标题 | 井冈山英语导游词 |
范文 | 井冈山英语导游词(精选3篇) 井冈山英语导游词 篇1Jinggangshan, located in the southwest of Jiangxi Province, is located inthe middle of Luoxiao mountains at the junction of Hunan and Jiangxi provinces.It connects Taihe and Suichuan counties in Jiangxi Province in the East, YanlingCounty in Hunan Province in the south, Chaling County in Hunan Province in theWest and Yongxin County in Jiangxi Province in the north. It is the gateway ofSouthwest Jiangxi Province. Before liberation, there was no independentcounty-level administrative system in Jinggangshan. After liberation, under thekind care of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, Jinggangshanspecial district was established in Ciping in 1950. In 1959, JinggangshanAdministrative Bureau under the provincial jurisdiction was established. In1981, the Bureau was removed to establish counties. In 1984, the county wasremoved to establish cities with the approval of the State Council. In May 20__,the former Jinggangshan City and the former Ninggang county were merged to forma new Jinggangshan City with the approval of the State Council. The city now has21 Township farms and sub district offices, with a total population of more than149700 and a total area of 1308.58 square kilometers. Jinggangshan is a typical mountain city, with an average altitude of 381.5meters and the highest peak in the city, jiangxi'ao, at an altitude of 1841meters. Jinggangshan, with its glorious history, beautiful natural scenery andrevolutionary cultural landscape, is an ideal summer resort integrating scenictourism and traditional education. After decades of development andconstruction, all social undertakings have been fully developed, and thenational economy is growing. No matter yesterday, today, or tomorrow, the peopleof Jinggangshan are moving forward with great enthusiasm, so that the world canclearly see the unique charm of this red land. 井冈山英语导游词 篇2Jinggangshan scenic spot is a unique type of scenic spot, which combinesthe revolutionary cultural landscape with the beautiful natural scenery. Cipingis the central scenic spot of the scenic spot, a mountain basin surrounded bygreen mountains. Jinggangshan revolutionary martyrs cemetery (hereinafterreferred to as the "cemetery") is the main new revolutionary cultural landscapein the central scenic area. It is located on the North Rock peak to the north ofCiping. North Rock peak, the mountain is like a arhat Buddha, sitting north tosouth, sitting in the altar. The mausoleum is built on the basis of the "Buddha"type mountain, covering an area of 400 mu. The cemetery was built in 1987 andopened to visitors in October of the same year. In October 1997, theJinggangshan Revolutionary Martyrs Monument inscribed by Deng Xiaoping was cut.The overall architecture of the cemetery consists of five parts: the gate of thecemetery, the memorial hall, the forest of Steles, the Statue Garden and themonument. 井冈山英语导游词 篇3欢迎大家来到这!我是你们的导游,我姓x,大家可以叫我小x。为了便于大家参观游玩,下面我首先大家介绍一下 龙潭景区坐落在井冈山北面,黄洋界南麓,距茨坪7公里。这是一个以群瀑集聚为显著特色的景区,素有“五潭十八瀑”之称。主要游览景点有:龙潭、金狮面、小井红军医院、小井红军伤病员殉难处等。“五潭十八瀑”潭潭无俗水,瀑瀑似神女,随景畅想曲,千姿心中意。 龙潭景区坐落在井冈山北面,黄洋界南麓,距茨坪7公里。这是一个以群瀑集聚为显著特色的景区,素有“五潭十八瀑”之称。主要游览景点有:龙潭、金狮面、小井红军医院、小井红军伤病员殉难处等。“五潭十八瀑”潭潭无俗水,瀑瀑似神女,随景畅想曲,千姿心中意。揽云台,将云彩怀抱,似蓬莱天台。这里悬岩峭壁,常年云腾雾绕,称为揽云台。往峡谷中观看,可见“思远”而字,嶙峋石壁如抓,称为“龙爪”,古树奇花缀满山谷,令人生出奇险之感。丛林之中,羞藏小家碧玉。碧玉潭的瀑布水从小井山涧五神河溪水飞流直下,犹如一条白练凌空垂挂,喷珠吐玉,气势磅礴。瀑布跌水高近70米,崖壁中段褶皱,酷似一观音坐在蓬花上,在帘中沐浴;又似一座观音坐莲,侧左身双手捧着净水瓶将甘露洒向人间。这是井冈山最壮观的瀑布之一。 大珠小珠落玉潭。第三潭叫珍珠潭。瀑布从高空倾泻而下,落差30余米,激起潭面水花四射,如同串串珍珠,在阳光下闪灼耀眼,美丽无比。五龙潭和金狮面两个景区组成,是以自然与人文景观相结合的景区。五神河是龙潭“五潭十八瀑”的源泉。溪水冲击小井峡谷后,陡然跌落绝壁之下,又连续飞下四级断崖,形成梯状的五个气势磅礴的瀑布和深潭,这就是碧玉、金锁、珍珠、飞凤、仙女等五潭五瀑。 临龙潭,观海台,“日月之行,若出其中;星汉灿烂,若出其里。”进入景区约一百米,但见一块三面凌空的巨石伸向半空,称为“观海台”或观景台。一眼望去,有如碧海,时有山岚云霭布满山谷。旁有巨石如鹰,称为鹰嘴岩,酷似雄鹰展翅飞向大海。 锁龙潭又称金锁潭,金锁潭的瀑布掩映在深邃的幽谷和杜鹊林中,水声谙哑,碧水泱泱,汀芷竞秀,委婉动人,好似未出阁的龙女锁在深闺,羞于见人,特别耐人寻味。 将云彩怀抱,似蓬莱天台。这里悬岩峭壁,常年云腾雾绕,称为揽云台。往峡谷中观看,可见“思远”而字,嶙峋石壁如抓,称为“龙爪”,古树奇花缀满山谷,令人生出奇险之感。 |
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