标题 | 福州三坊七巷景点讲解导游词 |
范文 | 福州三坊七巷景点讲解导游词(精选15篇) 福州三坊七巷景点讲解导游词 篇1大家好!一路辛苦了!首先,我代表旅行社欢迎各位来到福建省会―――福州市旅游观光。我是中旅的导游。我姓×,大家叫我小×或×导都行。我旁边这位是我们的司机陈师傅,这两天都由我和陈师傅为你们服务,我们会尽最大的努力。希望我的工作能得到各位的大力支持,希望我们的服务,能使您的福州之行留下美好的回忆。 福州是一座拥有2200多年历史的名城。唐开元十三年设福州都督府始称福州。五代梁开平二年闽王王审知扩建城池,将风景秀丽的乌山、于山、屏山圈入城内,从此福州成为“山在城中,城在山中”的独特城市。“三山”成了福州的别名。 福州位于福建省东部闽江下游,是全省政治、经济、文化中心。全市总面积11.968平方公里,其中市区总面积1043平方公里;总人口480多万,其中城区人口116万。“因州北有福山”,故名福州,又因九百多年前就遍植榕树,“绿荫满城,暑不张盖”,故又有“榕城”的美称。现辖鼓楼、台江、仓山、马尾、晋安五个区和福清、闽侯、罗源、连江、长乐、平潭、闽清、永泰等二市六县。居民以汉族为主,还有畲、满、苗、回等二十多个少数民族。福州依山傍海,气候宜人,绿树长青,属暖湿的亚热带季风气候。年平均气温为19.6℃,最冷一月平均气温为10.5℃,最热七月平均气温28.6℃,年均降水量1342.5毫米。最佳旅游季节为每年4―11月。市区内有闻名全国的温泉。 各位团友,今天我讲解的内容是福州明清时期古建筑瑰宝――――三坊七巷。 福州三坊七巷景点讲解导游词 篇2三坊七巷地处市中心,东临八一七北路,西靠通湖路,北接杨桥路,南达吉庇巷、光禄坊,占地约40公顷,现居民3678户,人口14000余人。三坊七巷是南后街两旁从北到南依次排列的十条坊巷的简称。三坊是:衣锦坊、文儒坊、光禄坊;七巷是杨桥巷、郎官巷、塔巷、黄巷、安民巷、宫巷、吉庇巷。由于吉庇巷、杨桥巷和光禄坊改建为马路,现在保存的实际只有二坊五巷。即使如此,在这个历史悠久的居民区内,仍然保留着丰富的文物古迹,保存一批名人故居和明清时代的建筑。在这居民区内,坊巷纵横,石板铺地;白墙青瓦,结构严谨;房屋精致,匠艺奇巧,集中体现了闽越古城的民居特色,是闽江文化的荟萃之所,被建筑界喻为一座规模庞大的明清古建筑博物馆。 “三坊七巷”是国家历史文化名城――――福州的主要标志,被誉为明清古建筑博物馆。近代诗人陈衍诗云:“谁知五柳孤松客,却住三坊七巷间。”这大约就是“三坊七巷”的由来。 三坊七巷的民风民俗也是福州民风民俗的代表,许多节俗活动中心常集中在三坊七巷,它包括民间信仰、岁时节庆活动、建筑物中的民俗等。 “月光光,照池塘;骑竹马,过洪塘;洪塘水深难得渡,等妹撑船来接郎。问郎长,问郎短,问郎几时返?”这是唐朝观察使常衮作的一首民谣。它曾给居住在三坊七巷的几代百姓带来多少童年的回忆。直到现在,特别是老一辈人听到这首琅琅上口的民谣仍激动不已。 福州三坊七巷景点讲解导游词 篇3三坊七巷不仅以她的古建筑闻名于世,她还代表了福州人重教育,好读书的优良传统,科举之盛,在全国也属罕见。南宋学者,被称为与朱熹、张轼齐名的东南三贤之一的吕祖谦,在福州写下了一首脍炙人口的诗篇:“路逢十客九青矜,半是同袍旧弟兄。最忆市桥灯火静,巷南巷北读书声。”这首诗也是三坊七巷的生动写照,说明了福州读书人之多,以及深夜苦读的生动景象。 “三坊七巷”是福州历史的的见证;“三坊七巷”是闽江流域人民智慧的结晶;“三坊七巷”更是福州人文荟萃的缩影。它记录了唐末五代时闽王王审知立国的史实,记录了宋末端宗南明隆武皇帝在福州称帝的经历。它吹洒着辛亥革命的风雨,传播着北京“五四”运动在福州的影响。这些坊巷内曾经居住过上百名高官显贵、学者名流,唐学者黄璞,宋理学家陈襄、晚唐诗人陈烈、状元郑性之、明抗倭名将张经、清巡抚沈葆桢、近代启蒙思想家严复等等都曾在三坊七巷居住过,还有黄花岗烈士林觉民。说到林觉民我们不能不提到他的《与妻书》。林觉民牺牲后,全家为了避祸匿居在光禄坊早题巷一处许家院宅。一天晚上,有人悄悄地将林觉民写给父亲及妻子的遗书塞进门缝,林觉民的妻子一直将这封信珍藏到辛亥革命福州光复后。这一如诗如画的名篇写得情真意切,感人肺腑,催人泪下,不仅表达了夫妻间深深的歉疚和殷殷的情意,而且表达了“乐牺牲吾身与汝身之福利,为天下谋永福”的革命精神和伟大情怀,激励了千千万万的热血青年。具有极为珍贵的历史价值和艺术价值。 《与妻书》中也十分细腻地表达了烈士对故里“三坊七巷”的眷恋之情,有一段是这样描写的:“后街之屋,入门穿廊,过前后厅,又三四折,有小厅,厅旁一屋,为吾与汝双栖之所,初婚三四个月,适冬之望日前后,窗外疏梅筛月影,依稀掩映……”看到这,我们怎能不为烈士牺牲前对亲人和美丽家园----“三坊七巷”深深眷恋之情所震憾呢!谁没有亲人,谁没有自己的家园?可林觉民却英勇奋战,在负伤被擒受审时仍表示:“只要革除暴政,建立共和,能使国家富强则吾死瞑目矣”,这就是革命者何等博大情怀! “最忆市桥灯火静,巷南巷北读书声”,让我们再一次感悟到故乡“三坊七巷”古老厚重的文化对我们的培养和熏陶。 福州三坊七巷景点讲解导游词 篇4三坊七巷,以她近三百座的明清民居古建筑物闻名于世。古老的街巷,完整的坊里,配以古河道、古桥梁、古榕树,形成了古朴而富有特色的传统风貌,引起了国内外许多文物考古专家的广泛兴趣,成为游客前来福州的必到之处。可以说,她是“全国少见,江南仅有”。而老家在福州的海外游子,三坊七巷是他们魂牵梦绕、难以忘怀的故园乡土。 “三坊七巷”的路,绝对是小路,也许几百年来就是这样小,小得只能并排走两顶轿子吧!然而“山不在高,有仙则灵!”路不在大,有人则名。就是从这样的小巷里,历代走出了多少风流人物,多少英雄豪杰?他们走出幽深的坊巷,走向八闽大地,走向五湖四海,成就了一番大事业。他们为“三坊七巷”增光,“三坊七巷”也为有他们而骄傲。 三坊七巷的古建筑风貌主要表现在:石板深巷,青瓦粉墙,各式精雕细刻的门罩,风火墙式的多进院落,从高处府视犹如海上层层波浪,那此起彼落的万倾波涛既无比壮观又震撼人心。 三坊七巷不仅以她的古建筑闻名于世,她还代表了福州人重教育,好读书的优良传统,科举之盛,在全国也属罕见。南宋著名学者,被称为与朱熹、张轼齐名的东南三贤之一的吕祖谦,在福州写下了一首脍炙人口的诗篇:“路逢十客九青矜,半是同袍旧弟兄。最忆市桥灯火静,巷南巷北读书声。”这首诗也是三坊七巷的生动写照,说明了福州读书人之多,以及深夜苦读的生动景象。 “三坊七巷”是福州历史的的见证;“三坊七巷”是闽江流域人民智慧的结晶;“三坊七巷”更是福州人文荟萃的缩影。它记录了唐末五代时闽王王审知立国的史实,记录了宋末端宗南明隆武皇帝在福州称帝的经历。它吹洒着辛亥革命的风雨,传播着北京“五四”运动在福州的影响。这些坊巷内曾经居住过上百名高官显贵、学者名流,唐著名学者黄璞,宋理学家陈襄、晚唐诗人陈烈、状元郑性之、明抗倭名将张经、清巡抚沈葆桢、近代启蒙思想家严复等等都曾在三坊七巷居住过,还有黄花岗著名烈士林觉民。 福州三坊七巷景点讲解导游词 篇5Fuzhou is a famous city with a history of more than 2200 years. In the 13thyear of Kaiyuan of Tang Dynasty (725), Fuzhou was established as the capital ofFuzhou. In 908, the second year of Liang Kaiping in the Five Dynasties, WangShenzhi, the king of Fujian, expanded the city and enclosed the beautifulWushan, Yushan and Pingshan into the city. Since then, Fuzhou has become aunique city with "mountains in the city and cities in the mountains". "Threemountains" became the alias of Fuzhou. Located in the lower reaches of Minjiang River in the east of FujianProvince, Fuzhou is the political, economic and cultural center of FujianProvince. The total area of the city is 11968 square kilometers, including 1043square kilometers of urban area; the total population is more than 4.8 million,including 1.16 million urban population. "Because there are Fushan mountains inthe north of Fuzhou", it is named Fuzhou. Because banyan trees were planted morethan 900 years ago, "the city is full of green and shade, but not covered insummer", it is also known as "banyan city". At present, it has jurisdiction overfive districts of Gulou, Taijiang, Cangshan, Mawei and Jin'an, and two citiesand six counties of Fuqing, Minhou, Luoyuan, Lianjiang, Changle, Pingtan,Minqing and Yongtai. The residents are mainly Han nationality, and there aremore than 20 ethnic minorities, such as she, man, Miao and Hui. Fuzhou is a warmand humid subtropical monsoon climate with pleasant climate and evergreen trees.The annual average temperature is 19.6 ℃, the average temperature in the coldestJanuary is 10.5 ℃, the average temperature in the hottest July is 28.6 ℃, andthe average annual precipitation is 1342.5mm. The best tourism season is fromApril to November every year. There is a famous hot spring in the city. Members, today I'm going to talk about three lanes and seven alleys, theancient architectural treasures of Ming and Qing Dynasties in Fuzhou. Sanfangqixiang is located in the center of the city. It is adjacent tobay17 North Road in the East, Tonghu road in the west, Yangqiao road in thenorth, Jibi lane and Guanglu square in the south. It covers an area of about 40hectares and has 3678 households with a population of more than 14000. Threelanes and seven alleys are the abbreviation of ten alleys arranged from north toSouth on both sides of nanhou street. Three lanes are Yijin lane, Wenru lane andGuanglu lane; seven lanes are Yangqiao lane, Langguan lane, Ta lane, Huang Lane,Anmin lane, Gong lane and Jibi lane. Due to the reconstruction of Jibi lane,Yangqiao lane and Guanglu lane into roads, only two lanes and five lanes arepreserved. Even so, in this residential area with a long history, there arestill rich cultural relics and historic sites, including a number of formerresidences of celebrities and buildings of Ming and Qing Dynasties. In thisresidential area, there are many lanes, stone slabs, white walls and greentiles, strict structure, exquisite houses and ingenious craftsmanship, whichembody the characteristics of Minyue ancient city. It is a gathering place ofMinjiang culture, and is regarded as a large-scale museum of Ming and Qingancient architecture by the architectural circles. "Three lanes and Seven Alleys" is the main symbol of Fuzhou, a famoushistorical and cultural city of China. It is known as the Museum of ancientarchitecture of Ming and Qing Dynasties. Chen Yan, a modern poet, said: "whoknows that the five willows are solitary pines, but they live in three lanes andseven alleys." This is about the origin of "three lanes and Seven Alleys". The folk customs of the three lanes and seven alleys are also therepresentative of the folk customs in Fuzhou. Many festival activities are oftencentered on the three lanes and seven alleys, including folk beliefs, festivalactivities at the age of, folk customs in buildings, etc. "Moonlight shines on the pond; riding a bamboo horse across the pond; it'shard to cross the depth of the pond. Wait for my sister to take a boat to meetLang. Ask long Lang, short Lang and when will Lang return? " This is a folk songwritten by Chang Gung, an observer of the Tang Dynasty. It has brought manychildhood memories to generations of people living in three lanes and sevenalleys. Until now, especially the older generation is still excited to hear thiscatchy folk song. Three lanes and seven lanes are famous for its nearly 300 ancientresidential buildings in Ming and Qing Dynasties. The ancient streets, completelanes, ancient rivers, ancient bridges and ancient banyan trees have formed asimple and distinctive traditional style, which has aroused the wide interest ofmany experts in cultural relics and Archaeology at home and abroad, and hasbecome a must for tourists to come to Fuzhou. It can be said that it is "rare inthe whole country, only in Jiangnan". The three lanes and seven alleys ofoverseas Chinese in Fuzhou are their haunted and unforgettable hometown. 福州三坊七巷景点讲解导游词 篇6Fuzhou, an ancient city center with a history of more than 2200 years, islocated in this famous historical and cultural block of three lanes and sevenalleys. Covering an area of about 40 hectares, it is composed of three lanes,Seven Lanes and one central street, namely Yijin lane, Wenru lane and Guanglulane; Yangqiao lane, Langguan lane, Ta lane, Huang Lane, Anmin lane, Gong lane,Jibi lane and nanhou street, so it has been called "three lanes and Seven Lanes"since ancient times. Three lanes and seven alleys originated in Jin Dynasty, perfected in Tangand Five Dynasties, and flourished in Ming and Qing Dynasties. Up to now, theancient pattern of lanes is basically intact. It is the only "living fossil ofLifang system" in Chinese cities. There are more than 200 ancient buildingspreserved in lanes. Among them, there are nine national key cultural relicsprotection units, and there are a large number of provincial and municipalcultural protection units and historical protection buildings The Museum ofarchitecture. The three lanes and seven alleys are famous for their unique geographicalfeatures. They have always been "the settlement of famous people in the capitalof Fujian". Many people, such as Lin Zexu, Shen Baozhen, Yan Fu, Chen Baochen,Lin Juemin, Lin Xu, Bing Xin, Lin Shu, who had an important influence on thesociety at that time and even the process of modern China, all came from theseplaces, making this hot land full of special humanistic values and unshakablespirituality and talents, and becoming the center of Fuzhou proud. 福州三坊七巷景点讲解导游词 篇7福州这座具有2200多年历史的古老城市中心,坐落着这片遐迩闻名的三坊七巷历史文化街区。它占地约40公顷,由三个坊、七条巷和一条中轴街肆组成,分别是衣锦坊、文儒坊、光禄坊;杨桥巷、郎官巷、塔巷、黄巷、安民巷、宫巷、吉庇巷和南后街,因此自古就被称为“三坊七巷”。 三坊七巷起于晋,完善于唐五代,至明清鼎盛,古老的坊巷格局至今基本保留完整,是中国都市仅存的一块“里坊制度活化石”坊巷内保存有200余座古建筑,其中全国重点文物保护单位有九处,省、市级文保单位和历史保护建筑数量众多,是一座不可多得的“明清建筑博物馆”。 三坊七巷因地灵而人杰,这里一直是“闽都名人的聚居地”林则徐、沈葆桢、严复、陈宝琛、林觉民、林旭、冰心、林纾等大量对当时社会乃至中国近现代进程有着重要影响的人物皆出自于此,使得这块热土充满了特殊的人文价值和不散的灵性及才情,成为福州的骄傲。 福州三坊七巷景点讲解导游词 篇8hello everyone! Hard work all the way! First of all, on behalf of thetravel agency, I would like to welcome you to Fuzhou, the capital of FujianProvince. I'm a tour guide of CTS. My family name is __. You can call me Xiao Xor director X. Next to me is our driver, Mr. Chen. Mr. Chen and I will serve youthese two days. We will try our best. I hope my work can get your strong supportand our service can make your trip to Fuzhou leave a good memory. Fuzhou is a famous city with a history of more than 2200 years. In the 13thyear of Kaiyuan of Tang Dynasty, Fuzhou was established as the capital ofFuzhou. In the second year of Liang Kaiping in the Five Dynasties, King Shenzhiof Fujian expanded the city and enclosed the beautiful Wushan, Yushan andPingshan into the city. From then on, Fuzhou became a unique city with"mountains in the city and cities in the mountains". "Three mountains" becamethe alias of Fuzhou. Located in the lower reaches of Minjiang River in the east of FujianProvince, Fuzhou is the political, economic and cultural center of FujianProvince. The total area of the city is 11968 square kilometers, including 1043square kilometers in the urban area, and the total population is more than 4.8million, including 1.16 million in the urban area. Fuzhou is also known as "thecity of banyan" because it was planted with banyan trees more than 900 yearsago. At present, it has jurisdiction over five districts of Gulou, Taijiang,Cangshan, Mawei and Jin'an, and two cities and six counties of Fuqing, Minhou,Luoyuan, Lianjiang, Changle, Pingtan, Minqing and Yongtai. The residents aremainly Han nationality, and there are more than 20 ethnic minorities, such asshe, man, Miao and Hui. Fuzhou is a warm and humid subtropical monsoon climatewith pleasant climate and evergreen trees. The annual average temperature is19.6 ℃, the average temperature in the coldest month is 10.5 ℃, the averagetemperature in the hottest July is 28.6 ℃, and the average annual precipitationis 1342.5mm. The best travel season is from April to November every year. Thereis a famous hot spring in the city. Members of the group, what I'm going to talk about today is the treasure ofancient architecture in Ming and Qing Dynasties in Fuzhou -- three lanes andseven alleys. Sanfangqixiang is located in the center of the city. It is adjacent tobay17 North Road in the East, Tonghu road in the west, Yangqiao road in thenorth, Jibi lane and Guanglu square in the south. It covers an area of about 40hectares and has 3678 households with a population of more than 14000. Threelanes and seven alleys are the abbreviation of ten alleys arranged from north toSouth on both sides of nanhou street. Three lanes are Yijin lane, Wenru lane andGuanglu lane; seven lanes are Yangqiao lane, Langguan lane, Ta lane, Huang Lane,Anmin lane, Gong lane and Jibi lane. Due to the reconstruction of Jibi lane,Yangqiao lane and Guanglu lane into roads, only two lanes and five lanes arepreserved. Even so, in this residential area with a long history, there arestill rich cultural relics and historic sites, including a number of formerresidences of celebrities and buildings of Ming and Qing Dynasties. In thisresidential area, there are many lanes, stone slabs, white walls and greentiles, strict structure, exquisite houses and ingenious craftsmanship, whichembody the characteristics of Minyue ancient city. It is a gathering place ofMinjiang culture, and is regarded as a large-scale museum of Ming and Qingancient architecture by the architectural circles. "Three lanes and Seven Alleys" is the main symbol of Fuzhou, a famoushistorical and cultural city of China. It is known as the Museum of ancientarchitecture of Ming and Qing Dynasties. Chen Yan, a modern poet, said: "whoknows that the five willows are solitary pines, but they live in three lanes andseven alleys." This is about the origin of "three lanes and Seven Alleys". The folk customs of three lanes and seven alleys are also therepresentative of Fuzhou folk customs. Many festival and custom centers areoften concentrated in three lanes and seven alleys, which include folk beliefs,festival activities at the age of, folk customs in buildings, etc. "Moonlight shines on the pond; riding a bamboo horse across the pond; it'shard to cross the depth of the pond. Wait for my sister to take a boat to meetLang. Ask long Lang, short Lang and when will Lang return? " This is a folk songwritten by Chang Gung, an observer of the Tang Dynasty. It has brought manychildhood memories to generations of people living in three lanes and sevenalleys. Until now, especially the older generation is still excited to hear thiscatchy folk song. Three lanes and seven alleys are famous for its nearly 300 ancientresidential buildings of Ming and Qing Dynasties. The ancient streets, completelanes, ancient rivers, ancient bridges and ancient banyan trees have formed asimple and distinctive traditional style, which has aroused the wide interest ofmany experts in cultural relics and Archaeology at home and abroad, and hasbecome a must for tourists to come to Fuzhou. It can be said that she is "rarein China, only in Jiangnan". The three lanes and seven alleys of overseasChinese in Fuzhou are their haunted and unforgettable hometown. The road of "three lanes and Seven Alleys" is definitely a small road.Maybe it has been so small for hundreds of years that it can only walk two sedanchairs side by side. However, "the mountain is not high, the immortal is thespirit!" the road is not big, and some people are famous. It is from such alleysthat how many celebrities and heroes have emerged in the past dynasties? Theywent out of the deep alleys, to the land of Fujian, to all corners of the world,and achieved a great cause. They are proud of them. The ancient architectural features of the three lanes and seven alleys aremainly shown in the following aspects: stone slab deep alleys, green tiles andpowder walls, various kinds of exquisitely carved door covers, wind and firewall style multi entrance courtyards. From the height of the mansion, it lookslike layers of waves on the sea, and the waves from one place to another aremagnificent and shocking. Three lanes and seven alleys are not only famous for their ancientbuildings, but also represent the fine tradition of Fuzhou people's emphasis oneducation and good reading. The prosperity of the imperial examination is alsorare in China. Lu Zuqian, a famous scholar in the Southern Song Dynasty, who isknown as one of the three sages in Southeast China as well as Zhu Xi and ZhangShi, wrote a well-known poem in Fuzhou: "when the road meets ten guests, nineare green, half are old brothers in the same robe. I remember the quiet lightsof the city bridge and the sound of reading in the South and north of the lane." This poem is also a vivid portrayal of three lanes and seven alleys, whichshows the number of scholars in Fuzhou and the vivid scene of studying hard atnight. "Three lanes and Seven Alleys" is the witness of Fuzhou's history; "threelanes and Seven Alleys" is the crystallization of people's wisdom in MinjiangRiver Basin; "three lanes and Seven Alleys" is the epitome of Fuzhou's gatheringof people and culture. It records the historical facts of Min king in the lateTang Dynasty and Five Dynasties, and the experience of emperor zongnan of SongDynasty and Emperor Longwu of Ming Dynasty in Fuzhou. It blew the wind and rainof the 1911 Revolution and spread the influence of the May 4th movement ofBeijing in Fuzhou. There were hundreds of high-ranking officials, scholars andcelebrities living in these lanes. Huang Pu, a famous scholar in Tang Dynasty,Chen Xiang, a neo Confucianist in Song Dynasty, Chen lie, a poet in late TangDynasty, Zheng Xingzhi, a champion, Zhang Jing, a famous Anti Japanese generalin Ming Dynasty, Shen Baozhen, a governor of Qing Dynasty, Yan Fu, a modernenlightenment thinker, etc. all lived in Sanfang Qixiang, and Lin Juemin, afamous martyr in Huanghuagang. When it comes to Lin Juemin, we have to mentionhis book with his wife. Lin Juemin 福州三坊七巷景点讲解导游词 篇9大家好!一路辛苦了!首先,我代表旅行社欢迎各位来到福建省会---福州市旅游观光。我是中旅的导游。我姓×,大家叫我小×或×导都行。我旁边这位是我们的司机陈师傅,这两天都由我和陈师傅为你们服务,我们会尽最大的努力。希望我的工作能得到各位的大力支持,希望我们的服务,能使您的福州之行留下美好的回忆。 福州是一座拥有2200多年历史的名城。唐开元十三年设福州都督府始称福州。五代梁开平二年闽王王审知扩建城池,将风景秀丽的乌山、于山、屏山圈入城内,从此福州成为“山在城中,城在山中”的独特城市。“三山”成了福州的别名。 福州位于福建省东部闽江下游,是全省政治、经济、文化中心。全市总面积11,968平方公里,其中市区总面积1043平方公里;总人口480多万,其中城区人口116万。“因州北有福山”,故名福州,又因九百多年前就遍植榕树,“绿荫满城,暑不张盖”,故又有“榕城”的美称。现辖鼓楼、台江、仓山、马尾、晋安五个区和福清、闽侯、罗源、连江、长乐、平潭、闽清、永泰等二市六县。居民以汉族为主,还有畲、满、苗、回等二十多个少数民族。福州依山傍海,气候宜人,绿树长青,属暖湿的亚热带季风气候。年平均气温为19.6℃,最冷一月平均气温为10.5℃,最热七月平均气温28.6℃,年均降水量1342.5毫米。最佳旅游季节为每年4-11月。市区内有闻名全国的温泉。 各位团友,今天我讲解的内容是福州明清时期古建筑瑰宝----三坊七巷。 三坊七巷地处市中心,东临八一七北路,西靠通湖路,北接杨桥路,南达吉庇巷、光禄坊,占地约40公顷,现居民3678户,人口14000余人。三坊七巷是南后街两旁从北到南依次排列的十条坊巷的简称。三坊是:衣锦坊、文儒坊、光禄坊;七巷是杨桥巷、郎官巷、塔巷、黄巷、安民巷、宫巷、吉庇巷。由于吉庇巷、杨桥巷和光禄坊改建为马路,现在保存的实际只有二坊五巷。即使如此,在这个历史悠久的居民区内,仍然保留着丰富的文物古迹,保存一批名人故居和明清时代的建筑。在这居民区内,坊巷纵横,石板铺地;白墙青瓦,结构严谨;房屋精致,匠艺奇巧,集中体现了闽越古城的民居特色,是闽江文化的荟萃之所,被建筑界喻为一座规模庞大的明清古建筑博物馆。 “三坊七巷”是国家历史文化名城----福州的主要标志,被誉为明清古建筑博物馆。近代诗人陈衍诗云:“谁知五柳孤松客,却住三坊七巷间。”这大约就是“三坊七巷”的由来。 三坊七巷的民风民俗也是福州民风民俗的代表,许多节俗活动中心常集中在三坊七巷,它包括民间信仰、岁时节庆活动、建筑物中的民俗等。 “月光光,照池塘;骑竹马,过洪塘;洪塘水深难得渡,等妹撑船来接郎。问郎长,问郎短,问郎几时返?”这是唐朝观察使常衮作的一首民谣。它曾给居住在三坊七巷的几代百姓带来多少童年的回忆。直到现在,特别是老一辈人听到这首琅琅上口的民谣仍激动不已。 三坊七巷,以她近三百座的明清民居古建筑物闻名于世。古老的街巷,完整的坊里,配以古河道、古桥梁、古榕树,形成了古朴而富有特色的传统风貌,引起了国内外许多文物考古专家的广泛兴趣,成为游客前来福州的必到之处。可以说,她是“全国少见,江南仅有”。而老家在福州的海外游子,三坊七巷是他们魂牵梦绕、难以忘怀的故园乡土。 “三坊七巷”的路,绝对是小路,也许几百年来就是这样小,小得只能并排走两顶轿子吧!然而“山不在高,有仙则灵!”路不在大,有人则名。就是从这样的小巷里,历代走出了多少风流人物,多少英雄豪杰?他们走出幽深的坊巷,走向八闽大地,走向五湖四海,成就了一番大事业。他们为“三坊七巷”增光,“三坊七巷”也为有他们而骄傲。 三坊七巷的古建筑风貌主要表现在:石板深巷,青瓦粉墙,各式精雕细刻的门罩,风火墙式的多进院落,从高处府视犹如海上层层波浪,那此起彼落的万倾波涛既无比壮观又震撼人心。 三坊七巷不仅以她的古建筑闻名于世,她还代表了福州人重教育,好读书的优良传统,科举之盛,在全国也属罕见。南宋著名学者,被称为与朱熹、张轼齐名的东南三贤之一的吕祖谦,在福州写下了一首脍炙人口的诗篇:“路逢十客九青矜,半是同袍旧弟兄。最忆市桥灯火静,巷南巷北读书声。”这首诗也是三坊七巷的生动写照,说明了福州读书人之多,以及深夜苦读的生动景象。 “三坊七巷”是福州历史的的见证;“三坊七巷”是闽江流域人民智慧的结晶;“三坊七巷”更是福州人文荟萃的缩影。它记录了唐末五代时闽王王审知立国的史实,记录了宋末端宗南明隆武皇帝在福州称帝的经历。它吹洒着辛亥革命的风雨,传播着北京“五四”运动在福州的影响。这些坊巷内曾经居住过上百名高官显贵、学者名流,唐著名学者黄璞,宋理学家陈襄、晚唐诗人陈烈、状元郑性之、明抗倭名将张经、清巡抚沈葆桢、近代启蒙思想家严复等等都曾在三坊七巷居住过,还有黄花岗著名烈士林觉民。说到林觉民我们不能不提到他的《与妻书》。林觉民牺 福州三坊七巷景点讲解导游词 篇10各位游客大家好!欢迎来到三坊七巷景区参观游览,我是讲解员__首先为大家简要介绍一下三坊七巷景区的总体概况。 三坊七巷景区位于千年古城福州市中心,占地面积约40公顷。三坊七巷最早形成是在西晋308年,建筑格局形成于唐天复元年代(901年),繁荣于明清时期,至今已有1700年的历史。以南后街为中轴,向西伸出了三个坊(衣锦坊、文儒坊、光禄坊),向东伸出七条巷(杨桥巷、郎官巷、塔巷、黄巷、安民巷、宫巷、吉庇巷),排列整齐,纵向有序,形成“鱼骨状”传统街巷格局,自古以来就被人们称为“三坊七巷”。历经千余年来,仍完整保留着唐宋遗留下来的坊巷格局,这在全国范围内都极为罕见,被誉为“里坊制度活化石”;现存较为完好的明清古建筑200多座159处,包括国家级9处,省市级19处,历史保护古建筑131处,文保单位众多,集中程度堪称全国唯一,被我国建筑学界誉为“明清建筑博物馆”;不仅如此,三坊七巷还是历代名人聚居地,在这不足40公顷的土地上曾先后走出历代名人达400多位,尤其是曾涌现出了林则徐、严复、林觉民、冰心、林徽因、沈葆桢、陈宝琛等一大批对中国近代史进程有着重要影响的人物,也因此而获得了“一片三坊七巷,半部中国近现代史”的美誉;今天就让我们一同来领略三坊七巷历史神韵和闽都文化的精髓。 大家所看到的这是一座居住着近现代两位名人的故居,一位是黄花岗七十二烈士之一――林觉民;另一位就是著名的女作家谢冰心。林觉民是辛亥广州起义杰出代表人物,林觉民遇难后,临时知县的岳父陈元凯连夜托人到福州告知此事,全家为避祸搬到光禄坊的早题巷。后来,谢冰心的祖父谢銮恩买下了这栋旧居。 说到林觉民我们不能不提到他的《与妻书》。这一如诗如画的名篇写得情真意切,感人肺腑,催人泪下,不仅表达了夫妻间深深的歉疚和殷殷的情意,而且表达了“乐牺牲吾身与汝身之福利,为天下谋永福”的革命精神和伟大情怀,激励了千千万万的热血青年。具有极为珍贵的历史价值和艺术价值。 我们现在来到的是三坊七巷的主入口牌坊。福州三坊七巷不仅仅是三条“坊”和七条“巷”,还有一条闻名遐迩的南后街。在南后街中我们可以看到福州的三宝,福州的脱胎漆器,牛角梳和油纸伞,还有福州著名的寿山石和软木画,各色各样的福州小吃。 各位团友!走过了杨桥路,我们首先来到左边的这条巷就是七巷之一的郎官巷。为什么这叫郎官巷呢?北宋有个叫刘涛的人,他是郎官,他的子孙皆为郎官,所以叫此巷为郎官巷。接下来请大家参观严复晚年的居所―――严复故居。严复是中国近代著名的启蒙思想家、翻译家和教育家,是中国近代“向西方寻找真理”的先进人物的杰出代表。严复还担任过北京大学、上海复旦公学校长等职。严复译述《天演论》。 现在大家看到的是黄巷,历史上出现了衣冠南渡,八姓入闽,其中较大的一支黄氏家族入闽后,聚居于此,开始有了黄巷的地名。该巷以小黄楼著称。 我们来到三坊中的第一坊――衣锦坊。衣锦坊最早的名字叫“通潮巷”,是三坊七巷中最靠近福州西湖的。据说,当年西湖的湖水与巷子里的沟渠相通。衣锦坊的水榭戏台20__年被公布为全国重点文物保护单位。 “最忆市桥灯火静,巷南巷北读书声”,让我们再一次感悟到故乡“三坊七巷”古老厚重的文化对我们的培养和熏陶。 各位团友,“三坊七巷”的讲解就到这里。我们集合的时间是×时×分,各位朋友可以在附近自由活动、照相,我们准时在这里集中上车,谢谢大家。 福州三坊七巷景点讲解导游词 篇11福州是一座拥有2200多年历史的名城。唐开元十三年(725年)设福州都督府始称福州。五代梁开平二年(908年)闽王王审知扩建城池,将风景秀丽的乌山、于山、屏山圈入城内,从此福州成为“山在城中,城在山中”的独特城市。“三山”成了福州的别名。 福州位于福建省东部闽江下游,是全省政治、经济、文化中心。全市总面积11968平方公里,其中市区总面积1043平方公里;总人口48O多万,其中城区人口116万。“因州北有福山”,故名福州,又因900多年前就遍植榕树,“绿阴满城,暑不张盖”,故又有“榕城”的美称。现辖鼓楼、台江、仓山、马尾、晋安五个区和福清、闽侯、罗源、连江、长乐、平潭、闽清、永泰等二市六县。居民以汉族为主,还有畲、满、苗、回等20多个少数民族。福州依山傍海,气候宜人,绿树常青,属暖湿的亚热带季风气候。年平均气温为19.6℃,最冷1月平均气温为10.5℃,最热7月平均气温为28.6℃,年均降水量1342.5毫米。最佳旅游季节为每年4~11月。市区内有闻名全国的温泉。 各位团友,今天我讲解的内容是福州明清时期古建筑瑰宝――三坊七巷。 三坊七巷地处市中心,东临八一七北路,西靠通湖路,北接杨桥路,南达吉庇巷、光禄坊,占地约40公顷,现居民3678户,人口14000余人。三坊七巷是南后街两旁从北到南依次排列的十条坊巷的简称。三坊是:衣锦坊、文儒坊、光禄坊;七巷是杨桥巷、郎官巷、塔巷、黄巷、安民巷、宫巷、吉庇巷。由于吉庇巷、杨桥巷和光禄坊改建为马路,现在保存的实际只有二坊五巷。即使如此,在这个历史悠久的居民区内,仍然保留着丰富的文物古迹,保存一批名人故居和明清时代的建筑。在这居民区内,坊巷纵横,石板铺地;白墙青瓦,结构严谨;房屋精致,匠艺奇巧,集中体现了闽越古城的民居特色,是闽江文化的荟萃之所,被建筑界喻为一座规模庞大的明清古建筑博物馆。 “三坊七巷”是国家历史文化名城――福州的主要标志,被誉为明清古建筑博物馆。近代诗人陈衍诗云:“谁知五柳孤松客,却住三坊七巷间。”这大约就是“三坊七巷”的由来。 三坊七巷的民风民俗也是福州民风民俗的代表,许多节俗活动常以三坊七巷为中心,它包括民间信仰、岁时节庆活动、建筑物中的民俗等。 “月光光,照池塘;骑竹马,过洪塘;洪塘水深难得渡,等妹撑船来接郎。问郎长,问郎短,问郎几时返?”这是唐朝观察使常衮作的一首民谣。它曾给居住在三坊七巷的几代百姓带来多少童年的回忆。直到现在,特别是老一辈人听到这首琅琅上口的民谣仍激动不已。 三坊七巷,以它近300座的明清民居古建筑物闻名于世。古老的街巷,完整的坊里,配以古河道、古桥梁、古榕树,形成了古朴而富有特色的传统风貌,引起了国内外许多文物考古专家的广泛兴趣,成为游客前来福州的必到之处。可以说,它是“全国少见,江南仅有”。而老家在福州的海外游子,三坊七巷是他们魂牵梦绕、难以忘怀的故园乡土。 福州三坊七巷景点讲解导游词 篇12各位朋友:大家好,今天我们来到了有国家历史文化名城福州地标意义的“明清建筑博物馆”、“城市里坊制度的活化石”之称的中华第一街——“三坊七巷”参观游览。在20__年6月揭晓的首届“中国十大历史文化名街区评选”中,三坊七巷历史文化街区与北京国子监街、平遥南大街、哈尔滨中央大街等共同参选,以最高票获得文化部、国家文物局授予的“中国十大历史文化名街”荣誉称号。 公元前220__年,福州城初建时,称“冶城”,统治者是勾践的后裔无诸。过了两百多年,西晋时期的福州已经稍有规模了。晋安郡首任太守严高嫌城太小,便在今屏山南麓建成一座郡城,称为“子城”。三坊七巷源于唐末闽王王审知扩建新城。王审知当政时,嫌原有子城太小,在子城外以钱纹砖砌筑起“罗城”,据说这是当时全国唯一的砖城。罗城南面以安泰河为界,城北是政治中心,多为贵族居住;城之南为平民居住区及商业区,也就是在此时,三坊七巷成为罗城西南的重要区域,坊巷格局初步形成。 今天的“三坊七巷”地处福州市中心,东临八一七北路,西靠通湖路,北接杨桥路,南达吉庇巷、光禄坊,占地约40公顷。“三坊”是:衣锦坊、文儒坊、光禄坊;“七巷”是:杨桥巷、郎官巷、安民巷、黄巷、塔巷、宫巷、吉庇巷,以南后街为中心轴线从北到南排列整齐,纵向有序,形成“棋盘状”的传统街巷格局。在城市变迁过程中,吉庇巷、杨桥巷和光禄坊被改建为马路,因此:我们今天讲三坊七巷实际只有二坊五巷。 “三坊七巷”历经许多年,格局依旧,基本保留着唐宋遗留下来的坊巷格局,保存较为完好的明清民国建筑计200多座,其中水榭戏台、严复故居、沈葆桢故居等全国重点文物保护单位有9处,是中国目前在市中心保留的规模最大、最完整的明清古建筑街区。“三坊七巷”体现了闽越古城的民居特色,体现福州古名居特有的时代特征和地域特色。建筑结构布局、建筑用材上适应福州潮湿温热的气候特点;院落庭院布局上体现传统家族伦理观念;园林精巧雅致,体现亲近山水的风雅情趣,被建筑界喻为一座规模庞大的“明清古建筑博物馆”。 除明清时代的建筑外,更令人惊叹的是三坊七巷的文化底蕴。近代诗人陈衍作诗提到:“谁知五柳孤松客,却住三坊七巷间。”三坊七巷自晋、唐代形成起,便是贵族和士大夫的聚居地。特别是到了清代中后期,福州士子固有的忧国忧民意识在世道变迁之中表现得更加强烈。这里涌现出一批对当时社会乃至中国近现代史进程产生重要影响的人物。林则徐、沈葆桢、林旭、严复、林觉民、林纾、林徽因、冰心、庐隐、郁达夫、郭化若、吴石……翻动历史,你会惊奇地发现,一大串在中国近现代舞台上风起云涌的人物,他们的生活背景都或多少映现在三坊七巷,可圈可点的达150多人之众。 可以说,三坊七巷成为福州人文荟萃的缩影,凸显着福州人追求正统教化的人文性格与开拓进取的海洋文化精神的相互融合。作为福州城市精神集结地、福州名贤文化纪念地、福州传统商贾文化传承地、福州民俗文化展示地,三坊七巷承载了福州城市发展丰富的历史文化积淀,充分体现三坊七巷历史文化街区物质与非物质文化的特色与价值,是名符其实的中国名片。 每个城市都有独特的历史文化基因,城市在发展过程中要格外珍惜自己的文化遗产。福州也曾走过弯路。上世纪末,全国旧城改造热中,三坊七巷也曾面临相同的被“改造”危险。福建省、福州市及时调整思路,终止了用于房地产开发的原有改造项目。近年来,福建省委、省政府和福州市委、市政府高度重视三坊七巷历史文化街区的保护修复工作,将保护修复福州三坊七巷工作提上重要议事日程。三坊七巷由开发、改造转为整体保护、修复,政府投入逐步加大,保护修复工程支出主要投向民生,使三坊七巷的改造不仅成为物质文化和非物质文化的保护工程,更是改善市民的居住条件、生活条件的安居工程、民心工程。 “三坊七巷要成为活态的文化遗产”国家文物局局长单霁翔给予三坊七巷修复改造工程很高的评价。福州市的探索之可贵,在于同时保护生活形态和非物质文化遗产。修复后的三坊七巷不是排斥了原有居民原生态的旅游区,而是将三坊七巷打造成保持传统文化特色的居住社区,成为具有独特文化景观的城市活力地带。中共福建省委、宣传部长唐国忠说的好:三坊七巷是福州人文荟萃的缩影,闽台深厚渊源活化石,她的成功保护不仅仅是福州的财富,更是海峡两岸、海西经济区的共同荣耀,需要世世代代传承下去。 福州三坊七巷景点讲解导游词 篇13习惯上讲,我们都先说三坊后讲七巷,其实,从建筑位置来分析应该是先有七巷后有三坊。唐代的先民们先是沿着城市的轴线——南街,建起了一组排列工整的"新村"。然后,再隔一条南后街,向西发展,建起一组坊巷,成为以南后街为中心轴线的"非"字形结构的街区。经过千百年的风雨变迁,大多于宋代定下坊巷之名,于明清时代形成今天建筑格局,成为福州历史文化名城的标志性建筑。 从建筑空间的处理来看,三坊七巷在中轴线上的主厅堂,比北方的厅堂明显高、大、宽,与其他廊、榭等建筑形成高低错落,活泼而又极富变化的空间格局。厅堂一般是开敞式的,与天井融为一体。特别要指出的是,为了使厅堂显得高大、宽敞、开放,一般在廊轩的处理上着力,承檐的檩木,或再加一根协助承檐的檩木,都特意采用粗大的而长的优质硬木材,并用减柱造的办法,使的厅堂前无任何障碍,这在北方建筑及其他南方建筑中,都极少见到。例如宫巷林聪彝故居之轿厅以及祠庙的戏台,均是如此处理。这是福州古建筑的重要特色之一。 三坊七巷除了在布局结构上与众不同之外,在围墙、雕饰、门面上都很有特色。 福州三坊七巷景点讲解导游词 篇14Fuzhou has preserved quite a number of lanes that have been formed sincethe Tang and Song Dynasties, and has become one of the important symbols of afamous historical and cultural city. The "Three Lanes" of "three lanes and Seven Alleys" refer to Yijin lane,Wenru lane and Guanglu lane. The three lanes are located on the west side ofnanhou street, which is connected with the "Seven Lanes" on the east side Yijinfang, formerly known as tongchaoxiang. Lu Yun and Lu Zao lived here inthe Xuanhe period of Song Dynasty (1119-1125). Their talent was given away andthey were famous for a time. Lu Yun was the magistrate of Fuzhou and Lu Zao wasthe magistrate of Quanzhou. When they returned to their hometown, they orderedthis square to be "Dijin square". During the reign of Chunxi in the SouthernSong Dynasty, Wang Yang was appointed to Jiangdong for punishment. Afterretirement, he also lived here and renamed Dijin Yijin to show his intention ofreturning home. Wenrufang, formerly known as shanyinxiang, was originally known asrulinfang, where Zheng mu, a song dynasty wine worshiper, lived. In addition toZheng mu, there are also some famous scholars, such as Gan Guobao, commander inchief of Baodao, Zhang Jing, a famous Anti Japanese general and seven provincialeconomic strategist, Chen Chengqiu, father of Chen Baochen, teacher of EmperorGuangxu of Qing Dynasty, and Chen Yan, editor in chief of Fujian Tongzhi. Guanglu square, Cheng SHIMENG, who was the magistrate of Fuzhou in thefirst year of Xining (1068) of the Northern Song Dynasty, often visited theBuddhist temple in the square. When he saw a big rock beside the pool, heclimbed the stone to recite poems, so it was called "Guanglu Yintai", and thesquare was also renamed Guanglu square. The stone carvings of "Guanglu Yintai"inscribed by Cheng SHIMENG still exist today. The Seven Lanes in the "three lanes and Seven Lanes" are all located in theeast of nanhou street. From north to south, they are Yangqiao lane, Langguanlane, Ta lane, Huang Lane, Anmin lane, Gong lane and Jibi lane. 福州三坊七巷景点讲解导游词 篇15Traditionally, we all talk about three lanes first and then seven lanes. Infact, from the perspective of building location, there should be seven lanesfirst and then three lanes. The ancestors of the Tang Dynasty first built agroup of neatly arranged "new villages" along the axis of the city south street.After that, a group of lanes will be built to form a "non" shaped block with theSouth back street as the central axis. After thousands of years of wind and rainchanges, most of the lanes were named in Song Dynasty, and today's architecturalpattern was formed in Ming and Qing Dynasties, which became the landmark ofFuzhou's historical and cultural city. From the treatment of architectural space, the main hall of three lanes andseven alleys on the central axis is obviously higher, larger and wider than thatin the north, forming a lively and changeable spatial pattern with othercorridors and pavilions. The hall is generally open and integrated with thepatio. In particular, in order to make the hall appear tall, spacious and open,efforts are generally made to deal with the porch and porch. The purlinsupporting the eaves, or a purlin supporting the eaves, is specially made ofthick and long high-quality hardwood, and the method of reducing columns is usedto make the front of the hall free of any obstacles, which is rarely seen innorthern architecture and other southern architecture. For example, the sedanHall of Lin Congyi's former residence in Gongxiang and the stage of theancestral temple are treated in this way. This is one of the important featuresof Fuzhou ancient architecture. The three lanes and seven alleys are not only unique in layout andstructure, but also unique in wall, carving and facade. |
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