标题 | 清明上河园景区导游词范文 |
范文 | 清明上河园景区导游词范文(精选5篇) 清明上河园景区导游词范文 篇1Millennium City Park (Qingming Riverside Landscape Garden) : Have you ever dreamed of going back in time to Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127) in China and savor the prosperity and culture of those years? If so, come to Millennium City Park (also called Qingming Riverside Landscape Garden) located in the old city of Kaifeng (the former Bianjing) in Henan Province. Find yourself in the spectacular scenery there and you are sure to realize that dream. Millennium City Park located on the west bank of Dragon Pavilion Lake is a grand cultural garden. It covers an area of 600 mu (about 98 acres), and the construction area is more than 30,000 square meters (about 7.4 acres). The built area consists of several architectural complexes which are re-creations based on the famous twelfth century painting by Zhang Zeduan of 'The Qingming Festival by the Riverside'. This picture is a painted scroll which is 525 cm (about 17 feet) in length and 25.5 cm (9.5 inches) in width depicting life along Bian River during the Qingming Festival. The scenes in this painting are highly detailed and the spectacle is magnificent. There are large numbers of people and buildings. The people are shown in a variety of contemporary clothes that indicate their social standing and occupations. The lively throng includes many animals and it is not difficult to imagine the sounds in the street scenes where the people are crowded and noisy. We can almost hear someone bargaining with a shop owner while others are cheering entertainers. The picture is like a live symphony of life during the Song Dynasty (960-1279). When you enter the Millennium City Park, a statue which is 16 meters (about 52 feet) tall comes into view. This figure is none other than the artist Zhang Zeduan, who holds his famous drawing of 'The Qingming Festival by the Riverside'. Now we can find these scenic spots such as City Gate Tower, Rainbow Bridge, distinctive shops and others which are re-created in the Park according to the scenes in the painting. Let's first visit the imperial garden of the park. All the palaces and gardens have been carefully arranged. Standing inside the gardens and visible from outside, are the pavilion and the pagoda while in the distance a waterfall comes into view. Among these a majestic pavilion of 31.99 meters (about 105 feet) will draw our attention. From its appearance, you will expect it to have four floors but actually there are another three floors hidden inside. It is so tall and seems to be able to touch the clouds. This is how it got the name of Fuyun (whisking the cloud) Pavilion. It was also the place where important royal documents and traditional Chinese painting and books are stored during the Song Dynasty. Another scenic spot called Rainbow Bridge is a well-known feature in the Park. It is a replica of one of the ten ancient timber bridges. The bridge is 5 meters (about 16 feet) high. The first bridge was built in 1050, and reconstructed in 1998. Four 9 meter (about 29 feet) high columns, two at either end of the bridge, replicate the poles that were weather vanes at the time of the Song Dynasty. A white crane sits on a disk at the top of each column and they turn to face into the wind, indicating its direction. At each end of the Rainbow Bridge you will find many performances about folk custom. A staff of about 1,000 employed in the garden wearing different traditional clothes put on performances for the visitors from 9:00 am to 22:00 pm. On the streets you can find acrobats, puppet shows, cockfighting and even a marriage scene. While in the park you will have the opportunity to see exhibits of folk customs and traditional crafts ranging from hand embroidery and displays of woodcut pictures and official porcelain and so on. At the end of your trip, you can buy local souvenirs for your friends and family. One of the distinctive things you will encounter when visiting the Park lies in participation. You can play a role in a traditional Chinese marriage and realize your dream of being a Number One Scholar in the imperial examinations of ancient times. These activities are sure to bring the past alive and add to your enjoyment and interest. The whole landscape in Millennium City Park reflects an eternal theme of harmony between man and nature. It is a place where you can relax and gain inspiration. 清明上河园景区导游词范文 篇2清明上河园景区,占地500亩,其中水面120亩,总建筑面积1万平方米。仿照原图,设驿站、民俗风情、特色食街、宋文化展示、花鸟鱼虫、繁华京城、休闲购物和综合服务等八个功能区,并设有校场、虹桥、民俗、宋都等四个文化区。游览清明上河园,可以跨虹桥,登上善门,游鸿福寺,浏览文绣院,下榻古驿站,就餐孙羊正店。游览清明上河园,您可以情观党民间杂耍、木兰织房、年思社,还有吹糖人、剪纸、风筝等民间工艺,当然还有闻名中外的开封小吃。 清明上河园可看景物繁多,让我们先云看看著名的虹桥吧! 展阅《清明上河图》,我们可以看到一造型优美的木顶拱桥。据专家研究,《清明上河图》的虹桥为中国十大古桥之一,是著名的木拱桥,如建于1050年,为当时北宋京城的水陆交通运转畅通发挥出了巨大的作用,后毁于战火。今天展现在我们面前的这座拱桥,是仿照原图建造的。我们能够重登飞架的虹桥,应归功于张择端真切的视像描绘,应当感谢他给了后人重睹北宋京都风景线的机缘。重建的这座虹桥1998年建成,桥跨径25米,高5米,跨度比为1:5,桥的两边设有四根望柱和四根9米高的立柱,顶部有一圆盘,上面泊立白鹤鸟,随风转动,对照下面的十字交仪木就知道白鹤所指的方向,这是古代的风向标。 虹桥是飞架在汴河之上。据史书记载,汴河始于战国的魏,通于隋,畅于宋,上起河洛,下至淮泗,直通长江,为北宋南北贯通的大动脉。各地所产的粮食,所收的赋税,各种奇珍异果都是沿着这条河运到京城来的。汴河对于当时的北宋可谓至关重要。由于舟船往来,客商众多,于是在河的两边就出现了许多店铺,在当时袭击京城,汴河两岸是最繁华热闹的地方,虹桥左右让铺林立,舟船如梭,商贾云集。今天的虹桥下面,是东京码头,诸位感兴趣的话,可以荡起宋式木船,饱览北国水城的万顷碧波。 清明上河园景区导游词范文 篇3朋友们,清明上河园可看的地方数不胜数,咱们先去看看最为著名的虹桥吧!在《清明上河图》上,我们可以看到一造型优美的木顶拱桥。据专家研究,《清明上河图》中的虹桥为中国十大古桥之一,是著名的木拱桥,建于1050年,对当时北宋京城的水陆交通运转畅通发挥出了巨大的作用,后来毁于战火。今天展现在我们面前的这座拱桥,是仿照原图建造的。现在大家能够重登飞架的虹桥,应归功于张择端真切的视像描绘,应当感谢他给了后人重睹北宋京都风景线的机缘。重建的这座虹桥1998年建成,桥跨径25米,高5米,跨度比为1:5,桥的两边设有四根望柱和四根9米高的立柱,顶部有一圆盘,上面泊立白鹤鸟,随风转动,对照下面的十字交仪木就知道白鹤所指的方向,这是古代的风向标。 走上虹桥,桥下就是史书上记载现在模拟的汴河。据史书记载,汴河始于战国的魏,通于隋,畅于宋,上起河洛,下至淮泗,直通长江,为北宋南北贯通的大动脉。各地所产的粮食,所收的赋税,各种奇珍异果都是沿着这条河运到京城来的。所以汴河对于当时的北宋可谓至关重要。由于舟船往来,客商众多,于是在河的两边就出现了许多店铺,舟船如梭,商贾云集,这里就成了最繁华热闹的地方。今天的虹桥下面,是东京码头,各位如果感兴趣的话,可以荡起宋式木船,饱览北国水城的万顷碧波。 走下虹桥,列位请看桥南路西这座脚店。门前搭起有三四层楼高的彩楼,店名“十千脚店”。如此有特色的店名其实在宋代是作为酒店的一种称谓。北宋东京城只卖酒不造酒的酒店被统一称为脚店。称为“十千”的店名,又显得店主颇具文才。“十千”一词最早见于《诗经》,意指数量之多。三国时曹植《名都篇》中有“归来宴平乐,美酒斗十千”这时十千是作为一个计价单位一斗酒价值十千。到了唐代时“十千”这一词就逐渐演变成“美酒”的代名词。 清明上河园景区导游词范文 篇4作为主题公园,这里一改名胜景区的枯燥和肃穆,全新演绎盛世的激情和狂欢。正当你沉湎于大宋的世俗民风时,冷不防就置身于一个精心编排的表演之中。大道上缓缓走来的正是铁面无私的包拯,那边广场上龙争虎斗的原来就是劫法场救宋江的梁山好汉。穿过“ 平桥观鱼”面前就是“上善门”了。园区“上善门”是按旧制还原建造高21.6米,总占地面积1500平方米,是一座气宇轩昂,巍峨壮观的城门楼,门洞高8米,宽5米。在这里可以拾级而上,登高远眺,沐浴和风。在图中“上善门”不仅是作为城市的防务建设,还起到了城乡分界线的作用。 进入上善门,便进入了城内。内城是作为中央衙署商业区,寺院最为集中的场所,也是北宋东京城最热闹,最繁华的所在地。路北这家气派的酒楼便是“孙羊正店”。北宋东京城资金雄厚,可以自己造酒的酒店被称为正店。门前的两排栏杆,宋代叫“拒马叉子”,原本是为迎驾时防止马越界限而用,类似现在的停车场护栏,后来就成为大型酒店门前的装饰物。“孙羊正店”应该说以马位为表示,炫耀其“京都大酒店”的显赫地位。路南正对面,京城退休官员王员外,在这开设了客栈“王员外家”。一会儿这位京城首富的王员外要招女婿,他的女儿王小姐要在绣楼上搭彩楼,抛绣球招亲。如果哪位运气好了,接到绣球,那可登上彩楼与王小姐拜堂成亲,顷刻间便可拥有万贯家财和如花美眷,真是人生一大快事。 为了丰富景区的宋文化,更好的再现《清明上河图》和北宋东京的繁华景象,园区利用北苑的湖面和周边景观建筑投资1.35亿元,聘请《印象刘三姐》、《禅宗少林音乐大典》的著名编剧、导演,我国实景演出导演第一人梅帅元率领的制作班底,历时一年创编出了大型水上实景演出《大宋。东京梦华》,演出共分为六幕四场,时长70分钟。通过将九阙经典宋词和一幅古画串联起来,运用高科技手段演绎出了大宋王朝的辉煌。如果说白天大家看到的是一个真实的“东京”,那么,晚上看到的就是一个充满艺术气质的“东京梦”。 各位朋友,咱们的行程马上就要结束了。在这段快乐的时光里,咱们游览了壮观的清明上河园景区,大家的热情给我留下了深刻的印象,同时,也希望我的服务能够给大家留下一丝美好的回忆。张学友有首歌,叫做"祝福"里面的歌词也的好:"若有缘,有缘就能期待明天,你和我重逢在灿烂的季节"。在这里呢,我想把祝福送给大家,我衷心祝愿咱们能够再次重逢在阳光灿烂的季节!谢谢大家。 清明上河园景区导游词范文 篇5清明上河园的开园仪式隆重热烈,具有浓厚的发方色彩。首先出场的是马队。骑手们个个身着宋式短装,手擎彩旗,在一片冲天锣鼓声中呼啸而来,分列场发两旁。紧接着奔腾而出的是欢迎盘鼓,盘鼓手也是宋装打扮,大鼓悬在腰间,动作整齐划一,鼓声震天,鼓点欢快豪放。最后出场的是在张龙、赵虎、王朝、马汉簇拥下上场的一代名相包拯包青天,只见他铁面黝黑,双目有神,大步向您走来,欢迎您到清明上河园游览。至此,马队手们手中旌旗挥舞,盘鼓手中大鼓齐震,游客们在“包青天“的带领下,共同走进清明上河园。清明上河园游览的序幕由此而拉开了。 在清明上河园,迎面可以看到一幅长16米,高3米的大型浮雕,浮雕前是汉白玉巨石人像雕塑《情系东京》,一代名师张择端手捧恢宏历史长卷《清明上河图》欢迎您来到清明上河园。让我们先来认识一下一代名师张择端和他的《清明上河图》吧。 张择端字正道,号文友。生于北宋,卒于南宋。年轻时游学京师,擅长绘画,曾任翰林图画院侍诏。为纪念张择端,我国著名雕塑艺术家陈修林、庞王宣教授取中华石材之乡山东莱州的白色花岗石这尊高大塑像,石像后面则为浓缩《清明上河图》芸芸从生的浮雕,栩栩如生地再现了太平盛世时开封的繁华市景、民俗生活。《清明上河图》中所画的生活景物几乎无所不包,真实地描绘了北宋东京开封城的繁华景象。在这幅长525厘米地,宽25.5厘米的画卷上,有各种人物684个,牲畜96头,房屋122座,舟船25艘,既有巨商富贾,也有街头小贩,既有城楼虹桥,也有行舟路人,就连算卦先生也能看得到。专家们甚至还发现了店铺中的算盘。算盘这个世界上最古老的讲算器究竟何时发明,目前我们还无法考证,但是《清明上河图》中出现的算盘却是在目前发现的古代图文资料中第一次出现的算盘。《清明上河图是我们研究宋代经济、文化、建筑、科学等珍贵历史资料,原作现存中国历史博物馆。 |
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