标题 | 鼓浪屿各景点的导游词 |
范文 | 鼓浪屿各景点的导游词(精选3篇) 鼓浪屿各景点的导游词 篇1今天我们游览“海上花园”鼓浪屿。 我们现在到了码头,渡船差不多要6分钟。看,对面就是鼓浪屿,这条江叫鹭江,也叫厦鼓海峡,宽600米,鼓浪屿总面积1。78平方米,人口1。9万。为了解决乘船的拥挤为题,所以建了这个“钢琴码头”。因为鼓浪屿是“音乐之岛”,大家看,这像不像一台张开的三角钢琴! 各位游客,我们现在来到了日光岩,这是日光岩寺新修的山门,我们先看前方巨石上的三幅石刻,这好像是一个人写的,其实是“三人所书”。日光岩又称龙头山,与厦门的虎头山隔海相望,一龙一虎把守厦门港,叫“龙虎守江”。 各位游客,这里是一间钢琴博物馆,里面有30台钢琴,听,里面还传出优美的钢琴声!鼓浪屿也有许多出名的钢琴家。 各位游客,我们来到了毓园。毓轩是林巧稚大夫的纪念园。这里展示了林大夫的平凡而又伟大的一生。 各位游客,游览鼓浪屿到此全部结束了。各位如还有兴趣,可以挤出时间,到环岛路走走,欣赏一下大海的风韵和欧陆建筑的风采,也可深入小巷,听的别墅里流出的钢琴奏鸣声,增加厦门之旅的文化内涵。谢谢各位的合作。 鼓浪屿各景点的导游词 篇2嶂石岩自然风景名胜区位于石家庄市西南100公里的赞皇县西南处,总面积120平方公里,中心景区20平方公里,最高海拔1774米。此景点内峰峦叠嶂,奇峰突兀。怪石林立,幽洞深深,泉瀑淙淙,险峻中叠现奇伟,幽清中不失秀美。是一处自然风光绝佳的旅游圣地,称得起一方绝胜。 嶂石岩景观主要为丹崖、碧岭、奇峰、幽谷。其景观特色大致可概括为三栈牵九套,四屏藏八景。三栈即三条古道;九套即连接三条古道的九条山谷;四屏乃整体看似四道屏障一样而又相对独立的四个分景区(九女峰、圆通寺、纸糊套、冻凌背)。 这四个景区中有八处著名胜景:九仙聚会、岩半花宫、晴天飞雨、回音巨崖、槐泉凉意、冻凌玉柱、重门锁翠、叠嶂悬钟。这三栈四屏、八景九套之间均有小路相连,将120个景点连珠缀串,迤逦展开。 其中天然回音壁、冻凌玉柱、雾洞、佛光为嶂岩四绝;晴天飞雨、石乳灵泉、云崖撒珠、银瀑落湖又为嶂岩水景四绝。雄伟的嶂岩三叠,奇秀的九女峰使人叹为观止;一线天、三秀峡、槐泉峪、乳泉洞、大天梯等一串串的自然景点令人神往。千年古刹槐泉寺、三栈胜境玉皇庙暨千佛碑、大王台、义军寨等人文景观是寻古探幽的佳地。 嶂石岩自然生态良好,山麓、栈顶皆被乔、灌、藤、草所覆盖。植物计98科654种,是华北地区保护最好、品种最全的天然植物园。春日,山桃花、杜鹃花、丁香、玫瑰、山丹、绣线菊满山满坡,展蕊怒放;盛夏,郁郁葱葱,到处流泉飞瀑,云海、佛光奇异壮美;金秋,层林尽染,五彩缤纷,如火如荼;朔冬,雾松树挂,玉柯琼枝,冰柱擎天。 景区雨量充沛,气候宜人。年降水量747毫米,平均气温11.5度,最热月平均气温轼22.1度,暑天至此,既无暑燥之烦,又无蚊叮之苦,尽享清凉爽愉之乐,实为休闲,避暑胜地。 景区中部著名的景点回音壁高110米,弧长300余米,弧度255度,是全世界最大的天然回音壁,现已载入吉尼斯记录。 圆通寺景区位于嶂石岩景区西南部,圆通寺建于峰石岩第二层陡崖即二栈之上。在嶂石岩停车场下车,西行即至八角门,前行500米可见一巨石,这就是被传为明代圆通寺大宝和尚讲经处。由讲经台上行过憩脚岩,可见魔方、甲门景点,再行即至一线天景点。 鼓浪屿各景点的导游词 篇3The Three Gorges waterfall is one of the top ten famous waterfalls inChina. It is 102 meters high and 80 meters wide. It is a national 4A scenicspot. Covering an area of more than 600 mu, the whole scenic area is a magicalCanyon integrating charming scenery, famous customs and culture, waterentertainment, travel and exploration and other leisure functions. Along theway, there are continuous peaks, steep cliffs and strange shaped stones. Finally arrived at the scenic spot, what came into view was an antiqueforest path. On the left side of the path is a flowing stream. The stream isclear, fast or slow, playing beautiful notes. Children were attracted to runaround in the stream. Catch small fish and crabs. A fall accidentally bringsinfinite cool to this hot summer. The right side of the path is close to themountain wall, which is covered with all kinds of precious flowers and trees.It's said that there are many macaques living deep in the trees! When everyone is immersed in the beauty of the roadside. Suddenly, therewas a "boom" sound in the distance. Someone yelled: "waterfall, waterfall." Ilooked around and saw a huge white cloth hanging high on the mountain, straightdown to the bottom of the valley. I can't help but think of Li Bai's famoussaying, "flying down 3000 feet, it's suspected that the Milky way is fallingnine days." It is a true description of this time. Close to the waterfall, twosmall rainbows and a big rainbow open three seven color arches for thewaterfall, as if to welcome our arrival. I put on my raincoat and ran to thewaterfall. The water flower and wood warehouse forest attacked us like bullets.I rushed forward without hesitation. The roar of the tiger and the sound of thedragon, the avalanche and tsunami can't stop me. I'm running through thewaterfall, running through it I feel completely integrated with her. After swimming the waterfall, we all turned into a "drowned chicken" justout of the water, but we still had a happy smile on our faces. This is my firsttime to see the rainbow, the first time to see the waterfall, and the mostmemorable trip. Beautiful and magical Three Gorges waterfall, I will always rememberyou! |
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