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标题 简短导游词


简短导游词 篇1





简短导游词 篇2




简短导游词 篇3






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简短导游词 篇5

  Colorful Guizhou, the garden of ten thousand bamboos! "Welcome to thebeautiful and mysterious Chishui. I'm your guide today. On the way to the scenicspot, please allow me to introduce Sidonggou scenic spot in Chishui.

  Chishui is a beautiful and rich land. It is a place worth visiting in yourlife. Today, Sidonggou scenic spot is about 17 kilometers away from Chishui Cityand 5 kilometers away from Datong town. Sidonggou was first called Minxi, andthen it was changed into Sidonggou. So why is it called Sidonggou? How can therebe so many "holes"? In fact, in our northern Guizhou area, "hole" is a term leftover from ancient Chinese. The oldest Chinese reference book "ShuoWenJieZi"explains: "the cave, the rapids!" from this we can see that "hole" does notrefer to caves or karst caves. In our local people's spoken language, "hole" isnot a kind of "cave" It refers to the torrent of the waterfall, "a curtainwaterfall" is "a hole", so the "hole" in the four caves refers to the fourwaterfalls. They are Shuiliandong, yueliangtan, feiranya and Bailongtan. Aboutone kilometer per step, you can enjoy a waterfall and experience their charm,beauty, strangeness, grandeur and other characteristics.

  Dear tourists, Sidonggou is an important part of Chishui national scenicspot, with the reputation of "garden of ten thousand bamboos, small jasper, nofailure scenic spot". Sidonggou waterfall group and its nearby Tianshengqiao,duxianqiao and jiexiaoshifang in Qing Dynasty are the main scenic spots,including Liangchahe River and Huaping waterfall, presenting a beautiful pictureof "small bridge, flowing water and people". Sidonggou is also a famous "lungwashing paradise". The WHO standard for "clean air" is 1000 to 1500 negativeoxygen ions per cubic centimeter, while Sidonggou has reached 320_ Many, it canbe said that the air here is very fresh. You can wash your lungs in Sidonggou,which is far away from PM2.5.

  Dear tourists, when Sidonggou was discovered, it attracted a lot ofexplorers. Among them is Mr. Zhao Puchu, the leader of Chinese religious circlesand master of calligraphy. He once came here to visit, after the tour, when theaftertaste was strong, he displayed paper and ink, and wrote down the fourcharacters of "four cave Wonderland" in one go. Then next, please follow me intothis fairyland to enjoy it!

  Now what we see is the first waterfall - a "water curtain cave". Threescarlet characters of "water curtain cave" are carved on the cliff, whichhighlights its magnificence and magic. The water curtain cave is 21 meters highand 35 meters wide. You can see that there is a natural cave behind thewaterfall. The waterfall covers the cave like a curtain. Does it present apicture of "water curtain cave" for you? Let's follow me into the stone road andhave zero distance contact with it!

  Now we see the second hole "moon pool waterfall". Moon pool is about 10meters high and 42 meters wide, which is much smaller than the water curtaincave we just saw. Although the moon pool is small, it presents us with abeautiful scenery. You can see if the pool below looks like a full moon. That'swhy the moon pool is named.

  After watching the Moon Lake, I came to the famous flying frog rock. Youcan have a look here. Does the stone beak look like the head of a frog? Artistssay that the spirit is similar to the shape. The stone frog is not only similarin spirit, but also similar in shape. Don't you see that the mouth and eyes area living frog? Here we have to feel the magical creativity of nature! You cansee that the green baby seems eager to jump down from the waterfall, but I don'tknow why No more jumping. Is it shocked by the majestic waterfall here andafraid to come down? Because of this stone, people call it "flying frog cliffwaterfall".

  Dear tourist friends, the last waterfall in Sidonggou and the most soulstirring "Bailongtan waterfall" are here. Bailongtan waterfall is 60 meters highand 23 meters wide. It is said that "if the mountain is not high, there will beimmortals; if the water is not deep, there will be dragons." There is a whitedragon hidden in the Bailongtan waterfall. So where is it? Let's have a look.The water falls from the cliff of the stream and just falls on a stone. If thesilver waterfall and the stone form a line, will it become a white dragon? Doyou already feel the rain? Let's go down to the waterfall and enjoy itsmagnificence. "; Experience the coolness it brings us!

  Dear tourist friends, after visiting "Bailongtan waterfall", our trip toSidonggou is coming to an end. I hope you can have the feeling of this trip.Here is endless beauty, endless thoughts, looking forward to your nextvisit!

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简短导游词 篇8







简短导游词 篇9



简短导游词 篇10


  前方高耸的砖墙就是我国现存较为完整的四座古城之一的平遥城。距今有 2700 多年的历史了。迄今为止,它还较为完整地保留着明清时期的县城基本风貌,堪称中国汉民族地区现存最为完整的古城。



  大家都注意到了,城墙每隔一段,就有一个向外突出的部分,这叫做墩台。墩台是干什么的呢?它是保卫城墙的。有了墩台,可以从三面组成一个强大的立体射击网,城防力量大大加强。在每个墩台上,还修有一座敌楼,上面有孔,也是为观察和射击用的。 平遥古城上共有 3000 个垛口, 72 座敌楼,那是象征着圣人孔夫子的三千弟子七十二贤人。


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简短导游词 篇14

  Dear tourists

  Today we are going to visit two scenic spots in zhijindong national keyscenic spot: Dongfeng Lake scenic spot and Dinosaur Valley Scenic spot. I'm fromDongfeng Lake cloud Valley company_ I'm glad to have the opportunity to serveyou. I hope my service can help you feel Dongfeng Lake better, love DongfengLake, let you enjoy the most magnificent karst gaoxiaping Lake in Guizhou byvisiting Dongfeng Lake, and let you spend the most impressive day in your lifehappily.

  Ladies and gentlemen, now we come to Baxian cave. Before visiting Baxiancave, let's briefly introduce Dongfeng Lake, which we mainly visit today. Thewater in the deep valley under our feet is Wujiang River. Wujiang River is oneof the main tributaries in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River. It has twosources, Liuchong River in the north and Sancha River in the south, both ofwhich originate from Weining Yi, Miao and Hui Autonomous County, the highestterrain in western Guizhou. After several hundred kilometers of flowing in thedeep gorge, the two streams finally merged into Wujiang River, then continued toflow in the deep gorge, across the central and Northern Guizhou, and finallymerged into the Yangtze River in Fuling, Chongqing. In the 1960s, the statebuilt the dam of Dongfeng Hydropower Station here, and the lake surface pouredback into the two streams, each for tens of kilometers, turning the rollingWujiang River into a trident shaped very calm lake - Dongfeng Lake.

  Now we are going to go down to the dock and take a boat to visit DongfengLake. The vertical height from Baxian cave to the lake is more than 200 meters.The plan to build up and down the cable car is being worked out. Today, we haveto work hard to go down. Please be careful!

  Water west sitting Buddha

  Ladies and gentlemen, let's begin our tour of Dongfeng Lake. The Buddhastanding on the cliff on our left is more than 300 meters high. He is dignified,kind and kind. He is silently wishing you all a happy trip to Dongfeng Lake!

  Dear tourists, one of the remarkable features of Dongfeng Lake is itscliffs on both sides. These cliffs are generally more than 300 meters in height,imposing and magnificent. So how did these cliffs form? It was about 70 millionyears ago in the Cretaceous period. Today, there was an earth shaking crustalmovement in China, which is geologically called "Yanshan movement". Thismovement created a great rift valley from the west to the northeast on theterritory of today's Guizhou. The bottom of the Rift Valley later became theriverbed of the Wujiang River, which is more than 1000 kilometers long. TheDongfeng Lake we are visiting today is located in the upper reaches of theWujiang River. It's actually the upper part of the rift valley. ad locum. Therelatively deep rock strata make the Rift Valley much deeper than other places,and the nature is also wonderful. It is no exaggeration to say that the karstscenery here is not only unparalleled in all the canyons of Wujiang River, butalso second to none in all the canyons of the world.

  However, no matter how beautiful the scenery is, there must be at leastentry conditions to get the favor of tourists from all over the world. We shouldknow that the 448km reach of the upper reaches of the Wujiang River has a dropof 1636m, which is rich in hydropower resources. Since the middle of lastcentury, the development of Wujiang Cascade Hydropower Station has been started.Dongfeng Lake, which we are sailing, is one of the power stations. The dam ofDongfeng Hydropower Station is 162 meters high, and the two sources of waterflowing into Wujiang River are more than 30 kilometers away. This provides uswith convenient conditions to visit the whole Dongfeng Lake. It should be saidthat everyone is very lucky. If you were in the last century, you can't see themagical scenery we can see today!

  Forest of inscriptions

  Ladies and gentlemen, please pay attention to the upper part of the cliffon the left. There are flat rock faces, like a stone tablet chiseled by man. Nowthere is no writing on it, which is prepared for all tourists visiting DongfengLake. In the future, if anyone writes a good article, please give it to us, andour company Mao will engrave it on those stone tablets for you. Before you carveyour works, we will temporarily name them "forest of Steles without words".

  So, what is the most beautiful thing about Dongfeng Lake?

  Some people say that the most beautiful thing is the cliff on the lakebank. The Yanshan movement more than 70 million years ago tore the earth apartand formed a couple of hundred meter high cliffs. After more than 70 millionyears of sunshine, rain, ice, snow, wind and frost, and the differences interrain and features in different areas, these cliffs of Dongfeng Lake arecolorful and magnificent, and they have the charm of enchanting power.

  Some people say that the most beautiful is not only the cliff, but also thewater surface. Because it is a hundred Li high gorge and Pinghu Lake, the waterwaves are not flourishing. It is as flat as a mirror, reflecting the neverdamaged green mountains and painted rocks. It is more magnificent than the ThreeGorges in Chongqing and more beautiful than the Lijiang River in Guilin. It isno exaggeration to say that "Dongfeng Lake is the best in the world"!

  Others say that the most beautiful is the Miao people who have lived on thelake bank for generations. They are good at singing and dancing, and they arehospitable. When you go to the Miao village, you will enjoy the most uniquecharm of the Western Miao customs.

  So, which one is right? Tourists, you are about to enter the Central Lakearea of Dongfeng Lake. Please feel it with your heart

  Tianzhufeng (first view)

  Dear tourists, the Duxiu mountain in front of us is called tianzhufeng,also known as sunziyan. She is independent of the lake. It is 350 meters highand 300 meters in diameter. It is surrounded by vertical cliffs and has no wayto go. The peak has an area of more than 6000 square meters, and there is adense forest. Except for a hundred birds, most people and animals can't go up.However, there are some exceptions. In the Tang Dynasty, more than 1000 yearsago, Zhang Sanfeng, a great master of Taoism, went to the southwest to preach.Seeing the magnificence and beauty of Tianzhu peak, he climbed the giant ivy tothe peak, where he practiced and recruited disciples. The achievements of Taoismin Yunnan and Guizhou. Zhang Sanfeng said on that day that he left Zhufeng threeyears later. There was no more people coming from outside. Only the brave youngMiao people in the area occasionally went there. According to them, there is aTaoist temple with a stone block at the top of the peak, and there is a stoneblock with Zhang Sanfeng's handwriting: "the first peak in Southwest China".Therefore, tianzhufeng is indeed a holy peak of Taoism.





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