标题 | 济南的导游词 |
范文 | 济南的导游词(通用12篇) 济南的导游词 篇1走进济南,细细感受济南的冬天,一定会使你感慨万分:“济南的冬天竟是如此美好,这里平和、宁静,而美景也无处不在,美不胜收!”是啊,这就是济南,没有烈日,总是洋溢着平和的温柔。这里的山水草木,处处充满了生命的喜悦和温和的保护。 济南的冬天总带给孩子们无尽的欢乐。当雪花随着风轻轻飘落到地上,缓缓聚多,成为洁白的白雪。孩子们便会结伴穿着厚厚的棉衣,戴着温暖的手套跑到雪地上一起嬉笑着滚出一个又一个大雪球,堆出一个个可爱的雪人娃娃。一起打着雪仗,小雪球纷纷在天空划过条条弧线,那是孩子们眯着眼睛,享受冬天带给他们的喜悦。当孩子们的身上积满打闹时留下的雪,便会满意地咯咯笑起来。满地的白雪留下一双双孩子们快乐的足迹。 济南的冬天总是带给人们银妆素裹的美景。这是一个粉妆玉砌的世界,漫天飞舞的雪花舞动着,它们各不相同,风儿为它们伴奏“呼,呼呼。”雪花静静的在空中旋转,然后慢慢地落到地上,去拥抱已经到达陆地的同伴们。这些洁白的雪花飘浮着,默默点缀着济南。地上更是白雪皑皑,冬天姑娘,指挥者雪花,温柔地给大地铺上一层雪白而又柔软的地毯。放眼望去,一片雪白,宛如童话中的仙境。 济南的冬天充满了梅花的香气。有人说:“冬天,不仅美丽,而且残酷。”冬天确实拥有如临仙境的美景,但是,却百花凋零。可在这时,有一种花却抵得住风寒,坚强地傲立在刺骨的寒冬。那便是傲雪凌霜的梅花。它的有着独特的一种淡淡的幽香,但是它的香却是历经风雨的折磨,才能散发着香气。这种花在济南的公园里常有,它的品质值得我们学习。 这就是济南的冬天,那儿荡漾着孩子们的欢笑,有着优美的风景,还有值得我们学习的品质。我爱济南,这片可爱的土地! 济南的导游词 篇2欢迎大家来到这!我是你们的导游,我姓x,大家可以叫我小x。为了便于大家参观游玩,下面我首先大家介绍一下。 济南是一个历史悠久的城市,有着很好的文化底蕴。地处中国第三大经济强省—山东省。是山东省省会。济南因境内泉水众多,故被称为“泉城”。济南有众多的泉和老街老巷济南已成功举办亚洲杯、全运会、园林花卉博览会、中国艺术节等盛会。 说到济南,不得不提冬天的济南,今年冬天是一个“暖冬”入冬以来,一直没有下雪,直到年后几天,才下了一场中雪,给空气杀了杀菌。去年和今年年前几天雾霾特别重,去年光雾霾天就有200多天!街上大多市民都在过年没有放鞭炮,也有几个人选择了少放,看来大多数市民都想让蓝天重现。 但是,雾霾并没有遮住济南的老街老巷,和一座座老楼。济南城内百泉争涌,现存733个天然泉,其中有七十二个名泉,我印象最深的的一处泉是黑虎泉。黑虎泉为济南四大泉群之一。早在金代以前,黑虎泉就以现名闻名于世。泉水出于深凹形洞穴,通过三个石雕虎头泉水喷出,因其声、色特点而得名。小时候,爸爸经常带我来黑虎泉玩,还经常带我来这打水。冬天,泉池上漂着一层薄薄的雾,犹如仙境一般。 说起济南的老街老巷,不得不提起济南的芙蓉街,芙蓉街是一条济南性格的老街。位于济南市中心,芙蓉街是神州各地、欧美日韩。各色小吃琳琅满目,应有尽有,又被称为“小吃一条街”。 这就是美丽的济南,我喜爱家乡济南的泉水和老街老巷,更喜爱家乡济南的风土人情! 济南的导游词 篇3On August 27, Dad finally finished his work and fulfilled his promise totake me to Daming Lake in Jinan. The long-awaited wish also accelerated with thehigh-speed railway. His excited mood was like the tree shadow beating outsidethe car window, more like a string of active notes. The first stop to Jinan is Daming Lake. The first thing you can see is theglazed tiles, vermilion painted pillars, and a row of antique gate buildings.Through the gate buildings, you can see the magnificent Daming Lake and the lushlotus leaves blooming on the shoal, just like a green paper umbrella on thelake. If you look carefully, there is another one A lotus pod, and a fewbeautiful lotus, is really "connected to the sky lotus leaves infinite blue,reflecting the sun lotus another red", echoing with the classical pavilions,feel like watching TV in the south of the Yangtze River. What's more amazing is the stone Museum in Daming Lake scenic area. Thereare various kinds of stones in different shapes, such as jade, Taishan stone andso on, At noon, my father and I went boating on the lake, feeling the quiet andpeaceful atmosphere. Sitting on the boat, we watched the water waves quietly.Occasionally, a few red fish came to the surface, and occasionally a few waterbirds flew out of the island in the center of the lake. In the afternoon, we went to visit Baotu Spring, which is known as "thebest spring in the world". As soon as we entered the gate, I saw the plump Koiunder the small bridge and flowing water. Some of them were glittering with goldand some of them were charmingly naive. Along the Qingshiban Road and the flowdirection of the spring, we came to the memorial hall of Master Li kuchan.Master kuchan had heard of them for a long time This is the most attractiveplace for those who are interested in calligraphy and painting. It is majesticand lifelike. Let me look at it with new eyes. After turning around the kuchan master memorial hall, and passing thememorial hall of poetess Li Qingzhao, we come to Baotu Spring. There are a lotof people watching it. From a distance, there are three spring eyes, and thespring water is surging, like three blooming flowers, Spring clear bottom, fish in groups in the water swimming, carefree is veryhappy. Perhaps in this beautiful environment, time will pass quickly, thetwinkling of an eye is dusk, my father and I with a reluctant mood, set foot onthe return train. 济南的导游词 篇4Jinan has been a scenic spot since ancient times, once known as "everyspring, every weeping willow". Baotu Spring is full of vigor and vitality. Themagnificent Qianfo Mountain and the clear Daming Lake are like two bright pearlshidden in this land. It's very vivid to describe her with "lotus flowers allaround, willows on three sides, mountains in one city and half lakes in thecity" My hometown is called "Spring City" by people. In her "treasure chest",there are 72 pearls, which always shine and illuminate the whole "treasurechest". The brightest pearl in her is "Baotu Spring". She has three springs, oneof which is the largest. The spring comes out wave after wave, just like a bigwheel, so it is named "Baotu Spring" ”。 Li Qingzhao, an ancient poet, once livedhere. The place she used to wash was later called "shuyuquan". What a beautifulname! There are many small springs around Baotu Spring, such as "woniu spring","Pearl Spring", "Baishi spring" and "Heihu spring". With their decoration, Jinanhas become more and more splendid. Lao She has written many articles about Jinan, such as spring in Jinan,autumn in Jinan, winter in Jinan, Jinan in three months, Baotu Spring and DamingLake. Lao She's grandfather's "second home" is Jinan. He vividly wrote abeautiful Jinan into his prose. There are many snacks in Jinan. For example, the famous ones are QuanchengDabao, Caobao baozi, Mengjia's braised hooves, famous people's roast wholesheep, Youxuan and so on. If you come to Jinan, you must try the flavor snacksof Jinan. According to my mother, Jinan used to be quite different from "SpringCity". Take nanxinzhuang, where we live, as an example. When my mother was inhigh school, it was still a low bungalow. The road here was very narrow. Atmost, it could only accommodate a small car. There were a lot of trafficaccidents every year. Now it's different. Our nanxinzhuang has been transformed into a Nanxincommunity. Lots of buildings have sprung up. The front and back of the buildingsare as generous as a flower garden. There are magnificent lawns, fountains, andhealth equipment for people's leisure and entertainment. The straight road isnot only widened, traffic lights and monitors are installed at intersections.The markets on both sides of the road are gone. Now tall and straight pine treesare planted, and there is no garbage in the middle of the road. Now it has beenchanged into a traffic safety indicator line. The traffic accidents are fallingyear by year. The road is in order, and there is no noise any more. Highwayshave been built in the city, and high-end cars have entered our families. Jinan, an antique city, a magnificent Spring City, this is my hometown, itsname is Jinan. 济南的导游词 篇5Summer vacation, my mother and I went to Jinan tourism, where played fortwo days, went to a lot of places, Daming Lake, Quancheng Square and black tigerspring. Daming Lake is very big, the water is very clear, there are large lotus inthe lake. There are willows by the lake. There are all kinds of bridges on thelake. By the way, there's another Guangong temple. There are high steps outsidethe door, which can be used as a slide. Many children and I have been skatingagain and again, but we are not willing to go. Jinan is a famous spring city with many springs. Pearl spring is in thegovernment compound. My mother and I have a hard time finding it. Spring wateris clearer than Daming Lake water. I put my hand into the spring. It was so coldthat I felt very comfortable. Baishi spring, Pipa spring and Heihu spring areall in Quancheng Square. You can see them by walking next to each other. Thereare three big tiger heads in the eye of black tiger spring. In the evening, manyJinan citizens bring buckets to collect spring water. I also went up and tastedit. It was sweet and delicious. I also went to Quancheng Square, where I was most impressed by the musicfountain. When it's dark, all the lights are on and the music is on. Fountain isthe shape of lotus, although the appearance is good-looking lotus, but the worsttemper, see who spray who, I hide, or was sprayed to a head of water. Ha ha! Butwe all love to play with this naughty fountain. Jinan is really a good place! 济南的导游词 篇6济南,这是一座以泉水闻名的城市,所谓的"家家泉水,户户垂柳。"便是说的美丽的泉城济南。 济南素以泉水众多、风景秀丽而闻名天下,据统计有四大泉域,十大泉群,733个天然泉,在国内外城市中罕见,是举世无双的天然岩溶泉水博物馆,除“泉城”外济南也被常被称为“泉都”,因“家家泉水户户垂柳”有著名的七十二泉,一派江南风光而得名。 济南的泉水不仅数量多,而且形态各异,精彩纷呈,有的呈喷涌状,有的呈瀑布状,有的呈湖湾状,众多清冽甘美的泉水,从城市地下涌出,汇为河流、湖泊。盛水时节,在泉涌密集区,呈现出“家家泉水,户户垂杨”、“清泉石上流”的绮丽风光。早就在宋代,文学家曾巩就评价道:“齐多甘泉,冠于天下”,元代地理学家于钦亦称赞说:“济南山水甲齐鲁,泉甲天下。”清凉甘美的泉水是济南市的血脉,赋予这座城市灵秀的气质和旺盛的生命力。 老舍爷爷也写了许多关于济南的文章,《济南的春天》《济南的秋天》《济南的冬天》《三个月来的济南》《趵突泉》、小说《大明湖》等。老舍爷爷的“第二故乡”便就是济南,他把一个山水秀丽的济南,活脱脱地写进他的散文里。 济南的小吃也很多呢。像比较著名的便是泉城大包,草包包子 ,孟家扒蹄 ,名士多烤全羊,油旋等等,来济南的话,一定要尝一尝济南的风味小吃。 济南还有好多个十分著名的风景区,比如有大明湖,趵突泉,五龙潭等等,还有七十二名泉。 济南,一座古色古香的城市,一座美丽的泉城,这便是我的故乡,它的名字,叫做济南。 济南的导游词 篇7看过济南的冬天吗?如果没有。就让我今天好好的带你去济南参观吧!如果你问我,济南的冬天和这里的冬天有什么不一样,我会毫不犹豫的告诉你。那里更美,更稀奇的是,那里是响晴,如果你想知道更多,下面就让我带你走进济南的冬天吧! 济南,一个美丽而优雅的地带,对于那里的冬天,就甚是美丽。济南的冬天没有风声,可别觉得惊讶,那里的冬天还是响晴的,可别认为跟我们这边一样。在中国北边,冬天有响晴的天气,便是稀奇的。 冬天的删,若是下点儿小雪,矮松可便在山上耀眼起来,越发青黑的矮松上要是几朵雪在那儿,就仿佛是树尖上顶着一髻儿白色的花,从远处看,整座山全白了。在山坡上,有些雪厚了点,地上的小草还探出了一点儿小脑袋,仿佛也对济南这美丽的冬天感到好奇,也来瞧瞧。 这古老的济南,城里是那么狭窄城外又那么宽敞,山上住着几家村庄。瞧去,屋顶上展着几朵白雪,又白又黑,仿佛有一副名人所画的锦绣山图,美极了! 那中间一条河,不但不结冰,还在那缓缓流动。隐隐约约看得见河里面绿的发亮的水藻,这就是济南的冬天。 济南的冬天,就是这么美丽、稀奇,让人好奇。 济南的导游词 篇8欢迎大家来到这!我是你们的导游,我姓x,大家可以叫我小x。为了便于大家参观游玩,下面我首先大家介绍一下。 济南是一个历史悠久的城市,有着很好的文化底蕴。地处中国第三大经济强省―山东省。是山东省省会。济南因境内泉水众多,故被称为“泉城”。济南有众多的泉和老街老巷济南已成功举办亚洲杯、全运会、园林花卉博览会、中国艺术节等盛会。 说到济南,不得不提冬天的济南,今年冬天是一个“暖冬”入冬以来,一直没有下雪,直到年后几天,才下了一场中雪,给空气杀了杀菌。去年和今年年前几天雾霾特别重,去年光雾霾天就有200多天!街上大多市民都在过年没有放鞭炮,也有几个人选择了少放,看来大多数市民都想让蓝天重现。 但是,雾霾并没有遮住济南的老街老巷,和一座座老楼。济南城内百泉争涌,现存733个天然泉,其中有七十二个名泉,我印象最深的的一处泉是黑虎泉。黑虎泉为济南四大泉群之一。早在金代以前,黑虎泉就以现名闻名于世。泉水出于深凹形洞穴,通过三个石雕虎头泉水喷出,因其声、色特点而得名。小时候,爸爸经常带我来黑虎泉玩,还经常带我来这打水。冬天,泉池上漂着一层薄薄的雾,犹如仙境一般。 说起济南的老街老巷,不得不提起济南的芙蓉街,芙蓉街是一条济南性格的老街。位于济南市中心,芙蓉街是神州各地、欧美日韩。各色小吃琳琅满目,应有尽有,又被称为“小吃一条街”。 这就是美丽的济南,我喜爱家乡济南的泉水和老街老巷,更喜爱家乡济南的风土人情! 济南,这是一座以泉水闻名的城市,所谓的"家家泉水,户户垂柳。"便是说的美丽的泉城济南。 济南素以泉水众多、风景秀丽而闻名天下,据统计有四大泉域,十大泉群,733个天然泉,在国内外城市中罕见,是举世无双的天然岩溶泉水博物馆,除“泉城”外济南也被常被称为“泉都”,因“家家泉水户户垂柳”有著名的'七十二泉,一派江南风光而得名。济南的泉水不仅数量多,而且形态各异,精彩纷呈,有的呈喷涌状,有的呈瀑布状,有的呈湖湾状,众多清冽甘美的泉水,从城市地下涌出,汇为河流、湖泊。盛水时节,在泉涌密集区,呈现出“家家泉水,户户垂杨”、“清泉石上流”的绮丽风光。早就在宋代,文学家曾巩就评价道:“齐多甘泉,冠于天下”,元代地理学家于钦亦称赞说:“济南山水甲齐鲁,泉甲天下。”清凉甘美的泉水是济南市的血脉,赋予这座城市灵秀的气质和旺盛的生命力。 老舍爷爷也写了许多关于济南的文章,《济南的春天》《济南的秋天》《济南的冬天》《三个月来的济南》《趵突泉》、小说《大明湖》等。老舍爷爷的“第二故乡”便就是济南,他把一个山水秀丽的济南,活脱脱地写进他的散文里。 济南的小吃也很多呢。像比较著名的便是泉城大包,草包包子 ,孟家扒蹄 ,名士多烤全羊,油旋等等,来济南的话,一定要尝一尝济南的风味小吃。 济南还有好多个十分著名的风景区,比如有大明湖,趵突泉,五龙潭等等,还有七十二名泉。 济南,一座古色古香的城市,一座美丽的泉城,这便是我的故乡,它的名字,叫做济南。 看过济南的冬天吗?如果没有。就让我今天好好的带你去济南参观吧!如果你问我,济南的冬天和这里的冬天有什么不一样,我会毫不犹豫的告诉你。那里更美,更稀奇的是,那里是响晴,如果你想知道更多,下面就让我带你走进济南的冬天吧! 济南,一个美丽而优雅的地带,对于那里的冬天,就甚是美丽。济南的冬天没有风声,可别觉得惊讶,那里的冬天还是响晴的,可别认为跟我们这边一样。在中国北边,冬天有响晴的天气,便是稀奇的。 冬天的删,若是下点儿小雪,矮松可便在山上耀眼起来,越发青黑的矮松上要是几朵雪在那儿,就仿佛是树尖上顶着一髻儿白色的花,从远处看,整座山全白了。在山坡上,有些雪厚了点,地上的小草还探出了一点儿小脑袋,仿佛也对济南这美丽的冬天感到好奇,也来瞧瞧。 这古老的济南,城里是那么狭窄城外又那么宽敞,山上住着几家村庄。瞧去,屋顶上展着几朵白雪,又白又黑,仿佛有一副名人所画的锦绣山图,美极了! 那中间一条河,不但不结冰,还在那缓缓流动。隐隐约约看得见河里面绿的发亮的水藻,这就是济南的冬天。 济南的冬天,就是这么美丽、稀奇,让人好奇。 济南的导游词 篇9Ladies and gentlemen: Hello! Welcome to Jinan, the spring city. During your stay in Jinan, I willreceive you and provide you with services. I hope my explanation can make youhave a good time in Jinan. Today we are going to Baotu Spring, one of the threefamous places in Jinan. Baotu Spring Park is located in the center of Jinan,south of Qianfo Mountain, east of Quancheng Square, north of Daming Lake,covering an area of about 158 mu. Baotu Spring Park is a natural landscape parkwith spring as the main water. It is the top of 72 Famous Springs in Jinan andis known as "the first spring in the world". Baotu Spring, also known as thethreshold spring, is the source of Luoshui. It has a history of 2700 years. Thespring water is about 18 ℃ throughout the year. Baotu Spring Park is famous forits spring view, fish appreciation, tea tasting, rocks and culture; it is alsofamous for its small size, different scenery, clean and quiet, simple andelegant. Now we can see that the gate of this national style building with whitewalls and grey tiles, rolling mountain and rolling shed is the east gate ofBaotu Spring Park. "Baotu Spring" on the plaque in the middle of the gate waswritten by Comrade Guo Moruo in 1959. When you enter the gate, the first thingthat catches your eyes is the yingmen rockery. Do you know why you want to builda rockery facing the gate? This is an ancient method of gardening, which iscalled "blocking scenery". That is to say, the main part of the garden ismountains, and the yingmen rockery is not transparent. It becomes a naturalbarrier at the gate of the park, and it is separated from other scenery in thegarden. The rocks of this rockery are all collected from the southern mountainarea of Jinan. Their quality, color and texture are comparable to those of Taihustone in Wuxi, Jiangsu Province. There is a cave under the rockery. Large stonesare used at the top and entrance of the cave to form a vivid and spectacularview of the hanging boulders. Appropriate space is left on the wall of thetunnel to facilitate the smooth lighting and air. This is a masterpiece of Jinanrockery, highly praised by horticulturists. After Qingyu bridge, you can see this beautiful stone with natural texture,four meters high and eight tons. It was originally collected by Zhang yanghao, afamous Sanqu artist in Yuan Dynasty. Zhang yanghao loved natural mountains andrivers very much. After he abandoned his official position and returned toJinan, he made friends with mountain apes, wild cranes and rocks. This turtlestone has the characteristics of "wrinkle, thin, transparent and beautiful".Take a picture with it here, which means longevity and longevity. OK, let's takea group photo for a few minutes. Please go along with me. Now we come to Ma paoquan. Why is it called ma PaoQuan? It is said that it was planed by the horses of Guan Sheng, the anti Jingeneral in Beining period, so it got this name. According to legend, Guan Shengwas the general of the peasant uprising in Liangshan and the general of Liu Yu,the general of Jinan General. He was brave and good at fighting. When the Jinpeople invaded the south, he vowed to fight against the Jin. In a fierce battle,he lost Mai Cheng. He was thirsty and waterless. His horse raised his head tothe sky and hissed. His front hooves ploughed hard to dig the ground. The springcame out of the ground. To commemorate this spring, later generations called itthe horse running spring. Further on, we come to shuyuquan scenic spot. "Shuyuquan" is thehandwriting of Guan Yousheng, a late Jinan calligrapher and painter. There areseveral versions of the origin of the word "shuyuquan". One is that women'steeth were often called "jade" in ancient times, and Li Qingzhao, a poetess,used to dress up and wash her teeth here. The other is because of Li Qingzhao'scollection "collection of washing jade". The other is derived from the idiom"washing stone and pillow flow", saying that the rushing spring brushes jade.What we see now is Li Qingzhao memorial hall, which was built in 1979. On bothsides of the memorial hall are couplets written by Guo Moruo. The first coupletis "by Daming Lake, by Baotu Spring, the former residence is deep in Chuiyang",which describes the former residence of Li Qingzhao; the second couplet is "injinshilu, Shuyu is concentrated, and the literary talent has the legacy of thelater leader", which praises her achievements in CI, her "Shuyu collection" andher preface for her husband's jinshilu. The plaque hanging in the hall is alsowritten by Guo Moruo. Li Qingzhao is an outstanding poetess in the Southern Song Dynasty. Hisfather, Li Gefei, was a civil servant who was born as a Jinshi. He was a famoushistorian, knowledgeable and talented. His mother was also a granddaughter ofZhuangyuan. Influenced, inspired and induced by his parents, Li Qingzhao was anoutstanding litterateur at that time. At the age of 18, Li Qingzhao married ZhaoMingcheng, the son of Zhao Tingzhi, the prime minister. After marriage, thecouple support each other, love each other, write poems and fill in CI, studyJinshi calligraphy and painting, purchase ancient books and paintings. After thedisaster of Jingkang, the Northern Song Dynasty perished, the Jin soldiersinvaded the south, the Song Dynasty and the Five Dynasties crossed the south,and the couple were forced to go south. On the way, Mingcheng died. In her lateryears, Li Qingzhao had been living a helpless and wandering life, and spent therest of her life in the cold and desolate. Li Qingzhao's Ci is divided by thedifficulty of Jingkang. In the early stage, most of his ci are about singingnature, praising life, loving and missing husband and wife. Such as "oftenremember the sunset in the pavilion, intoxicated do not know the way back.". Iwent back to the boat in the evening and mistakenly entered the lotus root.Fight for crossing, fight for crossing, startle a pool of European herons. (RuMeng Ling); "on the swing, get up and stretch your hands.". Thick dew, thinflowers, thin sweat, light clothes. See guest come in, sock row gold hairpinslip. And shame to go, leaning on the door looking back, but smell the plum "Thered lotus roots are frayed with each other, the jade mat is in autumn, the lightclothes are removed, and the blue boat is on its own. Who in the clouds sendsbrocade books? When the wild goose returns, the moon will fill the West Tower.Flowers drift, water flow, a kind of Acacia, two idle sorrow (a pruning plum);"this situation can not be eliminated, only under the brow, but on the heart";"Mo road does not soul, curtain volume west wind, people thinner than the yellowflower.". Most of the later Ci poems express the hatred of family and countryand lament their own miserable fate. Such as "searching, cold and clear,miserable" (slow voice), "life as a hero, death as a ghost hero. Up to now, Ihave thought of Xiang Yu and refused to cross Jiangdong. " (summer quatrains).Li Qingzhao's literary creation has a distinctive and unique artistic style,ranking first among the graceful school, known as "Yi'an style". There are twoeditions of Li Qingzhao and Shuyu CI. Further west, you'll get to the golden spring. Jinxianquan, together withBaotu Spring, Heihu spring and Zhenzhu spring, is known as the four famoussprings in Jinan. The formation of the "golden line" is due to the relativegushing of spring water on both sides of the Strait and the balanced flow. Whenthe sun shines on the bottom of the pool and on the calm water surface, it willshow a gathering water line. The golden light is shining, like a gossamer,flickering, rippling and winding. The "golden thread" of the old golden threadspring is hard to see, and the "golden thread" of the new golden thread springcan only be seen when the water potential is strong and the sunlight angle isappropriate. Zeng Gong, a famous writer in Song Dynasty, was lucky to see thegolden thread in the moonlight. However, Yuan Haowen, a poet of Yuan Dynasty,visited the golden thread spring many times, but he couldn't get it. Furtherwest, we come to shangzhitang. Shangzhitang, also known as "Jinxian academy", isnamed after Jinxian spring. In old times, it refers to the place where officialor private books and lectures are collected. Magnolia and Magnolia are plantedin shangzhitang courtyard. In early spring, magnolia flowers are blooming andfragrant, so shangzhitang courtyard is also called Magnolia courtyard. Have younoticed this Taihu stone in the courtyard? It's called "dairi peak". It wasoriginally collected by Zhang yanghao. On the 1.5-meter-high stone body, thereare several full moon shaped or curved moon shaped through holes. When thebright moon is hanging on the night, the stone shape and through holes arereflected in the water in front of the stone pool under the moonlight, whichmakes it more exquisite and beautiful. Shangzhi hall out of the west, then to the Luoyuan hall. Luoyuan hall, infront of the Baoxia, protruding from the water, the pillars are colorful, yellowtiles and red columns, magnificent in shape. Please look at the poem engraved onthe Baozhu: "the clouds and mist are moist and steamy, but the sound of thewaves shakes Daming Lake." This sentence is the best portrayal of Baotu Springby Zhao Meng, a famous writer in Yuan Dynasty. The building to the north of Luoyuan hall is e-ying hall, which is built tocommemorate Yu Shun's two concubines, E-Huang and nu Ying. To the north of eyingtemple is the three main hall scenic area. More than 30 square stone carvingsare inlaid on the lattice through wall in the three main halls, which is amasterpiece of celebrities in the past dynasties. It is particularly worthmentioning that this rare "double imperial stele" in the courtyard recorded theinscriptions and poems of Baotu Spring on the third visit of Kangxi and thesecond visit of Qianlong, indicating the status of Baotu Spring. Now we have come to Baotu Spring Scenic Area, standing on Laihe bridge.Laihe bridge was originally a wooden bridge built by Zhang Heming, themagistrate of Licheng County in the Wanli period of Ming Dynasty. The stonebridge was built when Baotu Spring Park was opened in 1956. Please look up atthe word "Pengshan old relics" on this red lacquer wood archway, and on theother side, "Dongtianfudi". According to legend, people used to compare thethree water columns of Baotu Spring to the fairy mountains of Penglai, namely,the three sacred mountains in Myth: Penglai, abbot and Yingzhou. When they cameto Baotu Spring, they saw three streams of water, which were like mountains andcould not be climbed. They suddenly realized that the fairyland was here, sothey set up the "old Pengshan trail" square. If you go to wangheting tea houseon the east side of the spring and enjoy the spring while tasting tea, you willhave the poetic flavor of "moistening spring tea is more true". Baotu Spring pool is rectangular, 30 meters long from east to west and 20meters wide from north to south, surrounded by stone railings. Overlooking thepool, there is a clear water, clear as a mirror; the three springs are surging,with snow and jade splashing; the potential is like boiling, and the sound islike thunder; the water and grass are curling, and the fish are flying at thebottom; the green leaves and red scales are shining among them. Scholars of allages have left many praises for Baotu Spring. For example, Zhang yanghao, aSanqu artist of the Yuan Dynasty, "three feet of snow does not disappear on theground, and four hours of thunder roars in the air." It is Pu Songling's BaotuSpring Fu that can reproduce the whole picture of Baotu Spring. How does Jinan'sunique scenery of "every spring is not, every household is Chuiyang" come intobeing? Jinan's springs come from the vast areas south of Jinan City and north ofjinxiuchuan. The rocks in these areas are a thick layer of relatively purelimestone formed about 400 million years ago. In this limestone area, there arekarst ditches and troughs on the surface, funnel, karst cave, underground riverand stalactite under the ground, which is convenient for a large amount ofrainwater and surface water to infiltrate into the underground. The limestonestrata in the mountain area are inclined from south to north with a slope ofabout 30 degrees, and a large number of underground currents are moving towardsJinan. Just then, to the north of Daming Lake, the underground rocks becomesolid igneous rocks. A large amount of underground water flows here and isblocked by igneous rocks. It accumulates more and more, and the water can not bedischarged. We must find a way out. In the old city of Jinan, the terrain islow-lying. In some places, it is even lower than the water storage level ofDishui. The underground water passes through the surface and rushes out, formingmany springs. Baotu Spring water is sweet. It is used to make tea. Its color islike amber, and its fragrance is very refreshing. It is said that when Qianlongwent down to the south of the Yangtze River, he brought Yuquan water fromBeijing and Baotu Spring water from Jinan for drinking. Standing on the Guanlan Pavilion, you can see the stone tablet in the waterin front of the pavilion, engraved with "Baotu Spring", which was written by Huzuanzong in the Ming Dynasty. If you are careful, you may find that the word"Tu" is missing the point above. The stone inscriptions at the back of thepavilion are written by Wang Zhonglin in the Qing Dynasty, and the stoneinscriptions of Guanlan are written by Zhang Qin in the Ming Dynasty. Thewaterside pavilion and leaky windows in the south of the spring pool, the Banbicorridor and the Luoyuan hall on the north bank set off each other to form alandscape. Now we have come to Cangyuan and baixuelou scenic spots. Cangyuan, formerlyknown as "shaocangyuan", means "a scoop of the sea". It used to be the readingplace of Li Panlong, one of the famous poets of the Ming Dynasty. The name"shaocang" expresses people's wish to learn from Li Panlong. During the Wanliperiod of the Ming Dynasty, ye Mengxiong, a military envoy, built a "white snowbuilding" on the west side of Cangyuan to commemorate Li Panlong. The white snowbuilding and Cangyuan garden have been repaired several times. Now Cangyuangarden has three halls, one corridor, two yards, flowing streams with thegarden, exquisite pavilions, carved beams and painted buildings, colorful paint.The famous species, flowers, exotic trees and bonsai cultivated in the courtyardhave formed a unique courtyard style. This "Taishan pine", vigorous, majestic,vigorous, more than 150 years old, is a rare pile bonsai with Qilu style. Thelarge-scale stone bonsai built in the garden is natural in shape, decorated withstump plants such as Podocarpus, red leaf, black pine, etc., giving people theenjoyment of beauty. Now we have passed through Fengxi district and returned to the east gate ofBaotu Spring Park. That's all for today's explanation. Please forgive me for theimproper explanation and leave your valuable opinions. 济南的导游词 篇10I live in a beautiful city, that is Jinan in Shandong Province. Jinan is aspring city, where there are many springs. There are Mazhong spring, BaotuSpring, Jinxian spring, etc., which are scenic spots formed by springs. Inaddition to the three springs, there are 69 famous springs. Jinan has manysprings and each has its own characteristics. Today I'll talk about BaotuSpring, the eldest of springs. Baotu Spring is located in Jingqi Road, Jinan, which is divided into SouthGate and north gate. As soon as you enter the gate, you will see colorful"flowers". You can't wait to walk to the spring. You can see three springsgushing up, cheering and jumping. It's very spectacular. It's always so livelyand bright, as if it's indefatigable. The surrounding Koizumi's eyes are moreinteresting. Some suddenly come up with a bunch of small bubbles, crystal clear;some. They don't come up with a small bubble, but they come back shyly; somesuddenly come up with a bunch of small bubbles, like a bunch of grapes; someshake up with a bunch of small bubbles, like a drunken man, and disappear in themiddle of the way, some Jinan has not only water, but also mountains. That is Qianfo Mountain.Qianfo Mountain is located in the southwest corner of Baotu Spring. It wascalled Lishan in ancient times. There are hundreds of Buddhas, large and small,on the mountain. Let's say that Guanyin garden is vividly portrayed, even thewhite sand clothes on the body are clearly visible. The most interesting thingis the five children around Guanyin. Sitting on the lotus, the two little boyson the left each rode a little elephant, and they were very proud. The two boysbeside them, with their feet on the wheel of wind and fire and spears in theirhands, looked very energetic. A child on the right holds a Rosary Bead in hisleft hand and a ring of fire in his right. He looks forward as if he will fightwith anyone he sees. He looks very powerful. The lake is clear and the fish andalgae in the water are clearly visible. Guanyin and fairy children are reflectedin the clear water of the lake, which is more realistic. It embodies thecrystallization of the wisdom of the working people. Every September 9, a grandtemple fair is held here, integrating economy and culture. Besides water and mountains, Jinan also has a botanical garden. There areexotic flowers and plants, gorgeous peonies, strange trees and drought resistantcactus. Through the hands of the workers, it becomes more interesting. If youwalk on the quiet and elegant path, it's like coming to a fairyland. Jinan also has many famous foods, baked sweet potato is a major specialty,it is sweet and soft, but also exudes a fragrance, make people salivate, andthen cold days to eat a baked sweet potato, it will not be cold. I love the mountains, water and trees in Jinan, and I love my hometownJinan even more. 济南的导游词 篇11对于一个在北平住惯的人,像我,冬天要是不刮风,便觉得是奇迹;济南的冬天是没有风声的。对于一个刚由伦敦回来的人,像我,冬天要能看得见日光,便觉得是怪事;济南的冬天是响晴的。自然,在热带的地方,日光是永远那么毒,响亮的天气,反有点叫人害怕。可是,在北中国的冬天,而能有温晴的天气,济南真得算个宝地。 设若单单是有阳光,那也算不了出奇。请闭上眼睛想:一个老城,有山有水,全在天底下晒着阳光,暖和安适地睡着,只等春风来把它们唤醒,这是不是个理想的境界? 小山整把济南围了个圈儿,只有北边缺着点口儿。这一圈小山在冬天特别可爱,好像是把济南放在一个小摇篮里,它们安静不动地低声地说:“你们放心吧,这儿准保暖和。”真的,济南的人们在冬天是面上含笑的。他们一看那些小山,心中便觉得有了着落,有了依靠。他们由天上看到山上,便不知不觉地想起:“明天也许就是春天了吧?这样的温暖,今天夜里山草也许就绿起来了吧?”就是这点幻想不能一时实现,他们也并不着急,因为有这样慈善的冬天,干啥还希望别的呢! 最妙的是下点小雪呀。看吧,山上的矮松越发的青黑,树尖上顶着一髻儿白花,好像日本看护妇。山尖全白了,给蓝天镶上一道银边。山坡上,有的地方雪厚点,有的地方草色还露着;这样,一道儿白,一道儿暗黄,给山们穿上一件带水纹的花衣;看着看着,这件花衣好像被风儿吹动,叫你希望看见一点更美的山的肌肤。等到快日落的时候,微黄的阳光斜射在山腰上,那点薄雪好像忽然害了羞,微微露出点粉色。就是下小雪吧,济南是受不住大雪的,那些小山太秀气! 古老的济南,城里那么狭窄,城外又那么宽敞,山坡上卧着些小村庄,小村庄的房顶上卧着点雪,对,这是张小水墨画,或者是唐代的名手画的吧。 那水呢,不但不结冰,倒反在绿萍上冒着点热气,水藻真绿,把终年贮蓄的绿色全拿出来了。天儿越晴,水藻越绿,就凭这些绿的精神,水也不忍得冻上;况且那些长枝的垂柳还要在水里照个影儿呢!看吧,由澄清的河水慢慢往上看吧,空中,半空中,天上,自上而下全是那么清亮,那么蓝汪汪的,整个的是块空灵的蓝水晶。这块水晶里,包着红屋顶,黄草山,像地毯上的小团花的小灰色树影;这就是冬天的济南。 济南的导游词 篇12各位团友: 大家好!欢迎大家到泉城济南来游玩。我非常高兴有机会陪同各位在一起度过一段美好的时光。我是大家此次泉城之旅的导游——小李。我们今天要游览的地方是济南市的中心广场,也被热情好客的济南人誉为城市大客厅的泉城广场。各位朋友,泉城济南素以泉为特色,兼以山、湖风景,自古以来便有潇洒似江南的美誉,而泉城广场就是把泉、山、湖有机结合在一起的一幅世大优美画卷。广场始建于20_年7月,历经15个月,于20_年9月竣工。泉城广场东傍黑虎泉、解放阁;西依趵突泉;南望千佛山;北临大明湖,并与昔日古城的护城河(环城公园)相伴。东西长780米,南北宽23米,占地约17公顷(约250亩),其中建筑面积8万平方米,绿化面积6。3万平方米。泉城广场集文化娱乐、游览休憩、商品购物于一体,突出了以泉为主旋律,寓意泉城风采,齐鲁文化,现代都市相融合,塑造出济南形象工程。 泉城广场从西向东,由趵突泉广场、济南名士林、泉标广场、颐年园与童乐园、下沉广场、四季花园、滨河广场、荷花音乐喷泉、文化长廊、科技文化中心、银座购物广场十一部分组成。 现在我们在广场西侧下来,前面就是趵突泉广场。它与扩建后的趵突泉公园相衔接,由趵突泉公园东门向东延而形成。现在让我们步行穿过三座山水桥,进入趵突泉广场。首先映入我们眼帘的就是泉城广场这四个镶嵌在入口处的大字,它的背后刻有《泉城广场记》,详细记载了泉城广场的筹备修建过程,泉城广场的主题组成,泉城广场的周边环境及地理位置等内容。 大家看,广场的北面就是〔广场鸽放养处〕。它既给广场带来了生气,也给休闲的人们带来了快乐,同时也象征着人们追求希望、渴望和平的意义。大家可以买一些鸽食来犒劳一下这些可爱的精灵们,说不准,还会有些鸽子跳到你的手上、肩上、头上,你可以真正体会到亲近自然,接近动物的真实感觉,大家不妨试一试。清晨或傍晚,许多市民都会从各地赶到此处锻炼身体。(跳交际舞、民族红绸舞、太极剑、太极拳) 我们继续往前走,前面与广场鸽放养处相的是济南〔名士林〕。它的创意来源于唐代诗人杜甫。在唐天宝四年,杜甫重游大明湖,时任北海太守李邕设宴于大明湖历下亭,杜甫写下的《陪李北海宴历下亭》的千古绝句海右此亭古,济南名士多。海右是指济南,历下亭建于北魏古称古。而这片由银杏树和雪松组成的茂密的树林就是名士林。这些树木高大挺直,寓意像傲然屹立的名士,经久而不衰。大家知道,银杏和雪松适应性很强,病虫害少,到了秋季树木变黄,形成一片金黄色,给广场的秋天带来了别样的景观。地面铺装采用透孔耐火的地砖,沙垫层以啬地面的透水性,有利于树木生长。名士林树木布局以草衬树,绿树成荫,芳草如茵,生机盎然,漫步林间小道,清风拂面,凉爽舒适,诗情画意,别有情趣,大家看到两侧的名士亭,小筑林中,还有精巧别致的石椅、石凳都是游人憩息和避暑的好地方。 再往前走,就到了〔泉标广场〕,它是整个广场的中心。主体雕塑是一座高38米的泉标,它是由大型钢制异型曲杆制成,重170吨,在广场主轴与榜棚街副轴线相交之处,再现了居济南八景――趵突腾空、鹊华烟雨、汇波晚照、明湖秋月、白云雪霁、锦屏春晓、佛山赏菊。该泉标采用纯净的天蓝色,取篆书泉字的意向造型,用现代艺术手法加以修改,以曲线为主,并与三股形似清泉的造型有机结合,上有三条曲标,塑造了三股清泉自城中拔地而起,辗转上升、直冲云霄、水天一色的城市景观。雕塑整体以曲线为主,兼容直线,方棱侧面。泉标中的钛金钢球象征着泉城广场如城市中的明珠,璀璨夺目,而其两个半球的造型,又与雕塑主题相辉映,不仅形成了动与静的鲜明对比,也寓意济南这座城池如玉盘一般,承载着万颗明珠,万点清泉。在泉标底部的地面上,还镶嵌着72名泉和四大泉群(趵突泉泉群、黑虎泉泉群、珍珠泉泉群、五龙潭泉群)的名称,并配置了72股涌泉,进一步烘托了泉自城出的奇观,形成一道水天一色的城市景观。 再往东走就到了〔下沉广场〕。下沉广场在泉标广场的东邻,占地2。4万平方米,既作为地下建筑的出入口,又起到了丰富广场空间的作用。这里有两处景观非常引人注目,一处即是用花岗石铺筑的山东版图,刻画了齐鲁大地的幅员辽阔,显示了博大精深的自然,人文内涵;另一处是泉城揽胜浮雕,长约10余米,宽约1。5米,雕刻精细,入笔神化,画龙点晴,体现了山、泉、湖、城、河的泉城特色,是济南旅游资源的缩影。自北向南,10个景点依次是:章丘百脉泉、济南大明湖、珍珠泉、五龙潭、趵突泉、解放阁、黑虎泉、千佛山、历城的四门塔、长清区的灵岩寺。地下空间除了有停车场外,还设有大型购物超市(银座购物广场)、餐饮娱乐等设施,使游览者可随时购物,购物者也可同时游览,极大方便了市民的娱乐和休闲生活。 〔颐年园和童乐园〕是老年人和獐蝗天地,内有国槐、垂柳、合欢、松柏等乔木,榆叶梅、百日红等灌木,花木丛中设环椅、花坛、小径及山石小路,显得幽静明快。 再往东走我们就来到了荷花〔音乐喷泉广场〕。 荷花是济南的市花,它出淤泥而不染,浊清莲而不妖,迎骄阳而不拒,深得市民喜爱。荷花音乐喷泉的中央是一朵直径8米的不锈钢荷花雕塑,环绕主体荷花有10个小的不锈钢荷花雕塑,周围还有一圈宽为6米的圆环状旱泉。整个造型构成是荷花与喷泉,静动相映的组合形成了泉育荷的主题,渲染了广场艺术空间气氛,体现了生活之源。荷花的主喷头直径5厘米,可以喷射出78米高的水柱,副主喷头可以喷射出28米高的水柱,1800多个水泵带动4000多只喷水喷头,随着音乐的起伏和节奏,彩色激光可以变换出40余种造型。每当音乐响起,泉水即从大小水也和荷花中喷涌而出,形成大小无数股喷泉,构成涌泉,大对抛、彩带、摇摆、编网、皇冠、追浪、旋转、拱桥等造型,众多喷泉伴随着音乐的旋律,或轰鸣雄壮,或清婉多姿,既成为众人心仪的奇观,又将泉城的特色表现得淋漓尽致。特别是夜幕降临时,众多喷泉在彩色激光的照射下,更渲染出一片流光溢彩、玉宇琼楼的瑰丽景色。 我们现在看到的是〔齐鲁文化长廊〕,它是泉城广场东部重要的标志性建筑,集中突出了齐鲁文化的博大精深和源远流长,是一座记载着齐鲁文化历史和广博内涵的丰碑。它屹立在广场最东侧,以喷泉为中心形成半弧状,南北长150米,高15米,分三层,可登高鸟瞰广场全景。建筑布局采用了园林建筑手法中的间隔手法,在视觉上将广场内景与外景相隔,使广场总体上统一完整,高低错落有致,框架间距形成漏景,框景中近在咫尺的解放阁,如在画中。南北方向共有19个开间,整个建筑体理均衡,主次分明,墙身嵌以中国传统柱式造型,又借助西洋手法,顶部柱头细部呈木结构建筑,出挑木檩头状。文化长廊的12根方柱下方,各配一浮雕,加上长廊南北两端门额上的浮雕,共有14幅浮雕组成《圣贤史迹图》,以生动的画面记述了从东夷至汉初齐鲁文化的形成、发展直至融入中华文明的过程,展示了齐鲁文化的渊源和风采。北端门额上的浮雕是东方曙光,南端门额上的浮雕是舜耕历山,12幅浮雕由北向南依次是:邹衍辩论、扁鹊行医、鲁班工艺、孟子游说、稷下争鸣、孙武兵法、子贡货殖、孔子讲学、晏婴谏君、管仲霸齐、太公封齐、伯禽治鲁。齐鲁文化长廊内设12尊山东历史名人雕像,雕像从南至北按年代排序是:大舜、管仲、孔丘、墨翟、孟轲、诸葛亮、王羲之、贾思勰、李清照、戚继光、蒲松龄。齐鲁文化长廊12座雕像和14幅浮雕无不展现出泉城广场利用有限空间浓缩了山东省历史文化的内涵。 泉城广场的布局借鉴了中国传统建筑的对称式格局,又充分结合广场所处的地理位置及周围建筑的特点,景观设计上采用了一主两副为主的框架。一主以贯通趵突泉和解放阁的连线为主轴线;两副一是榜棚街与泉标广场相交汇为副轴线,一是泺文路与荷花音乐喷泉相交汇为副轴线。三条视觉轴线形成了泉城广场的骨架。整体泉城广场建筑风格,绿化设计,灯光设置,广场布局,加上周围的市容市貌,林立的高楼商厦,夜幕降临,呈现出现代都市不夜城的泉城风采。 同时广场针残疾人以无障碍设计为原则,在各出入口设置了标志牌和室内外石坡道、盲道,从马路进入广场入口处设置音响交通装置,在主要景点设置了残疾人游览路线,以至包括地下卫生间、停车场、楼梯等,都设有残疾人设备。泉城广场的无障碍设计为残疾人提供了方便,最大程度满足了残疾人畅行无阻游览广场,受到了各界人士的好评和赞许。 |
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