标题 | 长城景点介绍导游词 |
范文 | 长城景点介绍导游词(通用3篇) 长城景点介绍导游词 篇1各位游客: 大家好,我是光明旅游社的导游,大家可以叫我卢导。今天游玩的地方是长城,希望大家做到这三点1不乱扔垃圾,2不在墙上刻字,3不破坏公物。希望大家玩得开心。 我们现在在八达岭上,这一段长城高大坚固。大家看,城墙外沿,有两米多高的成排的垛子,垛子上有方形的瞭望口和射口,供瞭望和射击用。每隔三百多米就有一座方形的城台,不仅是屯兵的堡垒,而且打仗的时候城台之间还可以互相呼应呢! 大家单看这数不清的条石,一块有三两斤重,那时候没有火车汽车、起重机。就靠无数人的肩膀和无数的手,抬上着无数块石头。那时候,是多麽辛苦,凝结了多少人民的血汗和智慧。 说到这里我不由得想起了一个美丽动人的传说,这个美丽动人的传说的名字叫孟姜女哭长城。从前,有个人叫孟姜女,他很爱她的丈夫,可是有一天,官府抓她的丈夫说是犯罪了,一年过去了,她的丈夫没有消息,于是她就去找她的丈夫。可是,一去才知道她的丈夫被抓去修长城了,她立即动身,日夜兼程跑到了长城,可是她怎麽也找不到她的丈夫,一打听才知道她的丈夫被累死了。她哭啊哭,八百多里的长城倒下了,最后还是想不开跳河自杀了。孟姜女太感人了。 长城的地方很多,希望大家细细观赏。 长城景点介绍导游词 篇2大家好欢迎来到世界遗产长城,我是钟鑫雨大家可以叫我小钟。长城是世界的遗产,它无比的长,像一条长龙盘旋在山腰,长城是古代劳动人民建筑的,只要想到有很多人死在这里,心情就无比的沉重。 那是没有举重机等一切有用的工具,机器,只靠无数双手无数肩膀,不怕严寒酷暑,付出多少人民的鲜血才凝结成这前不见头后不见尾的万里长城。所以请游客们保护好我们的万里长城。小朋友们请紧跟着大家走,以免走丢,也不要在洁白的墙砖上乱涂乱画,这是对古代劳动人民的不尊重。 长城有很多的景点,说也说不完看也看不够。现在请大家尽情的去欣赏长城的美景吧!也请大家在游玩的时候不要乱丢果皮纸屑等一切垃圾,否则我们美丽的长城就变成垃圾厂了,如果乱丢果皮,别人踩到就会滑倒,为了游客们的安全问题,请不要到危险的地方去玩耍拍照。长城的美景等待着你们,快去参观吧!下午三点在这里集合,祝大家玩的愉快!!!! 长城景点介绍导游词 篇3macau is small, turn a body, a few steps crag, from a church came toanother temple; somewhat persistent, sailed through the streets of the old, notmany, but found that returned to the starting point. but can be more famousscenic spot, macau's most distinctive is, of course, the casino! it's a pitythat children can't go in. we live in the hotel inside the fisherman's wharf,called les hotel, rice is a graceful british hotel, quietly located in macaofisherman's wharf on the ends of the earth, sending out the faint and elegantbreath... ... les hotel, experience the charm of the victorian era! in the evening, we shared dinner buffet at fisherman's wharf africanvillage, (with barbecue themed restaurant in south africa), the food isdelicious! oh, forget to introduce you to fisherman's wharf, fisherman's wharfconstruction in different countries, there are people in different countries tovisit, it is not a single places of entertainment, but also a comprehensiveliberty hall. characteristic shops standing here, more of the type of lan kwaifong, european-style restaurant bar. completion and casino, hotel, later will bedifferent elements integrated into an organic whole, like a small city. alone,one or two hours is enough. with 24 hours a day free admission all-weatheroperations, beer and skittles all ages, sexes all its will. the second day, we went to a new road, the road is the official name of theasian american play, lou boulevard, but macao people call it the new road, isthe main street downtown, everywhere native portuguese traces of life. at beginning of the new east end of the road, on both sides by a pebbleinto a pattern of pavement laid by flowers miniascape and upright, antique lampsand chose here, as a starting point, because the west of the road near thebeach, we are coming from a far country, and finally saw not far from the waveslapping and seems to be more in line with the people's psychological needs, canfeel very satisfied. then we went to the new yaohan, eight new yaohan layer, a second is thecosmetics, the third floor is to buy clothes, children's products for selling inthe 6th floor, we will go back home to the new yaohan. i am reluctant to go to the end of the short and happy journey! |
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