标题 | 蚌埠导游词 |
范文 | 蚌埠导游词(精选15篇) 蚌埠导游词 篇1Dear friends Hello everyone! Welcome to Bengbu, the beautiful Pearl City. Let me giveyou a brief introduction to my hometown Bengbu. As the saying goes, "it's better to walk on both sides of the Huaihe Riverthan to walk thousands of miles.". Bengbu is such a city located in theNorth-South boundary of China, the middle reaches of Huaihe River and the northof Anhui Province. Bengbu is an important comprehensive industrial city in AnhuiProvince, a central city in the north of Anhui Province, a transportationgateway and a pearl by the Huaihe River. With pleasant climate and beautifulscenery, it is a landscape garden city suitable for living, tourism andindustry. On January 1, 1947, Bengbu was officially established as the first city inAnhui Province. At present, it has jurisdiction over Huaiyuan, Wuhe and Guzhencounties, Longzihu, bengshan, Yuhui and Huaishang districts, and two functionalzones, namely, high-tech Industrial Development Zone and economic developmentzone. The city has a total area of 5952 square kilometers and a total populationof 3.68 million, including 119 square kilometers of built-up area and 1.27million permanent residents. In recent years, Bengbu Municipal Party committee and municipal governmenthave put forward the goal of "revitalizing the strong wind, creating brillianceagain, and returning to the first square of Anhui", which is the common dream ofour people in Bengbu. Under the leadership of the municipal Party committee andthe municipal government, the people of the whole city have made greatachievements in economic and social development, and the city is changing witheach passing day. In 20__, Bengbu's GDP reached 1007. 8.7 billion yuan,accounting for 18.2 billion yuan. 8.2 billion yuan, urban and rural per capitaincome reached 22397 yuan, and the increment and growth rate were in theforefront of the province. The city tree of Bengbu: Cedrus and Sophora japonica, the city flower ofBengbu: Rose, the city Song: beautiful Pearl City, the symbol of Bengbu CityImage: Pearl of Bengbu, and the theme words of contemporary Bengbu City Spirit:Yu fenghoude, pregnant sand into pearl, pragmatic and open, pioneering. Bengbu is a beautiful city. In ancient times, it was a place where pearlswere collected. It was named for its rich production of pearls. It is known as"Pearl City", so there is another name "Pearl City". The word "Bengbu" can be separated into two parts: Bengbu, which is a riverclam; Bu, which is a wharf. When it comes to Bengbu, I think it can be described in a few words, namely"cradle of culture", "hometown of Emperors", "hometown of singing and dancing"and "city brought by train". 1、 "Cultural cradle" refers to Bengbu City, although young, but has a longhistory. The Huaihe River Basin, together with the Yellow River Basin and theYangtze River Basin, is the birthplace of Chinese civilization. The dawn of civilization 7300 years ago. In 1985, a large number ofpottery, stone tools, clam ware and bone ware were excavated from the Shuangdunancient site in Wuying Township in the northern suburb of Bengbu. There are morethan 600 kinds of symbols on the pottery, with smooth lines and vivid shapes. Itis rare in China to have a ceramic face sculpture of human head. It isidentified as the early and middle Neolithic cultural site 7300 years ago. Wangchangsui, director of the Institute of ancient Chinese characters at Universityof science and technology of China, wrote in Guangming Daily that the symbolsunearthed from Shuangdun site may be the earliest origin of Chinese characters.In the past years, most of the academic circles believed that the Huaihe RiverBasin played a bridge role in the development of ancient Chinese civilization.The prehistoric cultural remains in the upper reaches of the Huaihe River areonly considered to be the result of the influence of the Yellow River culture,while the cultural dependence in the lower reaches of the Huaihe River is moreproved to be the magnetic attraction of the Yangtze River culture, which makesthe Huaihe River culture lose the chance of self existence and naming. Thehistory of Chinese civilization is simply described as the history ofcivilization composed of the Yellow River culture and the Yangtze River culture.The independent value and status of prehistoric culture in the Huaihe RiverBasin are obscured by this established cultural conclusion. In addition, thecontinuous wars and floods in the Huaihe River Basin since ancient timesrecorded in history, the Huaihe River Basin has always been in a state ofhistorical silence and anonymity in the historical change of dynasties The nameof Huaihe River also indicates the lower status of Huaihe River and Huaiyu.However, in recent years, many typical archaeological discoveries of the pre Qinclassics and the Huaihe River Basin represented by Shuangdun culture haverevealed and confirmed the existence of an independent prehistoric culturalsystem in the Huaihe River Basin, with a high level and rich personality, whichprovides a new perspective and ideas for the further study of the origin ofancient Chinese civilization. Historians generally believe that the relationshipbetween the Neolithic culture in the middle reaches of the Huaihe River and theNeolithic culture in the Yellow River and Yangtze River Basins of the CentralPlains is independent, parallel and gradually integrated, and they are thebirthplace of Chinese civilization. It is said that the culture of Ming and Qing Dynasties in Anhui Province isHuizhou, and the culture before Han Dynasty is Bengbu. The birthplace of Xia culture: "Xia Zhixing is also based on Tushan"(historical records), which clearly points out that Tushan is the birthplace ofXia culture in China's first dynasty. "Zuo Zhuan" said: "Yuhui princes inTushan, holding the jade and silk of all countries." From Tushan out of the"prosperous Xiahou tribe and Xia Dynasty", namely "Huaxia", gradually spread toall parts of the country, "Huaxia" became the name of the whole country, andHuaxia became the general name of all ethnic groups in our country. Therefore,it should be said that Bengbu is one of the birthplaces of ancient Chineseculture. 2、 The hometown of the emperor refers to three famous emperors who lived inBengbu. The Xia Dynasty is the first dynasty of the Chinese nation. Its founders,Yu and Qi, came from Bengbu area with Tushan as the center. Bengbu is the secondhometown of Dayu, the last leader of the primitive society of the Chinesenation. It is the place where he married, gave birth to a son and met theprinces. Bengbu is the hometown and birthplace of the first emperor Qi inChinese history. Bengbu is a historic place where Liu Bang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty,fought a decisive battle against Xiang Yu. The cuxia site in Haocheng of Guzhencounty is called bawangcheng in history, which is the ancient battlefield ofcuxia decisive battle of Chu and Han Dynasties. "After the Han Dynasty? LiXianzhu:" cuxia, Gaozu broken Xiang Yu also After this war, Xiang Yu committedsuicide in Wujiang, Liu Bang defeated Xiang Yu completely, and then establishedthe great 'Han Dynasty'. Bengbu was the place where Zhu Yuanzhang, the founder of the Ming Dynasty,lived. Bengbu was under the jurisdiction of Fengyang County before 1947.Fengyang is the place where Zhu Yuanzhang, the founder of the Ming Dynasty, wasborn, raised, became a monk and joined the army. 3、 "The hometown of song and dance" refers to one of the mostrepresentative folk dances of the Han nationality, where the art of flower drumlantern is inherited from generation to generation. Bengbu flower drum lantern has a long history and is a typicalrepresentative of Huaihe culture. It is known as "Oriental ballet" by PremierZhou Enlai for its rough, cheerful, harmonious and beautiful dance vocabulary.He once participated in the performance before the opening of the BeijingOlympic Games, showing infinite cultural charm. As the original song and danceof Han nationality, huagudeng has been listed as the national "intangiblecultural heritage". Huagudeng has become a brand of cultural tourism in BengbuCity. Fengzuizi village in Yuhui District, the first village of huagudeng, is aneco-tourism cultural village with ancient civilization of Huaihe River. Atpresent, there are many tourist facilities, such as lamp house, Museum Park,etc. tourists can not only enjoy the wonderful flower drum lantern art, but alsodance together with the actors to enjoy the joy. Experts from China intangiblecultural heritage protection expert committee unanimously believe that huagudengsong and dance art is an outstanding creation of the people in the middlereaches of Huaihe River, a typical representative of Han folk song and dance,and the most abundant, systematic and complete folk dance in the world. 4、 "City brought by train" means that Bengbu Railway Bridge was completedin 1912, Jinpu railway was opened to traffic, and Bengbu Railway Station joinedJinpu railway. Since then, Bengbu, a fishing village in gudu, has become atransportation hub connecting water transportation and modern railway in theHuaihe River Basin, including Eastern Henan, Northern Anhui, Northern Jiangsuand southern Shandong, and a gateway for Anhui to open to Beijing, Tianjin andNanjing. Bengbu, as a commercial port produced by the construction of railway inmodern times, rose from then on. So Bengbu is a city brought by train. With the glorious history of more than 60 years in New China, Bengbu hasbecome an emerging industrial city and an old industrial base of Anhui Provinceon the basis of its important business town. After more than 30 years of reformand opening up, the industrious, brave and pragmatic Bengbu people have createdbrilliant achievements worthy of their predecessors. Bengbu, with its naturaltreasures and outstanding people, has developed from the "Bengbu Street" alongthe Huaihe River to a modern big city across the Huaihe River. It has now becomea transportation hub in East China, a business center in Northern Anhui, afirst-class passenger station on the Beijing Shanghai railway, and the largestport on the Huaihe River. Bengbu has beautiful natural scenery. Jingtu mountain, a famous historicaland cultural mountain, faces each other across the river. Bairu spring, theseventh spring in the world, is pure and cool. Longzi Lake, Sifang lake,Tianjing lake, Tuohu lake and Tianhe lake have beautiful scenery and magicbeauty. Dagongshan has a pleasant forest scenery with birds singing and flowersfragrant. Sanchahe wetland, winding path, wild. Xiangxue holiday village haselegant environment and fragrant flowers and fruits. Now the Daming CulturalIndustrial Park and Chinese ancient dwellings under construction will open towelcome guests from all over the world. It has initially formed a pattern of"famous historical mountains, important military sites, hometown of emperors,and landscape cities". Bengbu local famous products are unique. Huaiyuan pomegranate, Guzhenpeanut and Wuhe crab are well-known. Bengbu wanjiu is famous all over thecountry. Freshwater pearls and antique jade are well-known at home andabroad. Here, southerners say it's the north, northerners say it's the south. Southrice north, South man north, South tea North wine, South sweet North salty, arenaturally integrated into one. If you can understand the real interest, it'sbetter than traveling thousands of miles. This is a place where legends andmyths grow up; a place where civilization is written with the water of theHuaihe River; a place where boldness and grace can be combined; a place wherepeople can build a country and a country. 蚌埠导游词 篇2蚌埠市位于安徽省北部,北纬32°43′至33°30′,东经116°45′至118°04′,北与宿州市、濉溪县、灵璧县、泗县接壤,南与淮南市、凤阳县相连,东与明光市和江苏省泗洪县毗邻,西与蒙城县、凤台县搭界,西南与淮南市相携,西北与濉溪、蒙城县接壤。城市东西最长距离32.3公里,南北最大跨度23.5公里。津浦铁路从境区中部纵贯南北,淮河自西向东流过境南,辖区大部分处于淮北平原南端。 蚌埠市幅区属黄淮海平原与江淮丘陵的过渡地带,处于江淮分水岭的末稍。境内以平原为主,南部散落丘陵;地面西北倾向东南,自然坡降为万分之一左右。市区大部分座落于淮河南岸,除市中心有孤立蚌山(小南山)一座外,市的东、南、西部有大小20余座山环绕,在市区445.4平方公里的土地上,丘陵山地50平方公里,水面15.3平方公里。地貌主要分平原、丘陵和台地3种。境内平原以黄泛平原为主,另有河间浅洼地平原、含有丘陵的河流低阶地及傍河的河滩地。台地主要分布在沿河以南波状地区,由戚嘴组黄土所构成,分平岗地和倾斜岗地两种。蚌埠丘陵主要分布在市郊淮河以南,为江淮丘陵的北缘。山丘基岩大都经过风化剥蚀而出露,间或有残坡积物,基本不发育,具粗骨性。按地面高度可分为高丘陵和低丘陵。 在大地构造上,蚌埠幅地位于新华夏第二沉降带和秦岭纬向构造带的复合部位,属中朝准地台中淮河台坳的次级构造单位,称“蚌埠台拱”。它早在震旦纪已具明显的抬升作用,至寒武纪晚期形成陆地,嗣后一直呈古陆状态。蚌埠地质历经5次构造运动急剧时期,即蚌埠期、凤阳期、加里东期、燕山期和喜山期,不仅沉积岩层发生褶皱、断裂,也发生岩浆的侵入和喷出活动。地层系华北地层区淮河分区,缺失了中、晚古生界。早古生界以前地层,以变质岩和海相地层为主,而中生界、新生界则以陆相和火山岩为主。蚌埠地层可分上太古界、下元古界、上元古界青白口系、寒武系、侏罗系、白垩系、第三系和第四系,其它地层缺失。蚌埠地质构造、沉积作用较复杂,多次构造旋回作用形成的褶皱广泛出露,蚌埠一带台穹成为淮北、淮南含煤区的天然分界。 蚌埠属北亚热带湿润季风气候与南温带半湿润季风气候区的过渡带,兼有两个气候带的特点。季风显著,四季分明,气候温和,雨量适中,光照充足,无霜期较长。但因处在中纬度,冷暖气团活动交锋频繁,且变化大,加之降水集中,常有旱、涝气候灾害发生,对农业生产有一定影响。蚌埠市日照丰富,辐射热量充足,能满足农作物一年两熟的需要。全年日照可照时数,按天文台测算为4429.2小时,闰年可达4440.1小时。但因阴雨、雾障等因素,实际年日照时数平均仅为2167.5小时,日照率为49%。实际日照时数年际变化很大,据历史气象资料记载:1956年日照时数最多,达2461.5小时;1985年日照时数最少,仅1675.1小时。蚌埠年气温变化和月气温变化有一定的周期规律。年平均气温15.1℃,高于淮北和皖西山区。气温年内变化,1月份最低,平均气温1°C;7月份最高,平均气温28.1℃。气温年比较差27.1℃。 蚌埠导游词 篇3各位朋友: 大家好!欢迎来到美丽的珠城——蚌埠。我给大家简单介绍一下我的家乡——蚌埠。 俗话说“走千走万,不如淮河两岸”。蚌埠正是这样一个坐落在中国南北分界线、淮河中游、安徽北部的城市。蚌埠市是安徽省重要的综合性工业城市,皖北中心城市、交通门户、淮畔明珠。气候宜人,景色秀丽,是一个宜居宜游宜业的山水园林城市。 1947年1月1日,蚌埠正式设市,直属安徽省,为安徽省第一个设市的城市。现辖怀远、五河、固镇三县和龙子湖、蚌山、禹会、淮上四区,高新技术产业开发区和经济开发区两个功能区。全市总面积为5952平方公里,总人口368万,其中,市区建成区面积119平方公里,常住人口127万人。 近年来,蚌埠市委、市政府提出了“重振雄风、再创辉煌,重返安徽第一方阵”的奋斗目标,这是我们蚌埠人民的共同梦想。在市委、市政府的带领下,全市人民求真务实、开拓创新、团结奋斗、不懈努力,经济社会发展取得了巨大的成绩,城市面貌日新月异。20__年,蚌埠市的GDP达到了1007。87亿元,财政收入达到182。82亿元,城乡人均收入达到22397元,增量和增速在全省前列。 蚌埠市的市树?——雪松和中槐,蚌埠市市花——月季花,市歌——《美丽珠城》,蚌埠市城市形象标志——《蚌埠之珠》,当代蚌埠城市精神主题词——禹风厚德、孕沙成珠、务实开放、创业争先。 蚌埠是座美丽的城市。古乃采珠之地,因盛产珍珠而得名,素有“珍珠城”的美誉,所以还有一个别称“珠城”。 蚌埠两个字可拆开而解,蚌,即河蚌;埠,码头。 说到蚌埠这个城市,我觉得可以用几个词来描绘,分别是“文化摇篮”、“帝王故里”、“歌舞之乡”、“火车拉来的城市”。 一、“文化摇篮”是指蚌埠城市虽然年轻,但是历史却很悠久。 “巍巍涂山兴华夏,滔滔淮水母亲河”,淮河流域与黄河流域、长江流域同为中华文明的发源地。 7300年前的文明曙光。1985年蚌埠北郊吴郢乡双墩古遗址发掘出士了大量的陶器、石器、蚌器和骨器等,陶器上刻画符号近600多种,刻画图像线条流畅、造型生动,纹面陶塑人头像为国内罕见。经鉴定该处为7300年前新石器早中期文化遗址。中国科技大学古文字研究所所长王昌燧在《光明日报》上撰文说,双墩遗址出土的刻画符号可能是我国文字的最早起源。在过去的多年里,学术界大多认为,淮河流域在中国古代文明发展过程中,起着沟通黄河、长江流域两大文明中心的桥梁作用。淮河上游的史前文化遗存只被认为是黄河文化影响的结果,而淮河下游的文化依存更多被证明为长江文化的磁力吸附,从而使淮河文化丧失了自我存在和命名的机会。中华文明史被简单地描述为黄河文化和长江文化组成的文明史,淮河流域的史前文化的独立价值和地位被这种既定的文化定论遮蔽了,再加上史载淮河流域自古不断的战乱和洪灾,淮河流域在朝代的历史更替中始终处于历史的沉寂和无名状态,“黄淮”、“江淮”的名称也表明了淮河、淮域的'较低地位。然而近年来对先秦典籍和以双墩文化为代表的淮河流域多处的典型的考古发现均揭示并证实了淮河流域存在着独立发展的史前文化体系,且水平较高并极富个性,为进一步研究中国古代文明起源提供了新的视角和思路。历史学家一般认为,处于淮河中游的这一新石器文化与中原黄河流域和长江流域的新石器文化之间的关系是独立发生、平行发展、逐步融合的,同为中华文明的发源地。 安徽境内明清文化看徽州,汉以前文化看蚌埠之说。 夏文化的诞生地:“夏之兴也以涂山”(《史记》),明确指出了涂山是我国第一个朝代夏文化的诞生地。《左传》说:“禹会诸侯于涂山,执玉帛者万国。”从涂山里走出“繁华的夏后氏部落与夏朝”即“华夏”,渐渐扩散到全国各地,“华夏”二字便成了代表整个国家的名称,华夏族也就成了我国各民族的总称。所以应当说蚌埠这块土地是中华古文化的发祥地之一。 二、帝王故里是指在蚌埠这块热土上,曾经走出过三位历史上有名的帝王。 夏朝是中华民族第一个王朝,它的缔造者禹和启皆出自以涂山为中心的蚌埠地区。蚌埠是我国中华民族原始社会最后一个首领大禹的第二故乡,是他结婚、生子、会诸侯的地方,蚌埠是中国历史上第一个帝王启的家乡和诞生地。 蚌埠是汉高祖刘邦决战项羽成就帝业的历史重地。今固镇县壕城境内的垓下遗址史称霸王城,是楚汉垓下决战时的古战场。《后汉书?李贤注》:“垓下,高祖破项羽也。”经此一战,项羽乌江自刎,刘邦彻底战胜项羽,随后即建立了伟大的汉朝。 蚌埠是明朝开国皇帝朱元璋的龙兴之地。蚌埠在1947年前归凤阳县管辖。凤阳是明开国皇帝朱元璋出生生长,出家,投军的地方。 三、“歌舞之乡”是指汉民族最具代表性的民间舞蹈之一花鼓灯艺术在这里代代传承。 蚌埠花鼓灯源远流长,是淮河文化的典型代表,它以粗犷、欢快、恢谐、优美的舞蹈语汇被周恩来总理誉为“东方芭蕾”。曾参加北京奥运会开幕前的展演,展示了无穷的文化魅力。作为汉民族原生态歌舞,花鼓灯已经被列为国家“非物质文化遗产”名录。花鼓灯已成为蚌埠市文化旅游品牌。花鼓灯第一村——禹会区冯嘴子村,是淮河古老文明的生态旅游文化村。现有灯场、博物园等多项旅游设施,游客不但可以观摩精彩的花鼓灯艺术,还可与演员一道共同起舞,尽享欢快之悦。中国非物质文化文化遗产保护专家委员会专家一致认为:花鼓灯歌舞艺术是淮河中游地区人民的杰出创造,它是汉族民间歌舞的典型代表;是世界上最丰富、系统、完整的民族民间舞蹈。 四、“火车拉来的城市”是指1912年蚌埠铁路大桥建成,津浦铁路全线通车,蚌埠火车站加入津浦铁路正式运营。从此,古渡渔村的蚌埠,在淮河流域的豫东、皖北、苏北、鲁南等一带,成为水运和现代铁路相连的交通枢纽,安徽向京津和宁沪开放的门户。蚌埠作为近代因修建铁路而产生的商埠从此兴起。所以说,蚌埠是火车拉来的城市。 伴随着新中国60多年的光辉历程,蚌埠在商贸重镇的基础上,建成为新兴的工业城市,安徽省的老工业基地。历经改革开放30多年的风雨洗礼,勤劳勇敢务实的蚌埠人民又创造出无愧于先辈的辉煌业绩。物华天宝,人杰地灵的蚌埠,早已从沿淮的“蚌埠街”,发展为跨越淮河两岸的现代化大城市。它现在已经成为华东地区的交通枢纽,皖北地区的商贸中心,京沪铁路上一等客站,千里淮河第一大港。 蚌埠,依山傍水,自然风光优美。历史文化名山——荆涂二山,隔河相望。天下第七泉——白乳泉,泉水纯凉甘洌。龙子湖、四方湖、天井湖、沱湖、天河,风光倚丽,神奇秀美。大巩山森林景色宜人,鸟语花香。三汊河湿地,曲径通幽,野趣盎然。香雪度假村,环境幽雅,花果飘香。现在正在兴建的大明文化产业园、中华古民居也即将开门迎接八方客。初步形成了“历史名山、兵家要地、帝王之乡、山水城市”的格局。 蚌埠土特名优产品独具特色,怀远石榴、固镇花生、五河螃蟹远近闻名,蚌埠皖酒享誉全国,淡水珍珠、古玩玉器更是蜚声海内外。 在这里,南方人说它是北方,北方人说它是南方。南米北面,南蛮北侉,南茶北酒,南甜北咸,都自然的融合为一体了。如果您能领悟其中的真趣,那可是胜过山海万里游呢。这是一个生长传说和神话的地方;一个用淮河之水书写文明的地方;一个豪放与婉约可以相融的地方;一个造就定国安邦人物的地方。 蚌埠导游词 篇4蚌埠有一个美丽的公园,叫“龙子湖公园”。从龙子湖上空鸟瞰,它的形状像一条巨龙,龙子湖的名字由此而来。远远望去,整个公园犹如镶嵌在龙子湖畔的一颗明珠。蜿蜒的小径、浓密的植物林、幽静雅致的栈桥、简洁大气的广场等,如同一幅幅美丽的画卷。 #from 蚌埠龙子湖导游词3篇来自第一范文网#沿兰陵湖向东走,远远地就看到位于龙子湖公园中央直冲云霄的建筑,那就是中国南北分界线标志。它的上半部铸了一条龙,下面有四条守护神兽“朱雀”、“玄武”、“青龙”、“白虎”,好威猛! 龙子湖公园的园内栽了很多树木、花卉、绿色植物,绿地上一些不知名的花儿,散在草丛里,点缀着草坪。绿地前的长椅上,一些游人坐在长椅上赏花、吃薯片,好不自在!从石子路上走过,就到了龙子湖荷花池。满池的荷叶荷花,直逼人眼:粉的、红的、白的花儿有的含苞待放,有的已经怒放,也有的还是花骨朵·····风轻轻一吹,在碧绿的荷叶衬托下,荷花随之舞动,送来淡淡清香,沁人心脾。 离开荷花池,来到石子滩。石子滩上有很多造型各异的大石头,或卧或立,给人一种置身于海滨的感觉。踩着石子,捡起石片打水漂儿。坐在大石头上,听着风吹过海面发出的沙沙声,数一数龙湖的波浪。这一切都那么有情趣! 一直往前走就上了栈桥,长长的栈桥逶迤于龙子湖两岸。迎着微风前行,心中充满了愉悦;微风碧波荡漾,在金色阳光的照射下,波光粼粼,令人心旷神怡。栈桥上偶尔会有人在静静地垂钓,与龙湖美景融为一体。 下了栈桥,就到了龙湖露天剧场。剧场的座位后面是造型独特的挡风建筑物,坐在座位上,享受习习凉风,使人产生无限遐想,别有一番风味。 夜幕降临后的龙子湖更加迷人。当所有景观灯全部打开时,绿化带、道路、景点、栈桥等处处闪耀着璀璨的光芒,火树银花为龙子湖增添了另一重美。在宽广的露天音乐广场,美丽的音乐喷泉高高喷起,随节奏变换不同造型,彩灯衬托出不同的颜色,把淮河畔的蚌埠映照得更加美轮美奂。 蚌埠导游词 篇5Bengbu City is located in the north of Anhui Province, 32 ° 43 ′ n to 33 °30 ′ n, 116 ° 45 ′ e to 118 ° 04 ′ e, bordering Suzhou City, Suixi County,Lingbi county and Sixian County in the north, Huainan City and Fengyang Countyin the south, Mingguang City and Sihong County in Jiangsu Province in the East,Mengcheng County and Fengtai County in the west, Huainan City in the southwestand Suixi and Mengcheng County in the northwest. The longest distance betweenEast and west of the city is 32.3 km, and the largest span between North andsouth is 23.5 km. Jinpu railway runs through the north and south from the middleof the area, and Huaihe River flows from west to East through the south. Bengbu City is located in the transition zone between the Huang Huai HaiPlain and the Jiang Huai hilly region, at the end of the Jiang Huai watershed.The territory is mainly plain, with hills scattered in the South; the groundtends to the northwest and Southeast, and the natural slope is about 1 / 10000.Most of the urban area is located on the South Bank of the Huaihe River. Apartfrom the isolated bengshan (Xiaonanshan) in the center of the city, there aremore than 20 mountains in the East, South and west of the city. On 445.4 squarekilometers of land in the urban area, there are 50 square kilometers of hillsand 15.3 square kilometers of water. The landform is mainly divided into plain,hill and platform. The plain in the territory is mainly the Yellow River floodplain, and there are also shallow depression plain between rivers, low terraceof rivers with hills and beach land beside rivers. The platform is mainlydistributed in the wavy area to the south of the river, which is composed ofloess of qizui formation, and can be divided into two types: flat and inclined.Bengbu hills are mainly distributed in the south of Huaihe River, which is thenorthern edge of Jianghuai hills. The bedrock of the hill is mostly exposedafter weathering and denudation, and occasionally there are residual slopedeposits, which are basically undeveloped and coarse bony. According to theground height, it can be divided into high hills and low hills. Tectonically, Bengbu sheet is located in the composite part of the secondNeocathaysian subsidence zone and the Qinling latitudinal structural zone. Itbelongs to the secondary structural unit of the Zhonghuai River platformdepression of the Sino Korean paraplatform, which is called "Bengbu platformarch". It had been uplifted obviously as early as the Sinian, and formed a landin the late Cambrian, and has been in the state of ancient land ever since.Bengbu geology experienced five periods of rapid tectonic movement, namelyBengbu period, Fengyang period, Caledonian period, Yanshanian period andHimalayan period. The Huaihe division of the North China stratigraphic arealacks the middle and late Paleozoic. The pre Paleozoic strata are dominated bymetamorphic rocks and marine strata, while the Mesozoic and Cenozoic strata aredominated by continental and volcanic rocks. The strata in Bengbu can be dividedinto upper Archean, Lower Proterozoic, Upper Proterozoic, Qingbaikou, Cambrian,Jurassic, Cretaceous, tertiary and Quaternary. The geological structure andsedimentation of Bengbu are complex. Folds formed by multiple tectonic cyclesare widely exposed. The platform dome in Bengbu area becomes the naturalboundary of Huaibei and Huainan coal bearing areas. Bengbu is a transitional zone between the humid monsoon climate in thenorth subtropical zone and the semi humid monsoon climate in the south temperatezone. The monsoon is significant, the four seasons are distinct, the climate ismild, the rainfall is moderate, the light is sufficient, and the frost freeperiod is long. However, in the middle latitudes, the cold and warm air massactivities meet frequently and change greatly. In addition, the precipitation isconcentrated, and drought and waterlogging climate disasters often occur, whichhas a certain impact on agricultural production. Bengbu City is rich in sunshineand sufficient radiation heat, which can meet the needs of two crops a year. Theannual sunshine hours are estimated to be 4429.2 hours by the observatory and4440.1 hours in leap years. However, due to rain, fog and other factors, theaverage annual sunshine hours is only 2167.5 hours, and the sunshine rate is49%. The actual sunshine hours vary greatly from year to year. According tohistorical meteorological data, the sunshine hours in 1956 were the most,reaching 2461.5 hours; the sunshine hours in 1985 were the least, only 1675.1hours. The annual and monthly temperature changes in Bengbu have a certainperiodic law. The annual average temperature is 15.1 ℃, which is higher thanthat in Huaibei and Wanxi mountain areas. The annual variation of temperature isthe lowest in January with an average temperature of 1 ° C, and the highest inJuly with an average temperature of 28.1 ℃. The annual temperature difference is27.1 ℃. 蚌埠导游词 篇6欢迎大家来到蚌埠龙子湖!我是你们的导游,我姓x,大家可以叫我小x。为了便于大家参观游玩,下面我首先大家介绍一下。 龙子湖根据地理位置、地貌及景观特征,划分为北湖景区、南湖景区、西芦山景区、锥子山景区等四大景区。龙子湖三面环山,山水相依。湖东岸有曹山、锥子山,绵延起伏如龙,又称“双龙山”;南有大小九条沟渠,是龙湖发源地;西侧有雪华山、梅花山,山体植被茂盛,青山绿水,闻名遐尔。风景区内的烈士陵园、汤和墓已成为爱国主义教育基地,其它景观如淮河风情园、水上乐园等也是多姿多彩、各有特色。1998年,龙子湖风景区被安徽省政府命名为省级风景名胜区。20__年,龙子湖风景名胜区被国家环保总局批准为国家级生态示范区。 龙子湖景区内青山碧水相连,湖岸曲折多变,水面纵深开阔,绝壁怪岩裸露。集风景怡人的自然风光、韵味无穷的人文景观为一体,有城市交通干道环绕,以现代化的城市为依托,景区内有省、市级文物保护单位以及古银杏(唐代)、石屋(唐代)、栖岩寺遗址(明代)、玲珑塔遗址(东汉)等古迹或遗址。风景区内的烈士陵园、汤和墓已成为爱国主义教育基地,其它景观如淮河风情园、水上乐园等也是多姿多彩、各有特色。 郑东新区龙子湖高校园区内规划有龙子湖,取“望子成龙”之意。龙子湖湖面伸入各大学校区,湖中有近两千亩的湖心岛,岛上规划有图书馆、体育场等公共设施。龙子湖通过运河与龙湖及其他河渠相连,是郑东新区生态水系的重要组成部分,也为高校园区的莘莘学子们创造了优美独特的学习和生活环境。华北水利水电大学、河南财经政法大学、河南农业大学、河南大学国际学院、河南中医学院、郑州航空工业管理学院、河南警察学院、郑州牧业工程高等专科学校、河南经贸职业学院、河南职业技术学院、河南司法警察职业学院、河南广播电视大学、郑州广播电视大学、河南教育学院、河南省社会主义学院和市奥体中心及省残联服务中心等十几所高校新校区及公共设施沿龙子湖呈环状分布。 高校形成的环形区域内,高校之间不建围墙,仅以道路、河流或者绿化带相隔,彼此一览无余。没有了围墙,区域内各大学按新的模式建造、运作。高校学生可以到其他学校听课、修学分。教师也可以在其他学校教课,从而使各高校的资源得到优化配置。龙子湖区已发展成为河南省新的人才输出地、技术产出地,为郑州市乃至河南省的发展提供了强有力的人才及技术支撑。 今天我的讲解就到此结束了,下面是大家自由参观的时间,我们大概在30分钟后在门口集合,希望这次参观能给大家留下一个深刻的印象,预祝大家能玩的开心,谢谢 蚌埠导游词 篇7双墩遗址位于安徽省蚌埠市淮上区小蚌埠镇双墩村北。“双墩文化”遗址出土了大量的陶器、石器、骨角器、蚌器、红烧土块建筑遗存、动物骨骼,以及螺蚌壳等,种类繁多,既有生产工具、生活用具,也有大批刻画符号和泥塑艺术品。 双墩遗址出土的距今约7000年左右文化遗物达600多件刻画符号的古陶器,这些陶器纹饰简练,手法粗犷、写实中有夸张,风格神奇怪异,很有原始艺术的趣味和神秘感。多数刻画有符号、图画,或者含有符号的组合图画。符号基本上都刻画在陶碗的圈足内,仅有少数符号刻画在碗的腹部或其他器物的不同部位,其中有大量逼真的象形动物刻画符号,以鱼纹、猪纹为多,还有鹿、蚕、鸟、虫。蚌埠市博物馆研究员徐大立说,经过研究,发现一种“四叶花”的形象不时出现,这可能是当时“物候立法”的内容。狩猎、捕鱼、网鸟、养蚕、种植等内容,仿佛一幅幅“连环画”。 20__年10月中旬,备受关注的双墩遗址开始进行二次发掘,分布在整个双墩遗址的西北角的16个探方,考古队一一展开挖掘。通过前期的考古发掘证实,双墩遗址东西北三面环水。在探方内,露天土层上分布着大小不同、形状各异的陶片、蚌壳、螺蛳壳以及兽骨,工作人员正小心翼翼的将泥土与器物分离。该遗址已经出土大量器物,其中有大量夹砂陶、泥质陶等陶片,有口大底小的大型炊器以及支脚、支座。形式各异的平底釜和大量的兽骨、鱼骨、贝壳,以及形似靴子、用鹿角制成的器物、网坠等。此次在遗址北部发现了一片陶片堆,南部发现了用螺壳堆砌的条带状沟槽,遗址外围还有一道壕沟将其区分开来。“从这些出土的陶片可以看出,都是经过人为选择的。此外,这与之前推断遗址的面积不符,相比较而言面积比较小。在此区域内,发掘出大量的陶片、动物骨骼等文化遗物,而且其中的陶器绝大部分都是碎的,这可能和祭祀活动有关。 研究刻画符号的专家们做出了这样的结论-双墩的刻画符号与西安半坡、临潼姜寨、宜昌杨家湾、秭归柳林溪、青海柳湾以及大汶口、良渚等其他新石器时代遗址的刻画符号相比,有一定相似之处,但也有自身明显特征。这类刻画符号在定远侯家寨遗址也有发现,表明它是一定地域范围氏族群落之间表达特定含义的记录符号。双墩遗址距今7000年左右,陶塑纹面人头像,被定为国家一级文物。 双墩遗址发掘大面积密集出土的文物、特殊分布样式以及其中蕴含的文化内涵,在国内同时期文化遗址中堪称绝无仅有。已确定遗址北部与祭祀活动有关。 双墩遗址二次发掘,将为探索淮河流域古代文明的起源,了解淮河流域文明和黄河、长江流域文明的关系提供全新的佐证。 蚌埠导游词 篇8Shuangdun site is located in the north of Shuangdun village, xiaobengbuTown, Huaishang District, Bengbu City, Anhui Province. There are a large numberof pottery, stone tools, bone horn ware, clam ware, burnt earth buildingremains, animal bones, conch shells, etc. unearthed from the site of Shuangdunculture. There are many kinds of production tools, living utensils, a largenumber of depiction symbols and clay sculpture works. About 7000 years ago, more than 600 pieces of ancient pottery depictingsymbols were unearthed from Shuangdun site. These pottery have simple patterns,rough techniques, exaggeration in realism, magical and strange styles, and havethe taste and mystery of primitive art. Most depict symbols, pictures, orcomposite pictures containing symbols. Most of the symbols are depicted in thecircle feet of the bowl, and only a few are depicted in the abdomen of the bowlor in different parts of other utensils. Among them, there are a large number ofvivid pictographic symbols, most of which are fish patterns and pig patterns, aswell as deer, silkworms, birds and insects. Xu Dali, a researcher of BengbuMuseum, said that after research, it was found that the image of "four leafflower" appeared from time to time, which may be the content of "phenologylegislation" at that time. Hunting, fishing, netting, sericulture, planting andso on are like "comic strips". In the middle of October 20__, the second excavation of Shuangdun site,which has attracted much attention, began. The archaeological team excavated 16exploration sites in the northwest corner of Shuangdun site one by one.According to the early archaeological excavation, Shuangdun site is surroundedby water from east to west and North. In the exploration area, pottery pieces,clam shells, snail shells and animal bones of different sizes and shapes aredistributed on the open-air soil layer. The staff are carefully separating thesoil from the utensils. A large number of utensils have been unearthed from thesite, including a large number of pottery pieces such as sand pottery and claypottery, large cooking utensils with large mouth and small bottom, as well assupporting feet and supports. There are various types of flat bottomedcauldrons, a large number of animal bones, fish bones and shells, as well asboots, utensils made of antlers and net pendants. This time, a pile of potterypieces was found in the northern part of the site, a strip-shaped groove withspiral shells was found in the southern part, and a trench was found outside thesite to distinguish them. "It can be seen from these unearthed pieces that theywere all selected artificially. In addition, this is not consistent with thearea previously inferred, which is relatively small. In this area, a largenumber of cultural relics such as pottery pieces and animal bones have beenexcavated, and most of the pottery is broken, which may be related tosacrificial activities. Experts who study the symbols have come to the conclusion that the symbolsof Shuangdun are similar to those of other Neolithic sites, such as Banpo inXi'an, Jiangzhai in Lintong, Yangjiawan in Yichang, liulinxi in Zigui, Liuwan inQinghai, Dawenkou and Liangzhu, but they also have their own characteristics.This kind of depiction symbol is also found in the houjiazhai site in Dingyuan,which indicates that it is a record symbol to express specific meanings amongclan communities in a certain area. Shuangdun site about 7000 years ago, thehead of pottery face, is designated as a national cultural relic. Shuangdun site excavated a large area of cultural relics, specialdistribution pattern and cultural connotation, which is unique in the sameperiod of cultural sites in China. It has been confirmed that the northern partof the site is related to sacrificial activities. The second excavation of Shuangdun site will provide new evidence forexploring the origin of ancient civilization in the Huaihe River Basin andunderstanding the relationship between the civilization in the Huaihe RiverBasin and that in the Yellow River and Yangtze river basins. 蚌埠导游词 篇9The imperial mausoleum is the first mausoleum built in Ming Dynasty. Thereare three walls in the imperial mausoleum. The inner part is the Imperial City,with a perimeter of 251 meters. The four gates are decorated with red clay. Themiddle part is the brick city, with a perimeter of about 3 kilometers. The outerpart is the Earth City, with a perimeter of 14 kilometers. The overall layoutadopts "three sets of square cities", and the cemetery is developed into apattern of three walls. The stone carvings are placed in front of the ImperialCity, the mausoleum is behind the Imperial City, the hall is in the ImperialCity, and the Huabiao is placed between the stone beast and the stone horse.Because the direction of the mausoleum faces north by East, the buildings on theNorth-South central axis face north, and the north gate of the outer city is themain gate, which is obviously inclined to the Northeast central capital. Fromnorth to south, the main Red Gate of Tucheng is Hongqiao, lingxingmen,zhuanchengminglou, Shinto, Yuqiao, huangchengjinmen, huangtang,huangchenghouhongmen, Fenqiu, zhuanchengnanminglou and Tucheng Nanmen. On bothsides of the 3.4-kilometer-long central axis, there are the east corner gate andthe west corner gate symmetrically. There are two rows of stone statues on theleft and right, the imperial mausoleum stele and the wordless stele, the Eastand West veranda, the Dongming tower and the Ximing tower, the east gate and theWest gate. Other buildings inside and outside the mausoleum wall are alsogenerally East-West or north-south symmetrical. Imperial city When the imperial mausoleum was built, it was built with a brick base, twofeet high, seventy-five feet high, and red clay. Main hall nine, Dan Bi three,yellow glazed tile, green painted color. Five rooms in Kinmen. There are elevenrooms on the left and eleven on the right. One stove. There is a corner gate onthe left and right. Back Red Gate Five. There are two stele pavilions on theleft and one on the left. There are five royal bridges across Jinshui River.Huabiao, together with 36 pairs of stone man and stone beast, is in the northgate, and the two sides reach to the north of jinmenwai Yuqiao. Above all yellowglazed tile, green and blue painted, 20 families take turns to keep. Brick city A brick city was built in the imperial mausoleum. It was built with bricksinside and outside. It was two feet high. On Saturday, it was 118 steps away andopened four doors. All of them had buildings. The tower has four gates, fourseats and five double eaves. There are six rooms in Jufu hall. There are twokitchens. There are six government offices. There are four straight rooms, fiveon each side, and eleven on each side. All above are Fuwa. There are threeLingxing gates with green glaze. There are five red bridges. The above-mentioned11 groups are guarded in turn. A magic kitchen, in the east of the north gate.Twenty cooks were directly in charge. There are five famous cooks. There arefive rooms in the north and five in the south. There are six slaughter kitchens.There are five wine rooms. There are three doors. It's the Tianchi Lake. A drumroom, a sacrifice to the more. Zhaigong a, to the northeast of the north gate amile, new income households take turns to keep watch. There are five rooms inthe main hall. There are three halls. There are five bedrooms. There are fivekitchens. There are five rooms on the left and five on the right. Three rooms inred gate. There are five rooms in the middle gate. There are five rooms in thewing room and five in the East and five in the West. Two corner gates. There arethree rooms in the East and three in the West. Three red bridges have beenbuilt. Mix a hall, go to North Gate northeast two Li, new income householddirect guard. There are five rooms in the main room. Two pools. There's adoor. Tucheng The imperial mausoleum was built into an earthen city. On Tuesday, 18 Li,44 families took turns to keep watch, and set up the imperial mausoleum guardpatrol Chuo. Red gate three, in the north, to the northeast. Shenlu is three lilong, with pines and cypresses planted beside it. It reaches the capital city,and also has its own guards. Two East West corner doors. There are two officialhalls, namely the Yamen of the ancestral temple, three in the East, three in theWest and three in the south. Straight landlord, West, South three outside thedoor. Dismount eight, outside the fourth gate. There are thirteen pavilions.Shuiguan and dashuiguan are located in the northeast corner of Tucheng, fromwhich water flows into Huaihe River. There are 19 xiaoshuiguan on all sides.Huangtang bridge, north of dashuiguan. There are forty straight rooms outside,outside the gate of Dongjiao, where the sacrificial officials of the Yamen arestationed. 蚌埠导游词 篇10Bengbu Lake rising moon (ancient residential Expo Park) is located in thesouth of Longzi, Bengbu City, Anhui Province. It is a large-scale tourismproject focusing on the restoration and reconstruction of 450 traditionalresidential buildings in different regions. It has distinctive nationalcharacteristics, outstanding tourism cultural functions and huge marketoperation potential. The goal of the project is to create a national 5A scenicspot. After completion, it is of great significance to enrich the tourismresources of Northern Anhui and improve the tourism strategic pattern of thewhole province. The environmental landscape and greening construction of the "Lake risingbright moon" ancient dwellings Expo Park, including mountain piling, Lakeexpansion, island building, river opening, greening and other seven projects,focuses on providing a beautiful ecological environment with mountains, water,flowers and trees for ancient dwellings. At present, the mountain project of thepark has been completed, with a total of 3000 mu of trees planted, 500 ancientand famous trees planted, and a 2.6 km Lagerstroemia veranda corridor built."One big and five small" six central islands have been built. Road hardening inthe park has been completed. The mountain landscape and drainage system werefully constructed, and nine vehicular bridges connecting large and small islandswere built. In the past, the fish ponds and depressions on the beaches presentedthe "mountain" landscape with rolling hills and winding mountain roads. So far, 450 ancient residential components have been transported to Bengbu.These 450 ancient dwellings come from different areas and were rescued from thedemolition site of old district reconstruction and municipal construction. Someof them are the Ming Dynasty buildings four or five hundred years ago, which arevery precious. Due to various reasons, they have been damaged to varyingdegrees. Over the past five years, more than 100 craftsmen have carefully carvedand repaired 450 buildings. The ancient residential style street has taken the lead in thecomprehensive construction of the main lake island, and nearly 200 ancientresidential beams and columns frame construction, wall masonry and roof coveringhave been completed. We should pay close attention to the construction of thespecial cultural scenic spots on the south side of Ziwei corridor. The cultural attractions of ancient residential areas are the focus andessence of the project, and about twenty plans are built. The first batch of tenhave started construction or are about to start construction. The main attractions are: The old street. It is located in the middle of the main lake island,covering an area of 150 mu. It is composed of nearly 200 Hui Style ancientdwellings. There are two circles of shops around the island in the inner circle.After more than two years of construction, the outline of the shop has begun toappear. After completion, the streets and alleys are scattered, small bridgesand flowing families are scattered all over restaurants, teahouses and cafes,inns and lodging, galleries and bookstores, cinemas and cinemas The water systemaround the island is connected with the sightseeing river course of the park,and 24 stone bridges with different shapes are erected, forming a beautifullandscape of the new "24 bridges". Ancient drama and Chinese Taiwan opera workshop. The Ancient Drama Workshop in themiddle of the main lake has been built and put into trial operation. Built in1888, it is a rare indoor stage. On May 6, 20__, in commemoration of the 400thanniversary of Tang Xianzu's death, Shanghai Kunju Opera Troupe and Anhui Sizhoutheater performed Peony Pavilion on the same stage. The Municipal Bureau ofculture, radio, film and television (Tourism Bureau) held an awarding ceremonyto use it as a base for the transmission and study of huagudeng, a nationalintangible cultural heritage, and Sizhou opera. The hometown of Shangshu. Located in Longwei of the park, the Ni ancestralhall in Qimen has been completed. The ancestral hall, with an originalconstruction area of more than 800 square meters, was built in Zhukou ancientvillage in Qimen, Anhui Province, which is known as the "hometown of Shangshu".Some components of the main house are the original buildings of the MingDynasty. Forward stone column ring stand, eaves gallery high, patio open. Afterthe restoration, an ancient stage was built in the damaged area, and side halls,guest rooms and courtyards were added on both sides. The area was expanded to3000 square meters, with complete functions and grand momentum. The red house is a sacred site. Construction has started. It is composed ofseven old houses of Yan and Cai families and a 500 year old Yan ancestral hall.The red brick houses built from the imperial palace were rescued from an ancientvillage in Quanzhou, Southern Fujian. Quanzhou is an ancient oriental port,known as the starting point of the maritime "Silk Road". The largest surname inthe village is Yan, a descendant of Yan Hui, the first disciple of Confucius.One belt, one road, the 500 year's ancestral hall of Yan, records the deeds ofancient sages and witnesses the distant starting point of "one belt and oneroad". There is one "home" on both sides of the Strait. Construction has started.A large house of Hou family in Ningbo, Zhejiang Province, with a constructionarea of 20__ square meters and a history of more than 200 years ago, tells theheavy stories of life and death, joys and sorrows of the compatriots on bothsides of the Strait, and witnesses the constant love between the two sides ofthe Strait, calling for the reunification of the motherland and the rejuvenationof the nation. Deep lane wine. Construction has started. Ruanshe is one of the three majorwine towns in Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province, which is famous for its high qualityyellow rice wine. The wine Lane on the Bank of Chiwan river is the birthplace ofshanyuantai distillery and zhangdongming distillery. The yellow rice wine hasrich aroma and sweet taste, which is sold in and out of the province. Theancient appearance of Zhangzhai can be discerned, with three boards and twoboards of stone walls on both sides, which has the typical characteristics ofwater villages in eastern Zhejiang. Due to the reconstruction of the old city,the wine lane was completely demolished. Fortunately, the wooden components,stone slabs and some wine making utensils preserved by the descendants of theZhang family were saved and collected. According to the mapping drawings andrelevant information, the wine Lane will be rebuilt in the garden. "Deep lanewine" will become a unique cultural landscape to show Chinese wine culture. Linchuan dream. The planning and design have been completed. Linchuanancient dwellings in Jiangxi Province have clear water walls and uniquearchitectural style. It is also famous for being the hometown of "OrientalShakespeare" and Ming Dynasty playwright Tang Xianzu. According to the relevanthistorical data, the scenic spot uses an ancient house of Ming Dynasty inLinchuan to rebuild "Yuming hall", and at the same time, it is equipped withfour dream terrace, Golden Pavilion, garden, pond and other landscapefacilities. Form a garden style "Peony Pavilion" landscape, and can be "PeonyPavilion" live performance. Governor's residence. The wooden members have been handed over to us andare under repair planning. Part of the wooden members of the beam frame of NiGong temple are collected in Bengbu Museum. Ni sichong is an importanthistorical figure in the modern history of China, especially in the period ofBeiyang government. He once "stayed in Bengbu and ruled Anhui" for ten years.The temple was built in the spring of 1921, but it was demolished in the processof urban reconstruction because of its disrepair and serious damage. Ni Gongtemple has been more than 90 years, with typical characteristics of the timesand region, and has certain historical and cultural value. In cooperation withBengbu Museum, we are planning to build Bengbu historical and folk exhibitionhall to create ancient residential architectural and cultural attractions withNorthern Anhui characteristics. The twin towers reflect the lake. Construction has started. The seven storyLongji pagoda on the north side of the park has been capped with wood structure.The tower is 45 meters high with a construction area of 340 square meters. Thesecond floor is a wide viewing platform. Visitors can enjoy a panoramic view ofthe park. In the distance, the wooden structure of the pavilion in the center ofthe artificial lake has been capped. Depending on the lakes and mountains, thetowers and pavilions can be seen from afar, and the two towers reflect the lake,which has become a landmark building of the ancient residential Expo Park. Oriental tree. A special hall will be built in the garden to house the"king of ebony" of China. Ebony is formed in the specific current and geologicalconditions between 3000 to 10000 years, and is known as "Oriental sacred wood".The ebony is more than ten meters long and needs to be hugged by several people.It is so huge that it is rare and precious. It can be called the treasure of thetown In addition, it also meticulously creates high-quality cultural facilitiesand cultural projects. The renovated and rebuilt ancient dwellings are not onlyfor viewing, but also for citizens and tourists at home and abroad to enter andenjoy the ancient dwellings. Based on the platform of ancient dwellings, wefocus on introducing a number of influential cultural projects to create anumber of high-quality cultural facilities. 蚌埠导游词 篇11我家在蚌埠,那里的龙子湖很漂亮,湖里还养着珍珠呢!所以我们这还叫珠城。 龙子湖水乍看,犹如一潭诱人的陈酒,静静的;细看宛如一面翡翠帷幕中的宝镜,亮亮的,湖平似镜!龙子湖的早晨是迷人的,轻纱笼罩的湖水温柔、清澈。朝霞似乎等不及水面上轻柔的白沙散尽,就把霞光倾注在水中了。这时水像碧玉般的绿和胭脂般的红交融在一起。中午朝阳又射向湖面,微风乍起把湖面搅的起满了碎金。不时有几条小鱼跳起水面,给湖面加上了微微的涟漪。 谁能相信这是大自然的现实,而不是大胆的梦幻呢!我想象着当年大自然在创造龙子湖的时候,一定毫不犹豫的甩下那些精美的刻刀。这就是自然的美。 啊!龙子湖,梦幻般的湖! 蚌埠导游词 篇12我的家乡有一个美丽的湖,叫龙子湖,那里风景优美物产丰富,是个旅游、休闲的好地方。 春天,柳树抽出嫩绿的枝条,长出绿绿的叶子,让我想到“碧玉装成一树高,万条垂下绿丝绦”的美丽景象。小溪边大人和小孩在大树下玩耍,大树下的草地上开满野花,有红的、白的、粉的、蓝的五颜六色美丽极了!瞧!小蜜蜂、小蝴蝶们都被这美丽的花海吸引了过来! 夏天,树木长得葱葱郁郁挡住了火热的太阳,小鸟在枝头欢快的叫着,蝉也一直叫着“知了、知了”好像在说“太热了、太热了”。河水在太阳的照射下变得波光粼粼,有人在水面上划船,有人在水里游泳,还有的人光着脚丫在河里摸鱼捉虾、嬉戏打闹。夏天的龙子湖可真热闹! 秋天,火红的枫叶像一堆堆火焰让龙子湖变红了,真是“霜叶红于二月花”啊!银杏变黄了像一把把黄色的小扇子,扇呀扇扇来了秋天的凉爽,真是“霜叶红于二月花”啊!可是松柏却还是那么绿。我真喜欢秋天的龙子湖啊! 冬天,龙子湖被白雪笼罩就像覆盖了一层厚厚的奶油,就像诗中的“忽如一夜春风来,千树万树梨花开”,这个粉妆玉砌的世界美丽极了,小朋友们有的在堆雪人,有的在打雪仗,还有的在滚雪球,还有的在滑冰。我不会忘记这美丽的场景。 龙子湖的风景真美啊! 蚌埠导游词 篇13蚌埠有一个美丽的公园,叫“龙子湖公园”。 从龙子湖上空鸟瞰,它的形状像一条巨龙,龙子湖的名字由此而来。远远望去,整个公园犹如镶嵌在龙子湖畔的一颗明珠。蜿蜒的小径、浓密的植物林、幽静雅致的栈桥、简洁大气的广场等,如同一幅幅美丽的画卷。 沿兰陵湖向东走,远远地就看到位于龙子湖公园中央直冲云霄的建筑,那就是中国南北分界线标志。它的上半部铸了一条龙,下面有四条守护神兽 “朱雀”、“玄武”、“青龙”、“白虎”,好威猛! 龙子湖公园的园内栽了很多树木、花卉、绿色植物,绿地上一些不知名的花儿,散在草丛里,点缀着草坪。绿地前的长椅上,一些游人坐在长椅上赏花、吃薯片,好不自在!从石子路上走过,就到了龙子湖荷花池。满池的荷叶荷花,直逼人眼:粉的、红的、白的花儿有的含苞待放,有的已经怒放,也有的还是花骨朵·····风轻轻一吹,在碧绿的荷叶衬托下,荷花随之舞动,送来淡淡清香,沁人心脾。 离开荷花池,来到石子滩。石子滩上有很多造型各异的大石头,或卧或立,给人一种置身于海滨的感觉。踩着石子,捡起石片打水漂儿。坐在大石头上,听着风吹过海面发出的沙沙声,数一数龙湖的波浪。这一切都那么有情趣! 一直往前走就上了栈桥,长长的栈桥逶迤于龙子湖两岸。迎着微风前行,心中充满了愉悦;微风碧波荡漾,在金色阳光的照射下,波光粼粼,令人心旷神怡。栈桥上偶尔会有人在静静地垂钓,与龙湖美景融为一体。 下了栈桥,就到了龙湖露天剧场。剧场的座位后面是造型独特的挡风建筑物,坐在座位上,享受习习凉风,使人产生无限遐想,别有一番风味。 夜幕降临后的龙子湖更加迷人。当所有景观灯全部打开时,绿化带、道路、景点、栈桥等处处闪耀着璀璨的光芒,火树银花为龙子湖增添了另一重美。在宽广的露天音乐广场,美丽的音乐喷泉高高喷起,随节奏变换不同造型,彩灯衬托出不同的颜色,把淮河畔的蚌埠映照得更加美轮美奂。 蚌埠导游词 篇14欢迎大家来到蚌埠龙子湖!我是你们的导游,我姓x,大家可以叫我小x。为了便于大家参观游玩,下面我首先大家介绍一下。 龙子湖根据地理位置、地貌及景观特征,划分为北湖景区、南湖景区、西芦山景区、锥子山景区等四大景区。龙子湖三面环山,山水相依。湖东岸有曹山、锥子山,绵延起伏如龙,又称“双龙山”;南有大小九条沟渠,是龙湖发源地;西侧有雪华山、梅花山,山体植被茂盛,青山绿水,闻名遐尔。风景区内的烈士陵园、汤和墓已成为爱国主义教育基地,其它景观如淮河风情园、水上乐园等也是多姿多彩、各有特色。1998年,龙子湖风景区被安徽省政府命名为省级风景名胜区。20xx年,龙子湖风景名胜区被国家环保总局批准为国家级生态示范区。 龙子湖景区内青山碧水相连,湖岸曲折多变,水面纵深开阔,绝壁怪岩裸露。集风景怡人的自然风光、韵味无穷的人文景观为一体,有城市交通干道环绕,以现代化的城市为依托,景区内有省、市级文物保护单位以及古银杏(唐代)、石屋(唐代)、栖岩寺遗址(明代)、玲珑塔遗址(东汉)等古迹或遗址。风景区内的烈士陵园、汤和墓已成为爱国主义教育基地,其它景观如淮河风情园、水上乐园等也是多姿多彩、各有特色。 郑东新区龙子湖高校园区内规划有龙子湖,取“望子成龙”之意。龙子湖 湖面伸入各大学校区,湖中有近两千亩的湖心岛,岛上规划有图书馆、体育场等公共设施。龙子湖通过运河与龙湖及其他河渠相连,是郑东新区生态水系的重要组成部分,也为高校园区的莘莘学子们创造了优美独特的学习和生活环境。华北水利水电大学、河南财经政法大学、河南农业大学、河南大学国际学院、河南中医学院、郑州航空工业管理学院、河南警察学院、郑州牧业工程高等专科学校、河南经贸职业学院、河南职业技术学院、河南司法警察职业学院、河南广播电视大学、郑州广播电视大学、河南教育学院、河南省社会主义学院和市奥体中心及省残联服务中心等十几所高校新校区及公共设施沿龙子湖呈环状分布。 高校形成的环形区域内,高校之间不建围墙,仅以道路、河流或者绿化带相隔,彼此一览无余。没有了围墙,区域内各大学按新的模式建造、运作。高校学生可以到其他学校听课、修学分。教师也可以在其他学校教课,从而使各高校的资源得到优化配置。龙子湖区已发展成为河南省新的人才输出地、技术产出地,为郑州市乃至河南省的发展提供了强有力的人才及技术支撑。 今天我的讲解就到此结束了,下面是大家自由参观的时间,我们大概在30分钟后在门口集合,希望这次参观能给大家留下一个深刻的印象,预祝大家能玩的开心,谢谢 蚌埠导游词 篇15我家在蚌埠,那里的龙子湖很漂亮,湖里还养着珍珠呢!所以我们这还叫珠城。 龙子湖水乍看,犹如一潭诱人的陈酒,静静的;细看宛如一面翡翠帷幕中的宝镜,亮亮的,湖平似镜!龙子湖的早晨是迷人的,轻纱笼罩的湖水温柔、清澈。朝霞似乎等不及水面上轻柔的白沙散尽,就把霞光倾注在水中了。这时水像碧玉般的绿和胭脂般的红交融在一起。中午朝阳又射向湖面,微风乍起把湖面搅的起满了碎金。不时有几条小鱼跳起水面,给湖面加上了微微的涟漪。 谁能相信这是大自然的现实,而不是大胆的梦幻呢!我想象着当年大自然在创造龙子湖的时候,一定毫不犹豫的甩下那些精美的刻刀。这就是自然的美。 啊!龙子湖,梦幻般的湖! |
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