标题 | 景德镇古窑导游词 |
范文 | 景德镇古窑导游词(精选12篇) 景德镇古窑导游词 篇1欢迎大家来到这!我是你们的导游,我姓李,大家可以叫我小李。为了便于大家参观游玩,下面我首先大家介绍一下。 到景德镇的第一站就是看古窑。古窑是景德镇第一古窑,内部十分庞大复杂。古窑里面可以制造陶器。古老的圆盘被转动起来,上面可以用手做出一个个瓶等物,然后经过1600度的高温烧制3天之后就做好了。还可以在陶器上绘制各种图画,可以随意画上你喜欢的图案。 为吸引游客,这里还安排了乐队演奏,用的都是瓷器乐器,有笛、钟、琴、二胡等,而且声音清脆悦耳动听,十分美妙。里面的绝品展也是值得一看的,虽然是复制品,但还是让人觉得好看,最酷的是那个108个水浒人物瓷,就像真的一样。 到了陶吧,我用手摸了一下粘土,冰凉冰凉的,舒服极了。我自己还在师傅的帮助下,亲手做了一个。看到自己的作品,我的感觉真好。 景德镇古窑导游词 篇2景德镇,位于江西省东北部的低山、丘陵地带。这里山环水绕,制瓷资料充足,能工巧匠云集,外销水运通畅。“水土宜陶”,是天然的产瓷区。 东晋开始设镇,名“新平”。唐代几易镇名。至景德元年(公 元1004年),因当地的贡瓷倍受皇室青睐而改昌南镇为“景德镇”。至今,“景德镇”之名已沿用千年。 瓷业的兴旺,带来了商业的繁荣,并形成了具有瓷文化底蕴的城镇特色。景德镇以珠山御窑厂为中心,周围坯房密布,窑场 四起,红店、柴行及瓷庄比比皆是,甚至连一些百姓家居都是由 窑砖头、匣钵屑等瓷业废弃物搭建。“江南雄镇”的昔日风采,至今依稀可见。 景德镇四大传统名瓷 景德镇瓷器“白如玉、明如镜、薄如纸、声如磬”,自古以来,名扬天下。在琳琅满目的瓷器中,最为著名的青花瓷,青花玲珑瓷、颜色釉瓷、粉彩瓷被人们誉为“中华民族文化之精萃”、“瓷国之瑰宝”。 一、青花瓷 青花瓷是我国陶瓷史上最优秀的瓷器品种之一,自创烧以来,一直都是景德镇瓷业的主流产品,以致于历经近800年而不衰。青花瓷的烧造成功,是我国陶瓷史上最具有划时代意义的事件,中国瓷器从此进入了彩瓷时代,它使中国绘画技巧与制瓷工艺的结合更趋成熟。 青花瓷是一种以氧化钴为显色的配制颜料——“青花瓷”,在瓷坯上进行绘画装饰,再罩以透明釉,经高温一次烧成的釉下彩绘瓷器。其特点为黑色青翠,清新明丽,幽静雅致,具有中国水墨画的艺术效果。青花瓷整个器物,鲜丽的蓝色图案,与瓷胎青白相映,相得益彰,艳而不俗,鲜而不佻,明朗而又安定,华丽而又沉着,艺术价值极高。 由于不同的运笔,不同的技法,不同的构思,不同的用料,使得每个时期的青花装饰产生不同的艺术效果,呈现出鲜明的时代特征,其主要分为元代青花瓷、明代青花瓷、清代青花瓷。 二、青花玲珑瓷 晶莹、幽雅的青花玲珑瓷,是景德镇传统名瓷,创烧于明代永乐年间。它既汲取了青花技术之特长,又采纳了镂雕艺术之妙法,具有轻巧致密,素雅清新的特点。外国人称其为“嵌玻璃的瓷器”,一直以来誉满中外。 青花玲珑是一种釉下青花加玲珑雕镂的综合装饰。它是在瓷坯上,先制作玲珑透剔的米粒状洞,称为“米通”,俗称“玲珑眼”,再以“玲珑釉”充满玲珑眼,结合呈色青翠的青花纹饰,施釉入窑高温一次烧成。 青花玲珑的装饰风格与众不同,它的玲珑釉色透明带绿,小孔处透明性强,仿佛开了一个个的小窗户,阳光和灯光透过,成瓷组成的玲珑眼的特殊纹样,艺术效果别具一格。加之与青花装饰相结合,在白中泛青的釉色衬托下,显得分外精巧细腻,朴素大方,清新明朗。 如今,玲珑眼也由单一“米通”,发展为圆、尖、扁、线、弯曲等形式。并能组成各种花鸟、水浪、云彩人物等形状,丰富了青花玲珑的装饰效果,使之更加丰富多采。 三、颜色釉瓷 颜色釉是一种以金属氧化物(铁、铜、锰、钴)为着色剂,在适当的气氛中经一定的温度烧成后,能够呈现了某种固有色彩的釉料。其釉面斑驳璀璨、呈色五彩缤纷,有的象洁白的云朵在蓝天飘游,有的象晶莹的露珠在草坪闪烁,有的象晶亮的.星星在银河眨眼,有的象彤红的太阳在天边升腾,有的象碧澄的江水在静静奔流,有的象艳丽的宝石在熠熠闪光,有的象熊熊的烈火在炉膛燃烧,有的象美丽的孔雀在翩翩开屏…… 景德镇是烧造颜色釉瓷器历史最长、品种最多、质量最好、成就最高的地区之一。景德镇的颜色釉瓷以丰富多采的釉色,精致完美的器物、风格迥异的造型,清亮耀目的光泽,而成为世界工艺美术史上一颗闪烁着夺目光华的明珠,至今仍令人眼花缭乱,心驰神往、流连忘返、叹为观止。 四、粉彩瓷 粉彩属于釉上彩绘装饰。釉上彩绘是在已经烧成的瓷胎上进行绘画装饰,然后经过800℃左右的低温烧烤,以使画面熔融后固化在瓷器表面的装饰技法。 早在宋元时期,景德镇瓷工就开始了用含金属氧化物的彩料在瓷器表面进行 装饰的尝识,到明代宣德年间,御窑厂成功烧造出釉下青花与釉上彩绘相结合的青花斗彩瓷器。明中期以后,以成化斗彩、万历青花五彩(以青花作为五彩中一种色彩的彩瓷谓青花五彩。)为代表的釉上彩绘瓷器发展迅速,至清初康熙年间釉上蓝彩出现以后,釉上彩瓷器开始脱离青花的约束而成为一个独立的瓷器装饰门类。康熙五彩(红、绿、黄、蓝、黑)色泽厚实,浓艳,亦称之为“硬彩”,景德镇称其为“古彩”。 雍正时期,景德镇瓷工又在康熙五彩的基础上,参照珐琅彩(清宫廷御用器彩料)的制作工艺,把含有氧化砷的玻璃料掺入含铅的彩料中,使彩料产生乳白色的效果,这种含砷的玻璃料被景德镇瓷工称为“玻璃白”。如果以康熙五彩为基础,在其彩料中加入玻璃白,使所有颜色都会“粉化”成不同深浅浓淡的色调,彩料的颜色都会变成带粉白的色调,如红色变成粉红色,绿色变成粉绿色等等。这些温润的中间色不仅能给人以粉润柔和的感受,而且扩大了釉上彩的色调范围,使色彩可以渲染,层次、深浅、阴阳分明,画法可以更加细致入微。由于它的特点就是带粉白色调,所以人们便称之为粉彩,景德镇瓷工亦称之为“软彩”。 粉彩饰的特点是颜色明亮,粉润柔和,色彩丰富,绚丽雅致,绘画工笔,写意俱全,在人物、山水、花鸟等题材的装饰上具有很强的表现力,富有国画风格。粉彩瓷在雍正年间最负盛名,釉上彩瓷器到了这个时期,已经发展到了一个百花争艳的阶段,它标志着我国传统的釉上彩瓷器的发展达到了极高的水平。 景德镇古窑导游词 篇3Hello and welcome to Jingdezhen ancient kiln factory. I'm your guide. Now I will use my time on the road to tell you something aboutceramics. As the saying goes: people take food as their heaven, and food needsutensils. It can be seen that ceramics are closely related to humancivilization. We humans invented pottery as early as 5000 or 6000 years ago, andporcelain was developed on the basis of pottery. Porcelain is more delicate than pottery. Smooth. Hard. The firing temperature is also higher. Another point is that porcelain ismade from porcelain ore, while pottery is made from clay. Another explanation of China is that porcelain is as famous as Chinaabroad. And the most representative porcelain is in Jingdezhen, which is known asthe capital of porcelain. Even Jingdezhen is the origin of porcelain. In ancient times, because Jingdezhen was located in the south of ChangjiangRiver, it was called Changnan town. Later, it was called Xinping town andFuliang town. It was not until the Northern Song Dynasty that Zhao Heng, Emperor Zhenzongof the Song Dynasty, decided that Zhongying celadon was imperial porcelainbecause he saw the place of origin of the celadon. Every batch of porcelain madeby the craftsmen was marked with "Jingde year system", so the imperial courtcalled the place of origin of this kind of porcelain "Jingdezhen". The porcelain that Jingdezhen people are proud of is "blue and whiteporcelain, exquisite porcelain, pastel porcelain, colored glaze and thin bodyporcelain. They are as white as jade, as bright as a mirror, as loud as a chime, andas thin as paper. Well, now we have come to fulonggang in the West urban area. This ancientbuilding, which is covered by trees, is the ancient kiln porcelain factory weare going to visit today. As far as I know, there is only one such porcelainfactory in the world. Who knows why it is called "ancient kiln porcelain factory"? Because thisfactory uses the method of Jingdezhen Ming and Qing Dynasties to make porcelain.The porcelain making process, tools, workshops and kilns are ancient, and theproducts are mostly antique, so it is called. Next, please follow me in. Entering this blank room, you can see that the ancient porcelain makingworkshop is composed of four parts: the main room, the chamber, the mud room andthe inner courtyard. The main room and the chamber match in North and south, andthey are parallel. The mud room is located in the west, and the middle is arectangular inner courtyard. Among them, the main body of the green house is the main room, facingsouth, with sufficient lighting. All the workshops for the production ofporcelain are completed here. The windlass is the main equipment for theproduction of porcelain, and the warehouse is the place for storing rawmaterials. The mud room is filled with refined mud, and the inner courtyard is anatural dry place for porcelain. In the middle of the inner courtyard, there isa sun rack pond, which is the most important equipment in the ancient workshop,and it is very ingenious. Who knows its beauty? Its beauty is that the pool andsun pool make use of the space and reduce the land occupation. Come and see this master. He is putting a ball of mud on the head of thepulley. His hands are touching each other. With the rotation of the wheel, therudiment of a bowl appears. This is "making billet, commonly known as drawingbillet". Let's see here again. The master is concentrating on spinning, drawing thefirst batch to a certain extent, and then using a knife on the pulley car to cutit into the required batch, commonly known as "spinning" or "sharpening". Ofcourse, the technological process of the ancient kiln porcelain factory alsoincludes painting porcelain, glazing and entering the kiln. Look at thesemasters painting porcelain here. Let's see how long it takes to draw a bowl.Yes, it takes only 10 seconds, The bowl is full of colorful camellia. Let's go this way. Let's take a look at the kiln house that turns theporcelain body into porcelain. Firing porcelain in the kiln house depends on thepractice of workers, strict labor combination and fine division of labor. There is a technical director in the kiln, who is called "masterBozhuang". When it comes to Ba, Master Zhuang can't talk about Tong Bin. He was a famous master of bazhuang in Wanli period. He was highly skilled,upright and respected by kiln workers. At that time, he was ordered to make the extra large blue and white dragonVAT. Tong Bin and the porcelain workers tried every means to make it, but itfailed many times. Seeing that the delivery date was approaching, it was hard todisobey the emperor's orders. For the sake of the life of the porcelain workers,he jumped into a raging fire at the critical moment of the firing processagain. It's strange to say that he really succeeded this time. People say that itwas because Tong Bin showed his spirit. Later, people named him "fenghuoxian".It's about the story of Master Zhuang - Tong Bin jumping in the kiln. Master Ba Zhuang is the chief person in charge of the wood kiln firingprocess. He is responsible for all kinds of technical problems in the firingprocess. When the porcelain is ready to be cooked but not yet ripe, the time tostop firing is the most critical. If the firing time is too long, the porcelainwill burn yellow or even fall into the kiln. If the firing time is too short,the porcelain will not be cooked again. At this time, master Ba Zhuang's eyesare completely relied on. Ladies and gentlemen, that's the end of today's tour. I hope I can guideyou later. thank you!! In order to facilitate your visit, let me first introduce you. Jingdezhen is a famous porcelain capital at home and abroad. Together withFoshan, Hankou and Zhuxian, it is also known as the four famous towns in China.It is one of the 24 famous historical and cultural cities in China and a class aopen city announced by the State Council. It has jurisdiction over one city, one county and two districts, namelyLeping City, Fuliang County, Zhushan district and Changjiang District, coveringan area of 5256 square kilometers. Jingdezhen is an important part of Poyang Lake Ecological Economic Zone,and also an important national landscape ecological historical and culturalcity. Jingdezhen has a high level of economic development, and has acceleratedits rise since 20__. It is estimated that by 20__, the per capita GDP willexceed US $10000, basically realizing modernization. Jingdezhen has a long history of porcelain making, fine quality ofporcelain products and great influence on foreign countries. "Porcelain capital"has become the pronoun of Jingdezhen. By 20__, Jingdezhen has won the title of China's excellent tourist city,National Ecological Garden City, national civilized and healthy city, andadvanced city of Jiangxi Province in building a civilized city. It not only madea zero breakthrough in such records in Jiangxi Province, but also became thefourth consecutive champion in such assessment in Jiangxi Province. On September 26, 1985, the Eighth People's Congress of Jingdezhen city ofthe people's Republic of China approved the selection of camphor tree asJingdezhen city tree and Camellia as Jingdezhen city flower. The ancient kiln porcelain factory is the production area of ancientceramics, which vividly represents the whole process of Jingdezhen ancientceramic production technology. Here are six ancient buildings, which are precious examples of ancientindustrial buildings in China. Each group of embryo square is like a closed Sanhe courtyard or quadrangle,which is composed of three or four buildings open to the courtyard. In the embryo room, the workers use the traditional hand-made porcelaintechnology to make the visitors marvel. There is also a simple and tall Town kiln in the factory. The kiln uses pine wood as fuel. The kiln is 18 meters long. It is in the shape of goose egg, big in thefront and small in the back. A thin-walled chimney about 21 meters high is builtat the tail. This is the result of the ancient architectural craftsman's skillful use ofthe center of gravity and curved shape of curved wood to erect and erect beams.It can be said that it has unique ingenuity and is also a great spectacle in thehistory of Chinese architecture. In order to facilitate your visit, let me first introduce you. The first stop to Jingdezhen is to see the ancient kiln. The ancient kiln is the first ancient kiln in Jingdezhen. Its interior isvery large and complex. Pottery can be made in ancient kilns. The old disc is rotated, on which you can make bottles by hand, and then itis ready after 3 days of firing at 1600 degrees. You can also draw all kinds of pictures on the pottery, and you can drawany pattern you like. In order to attract tourists, bands are also arranged here to playporcelain musical instruments, including flute, bell, Qin, erhu, etc. the soundis crisp and pleasant, which is very beautiful. Inside the exhibition is also worth seeing, although it is a replica, butit still makes people feel good-looking, the coolest is the 108 Water Margincharacters porcelain, just like the real one. At the pottery bar, I touched the clay with my hand. It was cold andcomfortable. I made one myself with the help of my master. It's good to see my work. 景德镇古窑导游词 篇4Welcome to here! I'm your guide. My name is X. you can call me Xiao X. Inorder to facilitate your visit, let me first introduce you. The first stop to Jingdezhen is to see the ancient kiln. The ancient kilnis the first ancient kiln in Jingdezhen. Its interior is very large and complex.Pottery can be made in ancient kilns. The old disc is rotated, on which you canmake bottles by hand, and then it is ready after 3 days of firing at 1600degrees. You can also draw all kinds of pictures on the pottery, and you candraw any pattern you like. In order to attract tourists, bands are also arranged here to playporcelain musical instruments, including flute, bell, Qin, erhu, etc. the soundis crisp and pleasant, which is very beautiful. Inside the exhibition is alsoworth seeing, although it is a replica, but it still makes people feelgood-looking, the coolest is the 108 Water Margin characters porcelain, justlike the real one. At the pottery bar, I touched the clay with my hand. It was cold andcomfortable. I made one myself with the help of my master. It's good to see mywork. 景德镇古窑导游词 篇5各位游客:你们好,欢迎你们来到景德镇古窑厂,我是你们的导游__。现在我利用路上的时间给你们讲一些陶瓷知识。俗话说:民以食为天,而食就需要器,可见陶瓷与人类文明息息相关。我们人类早在五六千年前就发明了陶器,而瓷是在陶的基础上发展而来的。瓷与陶相比,比陶更细腻。光滑。坚硬。 烧制的温度也要求更高,还有一点就是瓷是以瓷矿石为原料而陶是以陶土为原料的。瓷器在国外与中国齐名是中国的另一种解释。而最具代表性的瓷器是在景德镇,景德镇素有瓷都之称,就连景德镇也是来由与瓷器的。在古代,因景德镇地处昌江之南,所以称之为昌南镇,后又有新平镇,浮梁镇之称。直到北宋年间宋真宗赵恒因看中影青瓷的产地将它定为御瓷,工匠们每制一批瓷都烧上“景德年制,于是朝廷将这种瓷器的出处地叫“景德镇。而让景德镇人自豪的瓷器是“青花瓷,玲珑瓷,粉彩瓷,颜色釉和薄胎瓷。它们具有“白如玉,明如镜,声如磬,薄如纸的特点。 好,现在我们来到了西市区的蹯龙岗,这一片树木掩映,错落有致的古代建筑就是我们今天要参观的古窑瓷厂,象眼前这样的瓷厂,当今世界据我所知仅只一个。大家有谁知道它为什么叫“古窑瓷厂吗?因为这个厂采用的是景德镇明清时期的方法制造瓷器的,制瓷工艺,工具,作坊和窑都是古老的,产品也大多是仿古的,所以称之。 下面请随我进去参观。 进入这一幅坯房大家可以看到古代的制瓷作坊是由正间,廒间,泥房和内院四个部分组成,正间与廒间南北相配,两相平行,泥房居西,中间为长方形内院。其中正间是坯房的主体,坐北朝南,采光充足,瓷坯制造的各道工席全在这里完成,着是辘轳车是制瓷坯的主要设备,廒间就是仓库的意思是存放原料的场所。泥房里面存放的是经过精制的泥料,而内院是瓷坯自然干燥的地方,在内院的中间有一个晒架塘,这是古老作坊内最重要的设备,而且非常的巧妙,有谁知道它的妙处在哪吗?它的妙处在于水池和晒塘一上一下利用了空间减少了占地。过来看这位师傅,他正在辘轳车头放一团泥,他双手相桴,随着车盘的旋转,一个碗的雏形就出现了,这就是“做坯俗称拉坯。再来看这里,这位师傅正在聚精会神地旋坯,拉制的初坯至一定程度再在辘轳车上用刀削成符合要求的坯体,俗称“旋坯或“利坯当然古窑瓷厂的工艺流程还包括画瓷,上釉,入窑,看这些师傅就在这画瓷,大家看一下表画一个碗要多久,对,只要10秒钟的时间,碗坯上就布满了色彩丰富的茶花。 大家跟我往这边走,我们现在去看一下把瓷坯变为瓷器的窑房吧!用窑房烧制瓷器靠的是工人们的实践经念,严密的劳动组合和精细的分工。全窑有一位技术总监,称之“把庄师傅。说到把庄师傅就不能说到童宾了。他是万历年间著名的把庄师傅,他技术高明为人正直,深受窑工们的敬仰。他当时受命烧制特大号的青花龙缸,童宾和瓷工们想尽一切办法多次烧制都没有成功,眼看交货期逼近皇命难违,为了瓷工们的身家性命他在再一次的烧制过程中的关键时刻毅然跳进了熊熊大火。说来也奇怪这次真的成功了,人们说是因为童宾显灵,后来人们封他为“风火仙这是关于把庄师傅的传去故事--童宾跳窑。把庄师傅是柴窑烧制工艺的总负责人,烧制过程中的个种技术难题都由他全权处理,在瓷器的烧至将熟而又未熟的时候停火时机最为关键,烧制时间过头瓷器会烧黄甚至会出现倒窑的现象,火侯不到又会烧不熟,这时就完全靠把庄师傅的一双眼睛。 先生们,女士们,今天的参观就到此结束了,希望以后能有机会为你们导游。 谢谢!! 为了便于大家参观游玩,下面我首先大家介绍一下。景德镇是中外著名的瓷都,与佛山、汉口、朱仙镇并称中国四大名镇,是国务院首批公布的全国24个历史文化名城之一和甲类对外开放城市。现辖一市一县两区,即乐平市、浮梁县、珠山区、昌江区,面积5256平方公里。景德镇是鄱阳湖生态经济区重要组成,也是国家重要的山水生态历史文化名城。景德镇经济发展水平较高,02年以来更是加速崛起,预计到20__年,人均生产总值将超越10000美元,基本实现现代化。景德镇由于制瓷历史悠久,瓷器产品质地精良,对外影响大,“瓷都两字成了景德镇的代名词。 到20__年,景德镇已经获得中国优秀旅游城市,国家生态园林城市,全国文明卫生城市,江西省创建文明城市工作先进城市,不仅在江西省的此类记录上作出了零的突破,同时也也成为了江西省此类考核的四连冠。市树市花,1985年9月26日,中华人民共和国的景德镇市第八届人民代表大会通过评选,将樟树定为景德镇市市树,将茶花定为景德镇市的市花。古窑瓷厂为古陶瓷制作区,生动地再现了景德镇古代陶瓷制作工艺的全过程。这里有6间古胚房,为珍贵的中国古代工业建筑实例。每组胚坊似封闭的三和院或四合院,由三栋四栋向院内敞开的建筑组成。胚房内,工人们以传统的手工制瓷工艺操作,妙手神工让游人惊叹不已。厂内还有一座古朴高大的名式镇窑。此窑以松柴为燃料。窑长18米,成直躺的鹅蛋形,前大后小,尾部砌筑高约21米的薄壁烟烟囱。 这是古代建筑工匠巧妙利用曲木重心和弯曲外型立筑架梁的结果,可谓匠心独具,也是我国建筑史上的一大奇观。为了便于大家参观游玩,下面我首先大家介绍一下。到景德镇的第一站就是看古窑。古窑是景德镇第一古窑,内部十分庞大复杂。古窑里面可以制造陶器。古老的圆盘被转动起来,上面可以用手做出一个个瓶等物,然后经过1600度的高温烧制3天之后就做好了。 还可以在陶器上绘制各种图画,可以随意画上你喜欢的图案。 为吸引游客,这里还安排了乐队演奏,用的都是瓷器乐器,有笛、钟、琴、二胡等,而且声音清脆悦耳动听,十分美妙。里面的绝品展也是值得一看的,虽然是复制品,但还是让人觉得好看,最酷的是那个108个水浒人物瓷,就像真的一样。到了陶吧,我用手摸了一下粘土,冰凉冰凉的,舒服极了。我自己还在师傅的帮助下,亲手做了一个。看到自己的作品,我的感觉真好。 景德镇古窑导游词 篇6Jingdezhen ceramics is famous all over the world, and it is the place ofofficial kilns in history. During the period of the Republic of China, it was once known as the fourfamous towns in China together with Foshan in Guangdong, Hankou in Hubei andZhuxian in Henan. The following is the Jingdezhen ancient kiln tour guide, welcome toreference! Jingdezhen ancient kiln tour guide 1 welcome to here! I am yourguide, my name is x, you can call me small X. In order to facilitate your visit, let me first introduce you. The first stop to Jingdezhen is to see the ancient kiln. The ancient kiln is the first ancient kiln in Jingdezhen. Its interior isvery large and complex. Pottery can be made in ancient kilns. The old disc is rotated, on which you can make bottles by hand, and then itis ready after 3 days of firing at 1600 degrees. You can also draw all kinds of pictures on the pottery, and you can drawany pattern you like. In order to attract tourists, bands are also arranged here to playporcelain musical instruments, including flute, bell, Qin, erhu, etc. the soundis crisp and pleasant, which is very beautiful. Inside the exhibition is also worth seeing, although it is a replica, butit still makes people feel good-looking, the coolest is the 108 Water Margincharacters porcelain, just like the real one. At the pottery bar, I touched the clay with my hand. It was cold andcomfortable. I made one myself with the help of my master. It's good to see my work. Dear tourists, welcome to Jingdezhen ancient kiln factory. I'm your guide __. Now I will use my time on the road to tell you something aboutceramics. As the saying goes: people take food as their heaven, and food needsutensils. It can be seen that ceramics are closely related to humancivilization. We humans invented pottery as early as 5000 or 6000 years ago, andporcelain was developed on the basis of pottery. Porcelain is more delicate than pottery. Smooth. Hard. The firing temperature is also higher. Another point is that porcelain ismade from porcelain ore, while pottery is made from clay. Another explanation of China is that porcelain is as famous as Chinaabroad. And the most representative porcelain is in Jingdezhen, which is known asthe capital of porcelain. Even Jingdezhen is the origin of porcelain. In ancient times, because Jingdezhen was located in the south of ChangjiangRiver, it was called Changnan town. Later, it was called Xinping town andFuliang town. It was not until the Northern Song Dynasty that Zhao Heng, Emperor Zhenzongof the Song Dynasty, decided that Zhongying celadon was imperial porcelainbecause he saw the place of origin of the celadon. Every batch of porcelain madeby the craftsmen was marked with "Jingde year system", so the imperial courtcalled the place of origin of this kind of porcelain "Jingdezhen". The porcelain that Jingdezhen people are proud of is "blue and whiteporcelain, exquisite porcelain, pastel porcelain, colored glaze and thin bodyporcelain. They are as white as jade, as bright as a mirror, as loud as a chime, andas thin as paper. Well, now we have come to fulonggang in the West urban area. This ancientbuilding, which is covered by trees, is the ancient kiln porcelain factory weare going to visit today. As far as I know, there is only one such porcelainfactory in the world. Who knows why it is called "ancient kiln porcelain factory"? Because thisfactory uses the method of Jingdezhen Ming and Qing Dynasties to make porcelain.The porcelain making process, tools, workshops and kilns are ancient, and theproducts are mostly antique, so it is called. Next, please follow me in. Entering this blank room, you can see that the ancient porcelain makingworkshop is composed of four parts: the main room, the chamber, the mud room andthe inner courtyard. The main room and the chamber match in North and south, andthey are parallel. The mud room is located in the west, and the middle is arectangular inner courtyard. Among them, the main body of the green house is the main room, facingsouth, with sufficient lighting. All the workshops for the production ofporcelain are completed here. The windlass is the main equipment for theproduction of porcelain, and the warehouse is the place for storing rawmaterials. The mud room is filled with refined mud, and the inner courtyard is anatural dry place for porcelain. In the middle of the inner courtyard, there isa sun rack pond, which is the most important equipment in the ancient workshop,and it is very ingenious. Who knows its beauty? Its beauty is that the pool andsun pool make use of the space and reduce the land occupation. Come and see this master. He is putting a ball of mud on the head of thepulley. His hands are touching each other. With the rotation of the wheel, therudiment of a bowl appears. This is "making billet, commonly known as drawingbillet". Let's see here again. The master is concentrating on spinning, drawing thefirst batch to a certain extent, and then using a knife on the pulley car to cutit into the required batch, commonly known as "spinning" or "sharpening". Ofcourse, the technological process of the ancient kiln porcelain factory alsoincludes painting porcelain, glazing and entering the kiln. Look at thesemasters painting porcelain here. Let's see how long it takes to draw a bowl.Yes, it takes only 10 seconds, The bowl is full of colorful camellia. Let's go this way. Let's take a look at the kiln house that turns theporcelain body into porcelain. Firing porcelain in the kiln house depends on thepractice of workers, strict labor combination and fine division of labor. There is a technical director in the kiln, who is called "masterBozhuang". When it comes to Ba, Master Zhuang can't talk about Tong Bin. He was a famous master of bazhuang in Wanli period. He was highly skilled,upright and respected by kiln workers. At that time, he was ordered to make the extra large blue and white dragonVAT. Tong Bin and the porcelain workers tried every means to make it, but itfailed many times. Seeing that the delivery date was approaching, it was hard todisobey the emperor's orders. For the sake of the life of the porcelain workers,he jumped into a raging fire at the critical moment of the firing processagain. It's strange to say that he really succeeded this time. People say that itwas because Tong Bin showed his spirit. Later, people named him "fenghuoxian".It's about the story of Master Zhuang - Tong Bin jumping in the kiln. Master Ba Zhuang is the chief person in charge of the wood kiln firingprocess. He is responsible for all kinds of technical problems in the firingprocess. When the porcelain is ready to be cooked but not yet ripe, the time tostop firing is the most critical. If the firing time is too long, the porcelainwill burn yellow or even fall into the kiln. If the firing time is too short,the porcelain will not be cooked again. At this time, master Ba Zhuang's eyesare completely relied on. Ladies and gentlemen, that's the end of today's tour. I hope I can guideyou later. thank you!! In order to facilitate your visit, let me first introduce you. Jingdezhen is a famous porcelain capital at home and abroad. Together withFoshan, Hankou and Zhuxian, it is also known as the four famous towns in China.It is one of the 24 famous historical and cultural cities in China and a class aopen city announced by the State Council. It has jurisdiction over one city, one county and two districts, namelyLeping City, Fuliang County, Zhushan district and Changjiang District, coveringan area of 5256 square kilometers. Jingdezhen is an important part of Poyang Lake Ecological Economic Zone,and also an important national landscape ecological historical and culturalcity. Jingdezhen has a high level of economic development, and has acceleratedits rise since 20__. It is estimated that by 20__, the per capita GDP willexceed US $10000, basically realizing modernization. Jingdezhen has a long history of porcelain making, fine quality ofporcelain products and great influence on foreign countries. "Porcelain capital"has become the pronoun of Jingdezhen. By 20__, Jingdezhen has won the title of China's excellent tourist city,National Ecological Garden City, national civilized and healthy city, andadvanced city of Jiangxi Province in building a civilized city. It not only madea zero breakthrough in such records in Jiangxi Province, but also became thefourth consecutive champion in such assessment in Jiangxi Province. On September 26, 1985, the Eighth People's Congress of Jingdezhen city ofthe people's Republic of China approved the selection of camphor tree asJingdezhen city tree and Camellia as Jingdezhen city flower. The ancient kiln porcelain factory is the production area of ancientceramics, which vividly represents the whole process of Jingdezhen ancientceramic production technology. Here are six ancient buildings, which are precious examples of ancientindustrial buildings in China. Each group of embryo square is like a closed Sanhe courtyard or quadrangle,which is composed of three or four buildings open to the courtyard. In the embryo room, the workers use the traditional hand-made porcelaintechnology to make the visitors marvel. There is also a simple and tall Town kiln in the factory. The kiln uses pine wood as fuel. The kiln is 18 meters long. It is in the shape of goose egg, big in thefront and small in the back. A thin-walled chimney about 21 meters high is builtat the tail. This is the result of the ancient architectural craftsman's skillful use ofthe center of gravity and curved shape of curved wood to erect and erect beams.It can be said that it has unique ingenuity and is also a great spectacle in thehistory of Chinese architecture. 景德镇古窑导游词 篇7尊敬的各位考官!您好!我是考生 __X,我已经准备好了,可以开始了么! 各位游客朋友,大家好!欢迎大家来到景德镇古窑民俗博览区参观游览。我是此次景德镇古窑民俗博览区的导游员小赵,我很荣幸陪同大家一起参观游览,下面将由我来为大家讲解景德镇古窑民俗 博览区。 瓷都风采 景德镇,位于江西省东北部的低山、丘陵地带。这里山环水绕,制瓷资料充足,能工巧匠云集, 外销水运通畅。“水土宜陶”,是天然的产瓷区。 东晋开始设镇,名“新平”。唐代几易镇名。至景德元年(公元 1004 年),因当地的贡瓷倍受皇室青睐而改昌南镇为“景德镇”。至今,“景德镇”之名已沿用千年。 瓷业的兴旺,带来了商业的繁荣,并形成了具有瓷文化底蕴的城镇特色。景德镇以珠山御窑厂为中心,周围坯房密布,窑场四起,红店、柴行及瓷庄比比皆是,甚至连一些百姓家居都是由窑砖头、匣钵屑等瓷业废弃物搭建。“江南雄镇”的昔日风采,至今依稀可见。 景德镇四大传统名瓷 景德镇瓷器“白如玉、明如镜、薄如纸、声如磬”,自古以来,名扬天下。在琳琅满目的瓷器中,最为著名的青花瓷,青花玲珑瓷、颜色釉瓷、粉彩瓷被人们誉为“中华民族文化之精萃”、“瓷国之瑰 宝”。 一、青花瓷 青花瓷是我国陶瓷史上最优秀的瓷器品种之一,自创烧以来,一直都是景德镇瓷业的主流产品, 以致于历经近 800年而不衰。青花瓷的烧造成功,是我国陶瓷史上最具有划时代意义的事件,中国瓷 器从此进入了彩瓷时代,它使中国绘画技巧与制瓷工艺的结合更趋成熟。 青花瓷是一种以氧化钴为显色的配制颜料——“青花瓷”,在瓷坯上进行绘画装饰,再罩以透明釉,经高温一次烧成的釉下彩绘瓷器。其特点为黑色青翠,清新明丽,幽静雅致,具有中国水墨画的艺术效果。青花瓷整个器物,鲜丽的蓝色图案,与瓷胎青白相映,相得益彰,艳而不俗,鲜而不佻, 明朗而又安定,华丽而又沉着,艺术价值极高。 由于不同的运笔,不同的技法,不同的构思,不同的用料,使得每个时期的青花装饰产生不同的艺术效果,呈现出鲜明的时代特征,其主要分为元代青花瓷、明代青花瓷、清代青花瓷。 二丶青花玲珑 瓷 晶莹、幽雅的青花玲珑瓷,是景德镇传统名瓷,创烧于明代永乐年间。它既汲取了青花技术之特长,又采纳了镂雕艺术之妙法,具有轻巧致密,素雅清新的特点。外国人称其为“嵌玻璃的瓷器”,一 直以来誉满中外。 青花玲珑是一种釉下青花加玲珑雕镂的综合装饰。它是在瓷坯上,先制作玲珑透剔的米粒状洞,称为“米通”,俗称“玲珑眼”,再以“玲珑釉”充满玲珑眼,结合呈色青翠的青花纹饰,施釉入窑高温一次烧成。 青花玲珑的装饰风格与众不同,它的玲珑釉色透明带绿,小孔处透明性强,仿佛开了一个个的小窗户,阳光和灯光透过,成瓷组成的玲珑眼的特殊纹样,艺术效果别具一格。加之与青花装饰相结合,在白中泛青的釉色衬托下,显得分外精巧细腻,朴素大方,清新明朗。 如今,玲珑眼也由单一“米通”,发展为圆、尖、扁、线、弯曲等形式。并能组成各种花鸟、水浪、云彩人物等形状,丰富了青花玲珑的装饰效果,使之更加丰富多采。 三丶颜色釉瓷颜色釉是一种以金属氧化物(铁、铜、锰、钴)为着色剂,在适当的气氛中经一定的温度烧成后,能够呈现了某种固有色彩的釉料。其釉面斑驳璀璨、呈色五彩缤纷,有的像洁白的云朵在蓝天飘游,有的像晶莹的露珠在草坪闪烁,有的像晶亮的星星在银河眨眼,有的像彤红的太阳在天边升腾,有的像碧澄的江水在静静奔流,有的像艳丽的宝石在熠熠闪光,有的像熊熊的烈火在炉膛 燃烧,有的像美丽的孔雀在翩翩开屏…… 景德镇是烧造颜色釉瓷器历史最长、品种最多、质量最好、成就最高的地区之一。景德镇的颜色釉瓷以丰富多彩的釉色,精致完美的器物、风格迥异的造型,清亮耀目的光泽,而成为世界工艺美术史上一颗闪烁着夺目光华的明珠,至今仍令人眼花缭乱,心驰神往、流连忘返、叹为观止。 四丶粉彩瓷 粉彩属于釉上彩绘装饰。釉上彩绘是在已经烧成的瓷胎上进行绘画装饰,然后经过 800℃左右的低温烧烤,以使画面熔融后固化在瓷器表面的装饰技法。 早在宋元时期,景德镇瓷工就开始了用含金属氧化物的彩料在瓷器表面进行装饰的尝识,到明代宣德年间,御窑厂成功烧造出釉下青花与釉上彩绘相结合的青花斗彩瓷器。明中期以后,以成化斗彩、万历青花五彩(以青花作为五彩中一种色彩的彩瓷谓青花五彩。)为代表的釉上彩绘瓷器发展迅速,至清初康熙年间釉上蓝彩出现以后,釉上彩瓷器开始脱离青花的约束而成为一个独立的瓷器装饰门类。康熙五彩(红、绿、黄、蓝、黑)色泽厚实,浓艳,亦称之为“硬彩”,景德镇称其为“古彩”。 雍正时期,景德镇瓷工又在康熙五彩的基础上,参照珐琅彩(清宫廷御用器彩料)的制作工艺,把含有氧化砷的玻璃料掺入含铅的彩料中,使彩料产生乳白色的效果,这种含砷的玻璃料被景德镇瓷工称为“玻璃白”。如果以康熙五彩为基础,在其彩料中加入玻璃白,使所有颜色都会“粉化”成不同深浅浓淡的色调,彩料的颜色都会变成带粉白的色调,如红色变成粉红色,绿色变成粉绿色等等。这些温润的中间色不仅能给人以粉润柔和的感受,而且扩大了釉上彩的色调范围,使色彩可以渲染,层次、深浅、阴阳分明,画法可以更加细致入微。由于它的特点就是带粉白色调,所以人们便称之为粉 彩,景德镇瓷工亦称之为“软彩”。 粉彩饰的特点是颜色明亮,粉润柔和,色彩丰富,绚丽雅致,绘画工笔,写意俱全,在人物、山水、花鸟等题材的装饰上具有很强的表现力,富有国画风格。粉彩瓷在雍正年间最负盛名,釉上彩瓷器到了这个时期,已经发展到了一个百花争艳的阶段,它标志着我国传统的釉上彩瓷器的发展达到了 极高的水平。 关于景德镇古窑民俗博览区的介绍就为大家讲到这里,现在大家可以自由参观一下,按照计划的 时间回到这里,祝大家玩得愉快。 景德镇古窑导游词 篇8各位游客: 欢迎大家来到这!我是你们的导游,我姓李,大家可以叫我小李。为了便于大家参观游玩,下面我首先大家介绍一下。 景德镇是中外著名的瓷都,与佛山、汉口、朱仙镇并称中国四大名镇,是国务院首批公布的全国24个历史文化名城之一和甲类对外开放城市。现辖一市一县两区,即乐平市、浮梁县、珠山区、昌江区,面积5256平方公里。景德镇是鄱阳湖生态经济区重要组成,也是国家重要的山水生态历史文化名城。 景德镇经济发展水平较高,__年以来更是加速崛起,预计到20__年,人均生产总值将超越10000美元,基本实现现代化。景德镇由于制瓷历史悠久,瓷器产品质地精良,对外影响大,“瓷都”两字成了景德镇的代名词。到20__年,景德镇已经获得中国优秀旅游城市,国家生态园林城市,全国文明卫生城市,江西省创建文明城市工作先进城市,不仅在江西省的此类记录上作出了零的突破,同时也也成为了江西省此类考核的四连冠。 __年9月26日,中华人民共和国的景德镇市第__届人民代表大会通过评选,将樟树定为景德镇市市树,将茶花定为景德镇市的市花。 古窑瓷厂为古陶瓷制作区,生动地再现了景德镇古代陶瓷制作工艺的全过程。这里有6间古胚房,为珍贵的中国古代工业建筑实例。每组胚坊似封闭的三和院或四合院,由三栋四栋向院内敞开的建筑组成。胚房内,工人们以传统的手工制瓷工艺操作,妙手神工让游人惊叹不已。厂内还有一座古朴高大的名式镇窑。此窑以松柴为燃料。窑长18米,成直躺的鹅蛋形,前大后小,尾部砌筑高约21米的薄壁烟烟囱。这是古代建筑工匠巧妙利用曲木重心和弯曲外型立筑架梁的结果,可谓匠心独具,也是我国建筑史上的`一大奇观。 景德镇古窑导游词 篇9各位团友: 大家好!欢迎大家来到千年瓷都景德镇! 景德镇之名是因宋真宗的景德年号而得名。景德镇最初叫新平,建于东晋,后来改名为昌南镇。景德镇是以制瓷业闻名于世的。它的制瓷也始于南北朝,到北宋时以相当发达,尤其在宋真宗赵恒景德年间,景德镇的制瓷业达到了鼎盛时期,给北宋朝廷带来了一定的经济收益。于是皇帝下诏在这里建立“景德窑”,烧制的瓷器底款上也印有“景德年制”的字样,同时将昌南镇更名为景德镇。景德镇这个名字就一直沿用到今天。 今天的景德镇地处赣、浙、皖三省交界,景德镇是国务院__年首批公布的全国24个历史文化名城之一,并且是这批24座历史文化名城中唯一一座以生产陶瓷而著称的古老城市。与佛山汉口朱仙镇,并称四大名镇。现辖一市一县两区,即乐平市、浮梁县、珠山区、昌江区,面积5256平方公里。人口152万,其中城市人口50万。以“历史文化名城”、“艺术之城”“世界瓷都”名扬海内外。樟树是景德镇市市树,茶花是景德镇市的市花。 景德镇是一块富饶的土地。物华天宝,人杰地灵。境内资源丰富。有多种地下矿产。主要矿产特别是瓷石、高岭土和煤炭蕴藏最具特色。景德镇的高岭土在国际陶瓷界都具有影响。 说到景德镇的特产,素有“一瓷二茶”之说。一瓷大家都知道。其实茶叶也是景德镇的名产。早在唐代这里就是全国重要的茶叶集散地。诗人白居易的著名诗篇《琵琶行》就有“商人重利轻别离,前月浮梁买茶去。”的诗句。景德镇的“浮红”茶曾获得__年巴拿马万国博览会金质奖。近年培育的名优茶“得雨活茶”被选为人民大会堂特供茶、国宴茶。 景德镇由于制瓷历史悠久,瓷器产品质地精良,对外影响大,“瓷都”两字成了景德镇的代名词。中国的英文名称“CHINA”的小写就是“瓷器”的意思,“CHINA”的英文发音源自景德镇的历史名称“昌南”,并以此突出景德镇瓷器在世界上的影响和地位。所以,陶瓷是景德镇的立为市之根本,称都之源头,景德镇的制瓷历史“始于汉世,起于唐,兴于宋,盛于明清”至今走国了一千多年的历程。形成了景德镇瓷器独特风格,以“白如玉,明如镜,薄如纸,声如磬”的独特风格蜚声海内外。青花、玲珑、粉彩、色釉,合称景德镇四大传统名瓷。 景德镇的旅游资源极其丰富,其中国家重点风景名胜区有陶瓷文化博览区、浮梁古县衙、高岭瑶里风景区等。陶瓷文化博览区分别由古窑和陶瓷民俗博览馆两部分组成,陶瓷文化博览区保存了中国乃至世界上最为丰富独特的、最为完整的陶瓷文物遗存:古建筑、古作坊、古工艺、古窑房、古瓷俗、古园林,成为景德镇悠久陶瓷历史文化的缩影。浮梁古县衙旅游区由五品古县衙,红塔景点组成。是我国江南唯一保存完整的清代县级衙暑,有“江南第一衙”之称,千年红塔有“江西第一塔”之称,素有浮梁“古代城徽”之誉,是是古老浮梁的象征。高岭瑶里风景区,是景德镇瓷业发祥地和景德镇重要的制瓷原料基地。瑶里山高林密,云雾缭绕,自唐代以来,这里就是著名的贡茶产地。这里的“浮瑶仙芝”获农业部金奖。因此素有“瓷之源、茶之乡、林之海”的美称。 希望大家能在景德镇玩得开心! 景德镇古窑导游词 篇10Welcome to here! I'm your guide. My name is X. you can call me Xiao X. Inorder to facilitate your visit, let me first introduce you. Jingdezhen is a famous porcelain capital at home and abroad. Together withFoshan, Hankou and Zhuxian, it is also known as the four famous towns in China.It is one of the 24 famous historical and cultural cities in China and a class aopen city announced by the State Council. It has jurisdiction over one city, onecounty and two districts, namely Leping City, Fuliang County, Zhushan districtand Changjiang District, covering an area of 5256 square kilometers. Jingdezhenis an important part of Poyang Lake Ecological Economic Zone, and also animportant national landscape ecological historical and cultural city. Jingdezhen has a high level of economic development, and has acceleratedits rise since 20__. It is estimated that by 20__, the per capita GDP willexceed US $10000, basically realizing modernization. Jingdezhen has a longhistory of porcelain making, fine quality of porcelain products and greatinfluence on foreign countries. The word "porcelain capital" has become thesynonym of Jingdezhen. By 20__, Jingdezhen has won the title of China'sexcellent tourist city, National Ecological Garden City, national civilized andhealthy city, and advanced city of Jiangxi Province in building civilized city.It has not only made a zero breakthrough in this kind of record in JiangxiProvince, but also become the fourth consecutive champion in this kind ofassessment in Jiangxi Province. On September 26, 1985, the Eighth People's Congress of Jingdezhen city ofthe people's Republic of China approved the selection of camphor tree asJingdezhen city tree and Camellia as Jingdezhen city flower. The ancient kiln porcelain factory is the production area of ancientceramics, which vividly represents the whole process of Jingdezhen ancientceramic production technology. Here are six ancient buildings, which areprecious examples of ancient industrial buildings in China. Each group of embryosquare is like a closed Sanhe courtyard or quadrangle, which is composed ofthree or four buildings open to the courtyard. In the embryo room, the workersuse the traditional hand-made porcelain technology to make the visitors marvel.There is also a simple and tall Town kiln in the factory. The kiln uses pinewood as fuel. The kiln is 18 meters long. It is in the shape of goose egg, bigin the front and small in the back. A thin-walled chimney about 21 meters highis built at the tail. This is the result of the ancient architecturalcraftsman's skillful use of the center of gravity and curved shape of curvedwood to erect and erect beams. It can be said that it has unique ingenuity andis also a great spectacle in the history of Chinese architecture. 景德镇古窑导游词 篇11Dear examiners! Hello! I'm __X, I'm ready to start! Welcome to Jingdezhen ancient kiln folk custom exhibition area. I'm XiaoZhao, the tour guide of the Jingdezhen ancient kiln folk custom exhibition area.It's my great honor to accompany you to the tour. Next, I'll explain theJingdezhen ancient kiln folk custom exhibition area to you. Style of porcelain capital Jingdezhen is located in the northeast of Jiangxi Province. It issurrounded by mountains and water. There are plenty of porcelain materials,skilled craftsmen and smooth water transportation for export. It is a naturalporcelain producing area. In the Eastern Jin Dynasty, there was a town named Xinping. The name ofJiyi town in Tang Dynasty. In the first year of Jingde (1004 AD), due to thelocal tribute porcelain favored by the royal family, Changnan town was changedto "Jingdezhen". So far, the name of "Jingdezhen" has been used for thousands ofyears. The prosperity of porcelain industry has brought the prosperity of Commerceand formed the town characteristics with porcelain culture. With Zhushanimperial kiln as the center, Jingdezhen is surrounded by many green houses andkilns. Hongdian, chaihang and porcelain houses are everywhere. Even some commonpeople's homes are built by ceramic wastes such as kiln bricks and saggers. Theold style of "the great town in the south of the Yangtze River" can be seentoday. Four famous traditional porcelain in Jingdezhen Jingdezhen porcelain is as white as jade, as bright as a mirror, as thin aspaper and as loud as a chime. Among all kinds of porcelain, the most famous blueand white porcelain, such as exquisite blue and white porcelain, colored glazeporcelain and pastel porcelain, is known as "the essence of Chinese culture" and"the treasure of China". 1、 Blue and white porcelain Blue and white porcelain is one of the most excellent porcelain varietiesin the history of China's ceramics. Since its inception, it has always been themainstream product of Jingdezhen porcelain industry, so that it has survived fornearly 800 years. The successful firing of blue and white porcelain is the mostepoch-making event in China's ceramic history. Since then, Chinese porcelain hasentered the era of colored porcelain, which makes the combination of Chinesepainting skills and porcelain making technology more mature. Blue and white porcelain is a kind of preparation pigment - "blue and whiteporcelain" with cobalt oxide as color developing agent. It is painted on theporcelain body, covered with transparent glaze, and fired at a high temperature.It is characterized by black green, fresh and beautiful, quiet and elegant, withthe artistic effect of Chinese ink painting. The whole blue and white ware, withits bright blue pattern, complements the blue and white of the porcelain body.It is gorgeous but not vulgar, fresh but not frivolous, bright and stable,gorgeous and calm, with high artistic value. Due to different strokes, different techniques, different ideas anddifferent materials, each period of blue and white decoration has differentartistic effects, showing distinct characteristics of the times. It is mainlydivided into blue and white porcelain of Yuan Dynasty, blue and white porcelainof Ming Dynasty and blue and white porcelain of Qing Dynasty. 2. Exquisite blue and white Jingdezhen's exquisite blue and white porcelain, which is crystal clear andelegant, is a traditional famous porcelain in Jingdezhen. It was created andburned in Yongle period of Ming Dynasty. It not only absorbs the advantages ofblue and white technology, but also adopts the ingenious method of carving art.It has the characteristics of light, compact, simple, elegant and fresh.Foreigners call it "glass inlaid porcelain", which has been well-known at homeand abroad. Exquisite blue and white is a comprehensive decoration of underglaze blueand white and exquisite carving. It is in the porcelain body, the firstproduction of exquisite through the tick of rice shaped hole, known as "Mitong",commonly known as "Linglong eye", and then "Linglong glaze" filled with Linglongeye, combined with the color of green blue and white decoration, glaze into thekiln high temperature firing. The exquisite blue and white decoration style is different. Its exquisiteglaze color is transparent with green, and the small holes are transparent. Itseems that small windows are opened one by one, and sunlight and light arepenetrated. It is a special pattern of exquisite eyes composed of porcelain, andthe artistic effect is unique. Combined with the blue and white decoration, itis particularly exquisite, simple, fresh and clear against the background ofwhite and blue glaze. Today, Linglong eye has developed from a single "meter" to round, sharp,flat, linear, curved and other forms. And can form a variety of flowers andbirds, water waves, cloud figures and other shapes, enrich the blue and whiteexquisite decorative effect, make it more colorful. Color glaze color glaze is a kind of glaze with metal oxide (iron, copper,manganese, cobalt) as colorant, which can present a certain inherent color afterfiring at a certain temperature in an appropriate atmosphere. Its glaze ismottled, bright and colorful. Some are like white clouds floating in the bluesky, some are like crystal dew shining on the lawn, some are like crystal starsblinking in the Milky way, some are like the red sun rising in the sky, some arelike the clear river running quietly, some are like bright gems shining, someare like raging fire in the furnace Burning, some like a beautiful peacock inthe open screen Jingdezhen is one of the regions with the longest history, the mostvarieties, the best quality and the highest achievements in firing color glazedporcelain. Jingdezhen's colored glazed porcelain, with its colorful glaze,exquisite and perfect utensils and different styles of modeling, has become ashining pearl in the history of world arts and crafts. It is still dazzling,enchanting and amazing. 4. Famille Rose Porcelain famille rose belongs to overglaze paintingdecoration. Overglaze painting is a kind of decoration technique that paintingdecoration is carried out on the fired porcelain body, and then barbecue atabout 800 ℃ to make the picture solidify on the surface of porcelain aftermelting. As early as the song and Yuan Dynasties, Jingdezhen porcelain workers beganto use color materials containing metal oxides to decorate the surface ofporcelain. In the Xuande period of the Ming Dynasty, the imperial kilnsuccessfully fired blue and white porcelain with underglaze blue and white andoverglaze color. After the mid Ming Dynasty, Chenghua doucai and Wanli blue andwhite wucai (blue and white as one of the five colors of colored porcelain iscalled blue and white wucai). )In the early Qing Dynasty, after the emergence ofblue glaze, the glazed porcelain began to break away from the constraints ofblue and white and become an independent category of porcelain decoration.Kangxi five colors (red, green, yellow, blue, black) are thick and colorful,also known as "hard color", and Jingdezhen called them "ancient color". In Yongzheng period, based on the five colors of Kangxi period, Jingdezhenporcelain workers, referring to the production process of enamel color (thecolor material of imperial utensils of Qing Dynasty), mixed the glass materialcontaining arsenic oxide into the color material containing lead to producemilky white effect. This kind of glass material containing arsenic was called"glass white" by Jingdezhen porcelain workers. Based on Kangxi five colors, ifglass white is added to the color materials, all colors will be "powdered" intodifferent shades, and the colors of the color materials will become pinkishcolors, such as red into pink, green into pink, and so on. These warm and moistintermediate colors not only give people a soft feeling of powder moistening,but also expand the range of colors of overglaze colors, so that colors can berendered, with layers, shades, clear Yin and Yang, and the painting method canbe more meticulous. Because it is characterized by a pink white tone, peoplecall it pastel, and Jingdezhen porcelain workers also call it "soft color". Pastel decoration is characterized by bright colors, soft powder, richcolors, gorgeous elegance, fine brushwork and freehand brushwork. It has strongexpressive force in the decoration of figures, landscapes, flowers and birds,and is full of traditional Chinese painting style. The famille rose porcelainwas the most famous in Yongzheng period. In this period, the overglaze porcelainhas developed to a stage where a hundred flowers vie with each other. It marksthat the development of China's traditional overglaze porcelain has reached avery high level. This is the introduction of Jingdezhen ancient kiln folk custom exhibitionarea. Now you can visit it freely and come back here according to the schedule.Have a good time. 景德镇古窑导游词 篇12各位游客朋友,在古代,因景德镇地处昌江之南,所以称之为昌南镇。直到北宋年间宋真宗赵恒因看中影青瓷的产地,将它定为御瓷,工匠们每制一批瓷都烧上“景德年制”,于是朝廷将这种瓷器的出处地叫“景德镇”。而让景德镇人自豪的瓷器是青花瓷、玲珑瓷、粉彩瓷、颜色釉和薄胎瓷。它们具有“白如玉,明如镜,声如罄,薄如纸”的特点。 现在我们来到了西市区的蹯龙岗,这一片树木掩映、错落有致的古代建筑就是我们今天要参观的古窑瓷厂,像眼前这样的瓷厂,当今世界据我所知仅只一个。大家有谁知道它为什么叫“古窑”瓷厂吗?因为这个厂是采用景德镇明清时期的`方法制造瓷器的,制瓷工艺、工具、作坊和窑都是古老的,产品也大多是仿古的,所以称为“古窑”。 下面请随我进去参观。进人这一间坯房,大家可以看到古代的制瓷作坊是由正间、廒间、泥房和内院四个部分组成的。正间与廒间南北相配,两相平行,泥房居西,中间为长方形内院,其中正间是坯房的主体,坐北朝南,采光充足,瓷坯制造的各道工序全在这里完成。这是辘轳车,是制瓷坯的主要设备。廒间就是仓库的意思,是存放原料的场所。泥房里面存放的是经过精制的泥料,而内院是瓷坯自然干燥的地方,在内院的中间有一个晒架塘,这是古老作坊内最重要的设备,而且非常的巧妙,有谁知道它的妙处在哪吗?它的妙处在于水池和晒塘一上一下,利用了空间,减少了占地。 过来看这位师傅,他正在辘轳车头放一团泥,他双手相桴,随着车盘的旋转,一个碗的雏形就出现了,这就是“做坯”,俗称拉坯。再来看这里,这位师傅正在聚精会神地旋坯,拉制的初坯至一定程度再在辘轳车上用刀削成符合要求的坯体,俗称“旋坯”或“利坯”。当然古窑瓷厂的工艺流程还包括画瓷、上釉、人窑等。看这些师傅就在运画瓷,大家看一下裱画一个碗要多久?对,只要10秒钟的时间,碗坯上就布满了色彩丰富的茶花。 |
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