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福州三坊七巷景点讲解导游词 篇5

  Fuzhou is a famous city with a history of more than 2200 years. In the 13thyear of Kaiyuan of Tang Dynasty (725), Fuzhou was established as the capital ofFuzhou. In 908, the second year of Liang Kaiping in the Five Dynasties, WangShenzhi, the king of Fujian, expanded the city and enclosed the beautifulWushan, Yushan and Pingshan into the city. Since then, Fuzhou has become aunique city with "mountains in the city and cities in the mountains". "Threemountains" became the alias of Fuzhou.

  Located in the lower reaches of Minjiang River in the east of FujianProvince, Fuzhou is the political, economic and cultural center of FujianProvince. The total area of the city is 11968 square kilometers, including 1043square kilometers of urban area; the total population is more than 4.8 million,including 1.16 million urban population. "Because there are Fushan mountains inthe north of Fuzhou", it is named Fuzhou. Because banyan trees were planted morethan 900 years ago, "the city is full of green and shade, but not covered insummer", it is also known as "banyan city". At present, it has jurisdiction overfive districts of Gulou, Taijiang, Cangshan, Mawei and Jin'an, and two citiesand six counties of Fuqing, Minhou, Luoyuan, Lianjiang, Changle, Pingtan,Minqing and Yongtai. The residents are mainly Han nationality, and there aremore than 20 ethnic minorities, such as she, man, Miao and Hui. Fuzhou is a warmand humid subtropical monsoon climate with pleasant climate and evergreen trees.The annual average temperature is 19.6 ℃, the average temperature in the coldestJanuary is 10.5 ℃, the average temperature in the hottest July is 28.6 ℃, andthe average annual precipitation is 1342.5mm. The best tourism season is fromApril to November every year. There is a famous hot spring in the city.

  Members, today I'm going to talk about three lanes and seven alleys, theancient architectural treasures of Ming and Qing Dynasties in Fuzhou.

  Sanfangqixiang is located in the center of the city. It is adjacent tobay17 North Road in the East, Tonghu road in the west, Yangqiao road in thenorth, Jibi lane and Guanglu square in the south. It covers an area of about 40hectares and has 3678 households with a population of more than 14000. Threelanes and seven alleys are the abbreviation of ten alleys arranged from north toSouth on both sides of nanhou street. Three lanes are Yijin lane, Wenru lane andGuanglu lane; seven lanes are Yangqiao lane, Langguan lane, Ta lane, Huang Lane,Anmin lane, Gong lane and Jibi lane. Due to the reconstruction of Jibi lane,Yangqiao lane and Guanglu lane into roads, only two lanes and five lanes arepreserved. Even so, in this residential area with a long history, there arestill rich cultural relics and historic sites, including a number of formerresidences of celebrities and buildings of Ming and Qing Dynasties. In thisresidential area, there are many lanes, stone slabs, white walls and greentiles, strict structure, exquisite houses and ingenious craftsmanship, whichembody the characteristics of Minyue ancient city. It is a gathering place ofMinjiang culture, and is regarded as a large-scale museum of Ming and Qingancient architecture by the architectural circles.

  "Three lanes and Seven Alleys" is the main symbol of Fuzhou, a famoushistorical and cultural city of China. It is known as the Museum of ancientarchitecture of Ming and Qing Dynasties. Chen Yan, a modern poet, said: "whoknows that the five willows are solitary pines, but they live in three lanes andseven alleys." This is about the origin of "three lanes and Seven Alleys".

  The folk customs of the three lanes and seven alleys are also therepresentative of the folk customs in Fuzhou. Many festival activities are oftencentered on the three lanes and seven alleys, including folk beliefs, festivalactivities at the age of, folk customs in buildings, etc.

  "Moonlight shines on the pond; riding a bamboo horse across the pond; it'shard to cross the depth of the pond. Wait for my sister to take a boat to meetLang. Ask long Lang, short Lang and when will Lang return? " This is a folk songwritten by Chang Gung, an observer of the Tang Dynasty. It has brought manychildhood memories to generations of people living in three lanes and sevenalleys. Until now, especially the older generation is still excited to hear thiscatchy folk song.

  Three lanes and seven lanes are famous for its nearly 300 ancientresidential buildings in Ming and Qing Dynasties. The ancient streets, completelanes, ancient rivers, ancient bridges and ancient banyan trees have formed asimple and distinctive traditional style, which has aroused the wide interest ofmany experts in cultural relics and Archaeology at home and abroad, and hasbecome a must for tourists to come to Fuzhou. It can be said that it is "rare inthe whole country, only in Jiangnan". The three lanes and seven alleys ofoverseas Chinese in Fuzhou are their haunted and unforgettable hometown.

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  Fuzhou, an ancient city center with a history of more than 2200 years, islocated in this famous historical and cultural block of three lanes and sevenalleys. Covering an area of about 40 hectares, it is composed of three lanes,Seven Lanes and one central street, namely Yijin lane, Wenru lane and Guanglulane; Yangqiao lane, Langguan lane, Ta lane, Huang Lane, Anmin lane, Gong lane,Jibi lane and nanhou street, so it has been called "three lanes and Seven Lanes"since ancient times.

  Three lanes and seven alleys originated in Jin Dynasty, perfected in Tangand Five Dynasties, and flourished in Ming and Qing Dynasties. Up to now, theancient pattern of lanes is basically intact. It is the only "living fossil ofLifang system" in Chinese cities. There are more than 200 ancient buildingspreserved in lanes. Among them, there are nine national key cultural relicsprotection units, and there are a large number of provincial and municipalcultural protection units and historical protection buildings The Museum ofarchitecture.

  The three lanes and seven alleys are famous for their unique geographicalfeatures. They have always been "the settlement of famous people in the capitalof Fujian". Many people, such as Lin Zexu, Shen Baozhen, Yan Fu, Chen Baochen,Lin Juemin, Lin Xu, Bing Xin, Lin Shu, who had an important influence on thesociety at that time and even the process of modern China, all came from theseplaces, making this hot land full of special humanistic values and unshakablespirituality and talents, and becoming the center of Fuzhou proud.

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福州三坊七巷景点讲解导游词 篇8

  hello everyone! Hard work all the way! First of all, on behalf of thetravel agency, I would like to welcome you to Fuzhou, the capital of FujianProvince. I'm a tour guide of CTS. My family name is __. You can call me Xiao Xor director X. Next to me is our driver, Mr. Chen. Mr. Chen and I will serve youthese two days. We will try our best. I hope my work can get your strong supportand our service can make your trip to Fuzhou leave a good memory.

  Fuzhou is a famous city with a history of more than 2200 years. In the 13thyear of Kaiyuan of Tang Dynasty, Fuzhou was established as the capital ofFuzhou. In the second year of Liang Kaiping in the Five Dynasties, King Shenzhiof Fujian expanded the city and enclosed the beautiful Wushan, Yushan andPingshan into the city. From then on, Fuzhou became a unique city with"mountains in the city and cities in the mountains". "Three mountains" becamethe alias of Fuzhou.

  Located in the lower reaches of Minjiang River in the east of FujianProvince, Fuzhou is the political, economic and cultural center of FujianProvince. The total area of the city is 11968 square kilometers, including 1043square kilometers in the urban area, and the total population is more than 4.8million, including 1.16 million in the urban area. Fuzhou is also known as "thecity of banyan" because it was planted with banyan trees more than 900 yearsago. At present, it has jurisdiction over five districts of Gulou, Taijiang,Cangshan, Mawei and Jin'an, and two cities and six counties of Fuqing, Minhou,Luoyuan, Lianjiang, Changle, Pingtan, Minqing and Yongtai. The residents aremainly Han nationality, and there are more than 20 ethnic minorities, such asshe, man, Miao and Hui. Fuzhou is a warm and humid subtropical monsoon climatewith pleasant climate and evergreen trees. The annual average temperature is19.6 ℃, the average temperature in the coldest month is 10.5 ℃, the averagetemperature in the hottest July is 28.6 ℃, and the average annual precipitationis 1342.5mm. The best travel season is from April to November every year. Thereis a famous hot spring in the city.

  Members of the group, what I'm going to talk about today is the treasure ofancient architecture in Ming and Qing Dynasties in Fuzhou -- three lanes andseven alleys.

  Sanfangqixiang is located in the center of the city. It is adjacent tobay17 North Road in the East, Tonghu road in the west, Yangqiao road in thenorth, Jibi lane and Guanglu square in the south. It covers an area of about 40hectares and has 3678 households with a population of more than 14000. Threelanes and seven alleys are the abbreviation of ten alleys arranged from north toSouth on both sides of nanhou street. Three lanes are Yijin lane, Wenru lane andGuanglu lane; seven lanes are Yangqiao lane, Langguan lane, Ta lane, Huang Lane,Anmin lane, Gong lane and Jibi lane. Due to the reconstruction of Jibi lane,Yangqiao lane and Guanglu lane into roads, only two lanes and five lanes arepreserved. Even so, in this residential area with a long history, there arestill rich cultural relics and historic sites, including a number of formerresidences of celebrities and buildings of Ming and Qing Dynasties. In thisresidential area, there are many lanes, stone slabs, white walls and greentiles, strict structure, exquisite houses and ingenious craftsmanship, whichembody the characteristics of Minyue ancient city. It is a gathering place ofMinjiang culture, and is regarded as a large-scale museum of Ming and Qingancient architecture by the architectural circles.

  "Three lanes and Seven Alleys" is the main symbol of Fuzhou, a famoushistorical and cultural city of China. It is known as the Museum of ancientarchitecture of Ming and Qing Dynasties. Chen Yan, a modern poet, said: "whoknows that the five willows are solitary pines, but they live in three lanes andseven alleys." This is about the origin of "three lanes and Seven Alleys".

  The folk customs of three lanes and seven alleys are also therepresentative of Fuzhou folk customs. Many festival and custom centers areoften concentrated in three lanes and seven alleys, which include folk beliefs,festival activities at the age of, folk customs in buildings, etc.

  "Moonlight shines on the pond; riding a bamboo horse across the pond; it'shard to cross the depth of the pond. Wait for my sister to take a boat to meetLang. Ask long Lang, short Lang and when will Lang return? " This is a folk songwritten by Chang Gung, an observer of the Tang Dynasty. It has brought manychildhood memories to generations of people living in three lanes and sevenalleys. Until now, especially the older generation is still excited to hear thiscatchy folk song.

  Three lanes and seven alleys are famous for its nearly 300 ancientresidential buildings of Ming and Qing Dynasties. The ancient streets, completelanes, ancient rivers, ancient bridges and ancient banyan trees have formed asimple and distinctive traditional style, which has aroused the wide interest ofmany experts in cultural relics and Archaeology at home and abroad, and hasbecome a must for tourists to come to Fuzhou. It can be said that she is "rarein China, only in Jiangnan". The three lanes and seven alleys of overseasChinese in Fuzhou are their haunted and unforgettable hometown.

  The road of "three lanes and Seven Alleys" is definitely a small road.Maybe it has been so small for hundreds of years that it can only walk two sedanchairs side by side. However, "the mountain is not high, the immortal is thespirit!" the road is not big, and some people are famous. It is from such alleysthat how many celebrities and heroes have emerged in the past dynasties? Theywent out of the deep alleys, to the land of Fujian, to all corners of the world,and achieved a great cause. They are proud of them.

  The ancient architectural features of the three lanes and seven alleys aremainly shown in the following aspects: stone slab deep alleys, green tiles andpowder walls, various kinds of exquisitely carved door covers, wind and firewall style multi entrance courtyards. From the height of the mansion, it lookslike layers of waves on the sea, and the waves from one place to another aremagnificent and shocking.

  Three lanes and seven alleys are not only famous for their ancientbuildings, but also represent the fine tradition of Fuzhou people's emphasis oneducation and good reading. The prosperity of the imperial examination is alsorare in China. Lu Zuqian, a famous scholar in the Southern Song Dynasty, who isknown as one of the three sages in Southeast China as well as Zhu Xi and ZhangShi, wrote a well-known poem in Fuzhou: "when the road meets ten guests, nineare green, half are old brothers in the same robe. I remember the quiet lightsof the city bridge and the sound of reading in the South and north of the lane." This poem is also a vivid portrayal of three lanes and seven alleys, whichshows the number of scholars in Fuzhou and the vivid scene of studying hard atnight.

  "Three lanes and Seven Alleys" is the witness of Fuzhou's history; "threelanes and Seven Alleys" is the crystallization of people's wisdom in MinjiangRiver Basin; "three lanes and Seven Alleys" is the epitome of Fuzhou's gatheringof people and culture. It records the historical facts of Min king in the lateTang Dynasty and Five Dynasties, and the experience of emperor zongnan of SongDynasty and Emperor Longwu of Ming Dynasty in Fuzhou. It blew the wind and rainof the 1911 Revolution and spread the influence of the May 4th movement ofBeijing in Fuzhou. There were hundreds of high-ranking officials, scholars andcelebrities living in these lanes. Huang Pu, a famous scholar in Tang Dynasty,Chen Xiang, a neo Confucianist in Song Dynasty, Chen lie, a poet in late TangDynasty, Zheng Xingzhi, a champion, Zhang Jing, a famous Anti Japanese generalin Ming Dynasty, Shen Baozhen, a governor of Qing Dynasty, Yan Fu, a modernenlightenment thinker, etc. all lived in Sanfang Qixiang, and Lin Juemin, afamous martyr in Huanghuagang. When it comes to Lin Juemin, we have to mentionhis book with his wife. Lin Juemin

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福州三坊七巷景点讲解导游词 篇14

  Fuzhou has preserved quite a number of lanes that have been formed sincethe Tang and Song Dynasties, and has become one of the important symbols of afamous historical and cultural city.

  The "Three Lanes" of "three lanes and Seven Alleys" refer to Yijin lane,Wenru lane and Guanglu lane. The three lanes are located on the west side ofnanhou street, which is connected with the "Seven Lanes" on the east side

  Yijinfang, formerly known as tongchaoxiang. Lu Yun and Lu Zao lived here inthe Xuanhe period of Song Dynasty (1119-1125). Their talent was given away andthey were famous for a time. Lu Yun was the magistrate of Fuzhou and Lu Zao wasthe magistrate of Quanzhou. When they returned to their hometown, they orderedthis square to be "Dijin square". During the reign of Chunxi in the SouthernSong Dynasty, Wang Yang was appointed to Jiangdong for punishment. Afterretirement, he also lived here and renamed Dijin Yijin to show his intention ofreturning home.

  Wenrufang, formerly known as shanyinxiang, was originally known asrulinfang, where Zheng mu, a song dynasty wine worshiper, lived. In addition toZheng mu, there are also some famous scholars, such as Gan Guobao, commander inchief of Baodao, Zhang Jing, a famous Anti Japanese general and seven provincialeconomic strategist, Chen Chengqiu, father of Chen Baochen, teacher of EmperorGuangxu of Qing Dynasty, and Chen Yan, editor in chief of Fujian Tongzhi.

  Guanglu square, Cheng SHIMENG, who was the magistrate of Fuzhou in thefirst year of Xining (1068) of the Northern Song Dynasty, often visited theBuddhist temple in the square. When he saw a big rock beside the pool, heclimbed the stone to recite poems, so it was called "Guanglu Yintai", and thesquare was also renamed Guanglu square. The stone carvings of "Guanglu Yintai"inscribed by Cheng SHIMENG still exist today.

  The Seven Lanes in the "three lanes and Seven Lanes" are all located in theeast of nanhou street. From north to south, they are Yangqiao lane, Langguanlane, Ta lane, Huang Lane, Anmin lane, Gong lane and Jibi lane.

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  Traditionally, we all talk about three lanes first and then seven lanes. Infact, from the perspective of building location, there should be seven lanesfirst and then three lanes. The ancestors of the Tang Dynasty first built agroup of neatly arranged "new villages" along the axis of the city south street.After that, a group of lanes will be built to form a "non" shaped block with theSouth back street as the central axis. After thousands of years of wind and rainchanges, most of the lanes were named in Song Dynasty, and today's architecturalpattern was formed in Ming and Qing Dynasties, which became the landmark ofFuzhou's historical and cultural city.

  From the treatment of architectural space, the main hall of three lanes andseven alleys on the central axis is obviously higher, larger and wider than thatin the north, forming a lively and changeable spatial pattern with othercorridors and pavilions. The hall is generally open and integrated with thepatio. In particular, in order to make the hall appear tall, spacious and open,efforts are generally made to deal with the porch and porch. The purlinsupporting the eaves, or a purlin supporting the eaves, is specially made ofthick and long high-quality hardwood, and the method of reducing columns is usedto make the front of the hall free of any obstacles, which is rarely seen innorthern architecture and other southern architecture. For example, the sedanHall of Lin Congyi's former residence in Gongxiang and the stage of theancestral temple are treated in this way. This is one of the important featuresof Fuzhou ancient architecture.

  The three lanes and seven alleys are not only unique in layout andstructure, but also unique in wall, carving and facade.





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