标题 | 泰山景区导游词开头 |
范文 | 泰山景区导游词开头(精选16篇) 泰山景区导游词开头 篇1我们将要游览的景点是泰山。泰山,是中国五岳之首,古称“岱宗”,位于山东省中部,海拔1545米,东威沧海,西镇大河,山势挺拔,奇峰突兀,是我国第一个被联合国教科文组织载人《自然与文化遗产》名录的单位。游览时请大家注意安全,自觉坚持它的清洁。 我们首先来到的是登泰山的起点—岱宗坊。岱宗坊是一座流传有许多美丽神话的四柱三间式古代牌楼,圆形的脊兽和微微翘起的檐角,增加了坊的流动与飘逸,造型粗犷、简洁,额题篆书“岱宗坊”三个金色大字。 岱宗坊是泰山的山门,一天门则是天梯的开始。沿登山公路直上到登山盘道,就是红门宫。登上台阶映入眼帘的是四座石坊,前后相连,故有“小坊群”之称。第一座牌坊为“一天门坊”;其后紧连着就是“孔子登临处”石坊,此处古藤掩映,典雅端庄。泰山经石峪石刻,其中镌刻的《金刚般若波罗蜜经》的部分经文,是现存摩崖石刻中规模空前的巨制。 我们此刻来到了位于泰山中、西两路交汇处的中天门,也叫二天门,为泰山主峰屏障。登上此处,仰观岱顶,莲花峰前危崖万仞,云烟横锁;南天门形如天阙,门下天梯倒挂,似一条白色彩带。俯视脚下,中溪山水曲折蜿蜒,奔流而下。中天门石坊旁有巨石仆卧如虎,因名伏虎石,石壁上有大篆“虎”字,古朴雄健。之后来到位于中天门上的云步桥,因石桥飞架在云雾缭绕的断崖之上,人行至此如在云中漫步,故名。云桥高悬如虹,百丈崖瀑布似白练倾泻而下,是为“云桥飞瀑”,乃泰山十大自然景观之一。 我们就要登泰山的十八盘。泰山有3个十八盘之说,自开山至龙门为“慢十八”,再至升仙坊为“不紧不慢又十八”,又至南天门为“紧十八”,共计1630余阶。“紧十八”西崖有巨岩悬空,侧影佛头侧枕,高鼻秃顶,慈颜微笑,名迎客佛。 登上山顶,我们将来到坐落在登山盘道的尽处的南天门,又名三天门,门分两层,下为拱形门洞,上为阁楼,名摩云阁。此处两峰雄峙东西,天门扼隘口而立,险中出奇,气度非凡。 进了南天门再上两层台阶就是天街,在长约千米的天街上布满了宾馆、饭店、商铺,自古以来就似悬在天上的一条街市。 泰山历史悠久,文物众多,雄伟、奇特、古老、秀丽,我说也说不尽,请你们慢慢游赏吧! 泰山景区导游词开头 篇2站在泰山脚下仰望泰山才发现她是那么的巍峨壮观,那么的雄伟!之间大大小小的山峰一个连着一个,紧紧的挨在一齐,好像一奶同胞的兄弟姐妹,漫山遍野的花草树木郁郁葱葱,显现出勃勃生机。 开始我三步并作两步的怀着喜悦的心境往泰山高出攀登,沿着一条绿树成荫的古道我踏上了登上的路,我顺着台阶一级一级的往上爬,一段段青色的台阶时而陡时而宽。之间泰街两旁怪石横生,茂密的树枝纵横交错,碧绿的小草铺满了山地,五颜六色的花儿长在草地上,给大地穿上了漂亮的衣服,耳边还不时传来淙淙的流水声和林中鸟儿的叫声。 一向往上爬,爬到半山腰中,我先是听到瀑布的声音"轰轰隆隆"像层层的海浪涌上岸滩又像阵阵的大风吹过松林,忽然,我一转身,看到了瀑布的全景,它像银白色的巨龙飞流直下,势不可挡。四面溅起的水花十分清澈,像一颗颗闪亮的珍珠。站在瀑布底下望瀑布,他好壮观啊! 爬呀爬,我最终爬到了泰山的最高峰---玉皇顶。站在峰顶往下观望,发现泰山真的太高了,只见一座座山峦连绵起伏,远处的楼房。田地一切尽收眼底。 最终,我带着对泰山的无限的眷恋,依依不舍的离开了它。我爱泰山的一草一木,好期待下次再爬泰山时能够再一次体会那种一览众山小的感觉。 泰山景区导游词开头 篇3各位朋友,大家好,欢迎大家来到泰山,这座高大而古老的山蕴合了丰富的自然与文化积淀,今天我们就一起走进泰山,感受它“会当绝凌绝顶,一览众山小”的气度。 从岱庙开始,经岱宗坊、一天门、红门、中天门,升仙坊至南天门,是古代皇帝封禅泰山所走过的路,现在被称为“登山景区”,也称中路,是登山六条路中最古老的一条,我们将从这条路登上泰山极顶。 遥参亭是古代皇帝封禅的起点,从遥参亭经岱庙再到岱宗坊,我们就来到了泰山御道的起点,我们途经十八盘,“紧十八盘,慢十八,不紧不慢又十八”,“紧十八”是整个登山盘路中最为难走的路段,大家看,石壁上的题到“努力登高”“看出万山”“青云梯”那是勉励我们只有义无反顾地向上,才能战胜险阻,到达最高境界。 走过十八盘,我们就到了南天门,这就是传说中的“天界”站在这里,我们可以领会到“登泰山而小天下”的豪迈。 沿大观峰西侧盘旋而上,我们会到达泰山的最高处――玉皇顶,那些一路上看似走不完的石阶终于走到了尽头。这里有著名的“极顶石”。极顶石卧在一圈石栏中,高不足米,表面粗糙,如果在别处,将是一块最普通不过的石头了,但在这里,它的亭边有一块碑写着“泰山极顶1545米”根据地质学家分析,就是它,在3000万年前从海槽中率先拱起,它根植于1万米的地壳深处,整座大山在托举着它,使它高耸入云,成了名副其实的“极顶石”。 这就是泰山,希望大家在这里玩的愉快。 泰山景区导游词开头 篇4Fellow friends: Hello! Sincerely welcome you to come to Taishan, today I and everybodywill mount the summit together from the Taishan east road. This big, ancient Taishan has contained the rich nature and culturalaccumulating, has been included by the United Nations Educational,Scientific and Cultural Organization the world nature and the culturalheritage name list. Now, we still had such to ask " like ancient;Dai Zong husband how " Then, marches into together with me themountain, understands Taishan's charm. Here is daimiao. From daimiao the start, after the Dai Zong work place,a fontanel, the red gate, center the fontanel, rises the immortal workplace to the south fontanel, is the road which ancient times emperorancient rite of making sacrifices Taishan passed through, now iscalled by the well-known person " Ascends to heaven scenic area" Also calls the east road, is in the present Taishanmountaineering 6 roads most ancient. We will mount from this roadGoes against Extremely. Everybody noted has been palatial daimiao front, but also some smallertemple, this was " Remote senate pavilion " Was same yearemperor the ancient rite of making sacrifices Taishan's initialstation. Same year the king came when Taishan held the ancient rite ofmaking sacrifices Standard Offers a sacrifice to, all first must in here hold simply paysrespect to the ceremony, therefore before Ming Dynasty, called thiswas " Grass senate pavilion " . When the Ming Dynastyperforms the extension, changes name is " Remote senate pavilion" . Although is a character is easy, the base was reverentactually contains. The friends, China's ancient architecture has the unique status in theworld construction history, this remote senate pavilion constructionidea already will stem from the ancient rite of making sacrificesgrand ceremony from this but step by step to enter the high tide forthe prelude the need, after also will be esthetics thought manifestingwhich China ancient times first damped raises. In the right noon time gate was daimiao, was even is a mysterious side.daimiao has the like this charm, decides to it own characteristic.First, its fence then is different with the general temple, the fenceweek 1,300 meters, 5 cornerstones, on build Blue Big the brick, assumesthe trapezoid, gets down the width 17.6 meters, on the width 11meters, the high approximately 10 meters, altogether have 8 gates:Center is the right noon time gate, is daimiao main entrance. Enters bythe right noon time gate daimiao comes, the front surface matches thefontanel, takes " which Kong Zi said; Germany matches world "Meaning. Matches the fontanel two sides, east for Works Three the marquispalace, west for too , between three palaces to the wall isconnected, the constitution daimiao among as soon as enters thecourtyard. Crossed the kernel peaceful gate, then is grand big Song Tiankuang, itcalls the towering extremely palace, is this temple main body. Day palace surface extravagant 9, 643.67 meters, depth of a house 5, 17.18meters, pass the height 23.3 meters. Everybody looked that, the day palace is situated above the spacious white station base,periphery the stone carving fence surrounds, the cloud shape looksthe column uneven row, caused the day palace to have the marvelouseffect with all around environment. Around the day palace serves with the winding corridor, has formeda big courtyard, in China's construction, the porch plays enable thespace to have thoroughly, collects was mad, close, is rigorous andalso is rich in the change the role, this is in the world constructionhistory all performs to praise. daimiao the winding corridor closely issurrounding a double-eaved roof Palacebig building, straight and thelofty contrast has aroused the people to day palace revering. Ourcountry the ancient architecture fully realized in world notabsolutely greatly absolutely small, the size is produces from thecontrast, besides all around Even Low the winding corridor, in front ofthe day palace in the platform has also repaired two exquisiteimperial tablets pavilions, both has highlighted the day palace,and to the grand center house holds tranquilly is comfortable,therefore the day palace certainly was not the grand twocharacters may summarize. slanders the back door from the day to leave, has the bricks andstones road and the latter imperial palace is connected. When songzhenzong seals Taishan, because Taishan will seal will be "Emperor " The emperor must have " Latter " Thereuponthen has matched Madame " for it; Shu next two " . Lookedlike from this point, daimiao if said is the Taoism god governmentoffice, but also was inferior to said likes the imperial palace, thiskind of layout had further disclosed the feudal ruler uses daimiaocarries on the political activity the utility goal. A moment ago, we were along daimiao main spool thread tour, butadvocates the spool thread two sides, originally in addition has 4individual courtyards, around the east side two courtyards, first is" Chinese cypress courtyard " Hands down 6 copals whichMartial emperor of Han dynasty plants on in this courtyard; Latter is" East imperial place " Is emperor offers a sacrifice to theplace which Taishan stays. Here was Taishan famous 18. The about 2.5 billion years ago, in timeare called as by the geologist " Taishan movement " In theorogenesis, ancient Taishan first time is vast from a piece rises,later several vicissitudes, Taishan raises submerges, the submersionraises, finally in 30 million year ago " Himalaya Mountainsorogenesis " Center, Taishan finally has formed today appearance.The ancient orogenesis has accomplished south Taishan the foothillsteps and ladders type rise three fault zones, on most from the cloudfoot-bridge fault zone to Goes against Extremely, the elevation suddenly rises morethan 400 rice, causes this region to have the striking contrast withall around the group peak, just like checking of the pagoda, hasformed " East day column " Imposing manner. Here is tight 18, also was the entire mountaineering Road Plate centermost difficult land sector. Everybody looked that, the cliff antiquityperson's topic engraves: " Diligently climb up " "Wanshan " " Altogether climbs blue scaling ladder " ...... That is encouraging us. Everybody looked again that, thatshoulders hundred catties Selects Shan Gong, again thought the same year didnot have a non- surname Chisel stone to build roads the person... ... Themountain does not have the word, but they can drive the people areupward. The friend, the mountaineering just like does any enterprise,only has is dutifully upward, can defeat difficult, can arrive thehighest boundary! South the fontanel arrived, we have now placed oneself " Day" Although we have not certainly become an immortal, but weunderstood " in here; Ascends Tianshan but small world "Heroics. Has entered south the fontanel, relative is the main hall names withit is " Not porch " Porch two sides each has not beenallowed north. Leaves the gate to have a mountain peak toward the westto call " Month view peak " On the mountain has thepavilion, famous month view pavilion. It is said, the clear sky andfresh air late autumn season, also may to as soon as look at " inhere; Yellow River gold brings " Strange landscape: Shines upon inthe setting sun under the backdrop, the big diastrophism has beendark, only some tune yellow river water, reflected sun's glory, likedflash the golden belt, day in place continually in same place. Atnightfall, under the bright moonlight, looks obviously Jinan'slamplights of ten thousand families from this the north, therefore themonth view peak calls " Looks government office mountain " . South leaves east the fontanel courtyard to fold namely for the daystreet. Day street, space downtown, rich poetic sentiment place.Travels to the East along the day street, center north has a workplace, on the inscribed horizontal tablet the topic has " LooksWu Shengji " This is hands down Kong Zi and Yan Yuan sees WuGuochang outside the gate a white horse's place. North the work placehas the Kong Zi temple. The day street most east end was the blue rosy cloud ancestral hall, Igave everybody to tell the blue rosy cloud female immortal's story.The blue rosy cloud female immortal's predecessor is the Taishangoddess, is called as in the folk " Angel beautiful woman bluerosy cloud female immortal " Is in common people mind TaishanLord, and is called as " Taishan Grandma " " Taishanold mother " . The populace to the Taishan old mother's period offive days belief and the affection, are burying which one kind ofhistory accumulates down in the people mind in-depth to the mother thelove. How many year, the blue rosy cloud female immortal has woncommon people's love, until now still lorded over summit of theTaishan, was accepting Buddhism believers' incense and candle,summoned is going to the decoy which the township left country's. Good, lets us enter to the blue rosy cloud temple. 2,500 square metersplaces, have built up the entrance, the main hall, Matches Palace, 3 godsgates, the bell tower, the drumtower, Fragrant Pavilion, long live the building,the extremely heavy tripod with two handles, the fire pond, but alsohas According to Wall, the dance building, the imperial tablet pavilion... ...Moreover is the imperial mountain gust of wind, the palace is Copper Tile,the tablet is a brass casting, glittering, solemn space palace .The Taishan blue rosy cloud ancestral hall high construction skill wasconsidered was our country ancient times the mountain constructionmodel, the person dances to here goes on a pilgrimage certainly doesnot feel its slightly but sense its is big, the sacred feeling arosespontaneously. Now, in Taishan blue rosy cloud ancestral hallarchitectural complex an alone standard . Leaves east the blue rosy cloud ancestral hall north the god gate tofold along the winding mountain road on again, obviously a cliffstands rock-firm, on the cliff the carved stone proliferates,spectacular, personal " Big view peak " . West the big viewpeak leans, on several years all stones also all has ancient's writingskill, area this it may be said is the open-air calligraphy artmuseum. Along the big view peak west the side winding mountain road on, to themost high place, on these road looked resembles the stone stepsfinally arrived terminus, here was Taishan Goes against Extremely -- Jade Emperor goesagainst. Temple of the Jade Emperor constructs in Goes against Extremely on, the red ocher wallgreen glazed tile picture was has put on a laurel crown to Taishan.Enters the temple by the entrance, first saw is courtyard central" Extremely capstone " . Extremely the capstone lies in center, high not full rice, surface roughness, if in elsewhere,will be together the ordinariest not place stone. But in here, itsside has the tablet is writing: " Taishan Goes against Extremely 1,545meter " . According to the geology analysis, is it, from Sea Troughcenter takes the lead in 30 million years ago to haunch up, it isrooted in to 1 myriameter earth's crust deep place; Is it, has severalhundred square kilometers bases, the entire place mountain is liftingit in the request, causes it to stand tall and erect the cloud day,down to in Temple of the Jade Emperor's Jade Emperor big emperor hassimply become its patron god. The friends, a day-long travelling schedule already ended. Hoped youcan arrive Taishan to come once again. Thanks everybody! 泰山景区导游词开头 篇5各位先生、女士、朋友们: 大家好! 我叫宋__,是你们今天的小导游,我首先对大家能来泰山旅游、观光表示热烈的欢迎!并希望大家在泰山游玩期间玩的开心、吃的放心、住的安心。同时,也希望泰山的浏览能给大家留下一个美好的回忆。在我带大家浏览前,我给大家提几个小要求,希望大家共同遵守:“大家在游玩时千万不要破坏建筑、不要在古木和石碑上刻名字,不要登高照相,不要独自离开旅游团。” 现在我就带大家到五岳之首――泰山。说到泰山,大家可能会想到:重如泰这一奇观山、稳如泰山之类的成语吧!大家是不是觉得有一种安全感呀? 好!现在我们就一同走入大山,去领略一下泰山的神韵,去征服泰山吧! 大家现在看到的这条古松围绕鲜花相伴的石梯,我们可沿着它到岱宗坊,再往上走就是万仙楼、王母池、红门,这时,大家可以去简单参观一下。 现在我们已经到了半山腰了,你们看!这一条石路又陡又弯,这便是最难登的十八盘了,大家可不能打退堂鼓哟,大家跳战的时刻到了!大家先往上看,比我们登的快的人就好像踩在我们的头上,请再往下望,我们的脚是不是又像踩在别人的头上呀?大家一起努力吧!看谁先登上山顶,谁就是今天的英雄。 大家边爬我边跟大家介绍一下泰山:巍巍泰山位于山东省东部,华北太平原的东侧,面积426平方公里,海拔1545米,泰山百年古木名木共三万余株,其中有前世唐槐、有500年前的望人松,五大夫松等.泰山的山峰、崖岭共90处,池瀑布和山泉共有120处。 呼、呼......南天门到了,我们已经置身于"仙界"之中了,现在,我们就去“月观峰”吧!告诉大家一个小秘密:在天高气爽的晚上,大家在山上还能一览“黄河金带”这一奇观呢! 夜,渐渐拉开它那神秘的帷幕,今天的旅游就到这里结束了,遗憾的是因为今天雾气太大,所以大家无法领略泰山一绝――观日出。有这样一句话:“晨登日观峰,海水黄配熔”。 所以,日出的美妙是笔墨难以形容的。 希望大家下次再泰山,一饱日出的美景。谢谢大家! 泰山景区导游词开头 篇6各位朋友: 大家好!我是导游__x。今日,我将带领大家一齐到五岳之一的泰山旅游观光。 泰山位于山东省中部,泰安市之北,海拔1545米,为我国五岳之东岳。泰山雄伟壮丽,历史悠久,文物众多,像一座民族的丰碑,屹立于中华大地。1987年,泰山被联合国教科文组织列为世界自然与文化遗产。 游泰山,一般先游岱庙。岱庙位于泰安城内,南起泰安门,通天街,北抵泰山盘道、南天门的中轴线,为历代封建帝王到泰山封禅时举行大典的场所。你们看,这是岱庙主殿天贶殿,是我国三大宫殿建筑之一,始建于北宋。岱庙碑刻林立,由秦至清共160余块,多藏于汉柏院内。大殿前还有秦始皇的无字碑。院北东御座是帝王来泰山封禅时休息的地方。岱庙真是一个历史文物、诗文、绘画、书法、雕刻艺术的综合博物馆啊! 各位游客,此刻我们所在的位置是主峰。主峰的东侧有一个观日石。传说古人爬山时,很难看到日出,人们齐心协力从山上搬来一块大石头,成了今日的观日点。此刻人们只要站在观日点上,就可看见日出了。 大家休息一下,留个影,如果留完影的话,请跟我一齐下山。 游客们,泰山的景色确实很雄伟。如果您还没有尽兴,那就带着您的亲朋好友再次来泰山旅游观光。小x在泰山随时恭候您的光临!多谢大家! 泰山景区导游词开头 篇7大家好,欢迎各位不远千里来到泰山旅游,希望你们在这里能玩得开心,玩得尽兴。 首先,我先给大家对泰山做一个介绍,泰山位于山东省泰安市,是我国五岳之首,是中华民族伟大的象征,是东方文化世界的缩影。泰山自古以来就被看作是国家稳定,民族团结的象征。在古代,先后有十二位皇帝来泰山封禅,因此泰山就被成为了我国唯一一座受过皇帝封禅的名山,就连孔子和杜甫都先后登过泰山,留下了一些千古绝句。 下面,我要带大家一起游览这座神山。我们现在所处的位置是红门,这里是步行上山的起点,从这里到南天门有666级台阶。这个数字非常吉利,意思是预祝登山的朋友一切顺利。这条路大约有十公里,所用时间大约四个小时。请大家抬头看,这座石坊是一天门,泰山有三座门,一天门、中天门、南天门。“一”是万物的起点,跨过这道门就跨进了天界的大门。前面这座四柱三间门式牌坊上刻着“孔子登临处”,是为了纪念孔子登泰山走到此处发出了“苟政猛于虎”的感慨而创建的。在这山上的路上,有一个非常有趣的字谜,就是“二虫”很多人不理解这是啥字?其实这两个字是“风月无边”的意思,即把繁体字“风、月“二字拆去边框,描写周围的景色湛蓝而深秀。 我们走了两个小时的路了,马上就要到中天门了。空中行驶的客运电缆索道,下起中天门,上至南天门,全长2078米,落差602米。从中天门出发,经云步桥,五大夫松望人松后就到了十八盘。十八盘分为三个十八盘,慢十八、紧十八、不紧不慢又十八,共有1633节台阶,而这三个十八盘不到一公里,垂直的高度却有400多米。 现在我们爬过了陡峭的十八盘,终于到了南天门。这里海拔1460米,进了南天门,就步入了天庭了。这条路被称为天街,就是人间天山,又是天上人间。碧霞元君就在碧霞祠内,出了碧霞祠往北,就能看到“五岳独尊”这个泰山的标志,再往北看就是泰山极顶玉皇顶了,这里海拔1545米,这里自古登封台,证实了历代皇帝都在这儿设坛祭天。 朋友们,泰山的景色是不是很美呢?希望下次您带着亲朋好友再次光临泰山。 泰山景区导游词开头 篇8Ladies and gentlemen: How do you do! Warmly welcome to mount tai, today I will and family together from taishan road on the top of the mountain. This is high, the ancient taishan contains rich natural and cultural accumulation, has been UNESCO world cultural and natural heritage list. Now, we are still like the ancients, asking how "temple", then join me into the mount, to appreciate the charm of mount tai. This is dai. Started from the dai temple, temple lane, a heaven, red doors, doors, the arch of ascending immortals to the worse, is the ancient emperor I taishan road, through the now famous person called "heaven scenic spot", also called road, is the oldest of taishan mountain road 6 now. We will from the road to the utmost. Home before noticed the towering dai temple, and a more temples, that is "remote pavilion", are the starting point of the first emperor I mount tai. The emperor held to taishan I sacrifice, all visits by simple ceremony here first, so before the Ming dynasty, called the "grass and pavilion". Id in the Ming dynasty, changed its name to "remote pavilion" refs. Though it is a word, base devout do contain it. Friends, the ancient architecture in architectural history in the world has a unique position, is remote and pavilion of the architectural concept for both I would become a standard for a prelude to the need of step by step into the climax, also is the ancient suppression before young's aesthetic thought. Qianmen is the dai temple, ping is a wonderful party. With such charm to dai temple, is determined by its own characteristics. First of all, it is different from general temple, the walls of the wall week 1300 meters, 5 layer foundation, build by laying bricks or stones on the blue bricks, a trapezoid, 17.6 meters wide, 11 meters wide, 10 meters high, a total of eight gate: for qianmen, as the front entrance to the dai temple. From the dai temple, qianmen into head-on is tianmen, chopped son say "DE with heaven and earth" meaning. With doors on both sides of the east for three spirit Hou Dian, west to qiu, three temple are connected to the wall, and constitute the dai temple between the first into the yard. Ringha door, is the majestic high Kuang song day, it is also called China sun temple, is the main body of the temple. Width between 9 days Kuang temple, 643.67 meters, the depth 5, 17.18 meters, the intake of 23.3 m. Kuang temple is located in the spacious home, day white stylobate, stone column jacaranda around, around the cloud shape column at his columns, and make the heavens Kuang the environment around the house and has a wonderful effect. Day around Kuang temple corridors, forming a compound, on the two sides of buildings, gallery is to play the make the space has banded, the folding of the gas and closely, rigorous and abound change, this is to connect the world history of architecture. Dai temple in the corridor to a double-hipped roof hip roof building tightly hugging, straight and high contrast more inspired people to day Kuang own house. Ancient Chinese architects know that there is no absolute absolutely, from comparison, in addition to low around the corridors, days before Kuang temple platform also took two exquisite royal pavilion, both highlighted the day Kuang temple, and in a quiet sound, so the day Kuang temple is not of the two words can be summarized with. From day Kuang falsely back out, a brick tunnel connected to the bedroom after. When the emperor song zhenzong letter taishan, dubbed "emperor", because of mount tai emperor should be winner ", then to match a lady "shu next year". From this point of view, dai temple is more many, Taoism as more like the royal court, this layout is further revealed the feudal rulers of dai political activities of the utilitarian purpose. Just now, we are along the dai temple to visit the main axis, and on both sides of main axis, the other 4 individual, both before and after the east, the former as "opzoon", according to legend the emperor of 6 strains of cooper in the courtyard; After the "east the throne", is the place where the emperor the taishan hotel. Here is the mount tai is famous 18. About 2.5 billion years ago, in a geologist called "taishan sports" orogeny, GuTaiShan from an ocean rise for the first time, after several vicissitudes of life, mount tai is rising and sinking, sinking and rising, finally 30 million years ago in the Himalayan orogeny, finally formed today's mount tai. Ancient orogeny created Tarzan foothill stepped up three fault zone, a step from the cloud layer on the bridge fault zone to the utmost, abrupt rise of more than 400 meters above sea level, making it a layer of strip with all round with a strong contrast peaks, like the pagoda of brake, formed the "column" east days of momentum. Here is the tight 18, is also the climbing plate is the most difficult part of the road. Cliff house, the inscribed copy of the elders: "hard up", "the first mountain", "green ladder climbing together"... It was the encourage us. Look at the load of one hundred jin, pick, workers think again when the nameless chisel shek sau passers-by... Speechless, but they can motivate people up mountains. Friend, mountaineering is like doing any business, only up to the end, to overcome and obstacles, to reach the highest realm! The worse, we are in "heaven", although we have not immortal, but we are here to "climb the tianshan and heaven is revealed to the heroic. Into the worse, as opposed to a temple called "porch" outstanding, outstanding porch one on each side can go to the north. Go out to the west there is a mountain peak "of oar in nature, the mountains have a pavilion, a month view pavilion. It is said that day high air in late autumn season, here also can see" Huang Hejin belts "singular landscape: under the setting sun is reflected in the backdrop, dimmed, but the Yellow River, reflecting the light of the sun, like a flash of gold belt, the day in the ground together. At night, under the bright moonlight, the lights of the north visible at jinan, so the peak month view say again" at the mansion mountain ". Out the worse yard east fold is the Yin. Yin, the streets of heaven, more poetic. Travel east along the Yin, the north one lane, plaques on the topic shadow Wu Sheng mark ", this is from Confucius and YanYuan see wu Chang outside a white horse. Fang north is the Confucius temple. Yin is the most eastern end of azure clouds temple, I tell the stories brigitte xia yuan jun to the home. Brigitte xia yuan jun's predecessor is the goddess of mount tai, the folk known as "fairy herself xia yuan jun" is people mind of mount tai is the Lord god, and is referred to as "taishan" grandma, "taishan mother". Taishan syndrome of old people of faith and love, is a history of buried deep in people's heart of a mother's love. For many years, Beckham won the affection of his people, xia yuan jun still stand on the top of mount tai, accept the good faith boy and girl, incense, wandering township called to leave the country. Ok, let us into the green chardonnay temple. , 2500 square meters, built the throne room, peidian peidian, 3 door god, bell tower, drum tower, incense, long live the floor, one thousand jin ding, pool fire, and zhaobi, dance floor, royal pavilion... And as the royal mountain high winds, the temple of copper for copper tile, stone, glittering, just like the imperial palace in the sky. The height of mount tai azure clouds temple architecture technique is considered to be the model of the construction of the ancient mountains, people come here to visit dance is not feeling it and its high, sacredness arises spontaneously. Today, mount tai azure clouds temple buildings unique prepared. The azure clouds temple east door north along the winding mountain paths to god, a wall of rock stand tall, cliff stone carvings around, yangyang, called "peak". Peak on the west side, a few years all have the ancients write on a stone, this area is open to the calligraphy art museum. Peak bends and on the west side of the view to the top, who seems to go all the way up the stone steps finally arrived at the end of the utmost - jade emperor peak is mount tai. The jade emperor pagoda built in the utmost, aross like to taishan wearing a crown. By the gate into the temple, the first see is a hospital bill "the utmost stone". The utmost stone columns, lie in a circle of fewer meters high, rough surface, if elsewhere, will be a the most ordinary not stone. But here, beside it have ready and ready and the monuments reads: "1545 meters of mount tai is the utmost". According to the geology analysis, that's it, at 30 million years ago from a trough to hog, it rooted in the 10000 meters deep in the earth's crust; Is it, with hundreds of square kilometers of the base, the whole mountain is carried on it, make it the clouds, so that the jade emperor of jade emperor pagoda became the patron saint of it. My friends, a day of travel is over. Hope you can come again to the mount tai. Thank you for your home! 泰山景区导游词开头 篇9Ladies and gentlemen: First of all, let me, on behalf of travel agency, for everyone to mount tai tourism, sightseeing, a warm welcome! During our stay in taishan, I hope you can have fun, eat, live at ease, at the same time I hope you in taishan tour will be able to get a big harvest, leave a good memory. Mount tai, called temple, it is located in eastern shandong province, the eastern side of the great plains of north China, covers an area of 426 square kilometers, the elevation 1545 meters, bearing for 6 minutes east longitude 117 degrees, 36 degrees north latitude 16 points. Majestic mount tai, has a long history and numerous cultural relics, in order to "first five" the reputation of the island at all. Wei tai standing as a national monument in the earth, has attracted worldwide attention. In 1982, mount tai was listed as the first batch of national key scenic area, under the state council in 1987, UNESCO world natural and cultural heritage, in 1992 named the national tourist resort 40 +. Taishan protection so far better buildings there are 22, a total construction area of more than 140000 square meters. Between the ancient architectural complexes, and 12 Shi Fang 7, 6 stone bridge, stone pavilion, one copper pavilion and 1 steel tower. Taishan sharpening has more than 2200, is known as "China's cliff burring museum", here is China's earliest stone system burring tai shan qin burring; There are precious, HengFang memorial tablet and jin han dynasty of lady tablet; There is known as "big word" and "zong" of BangShu beiqi the stone valley burring; Have all the plethora of tang dynasty < < JiTaiShan inscription > > and double beam tablet in the tang dynasty, etc. Mount tai is fomous trees is various, is known as "the living world natural heritage". Taishan fomous trees more than one hundred, more than one hundred strains, opzoon 6 strains, of which 2100 years ago, 1300 years ago Tang Huai, 500 years ago at people, 5 doctors, come loose and a 600 years ago has been hailed as a national treasure in the bonsai pines "small six dynasties". Mount tai are famous for their grandeur, present a male, strange, risks, show, deep and remote, Mr, kuang, and many other beautiful image, 12 taishan scenic spot with famous mountains, cliff ridge, 78, 18, cave stone 58, valleys of article 12, 56, tam pool waterfall mountain spring 64, is the famous ying tan, the fan cliff, TianZhuFeng, peach blossom valley landscape such as 10 nature; The sunrise, sunset afterglow, Huang Hejin belt, sea of clouds tracts of ten natural wonders. Taishan sunrise, it is an imaginary world, magical world, is the beauty of pen and ink indescribable sunrise scene. Since the ancient times, numerous poets of taishan sunrise spectacular landscape has a vivid description. Song dynasty ci MeiShengYu "morning RiGuanFeng, yellow sea melting. Bath the wheel light, follow day." Rhyme is especially people's love, in the morning before dawn, stood RiGuanFeng, lifted up his eyes, and the east, and the morning star fadeout, faint show, a sea of clouds rolling between heaven and earth, slightly hectares, a gleam of dawn through clouds illuminated the east, then by the grey sky become yellow, then orange, purple, red and magnificent sunrise, like waves of the clouds, the sun, composed of series design of colorful, beautiful and colorful, the sun in the sun tingting nana rose from the clouds, the sun, due to the influence of the waves rolling revealing and flickering, disc gently and influenced by peaks and troughs propulsion when jumping up and down, gradually into a round shape, majestic, golden light, qunfeng do dye, the earth is bright. At sunset the clouds cloud floating in the sky, the afterglow of the setting sun, like a coin golden light through the clouds with the mountain. The sun is like a huge tracts, change from white to yellow, more and more big, the sky like satin brocade, until the sunset sink to the bottom of the cloud, diffused into a piece of red, the sky clouds, mountains like in combustion, day is red, the mountain is red, the cloud is red, the earth also is red. A ribbon, lifted up his eyes, and looked, Huang Hexiang wound its way from the sky, in the backdrop of the sunset, white ribbon of the Yellow River, on the smooth roll, give a person with illusion. "A including stopped here, worn out in the world through the Milky Way". The sun slowly on to the Yellow River, ribbons the Huang Hexiang is tied on the sun, like dancing in the sky to the garnet. A cloud of mount tai is changeable. Attendance after the rain, a lot of actual evapotranspiration, combined with the summer monsoon from the sea to the warm air, cloud fog. Sometimes large cloud to form a long strap on a mountainside, like robes jade belt, and the mountain mountain are fine; Sometimes the dark clouds rolling, a worldshaking streak; Also sometimes baiyun tile, such as the earth spread flocculant, valley pile of snow, and clouds of white clouds, like thousands of tracts, diffuse light over chung, arrangement, like calm as the mighty ocean, and this is the famous "yun tracts. Brigitte chardonnay baoguang is another wonders of mount tai. "Bao guang" commonly known as "Buddha", and more appear in the azure clouds temple east, west, south gate, god azure clouds temple is located in the jade emperor peak before the bosom, the terrain is relatively dips, cloud and mist is relatively thicker and more stable, in the air behind, according to figures appear in the fog, ultraviolet in formation around the red color ring, shall unripe brightness, color ring appears red, orange, yellow, green, green, blue, violet seven color, sometimes there will be double loop, more beautiful and moving. Visitors standing in front of the tent of fog gestures, aura of shadow dance, also arises spontaneously is immortal fluttered about the feeling of people. Mount tai in the winter, the temperature in - 20 degrees Celsius, the temperature warmed up, after that the weather is fine continental air down slightly, the southern warm air masses of fog mountain, breeze blowing, floating cloud droplets hit a tree, rock, roof, condense into ice crystals, the layer cascade folds, formed "thousand branch Joan jade", "Wan Shuhua" the rime of wonders. Mount tai and became a world as white as silver, like the dragon palace abode of fairies and immortals, don't have some kind of emotional appeal. Mount tai in the winter, also very cool rain, down to the ground, an object, rapid forming a hard, smooth and transparent ice, that is "sleet. Whenever the sleet, mountains down trees like ice, the ground spreads rock like mirror, mount tai is turned into ice sculpture YuZhuo "coloured glaze in the world". Sunny after the rain, red sun reflected the climb, the blue sky line xiashan, sparkling, golden light path, full mountain conifers white snow, snow mountains everywhere, good pack Edward Chen north scenery. Taishan district unique natural environment and long history culture breeding has produced various li shan xiushui and cultural attractions, vividly recorded the historical development of our Chinese nation civilization chapter. Modern archaeological scientific research has revealed in the paleolithic period of 50000 years ago, around mount tai have traces of human activity. A large amount of historical data were recorded taishan area in early stage of matriarchal society has revealed the dawn of civilization. In the 5000 years ago the neolithic age, at the northern foot of mount tai foothill of dawenkou culture, longshan culture, not only affect the shandong, and affects large areas of the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River. The spring and autumn period and the warring states period of "the state of qilu" is highly developed in the history of Chinese politics, economy, culture, Confucius, mencius is one of the historical and cultural celebrities. History tells us that tai shan area as early as in ancient times has become the important birthplace of Oriental culture, and taishan in the pre-qin period has become China's first famous mountains, as five mountains. Taishan actual altitude is not too high, is inferior to mount heng, huashan in the mountains, only accounted for a third. Compared with the national many mountains are not nearly as well. But why does it become a renowned in the ancient and modern "yue long", "with its unique and exclusive reputation? This is from the geographical environment and the primitive religion of mount tai. Taishan rise in the east of north China plain, over plains of qilu, wide sea in the east, the west has a long history of the Yellow River, the south has graduated, see, the water of huai, plains, hills and relative elevation 1300 meters, form sharp contrast, thus stands tall on the vision; Making sense and see the mountains small high kuang momentum; Mountains spanning more than 100 kilometers, 426 square kilometers, its basic AnWenGan wide, form large and concentrated massiness, are produced by a "town of d but not shake," the dignity. The so-called "firmly" ", "as heavy as mount tai", it is its natural characteristics in a reflection of people's physiological and psychological. Throughout history, people always put mount tai as a tall, beautiful, noble, determination of image, passion to sing. The second century BC, sima qian in his < < the ren shaoqing book > > in wrote: "death, or heavier than mount tai or lighter than a feather". Chairman MAO had cited the words of sima qian teach people, "to die for the people is weightier than mount tai". This spirit of the mount tai is closely linked to the meaning of life, the outlook on life, plays a big role in the education of the people's. Six dynasties as the < < above different record > >, qin and han dynasties, the folk legend of pangu's (ancient beginning, all things of god) death come to dongyue, left arm of nanyue, right arm as beiyue, sufficient for the west. Pangu corpse head east and dongyue, mount tai is, of course, the five mountains. Apparently according to < < five line > >, < < five DE > > theory creation myth, reflects the historical background of taishan exclusive mountains. The east is the place where the sun were to rise up, the ancients that happens is all things change, the beginning of spring. Therefore, the east is the source of life, hope and auspicious symbol. And ancient ancestors and majestic peculiar dongyue often regarded as gods, the gods as object to worship, pray for the good so, mount tai is located in the east - the borne to pull a behemoth has become "by" everything is "auspicious mountain", "home of the gods". Emperor by destiny "son of heaven" more see taishan as national unity and the symbol of power. Thanks to sent the "man", by the grace of also will come to mount tai worship god. Chow, shang Kings east soil at the foot of mount tai, the base to build taishan to qilu; Legend in the qin and han dynasties ago, 72 to the Kings of the taishan god, after emperor qin, qin ii, the emperor, han GuangWuDi its chapter, han emperor, han, sui wendi, the emperor, wu zetian, tang dynasty, tang emperor song zhenzong, the qing emperor kangxi and qianlong heels the ancient emperors to taishan I send offerings, sharpening JiGong. Every emperor with the aid of taishan compared to consolidate his rule, make mount tai an unbounded was lifted to a divine status. With every emperor I sacrifice, mount tai became the important place of various religious sects activity. As early as the warring states period had Huang Boyang monastery in the mountain, after all previous dynasties famous Taoist celebrities have been preaching on mount tai, built temple built concept. Buddhism since the eastern jin lang lang and create a good buddhist temple began, also growing in mount tai. Taishan attracted numerous cultural celebrities, generations of poets and painters, dachaoshan usually go there on special trip for them, writing, left a rich cultural products. Confucius, guanzhong, sima qian, zhang heng, zhuge liang, liu yuxi's, li bai, du fu, and su dongpo, ouyang xiu, fan zhongyan, wang shizhen, yao nai, guo moruo scrawled JiShu, left a vast adai's poems, the visitors from the mountain god worship to sightseeing, the new direction of aesthetic knowledge. By foot ascend the stairs, to the top of mount tai, there are thousands of cliff stone carvings alone, from qin dynasty to qing dynasty, dynasties have extravaganza. The color, style meaning every generation is different, its scale, work, time of continuity, genre and style, exquisite art, construct the clever are world famous mountains of unparalleled scene. Carved ancient high charm contained in deep feeling and wei the majestic mount tai fuses in together, fully embodies the unyielding noble spirit of the Chinese nation. In taishan in thousands of years of civilization, the working people have created a series of brilliant cultural landscape and the combination of tall, magnificent natural landscape, formed the image of a noble mount tai, mount tai constitute the unique scenery landscape. Humanities landscape layout and creation, is based on the natural landscape, especially the topographic characteristics and the needs of the I, sightseeing, ornamental activity design. The most representative is the route I emperor, and the people dachaoshan pilgrimages. Its main body is to pull tongtian natural landscape, the theme is sealing day zen thought content, the layout form is focused on the artemisia in the land of the mountain, the emperor's yi dai to seal day the jade emperor peak form as long as more than 10 kilometers of hell - a triple space axis - heaven on earth. Southwest in city nai river crossing to mountain in artemisia (at taian station of anji) as the "land of the dead"; Taian city for the world; Since north temple lane, along the 6666 level "ladder" to DaiDing "tianfu". TaiAnCheng is due to the ancient emperors I sacrifice, and the people dachaoshan pilgrimages and sightseeing development. 's dai temple are undoubtedly visitors' choice of Thai city on the central axis of the main body, the central axis from south of the city gate, extends to the temple, and then into the mountain bends and leads to the "heaven", make not only mountains and cities, on the function and form in architectural space sequence. The sequence according to the mountain worship of another program, runs through a from "people" to "wonderland". Look from the terrain, is by the gentle slope, slope until a steep slope, people from low to high, rising step by step, finally boarded the tianfu like; Look from the scale of construction, it reaches to the sky by human imperial palaces, gradually into the wonderland; Look from the color, red walls Huang Wa always with pines seem to form contrast. Through three mile a flagpole, five miles a memorial arch, a door, two doors (zhongtian gate), three doors (worse), triple rhythm, constituted a day, step by step the spectacular sequence. Mount tai is the most prominent feature of ancient buildings is the use of geographical environment, it skillfully by natural trend, and with the artificial force to strengthen and beautify the environment. For I ritual activities, the choice of sequence space position, make full use of the tai shan south by gradual steep slope, causes the artistic conception of "ladder". All the streams, people in the valley of the bank of China, is a "closed" natural landscape, the segment is tightly contraction, until DaiDing to open. Prelude to long, contrast is very strong, for "worship" activity, produce environmental induction psychological state, if heaven, breathless. Step into the worse suddenly open, like fairy. Therefore, the geographical environment is the masterpiece of I sacrifice space sequence. Second, the location choice of single or group under construction and the creation of structures, have built across the way portal construction, have a climbing turn with the guidance of building, facing the creek and reward JingJianZhu, mid-levels suspension religious buildings, there are towering mountain of buildings, etc. Thirdly, from the construction of the structure, materials, decoration and garden space as the basic unit of group composition, are able to meet the requirements of terrain environment variable, this pavilion pavilion of building construction, set the cabinet of a cabinet; Need to open fully in the modelling and lighter, need to shrink in space real thick, fully embody the set by scene, due to the condition of construction thought. Taishan main preserved ancient architecture is the style of the Ming and qing dynasties, it is not only the value of building the painting, sculpture, rocks, trees, become the example of ancient Chinese culture, preserve a huge I sacrifice sequence and a three-dimensional painting recorded history, but also left for us to keep up with the architecture model of natural by its unique artistic image to coordinate and strengthen the natural beauty, to performance and deepen the natural environment. Because of them, to make the natural landscape and human landscape set each other off of the mount tai is unripe brightness, make strict excessively day to taishan go deep into the heart of hundreds of millions of Chinese people, and famous in the world, become a whole a kind of precious heritage. Mount tai, 3 road since ancient times. It was destroyed in the original east road, the original road naturally became now east road, visitors at taian station after the train, can swim first dai temple, and then from dai temple back door to the temple, walking through zhongtian gate to the worse, or walking to transfer to the cable car to the worse after zhongtian gate, along the Yin again by the azure clouds temple on mount tai is the utmost. If walk road (the original west road), from taian station to get off, can take tour bus along the mountains roads by ying tan, zhulin temple direct zhongtian gate, then to tianmen take the cable car or walk to the worse, until the Yin DaiDing again. If from the road up the hill, from taian station take tour bus to claimed yesterday (taian and jinan border) to the north, along the new monarch round hill road, in the flowers, spring ding-dong of maolin travel to shangri-la in the sunlit cableway station passenger ropeway from here until the northern tip of Yin, really is magic! My dear friends, my introduction here. As the saying goes: seeing is believing, everybody wants to have a deep knowledge of mount tai, also need according to their own interest, personal into the arms of mount tai, footsteps slowly along the history and culture to visit, to watch carefully. 泰山景区导游词开头 篇10各位女士、各位先生: 首先,让我代表某某旅行社,对大家来泰山旅游、观光表示热烈欢迎! 希望大家在泰山逗留期间能够玩得开心,吃、住放心,同时希望大家在泰山游览当中能够得到一个较大的收获,留下一个美好的记忆。 泰山,古称岱宗,它位于山东省东部,华北大平原的东侧,面积426平方公里,海拔1545米,方位为东经117度6分,北纬36度16分。泰山雄伟壮丽,历史悠久,文物众多,以“五岳独尊”的盛名称誉古今。巍巍泰山就像一座民族的丰碑屹立于中华大地,举世瞩目。 1982年,泰山被国务院列为第一批国家重点风景名胜区,1987年被联合国教科文组织列为世界自然与文化遗产,1992年荣登全国旅游胜地40佳金榜。泰山至今保护较好的古建筑群有22处,总建筑面积达14万多平方米。在古建筑群之间,还有12处石坊、6座石桥、7座石亭、1座铜亭和1座铁塔。泰山刻石有2200多处,被誉为“中国摩崖刻石博物馆”,这里有中国碑制最早的刻石--泰山秦刻石;有珍贵的汉代张迁碑、衡方碑和晋孙夫人碑;有被誉为“大字鼻祖”、“榜书之宗”的北齐经石峪刻石;有天下洋洋大观的唐玄宗<<纪泰山铭>>和唐代双束碑等。泰山古树名木繁多,被誉为“活着的世界自然遗产”。泰山百年以上的古树名木3万余株,其中有2120xx年前的汉柏6株,1320xx年前生的唐槐,520xx年前生的望人松、五大夫松,还有一棵被誉为国宝的620xx年前生的盆景松树“小六朝松”。泰山素以壮美著称,呈现出雄、奇、险、秀、幽、奥、旷等诸多美的形象,泰山景区内有著名山峰12座,崖岭78座,岩洞18处,奇石58块,溪谷12条,潭池瀑布56处,山泉64处,有著名的黑龙潭、扇子崖、天烛峰、桃花峪等10大自然景观;有旭日东升、晚霞夕照、黄河金带、云海玉盘等10大自然奇观。 泰山的日出,是一个想象的世界,神奇的世界,日出景象的美妙是笔墨难以形容的。自古以来,无数诗人对泰山日出的壮丽景观都有过生动的描述。宋代词人梅圣俞的“晨登日观峰,海水黄配熔。浴出车轮光,随天行无踪。”的绝句尤为人爱,凌晨破晓前,站在日观峰,举目东方,晨星渐没,微晕稍露,天地间的一片云海滚动,稍顷,一线晨曦透过云层照亮东方,这时天空由灰变黄,继而呈现橙、紫、红瑰丽的朝霞,波浪似的云层,在阳光的照耀下,组成一幅幅五彩缤纷、绮丽多姿的图案,旭日在阳光中婷婷娜娜从云层升起,阳光因受海波起伏的影响忽隐忽现,闪烁不定,日轮缓升时又受波峰、波谷推进的影响上下跳动,渐渐成圆形,磅礴而出,金光四射,群峰尽染,大地一片光明。 夕阳西下时,朵朵残云飘浮在天际,落日的余辉如一道道金光穿过云朵洒满山间。太阳象一个巨大的玉盘,由白变黄,越来越大,天空如缎似锦,待到夕阳沉入云底,霞光变成一片火红,天际云朵,山峰好象在燃烧,天是红的,山是红的,云是红的,大地也是红的。举目远眺,黄河象一条飘带,弯弯曲曲从天际飘来,在落日的映照下,白色缎带般的黄河泛起红润,波光翻滚,给人以动的幻觉。“一条黄水似衣带,穿破世间通银河”。太阳慢慢靠向黄河,彩带般的黄河象是系在太阳上,在绛紫色的天边飞舞。泰山的云雾是变幻莫测的。雨后初晴,大量水气蒸发蒸腾,加之夏季季风自海上吹来的暖温空气,成云致雾。有时大片云在山腰形成一条长长的带子,如同官服玉带,而山上山下皆晴;有时则乌云滚滚,大有倒海翻江之势;也有时白云平铺,如大地铺絮,山谷堆雪,团团白云如同千万个玉盘,轻拢漫涌,铺排相接,好象平静如无垠的汪洋大海,这就是著名的“云海玉盘”。 碧霞宝光是泰山的又一大奇景。“宝光”俗称“佛光”,多出现在碧霞祠东、西、南神门外,碧霞祠地处玉皇顶的前怀,地势相对低凹,云雾较为浓密且较稳定,在弥漫背后照来,人影呈现在雾幕上,周围形成内紫外红彩色光环,烨烨生辉,彩环呈现红、橙、黄、绿、青、蓝、紫七色,有时还会出现双环,更加绚丽动人。站在雾幕前的游客举手投足,光环中的影子也手舞足蹈,油然而生飘飘欲飞成仙人之感。 泰山的冬季,气温常在-20摄氏度左右,雪后天晴,气温回暖,大陆气团稍有减少,南方暖温气团乘虚而入,雾气笼罩山间,微风吹动,飘浮的雾滴触及树枝、岩石、房顶,凝结成冰粒,层层叠叠,便形成了“千枝琼玉”、“万树花”的雾淞奇景。泰山上下成了一个洁白如银的世界,犹如龙宫洞府,别有一番情调。 泰山的冬季,也常有冷却的雨滴,降落到地面上、物体上,急速结成坚硬、滑而透明的冰层,这就是“雨淞”。每当雨淞出现,山峦树木象冰晶倒挂,地面岩石似铺明镜,泰山变成了冰雕玉琢的“琉璃世界”。雨后天晴,红日映冰峰,蓝天衬霞山,光彩夺目,金光迸射,满山松柏映雪,到处银装素裹,好一派冰清玉洁的北国风光。 泰山地区得天独厚的自然环境和悠久的历史文化孕育造就了千姿百态的丽山秀水和人文名胜,生动地记录了我们中华民族发展历史的文明篇章。现代考古科学的研究已揭示出在5万年前的旧石器时期,泰山周围已经有了人类活动的踪迹。大量史料也都记载了泰山地区早在母系氏族社会阶段已经显露出文明的曙光。在5千年前的新石器时代,泰山南麓的大汶口文化、北麓的龙山文化,不仅影响到山东,而且影响到黄河中下游的广大地区。春秋战国时期形成的“齐鲁之邦”是中国历史上政治、经济、文化高度发达的地区之一,产生了孔子、孟子等历史文化名人。历史告诉我们,泰山地区早在远古时代就已经成为东方文化的重要发祥地,而泰山在先秦时代就已成为中国最早的名山,成为五岳之首。 泰山实际海拔高度并不太高,在五岳中次于恒山、华山,仅占第三位。与全国的许多大山相比都不能望其项背。但它为什么成为赫赫于古今的“五岳之长”、“五岳独宗”而独享盛名呢?这要从泰山的地理环境和原始宗教谈起。 泰山崛起于华北平原之东,凌驾于齐鲁平原之上,东临烟波浩淼的大海,西靠源远流长的黄河,南有汶、泗、淮之水,与平原、丘陵相对高差1300米,形成强烈的对比,因而在视觉上显得格外高大;奏感和“一览众山小”的高旷气势;山脉绵亘100余公里,盘卧426平方公里,其基础宽大产生安稳感,形体庞大而集中则产生厚重感,大有“镇坤维而不摇”之威仪。所谓“稳如泰山”、“重如泰山”,正是其自然特征在人们生理、心理上的反映。 从古到今,人们总把泰山作为一个高大、美好、高尚、坚毅的形象,热情加以歌颂。公元前二世纪,司马迁在他的<<报任少卿书>>中就写道:“人固有一死,或重于泰山,或轻于鸿毛”。毛主席曾引用了司马迁的这名话教导人们,“为人民利益而死,就比泰山还重”。这种把泰山精神与人生的意义、人生观密切联系起来的做法,在教育人民中发挥了很大作用。 六朝任方<<述异记>>载,秦汉时,民间传说盘古氏(远古时开天辟地,代生万物的神人)死后头为东岳,左臂为南岳,右臂为北岳,足为西岳。盘古尸体的头向东方,而且化为东岳,泰山就成了当然的五岳之首了。这显然是根据<<五行>>、<<五德>>学说创作的神话故事,反映了泰山独尊五岳的历史背景。 东方是太阳出升的地方,古人即认为是万物交替、初春发生之地。因此,东方就成了生命之源,希望和吉祥的象征。而古代先民又往往把雄伟奇特的东岳视为神灵,把山神作为祈求风调雨顺的对象来崇拜,于是,地处东方的泰山--这个通天拔地的庞然大物便成了“万物孕育之所”的“吉祥之山”、“神灵之宅”了。受天命而帝王的“天子”更把泰山看成是国家统一,权力的象征。为答谢天帝的“授命”之恩,也必到泰山封神祭祀。商周时期,商王相土在泰山脚下建东都,周天子以泰山为界建齐鲁;传说中秦汉以前,就有72代君王到泰山封神,此后秦始皇、秦二世、汉武帝、汉光武帝、汉章帝、汉安帝、隋文帝、唐高宗、武则天、唐玄宗、宋真宗、清帝康熙、乾隆等古帝王接踵到泰山封禅致祭,刻石纪功。历代帝王借助泰山的神威巩固自己的统治,使泰山的神圣地位被抬到了无以复加的程度。 伴随着历代帝王的封禅祭祀,泰山成了各种宗教流派活动的重要场所。早在战国时期就有了黄伯阳修道于山后,以后历代著名道家名人都曾在泰山传经布道,建观筑庙。佛教自东晋高僧郎公创建郎公寺开始,在泰山也不断发展。 泰山吸引了众多的文化名人,历代诗人墨客纷至沓来,他们朝山览胜,赋诗撰文,留下了丰富的文化精品。孔子、管仲、司马迁、张衡、诸葛亮、曹植、李白、杜甫、刘禹锡、苏东坡、欧阳修、范仲淹、王世贞、姚奈、郭沫若等都挥笔疾书,留下了浩如烟海的颂岱诗文,把游人从山神崇拜中引向游览观赏、求知审美的新方向。由山脚拾级而上,到泰山之巅,仅摩崖石刻就有千余处,从秦至清,历代皆有巨制。书体众彩纷呈,书意各代不同,其规模之大,作品之多,时代之连续性以及风格、流派、艺术之精湛,构景之巧妙都是世界名山无与伦比的。刻古中所包含的高韵深情与巍巍壮丽的泰山融合在一起,充分体现了中华民族自强不息的崇高精神。 在泰山数千年的文明中,历代劳动人民所创造的一系列辉煌的人文景观与高大雄伟的自然景观相结合,形成了泰山的崇高形象,构成了独特的泰山风景景观。人文景观的布局与创作,是根据自然景观,尤其是地形特点和封禅、游览、观赏活动的需要而设计的。最具代表性的是帝王封禅、百姓朝山进香的路线。其主体是拔地通天的自然景观,主题是封天禅地的思想内容,布局形式重点是祭地的蒿里山,经帝王驻驿的岱庙到封天的玉皇顶构成了长达10余公里的地府--人间--天堂的三重空间一条轴线。即以城西南过奈河桥至蒿里山(在泰安火车站东南侧)为“阴曹地府”;泰安城区为人间;自城北岱宗坊开始,沿长达6666级的“天梯”至岱顶为“天府”。 泰安城是因古帝王封禅祭祀、百姓朝山进香和游览观光发展而成的。岱庙是泰城中轴线上的主体,这条中轴线从泰城南门起,延伸到岱宗坊,然后与登山盘道相接而通向“天庭”,使山与城不仅在功能上,而且在建筑空间序列上形成一体。其序列按登山祭祀活动的程序次第展开,贯穿着一种由“人境”至“仙境”的历程。从地形上看,是由缓坡、斜坡直到陡坡,人们由低到高,步步升高,最后宛若登上天府;从建筑规模上看,是由人间帝王宫殿上达苍穹,渐入仙境;从色调上看,红墙黄瓦始终与苍松翠柏形成对比。再通过三里一旗杆,五里一牌坊,一天门、二天门(中天门)、三天门(南天门),三重节奏,构成了一道步步登天,雄伟壮观的朝天序列。 泰山古建筑最突出的特点就是对地理环境的利用,它巧妙地因自然之势,又以人工之力加强和美化自然环境。其一,在封禅祭祀活动的序列空间位置的选择上,充分利用泰山南坡由缓渐陡之势,造成登“天梯”的意境。此路沿溪而上,人在谷中行,属“封闭型”自然景观,下段是紧紧收缩,直至岱顶才开放。前奏长,对比十分强烈,对于“祭天”活动来说,造成环境感应的心理状态,若步步登天,扣人心弦。登临南天门骤然开阔,恰似升仙。因此,这样的地理环境是封禅祭祀空间序列的杰作。其二,在建单体或群体位置的选择与建筑结构的创作上,有跨道而建的门户建筑,有登山转折处的导向性建筑,有临溪而设的赏景建筑,有半山悬挂的宗教建筑,也有耸立山巅的祭祀建筑等。其三,从建筑的结构、材料、装饰及以庭院空间为基本单元的群体组合上,均能适应地形环境多变的要求,该建亭的建亭,该设阁的则设阁;需开敞通透处即造型轻巧,需收缩空间处便实厚重,充分体现因景而设,因境而生的建筑思想。 泰山古建筑主要保存的是明清时期的风格,它的价值不仅在于建筑与会画、雕刻、山石、林木融为一体,成为中国古老文化的例证,保存了一个巨大的封禅祭祀序列和一幅记载历史的立体画卷,而且还为我们留下了顺应自然的建筑典范,以其特有的艺术形象去协调和加强自然美,去表现和深化自然环境。由于它们的存在,才使泰山的自然景观与人文景观相映生辉,使峻极于天的泰山深入到几亿炎黄子孙的心坎中,并名扬全世界,成为全为类的珍贵遗产。 登泰山,自古3条路。原来的东路已毁,原来的中路自然而然地成了现在的东路,游人在泰安火车站下火车后,可先游岱庙,然后从岱庙后门至岱宗坊,步行经中天门到南天门,或步行至中天门后转乘索道到南天门,再沿天街经碧霞祠登上泰山极顶。若走中路(原来的西路),从泰安火车站下车后,可乘游览汽车沿环山公路经黑龙潭、竹林寺直达中天门,然后从中天门乘索道或步行到南天门,再沿天街直至岱顶。若从西路上山,需从泰安火车站乘游览汽车至界首(泰安与济南的交界处)向北折,沿新辟的环山公路,在鸟语花香,泉水叮咚的茂林深谷中穿行至桃花源索道站,从这里乘索道可直至天街的北端,真可谓一步登天了! 各位朋友,我的介绍就到这里。俗话说:百闻不如一见,大家要想对泰山有一个深刻的了解,还需要根据自己的兴趣,亲身投入到泰山的怀抱里,沿着历史文化的足迹慢慢地去游览,仔细地去观赏。 泰山景区导游词开头 篇11Ladies and gentlemen: How do you do! Warmly welcome to mount tai, today I will and family together from taishan road on the top of the mountain. This is high, the ancient taishan contains rich natural and cultural accumulation, has been UNESCO world cultural and natural heritage list. Now, we are still like the ancients, asking how "temple", then join me into the mount, to appreciate the charm of mount tai. This is dai. Started from the dai temple, temple lane, a heaven, red doors, doors, the arch of ascending immortals to the worse, is the ancient emperor I taishan road, through the now famous person called "heaven scenic spot", also called road, is the oldest of taishan mountain road 6 now. We will from the road to the utmost. Home before noticed the towering dai temple, and a more temples, that is "remote pavilion", are the starting point of the first emperor I mount tai. The emperor held to taishan I sacrifice, all visits by simple ceremony here first, so before the Ming dynasty, called the "grass and pavilion". Id in the Ming dynasty, changed its name to "remote pavilion" refs. Though it is a word, base devout do contain it. Friends, the ancient architecture in architectural history in the world has a unique position, is remote and pavilion of the architectural concept for both I would become a standard for a prelude to the need of step by step into the climax, also is the ancient suppression before young's aesthetic thought. Qianmen is the dai temple, ping is a wonderful party. With such charm to dai temple, is determined by its own characteristics. First of all, it is different from general temple, the walls of the wall week 1300 meters, 5 layer foundation, build by laying bricks or stones on the blue bricks, a trapezoid, 17.6 meters wide, 11 meters wide, 10 meters high, a total of eight gate: for qianmen, as the front entrance to the dai temple. From the dai temple, qianmen into head-on is tianmen, chopped son say "DE with heaven and earth" meaning. With doors on both sides of the east for three spirit Hou Dian, west to qiu, three temple are connected to the wall, and constitute the dai temple between the first into the yard. Ringha door, is the majestic high Kuang song day, it is also called China sun temple, is the main body of the temple. Width between 9 days Kuang temple, 643.67 meters, the depth 5, 17.18 meters, the intake of 23.3 m. Kuang temple is located in the spacious home, day white stylobate, stone column jacaranda around, around the cloud shape column at his columns, and make the heavens Kuang the environment around the house and has a wonderful effect. Day around Kuang temple corridors, forming a compound, on the two sides of buildings, gallery is to play the make the space has banded, the folding of the gas and closely, rigorous and abound change, this is to connect the world history of architecture. Dai temple in the corridor to a double-hipped roof hip roof building tightly hugging, straight and high contrast more inspired people to day Kuang own house. Ancient Chinese architects know that there is no absolute absolutely, from comparison, in addition to low around the corridors, days before Kuang temple platform also took two exquisite royal pavilion, both highlighted the day Kuang temple, and in a quiet sound, so the day Kuang temple is not of the two words can be summarized with. From day Kuang falsely back out, a brick tunnel connected to the bedroom after. When the emperor song zhenzong letter taishan, dubbed "emperor", because of mount tai emperor should be winner ", then to match a lady "shu next year". From this point of view, dai temple is more many, Taoism as more like the royal court, this layout is further revealed the feudal rulers of dai political activities of the utilitarian purpose. Just now, we are along the dai temple to visit the main axis, and on both sides of main axis, the other 4 individual, both before and after the east, the former as "opzoon", according to legend the emperor of 6 strains of cooper in the courtyard; After the "east the throne", is the place where the emperor the taishan hotel. Here is the mount tai is famous 18. About 2.5 billion years ago, in a geologist called "taishan sports" orogeny, GuTaiShan from an ocean rise for the first time, after several vicissitudes of life, mount tai is rising and sinking, sinking and rising, finally 30 million years ago in the Himalayan orogeny, finally formed today's mount tai. Ancient orogeny created Tarzan foothill stepped up three fault zone, a step from the cloud layer on the bridge fault zone to the utmost, abrupt rise of more than 400 meters above sea level, making it a layer of strip with all round with a strong contrast peaks, like the pagoda of brake, formed the "column" east days of momentum. Here is the tight 18, is also the climbing plate is the most difficult part of the road. Cliff house, the inscribed copy of the elders: "hard up", "the first mountain", "green ladder climbing together"... It was the encourage us. Look at the load of one hundred jin, pick, workers think again when the nameless chisel shek sau passers-by... Speechless, but they can motivate people up mountains. Friend, mountaineering is like doing any business, only up to the end, to overcome and obstacles, to reach the highest realm! The worse, we are in "heaven", although we have not immortal, but we are here to "climb the tianshan and heaven is revealed to the heroic. Into the worse, as opposed to a temple called "porch" outstanding, outstanding porch one on each side can go to the north. Go out to the west there is a mountain peak "of oar in nature, the mountains have a pavilion, a month view pavilion. It is said that day high air in late autumn season, here also can see" Huang Hejin belts "singular landscape: under the setting sun is reflected in the backdrop, dimmed, but the Yellow River, reflecting the light of the sun, like a flash of gold belt, the day in the ground together. At night, under the bright moonlight, the lights of the north visible at jinan, so the peak month view say again" at the mansion mountain ". Out the worse yard east fold is the Yin. Yin, the streets of heaven, more poetic. Travel east along the Yin, the north one lane, plaques on the topic shadow Wu Sheng mark ", this is from Confucius and YanYuan see wu Chang outside a white horse. Fang north is the Confucius temple. Yin is the most eastern end of azure clouds temple, I tell the stories brigitte xia yuan jun to the home. Brigitte xia yuan jun's predecessor is the goddess of mount tai, the folk known as "fairy herself xia yuan jun" is people mind of mount tai is the Lord god, and is referred to as "taishan" grandma, "taishan mother". Taishan syndrome of old people of faith and love, is a history of buried deep in people's heart of a mother's love. For many years, Beckham won the affection of his people, xia yuan jun still stand on the top of mount tai, accept the good faith boy and girl, incense, wandering township called to leave the country. Ok, let us into the green chardonnay temple. , 2500 square meters, built the throne room, peidian peidian, 3 door god, bell tower, drum tower, incense, long live the floor, one thousand jin ding, pool fire, and zhaobi, dance floor, royal pavilion... And as the royal mountain high winds, the temple of copper for copper tile, stone, glittering, just like the imperial palace in the sky. The height of mount tai azure clouds temple architecture technique is considered to be the model of the construction of the ancient mountains, people come here to visit dance is not feeling it and its high, sacredness arises spontaneously. Today, mount tai azure clouds temple buildings unique prepared. The azure clouds temple east door north along the winding mountain paths to god, a wall of rock stand tall, cliff stone carvings around, yangyang, called "peak". Peak on the west side, a few years all have the ancients write on a stone, this area is open to the calligraphy art museum. Peak bends and on the west side of the view to the top, who seems to go all the way up the stone steps finally arrived at the end of the utmost - jade emperor peak is mount tai. The jade emperor pagoda built in the utmost, aross like to taishan wearing a crown. By the gate into the temple, the first see is a hospital bill "the utmost stone". The utmost stone columns, lie in a circle of fewer meters high, rough surface, if elsewhere, will be a the most ordinary not stone. But here, beside it have ready and ready and the monuments reads: "1545 meters of mount tai is the utmost". According to the geology analysis, that's it, at 30 million years ago from a trough to hog, it rooted in the 10000 meters deep in the earth's crust; Is it, with hundreds of square kilometers of the base, the whole mountain is carried on it, make it the clouds, so that the jade emperor of jade emperor pagoda became the patron saint of it. My friends, a day of travel is over. Hope you can come again to the mount tai. Thank you for your home! 泰山景区导游词开头 篇12大家好,我是导游冯千烨,今天,我带大家游览五岳之首泰山。 泰山古称岱宗,它位于山东省东部,泰安市北侧,面积426平方公里,海拔1545米。泰山雄伟壮观,历史悠久,文物众多,以“五岳独尊”的盛名称誉古今。巍巍泰山就像鱼。就像一座民族的丰碑屹立于中华大地。 我们从山脚下沿着石砌的台阶向上攀登,会看到驿路蜿蜒、古木苍翠、松柏夹道,路旁的野花万紫千红,各具特色,从岱宗坊向上便是王母池、红门、万仙楼、再向上是中天门,对松亭,名胜古迹数不胜数。 站在迎客松下,隐约可以看到十八盘,因为古人说:“一叶障目,不见泰山。”十八盘的台阶,共1594级,高约400多米,可以说是泰山的“脊梁”。 过了十八盘,就到南天门。看,山道正中一座城楼式的建筑,耸立在山巅,这就是著名的南天门。“南天门”这三个赤金的大字,赫然入目。 城楼墙全是用红、黄、蓝三色漆刷的,配色协调,鲜艳夺目,庄重大方。 最后的目的是玉皇顶,上玉皇顶可以观看到泰山日出。明天早晨大家可以早起来看日出。随着旭日发出的第一缕曙光撕破黎明前的黑暗,从而使东方天幕,由漆黑而逐渐转为鱼肚白、红色,直至耀眼的金黄,喷射出万道霞光,最后,一轮火球跳跃出来,腾空而起。 在这里希望各位能协力保护红啊我们自然环境文化遗产,做文明的游客,谢谢各位! 泰山景区导游词开头 篇13各位朋友: 你们好!热诚欢迎你们到泰山来,今天我将和家一起从泰山路登上山顶。 这座高、古老的泰山蕴含了丰富的自然与文化的积淀,已被联合国教科文组织列入世界自然与文化遗产名录。现在,我们仍要像古人那样问一句“岱宗夫如何”,然后,同我一起步入山,去领略泰山的神韵。 这里是岱庙。从岱庙开始,经岱宗坊、一天门、红门、天门、升仙坊至南天门、是古代皇帝封禅泰山所走过的路,现在被知名人称为“登天景区”,也称路,是如今泰山登山6条路最古老的一条。我们将从这条路登上极顶。 家注意到了巍峨的岱庙前,还有一座较的庙宇,这就是“遥参亭”,是当年皇帝封禅泰山的起始点。当年帝王来泰山举行封禅祭典时,都先要在这里举行简单的参拜仪式,因此明朝之前,称此为“草参亭”。明代加以扩建时,改名为“遥参亭”。虽是一字之易,基虔诚却尽含其了。 朋友们,国的古代建筑在世界建筑史上是有着独特地位的,这座遥参亭的建筑构思既出于封禅典将由此为前奏而步步进入高潮的需要,也是国古代先抑后扬的美学思想的体现。 正阳门内就是岱庙了,平是一个神奇的方。岱庙有着如此的魅力,决定于它自身的特征。首先,它的围墙便与一般庙宇不同,围墙周1300米,5层基石,上砌青砖,呈梯形,下宽17.6米,上宽11米,高约10米,共有8座门:正为正阳门,是岱庙的正门。由正阳门进得岱庙来,迎面是配天门,茸子说的“德配天地”之意。配天门两侧,东为三灵侯殿,西为太尉,三殿之间以墙相连,构成岱庙间第一进院落。 过了仁安门,便是雄伟高的宋天贶,它又叫峻极殿,是这座庙宇的主体。天贶殿面阔9间,643.67米,进深5间,17.18米,通高23.3米。家看,天贶殿坐落在宽敞的白色台基之上,周围石雕栏楹环绕,云形望柱齐列,使天贶殿与四周的环境产生了奇妙的效果。 天贶殿周围施以回廊,形成了一个院落,在国的建筑,廊是起着使空间有联贯、敛气、紧密、严谨而又富于变化的作用,这是世界建筑史上都加以称道的。岱庙的回廊把一座重檐庑殿的建筑物紧紧地环抱着,平直与崇高的对比更激起了人们对天贶殿的崇仰。我国古代建筑家深知世上没有绝对绝对,是从对比产生的,除了四周低平的回廊外,天贶殿前平台上还修了两个精巧的御碑亭,既突出了天贶殿,又于雄伟寓含着恬静闲适,因此天贶殿并不是雄伟两个字可以概括得了的。 从天贶诬后门出,有砖石甬道与后寝宫相连。宋真宗封泰山时,因将泰山封为“帝”,帝则应当影后”,于是便为之配了个夫人“淑明后”。从这一点看来,岱庙与其说是道教神府,还不如说更像皇家宫廷,这种布局进一步透露了封建统治者利用岱庙进行政治活动的功利目的。 刚才,我们是沿着岱庙的主轴线游览,而主轴线两侧,原另有4个别院,东面前后两院,前为“汉柏院”,相传汉武帝所植的6株古柏就在此院内;后为“东御座”,是皇帝祭泰山下榻的地方。 这里就是泰山有名的十八盘了。约25亿年前,在一次被地质学家称作“泰山运动”的造山运动,古泰山第一次从一片汪洋崛起,以后几度沧桑,泰山升起又沉没,沉没又升起,终于在3000万年前的“喜马拉雅山造山运动”,泰山最后形成了今天的模样。古老的造山运动造就了泰山南麓阶梯式上升的三个断裂带,最上一层从云步桥断裂带到极顶,海拔陡然上升400多米,使得这一层地带与四周群峰产生强烈对比,犹如宝塔之刹,形成了“东天一柱”的气势。 这里是紧十八盘,也是整个登山盘路最为艰难的地段了。家看,石壁上古人的题刻:“努力登高”、“首出万山”、“共攀青云梯”……那是在勉励我们。家再看,那负荷百斤的挑山工,再想想当年无名无姓的凿石修路人……山无言,但它们能激励人们向上。朋友,登山犹如干任何事业,只有义无反顾地向上,才能战胜险阻,才能到达最高的境界! 南天门到了,我们现在已置身“天界”了,虽然我们并没有成仙,但我们在这里领略到了“登天山而天下”的豪迈。 进了南天门,与之相对的是殿取名为“未了轩”,未了轩两侧各一门可以北去。出门往西有一山峰桨月观峰”,山上有亭,名月观亭。据说,天高气爽的深秋时节,在这里还可以一览“黄河金带”的奇异景观:在夕阳映照的天幕下,地变暗了,惟有一曲黄河水,反射出了太阳的光辉,像一条闪光的金带,将天在地连在一起。入夜,在皎洁的月色下,由此北望可见济南的万家灯火,因此月观峰又称“望府山”。 出南天门院落东折即为天街。天街,天上的街市,多富诗意的地方。沿天街东行,北有一坊,匾额上题影望吴圣迹”,这就是相传孔子与颜渊看到吴国阊门外一匹白马的地方。坊北有孔子庙。 天街最东端就是碧霞祠了,我给家讲讲碧霞元君的故事。碧霞元君的前身是泰山女神,在民间被称作“天仙玉女碧霞元君”是百姓心目的泰山主神,并被称作“泰山奶奶”、“泰山老母”。民众对泰山老母的候信仰与喜爱,是一种历史积淀下来的埋藏在人们心灵深层的对母亲的爱。多少年来,碧霞元君赢得了百姓的爱戴,至今仍高踞泰山之巅,接受着善男信 女的香火,召唤着去乡离国的游子。 好,让我们进到碧霞寺来。2500平方米的地方,建起了山门,正殿,配殿,3座神门,钟楼、鼓楼、香亭、万岁楼、千斤鼎、火池,还有照壁、歌舞楼、御碑亭……而且为御高山疾风,殿为铜瓦、碑为铜铸,金光闪闪,俨然天上宫阙。泰山碧霞祠的高度建筑技巧被认为是我国古代高山建设的典范,人舞到这里来进香并不感其而觉其高,神圣感油然而生。如今,泰山碧霞祠建筑群独具一格的神品。 出碧霞祠东神门北折沿盘道再上,可见一堵石壁巍然屹立,石壁上石刻遍布,洋洋观,人称“观峰”。观峰西侧,几年所有的石上也都有古人的手笔,这一带可谓是露天的书法艺术博物馆。 沿观峰西侧盘道而上,至最高处,那些一路上看似走不完的石阶终于到了尽头,这里就是泰山的极顶--玉皇顶了。 玉皇庙建在极顶上,红墙碧瓦像是给泰山戴上了一顶桂冠。由山门进庙,最先看到的是院央的“极顶石”。极顶石卧在一圈石栏,高不盈米,表面粗糙,如果在别处,将是一块最普通不地的石头了。但是在这里,它的旁边有碑恭恭的写着:“泰山极顶1545米”。根据地质学分析,就是它,在3000万年前从海槽率先拱起,它根植于1万米的地壳深处;就是它,有着数百平方公里的基座,整座山在托举着它,使它高耸云天,以至玉皇庙的玉皇帝简直就成了它的守护神。 朋友们,一天的行程已经结束。希望你们能再度到泰山来。谢谢家! 泰山景区导游词开头 篇14Ladies and gentlemen: First of all, let me, on behalf of travel agency, for everyone to mount tai tourism, sightseeing, a warm welcome! During our stay in taishan, I hope you can have fun, eat, live at ease, at the same time I hope you in taishan tour will be able to get a big harvest, leave a good memory. Mount tai, called temple, it is located in eastern shandong province, the eastern side of the great plains of north China, covers an area of 426 square kilometers, the elevation 1545 meters, bearing for 6 minutes east longitude 117 degrees, 36 degrees north latitude 16 points. Majestic mount tai, has a long history and numerous cultural relics, in order to "first five" the reputation of the island at all. Wei tai standing as a national monument in the earth, has attracted worldwide attention. In 1982, mount tai was listed as the first batch of national key scenic area, under the state council in 1987, UNESCO world natural and cultural heritage, in 1992 named the national tourist resort 40 +. Taishan protection so far better buildings there are 22, a total construction area of more than 140000 square meters. Between the ancient architectural complexes, and 12 Shi Fang 7, 6 stone bridge, stone pavilion, one copper pavilion and 1 steel tower. Taishan sharpening has more than 2200, is known as "China's cliff burring museum", here is China's earliest stone system burring tai shan qin burring; There are precious, HengFang memorial tablet and jin han dynasty of lady tablet; There is known as "big word" and "zong" of BangShu beiqi the stone valley burring; Have all the plethora of tang dynasty < < JiTaiShan inscription > > and double beam tablet in the tang dynasty, etc. Mount tai is fomous trees is various, is known as "the living world natural heritage". Taishan fomous trees more than one hundred, more than one hundred strains, opzoon 6 strains, of which 2100 years ago, 1300 years ago Tang Huai, 500 years ago at people, 5 doctors, come loose and a 600 years ago has been hailed as a national treasure in the bonsai pines "small six dynasties". Mount tai are famous for their grandeur, present a male, strange, risks, show, deep and remote, Mr, kuang, and many other beautiful image, 12 taishan scenic spot with famous mountains, cliff ridge, 78, 18, cave stone 58, valleys of article 12, 56, tam pool waterfall mountain spring 64, is the famous ying tan, the fan cliff, TianZhuFeng, peach blossom valley landscape such as 10 nature; The sunrise, sunset afterglow, Huang Hejin belt, sea of clouds tracts of ten natural wonders. Taishan sunrise, it is an imaginary world, magical world, is the beauty of pen and ink indescribable sunrise scene. Since the ancient times, numerous poets of taishan sunrise spectacular landscape has a vivid description. Song dynasty ci MeiShengYu "morning RiGuanFeng, yellow sea melting. Bath the wheel light, follow day." Rhyme is especially people's love, in the morning before dawn, stood RiGuanFeng, lifted up his eyes, and the east, and the morning star fadeout, faint show, a sea of clouds rolling between heaven and earth, slightly hectares, a gleam of dawn through clouds illuminated the east, then by the grey sky become yellow, then orange, purple, red and magnificent sunrise, like waves of the clouds, the sun, composed of series design of colorful, beautiful and colorful, the sun in the sun tingting nana rose from the clouds, the sun, due to the influence of the waves rolling revealing and flickering, disc gently and influenced by peaks and troughs propulsion when jumping up and down, gradually into a round shape, majestic, golden light, qunfeng do dye, the earth is bright. At sunset the clouds cloud floating in the sky, the afterglow of the setting sun, like a coin golden light through the clouds with the mountain. The sun is like a huge tracts, change from white to yellow, more and more big, the sky like satin brocade, until the sunset sink to the bottom of the cloud, diffused into a piece of red, the sky clouds, mountains like in combustion, day is red, the mountain is red, the cloud is red, the earth also is red. A ribbon, lifted up his eyes, and looked, Huang Hexiang wound its way from the sky, in the backdrop of the sunset, white ribbon of the Yellow River, on the smooth roll, give a person with illusion. "A including stopped here, worn out in the world through the Milky Way". The sun slowly on to the Yellow River, ribbons the Huang Hexiang is tied on the sun, like dancing in the sky to the garnet. A cloud of mount tai is changeable. Attendance after the rain, a lot of actual evapotranspiration, combined with the summer monsoon from the sea to the warm air, cloud fog. Sometimes large cloud to form a long strap on a mountainside, like robes jade belt, and the mountain mountain are fine; Sometimes the dark clouds rolling, a worldshaking streak; Also sometimes baiyun tile, such as the earth spread flocculant, valley pile of snow, and clouds of white clouds, like thousands of tracts, diffuse light over chung, arrangement, like calm as the mighty ocean, and this is the famous "yun tracts. Brigitte chardonnay baoguang is another wonders of mount tai. "Bao guang" commonly known as "Buddha", and more appear in the azure clouds temple east, west, south gate, god azure clouds temple is located in the jade emperor peak before the bosom, the terrain is relatively dips, cloud and mist is relatively thicker and more stable, in the air behind, according to figures appear in the fog, ultraviolet in formation around the red color ring, shall unripe brightness, color ring appears red, orange, yellow, green, green, blue, violet seven color, sometimes there will be double loop, more beautiful and moving. Visitors standing in front of the tent of fog gestures, aura of shadow dance, also arises spontaneously is immortal fluttered about the feeling of people. Mount tai in the winter, the temperature in - 20 degrees Celsius, the temperature warmed up, after that the weather is fine continental air down slightly, the southern warm air masses of fog mountain, breeze blowing, floating cloud droplets hit a tree, rock, roof, condense into ice crystals, the layer cascade folds, formed "thousand branch Joan jade", "Wan Shuhua" the rime of wonders. Mount tai and became a world as white as silver, like the dragon palace abode of fairies and immortals, don't have some kind of emotional appeal. Mount tai in the winter, also very cool rain, down to the ground, an object, rapid forming a hard, smooth and transparent ice, that is "sleet. Whenever the sleet, mountains down trees like ice, the ground spreads rock like mirror, mount tai is turned into ice sculpture YuZhuo "coloured glaze in the world". Sunny after the rain, red sun reflected the climb, the blue sky line xiashan, sparkling, golden light path, full mountain conifers white snow, snow mountains everywhere, good pack Edward Chen north scenery. Taishan district unique natural environment and long history culture breeding has produced various li shan xiushui and cultural attractions, vividly recorded the historical development of our Chinese nation civilization chapter. Modern archaeological scientific research has revealed in the paleolithic period of 50000 years ago, around mount tai have traces of human activity. A large amount of historical data were recorded taishan area in early stage of matriarchal society has revealed the dawn of civilization. In the 5000 years ago the neolithic age, at the northern foot of mount tai foothill of dawenkou culture, longshan culture, not only affect the shandong, and affects large areas of the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River. The spring and autumn period and the warring states period of "the state of qilu" is highly developed in the history of Chinese politics, economy, culture, Confucius, mencius is one of the historical and cultural celebrities. History tells us that tai shan area as early as in ancient times has become the important birthplace of Oriental culture, and taishan in the pre-qin period has become China's first famous mountains, as five mountains. Taishan actual altitude is not too high, is inferior to mount heng, huashan in the mountains, only accounted for a third. Compared with the national many mountains are not nearly as well. But why does it become a renowned in the ancient and modern "yue long", "with its unique and exclusive reputation? This is from the geographical environment and the primitive religion of mount tai. Taishan rise in the east of north China plain, over plains of qilu, wide sea in the east, the west has a long history of the Yellow River, the south has graduated, see, the water of huai, plains, hills and relative elevation 1300 meters, form sharp contrast, thus stands tall on the vision; Making sense and see the mountains small high kuang momentum; Mountains spanning more than 100 kilometers, 426 square kilometers, its basic AnWenGan wide, form large and concentrated massiness, are produced by a "town of d but not shake," the dignity. The so-called "firmly" ", "as heavy as mount tai", it is its natural characteristics in a reflection of people's physiological and psychological. Throughout history, people always put mount tai as a tall, beautiful, noble, determination of image, passion to sing. The second century BC, sima qian in his < < the ren shaoqing book > > in wrote: "death, or heavier than mount tai or lighter than a feather". Chairman MAO had cited the words of sima qian teach people, "to die for the people is weightier than mount tai". This spirit of the mount tai is closely linked to the meaning of life, the outlook on life, plays a big role in the education of the people's. Six dynasties as the < < above different record > >, qin and han dynasties, the folk legend of pangu's (ancient beginning, all things of god) death come to dongyue, left arm of nanyue, right arm as beiyue, sufficient for the west. Pangu corpse head east and dongyue, mount tai is, of course, the five mountains. Apparently according to < < five line > >, < < five DE > > theory creation myth, reflects the historical background of taishan exclusive mountains. The east is the place where the sun were to rise up, the ancients that happens is all things change, the beginning of spring. Therefore, the east is the source of life, hope and auspicious symbol. And ancient ancestors and majestic peculiar dongyue often regarded as gods, the gods as object to worship, pray for the good so, mount tai is located in the east - the borne to pull a behemoth has become "by" everything is "auspicious mountain", "home of the gods". Emperor by destiny "son of heaven" more see taishan as national unity and the symbol of power. Thanks to sent the "man", by the grace of also will come to mount tai worship god. Chow, shang Kings east soil at the foot of mount tai, the base to build taishan to qilu; Legend in the qin and han dynasties ago, 72 to the Kings of the taishan god, after emperor qin, qin ii, the emperor, han GuangWuDi its chapter, han emperor, han, sui wendi, the emperor, wu zetian, tang dynasty, tang emperor song zhenzong, the qing emperor kangxi and qianlong heels the ancient emperors to taishan I send offerings, sharpening JiGong. Every emperor with the aid of taishan compared to consolidate his rule, make mount tai an unbounded was lifted to a divine status. With every emperor I sacrifice, mount tai became the important place of various religious sects activity. As early as the warring states period had Huang Boyang monastery in the mountain, after all previous dynasties famous Taoist celebrities have been preaching on mount tai, built temple built concept. Buddhism since the eastern jin lang lang and create a good buddhist temple began, also growing in mount tai. Taishan attracted numerous cultural celebrities, generations of poets and painters, dachaoshan usually go there on special trip for them, writing, left a rich cultural products. Confucius, guanzhong, sima qian, zhang heng, zhuge liang, liu yuxi's, li bai, du fu, and su dongpo, ouyang xiu, fan zhongyan, wang shizhen, yao nai, guo moruo scrawled JiShu, left a vast adai's poems, the visitors from the mountain god worship to sightseeing, the new direction of aesthetic knowledge. By foot ascend the stairs, to the top of mount tai, there are thousands of cliff stone carvings alone, from qin dynasty to qing dynasty, dynasties have extravaganza. The color, style meaning every generation is different, its scale, work, time of continuity, genre and style, exquisite art, construct the clever are world famous mountains of unparalleled scene. Carved ancient high charm contained in deep feeling and wei the majestic mount tai fuses in together, fully embodies the unyielding noble spirit of the Chinese nation. In taishan in thousands of years of civilization, the working people have created a series of brilliant cultural landscape and the combination of tall, magnificent natural landscape, formed the image of a noble mount tai, mount tai constitute the unique scenery landscape. Humanities landscape layout and creation, is based on the natural landscape, especially the topographic characteristics and the needs of the I, sightseeing, ornamental activity design. The most representative is the route I emperor, and the people dachaoshan pilgrimages. Its main body is to pull tongtian natural landscape, the theme is sealing day zen thought content, the layout form is focused on the artemisia in the land of the mountain, the emperor's yi dai to seal day the jade emperor peak form as long as more than 10 kilometers of hell - a triple space axis - heaven on earth. Southwest in city nai river crossing to mountain in artemisia (at taian station of anji) as the "land of the dead"; Taian city for the world; Since north temple lane, along the 6666 level "ladder" to DaiDing "tianfu". TaiAnCheng is due to the ancient emperors I sacrifice, and the people dachaoshan pilgrimages and sightseeing development. 's dai temple are undoubtedly visitors' choice of Thai city on the central axis of the main body, the central axis from south of the city gate, extends to the temple, and then into the mountain bends and leads to the "heaven", make not only mountains and cities, on the function and form in architectural space sequence. The sequence according to the mountain worship of another program, runs through a from "people" to "wonderland". Look from the terrain, is by the gentle slope, slope until a steep slope, people from low to high, rising step by step, finally boarded the tianfu like; Look from the scale of construction, it reaches to the sky by human imperial palaces, gradually into the wonderland; Look from the color, red walls Huang Wa always with pines seem to form contrast. Through three mile a flagpole, five miles a memorial arch, a door, two doors (zhongtian gate), three doors (worse), triple rhythm, constituted a day, step by step the spectacular sequence. Mount tai is the most prominent feature of ancient buildings is the use of geographical environment, it skillfully by natural trend, and with the artificial force to strengthen and beautify the environment. For I ritual activities, the choice of sequence space position, make full use of the tai shan south by gradual steep slope, causes the artistic conception of "ladder". All the streams, people in the valley of the bank of China, is a "closed" natural landscape, the segment is tightly contraction, until DaiDing to open. Prelude to long, contrast is very strong, for "worship" activity, produce environmental induction psychological state, if heaven, breathless. Step into the worse suddenly open, like fairy. Therefore, the geographical environment is the masterpiece of I sacrifice space sequence. Second, the location choice of single or group under construction and the creation of structures, have built across the way portal construction, have a climbing turn with the guidance of building, facing the creek and reward JingJianZhu, mid-levels suspension religious buildings, there are towering mountain of buildings, etc. Thirdly, from the construction of the structure, materials, decoration and garden space as the basic unit of group composition, are able to meet the requirements of terrain environment variable, this pavilion pavilion of building construction, set the cabinet of a cabinet; Need to open fully in the modelling and lighter, need to shrink in space real thick, fully embody the set by scene, due to the condition of construction thought. Taishan main preserved ancient architecture is the style of the Ming and qing dynasties, it is not only the value of building the painting, sculpture, rocks, trees, become the example of ancient Chinese culture, preserve a huge I sacrifice sequence and a three-dimensional painting recorded history, but also left for us to keep up with the architecture model of natural by its unique artistic image to coordinate and strengthen the natural beauty, to performance and deepen the natural environment. Because of them, to make the natural landscape and human landscape set each other off of the mount tai is unripe brightness, make strict excessively day to taishan go deep into the heart of hundreds of millions of Chinese people, and famous in the world, become a whole a kind of precious heritage. Mount tai, 3 road since ancient times. It was destroyed in the original east road, the original road naturally became now east road, visitors at taian station after the train, can swim first dai temple, and then from dai temple back door to the temple, walking through zhongtian gate to the worse, or walking to transfer to the cable car to the worse after zhongtian gate, along the Yin again by the azure clouds temple on mount tai is the utmost. If walk road (the original west road), from taian station to get off, can take tour bus along the mountains roads by ying tan, zhulin temple direct zhongtian gate, then to tianmen take the cable car or walk to the worse, until the Yin DaiDing again. If from the road up the hill, from taian station take tour bus to claimed yesterday (taian and jinan border) to the north, along the new monarch round hill road, in the flowers, spring ding-dong of maolin travel to shangri-la in the sunlit cableway station passenger ropeway from here until the northern tip of Yin, really is magic! My dear friends, my introduction here. As the saying goes: seeing is believing, everybody wants to have a deep knowledge of mount tai, also need according to their own interest, personal into the arms of mount tai, footsteps slowly along the history and culture to visit, to watch carefully. 泰山景区导游词开头 篇15Dear friends, my friends, everybody is good. I am the guide you guide, visit mount tai scenic spot Zhu Yingtong. We have now arrived, taishan scenic area. Right in front of us there is a mount taishan stone: Qin Taishan stone in his 28 years, was in 219 BC, mount tai is one of the earliest sharpening. Taishan sharpening, according to its different USES, purpose and means, and formed the different category. It is a stone tablet stone carving. Second, the portrait stone carvings. Third, the buddhist statues carved stone. Fourth, moya carved stone. Five classics carved stone. Six is the epitaph tomb inscription carved stone tower. Seven is fude stone carvings. Eight is a carved stone construction. Taishan stone carving in stone carvings of figures, animals, relief of chariots and horses, houses, animals, such as image, carved stone words, etc., is an organic part of the ancient Chinese art history, and philosophy, literature, history, and ceremonial aspects of content, is also the embodiment of spiritual civilization in ancient China. At the same time, mount tai stone carving stone of the han, han dynasty reflect the production and living standards, is the concentrated reflection of material civilization in ancient China. As li admire Mr Lin said: "taishan is one of the main symbol of Chinese culture, and promote Chinese culture, first, carrying forward the culture of mount tai, it is natural thing to do." There is a legend about mount tai: when pangu fell, his head, dongyue, abdomen into zhong, left arm into nanyue, become beiyue in her right arm and two feet into the west. Finally I wish you all have a good time, thank you! 泰山景区导游词开头 篇16各位游客大家好,今天我们要游览的地方是举世闻名的泰山。 泰山又名“岱宗”“东岳”,是世界自然与文化双重遗产,世界地质公园,国家5A级旅游景区,总面积24200公顷。主峰玉皇顶海拔1545米,有“五岳之首”、“天下第一山”之称。 古代,泰山被视为“直通帝座”的天堂,成为百姓崇拜,帝王告祭的神山,有“泰山安,四海皆安”的说法。自秦始皇开始到清代,先后有13代帝王亲登泰山封禅或祭祀,另外有24代帝王遣官祭祀72次。古代文人敬仰泰山雄伟多姿的壮丽景色,纷纷前来游历,作诗记文。杜甫的《望岳》等诗文,成为传世名篇。 泰山景色优美。春天鲜花盛开,桃花、杏花绽开了笑脸。小蜜蜂和蝴蝶在花丛中飞来飞去,这时的泰山成了花的海洋。夏天松树更加翠绿,郁郁葱葱,泰山就像一块墨玉。到了雨季,整个泰山云遮雾涌,神秘莫测。秋天瓜果飘香,山楂、板栗挂在枝头,红色和黄色的叶子交相呼应,给泰山增添了一抹绚丽色彩。冬天的泰山银装素裹,松柏映雪,映衬出泰山的雄姿。 各位游客,我的介绍就到这里。希望各位做文明游客,不乱涂乱画,保持泰山的洁净卫生。俗话说:“百闻不如一见”,请大家亲身投入到泰山的怀抱里,仔细地去观赏吧! |
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