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标题 张家界天门山英语导游词


张家界天门山英语导游词 篇1

  Tianmen Mountain was called Yunmeng Mountain in ancient times, also knownas Yuping mountain. It is located 10 kilometers south of Zhangjiajie City. In263 ad, because of the collapse of the mountain wall, a door was opened in theupper part of the mountain, connecting the north and the south. During the ThreeKingdoms period, sun Xiu, king of Wu, thought it was auspicious and named it"Tianmen Mountain". Tianmen cave is located on the cliff at an altitude of morethan 1260 meters. It is 131.5 meters high, 57 meters wide and more than 60meters deep. According to the research of geological experts, the central partof the entrance is the intersection of the syncline of the East and West rocklayers. Due to the compression, the rock was broken and collapsed, and theentrance was finally formed in 263. Tianmen Mountain is 1517.9 meters above sealevel. Because the relative height difference between Tianmen Mountain anddowntown area is more than 1300 meters, Tianmen Mountain is especially tall andstraight. Its beautiful skyline is a typical example of Tianmen Mountain.

  Tianmen Mountain is a national 5A tourist area. It is also known as"China's 50 most worthy places for foreigners to visit, China's most desirableplaces, Hunan's new Xiaoxiang eight scenic spots, China's top 100 self drivingscenic spots, and China's top 10 scenic spots most concerned by Internetusers".

  The unique karst platform landform of Tianmen Mountain is rare all over theworld. It is a isolated mountain with precipices around it. The heightdifference within a few kilometers reaches more than 1300 meters, which createsthe magnificent momentum of the towering isolated peak. The top part of themountain is relatively flat, covering an area of 2 square kilometers, with aforest coverage rate of 90%. There are many strange rocks and trees. It has arare Davidia involucrata community in the world. It is wild all year round, justlike a beautiful sky garden. In July 1992, Tianmen Mountain was approved by theMinistry of forestry as the second National Forest Park in Zhangjiajie. The poetWang Xinjian's poem "walking on Tianmen Mountain" says: "I wandered for a longtime in my dreams several times, and the breeze came ten li to step on theflowers. Step by step, the sky steps lead to the silver Han, and the vast cloudpath encircles the green cliff. The ancient temples are hidden in the secludedvalley, and the screen is rugged and moving to Penglai. And bathe the haze intothe wonderland, already Chengxin near Yaotai. "

张家界天门山英语导游词 篇2

  During the winter vacation, I went back to my hometown Zhangjiajie andvisited the world-famous scenic spot Tianmen Mountain.

  Tianmen Mountain cableway entrance is located in Zhangjiajie City, only 40minutes drive from my home. After buying the tickets, we took the cableway upthe mountain. The whole ride in the cableway lasted about 20 minutes. The morewe went to the top of the mountain, the more exciting it was.

  Finally, we arrived at the top of the mountain. We started along the Shanxiline of Tianmen. The steep mountain road along the way, coupled with the coldwinter and the fog, made us feel as if we were in a fairyland. The more you goto the east line, the lower the temperature is. There are strings of icicles onthe cliff surface, and even the water droplets on the leaves form ice. At aglance, it looks like countless crystal clear ornaments. My family and I alljoked that it was like Japan in winter, even more beautiful.

  Walking on the glass plank road built on the cliff, looking at the bottomof the foot, you can see that the whole plank road is built on the stone walllike a knife cut, which is covered with thick ice and snow, and then down, it isshrouded in white fog, you can't see anything clearly, which adds a mystery tothe beautiful scenery.

  We walked from the west line to the east line like flying through theclouds. Along the way, some people are lamenting the magic of nature, whileothers are glad that the fog has covered the foot of the cliff, otherwise thetourists who are afraid of heights will not be so comfortable along the way.

  We stop and go, about three hours later, we came to the most famous Tianmencave. But this time, because of the ice and snow weather at the top of themountain, the entrance has been closed. We can't go down the stairs to thebottom of Tianmen cave, we can only look down at Tianmen cave from the top ofthe mountain. Although I just looked down and far away, I was already amazed athow such a big natural cave was formed! My aunt who had been to Tianmen cavetold me that the cave is very big, and people would feel very small when theystand under it! The cave is so big that even a plane stunt once flew throughit!

  If you want to experience the magic and mysterious Tianmen Mountain, pleasecome to my hometown Zhangjiajie, I can be your guide!

张家界天门山英语导游词 篇3

  Friends: I believe you are not unfamiliar with Tianmen Mountain. The worldaerobatics Grand Prix held in November 1999 completed the feat of human flyingthrough natural karst caves for the first time, and the name of Tianmen Mountainsuddenly entered the world's vision. How many people hope to have a glimpse ofTianmen Mountain. Today, you finally get what you want!

  Tianmen Mountain was called Songliang mountain in the Han Dynasty. In theThree Kingdoms period, a door was opened on the wall of the mountain. Sun Xiu,king of Wu, regarded it as an auspicious omen and renamed it Tianmen Mountain.Tianmen Mountain is a masterpiece of nature. In the long geological history, ithas experienced marine sedimentation rising to continental sedimentation,forming a high mountain, and suffered hundreds of millions of years of wind andrain erosion, especially the Triassic Yanshan movement. At the end of theCretaceous, the large-scale Himalayan orogeny further uplifted the TianmenMountain, which was cut into isolated mountains by two fault canyons, resultingin a great height difference between the high mountains and the valley, with aheight difference of more than 1300 meters within a few kilometers, thuscreating the majestic momentum of the isolated peaks of the TianmenMountain.

  Tianmen Mountain is a mysterious carrier of historical culture and Buddhismculture, and a perfect combination of natural landscape and human landscape. Inorder to speed up the process of tourism development in Zhangjiajie, TianmenMountain is in the process of large-scale development and construction. Somescenic spots have not been officially opened; the world's longest ropeway andTianmenshan temple are under construction. So, how did Tianmen cave form?Geologist Mr. Qin gongjiong thought that it was the result of "funnel"dissolution. He thinks that the terrain on the east side of Tianmen caveinclines slightly to the west, while the terrain on the west side inclinesslightly to the East, and the core of syncline is facing Tianmen cave road. TheEast and west walls are cut by two joints with a strike of about 320 degrees,and a joint with a strike of 40 degrees intersects with them at Tianmen cave.Two karst funnels at the top of the cave also play an important role in thekarst process. After the rain falls, the surface water flows along the slope tothe funnel, and part of the water flowing into the soil flows down theinterlayer cracks of the stratum towards the core of the syncline. The long-termcontinuous dissolution process makes the local collapse, and finally makes thetwo groups of caves merge into one, forming the Tianmen cave.

  However, some people disagree with this: the Tianmen cave was formedaccording to this principle. Why is the base of the cave a huge platform? Canthese rocks "collapse" out of the cave? Therefore, the formation of Tianmen caveis still an unsolved mystery.

  (Tianmenshan Temple) Tianmenshan temple was first built in the TangDynasty. It was called Yunbo temple, Lingquan courtyard and Songliang hall inancient times. In the Ming Dynasty, due to improper site selection, it wasrepeatedly destroyed by wind and often suffered from water shortage, soTianmenshan temple was moved from the eastern peak. It used to be a place withtowering ancient trees and thick shade. The lintel of the ancient temple isengraved with the four characters "Tianmen Xianshan". The couplet on both sidesof the gate is: "there is no night in the sky, and there is no mountain on themountain. It is said that Li Zicheng wrote a book by Ye Fu. The entrance is theGreat Buddha Hall, behind which is the Guanyin hall, with six bungalows on bothsides. The last one is the ancestral hall, which is of great scale. Folk can besummarized as "three into the hall, six ear room, brick wall, iron pot, such asKuang". The original architecture of the temple is very particular, withcornices and angles, carved dragons and painted phoenixes, and statues ofBuddhas and Bodhisattvas. There is also a big drum, a big bell, a seven levelstone tower and a Dahua money stove. According to the inscriptions, Tianmenshantemple was repaired seven times during the 163 years from the Qianlong period ofthe Qing Dynasty to the fifth year of the Republic of China. At that time, therewas an endless stream of believers from more than ten counties along the borderof Hunan, Hubei, Sichuan and Guizhou. Now Tianmenshan Tourism Co., Ltd. isrepairing Tianmenshan temple on a large scale, and the former prosperity willreappear. (longtouyan) it's called longtouyan. In the past, there were stonetaps that could be turned on the collapse. Longtou rock faces a cliff. It issaid that in the past, many pilgrims, in order to show their sincerity inpraying for God and worshiping Buddha, held the dragon's head in their hands andmade a circle around the cliff. As long as they were sincere, they wouldguarantee you nothing. Later, the dragon head was lifted off the cliff. Now wecan only see the stone pit where the dragon head was placed. Longtou rock is thebest viewing platform for sunrise and sea. Li Jing, the magistrate of Yuezhou inthe Ming Dynasty, wrote a poem praising the Tianmen Mountain: the mountain hasreached its peak, and the Tianmen gate is close to the mountain. Looking up atPenglai under the red sun, looking forward to Lufu white clouds. Cangya abruptpine fir ancient, Qujing remote horse trace empty. If you want to build thehighest peak, flying must rely on the sky wind. (chisongfeng gold pool) thissmall pool is about 1.3 meters long, 0.6 meters wide and only a few centimetersdeep. No matter how dry it is, the water will not dry up all the year round. Itis said that this is the gold pool of chisongzi, the rain master of Shennongemperor in ancient times. Under the northern cliff, there is a peak like Danzaopeak, which is called Danzao peak. At the top of the peak, there are clouds andmist, like the smoke rising from the stove. It is said that it is a stove usedby red pine nuts for alchemy. There is a poem by predecessors: "in the past,there were immortal places. The relics are left in Danzao, and they often comeand go. " There are thunder cave and electricity cave under the peak of Danzao.It is said that in addition to using the water from the golden pool, the redpine nut can reach a certain degree of fire with the help of thunder andelectricity. There are a lot of strange things in Tianmen Mountain, but thetruth is not clear. Among them, there are four ancient mysteries, which havebeen handed down from generation to generation. The first is the mystery ofTianmen opening, the second is the mystery of Guiguzi developing, the third isthe mystery of turning the water on the top of the mountain, and the fourth isthe mystery of wild Buddha's treasure. It is said that under the beech tree isthe treasure house of the wild Buddha. In the chapter "Tianmen Mountain" in thelocal records of Yongding County written by Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty, it issaid that "in the Ming Dynasty, the wild Buddha flew to this mountain fromJiashan temple. The wild Buddha was a bandit. After the incident, he cut off hishair and became a monk. He escaped from heaven. " (ghost Valley cave) it is saidthat when Li Zicheng took Yefu up the mountain, he took more than 100 people andhorses and many gold and silver treasures, hired nine wooden boats to sneak intoDayong secretly against the Li River, and went up Tianmen Mountainunconsciously. This time Yefu became a monk, he didn't really want to become aBuddha. Instead, he "sleeps" every day and "draws his sword to the altar" to"restore the Central Plains" and "wipe out the whole world" one day. However,the situation took a sharp turn, the peasant army collapsed, the Qing governmentwas established, and Yefu finally died of anxiety. It is said that before hedied, he scattered all the treasures he had brought and hid them in severalsecret places in Tianmen Mountain. And poisoned all the migrant workers todeath. For hundreds of years, I don't know how many bandits, pilgrims andmysterious monks of Tianmen Mountain have come to Tianmen to worship. In fact,they have come back empty handed to peep at the terrain and search for treasure.Where the treasure is hidden is always a mystery.

张家界天门山英语导游词 篇4

  Dear friends

  Hello everyone! Welcome to Tianmen Mountain, the national AAAAA scenic spotand National Forest Park. Tianmen Mountain, 1518.6 meters above sea level, isthe highest mountain in Zhangjiajie. It is named after Tianmen cave, a naturalwonder. It is known as "the soul of Zhangjiajie" and "the first holy mountain inWestern Hunan" for its profound historical culture and colorful cultural relics.Tianmen Mountain is divided into four scenic spots, namely "Tianmen dongkai","Biye Yaotai", "fairyland" and "Tianjie Buddhist kingdom". There are only winterand spring in four seasons. Summer is a good place to cool off and winter is agood place to ride on ice and snow. The mountains are foggy, with an average of230 days a year. The sea of clouds and waterfalls often appear, which isamazing.

  Tianmen Mountain is not only unique in natural scenery, but also has manyof the world's most artificial wonders. From the world's longest high mountainpassenger ropeway, Tongtian Avenue, the world's first highway wonder, toZhangjiajie's first high-altitude viewing cable car, to Guigu plank road andglass plank road above the cliff, every landscape facility can give you adifferent surprise.

  With a total length of 7455 meters, Tianmen Mountain ropeway is the longestpassenger ropeway in the world. From the cableway station out, in front of thistwo-story building is Li Na villa. In 1997, Li Na, a famous singer, came toTianmen Mountain. She saw that the mountains and rivers here are strange, thewater is clear, and the human relationship is simple. For many years, she hasbeen deeply attracted by the religious culture of Tianmen Mountain, so she movedto Zhangjiajie to pursue her ideal state of Zen.

  Lingxiaotai is one of the best scenic spots in Tianmen Mountain. Theterrain here is extremely high and the vision is vast. You can have a panoramicview of the mountains, rivers, countryside and cities. Sometimes there areclouds and fog around your feet, which makes you feel like a fairy. This sceneis just like overlooking the mortal scenery in the mythical Lingxiao hall, so itis named Lingxiao terrace.

  Lingxiao platform for Yihong pass. There is a red pine peak here, which wasnamed after the rain master of Shennong, chisongzi, who practiced here. There isa bottomless Canyon in the middle of Chisong peak. There is a natural stonebridge on the canyon, which is like a rainbow connecting the two ends. It iscalled "Duanshan Hongqiao", and the name of yihongguan comes from it. It's anatural echo wall. Especially, you have to wait patiently for 5 seconds to hearthe echo here.

  The ghost Valley plank road under your feet is named because it issuspended above the ghost Valley cave. Because of its high risk and wide fieldof vision, it has become a star scenic spot of Tianmen Mountain, which has beenpraised by people all over the world. With a total length of 1600 meters and anaverage altitude of 1400 meters, the trestle road is an unforgettable cliffexperience.

  Tianmenshan temple, known as the Buddhist Center in Western Hunan, wasbuilt in the Ming Dynasty. After the fusion of Confucianism, Taoism andBuddhism, the temple has been prosperous ever since. Now the temple is rebuiltin the original site, covering an area of more than 20000 square meters. It isthe highest Buddhist building complex in Hunan at present. The whole templeadopts the official style of ancient China, and is composed of the main hall,Guanyin Pavilion, sutra Pavilion and other buildings. The temple also worshipsthe real body relic of Sakyamuni, his two disciples muqianlian and the relicBuddha. It is also the only temple in Hunan Province to offer the Buddharelic.

  Next, we are going to challenge the glass plank road, which is known as"the road of Oriental sky". The plank road is 60 meters long and the highestaltitude is 1430 meters. In addition to the trestle road every one meter or sowith reinforced concrete to build a section of support, all are highlytransparent tempered glass, each piece of glass can withstand 1000 kg, sopersonal safety is completely guaranteed.

  Tianmen cave formed in the Three Kingdoms period, is the essence ofTianmenshan Mountain attractions. To get to Tianmen cave, you have to passthrough the Tongtian Avenue, which is known as "the first highway wonder in theworld". With a total length of 11 kilometers and sharp curves, Tongtian Avenueis also known as "Tianlu" because of its unique and high risk. After 99 bends ofTongtian Avenue, you can enjoy the style of Tianmen cave from a short distance.The towering cliffs on both sides make the Tianmen cave particularlyspectacular. There is no human landscape in the cave, only blue sky, whiteclouds and wisps of mist. It seems that you can reach the heaven directly afteryou step over. Before and after the rain, when the water vapor is abundant, thewind and cloud in Tianmen cave are surging, and the transpiration fog is like awhite dragon circling in and out of the cave, forming a unique and spectacular"Tianmen spitting fog".

  Tianmen cave is the highest natural karst cave in the world. It runs fromnorth to south. The gate is 131.5 meters high, 57 meters wide and 60 metersdeep. In 1999, the world's aerobatic master once flew through Tianmen cave,achieving another feat of human challenging nature. The performance caused asensation in the world, with 800 million viewers watching the live broadcast,and Tianmen Mountain has become the focus of the world since then.

  Well, that's all for the explanation of Tianmen Mountain. Please give usmore valuable opinions on the shortcomings. Thank you!

张家界天门山英语导游词 篇5

  One day, my uncle took us to visit Tianmen Mountain. Tianmen Mountain islocated at the junction of Xinning County in Hunan Province and Ziyuan County inGuangxi Province. It is also a natural scenic spot of Danxia Diyan.

  In the early morning, my uncle drove all the way, and the cool mountainwind came in front of me. It was chilly. "It's July. It was so cold yesterday.It seems that the temperature difference between the mountain and the city isreally big." I muttered. About 40 minutes by car, finally came to thedestination - Tianmen Mountain.

  As soon as I get out of the car, I don't know when the "depressed" sky hasopened a smiling face. Come to the foot of the mountain, a piece of denseforest, covering the distant view of the line of sight, a tortuous andmysterious stone path curved to the far peak. Climbing up the path, the greentrees sprout in the mountain. From the gap between the leaves, there are a fewrays of sunshine occasionally. The birds are singing tactful "Songs" on thetrees intermittently. A clear stream murmurs, and clusters of bright redwildflowers sometimes emerge from the bushes. I took a deep breath, the airmixed with a faint fragrance.

  The mountain road is getting steeper and steeper, and the climbing is notas easy as before. Passing a pavilion halfway up the mountain, I hesitatedwhether to continue. Suddenly, a bright light not far away attracted my eyes.There is a dazzling light between the two cliffs, which seems to light a brightlight on the dark valley. Looking up, people are like frogs at the bottom of awell, only a line of blue sky can be seen. Do I really want to stop and be atoad? No, I should be the "Eagle" at the top of Lingfeng mountain. I gritted myteeth and persisted. I climbed countless steps and finally reached the top ofTianmen Mountain.

  Standing on the top of the mountain, you can see the mountains, the clouds,the river like a green belt, the wind passing, the mountains rolling, the wildflowers swaying in the jungle, the endless scenery, it's like a naturallandscape painting

  I love climbing, and I love the "scenery" after climbing!

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