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标题 2023清源山英语导游词


2023清源山英语导游词 篇1

  Hello, everyone! I'm very glad to have the opportunity to climb themountain with you today and enjoy the beautiful and colorful scenery of Qingyuanmountain, which has the reputation of "showing the Southeast". Due to the timelimit, the scenic spots we visit today are laojunyan, qianshouyan and mitoyan inturn. I hope you have a good time!

  Qingyuan mountain is a national key scenic spot, which is composed ofQingyuan mountain, jiuri mountain and Lingshan tomb, with a total area of 62square kilometers. Qingyuan mountain scenic area has an area of 40 Li, with themain peak at 498 meters above sea level. It is closely related to the mountaincity of Quanzhou and reflects each other. It is like a bright pearl of thefamous city of Quanzhou, shining with dazzling light, attracting many overseastourists. In history, Qingyuan mountain was also known as "Quanshan" because ofits many springs; the city was named "Quanzhou" because of its mountains; themountains are high and the people are numerous, also known as "Qiyun mountain";it is located in the northern suburb of the urban area, also known as "Beishan";it is also known as "Santai mountain" because of the confrontation of peaks.According to the records of Quanzhou official records, Qingyuan mountain wasfirst developed in the Qin Dynasty. In the Tang Dynasty, Confucianism, Taoismand Buddhism competed to occupy land for business. They also had the activitiesof Islam, Manichaeism and Hinduism, and gradually developed into a culturalmountain with a variety of religions. In the scenic spot, there are flowingsprings and waterfalls, grotesque rocks and caves, emerald peaks and beautifultrees. The cultural landscape mainly consists of religious temples and palaces,stone treasures of literati academies, stone carvings and stone carvings isalmost everywhere in Qingyuan mountain. There are 7 large-scale Taoist andBuddhist stone carvings in song and Yuan Dynasties, including 9 statues. Thereare nearly 500 ancient cliff carvings, and the granite imitation wood structurein yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties There are three stone chambers of Buddhastatues, as well as the relic tower of Hongyi master gaohatong (Li Shutong) andthe tower courtyard of Guangqin master in modern times. Since ancient times,Qingyuan mountain has been famous for its 36 caves and 18 scenic spots, amongwhich laojunyan, qianshouyan, mitoyan, bixiaoyan, ruixiangyan, huruquan,nantaiyan, Qingyuan cave and cienyan are the most famous. Today, we have limitedtime to enjoy the charm of Qingyuan mountain, so we can only leave some regretsfor our aftertaste, or visit from our relevant tourism publicity materials It'sbeen a while.

  OK, now let's visit the first stop laojunyan.

  The layout of Laojun rock is as follows: the mountain gate, the shady stonepath and the statue of Laojun.

  Now you are standing at the Mountain Gate of laojunyan. Please payattention to the two-level curved platform, which is a variant of Yin Yang TaijiBagua. The natural stone standing in front of you is engraved with the eightseal characters of "qingniu goes to the west, Ziqi comes to the East", and theStone Mountain gate, which is decorated with intertwined windows, is full ofmountain and wild atmosphere, which makes Laozi "advocate nature" ”The idea of"the beauty of the world" is incisively and vividly set off, which makes peoplehave the pleasure of entering the fairyland outside the world.

  Along this quiet shady stone path, a giant of the botanical world, banyan,stands on both sides, with extraordinary style. The dense and long roots arelike Lao Tzu's long beard, which shows that Lao Tzu's thought is "everlasting"and has infinite vitality.

  Dear friends, now, the stone sculpture in front of us is the statue ofLaojun who has the reputation of "Laozi is the best in the world". The statue ofzhejun is listed as a national key protected cultural relic, which is a uniqueart treasure in Taoist stone carvings in China. It was carved in the SongDynasty. After thousands of years of vicissitudes, it is still vivid andenergetic. According to the records of Quanzhou Prefecture compiled during thereign of Emperor Qianlong in the Qing Dynasty, "the stone statues are made inheaven, and the good ones are slightly carved." It shows that it is a naturalgiant rock with a shape similar to an old man. It is a wonderful folk craftsman.With a little skill, it was carved into the sitting statue of Laozi, a famousphilosopher, thinker and founder of Taoism in the spring and Autumn period. SimaQian, a famous historian of the Han Dynasty, recorded in the biography of LaoziHanfei in historical records that "Laozi's surname is Li Shi, his name is er,his word is Boyang, and his posthumous title is ri Dan." Therefore, he was bornin qurenli, Li Township, kuxian County, Chu. Tao Te Ching, Lao Tzu's immortalwork, has a wide and far-reaching influence, as we often say, "happiness lies inmisfortune; misfortune lies in happiness." Admonish people that misfortune andfortune are relative. There is no need to worry about gain and loss. If you getsomething, you must lose something. At any time, you should keep a clear mindand not be confused by appearances. His views are full of simple materialism.The statue of Laojun was originally surrounded by a high Taoist temple, and thegrand Taoist buildings such as Zhenjun hall and Beidou hall were quitespectacular. Later, the Taoist temple was burned down, and Laojun rock stood inthe open air, integrated with the nature. Its survival is enough to prove thatthe Taoist culture of Quanzhou, known as the "world religion Museum", was verydeveloped and prosperous in the Song Dynasty.

2023清源山英语导游词 篇2

  Happiness lies in misfortune; misfortune lies in happiness. Hello,everyone! Lao Tzu, a famous thinker in the spring and Autumn period, told usthat happiness and misfortune are relative, and there are gains and losses. Sonow that you have come to Quanzhou, which is known as "Zou Lu on the seashore",don't worry about complaining about anything else. Open your hearts and let melead you to relax and visit today!

  Quanzhou, a famous cultural city with a long history, once popular brightcultural relics, can you enjoy it again in today's tour?

  Good! Dear group members, with this question, you can say it is desire.First of all, let's visit the Qingyuan mountain in Quanzhou, which "shows theSoutheast".

  Qingyuan mountain scenic area consists of Qingyuan mountain, jiuri mountainand Lingshan holy tomb, covering a total area of 62 square kilometers. The mainpeak of Qingyuan mountain scenic spot is 498 meters above sea level. Qingyuanmountain is named after an immortal. What immortal has such a connection withit? It involves a legend. We all know that one of the eight immortals is calledtie Guai Li, right? It's said that Li Tie Guai wandered here and stopped on thetop of the mountain. When he had a rest, he saw the blue sea green land at thefoot of the mountain, the green pines and cypresses on the mountain, and thewinding path The beautiful scenery of Tongyou can make Tieguai Li Le hold up hiscrutch to touch the ground. He exclaimed: wonderful, wonderful! But this crutch,because of too much force, went deep into the bottom for several feet, and burstout a clear spring, which could not stop spraying! So because of the manysprings, later generations named it "Quanshan", and Quanzhou also got its name,and then gradually evolved into Qingyuan mountain, and also named "Qiyunmountain" because of the high mountain into the cloud; Located in the north ofthe suburb, it is also called "Beishan"; because of the peak confrontation, itis also called "Santai mountain".

  When it comes to mount Santai, you may think of Mount Wutai, a famousBuddhist mountain. Like Mount Wutai, Qingyuan mountain in Quanzhou has beenoccupied and managed by Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism since the TangDynasty, and has gradually developed into a famous cultural mountain with avariety of religions.

  Good! Members of the group! Please follow my steps! Now we come to thisunique laojunyan Mountain Gate. The second level platform in front of us is inthe shape of a curved ruler, which is the deformation pattern of Taiji Yin Yangeight trigrams. Eight big seal characters are engraved on the natural stonestanding in front of us. Can you guess what they are? OK, let me read it to you,"qingniu goes to the west, Ziqi comes to the East" It's an allusion about Laozi.According to the records, in the end of the Western Zhou Dynasty, Laoziabandoned the Zhou Dynasty and lived in seclusion, riding a green ox, leisurely,out of Hangu pass. Guan Lingyi liked to see purple air coming, and expected asaint to pass the pass. As expected, he was a saint Laozi. Yixi had long admiredLaozi's name and asked Laozi to write something for him before he could pass thepass . OK! Do you see the words on it, gate of all wonders? This is a famoussentence of Laozi. The stone windows of the mountain gate are made of granite,and the window decorations are intertwined. Now when we walk into the mountaingate, you can see a shady stone path with banyan trees on both sides. Now followme to step on this quiet stone path. OK, everyone relax, close your eyes andhold your breath, Then look at these banyan roots like Lao Tzu's long beard.Will they be like walking into a fairyland?

  Let's move on with this kind of artistic conception, and say that there isanother village with dark willows and bright flowers. Good! My friends, thestone sculpture in front of us now is the statue of Laojun, which has the realreputation of "Laozi is the best in the world". It is the largest, the mostexquisite and the oldest Taoist stone sculpture in China. Who is Laojun? AI! Ijust mentioned Laozi! Who is that According to the records of QuanzhouPrefecture, "the stone statues are made in heaven, and the good ones are carvedslightly." It turns out to be a natural rock shaped like an old man. It was madeby folk craftsmen with a little skill. The stone statue is 5.63 meters high,6.85 meters thick and 8.01 meters wide, with a floor area of 55 square meters.If you look at it carefully, it sits on the ground with its left hand on itsknees and its right hand on a few feet. Its eyes are smiling, its countenance isbright, its expression is amiable, its eyes are deep and wise, and it is full ofwarm human feelings. There is no sanctimonious and majestic immortal posture atall. Among the people, this stone statue of Laozi is also a symbol of health andlongevity. There is a dialect in Quanzhou: "touch the nose, eat one hundred andtwo; touch the eyes, eat one hundred and six." It means, who can touch Lao Jun'snose, can live 120, touch his eyes, can live 160. Of course! Don't really climbup and touch it. The stone statue is protected!

  Members of the group, immortals can fly in the clouds, but we can't fly inthe clouds, we have to travel carefully. Here are more attractions for us towatch slowly!

2023清源山英语导游词 篇3

  Hello, everyone! I'm very glad to have the opportunity to climb themountain with you today and enjoy the beautiful and colorful scenery of Qingyuanmountain, which has the reputation of "showing the Southeast". Due to the timelimit, the scenic spots we visit today are laojunyan, qianshouyan and mitoyan inturn. I hope you have a good time!

  Qingyuan mountain is a national key scenic spot, which is composed ofQingyuan mountain, jiuri mountain and Lingshan tomb, with a total area of 62square kilometers,

  Qingyuan mountain scenic area has an area of 40 Li, with the main peak at498 meters above sea level. It is closely related to the mountain city ofQuanzhou and reflects each other. It is like a bright pearl of the famous cityof Quanzhou, shining with dazzling light, attracting many overseas tourists. Inhistory, Qingyuan mountain was also known as "Quanshan" because of its manysprings; the city was named "Quanzhou" because of its mountains; the mountainsare high and the people are numerous, also known as "Qiyun mountain"; it islocated in the northern suburb of the urban area, also known as "Beishan"; it isalso known as "Santai mountain" because of the confrontation of peaks. Accordingto the records of Quanzhou official records, Qingyuan mountain was firstdeveloped in the Qin Dynasty. In the Tang Dynasty, Confucianism, Taoism andBuddhism competed to occupy land for business. They also had the activities ofIslam, Manichaeism and Hinduism, and gradually developed into a culturalmountain with a variety of religions. In the scenic spot, there are flowingsprings and waterfalls, grotesque rocks and caves, emerald peaks and beautifultrees. The cultural landscape mainly consists of religious temples and palaces,stone treasures of literati academies, stone carvings and stone carvings isalmost everywhere in Qingyuan mountain. There are 7 large-scale Taoist andBuddhist stone carvings in song and Yuan Dynasties, including 9 statues. Thereare nearly 500 ancient cliff carvings, and the granite imitation wood structurein yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties There are three stone chambers of Buddhastatues, as well as the relic tower of Hongyi master gaohatong (Li Shutong) andthe tower courtyard of Guangqin master in modern times. Since ancient times,Qingyuan mountain has been famous for its 36 caves and 18 scenic spots, amongwhich laojunyan, qianshouyan, mitoyan, bixiaoyan, ruixiangyan, huruquan,nantaiyan, Qingyuan cave and cienyan are the most famous. Today, we have limitedtime to enjoy the charm of Qingyuan mountain, so we can only leave some regretsfor our aftertaste, or visit from our relevant tourism publicity materials It'sbeen a while.

  OK, now let's visit the first stop laojunyan.

  The layout of Laojun rock is as follows: the mountain gate, the shady stonepath and the statue of Laojun.

  Now you are standing at the Mountain Gate of laojunyan. Please payattention to the two-level curved platform, which is a variant of Yin Yang TaijiBagua. The natural stone standing in front of you is engraved with the eightseal characters of "qingniu goes to the west, Ziqi comes to the East", and theStone Mountain gate, which is decorated with intertwined windows, is full ofmountain and wild atmosphere, which makes Laozi "advocate nature" ”The idea of"the beauty of the world" is incisively and vividly set off, which makes peoplehave the pleasure of entering the fairyland outside the world.

  Along this quiet shady stone path, a giant of the botanical world, banyan,stands on both sides, with extraordinary style. The dense and long roots arelike Lao Tzu's long beard, which shows that Lao Tzu's thought is "everlasting"and has infinite vitality.

  Dear friends, now, the stone sculpture in front of us is the statue ofLaojun who has the reputation of "Laozi is the best in the world". The statue ofzhejun is listed as a national key protected cultural relic, which is a uniqueart treasure in Taoist stone carvings in China. It was carved in the SongDynasty. After thousands of years of vicissitudes, it is still vivid andenergetic. According to the records of Quanzhou Prefecture compiled during thereign of Emperor Qianlong in the Qing Dynasty, "the stone statues are made inheaven, and the good ones are slightly carved." It shows that it is a naturalgiant rock with a shape similar to an old man. It is a wonderful folk craftsman.With a little skill, it was carved into the sitting statue of Laozi, a famousphilosopher, thinker and founder of Taoism in the spring and Autumn period. SimaQian, a famous historian of the Han Dynasty, recorded in the biography of LaoziHanfei in historical records that "Laozi's surname is Li Shi, his name is er,his word is Boyang, and his posthumous title is ri Dan." Therefore, he was bornin qurenli, Li Township, kuxian County, Chu,

  Tao Te Ching, Lao Tzu's immortal work, has a wide and far-reachinginfluence, as we often say, "happiness lies in misfortune; misfortune lies inhappiness." Admonish people that misfortune and fortune are relative. There isno need to worry about gain and loss. If you get something, you must losesomething. At any time, you should keep a clear mind and not be confused byappearances. His views are full of simple materialism. The statue of Laojun wasoriginally surrounded by a high Taoist temple, and the grand Taoist buildingssuch as Zhenjun hall and Beidou hall were quite spectacular. Later, the Taoisttemple was burned down, and Laojun rock stood in the open air, integrated withthe nature. Its survival is enough to prove that the Taoist culture of Quanzhou,known as the "world religion Museum", was very developed and prosperous in theSong Dynasty. Li Laojun rode a green ox out of Hangu pass and "entered Fujianfrom Chu" leisurely. Maybe he took a fancy to the geomantic omen treasure landof "QUANNAN Buddhist kingdom"?!

  Now let's take a serious look at the stone statue of Laojun. The stonestatue is 5.63 meters high, 6.85 meters thick and 8.01 meters wide, with a floorarea of 55 square meters. Because it is the largest and oldest Taoist stonesculpture in China, people in the literary and historical circles call it "Laoziis the best in the world". The vivid and lifelike shape, exquisite charm,exaggerated freehand brushwork lines, simple and honest connotation, and theartistic conception of the unity of man and nature make this stone statue ofLaojun look especially kind and lovely, full of enchanting charm. You see, itsits on the ground, with its left hand on its knees, its right hand on its back,its eyes smiling, and its eyebrows shining. It can be said that "the wind blowsthrough its whiskers, and it can play things.". Strictly speaking, it seems thatLao Jun's ears and knees are out of proportion. His ears droop over hisshoulders and his knees are extremely large. However, this exaggeration anddisplacement make people feel that he can stretch and bend freely. The mostpopular and admirable thing is that the old man's manner is amiable, his eyesare deep and wise, his face is smiling, open-minded and approachable. He is fullof warm human feelings, and he does not have a dignified and dignified immortalposture at all. The broad-minded and smiling look makes people feel approachableand approachable. Among the people, this stone statue of Laozi is also a symbolof health and longevity. There is a dialect in Quanzhou: "touch the nose, eatone hundred and two; touch the eyes, eat one hundred and six." It means, who cantouch Lao Jun's nose, can live 120, touch his eyes, can live 160. Of course,only a baby would believe it. As a matter of fact, Qingyuan mountain has freshair and wild scenery. If you come here often, you can benefit both physicallyand mentally. You don't need to touch your nose and eyes to prolong yourlife.

  After getting close to the old man for thousands of years, we will enterthe artistic conception area of "Valley Sanskrit". Now you can see this simpleand natural ancient temple is qianshouyan.

  Qianshouyan, also known as Guanyin temple, is named for its worship ofGuanyin statue. Qianshouyan is located on the left peak of Qingyuan mountain.The red walls and plain tiles of the temple are very fresh. The sitting statueof Sakyamuni, founder of stone carving Buddhism in the Song Dynasty, isworshipped in the middle and back of the main hall. The stone statue isexquisite and lifelike. It is one of the best works of stone carving art in theSong Dynasty in Qingyuan mountain. The statue of Avalokitesvara with thousandsof hands and clothes in front of the stone statue is kind-hearted and has anexcellent look. The eighteen Arhats on the two sides of the wall have differentexpressions and feel ready to come out. Qianshouyan temple is full of incenseand fire all year round. In front of the temple, the pines and cypresses aregreen, and the peaks and rocks are jagged. It's worth mentioning that the 300year old ancient pine in front of the temple is special. You can see that itstrunk is divided into two parts, facing the temple gate, but not covering theeyes of the Buddha. It's amazing that it forms a beautiful angle with thetemple. The ancient pine is vigorous and straight, curly and circling, like acharitable old man, opening his arms to welcome the guests from all directions.Therefore, it is no wonder that the guests of Huangshan Mountain, afterobserving the ancient pine, praised it as more beautiful than the "welcomingpine" of Huangshan Mountain, and its posture is more warm and magnanimous.





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更新时间:2025/3/27 3:21:30