标题 | 微山湖湿地概况导游词 |
范文 | 微山湖湿地概况导游词(精选3篇) 微山湖湿地概况导游词 篇1微山湖千岛湿地位于 沛县微山湖西岸,京杭大运河两侧, 被国家列为“微山湖自然保护区”。湖里碧荷脆藕,更有肥美水产,其中 四孔鲤鱼是微山湖的特产。 是国家4A级旅游景区。 微山湖千岛湿地主要由三个片区组成,分别将北、中、南片区定位为“千屿湿地”、“文化湿地”和“农耕湿地”。“千屿湿地”面积约6.5平方公里,主要结合现有水面开阔,岛屿众多的资源条件,打造沛县“千岛湖”湿地景观;“文化湿地”面积约8.3平方公里,主要利用现状广阔土地资源,打造汉文化、红色抗战文化、渔家文化、生态文化等体验项目,将文化元素融入休闲娱乐活动之中,提升度假区的文化品质,形成以湿地环境为背景、以休闲文化为重点的文化湿地。其景观特质是“休闲化、体验化”;“农耕湿地”面积约3.5平方公里,结合生态农业技术,进行花卉苗圃种植和科技农业展示。 微山湖千岛湿地省级旅游度假区位于沛县大屯镇,占地面积17.3平方公里,以湿地自然生态保护为前提,以湿地文化为主线,以红色文化、影视文化、运河文化、渔文化为支撑,打造成为以商务会议、湿地休闲、滨水度假、文化体验、美食休闲等核心功能为一体的湿地型生态旅游度假区。拥有湖西文化园、东原会所、湿地公园、水上会都、龙湖码头等项目。 微山湖湿地概况导游词 篇2湿地,人称“地球之肾”,可以净化空气,过滤污水,并养育了无数的生命,成为了第三大生态系统。 我本以为湿地就是一片有很多水洼的地而已,可一到微山湖湿地,我就着实吃了一惊。 首先映入眼帘的是一个小池,池中盛开着几朵娇嫩的白莲,在“碧玉盘”的衬托下,显得更加妩媚动人。再往里看,一池一池的荷花和莲花争奇斗艳,热闹非凡。这就是湿地吗? 接着往里面走,一池荷花就在眼前闪亮登场了!她们由纤细修长的杆支撑着,亭亭玉立,那花朵又有如赤血丹心,红得那样柔美。“灼灼荷花瑞,亭亭出水中。一茎孤引绿,双影共分红。”,此言不谬也。她们还吐出屡屡幽香,使得人们沉醉其中。蜜蜂闻味儿赶来,穿梭在鲜花丛中,享受着工作的乐趣,但做做停停,停停做做,似乎也观赏着、品味着那些优雅的荷花。不,那不是花,那是一群婀娜的少女,是天仙下凡!她们有着一股可以与一切生灵交流的灵气,还拥有可令人立刻爱上她们的无限魅力。 一直往里走,更使我领略到了五彩缤纷的荷花、莲花的风采。看,红花好似一片挂在天边的红霞,仿佛就要燃烧起来似的;紫花穿着美丽的紫纱裙含笑望着我们;黄花就像上了一层蜡,光洁油亮,她天生高贵,才不会理我们呢。再向前看,甚至还有神奇的肉红色莲花呢。人面莲花相映红!哈哈! 天下起了濛濛细雨,雨打荷叶,大珠小珠落玉盘,一片“沙沙沙”的天籁之音便被谱出来了。其间或许还谱着诱惑,这不,我的依恋就是个很好的证据呢! 微山湖湿地概况导游词 篇3Weishan lake ecological tourism scenic area is a part of weishan lake, is located in xuzhou city 20 kilometers north Tongshan zone, the main scope in xuzhou weishan lake lake wetland protection zone, west lake beach, 60 km long, 1-2 km wide, covers an area of 100 square kilometers, including Ma Po farms, lake town, liu town village, MAO, LiuQuan Town, quo-town adjacent six towns and tongshan island, guishan island, island, set in huangshan, Huang Zhuang low hilly mountain island, have a natural village in the region. West lake wetland nature reserve is located in weishan lake, xuzhou city, jiangsu province, the southeast border with tongshan zone, west connected with the emperor gaozu liu bang hometown - peixian county, shandong province weishan county in the north. Wetland protection area, there are more than 300 kinds of wild vertebrates, including national level of protection animals of the Chinese merganser and bustard; The secondary protection animals have whooper swans, crane, etc; Jiangsu province key protected animals hedgehog, the stork, wild goose, cuckoo, woodpecker, etc. Lake area of wetlands in the existing forestry land area of about 8418 square kilometers, forest land area of about 7117 square kilometers, forest coverage rate of 27.2%. In the west of the beijing-hangzhou grand canal, has formed 200 meters wide, 125 km of greening corridor. Abundant, weishan lake, has "the sunrise bucket of gold", the existing 78 kinds of fish, give priority to with carp, crucian carp economic fish, yellow croaker, snakehead, red fin Bo, changchun parabramis and carp 6 kinds, benthic animals including mollusks and arthropods, animals, insects, etc. 63 kinds of links, the resources for a total of 98876 tons on a total of 116 phytoplankton, including 14 kinds of dominant species, 248 kinds of zooplankton, dominant species, 32 species, 74 species of aquatic vascular plants, all existing lake is 3.04 million tons, fishery biological bait quite rich. Or migratory waterfowl and its important wintering habitat, weishan lake area, a total of 205 species, one country, the secondary protection birds are mainly bustard, whooper swans, white-naped crane, crane, yuanyang, such as 26, focus on the protection of shandong province 35 species, included in the agreement on China and Japan to protect migratory birds and their habitats in two hundred and twenty-seven there are one hundred and nine species, accounting for 48%; Included in the China and Australia to protect migratory birds and their habitats agreement of eighty-one species of 25 species, accounting for 31%. Wetland vegetation in gramineae, compositae, Sally ZhangKe, legume, ratio and pondweed families of plants is given priority to. Main plant communities are reeds of community, tomato, lotus community's water, such as vegetation zone; Apricot community, water chestnut + Gordon euryale community streamer Ye Genshen vegetation zone; Malay eye dried vegetable, micro gear pondweed communities, bitter herb plant community submerged vegetation zone, such as aquatic vegetation coverage was 89.9%, and the reputation of "underwater forest". State one, two, tertiary protect plants mainly include water fern, coarse stem water fern, the straw wisp of grass and wild soybeans and other nine. Legend, long long ago, the weishan lake area, was long a few decades, several hundred zhangs of dashan, because of the mountain have a small child's tomb people gave it a name is situated. Situated on a mountainside, lived a family only between two people. Cannot father son opened up a few acres of sloping fields, grow some of their crops for a living. Although life is poor, but also comfortable. One year autumn, beans cooked quickly, pea is fat and big, cannot father son nice to think that must be a good harvest year, don't worry about no food to eat. One evening, the grandson to see beans beans field, looked up and saw a white beard old man, with a group of sheep is put in the bean field. Grandson rushed over to ask: "grandpa, how do you sheep on my bean field?" The old man said: "you this beans do not closed, within 10 days, the mountain is about to collapse, here, becomes a piece Wang Yang, the great lakes, beans can also receive?! As feed my sheep." Paused, he said: "you cannot father son but a good man ah, hurry up bright direction, can't stay here." Say and into the wind disappeared, and the sheep are gone. Grandson quickly ran home and told the just thing to grandpa. Grandpa heard this, said it was immortal attunements, just pack clothes overnight. Grandson fled toward the east, ready to lead while tell folks with their escape. So going, rounds, a few days later, the mountain, the mountain people fled out. On the ninth day in the middle of the night, only listen to the sound of a breaks up, then is situated. Situated fall into the ocean, the highest peak of the original situated into the island, and the people was called the vast expanse of water, weishan lake, the ocean in a small island called situated. |
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