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标题 宁德太姥山的英语导游词


宁德太姥山的英语导游词 篇1

  Today's Taimu mountain scenic spot is located on the coast of the EastChina Sea in Fuding City. It has the beauty of Yandang and Wuyi Mountains, thefantasy of Huangshan and Taishan stone fog, the sea charm and sand feeling ofLaoshan and Beidaihe, and the Buddhist trace of Putuo and Wudang Mountains. Whatkind of place is this? Let's go and uncover its mystery.

  Taimu mountain was originally named Caishan. According to legend, whenEmperor Yao had a woman who planted orchids in the mountain, when she became animmortal, she met Emperor Yao by boat. Seeing that she looked very similar toher mother, she named her Taimu. Ah, she successfully staged an ancient versionof "celebrity imitation show", and Caishan was changed to Taimu mountain fromthen on. In the Han Dynasty, Taimu mountain was named the first of 36 famousmountains and was officially renamed Taimu mountain.

  Taimu mountain scenic area covers an area of 300 square kilometers,including 100 square kilometers of tourist area. There are 54 peaks, 45 stonesand more than 100 caves on the mountain, with a total of more than 360 scenicspots. It is well-known for its four unique features: strange rocks, differentcaves, dangerous peaks and foggy scenery. The ancients praised her as a greatcraftsman. As you know, everything is in your heart. In 1988, Taimu mountain wasrated as a national key scenic spot. Today we mainly visit Guoxing temple,couple peak and Xuanji cave.

  During the conversation, the car has arrived at the foot of Taimu mountain.Please close the window and take your belongings with you to get off with me.Look, this is the first scenic spot we visited - Guoxing temple, which was builtin the prosperous Tang Dynasty. According to historical records, the scale ofthe temple at that time was huge. There were 360 stone pillars alone. We canimagine how magnificent the temple was at that time. It's a pity that later thetemple was repeatedly burned by soldiers, and incense was used for severaltimes. Finally, the temple was destroyed in the Song Dynasty. Now there are onlyseven stone pillars in the middle hall. Although they have gone through manyvicissitudes, they still stand aloof in the wind and rain for thousands ofyears.

  Friends, every mountain here is a magical story, and every landscape has abeautiful legend. Look, there's a couple peak on the front left. Have you foundit? By the way, there, it is the symbol of Taimu mountain. Is it like a couplewho meet again after a long separation? Let me tell you a little story. It issaid that one autumn in ancient times, the emperor sent a candidate for aconcubine. The news spread to the small fishing village at the foot of Taimumountain. Every family's wife and daughter hid and hid. However, there was acouple whose husband did not return from the sea. The young wife had to flee tothe mountains alone. After being taken in by a kind nun, she cut her hair andbecame a nun. When her husband came back from fishing, he couldn't find hissweetheart everywhere. After waiting for a few years, he became frustrated andbecame a monk. One day, the couple, who had been reunited for a long time, raninto each other on the mountain. They were sad and happy. They hugged each othertightly and poured out their sadness and deep thoughts of parting. You see,aren't these Romeo and Juliet, Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai? The couple peak islike a dream, a pure sand in the sky, a poem and a song. It tells the story oflove from generation to generation. After in-depth investigation by our tourguide, there are three couples in our group! You can take photos under themountain which symbolizes eternal love. I wish you love forever!

  Now we come to Xuanji cave. Since ancient times, with its profound culture,Taimu mountain has attracted a large number of literati and poets, and herhumanistic brilliance is endless. Zhu Xi, a famous Neo Confucianist in theSouthern Song Dynasty, was happy and forgetful because of the imperial court'sban on "pseudo learning" to hide from her mother. In this Xuanji cave, Zhu Xi'sannotation of the doctrine of the mean, a great star in the history of Chinesephilosophy, has traveled all over Fujian. There are Zhu Wengong temple inFuding, Zhu Xi Memorial Hall in Wuyishan, Zhu Ziting in Gushan of Fuzhou, and 37inscriptions left in Xiamen! His figure is not only deeply branded in Taimumountain, but also deeply branded in the landscape of Bamin.

  She was so lucky that she could not be separated from human nature andhuman nature. Some people say that because of grandma, Fuding has a window tothe world. Some people say that because of grandma, the world has an insightinto the true meaning of Chinese landscape.

  Dear friends, finally, please accept grandma's best wishes: May thechildren grow up healthily, the old people live a long and healthy life, theyoung people succeed in their careers, and the people who love each other uniteas one. I wish all my friends a happier tomorrow and a sweeter life. Thankyou.

宁德太姥山的英语导游词 篇2

  Taimu mountain is located in the northeast of Fujian Province, 45kilometers south of Fuding City. Standing on the coast of the East China Sea,facing the sea on three sides and mountains on one side, it is majestic andmagnificent, with strange rocks and rocks, various forms, unique scenery andmagnificent scenery. The whole scenic area of Taimu mountain is 92 squarekilometers, and the main peak is 917.3 meters above sea level. It has manynatural landscapes, such as steep mountains, strange rocks, different caves,beautiful streams and waterfalls, as well as rich cultural landscapes, such asancient temples and inscriptions. According to the investigation of thegeological department, the Taimu rock is a coarse-grained granite, which is aproduct of the Cretaceous period of Mesozoic in geological history, about 90million to 100 million years ago. Due to the change of the earth's crust, theocean rises to form crisscross cliffs, peaks and caves. After thousands of yearsof wind and rain erosion, water erosion, slowly formed today's abrupt peaks androcks. Now please follow me up the mountain.

  We came to yixiantian, the most attractive cave in Taimu mountain. Lookingup at the sky, there was only a ray of sky light. A lot of tourists are aimingat the reputation of "not squeezing a line of sky, half of the scenery" to mountTaimu. In the narrow tunnel with a length of 60 meters in the initial section,only one person is allowed to stick to the wall and hold his breath, and canonly rely on his feet to explore the way out; at the bottom of the tunnel, thereis an axe shaped stone wedge, leaving only a crack with an angle of 60 degrees,so everyone can only lie on the stone axe and use the "push up" action to lifthis breath and retract his abdomen to move slowly; then there is a narrow stonebeam lying in the cave, and can only use the "balance beam" way to fight Walkingcautiously; further forward, there are "neck stones" blocking the way, so wemust squat down and let our necks point at the top of the stone before we canpass; in the last section of the tunnel, there are boulders hanging in the airfrom time to time, so we can only squat down and walk "dwarf step" to avoidmeeting. In a word, after a day, we must mobilize our whole body skills, gothrough all kinds of trials and hardships, and complete a set of "Tai Laoaerobics" before we can see the light again.

  Please line up to enter the cave. While waiting at the cave entrance, I'lltell you the legend of a day. It's said that the great grandmother ordered thewhite monkey to guard the elixir coming out of the furnace beside the alchemywell. Because of the fatigue for decades, when the elixir came out of thefurnace, the White Monkey began to doze off. At this time, the greedy and lazygolden mouse, who wants to be an immortal, slips to the alchemy furnace and runsaway with a grain of elixir. The golden mouse, guilty of being a thief, felldown in a panic and touched the firewood. The white monkey was awakened. Hegrabbed a magic axe and ran after it, shouting: "lazy golden mouse, where areyou going to escape?" The golden mouse didn't pay attention to the white monkeyat all. It ran East and West, jumped and jumped, and all at once got into asmall hole under a huge rock. When the White Monkey couldn't catch the goldenmouse, he was so angry that he waved his axe and made a "click" sound, which waslike a thunderbolt in the clear sky. The huge hard rock cracked a narrow anddeep crack. Golden mouse with elixir, panic escape, white monkey chase slowly,golden mouse escape without a trace. Legend has it that this line of sky was cutby white monkey with a magic axe.

  Now let's count the number of people to see if anyone is stuck in the frontline, hehe! Next, there is a more exciting place, please prepare yourflashlight, we are going to enter the gourd hole! Hulu cave is more than 1000meters long. It's named for its shape like an inverted Hulu. It's the mostdistinctive cave in Taimu mountain, known as the paradise in the cave. When youenter the cave, the light transmitted from the gap changes into wonderful lightand shadow, bringing you into a dreamlike world; when you go to the "Water Bay",you can listen to the dark spring flowing under the stone bridge, such as thetouch of Guzheng; when you go to the "echo cave", the echo sound tens of metersaway seems to be close to you; when you go to the "Shuyu cave", you can't seethe five finger dark passage 70 meters long, which is an excellent place tolisten to the spring, especially after the rain Waterfall, roaring like thunder;along the spiral tunnel upward, looking up at the cave top line of sky, isdivided into "three line sky" by two suspended boulders. The whole tunnel goesup and down, left and right, bright and dark, warm and cool. It's fun to climb,squat and side when exploring the cave. Some people praise it as "the first cavein the world".

  Today's trip is coming to an end. I'm glad to have a wonderful day withyou. Thank you very much for your support and cooperation on this day. Taimumountain is still a picturesque place. It's hard to visit it in one day. You arewelcome to visit it again in the future. Thank you! I wish you a pleasantjourney back!

宁德太姥山的英语导游词 篇3

  Today, we are going to visit the Aoyuan scenic spot in Jimei. The Aoyuanwas built by our patriotic overseas Chinese leader, Mr. Tan Kah kee. It startedin 1951 and was not completed until 1961. It took ten years. It covers an areaof about 9000 square meters and costs 650000 yuan. It is mainly composed of aporch, a Liberation Monument in Jimei, a tomb of Chen Kah Kee and stone carvingssurrounding the wall, Facing the sea on three sides and the land on the west, itis called Ao garden because it is shaped like a big Ao, which is a symbol ofgood luck and longevity in Southern Fujian. Now let's take a look at the Aoyuanthat Mr. Tan Kah Kee spent ten years to complete! The time we will visit will beone and a half hours.

  Ladies and gentlemen, there is a big disc set at the gate of Aoyuan. Everytime the astronomical spring tide occurs in September of the lunar calendar, thesea water will pour into the hole and quickly fill all around the disc. At thistime, Aoyuan is like a big aoxizhu, and the whole Aoyuan is like a white waterlily lying on the sea, full of fun. This implicit design shows Mr. Tan Jiageng'sgood intentions.

  Ladies and gentlemen, on the screen wall directly opposite the monument,there are 12 relief sculptures on the left and right of the museum view in themiddle. Most of the contents are public health and sports. There are five mapsin the middle, one of which is the complete picture of Baodao province. Thiskind of sculpture form is called flat sculpture or line sculpture. It expressesMr. Tan Kah Kee's good wishes for realizing the great cause of peacefulreunification across the Chinese Taiwan Strait We firmly believe that with the return ofHong Kong and Macao, the implementation of "one country, two systems" andpeaceful reunification on the treasure island will not be far away, and the dayof great reunion of the Chinese people will come. This is the wish of Mr. TanKah Kee and that of all the Chinese people! When Tan Kah Kee was alive, he oncesaid that after the completion of Aoyuan, a park would be built in the northwestof Aoyuan. In order to fulfill his last wish, Jimei School Committee startedconstruction of Jiageng Park in September 1992 and opened it to tourists on the120th anniversary of Tan Kah Kee's birth in 1994. In the park, there are alsoaoting and Mingshi Pavilion completed at the same time as Aoyuan.

  Ladies and gentlemen, this is the end of our tour today. Aoyuan is like anencyclopedia, which integrates politics, economy, history, society, culture,education and art. It is also a monument built by Mr. Tan Kah Kee in his lastten years, which is imbued with his strong patriotic feelings. What impressiondo you have? Then we are about to separate. There is no banquet that will neverend. Welcome to bring your friends and relatives next time. Let's get togetheragain in Xiamen and have a bright future! Thank you for your support and trustin my work! thank you! bye.

宁德太姥山的英语导游词 篇4

  General situation of Ningde: Ningde, commonly known as East Fujian, islocated in the northeast of Fujian Province, in the middle of China's "GoldCoast", on the West Bank of Baodao Strait, and in the center of threeeconomically developed regions, namely the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl RiverDelta and Baodao province. Ningde is adjacent to Fuzhou, the capital of ZhejiangProvince in the south, Wenzhou in the north, Nanping in the West and Baodaoprovince across the sea in the East. The newly established prefecture levelNingde city is a new coastal port city, including Jiaocheng District, XiapuCounty, Gutian County, Shouning County, Pingnan County, Zhouning County, ZherongCounty, Fu'an City and Fuding City. The land area is 13500 square kilometers,and the sea area directly adjacent to it is 44600 square kilometers, with apopulation of more than 3.2 million, of which 170000 are of She nationality,accounting for 1 / 2 of the total population of She nationality in the wholeprovince and 1 / 4 of the whole country. It is the largest She nationalitycommunity in China. There are nearly 300000 overseas Chinese and compatriotsfrom Hong Kong, Macao and Chinese Taiwan.

  There are many famous scenic spots at home and abroad. Fuding Taimumountain, a national key scenic spot, is known as the "fairyland on the sea" forits strange rocks, different caves, dangerous peaks and illusory fog; YuanyangRiver in Pingnan, a National Nature Reserve, is known as the "peerless sceneryin the world" for its Baishuiyang "water square"; Yangjia River in Xiapu isknown as the "peach garden in the sea" for its beautiful water and clearmountains; Ningde Zhiti mountain, a key Buddhist temple in China Zhiti templehas a long history, known as "the first Buddhist temple in the sea"; ZhouningJiulongji waterfall group is magnificent, praised as "rare in East China, thefirst in Fujian".

  Eastern Fujian has a long history, rich cultural accumulation and uniqueregional cultural characteristics. According to the archaeological findings oflupinggang, there were human activities in eastern Fujian 10000 years ago. Theexcavation of the peiqiu cultural site in Cucumis mountain in Xiapu shows thatthere were a certain scale of Minyue ancestors living and working around3500-4000 years ago. In the Xia and Shang Dynasties, Eastern Fujian belonged toancient Yangzhou. In the Zhou Dynasty, it belonged to Qimin. In the spring andAutumn period, it belonged to Yue. In the Warring States period, it belonged toChu. In the Qin Dynasty, it belonged to Minzhong county. In the Han Dynasty, itbelonged to Minyue state. Eastern Fujian and the ancient Yue culture come downin one continuous line, belonging to the southeast coastal Indian potteryculture system. As early as the Qin and Han Dynasties, there was a legend thatRong Chengzi, Tai Mu and Huo Tongzhen practiced Taoism and became immortals inTai Mu mountain and Huo Tongshan. During the northern and Southern Dynasties,Eastern Fujian was an important place for the golden elixir sect of Taoism. Inthe Tang Dynasty, Buddhism developed rapidly in the territory, with theemergence of eminent monks such as Ling you, the founder of the Buddhist worshipsect. Since the Qing Dynasty, Catholicism spread rapidly in eastern Fujian, andchurches and monasteries were set up in some places. There are four majorreligions in eastern Fujian, namely Buddhism, Taoism, Catholicism andChristianity. There are 1479 places for religious activities and more than200000 religious believers. It constitutes the unique connotation andcharacteristics of eastern Fujian culture. Zhu Xi, Lu You, Wen Tianxiang, FengMenglong, Qi Jiguang and others all left traces and poems here. Xue Lingzhi, thefirst Jinshi in Fujian Province, Gan Guobao, the chief soldier of Baodaoguarding the sea, Xie Ao, the patriotic poet who wrote the collection ofBuddhist works, Luo Wenzao, the first Chinese bishop in the history of ChineseCatholic missionary, and Yuan Ying, the first president of the Chinese BuddhistAssociation.

  FUDING profile: Fuding is located in the northeast of Fujian Province, atthe junction of Cangnan and Taishun counties in Zhejiang Province. It is 94kilometers away from Wenzhou in Zhejiang Province in the north, and about onehour's high-speed travel is enough. It is 224 kilometers away from Fuzhou, thecapital of Fujian Province in the south, and about two hours' high-speed travel.It is only 42 miles away from Keelung port in Baodao. FUDING covers an area ofmore than 1500 square kilometers, with a sea area of 15000 square kilometers anda total population of 560000, of which the Han nationality accounts for 93%, andthe rest are She nationality and Hui nationality.

  FUDING has a long history. Since the Neolithic age, human beings have beenliving and reproducing here. During the Warring States period, Fuding has been apart of Qimin (Note: Qimin refers to the snake totem tribes scattered in FujianProvince and southern Zhejiang during the Zhou Dynasty, and its name has beenused until the northern Song Dynasty. Since the Southern Song Dynasty, Fujianhas eight Jianzhou systems, namely Fuzhou, Jianzhou, Quanzhou, Zhangzhou,Tingzhou, Quanzhou, Zhangzhou) Nanjianzhou, Shaowu army and Xinghua army arecalled "eight Min". Wenma county was established in the second year of Taikang(AD 282, that is, 1700 years ago). In the Yongzheng period of the Qing Dynasty,the Prefecture was promoted to the prefecture, and Xiapu County was set up underthe prefecture. In the fourth year of Qianlong, Fuding county was set upindependently from Xiapu County. It is said that the name of the county comesfrom Fuding peak of Taimu mountain. Because "Fu" and "Fu" are homonymous, it iscalled "Fuding". The county is located in Tongshan, which is also called"Tongcheng" because Tongshan is rich in tung trees. In 1995, the county wasremoved from the municipal government. At present, Fuding has jurisdiction over10 towns, three townships, three sub district offices and one developmentzone.





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