一只受伤的大雁,后来姑娘因生活贫困劳疾而死,葬在回雁峰下,每年秋天那只被救的大雁都要来此凭吊她,鸣叫不止,哀伤回旋。 南岳衡山的导游词 篇6各位游客大家好: 非常高兴能成为您这次南岳之旅的导游,我将引领您游览南岳最古老的小镇,小镇之古,古在它平整的青石路面上,古在它悠久的文化上,古在它悠然不绝的袅袅檀烟上,古在它淳朴自然的民风上,经过一天的游览,想必大家对南岳大庙的雄伟壮丽;祝圣寺的华丽端庄;祝融峰的巍峨挺拔早已惊叹不已。这些都是组成南岳“五岳独秀”的元素,但是,您来了南岳一定不能不去古镇走一走,虽然,它没有那些雄伟建筑的美轮美奂,但它也有其自己的独特魅力。如果说南岳大庙是仪态万千的大家闺秀,那南岳古镇也不乏为一位秀丽可人的小家碧玉。 南岳古镇形成的具体年代已不可考了,但绝对是在唐代之前。因为早在唐代时便形成了香市,那时,香火鼎盛时期,每天往来的香客络绎不绝,您看脚下的这条青石路面,经过千年的洗刷,已经被磨的光可照人,鞋跟踩在上面发出清脆的响声,宛若在敲击每一位香客心中的那盏香灯。每一块石板都有一个动人的故事…… 南岳古镇的古还在于北街的那座牌坊,牌坊上挺拔劲秀的“天下南岳”四个字是宋徽宗亲笔所提,当时,皇帝来南岳进香朝神时,踏过的便是我们此时脚下的这些古老的青石板路,大家不妨发挥一下您的想象,去寻找当年浩大宏伟的场面,牌坊所在的北街也因为皇帝走过,所以身价倍增,被封为御街,如果按我们今天的经济法来看,这大概就是黄金效应了吧!走过牌坊,古镇的大体面貌便呈现在我们的眼前,清一色的朱瓦白墙。高高翘起的屋檐,雕着双龙戏珠的屋尖。仿古建造的茶楼、客栈、无一不体现出南岳古镇的古朴、清幽、静坐在小镇的茶楼里品一盏清茗,感悟中国佛教的博大精深,回味这一天所观所感,一定会受益非浅。 古镇虽小,却也五脏俱全,饭店、旅馆、甚至还有透着油墨香味的书屋应有尽有,夜晚盏灯时分,家家户户都燃起温暖的灯火,此时,您是否有些饥肠辘辘了呢?古镇到了晚上还是一条美食街,从街头到街尾,满街都飘着山珍野味的香气,南岳山上物产丰富,南岳人便有了口福,鲜嫩营养的野生蘑菇,口感绝妙的衡山豆腐,去了衡山不尝尝当地的豆腐真是可惜,就像去了西安不看兵马俑、去了北京不看香山、去了天津不进十八街买根大麻花、吃四川麻辣火锅不放花椒一样。来了南岳不尝尝衡山的豆腐,便总觉得少了点什么。 古镇有自己的文化内涵,不要小看了那些古老破旧的木屋,说不准哪一幢还是明清时代的文物呢,每一根木梁上的凹凸间都记录着古镇的兴荣,它们就像是历史的见证者,真实的向人们诉说当时的繁华与沧桑,古镇上还有一大景观便是在自家门前晒太阳的老人们,他们的脸上那一道道的皱纹,那充满睿智的眼睛,那用青丝写成白发的故事,都显示着老人们的智慧与无争,南岳的老人们普遍都是90岁以上的寿星,所以,南岳又有寿岳之称,“寿比南山,福如东海”便是献给南岳老人们的寿礼! 走过了写满沧桑的青石板路,走过了印满历史的古栈民居,走过了一段荡涤心灵的佛教文明之路,您的心里是否也亮起了一盏明灯?是否对南岳的秀丽又产生了一种不一样的情愫?南岳古镇的古朴秀丽是否能让您对冠秀五岳的衡山除了巍峨挺拔之外还多了一份人情味、一份耐人的寻味呢?………… 南岳衡山的导游词 篇7各位女士、各位先生: 大家好!欢迎大家的南岳衡山做客。如果您有什么问题和要求,请告诉我,我将尽力给您帮助。祝愿大家轧过愉快的锋山之行。 各位朋友,如果您曾为工作的重压而苦闷,如果您曾为身体的疾患而忧虑,那么今天,您可以把种种烦恼不快全部抛开,因为您即将欣赏到的,是以五岳独秀而蜚声守内的南岳衡山风景区了。 衡山位于湖南省中部,纵越衡阳、衡山、衡东、湘乡、湘潭、长沙等六县市,地跨八百里,峰立七十二,南起雁阵惊寒,声断衡阳之浦的衡阳回雁峰,北抵停车坐爱枫林晚,霜叶红于二月花的长沙岳麓山。主峰祝融峰,海拔1290米,在湘中南丘陵中卓尔不群。一览众山小。衡山就像一幅湘绣,楚天湘水,一览无余;它又像一卷画轴,浓渲淡染,举世无双;它更像一首诗歌,高叹低吟,回味无穷。 南岳衡山的来源有很多传说。一产盘古开天辟地,死后化为山川林木,头化为东岳泰山,脚化为西岳华山,腹华为中岳嵩山,右臂化为北岳恒山,左臂则化为南岳衡山;另一说是中华始祖之一的炎帝神农式追赶仙鸟,用神鞭将朱鸟打落成南岳,所以大家在南岳古镇入口处所见的牌坊上便绘有失鸟图案,南岳山徽朱鸟也因山而来。古人们往往以天空星象图来进行占卜,所谓天则有星宿,地则有州城。据《星经》记载,南岳地处二十八宿的轸星之翼,号为称量天地的衡星,所以也就命名衡山了。轸星旁边不有一颗主管人间寿命的长沙星,衡山古属长沙,故而又有寿岳之称,人们常说的寿比南山就以山而来。 穿过南岳古镇,迎面而来的是一组气势恢弘的宫殿式建筑,这便是有着江南小故宫之称的南岳大庙。 南岳大庙为湖南省重点保护文物,始建于唐初,距今上千年,以后历经宋、元、清等朝6次大火和16次重建。瑞存建筑为清光绪六年重修,占地76800平方米,沿中轴线依次为棂星门、有奎星阁、川门、御碑亭、嘉应门、御书楼、正殿、寝宫和北后门等九进四重院落。 现在大家脚下跨过的是寿涧桥,它前面就是南岳大庙的南正门--棂星门。棂星是古星宿之一,主管人兴国旺,以棂星命名的庙门,自然也是希望咱们国家人才辈出,万业昌盛。 穿过棂星门,大家来到的这座建筑叫做奎星阁。奎星就是主管文学艺术的魁星。奎星阁在古代往往用做戏台,每逢节庆祭祀之日,一些戏班都会在台上演出一些传统地方戏,如魁星点状元、五子登科、秋胡戏妻等等,台下则挤满了四乡八里赶来的乡民们,热闹非凡。细心的朋友可能注意到了,奎星阁的基石上有4个铜钱大小的孔洞,这是干什么的呢?对了,它可以产生共鸣,增强音乐效果,可见我国古代劳动人民是多么聪明呀!穿过川门、御碑亭、嘉应门和御书楼,我们就来到了正殿。正殿又叫圣帝殿,供奉圣帝火神祝融氏。圣帝殿高21米,宽54米,深35米,是大庙最高、最大的建筑,也是大庙中心。大家可以看到,它由 72根花岗石柱支撑,寓意南岳七十二峰,其中2根由整块石凿成,重28000斤,另外70根由两截接成。殿内正中是由四龙二凤环绕的神龛,圣帝的泥塑金身就置于其中,高6.3米,高戴冠冕,持笏端坐,神态威严,金碧辉煌,左右排班站立着金吾二将和六部尚书。 大家看到,圣帝殿东有道教的财神殿,西有佛教的观音殿,那么南岳到底奉什么教呢?这就是南岳衡山的大特色--佛道共荣。道教于西晋传入南岳,南北朝佛教流入,山后两教就一直并存,扬光大。山上既有我国第一个女道士南岳夫人魏华存修道的黄庭观,也有禅宗南宗五大宗派发源地的福严寺和南台寺,还有先道后佛的上封寺等等,中国的两种主要宗教文化在这里达到了和谐的统一。 各位游客,再走过寝宫和北后门,离开大庙,我们就来到了南岳衡山主峰登山处,前面这个花岗石门叫做胜利坊,是1947年为纪念抗日战争胜利而建。坊上刻有一副楹联:七二峰,如避群英,胜算先操,中流砥柱;五大洲,盟联友国,狂澜竞挽,世界和平。从中,我们依稀可以想见那烽火连天的峥嵘岁月。原联为国民党湖南省政府主席王东原所书,毁于文革时期,现在联是著名书费新我左手书写。 各位朋友,从现在起,我们就将踏上登顶之路。在这之前,请允许我先提醒您几个注意事项:衡山作为著名的风景区处自然林区,是严禁攀折花木和吸烟点火的,让我们共同来爱护这一片美好的大自然吧!南岳的气候素有三重天之称,即山下一重天,山腰一重天,山顶一重天,每重天之间约有3度的温差,请注意带一些保暖衣物备用!山上虽然修建了行车大道和人行小径,但仍有部分地段较陡峭,请大家留神一下,互相照应点儿!好了,万事俱备,让我们向衡山最华丽的乐章--主峰祝融峰进发吧! 朋友们,南岳衡山在五岳之中以风光绮丽著称,素有五岳独秀的美誉。那么它究竟秀在哪里?秀就秀在这满山的树,满坡的草,满眼的绿!沿途大家已经看到,衡山树木茂密,郁郁葱葱。南岳植物资源丰富,有树种600多,森林面积达30多万亩,而且还有不少名树古木:福严寺有一棵据传受戒于六朝时慧思禅师的银杏树,树龄已达1400多年,树身需三人合抱;藏经殿后的白玉兰,距今也有500多年的历史了;允春亭的摇钱树,无碍林的同根生、连里枝等,也是比较罕见的。 南岳衡山的导游词 篇8明末清初的著名思想家、哲学家王夫之于公元1619出生于回雁峰下“王衙坪”,老区有“此君轩”等景观,但其表现形式略显简单,作为湖湘文化学派的代表人物之一,应该有更丰富的内容充分反映他那坚韧不拔、锲而不舍的精神和高风亮节的情操。这个反映“船山文化”的景区,与雁峰景区(老景区)“此君轩”结合起来形成内容较完整的纪念景点。“船山景区”中的中间立有王船山头戴斗笠,脚穿木屐的石雕像。源于王船山誓与满清王朝不共戴天,他头不顶清朝的天,脚不踩清朝的地,表现了青年王夫之举义旗、反清复明的民族气概。起义失败后,王夫之隐居在衡阳县曲兰乡石船山下的名曰:“湘西草堂”(为省级文物保护单位),在此著书立说四十年之久。王夫之自喻“船山”,源于其隐居处山上有一块巨石,形状如倒扣在水中之大船。那里古木参天,人迹罕至,密林深处有一个隧幽的岩洞,王夫之常来这里,伴着昏暗的油灯苦读,他在《船山记》里写到:“船山者,即吾山也……吾志且死,而船山者还其顽石”。以石寓志,表示他不畏强权的性格,故自喻为“船山先生”。在“雁影潭”边建有石船,隐含“船山”之意。并利用现有地形建“船山”纪念墙,高处建有“正气轩”。轩旁有一块“三鉴石”,表示船山先生“神会”、“心意为主”、“鉴古酌今”等与众不同的哲学思想。山坡上密植竹子,与船山先生酷爱竹子的性格相符合,意喻船山先生忠节不二的民族气节。 在即将结束今天的游览之前,我给大家讲一段衡阳的抗战历史。1944年6月22日,中国抗日战争史上最悲壮、最惨烈的一战就发生在衡阳。国民第十军2万将士在军长方先觉的率领下,顽强抵抗装备精良近20万人日军的侵略。回雁峰成为中日守攻的主要阵地,我方与日军鏖战整整四十七个日日夜夜,直到弹尽粮绝,衡阳沦陷,将士们的鲜血流成河,尸骨堆成山,留下了许多可歌可泣的英雄故事,衡阳也因此成为全国唯一的“抗战纪念城”。让我们永远铭记着这一段难忘的历史,珍惜今天的和平生活,共创美好的未来! 各位游客,这次导游结束了。但愿我的讲解能给你留下深刻的印象,“南岳第一峰”的游览给你带来美的享受,希望各位朋友下次再来回雁峰景区参观、游览! 南岳衡山的导游词 篇9寺院一共分为前后两进。一进为观音殿,殿内供奉着“观音菩萨”。观音,按照梵文应译为“观世音”,因唐代回避唐太宗李世民的讳音,略去了“世”字。在观音菩萨的左边,侍立着善才童子,右边侍立着龙女。观音菩萨一年有三个生日:即农历二月十九(诞辰)、六月十九(成道)、九月十九(出家)。许多香客从四面八方赶来烧香,求赐消灾化难、儿女平安、家庭幸福。 二进为寿佛殿,殿内供奉着寿佛。相传寿佛俗家姓周,出生于湖南郴州,在衡阳“得道”,成佛在广西的全州。他十六岁出家,号宗慧,活了130多岁,人们称其为“无量寿佛”。生前四处云游,传经布道。曾留一件袈裟在“雁峰寺”,圆寂后,常显灵于湖南一带。明清之际转为高僧传经布道,传说他天晴在全州,落雨在衡州,刮风在郴州。表达了人们祈寿降福的美好愿望,正如寺前的楹联所言。 五百年化身归来 十方福地斯为美 七二峰从头数去 千古名山不在高 大家知道“南岳”被称为寿岳,而南岳第一峰出现了土生土长的“寿佛”,南岳的寿佛就是无量寿佛。每年农历二月初八是寿佛的生日,善男信女纷纷来此烧香拜佛,自晨至暮络绎不绝。 走出雁峰寺,我们来到了碑廊前,这里镌刻着历代名人赞咏回雁峰的诗词佳句。篆、隶、楷、草、行书一一俱全。如唐朝诗人杜甫的《归雁》:“万里衡阳雁,今年又北归,双双瞻客上,一一背人飞”。北宋范仲淹《渔家傲》:“塞上秋来风景异,衡阳雁去无留意”。南宋民族英雄文天祥的《湘江留别》:“潇湘一夜雨,江海十年云”等。它反映了古衡州悠久的历史和厚重的文化积淀。廓内特留有一块空余的地方,哪位如有雅兴,不妨一显身手,留下您的墨宝,供世人鉴赏,芳名永留! 回雁峰不仅有令人着迷的自然景观,更有富有魅力的人文景观。在介绍“观天池”这个景点之前,先向大家介绍一个人物,他就是我们湖南湘乡人,中国洋务运动的创始人之一——曾国藩。曾国藩虽然出生于偏远山村,但他饱读儒学、提倡经世致用,志向很高。33岁官至二品,是清朝以文人封武侯的第一人。公元1853年,他奉命从长沙移师古城衡州,与左宗棠、彭玉麟等在衡州创建十营水师。传说他驻军衡阳时,很欣赏回雁峰的景色,经常带着他的爱将来此观看天象,与雁峰寺的主持切磋儒佛之道,卜占福祸吉凶。后人为了纪念他为民族复兴做出的贡献(创办洋务、提倡西学),特建观天池。 回雁峰的“雁”形建筑很多,现在我们穿过雁廊,来到了“雁壁”前。1964年,出生于祁阳县的老一辈无产阶级革命家、时任中南局第一书记的陶铸同志视察衡阳,倡导修复回雁峰。这幅“大雁壁雕”就是陶铸同志在一次“广交会上”亲自选定的图案,由广东佛山陶艺厂工艺师制作的,现在这幅壁雕,是当年担任设计的工艺大师梅文鼎凭记忆设计的,由界牌陶瓷厂制作。壁上的十七只大雁栩栩如生,展翅高飞。站在壁雕前,我们仿佛听到大雁那欢快的鸣叫。大家也许会发问,大雁只是双栖禽类,为什么这里只有十七只呢?哦,原来是有一只最小的雁,它很喜欢回雁峰,舍不得这里的山山水水和宽厚的人们,就留了下来。大家待会儿去找找,说不定能碰上呢! 现在大家看到的是回雁亭,它的主亭像一只雁头,两边的次亭尤如两只翅膀,俯看就更加形象了。不知大家注意没有,它不是依山势走向而建的,亭正面朝北方,为什么要这样呢?原来它表达了大雁北归,心向北方的思乡之情。同时,也显示了雁城人们的宽厚,大雁来之欢迎,去也欣然。亭的中间挂着一块“回雁”的匾额,书法功力很不一般。传说这两个字是明代雁峰寺一个“破门和尚”、又名法智禅师,他曾为明末进士,明朝灭亡后看破红尘,出家为僧诗、词、书法皆会,最擅长的是草书。 回雁亭后面这块“乘云石”,传说是天上掉下来的“飞来石”。这是雁峰寺瑞云和尚坐禅念经的地方,不远处还有他的墓碑。传说每当夜深人静,瑞云法师就会显身在这“乘云石”打坐念经。顿时祥云遮顶,佛光闪烁,南岳众僧听此传言,也纷纷来此坐禅礼拜。有宗教的地方就有神话故事,你要是不相信的话,在夜深人静的时候来此坐坐,或许有所收获。 南岳衡山的导游词 篇10各位朋友: 大家好!欢迎大家的南岳衡山做客。如果您有什么问题和要求,请告诉我,我将尽力给您帮助。祝愿大家度过愉快的衡山之行。 各位朋友,如果您曾为工作的重压而苦闷,如果您曾为身体的疾患而忧虑,那么今天,您可以把种种烦恼不快全部抛开,因为您即将欣赏到的,是以五岳独秀而蜚声守内的南岳衡山风景区了。 衡山位于湖南省中部,纵越衡阳、衡山、衡东、湘乡、湘潭、长沙等六县市,地跨八百里,峰立七十二,南起雁阵惊寒,声断衡阳之浦的衡阳回雁峰,北抵停车坐爱枫林晚,霜叶红于二月花的长沙岳麓山。主峰祝融峰,海拔1290米,在湘中南丘陵中卓尔不群。一览众山小。衡山就像一幅湘绣,楚天湘水,一览无余;它又像一卷画轴,浓渲淡染,举世无双;它更像一首诗歌,高叹低吟,回味无穷。 南岳衡山的来源有很多传说。一产盘古开天辟地,死后化为山川林木,头化为东岳泰山,脚化为西岳华山,腹华为中岳嵩山,右臂化为北岳恒山,左臂则化为南岳衡山;另一说是中华始祖之一的炎帝神农式追赶仙鸟,用神鞭将朱鸟打落成南岳,所以大家在南岳古镇入口处所见的牌坊上便绘有失鸟图案,南岳山徽朱鸟也因山而来。古人们往往以天空星象图来进行占卜,所谓天则有星宿,地则有州城。据《星经》记载,南岳地处二十八宿的轸星之翼,号为称量天地的衡星,所以也就命名衡山了。轸星旁边不有一颗主管人间寿命的长沙星,衡山古属长沙,故而又有寿岳之称,人们常说的寿比南山就以山而来。 穿过南岳古镇,迎面而来的是一组气势恢弘的宫殿式建筑,这便是有着江南小故宫之称的南岳大庙。 南岳大庙为湖南省重点保护文物,始建于唐初,距今上千年,以后历经宋、元、清等朝6次大火和16次重建。瑞存建筑为清光绪六年重修,占地76800平方米,沿中轴线依次为棂星门、有奎星阁、川门、御碑亭、嘉应门、御书楼、正殿、寝宫和北后门等九进四重院落。 现在大家脚下跨过的是寿涧桥,它前面就是南岳大庙的南正门--棂星门。棂星是古星宿之一,主管人兴国旺,以棂星命名的庙门,自然也是希望咱们国家人才辈出,万业昌盛。 大家看到,圣帝殿东有道教的财神殿,西有佛教的观音殿,那么南岳到底奉什么教呢?这就是南岳衡山的大特色--佛道共荣。道教于西晋传入南岳,南北朝佛教流入,山后两教就一直并存,扬光大。山上既有我国第一个女道士南岳夫人魏华存修道的黄庭观,也有禅宗南宗五大宗派发源地的福严寺和南台寺,还有先道后佛的上封寺等等,中国的两种主要宗教文化在这里达到了和谐的统一。 各位游客,再走过寝宫和北后门,离开大庙,我们就来到了南岳衡山主峰登山处,前面这个花岗石门叫做胜利坊,是1947年为纪念抗日战争胜利而建。坊上刻有一副楹联:七二峰,如避群英,胜算先操,中流砥柱;五大洲,盟联友国,狂澜竞挽,世界和平。从中,我们依稀可以想见那烽火连天的峥嵘岁月。原联为国民党湖南省政府主席王东原所书,毁于文革时期,现在联是著名书费新我左手书写。 各位朋友,从现在起,我们就将踏上登顶之路。在这之前,请允许我先提醒您几个注意事项:衡山作为著名的风景区处自然林区,是严禁攀折花木和吸烟点火的,让我们共同来爱护这一片美好的大自然吧!南岳的气候素有三重天之称,即山下一重天,山腰一重天,山顶一重天,每重天之间约有3度的温差,请注意带一些保暖衣物备用!山上虽然修建了行车大道和人行小径,但仍有部分地段较陡峭,请大家留神一下,互相照应点儿!好了,万事俱备,让我们向衡山最华丽的乐章--主峰祝融峰进发吧! 朋友们,南岳衡山在五岳之中以风光绮丽著称,素有五岳独秀的美誉。那么它究竟秀在哪里?秀就秀在这满山的树,满坡的草,满眼的绿!沿途大家已经看到,衡山树木茂密,郁郁葱葱。南岳植物资源丰富,有树种600多,森林面积达30多万亩,而且还有不少名树古木:福严寺有一棵据传受戒于六朝时慧思禅师的银杏树,树龄已达1400多年,树身需三人合抱;藏经殿后的白玉兰,距今也有500多年的历史了;允春亭的摇钱树,无碍林的同根生、连里枝等,也是比较罕见的。 好了,爬了一段山,可能有点儿累吧?那我们在这里休息一下。面前大家看到的是我国建筑最早,规模最大的抗战纪念地之一,也是国民政府在大陆惟一保存的大型抗战纪念陵园--忠烈祠。 南岳衡山的导游词 篇11这里就是衡阳八景之冠的“雁峰烟雨”。传说天将下雨池中水气袅袅升腾,如烟似雾,萦绕峰顶。由于历史的变迁,当年的景致已不复存在。现在我们站在此地可遥想当时那种雨雾飞溅,紫气升腾的景观,领略“雁峰烟雨实堪夸”的意境。 唐朝诗人王勃在《滕王阁序》中留下了“雁阵惊寒,声断衡阳之浦”的佳句。明朝诗人陈宗契赞誉道“青天七十二芙蓉,回雁南来第一峰”。北宋政治家王安石有诗云“万里衡阳雁,寻常到此回”。历史上许多文人墨客赞雁、咏雁,以雁寄情,托物言志,叙发思乡之情,“衡阳雁”已成为人们传情达意,思乡怀古,情深意长的代名词了。 回雁峰景色宜人,亭台楼阁布局合理,建设精美,成为一道美丽的风景。现在我们看到的是“上达”牌坊,是仿明朝图式重建的。厚重的拱形山门,上面是用汉白玉制作的“麒麟吐书(须)、狮子戏球、二龙戏珠、丹凤朝阳”的浮雕,古色古香。拱门上“上达”两字寓意就是上山、登高从此起步,就可以达到人生的顶点;同时也含有一种禅意,佛教认为人性有三毒,就是“贪、嗔、痴”,大家只要过了这个“山(三)门”,就能灭绝这三毒,达到心灵上的快乐自由。上达的两边是衡阳的“雁城长联”,撰联作者衡阳诗人郭龙;书法作者是加籍华人、祖籍衡阳、有“诗魔”之称的洛夫先生。此联气势磅礴,用典贴切,170个字把衡阳数千年的人文地理、风土人情都表述出来。 大家再看看背面的这幅“莫作等闲观”的匾额,它的书法作者是民国初期的蒋铨蘅。蒋先生的书法作品在当时很有名气。“莫作等闲观”字面直意是莫等闲观看这小小回雁峰,山虽不高,却蕴藏着丰富的人文内涵和佛教文化。它的喻意是莫等、莫靠,要世人脚踏实地追求更高的人生境界。 你们看这滴泉,日积月累在泉下形成一水池,终年不涸,人们叫它“净手池”。烧香之前,香客们都习惯先来此净手:一来表示对菩萨的虔诚;二来洗去人世间的烦恼,三是表示要清清白白的做人做事。各位游客可以试一下,心诚则灵相信会带给你更好的财气、福气、运气的! 《回雁峰碑记》座落于望岳台下,一九八四年重建回雁峰时立的。文字虽不过五百,却把回雁峰名称的来历、传说故事、重建时的盛况一一记叙出来。石碑撰文李兆璜,书法姚贤坤,石刻黄雪聪。立此石碑时,还有一段趣闻,时任衡阳市市长杨敏之曾对碑文作者提出三点要求:一是文字不过五百;二是雅俗共赏;三是不为个人树碑立传。大家可以仔细阅读一下碑文,是不是达到了这三点要求。 南岳衡山“佛、道教文化”具有悠久的历史,是中国仅有的“佛”、“道”两家教派共存的名山。“香火”特别旺盛,天南海北的香客千里迢迢赶到南岳烧香。自古以来就有“南岳菩萨显远不显近”的说法。可大家知道吗?雁峰寺菩萨显远也显近。到南岳烧香之前,须先到“南岳第一峰”雁峰寺来烧头柱香,这样才会更显灵验。 现在我们站在回雁峰的半山腰上,大家看到这个半弧形的建筑就是“望岳台”。顾名思义,就是站在此台上,可以眺望南岳诸峰。可惜因建筑物的遮挡,我们只能联想南岳峰峦叠秀,湘水北去的美景。在这里我想给大家讲一个发生在我们衡阳的历史故事:大家知道“冲冠一怒为红颜”的吴三桂吧。这个历史上贬褒不一的人物曾在望岳台原址举行了“登基”仪式。1644年李自成攻陷北京,掳去了镇守三海关的明朝大将吴三桂的爱妾陈圆圆,吴三桂很气愤,降清并率兵攻打李自成,李自成兵败。吴三桂为清王朝立下了汗马功劳,被封为“平西王”镇守云南。康熙皇帝为了加强中央集权,下令削藩。吴三桂不服,清康熙十二年(公元1673年),吴三桂联合耿精忠、尚可喜等藩王扯起了“反清复明”的大旗,自云南经衡阳北伐。为了实现个人野心,也为了稳定军心、民心,康熙十七年(公元1678元)三月初二,吴三桂在这个地方举行“称帝登基典礼”,自称“大周皇帝”,定国号为“周”,加封文武百官。其“大周”王朝只存在5个月就覆没了,在衡阳留下许多传说。 现在我们来到了有“南天第一刹”之称的“雁峰寺”。梁天监十二年(公元513年),宏宣法师南来,选回雁峰创建寺院。梁武帝亲赐“乘云禅”寺,隋朝称“雁峰寺”,唐朝改为“山门寺”,明清之际建“寿佛殿”,迄今已有一千四百多年历史了。门上方挂着的“雁峰寺”匾额是赵朴初先生的手迹,两侧的楹联: 纵览豁中怀 对晴天雁字 月夜钟声 好把俗尘涤去 登临寻胜迹 看槛外江山 池边烟雨 都从梵宇收来 细读此联,您的心灵会沉浸于超凡脱俗的禅境之中。 南岳衡山的导游词 篇12就是为了纪念明末清初的思想家、哲学家、辩证唯物主义集大成者王夫之的出生地——“此君轩”和王船山出生地纪念馆。“此君”在《清泉县志》里解释就是“竹子”的意思。古人云:“宁可食无肉,不可居无竹,无肉人变瘦,无竹人变俗”,竹子是高风亮节,刚正不阿的象征。大家看这亭之窗棂、亭之护栏、墙之壁画均以竹子装饰。配以“此间应号筼筜谷,君辈有吟淇澳诗”的楹联,中间有王夫之先生提笔凝思的塑像。他是在思索“反清复明”的大业未成的原因?还是在怀念“清风有意难留我,明月无心自照人”的仕途?王夫之自喻船山,后人也叫他船山先生。他一生发奋著书立说达四十年之久,对天文、地理、历法、诗歌、哲学均有研究,尤精于经、史、文学。现有著作七十余种,后人把他的著作编为《船山遗书》,共358卷,800多万字。轩内还镌刻有王夫之用“摸鱼儿”词牌写成的潇湘小八景,也就是衡阳古八景。雁峰烟雨、石鼓江山、东州桃浪、西湖荷花、花药春溪、岳亭雪岭、朱陵仙洞、青草渔灯,大家有时间可以细细吟赏,韵味无穷喔。王船山出生地纪念馆是20__年8月落成的一幢仿明清建筑风格的四合院,占地1200平方米,里面陈列了船山先生曾用过的鞋、伞、床和他全部的著作,以及他的生平介绍。 各位朋友,请大家往对面的山头看看,您发现什么特别的建筑没有?在高层建筑旁有一座古朴的砖塔,建于公元1696年,距今已有三百多年的历史。相传,当时一位叫周燮的县令在这一带修建城墙,挖出许多白骨,为了告慰亡灵,也为了驱灾避邪修建了此塔。塔高15米,五层,八角,实心,砖石结构。塔竣工之日,该县令就请了许多文人雅士来题塔名,可一时没有人想出很适当的名字,只留下一个“塔”字在上面。因其座落在接龙山上,所以我们称之为“接龙塔”,也有人称它“白骨塔”。1944年,惨烈的衡阳保卫战,此地是中日争夺的制高点之一。“接龙塔”在日军的炮火攻击下保存完好,也算是一个奇迹。 我们来到了“南岳第一峰”新区景点参观游览。新区是20__年20__年9月建成的,面积3.43公顷,由“落雁景区”、“船山景区”和“回雁景区”三个部分组成。这里是“回雁景区”。大家看到这座宏伟的建筑就是“回雁阁”。它可以和“岳阳楼”相媲美,已成为衡阳的标志性建筑。阁由一个主阁和两个副阁组成。主阁是“回雁阁”,高度为35米,为四层,顶部重檐,呈“金字塔”型。副阁由“听瀑亭和揽翠亭”组成,四周有木护栏,突出檐口形式,使之如雁张翼,整体造型庄重古朴、典雅大方,既有浓烈的古建筑韵味,又展现现代风格。回雁阁有七十二根柱子,象征南岳七十二峰,有兴趣的朋友可以数一数,看是不是七十二根柱子!20__年9月市政府投资80多万元,征集名人字画、楹联,将阁楼装饰一新,整个阁楼文化气氛浓郁,反映了衡阳厚重的历史和丰富的人文。 沿着这条由无数鹅卵石铺成的阶梯,我们来到了“落雁景区”。落雁景区致力于表现潇湘八景之一的“平沙落雁”景观。蒸水、湘水与耒水在衡阳市区汇合。秋天水落沙平如雪,芦苇萧疏,美丽的大雁在此过冬,形成了“平沙落雁”这样的美景。由于历史、气候、环境的变迁,“秋雁戏沙”的美景已不存在。我们通过人工的意境再创一个“微缩平沙落雁景观”供大家观赏。在花坛的东侧,有一条条长的石碑廊,每块石头上镌刻着历代诗人题咏回雁峰的诗词佳句,大家如果有兴趣,可以一首首吟赏。再往前走,我们看到的是“南岳第一峰”牌坊,牌坊上“南岳第一峰”五个大字,是赵朴初先生的手迹。 穿过一条宽敞的游路,我们来到南岳第一峰假山瀑布前。假山再现了南岳诸峰的形、神、韵,有“衡山千仞一峰高”的观赏效果。山石错落有致,中间有“水雾”喷出,形成云烟缭绕的效果。山顶有瀑布飞流直下,水击山石、飞流碎玉。瀑布下有“雁影潭”,山、水、石相得益彰,构成了一幅气势磅礴的美丽画卷。 南岳衡山的导游词 篇13Hello! Welcome to Hengshan, Nanyue! Zhangjiajie Hengshan is located in the central and southern part of Hunan Province. Itis one of the five famous mountains in China. It is one of the first batch ofnational key scenic spots, the first batch of national 4A tourist areas and theonly "national civilized scenic spot demonstration site" in Hunan Province.Hengshan is known as "the most beautiful five mountains" and "the longevitymountain of China". Hengshan has 72 peaks, which start from Hengyang City in thesouth, Huiyan peak in the South and Yuelu Mountain in Changsha City in thenorth. The peaks are beautiful, magical, winding eight hundred Li and powerful.Just as Wei Yuan, a famous scholar in Qing Dynasty, described in Hengyue Yin,"only Nanyue is like flying." The origin of the name of Nanyue Hengshan has been discussed in three wayssince ancient times. One is that Pangu created a new world. After his death, heturned into mountains and trees. His head turned into Mount Tai in the East, hisfoot into Mount Hua in the west, his right arm into Mount Heng in the north, hisabdomen into mount song in the middle, and his left arm into mount Heng in thesouth. Another theory is that Emperor Yan, one of the ancestors of China,pursued the immortal bird and beat it down with a magic whip, which turned itinto Nanyue. Now Hengshan's emblem "zhuniao" is derived from it. There is also asaying that the ancients divined the human fortune according to the sky andstars. It is the so-called "the sky has stars, and the earth has cities.".Hengshan, the southern mountain, corresponds to the wing of the star in the sky.It can weigh the weight of heaven and earth like a scale, so it is calledHengshan. There is also a "Changsha star" beside the star, which is in charge ofthe longevity of ordinary people. Hengshan is also called "Shouyue" because itbelonged to Changsha in ancient times. "Nanshan" in "longevity is better thanNanshan", which people often say, refers to Hengshan. The reason why Nanyue Hengshan can stand out among many famous mountains inthe country is due to its beautiful scenery, rich and diverse species andmagnificent weather. Nanyue is known as "the unique beauty of the five mountains", with "show"as the main landscape feature. There are so many mountains, so many trees, somany clouds and so on. It's really "different scenery in five li, double sky inten li". The scenery of Hengshan is so beautiful and countless. Among them, themost famous are the "four wonders of Hengshan", the beauty of Sutra collectionhall, the depth of Fangguang temple, the height of zhurong peak and the wonderof shuilian cave. 南岳衡山的导游词 篇14Huiyan peak is located on the Bank of Xiangjiang River in the south ofHengyang City, with a height of 96.8 meters. Although Huiyan peak is not high,it is said in ancient times that "the North geese fly to the south, and thenstop flying back". Therefore, it has become the dividing point of thenorth-south temperature difference line in China since the southern and NorthernDynasties. The name of Huiyanfeng also comes from this, and Hengyang City isalso called "Yancheng" because of it. The famous sentence in the preface toTengwang Pavilion written by Wang Bo, a famous poet of the Tang Dynasty, "thewild geese are startled by the cold, and the sound breaks the HengyangRiver". Once back to Yanfeng, the first thing you see is Yanyu pool. Yanyu poolused to be a deep pool under Huiyan peak. When it is going to rain, the watervapor in the pool rises slowly, like smoke and fog, and appears and disappearsfrom time to time, so it is named "Yanyu pool". In the past, when wild geesecame to the south, they stopped here to recuperate. When spring returns to theearth, they set out to return to the north. Later, Yanyu pool was graduallyabandoned, and Yanfeng Park was restored in the 1980s. Please look at the rocks beside the Yanyu pool, which are engraved withsome poems and calligraphy works of famous artists in the past dynasties. Thestone in the middle is engraved with the three characters of "Huiyanfeng"written by general Tang Tianji. The old general was 83 years old when he wrotethese three words, but his handwriting is still vigorous and powerful, whichshows his solid foundation. Next to them are Wang Bo's "wild geese are cold andthe sound breaks Hengyang's PU" in "preface to Tengwang Pavilion" and Chenzongqi's "seventy-two Hibiscus in the blue sky, the first peak of geese comingback to the South" in "Ode to Nanyue". Around the Yanyu pool to the right is the "Shangda archway". The archwayused to be the entrance gate of Yanfeng temple on the mountain. It has a longhistory, but it was destroyed in the war. After SHANGDA memorial archway, we boarded the "Wangyue terrace". Here youcan have a panoramic view of the whole Hengyang City. In the west, it was thebattlefield of Hengyang during the Anti Japanese war. Looking to the north ofYueping mountain, the Zhuhui tower and Laiyan tower at the confluence ofXiangjiang River, Zhengshui River and Leishui River echo each other; looking tothe East, there are a lot of sails in Xiangjiang River. During the Double NinthFestival, there are always many Hengyang people supporting the old and carryingthe young. They come here to look far and cultivate their temperament. Turning around, the magnificent temple in front of us is Yanfeng temple, athousand year old temple. Yanfeng temple, formerly known as Chengyun temple, wasfirst built in the 12th year of Liang Tianjian in the Southern Dynasty, that is,in 5L3 ad. The temple was renamed "Yanfeng Temple" in Sui Dynasty, "ShanmenTemple" in Tang Dynasty, and "shoufo Temple" in Ming and Qing Dynasties. It wasofficially named "Yanfeng Temple" when it was rebuilt in 1980s. It has a historyof nearly 1500 years. In the past, monks from all over the world would come hereto worship, and many eminent monks and Zen masters started their talks here toenlighten the world. There is an endless stream of pilgrims here every year.Until today, every morning on the first day of the first lunar month, many localpeople come to burn "toujixiang"! On the main gate of the temple, there is a clay and gold plaque with threecharacters "Yanfeng Temple" inscribed by Zhao Puchu. On both sides of thecouplets, it reads: "look at the open heart, and wash away the common dust withthe words" Yanfeng Temple "on a sunny day and the bells on a moonlit night. Whenyou go to the scenic spot, you can see the river, mountains and the rain by thepool, all of which are collected from the Vatican." Yanfeng temple is divided into two parts. In front of it is the Guanyinhall, where the statue of Guanyin is worshipped. She holds a pure bottle and hasa dignified Dharma. Next to her are the good fortune boy and the Dragon Girl. Itseems that she is about to sprinkle the happiness to the world. 南岳衡山的导游词 篇15"Zijunxuan" is the birthplace of Mr. Wang Chuanshan, a famous philosopher,thinker, writer and historian in the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties. Thepresent building is reconstructed according to the records of ancient books.Inside the pavilion, there is a sculpture by Mr. Wang Chuanshan. Wang Chuanshanwas born in wangyaping, ancient Hengzhou Prefecture. He once studied in YueluAcademy in Changsha. In his middle age, he participated in the anti Qing Dynastyand the restoration of Ming Dynasty. After his failure, he lived in seclusion atthe foot of shichuanshan mountain in Hengshan County. He studied astronomy,geography, calendar, mathematics, especially classics, history and literature.His works include historical works Yongli Shilu, philosophical works Zhouyiwaizhuan, zhangzizheng mengfa, Huangshu, siwenlu, etc., 1645 poems and 325poems. Later generations compiled them into Chuanshan Yishu, a total of 358volumes and more than 8 million words. Wang Chuanshan hated the Qing soldiersand vowed not to be an official. Every time he went out of the house, he wouldwear high soled shoes and play bamboo umbrella, which means "not to step on theland of the Qing court, not to share the sky of the Qing court.". In thepavilion, bamboo is used as decoration from guardrails to window lattice, stairsto murals, symbolizing the noble spirit of Mr. Chen. On the walls of thepavilions and corridors, there are also "eight scenes of ancient Hengzhou"inscribed in Wang Chuanshan's writings and Xiao Shanqing's writings: Yanfengmisty rain, shigujiangshan, Dongzhou taolang, Xihu lotus, Zhuling fairy cave,anther Chunxi, yuepingxueling, Qingcao Yudeng. Out of this junxuan, up the steps, you can see the Xiangjiang River.Hengyang is the confluence of the Xiangjiang River and the steaming water. Inancient times, every autumn, the water potential subsided, the beach was full ofsnow-white sand, and geese from the South came down one after another. This isthe famous "wild geese falling from the flat sand" in the ancient "eightsceneries of Xiaoxiang". However, due to the changes of time, the scenery ofthat year has been lost, which makes the later generation have infinitereverie. Nanyue Hengshan is eight hundred Li in length and breadth, among which themost beautiful and concentrated scenic spot is the central scenic spot in NanyueDistrict of Hengyang City, covering an area of about 85 square kilometers. Nanyue ancient town After Nanyue Hengshan memorial archway, turn forward and step into Nanyueancient town. The specific formation age of the ancient town can not be tested,but at least in the Tang Dynasty, it has formed a very prosperous Xiangshi. Lookat the bluestone road under your feet. It has been polished for thousands ofyears. The heel of your shoes makes a clear sound on it, just like the woodenfish of Zen bell, beating the soul of every pilgrim! The streets of Nanyue ancient town are all paved with stone slabs. On bothsides are two-story buildings with the same height. The same color of whitewalls, high raised eaves and carved dragons and painted Phoenix roofs allmaintain the style of is, reflecting the ancient beauty of Nanyue ancient towneverywhere. If you buy a stick of incense in the shop here and taste a cup oftea in the teahouse, you will surely benefit a lot from the comprehensivenessand profundity of Chinese Buddhism and the remote artistic conception oftraditional culture. Another wonder about the streets of the ancient town isthat there is a long corridor under the houses on both sides. In this way, evenin rainy days, you don't need to take an umbrella to walk leisurely along thelong street, which truly realizes the situation described by the famous writerLi Jianwu in "climbing Mount Tai in the rain" which is "interesting in the rainbut not bitter". Although the ancient town is small, it also has all kinds of internalorgans, such as restaurants, inns, incense shops, shops, Buddhist halls, andeven the study where the smell of ink still exists. In particular, therestaurants here serve local specialties, such as fresh and delicious wildmushrooms, Hengshan tofu with unique taste and nutritious bamboo shoots. If youdon't try local dishes in Hengshan, it's just like if you don't eat muttonsteamed bun in Xi'an, 18 Street flowers in Tianjin and hot pot in Chongqing! After going through the blue stone road full of vicissitudes, the ancienthouses full of history, and the Buddhist halls and incense shops that cleansethe soul, do you have a bright light in your heart? Do you have a differentfeeling for Nanyue? Do you have a meditation on life? This is the real beauty ofthe ancient town! 南岳衡山的导游词 篇16Hengshan is a subtropical monsoon humid climate with long frost free periodand short freezing period. It has the characteristics of cool summer and coldwinter, abundant rainfall, foggy and windy, and obvious vertical temperaturechange. Good natural conditions have created Hengshan's characteristic landscapeof no mountain, no tree, no place, no green. There are more than 600 familiesand 1700 kinds of trees in Hengshan Mountain. The scenic forest area is 300000mu, the primary secondary forest area is 57000 mu, and the forest coverage rateis more than 80%. Accompanied by the rare wild animals such as Caragana, bamboopheasant, big headed turtle, etc., Hengshan Mountain can be called a naturaltreasure house of biological resources! Hengshan rises abruptly from the southern Hunan basin, forming a sharpcontrast with the surrounding areas, and also contributing to many wonderful andpeculiar climate landscapes. Hengshan scenery is known as "Four Seas", namelysea of flowers, forest, cloud and snow. The four seasons scenery of Hengshan ischaracterized by flowers in spring, clouds in summer, sun in autumn and snow inwinter. Among them, Hengshan cloud is worth mentioning. "Hengshan cloud,Huangshan pine" has been talked about by people since ancient times. Hengshan'sclouds change at four o'clock, spring clouds are covered together, summer cloudsare like feathers, autumn clouds are like waterfalls, and winter clouds are likeink; In the early morning or evening, the mountain wind blows through the pineforest, carrying layers of clouds to the visitors. The sound of the pines isfaint and frightening. But as soon as they arrive, they turn into countlessgossamers and float away, which makes people feel depressed. No wonder theancients once sighed that "the sea of clouds sways my heart"! The beauty of Hengshan lies in the forest and the culture. Nanyue is atreasure house of Chinese culture, known as the "civilized Olympic area". Thereare many historical records of emperors, princes and dignitaries coming here toworship in the past dynasties, especially the visits of scholars, scholars andscholars. They set up steles, built ancestral temples, visited ancient times,recited poems and wrote Fu, which left Hengshan precious material and spiritualwealth, and also made Hengshan a famous mountain of Huxiang culture. If we say that Buddhism makes Hengshan as bright as the moon, Buddhismmakes Nanyue as bright as the sun. In the southern and Northern Dynasties,during the reign of Liang Tianjian in the Southern Dynasty, from 502 to 519A.D., monk Huihai went down from the Northern Wei Dynasty, preached at the footof Lianhua peak, and built Fangguang temple for the first time. Since then,Buddhism has been handed down to Nanyue. Later, master Xi Dun and master Hai Yincame to Hengshan to preach. In 567 A.D., the first year of Chen Guangda in theSouthern Dynasty, monk Huisi built a Prajna Buddhist temple in Hengshan topublicize Buddhism, making Buddhism officially take charge of Hengshan. FromChen Dynasty to Tang Dynasty, Buddhism has been widely developed in Hengshanfrom Ming Dynasty to Qing Dynasty. Huisi and Zhixu created Tiantai Sect,huairang created Nanyue sect, xiqian passed on Qingyuan sect, chuyuankaiHuanglong sect, huinankai Yangqi sect, Chengyuan sect, fazhao sect and Huikaisect all took place in Nanyue Mountain. In particular, under the vigorouspromotion of famous monks such as huairang, xiqian, Mazu, Daowu, Weiyan, andnature, Zen Buddhism has successively derived five sects, namely Linji, caodong,Yunmen, fayan, and Jiyang, which spread throughout the country and even inKorea, Japan and other overseas areas. It is a grand sight and is known as "fiveleaves and one flower" in the history of Buddhism. 南岳衡山的导游词 篇17Across the North Street, in front of us suddenly opened up, a majestic andgrand ancient architectural complex showed in front of us, this is the largestpalace style ancient architectural complex in southern China Nanyue temple. Stepping into the Lingxing gate, there is a courtyard with towering pinesand cypresses and green grass. There are a fire pool and a stele Pavilion on theleft and right. The fire pool is used to store water to prevent the buildingfrom catching fire. It is also used by believers to release life, so it iscommonly known as the fire pool. On the east side of the pavilion is theinscription of rebuilding Nanyue Temple written by Shang Hu, the Minister ofstate of the Ming Dynasty during the Chenghua period. On the west side of thepavilion is the inscription of offering sacrifices to Hengyue written by fanChunren of the Song Dynasty. Not far along the middle road is Kuixing Pavilion, the second building onthe central axis of Nanyue temple. Kuixing Pavilion, also known as PanlongPavilion, is a peak building with double eaves, covering an area of 139 squaremeters. In the pavilion, there used to be a statue of Kuixing, the head ofWenxing, to show respect for literature. Many parents who want to be successfuloften come here with their children to pray. There are Bell Pavilion and drum Pavilion on both sides of KuixingPavilion. The Bell Pavilion on the left used to put a 4500kg bell, and the drumPavilion on the right used to put a 2m drum. The ancients believed that as longas the bells and drums were singing together, the Dragon King could be subdued,so that he would not dare to stir up trouble, so as to ensure the stability ofthe country and the people. The second courtyard of the temple is not long in depth but wide in crosssection. On the east side of the courtyard is "Xuande Zun gate", which connectsthe eight Taoist temples on the east wing of the temple; on the west side is"six temples with one gate", which connects the Eight Buddhist temples on theWest Wing of the temple. In the center of the courtyard is the imperial stelepavilion with octagonal double eaves and sharp roof, which is the fourthbuilding on the central axis of the temple. The imperial stele pavilion wasbuilt in 1707, the 46th year of the reign of Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty,in which stands the Qingshi stele "records of rebuilding Nanyue Temple" writtenby Emperor Kangxi. The stele is 6.6 meters high and weighs about 20__ kg. It has279 characters, which describes the process of rebuilding Nanyue temple underEmperor Kangxi's decree. The top of the monument is carved with a relief of twodragons holding the sun, and the base is a 20 ton blue stone turtle. The widestpart of the temple. The third courtyard behind Jiaying gate is the main courtyard of Nanyuetemple, which is composed of Royal Library, main hall, bedroom and east-westcorridor, with a total of 58 buildings. In the middle of the main hall, thefront is the imperial library, and the back is the bedroom. The corridor issurrounded by more than 90 ancient and famous trees. The sixth building in thecentral axis of the temple, the Yushu building, is a double eaves Xieshan peak.It is seven rooms wide, 30 meters wide, 20 meters deep and 15 meters high. Itwas named after the seven plaques given by emperors in the past. Now it is acultural relics exhibition room. Passing through the imperial library, the main hall in front of you, whichis similar to the Taihe Hall of the Forbidden City in Beijing, is the core ofthe whole temple, the main hall of the seventh entrance building on the centralaxis. The main hall is also called the emperor's hall because it worships ZhuRong, the "emperor Tianzhao of Nanyue". The existing building, with an area of1877 square meters, was rebuilt in 1880. The main hall stands on the2-meter-high 16 level Xumi pedestal, with a height of 31.11 meters. It is thehighest building of the whole temple. It is higher than all the buildings inNanyue ancient town, highlighting its supreme position. It has double eaves,nine ridges, seven rooms wide, 53.68 meters wide and 34.84 meters deep. It hashigh cornices, carved beams and painted buildings. In front of the main hall, there is a square covering an area of more than1000 square meters, which is used for God performance and pilgrims' worship. Thetreasure houses on both sides are places for pilgrims to burn incense andcandles. The incense of Nanyue temple is very prosperous, where the smoke curlsall day long and the fragrance fills the courtyard. Especially during the templefair and the Spring Festival, believers from all over the country and even allover the world gathered together. Monks and Taoists also came here to preach andpray. At that time, thousands of people gathered and there was a lot ofexcitement! Walking up the steps, the first thing that attracts everyone's attentionmust be the huge stone pillars here. There are 72 stone pillars inside andoutside the main hall, representing the 72 peaks of Hengshan Mountain. Outside,there are window carvings of "the painting of twenty four filial piety" on thelattice windows, red seal painting between the pillars and beams, 144 whitemarble relief balustrades beside the platform and white marble dragon relief onthe steps. They are all fine works of art. They can really be called a treasurehouse of art! There are a large number and varieties of wood carvings, stonecarvings and clay sculptures here All of them are amazing, reflecting the superbwisdom of the ancient working people! Passing through the main hall, the back yard is the fourth courtyard of thetemple, which is composed of the bedroom dedicated to the Holy Father and theVirgin Mary, the Zhusheng hall dedicated to the Taoist Zhusheng Zhenjun, thetemple dedicated to the Buddhist administrator and the North back door. Shengli square In the driving mountain, you can see all kinds of lush trees. The keyreason why Hengshan is unique among the five mountains is that it is only in theevergreen broad-leaved forest zone with dense trees and evergreen all the yearround. Nanyue is famous for its many trees. There are many ancient trees, famoustrees and exotic flowers here. There is a ginkgo tree in Fuyan temple, which issaid to have been taught by Zen master Huisi in the northern and SouthernDynasties. It has been more than 1400 years old and needs three people toembrace it. There is a magnolia behind the Sutra hall, which has a history ofmore than 500 years. In addition, yunchunting's money tree is also veryrare. Along the way, I wonder if you have noticed those people wearing soaptowels, black clothes and red pockets on their chests? These are Nanyuepilgrims. Due to the common prosperity of Buddhism and Taoism in Hengshan,Nanyue temple has a large audience, and many monks and Taoists have emerged inlarge numbers. Therefore, it has attracted many religious believers to come topay homage, which is called "Nanyue pilgrims". Every year, pilgrims come fromHunan, Jiangxi, Guangdong, Guangxi, Hubei and other places from March of thelunar calendar. After August of the lunar calendar, pilgrims reach the peak,with more than 10000 people per day. With all kinds of good wishes, they comeall the way to seek spiritual consolation, and even express their piety by"burning hungry incense" or "burning worshiping incense". The so-called "burnhungry incense" means that you don't eat any food after you leave home. You onlyeat by drinking water until you finish burning incense in Hengshan Mountain. Theso-called "burn worshipping incense" means holding incense, kneeling in fivesteps and worshiping in ten steps, from the foot of the mountain to zhurongpeak. There are also pilgrims who like to worship and sing along the way,singing pilgrimage songs as if no one else. This kind of ancient Buddhist songhas attracted some teachers and students from Conservatory of music to study. Anendless stream of pilgrims has made great contributions to Nanyue's economy.Just as the local people say, "Nanyue people, who don't farm, eat in August forthree years." But what is intriguing is that the local people in Nanyue seldomburn incense, In their words, "Nanyue Bodhisattva is far away, not near." |
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