标题 | 游天柱山的导游词 |
范文 | 游天柱山的导游词(精选3篇) 游天柱山的导游词 篇1各位远道而来的朋友们大家好! 大家一路辛苦了,欢迎大家来天柱山旅游观光!天柱山景区因为你们的到来而倍添光彩!我是来自安徽旅行社的导游,我叫王萍,三横一竖王,大家可以叫我小王或王导.坐在我们旁边的着位呢,是我们的司机王师傅,王师傅可是一位有着多年驾驶经验的老司机了,所以大家坐他的车可以尽管放心!在今天的游程中呢,如果大家有什么问题,都可以向我们提出来,我们将尽可能为大家解决.好了,最后,我提前预祝大家本次天柱山之旅愉快! 现在时间还早,先让我来介绍下天柱山的大致概况吧!天柱山在长江北岸、安徽省潜山境内,因其高耸挺立,如巨柱擎天而得名。天柱山过去还有潜山、皖山、万岁山称。据说,称万岁山是因汉武帝南巡时,亲临皖山设台祭岳,敕封皖山为“南岳”,在祭岳时,人群高呼万岁,所以将此山称为万岁山。隋唐以后,南岳改为衡山,天柱山被列为国内五大镇山之“中镇”。唐代大诗人李白曾写了一着赞美天柱山风景奇秀的诗“江上望皖公山”,皖公山即天柱山,诗云:“奇峰山奇云,秀木含秀气。清晏皖公山,绝称人意......” 车过旌驾桥,我们就进入了天柱山的南哨——三祖寺景区.三祖寺景区是天柱山人文景点最集中、文化品位最高的一个文化精品景区。我们将在这里感受到天柱山神秘的宗教文化和帝王文化,观赏到具有历代书法艺术长廊之称的国家重点文保单位摩崖石刻群。 (进入其南大门野人寨上行不远就到达三祖寺。这是天柱山最著名的景点。相传,寺始建于南朝,现仅存藏经楼、偏房数间和屹立于寺前的觉寂塔。三祖寺西,有大石累累的山谷,谷侧陡岩直立,谷中流水潺潺,松竹遮天蔽日,称之为“山谷流泉”。山谷门有一石洞,石洞前有一巨石状如卧牛,称“石牛古洞”。相传,北宋人黄庭坚曾坐此石上读书,并自号“山谷道人”。在这里的一块巨石上刻有黄庭坚的诗和同时代大画家李公麟所绘的黄庭坚坐于石牛上的画像。这件珍贵的古代诗画刻石,现仍清晰可见。) 话不多说,我们现在就出发吧 。很快我们就到野人寨景区了!野寨是“野人寨”的简称。这样依山傍水、风景如画的地方怎么取名“野人寨”呢?这里有两个动人的传说:一说是很早以前,这一带常有野人出没,伤害人畜。当时的一位县令决心牺牲自己,解救民众。他带上好酒好菜,深入野人洞中,陪野人喝酒,命人用生铁水将洞口凝住,和野人同归于荆其二,说是在南宋末年,本地土豪刘源率十万义兵在天柱山抗元。他自号“刘野人”,在谷口扎的第一寨命名“野人寨”。刘源抗元前后十八年,最后被内奸出卖壮烈牺牲。后人为纪念他,野人寨的名字延用至今。 潜山天柱山导游词3 各位朋友,早上好!我是今天天柱山之行的导游员,首先,请允许我代表我所在的阳光旅行社对大家的到来表示热烈的欢迎!能为大家提供导游服务我感到非常荣幸,忘了自我介绍了,我姓王,大家可以叫我小王,我身后的这位司机师傅呢,姓刘,别看他年轻,他可是有着多年的驾驶经验,驾龄比我年龄还大呢,技术是一流的,所以大家尽可放心了。有缘千里来相会,一丝巧合,一场缘分,一丝牵挂,一份关心,一段友情,一片真心,一个朋友,一个愿望,愿各位在今天的旅途中可以互相帮助,同时,如果您有什么需求,请及时告诉我,我会尽力帮大家解决,预祝各位今天的旅途开心愉快。 天柱山有着皖山,皖水,皖城,皖文化,是国务院1982年公布的首批国家重点风景名胜区,也是20__年公布的首批国家4A级旅游景区和全国文明森林公园,为何能在20__年被评为最受网友推崇的“中华十大名山”中排列第六位?大家随我一起寻找答案吧! 大家知道安徽省的简称是“皖”,皖有着怎样的来历呢?皖在古书上与皓通用,是明亮而美好的意思,我们天柱山地区自古以来山清水秀好风光,这样美丽的地方,周天子封了一个名副其实的名称叫皖国,因安庆市内有座皖公山,又有皖河绕流其间,在抗日战争爆发之前,安庆就一直是安徽省省会,安徽就是安庆和徽州的总称,所以安徽简称皖就来源于此。我们登上天柱山以后,可以一睹浑然天成,惟妙惟肖的“皖公神像”,他可是安徽的老祖宗哦!大家拭目以待吧! 山高水长,景美幽静是潜山县生态环境的写照。这里的水质和空气质量都是一流的,游客朋友们,到了潜山,就到了绿色植物库,天然大氧吧。我们从县城进入天柱山的这一段称为天柱大道。横跨天柱大道,矗立着一座高大的门楼建筑,这就是天柱山标志性大门。看这六个大字“古南岳天柱山”,他是谁题写的呢?是已故中国佛教协会会长赵朴初先生题写的。 大家知道天柱山为何又称古南岳吗?汉元丰五年,汉武帝刘彻南巡登临天柱山,同行的司马迁在《史记》中记载了汉武帝这次南巡活动:登礼潜之天柱山,号曰南岳。到公元589年,隋文帝为开拓南疆,改封湖南衡山为南岳,从此天柱山以古南岳之名传至后世。 现在,我们即将进入三组寺景区,首先印入眼帘的是这一带沿河布局的半边街叫野寨街,野寨是野人寨的简称,这样依山傍水,风景如画的地方怎么取名叫野人债呢?原来啊,这里有两个动人的传说,一说是很早以前,这一带常有野人出没,伤害人畜,当时一个县令决心牺牲自己,解救民众。他带上好酒好菜,深 入野人洞中,陪野人喝酒,命人用生铁水将洞口凝住,和野人同归于尽。其二,说是在南宋末年,本地土豪刘源率十万义兵在天柱山抗元。他自号刘野人,在谷中扎的第一寨命名为野人寨。 我们现在来到了三祖寺前的广场。举目望去,红墙黛瓦的寺院建筑掩映在绿树翠竹之中。整个山形宛如一只振翅欲飞的彩凤,觉寂塔就是建在凤冠上,东西两侧逶迤的山岗呈环形合抱之势,恰如凤翼护卫着庄严佛地。常言道:远看山包寺,近看寺包山。他是中国禅宗三组传经布法的场所,在中国佛教发展史上占有非常重要的地位,他还是全国汉族地区重点开放寺庙。所以,大家随我一起来尽情领略这里的道教文化吧! 游天柱山的导游词 篇2手牵着手,缓缓地向山上移动。路边草叶上的露水将裤脚和鞋子打湿了。清晨的空气清新 凉爽。这里没有城里的鸣叫的汽笛;没有嘲杂的人群;没有浑浊的空气;没有高耸的砖瓦房。这里有的只是鸟儿的脆鸣,清爽的空气,舒心的清风和无际无涯的绿…… 我们这支小队伍稀疏的分布在羊肠小道上,终于,在半坡上有一段水泥台阶路。我埋头细数台阶,路上不时有从山上取水的大人 挑着装满山泉水的瓶子向坡下走去,瓶子的周围还冒着淡淡的水雾,爬到观风亭,共有二百八十八级台阶。观风亭里有人在小憩,有人在亭外草坪上练太极,有人在练嗓,有人在……我放眼四望,脚下一片绿,那座熟悉的城已经变得不再熟悉了,看不清地点,薄薄的雾像天宫的舞娘,在那座城的上空舞动着衣袖裙摆。沿着小道走,没走几步便见到一面洁白的瓷瓦墙,墙上有三幅图,我最喜欢的就是荷花图了,它显得非常的清丽 脱俗。 它的右侧有一块石碑,石碑上注有简介。原来这里便是有名的"天柱第一泉",怪不得在瓷壁上有好几个水龙头呢!水龙头里流出清泉,手一捧,清凉的感觉沁入了心间,清泉带着许些岩石和青草的清香,喝一口,那种透心凉的感觉真的舒服极了.第一泉位于两峰的夹谷之间,两峰杂草甚多,多得叫不名儿了,它们绿得刹是可爱.顺着小道横穿山坡,草逐渐变少,而坡上却未褪去那一层绿.因为西瓜代替了它,大大小小的瓜在叶子下探出一个个脑袋,像天真的孩童在玩捉迷藏;像不经世事的小姑娘睁眼望着外面的世界;像一个饱经人事的老者在呼吸清新的空气,张望着宁静的山河……翻了一座山,眼前又是一片绿,黄绿的嫩草布满了整个坡,密密麻麻的墨绿,给人一种密不透风的感觉,走近一看,不由得吓了一跳,原来以为只有人表里不一,没想到着松树也表里不一.外面看起来密不透风,其实里面空荡荡的.枝干非常少,只有树尖的几米处有几根枝桠而已,其下侧是笔直的主干,健壮挺拔。 风吹过,发出沙沙的巨响,似在向风咆哮 抗议。四季花不同。原以为相同的树其样式必也相同,今天才知道这个想法错了。停下步伐,不觉愣住了,眼前的松树虽然与刚才的高度颜色不尽相同,但是,它们的枝桠却非常地密集,与刚才的松成了明显的对比,着到让我们吃惊不小。望着眼前的绿,感慨万千。人也应该是如此吧,只有进入了他的世界才会理解他的为人,不是吗? 望着手里牵着的这位朋友,啊人也是如此,怪不得古人说人和世间的一切事物都有着本质的牵连。谢谢你,让我进 你的世界,朋友。 游天柱山的导游词 篇3Good morning, dear friends. I'm the tour guide of Tianzhu Mountain today.First of all, on behalf of sunshine travel agency, I'd like to extend a warmwelcome to you. I'm very honored to provide you with tour guide service. Iforgot to introduce myself. My name is Wang. You can call me Xiao Wang. Thedriver behind me is Liu. Although he's young, he can't be Yes, I have many yearsof driving experience. My driving experience is older than my age. Thetechnology is first-class, so you can rest assured. A thousand miles to meet, acoincidence, a fate, a trace of concern, a concern, a friendship, a sincere, afriend, a wish, I hope you can help each other in today's journey, at the sametime, if you have any needs, please let me know in time, I will try my best tohelp you solve, I wish you a happy journey today. Tianzhu Mountain has Anhui mountain, Anhui water, Anhui city and Anhuiculture. It is one of the first batch of national key scenic spots announced bythe State Council in 1982. It is also one of the first batch of national 4Ascenic spots and national civilized forest parks announced by the State Councilin 20__. Why did it rank sixth among the "top ten famous mountains in China"most praised by netizens in 20__? Let's find out with me! We all know that the abbreviation of Anhui Province is "Wan". What's theorigin of WAN? In ancient books, Wan is similar to Hao, which means bright andbeautiful. Since ancient times, Tianzhu Mountain area has a beautiful scenery.In such a beautiful place, Zhou Tianzi granted a real name of Wan state. Becausethere is a Wangong mountain in Anqing City, and the Wanhe river flows around it,the Anti Japanese war broke out Before, Anqing has always been the capital ofAnhui Province, Anhui is the general name of Anqing and Huizhou, so theabbreviation of Anhui comes from this. After we ascend Tianzhu Mountain, we canhave a glimpse of the natural and vivid "God of Anhui". He is the ancestor ofAnhui. Let's wait and see! High mountains and long rivers, beautiful scenery and quiet are theportrayal of the ecological environment of Qianshan County. The water qualityand air quality here are first-class. Tourists, when you arrive at the buriedhill, you will arrive at the green plant library and the natural oxygen bar. Thesection that we enter Tianzhu Mountain from the county seat is called TianzhuAvenue. Across Tianzhu Avenue stands a tall gate building, which is the landmarkgate of Tianzhu Mountain. Look at the six big characters "ancient South MountainTianzhu Mountain". Who wrote them? They were written by the late president ofChina Buddhist Association, Mr. Zhao Puchu. Do you know why Tianzhu Mountain is also called ancient Nanyue? In thefifth year of Yuanfeng of Han Dynasty, Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty Liu Che visitedTianzhu Mountain on a tour to the south. Sima Qian, who accompanied him,recorded in historical records that Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty visited TianzhuMountain on a tour to Liqian, which was named Nanyue. In 589 ad, Emperor Wen ofSui Dynasty changed Hengshan Mountain of Hunan Province to Nanyue in order toopen up Southern Xinjiang. From then on, Tianzhu Mountain was handed down tolater generations as an ancient Nanyue. Now, we are about to enter the scenic area of SANZU temple. The first thingthat catches our eyes is that the half street along the river is called yezhaistreet. Yezhai is the abbreviation of yerenzhai. How can this picturesque placenear mountains and rivers be called yerenzhai? It turns out that there are twomoving legends here. One is that a long time ago, there were often wild peoplein this area, which hurt people and animals. At that time, a county magistrateDetermined to sacrifice themselves and save the people. He brought good wine,good food and good taste Enter into the cave of the savage, drink with the savage, and order the manto coagulate the cave with pig iron water and die with the savage. Second, atthe end of the Southern Song Dynasty, local tyrant Liu Yuan led 100000 Yibing tofight against the Yuan Dynasty in Tianzhu Mountain. He called himself Liu Yeren,and the first village he built in the valley was named Yeren village. Now we come to the square in front of SANZU temple. Looking up, the templebuildings with red walls and black tiles are hidden among the green trees andbamboos. The whole mountain is like a colorful Phoenix fluttering its wings tofly. Jueqi tower is built on the Phoenix crown. The winding hills on the Eastand west sides are encircled in a ring, just like the Phoenix wings guarding thesolemn Buddha's land. As the saying goes: see Shanbao Temple far away, and seeSibao mountain near. He is a place for the three groups of Chinese Zen Buddhismto spread sutras and dharmas, and occupies a very important position in thehistory of Chinese Buddhism. He is also a key open temple in the Han area ofChina. So, let's enjoy the Taoist culture here with me! Next, we can take the qinglongjian cableway to the mysterious valley. Thename of this scene is unique. It's called snow in June. Don't really think itwill snow in June. What's the secret here? It turns out that snow in June is awhite sand dune among thousands of green trees. The unique geological phenomenonof Tianzhu Mountain is that the sand grains are formed by the long-termdifferentiation of rock and rain. It contains quartzite, which is verybeautiful. Therefore, the more hot the summer is, its luster is gorgeous anddazzling, like a white lotus, which is called "white lotus playing insummer". OK, now I'm going to show you Tianzhu wonderland; Mysterious Valley.Mysterious Valley is known as "the first secret mansion of granite in China",and it is the residence of Zhenjun, the immortal commander. Tianzhu Mountain isnot only a famous Buddhist mountain, but also a famous Taoist mountain. Thetotal length of the mysterious valley is 450 meters. In the valley formed by thesurrounding mountains, there are hundreds of granite caves, large or small,stacked by countless stones. The caves are connected, up and down, bright anddark. There is a sense of mystery when people walk between them. Sometimes wehave to use both hands and feet, crawl forward, so we should pay attention tosafety. Surrounded by mountains, craggy rocks, thousands of scenes, exoticflowers and plants, ancient pines and rocks constitute a natural picture. Didyou leave a deep impression? We have seen the Qiulong pine in the mysterious valley. Now let's take alook at Tianzhu pine, the king of the pines in Tianzhu Mountain. It is no morethan 5 meters high and only 80 cm thick, but it has been more than a thousandyears old, with vigorous branches and emerald green crowns. Friends, please look at this spectacle in front of us, which is rare inother mountain scenic spots. It is a unique one in Tianzhu Mountain: magpiebridge. You see, it was born across the sky, hanging like a bridge, under thebridge, thousands of Ren deep gully, daunting. I know a lot of friends travel, always want to know our destination can seethe sunrise, so you look along the direction of my right hand, this is theviewing platform, is the best place to watch the sunrise in Tianzhu Mountain,but also a good place to enjoy the scenery of the Dongguan peaks, the East ofthe verdant peak, is the top of the Dongguan peaks Cuihua peak, 1120 metersabove sea level, rugged Steep. In spring, the exotic trees are competitive andthe mountain flowers are brilliant, just like the ink lady. Friends, today's trip to Tianzhu Mountain is coming to an end here.Although some reluctant, but still have to say goodbye, thank you for today'ssupport and cooperation in my work, I have not taken care of the place, pleaseunderstand! If you still have the opportunity to come here, please remember afriend named Xiao Wang. Finally, give you a 100% pure love candy: ingredients =sincere + missing + happy, period of validity = life, nutrition = warm +happiness + moved, manufacturer = true friends! At the same time, hope good luckchasing you, good things with you, money close to you, noble people help you,lovers think of you, villains around you, lovers think of you, family hangingyou, God bless you. Have a good trip, everyone. Goodbye! |
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