标题 | 2022河北各景点导游词 |
范文 | 2022河北各景点导游词(精选5篇) 2022河北各景点导游词 篇1白洋淀是中国海河平原上最大的湖泊。位于河北省中部。旧称白羊淀,又称西淀。因电影《小兵张嘎》而驰名中外。是在太行山前的永定河和滹沱河冲积扇交汇处的扇缘洼地上汇水形成。现有大小淀泊143个,其中以白洋淀较大,总称白洋淀。面积336平方千米。水产资源丰富,淡水鱼有50多种,白洋淀由堤防围护,淀内壕沟纵横,河淀相通,田园交错,水村掩映。淀上波光荡漾,水鸟啁啾,芦苇婆娑,荷香暗送,构成了一幅生态美景。素有华北明珠之称、亦有“北国江南、北地西湖”之誉。20__年,保定市白洋淀景区经国家旅游局正式批准为国家5-旅游景区。 白洋淀(Bai-yang Lake,亦作Baiyang Lake),又名西淀,古称掘鲤 白洋淀 -淀。白洋淀上游接纳海河水系中大清河上源唐河、潴龙河来水,下游由大清河排出。湖区水产丰富,芦苇分布面积广。环湖洼地大多已改为稻田。 白洋淀是国家级5A景区白洋淀在河北安新县境,地处京、津、石腹地,各距离150公里左右,总面积366平方公里,这里古有“北地西湖”之称,今有“华北明珠”之誉,诗赞“北国江南”,歌咏“鱼米之乡”,是帝王巡幸之所,“荷花淀派”诞生之地,雁翎神兵扬威之处,“小兵张嘎”造就之域。 白洋淀水域辽阔,烟波浩淼,势连天际,总面积366平方公里,淀区被39个村落、3700条沟壕、12万亩芦苇分割成大小不等、形状各异的143个淀泊。 白洋淀气候宜人,风景绝美,四季竞秀,妙趣天成。春光降临,芦芽竞出,满淀碧翠;每至盛夏,“蒲绿荷红”,岸柳如烟;时逢金秋,芦荡飞雪,稻俗飘香;隆冬时节,坚冰似玉,坦荡无垠。 白洋淀是典型的北方湿地,自古以来就以物产丰富著称。它是鸟的王国、鱼的乐园、多种水生植的博物馆,有着得天独厚的旅游资源。白洋淀游区分六大景区,即鸳鸯岛民俗文化景区、荷花观赏景区、生态游乐景区、休闲娱乐景区、码头观光景区、民俗村观光景区。每个景区各具特色,它们集吃、住、行、游、购、娱为一体,使所有的客人游得尽兴,玩得开心、吃得爽意,住得温馨。 2022河北各景点导游词 篇2嶂石岩自然风景名胜区位于石家庄市西南100公里的赞皇县西南处,总面积120平方公里,中心景区20平方公里,最高海拔1774米。此景点内峰峦叠嶂,奇峰突兀。怪石林立,幽洞深深,泉瀑淙淙,险峻中叠现奇伟,幽清中不失秀美。是一处自然风光绝佳的旅游圣地,称得起一方绝胜。 嶂石岩景观主要为丹崖、碧岭、奇峰、幽谷。其景观特色大致可概括为三栈牵九套,四屏藏八景。三栈即三条古道;九套即连接三条古道的九条山谷;四屏乃整体看似四道屏障一样而又相对独立的四个分景区(九女峰、圆通寺、纸糊套、冻凌背)。 这四个景区中有八处著名胜景:九仙聚会、岩半花宫、晴天飞雨、回音巨崖、槐泉凉意、冻凌玉柱、重门锁翠、叠嶂悬钟。这三栈四屏、八景九套之间均有小路相连,将120个景点连珠缀串,迤逦展开。 其中天然回音壁、冻凌玉柱、雾洞、佛光为嶂岩四绝;晴天飞雨、石乳灵泉、云崖撒珠、银瀑落湖又为嶂岩水景四绝。雄伟的嶂岩三叠,奇秀的九女峰使人叹为观止;一线天、三秀峡、槐泉峪、乳泉洞、大天梯等一串串的自然景点令人神往。千年古刹槐泉寺、三栈胜境玉皇庙暨千佛碑、大王台、义军寨等人文景观是寻古探幽的佳地。 嶂石岩自然生态良好,山麓、栈顶皆被乔、灌、藤、草所覆盖。植物计98科654种,是华北地区保护最好、品种最全的天然植物园。春日,山桃花、杜鹃花、丁香、玫瑰、山丹、绣线菊满山满坡,展蕊怒放;盛夏,郁郁葱葱,到处流泉飞瀑,云海、佛光奇异壮美;金秋,层林尽染,五彩缤纷,如火如荼;朔冬,雾松树挂,玉柯琼枝,冰柱擎天。 景区雨量充沛,气候宜人。年降水量747毫米,平均气温11.5度,最热月平均气温轼22.1度,暑天至此,既无暑燥之烦,又无蚊叮之苦,尽享清凉爽愉之乐,实为休闲,避暑胜地。 景区中部著名的景点回音壁高110米,弧长300余米,弧度255度,是全世界最大的天然回音壁,现已载入吉尼斯记录。 圆通寺景区位于嶂石岩景区西南部,圆通寺建于峰石岩第二层陡崖即二栈之上。在嶂石岩停车场下车,西行即至八角门,前行500米可见一巨石,这就是被传为明代圆通寺大宝和尚讲经处。由讲经台上行过憩脚岩,可见魔方、甲门景点,再行即至一线天景点。 2022河北各景点导游词 篇3避暑山庄,又称“热河行宫”、“承德离宫”。它从康熙四十二年(1720__年)开始动工兴建,至乾隆五十七年(1792年)最后落成,历时89年。清代前中期的几位皇帝几乎每年都来这里消夏避暑,处理政务,通常是每年农历四、五月份来,九、十月份返回北京。避暑山庄实际上已成为清朝的第二政治中心。整个山庄占地564万平方米,山庄可分为宫殿区和苑景区两部分,宫殿区由正宫、松鹤斋、万壑松风和东宫四组建筑组成。苑景区又分为山区、湖区、平原区三部分。以山区面积最广,约占山庄总面积的70%多。山庄集全国园林精华于一园,具有南秀北雄的特点。 清代山庄内共有亭子90座,堤桥29座,碑刻摩崖25处,假山叠石70余组,殿宇、楼堂、寺庙、亭台、塔阁等各种建筑120余组,总建筑面积达10万多平方米。康熙皇帝以4个字命名的36景和乾隆皇帝以3个字命名的36景最为著名,合称“避暑山庄72景”。康熙皇帝称赞这里是“自有山川开北极,天然风景胜西湖。”山庄宫墙长约10公里,因为它形似长城,承德人亲切地称它为“小长城”。宫墙外是仿全国各族著名庙宇而修建的皇家寺庙群,这些寺庙呈半圆形环绕在山庄外围,形成众星拱月之势,象征着当时全国各民族紧紧围绕在清王朝统治中心的周围。随着岁月的流逝,朝代的变更,避暑山庄也历尽了沧桑。新中国成立后,山庄才得到了新生,现在是全国保存得最好、规模最大的皇家园林,是世界文化遗产、是中外驰名的旅游胜地。 清朝初年,中国藏传佛教在我国蒙、藏地区(包括青海、新疆)势力强大,教徒信仰虔诚,佛经教义是蒙、-民的精神支柱。喇嘛教上层人物在政治上有效地控制着地方政权,经济上汇聚着大量财富,文化上掌握着经堂教院。清政府为加强对北疆的统治,巩固国家统一,对边疆各少数民族实行“怀柔”政策。“怀柔”政策的一个重要内容就是对蒙藏民族采取“因其教不易其俗”、“以习俗为治”的方针。乾隆说“兴黄教,即所以安众蒙古,所系非小,故不可不保护之”。反映了清统治者以顺应少数民族习俗、尊重蒙藏上层人物宗教信仰,来实现密切地方和中央政府的关系,巩固国家统一为目的的战略思想。 避暑山庄自康熙四十七年(1720__年)驻跸使用以后,皇帝每年秋?(秋?(xiǎn):中国古代在不同的季节打猎有不同的称呼。在春季称为春?;在夏季称为夏苗;在秋季称为秋?;在冬季称为冬狩。)前后均要在此长期停住,消夏避暑,处理军政要务。由此而来的大批蒙藏等少数民族首领和外国使臣,每年都要到承德谒见皇帝,参加庆典。借此,清廷便在承德大兴土木,建造寺庙,为前来的上层政教人物提供瞻礼、膜拜等宗教活动场所,功能上同避暑山庄相辅相成,互为补遗。 2022河北各景点导游词 篇4The hundred mile wasteland was named after the ancient times when it was ahundred miles away and deserted. Ouyang Xiu, Wenzong of the Song Dynasty, onceleft a famous saying that "a few families gather in the wasteland, and a knifefield is thin and wild". It is located in Yiling township of Yichang City,bordering on Yuan'an county and Dangyang city, with a total area of 47700 mu(about 31.8 square kilometers). It is 50 kilometers away from the urban area ofYichang City, 70 kilometers away from the Three Gorges Dam, with an averagealtitude of 1200 meters and the highest temperature of 28oc in midsummer. It isa summer resort in Yichang. At present, five parks have been opened in thescenic area: sightseeing experience area, hawthorn Culture Park, Red Leaf ValleyScenic Area, forest sea and snow leisure area, and primitive ecologicalarea. It is characterized by "prairie scenery, natural desolation", with theoriginal "desolation" culture and Hawthorn Tree love culture. This is animportant scientific research and experimental base for the project of "raisingsheep in the South" of grassland construction in the south of China in the1980s, with 30000 mu of grassland and 15000 mu of artificial grassland, enjoyingthe reputation of "Grassland in the south of China"; Due to the uniquegeographical environment of high mountains, it has the "desolation"characteristics of "late spring, cool summer, early autumn and cold winter", andthe most important characteristic is to taste desolation. The desolation in spring, the coolness in summer, the desolation in autumnand the coldness in winter make it "not enough to see the barren scenery in thefour seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter"; the Hawthorn Culture Park isthe biggest highlight of the barren scenery, 20__ In the first half of the year,the film "love of Hawthorn Tree" directed by Zhang Yimou, a famous internationaldirector, was shot in Yichang. The hawthorn tree, the soul tree in the film, wasselected from the scenic spot of the hundred mile wasteland. The film wasreleased in the 20th century__ After its release on September 16, 20__, thescenic spot of the barren land became famous overnight for its hawthorn trees.Countless "Hawthorn fans" came to see the elegant demeanor of the barren landhawthorn trees and explore the true meaning of pure and beautiful love. 20__ Inthe second half of the year, Li Lu, a well-known domestic film and televisiondirector, shot a TV series of the same name in Yichang. The Hawthorn Tree in theplay was also selected from the hundred mile wilderness scenic spot. At present,the scenic spot has been built into a hawthorn Culture Park to protect andcommemorate the hawthorn trees and the location, so that tourists can fullyexperience the Hawthorn love culture. In addition to summer tourism, the supporting participatory projects in thescenic area are gradually opening up, including yurt, horse racing course, grassskiing course, archery course, paragliding course, field game course, wind powertest course, golf driving range, etc. With the in-depth development of tourism,it will become one of the core scenic spots in the ecological and culturaltourism circle of Western Hubei, which integrates grassland sightseeing, filmand television love culture experience, grassland nomadic leisure, sports andentertainment. 2022河北各景点导游词 篇5We went straight to the waterfall by sightseeing bus. Along the way, onemountain after another is steep and lush. We got off the sightseeing bus andheaded for the Three Gorges waterfall. When you enter the scenic area, you cansee an ancient forest path. On the left side of the path is a flowing streamwith clear water. On the right side of the path are the continuous mountains,with dense forests and abundant grass, flowers blooming and butterflies dancing,birds singing and mountain streams. If you're lucky, you can see groups ofmonkeys playing in the mountains. I was intoxicated with the beautiful sceneryby the side of the road, and suddenly there was a loud thunder in my ear.Following the prestige, a huge hundred chains hang high in the mountains,straight down to the bottom of the valley. It's really "flying down 3000 feet."this is the Three Gorges waterfall. I yelled excitedly, put on my raincoat andran to the waterfall. I went through a cave first, and a cool wind came,followed by a water mist, which floated like a gossamer, and the crystal clearwater droplets sprinkled on my face...... We frolic, we fight, we go through thewater. Suddenly, someone yelled, "rainbow, rainbow..." I ran out of the waterfalland saw a big arch bridge hanging in the sky, which was colorful. Red, orange,yellow, green, blue and purple. It's so beautiful. I've never seen a rainbow,but today I see its beauty. I stand in the middle of the rainbow, my mothergrabs this beautiful moment for me. It's really worth the trip. If you want a cool summer, please come to the Three Gorges waterfall! |
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