标题 | 上海朱家角导游词-上海导游词 |
范文 | 上海朱家角导游词-上海导游词(精选12篇) 上海朱家角导游词-上海导游词 篇1年初二,姨妈和姨夫开着车带着我们去上海郊区朱家角古镇游玩。 听妈妈说那是个“小桥流水人家”的好地方。我和明鑫哥哥都盼着能赶快看到它的美丽。大约一个小时的路程我们到达了目的地,下了车我们都伸了伸懒腰活动一下胳膊腿。我小心地搀扶着太姥姥(她是个小脚,妈妈说太姥姥是“国宝”级人物呢)沿着青石铺成的小路我们穿过了一条长长的巷子,终于看到了“小桥流水人家”。真的好美啊!就像一副中国的山水画,我们都仿佛成了画中人,畅游其中。沿街的路灯上,小船上都挂着红灯笼,呈现出一派节日的热闹气氛,来往的行人个个脸上都笑容满面。我还看到了镇上的舞龙队和腰鼓队,只可惜没看到他们精彩的表演。沿街还有很多做生意的店铺,卖的最多的就是扎蹄和扎肉,满街都可以闻到诱人的香味,馋得我肚子都叫唤了,姨妈买了些扎肉,让我们美美的饱餐了一顿,呵呵!我们还参观了镇上的上海古代博物馆,里面陈列了一些上海从古至今发展的历史物品资料。 时间不知不觉地就到了该离开的时候,我也记住了这个刚刚被国家列为“国家级园林城镇的”地方―朱家角。我会再来看你的,再见,朱家角! 上海朱家角导游词-上海导游词 篇2Zhujiajiao ancient town is located in the central and southern part ofQingpu District, Shanghai. It is close to Dianshan Lake scenic spot in the Eastand Daying in the west, bordering on the ring city; it is close to Dianshan Lakein the west, facing Daguanyuan scenic spot across the sea; it is adjacent toShenxiang town in the South; and it is adjacent to Diandong, Kunshan City,Jiangsu Province in the north. Zhujiajiao ancient town is 48 kilometers awayfrom the center of Shanghai, and national highway 318 runs through the town.With convenient transportation and elegant environment, it is a typical land offish and rice in the south of the Yangtze River and the most complete historicaland cultural ancient town in Shanghai. Entering Zhujiajiao ancient town, we first arrived at Tai'an bridge. Tai'anbridge is very beautiful. It is said to symbolize the peace of the country andthe people. As long as people stand on the bridge for a short time, they canensure the safety and good luck of the year. Walking on the stone path, you cansee many zongzi shops, all called "grandma zongzi shop". As you can imagine, itmust be the rice dumplings made by Grandma! There are also delicious rice andpork, braised pork wrapped with rice dumplings leaves, and then rice isinserted. It's fat but not greasy. It makes people drool and can't help but wantto have a bite! Walking, we come to the five hole stone arch bridge ---Fangsheng bridge. Many people buy small goldfish, turtles and other aquaticanimals, and then put them down from the bridge, which is called releasing.Therefore, the name of the bridge became the free bridge. Looking at the clearlake water under the bridge, I can't help thinking of taking a boat. So we tooka boat to enjoy the beautiful scenery of Zhujiajiao ancient town. I realizedthat Zhujiajiao ancient town is like a beautiful picture. Unconsciously, the sun has set on the top of the mountain. The old man oftime slipped away quietly and left us the night. We left Zhujiajiao ancient townreluctantly. The ancient town of Zhujiajiao is enchanted by the beauty of water, theancient bridge, the strange street, the secluded lane and the essence of garden.It's hard to say how wonderful it is if it's not in the right place. Withoutstepping on the old stone street, exploring the deep alleys and alleys, walkingon the arched stone bridge, or taking a small boat, how can you feel the feelingof "a boat going up in the water, a man swimming in the painting"? 上海朱家角导游词-上海导游词 篇3列位旅客伴侣们,各人好!接待各人和我一路来到江南“水乡”,我是__观光社的导游员,我叫__。我们的司机师傅姓__,__师傅有多年的驾驶履历,技能很好,坐他的车必定让您感受安详舒服。本日就由我们一同陪各人浏览江南美景。假如我们的处事有让您不满足的处所,敬请各人提出品评和提议,感谢各人的相助,但愿各人在朱家角玩得开心,玩得愉快。 朱家角,也就是我们的地址地,是由47平方公里成折扇形的小镇构成,他们镶嵌在湖光山色之中。有人把她比作上海的威尼斯,有人把她比作淀山湖畔一颗明珠,现在这颗璀璨明珠又在“金色玉带”——318国道的依托下,放射出更精通的色泽。因为这是一座千年古镇,1991年被上海市当局定名为首批四大文化名镇之一。 朱家角这样的小镇之以是有名是由于她的地理位置异常重要,下面我简朴给列位先容一下她的地理位置,朱家角地处江、浙、沪二省一市交通要枢,地理位置异常良好,东靠虹桥国际机场,北连昆山,南接嘉兴,西通平望,淀山湖下流、黄金水道漕港河穿镇而过。镇内河港纵横,九条长街沿河而伸,千栋明清构筑依水而立,36座石桥古风犹存,胜景事业触目皆是。在玩腻了一个个类似价高的人造景观后,人们莫不惊奇于上海市郊尚有一块生涯得云云齐备的原汁原味、真山真水的自然景观,在这里可以探求一种回归天然,崇尚野趣的享受。无怪乎一位同济大学的名传授在考查朱家角后,不觉惊叹:“朱家角有这么富厚的文化遗产,不只是上海一宝,也是国度的宝贝”。两岸闻名已故作家三毛,到此曾为“小桥、流水、人家”的名堂而沉沦,为清淳清幽,随处可画、时时有诗的风情而沉醉。中共中央政治局委员、国务院副吴邦国在考察了古镇朱家角后,不禁欣然命笔,写下了“世界汗青名镇朱家角”几个大字。 同时,也正是由于有“小桥流水自然景,原汁原味明清街”的自然外景,不禁被很多影视导演慧眼相中,而继续一直,把水乡古镇的婀娜风韵,一次次地搬上银幕、电视,偶然会呈现几部影视同时开拍的盛况,朱家角一时成了国表里影视竞相拍摄的热门,被人誉为“沪郊的好莱坞”。 朱家角不只景致宜人,她更有渊源流长的汗青,1958年大炼钢铁时,镇工钱了找铁,曾事迹般地把镇北大淀湖车干,在湖底,人们不测地发明白大量新石器期间遗物,被证明是马家浜文化,崧泽文化、良渚文化和西周至春秋战国时期的文化遗存。1959年,又在淀山湖中捞起大量石刀、石犁、石纺轮、印纹陶片等,这些新石器期间至战国期间的遗物,足以证明数千年前朱家角的先民就在这里劳动生息、繁衍了。 听了朱家角的汗青渊源和地点位置,我想各人必然有一种赶紧细细咀嚼美景的激动,下面就请各人和我一路去感觉她的美景,名镇朱家角迷人的天然风物,在一山一湖。而朱家角更迷人、更具古镇特色的人文景观,是一桥、一街、一寺、一庙、一厅、一馆、二园、三湾、二十六弄。 三湾,即:三阳湾、轿子湾、弥陀湾。人行街上,前后阁下都是房,觉得到了路止境,直角拐弯,一街市商人面在面前,令人发生别有洞天的奇奥感受,这种在老街上呈现怪异拐弯的景观,是其他古镇可贵一见的,非朱家角不能见到。 二十六弄,现实是朱家角的古弄何止26条,每街每路都有弄,路通街,街通弄,弄通弄,形成收集式棋盘名堂,朱家角的古弄幽巷又以多、古、奇、深,名闻遐迩,这在一样平常江南其他古镇上是不能对比的。穿弄走巷,如出神魂阵,意见意义无限,寻古探幽,明确北方胡同式的情趣,又有着异曲同工之妙。连年,“古弄旅游”越来越受到外地人和老外们的青睐,是一项颇有代价,有待进一步开拓的童贞地。 可以说啊,朱家角除了景致多之外尚有尚有是众人皆知的“三多”,就是绅士多,明清构筑多,河埠、缆石、茶楼多。 起首绅士多,首要是朱家角情形清幽,天气宜人,是念书做学问的风水宝地,素来文儒群集,人才辈出,明清两代共出进士16人,举人40多人。个中知名度较高的有清代学者王昶、御医陈莲舫、小说家陆土谔、报业巨头席子佩、画僧语石等。 其次,深宅大院明清构筑多。汗青上很多荣华人家和文人雅士在此建园造宅,全镇古宅构筑有四、五百处之多,风火墙、石库门、墙门人家四处可见。“三泖渔庄”、“王昶故宅”、“福履绥祉”,尚有席氏厅堂、陆氏世家、陈莲舫故宅、仲家厅堂等数十处,尚有无数沿街明清构筑,飞檐翘角,黛瓦粉墙,明清气魄威风凛凛构成一幅明清水墨画卷。 三是河埠、缆石、茶楼多。朱家角是水的家园,水多桥多,河埠多,紧挨在一路的缆船石,也不行胜数,那造型各异的水桥,那千姿百态的缆船石,充满全镇的大河小巷,这些江南水镇特有的景观,细细浏览调查,不觉令人乐趣盎然,耐人寻味,的确是汗青、文物、构筑、风情、艺术等内容组成的综合体。有凸出石驳岸的“两面河滩”,有凹进石驳岸的“单面河滩”,更有“人以前门进,河滩从屋后出”的“隐身河埠”。而那些镶嵌在水巷石驳上的花岗石浮雕缆船石更是琳琅满目,意见意义无限,有的雕成牛角,有的凿成宝剑,有的刻成怪兽,脸孔狰狞,有的琢成快意,泛起吉利、古朴的美,这些已有几百年汗青的镌刻艺术将古镇隐瞒得更具风姿。古镇茶楼,大多齐集在放生桥、北大街一带,不下十几爿之多,有豪华型新辟的“放生桥茶室”,有年月长远迂腐的“俱乐部茶室”,更有古色古香的“淼趣楼”,也有排门板门面、几张桌子几条长凳,浅显便宜的农家茶楼,最风趣和令人欣喜的是“茶楼开到游船”上的“游船茶楼”,分为两层,舱内顶上,均可入座茶客,茶船上还备有电视、扑克、象棋、干湿点心,在茶船上品香茗、望廊桥、看水景、听流水,煞是优哉悠哉,不亦乐乎。 (竣事语-总结词)名镇朱家角水之美、桥之古、街之奇、园之精,不临其境,难言其妙,不踏石板老街,不探深巷幽弄,不走拱型石桥,不乘咿呀小舟,又怎样浮现“船在水上行,人在画中游”的感受?! (欢送词)短短的一天时刻转眼就已往了,感激各人对我们事变的支持与相助,但愿各人再次降临江南水乡之一的-朱家角,等候着有再次为各人处事的机遇。列位伴侣,祝各人一起顺风、旅途舒畅! 上海朱家角导游词-上海导游词 篇4各位游客朋友们,大家好!欢迎大家和我一起来到江南“水乡”,我是_旅行社的导游员,我叫_。我们的司机师傅姓_,_师傅有多年的驾驶经验,技术很好,坐他的车肯定让您感觉安全舒适。今天就由我们一同陪大家欣赏江南美景。如果我们的服务有让您不满意的地方,敬请大家提出批评和建议,谢谢大家的合作,希望大家在朱家角玩得开心,玩得痛快。 朱家角,也就是我们的所在地,是由47平方公里成折扇形的小镇组成,他们镶嵌在湖光山色之中。有人把她比作上海的威尼斯,有人把她比作淀山湖畔一颗明珠,如今这颗璀璨明珠又在“金色玉带”——318国道的依托下,放射出更夺目的光彩。由于这是一座千年古镇,1991年被上海市政府命名为首批四大文化名镇之一。 朱家角这样的小镇之所以闻名是因为她的地理位置十分重要,下面我简单给各位介绍一下她的地理位置,朱家角地处江、浙、沪二省一市交通要枢,地理位置十分优越,东靠虹桥国际机场,北连昆山,南接嘉兴,西通平望,淀山湖下游、黄金水道漕港河穿镇而过。镇内河港纵横,九条长街沿河而伸,千栋明清建筑依水而立,36座石桥古风犹存,名胜古迹比比皆是。在玩腻了一个个雷同价高的人造景观后,人们莫不惊讶于上海市郊还有一块保存得如此完好的原汁原味、真山真水的天然景观,在这里可以寻找一种回归自然,崇尚野趣的享受。无怪乎一位同济大学的名教授在考察朱家角后,不觉赞叹:“朱家角有这么丰富的文化遗产,不仅是上海一宝,也是国家的瑰宝”。中国台湾著名已故作家三毛,到此曾为“小桥、流水、人家”的格局而迷恋,为清淳幽静,处处可画、时时有诗的风情而陶醉。中共中央政治局委员、国务院副总理吴邦国在视察了古镇朱家角后,不禁欣然命笔,写下了“全国历史名镇朱家角”几个大字。 同时,也正是因为有“小桥流水天然景,原汁原味明清街”的天然外景,不禁被许多影视导演慧眼相中,而纷至沓来,把水乡古镇的婀娜风姿,一次次地搬上银幕、电视,有时会出现几部影视同时开拍的盛况,朱家角一时成了海内外影视竞相拍摄的热点,被人誉为“沪郊的好莱坞”。 朱家角不仅景色宜人,她更有渊源流长的历史,1958年大炼钢铁时,镇人为了找铁,曾奇迹般地把镇北大淀湖车干,在湖底,人们意外地发现了大量新石器时代遗物,被证明是马家浜文化,崧泽文化、良渚文化和西周至春秋战国时期的文化遗存。1959年,又在淀山湖中捞起大量石刀、石犁、石纺轮、印纹陶片等,这些新石器时代至战国时代的遗物,,足以证明数千年前朱家角的先民就在这里劳动生息、繁衍了。 听了朱家角的历史渊源和地址位置,我想大家一定有一种赶快细细品味美景的冲动,下面就请大家和我一起去感受她的美景,名镇朱家角迷人的自然风光,在一山一湖。而朱家角更迷人、更具古镇特色的人文景观,是一桥、一街、一寺、一庙、一厅、一馆、二园、三湾、二十六弄。 三湾,即:三阳湾、轿子湾、弥陀湾。人行街上,前后左右都是房,以为到了路尽头,直角拐弯,一街市面在眼前,令人产生别有洞天的奇妙感觉,这种在老街上出现奇特拐弯的景观,是其他古镇难得一见的,非朱家角不能见到。 二十六弄,实际是朱家角的古弄何止26条,每街每路都有弄,路通街,街通弄,弄通弄,形成网络式棋盘格局,朱家角的古弄幽巷又以多、古、奇、深,名闻遐迩,这在一般江南其他古镇上是不能相比的。穿弄走巷,如入迷魂阵,趣味无穷,寻古探幽,领略北方胡同式的情趣,又有着异曲同工之妙。近年,“古弄旅游”越来越受到外地人和老外们的青睐,是一项颇有价值,有待进一步开发的处女地。 可以说啊,朱家角除了景色多之外还有还有是世人皆知的“三多”,就是名人多,明清建筑多,河埠、缆石、茶馆多。 首先名人多,主要是朱家角环境幽静,气候宜人,是读书做学问的风水宝地,历来文儒荟萃,人才辈出,明清两代共出进士16人,举人40多人。其中知名度较高的有清代学者王昶、御医陈莲舫、小说家陆土谔、报业巨头席子佩、画僧语石等。 其次,深宅大院明清建筑多。历史上许多富贵人家和文人雅士在此建园造宅,全镇古宅建筑有四、五百处之多,风火墙、石库门、墙门人家随处可见。“三泖渔庄”、“王昶故居”、“福履绥祉”,还有席氏厅堂、陆氏世家、陈莲舫故居、仲家厅堂等数十处,还有无数沿街明清建筑,飞檐翘角,黛瓦粉墙,明清风格组成一幅明清水墨画卷。 三是河埠、缆石、茶馆多。朱家角是水的故乡,水多桥多,河埠多,紧挨在一起的缆船石,也不计其数,那造型各异的水桥,那千姿百态的缆船石,布满全镇的大河小巷,这些江南水镇特有的景观,细细欣赏观察,不觉令人兴趣盎然,耐人寻味,简直是历史、文物、建筑、风情、艺术等内容构成的综合体。有凸出石驳岸的“两面河滩”,有凹进石驳岸的“单面河滩”,更有“人从前门进,河滩从屋后出”的“隐身河埠”。而那些镶嵌在水巷石驳上的花岗石浮雕缆船石更是琳琅满目,趣味无穷,有的雕成牛角,有的凿成宝剑,有的刻成怪兽,面目狰狞,有的琢成如意,呈现吉祥、古朴的美,这些已有几百年历史的雕刻艺术将古镇点缀得更具风韵。古镇茶馆,大多集中在放生桥、北大街一带,不下十几爿之多,有豪华型新辟的“放生桥茶楼”,有年代久远古老的“俱乐部茶楼”,更有古色古香的“淼趣楼”,也有排门板门面、几张桌子几条长凳,简易廉价的农家茶馆,最有趣和令人欣喜的是“茶馆开到游船”上的“游船茶馆”,分为两层,舱内顶上,均可入座茶客,茶船上还备有电视、扑克、象棋、干湿点心,在茶船上品香茗、望廊桥、看水景、听流水,煞是优哉悠哉,不亦乐乎。 (结束语-总结词)名镇朱家角水之美、桥之古、街之奇、园之精,不临其境,难言其妙,不踏石板老街,不探深巷幽弄,不走拱型石桥,不乘咿呀小舟,又如何体现“船在水上行,人在画中游”的感觉?! (欢送词)短短的一天时间转眼就过去了,感谢大家对我们工作的支持与合作,希望大家再次光临江南水乡之一的-朱家角,期待着有再次为大家服务的机会。各位朋友,祝大家一路顺风、旅途愉快。 上海朱家角导游词-上海导游词 篇5Hello, everyone Ah, the breeze is so comfortable on my face. Do you know what the smell is?Guess, the smell of grass and peach blossom are all right. They are all thesmell of Shanghai and the foreign atmosphere of Shanghai. You know more or less.Stories and legends about Shanghai, celebrities, TV and movies, cultural relicsand historic sites, in everyone's mind, the image of Shanghai is just likeCheung's cheongsam in the mood for love, with different customs. Now I will describe this kind of Cheongsam in my heart! Shanghai has a quality that no city can match, that is, its "foreignstyle". Since 1843, the imperialist powers have settled in Shanghai, which hasformed its characteristics of embracing all rivers and blending Chinese andWestern cultures. We will never forget it, In the golden autumn of 20__, theheads of state in Tang costume attended the APEC meeting held in Shanghai. Whycan't they forget? What attracts everyone's attention is not only the Tangcostume made of high-quality Jiangnan Silk, but also because Shanghai has becomean international economic, financial and trade center and a large port city inthe new century. In twenty-first Century, Shanghai showed a scene of prosperity andopenness. The buildings on the Oriental Pearl TV Tower, Jinmao Tower, ShanghaiInternational Conference Center and Pudong International Airport are the mostcommon buildings on TV. They are the decorations of Shanghai, such as MaggieCheung's pearl necklace and eardrop, and the more elegant women always needdecorations. So, the bustling Shanghai needs to be prosperous again. It takesthese buildings to decorate them to make them attractive. Some people say thatthe culture of 20__ years has come to Xi'an, that of 500 years to Beijing, andthat of nearly 100 years to Shanghai. To describe the development of Shanghai interms of vicissitudes and rapid changes, do you have any opinions? What wasShanghai like a long time ago? As early as the spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period,Shanghai first belonged to Wu, then to Yue, and then to Chu. At that time, HuangXie, a great general of the state of Chu, made great contributions in harnessingthe river course and was granted the title of Marquis of Chunshen, so Shanghaiwas referred to as "Shen" for short. In 223 BC, after Qin destroyed Chu, QinShihuang led Prime Minister Lisi and his black sheep, Qin II, to visit thesouth. They saw that Shanghai was rich in products, prosperous in trade, andprosperous in population. However, people were only trading on ships, and hadnot yet formed a city. At that time, most residents in Wusongkou area ofShanghai made a living by fishing. Clever fishermen invented a bamboo fishingtool "Hu". How to describe it? Bamboo or wooden sticks were woven together toform a square or circular shape. When the tide was high, the fish would bethrown into the "Hu". When the tide was low, the fish could only look at theocean and sigh. It was a bit like inviting the king into the urn, so thefishermen would take advantage of the fishing When the tide was low, I wentinside to pick up fish. I think Shanghainese may be the descendants of farmerswaiting for a rabbit. I'm sorry to make a joke. Later, Shanghai was referred toas "Hu" for this reason, but why did they add three points of water? People allover the world know that "Hu" is a small fishing village and a big market townafter the "households" of waterfront people fishing. At that time, there were 18trading ports, including Shanghai port and xiahaipu port. In the late NorthernSong Dynasty, as the Songjiang River became shallower, Shanghai beach was formedfrom the Bund to Shiliupu today. Ships on the sea from Shanghai to the east ofthe old city, so "Shanghai" has become the name of a city. We all know that"Shanghai" is evolved from "Shanghai Pu". There is a saying that both positiveand negative readings are the same: Shanghai tap water comes from the sea. Readit. After the Opium War, Nanjing Treaty, the first unequal treaty in Chinesehistory, came into being. Shanghai was forced to open up as a trading port byforeign colonialists, and foreign powers set up concessions in Shanghai oneafter another. From then on, Shanghai became the "cradle of adventurers" offoreign invaders for more than a century. It was not until after the victory ofthe Anti Japanese war in 1945 that the concession was taken back by the people.On May 28, 1949, the Shanghai Municipal People's government was established.Today, Shanghai has become an international metropolis with prosperous economyand advanced science and education. This metropolis is 6341 square kilometers, registered residence about16000000, and the urban population density is more than 20 thousand people persquare kilometer. It's really crowded. Huangpu river divides Shanghai into twoparts of Pudong and Puxi. Pudong New Area is a region that has been developingsince 90s of last century. We will enjoy her beautiful scenery in theevening. Why not see it in the daytime? In the daytime, Shanghai is just high-risebuildings, countless traffic lights, endless flow of cars, and bustling crowds.What it brings us is a hard and distant feeling. There is such a saying, rainWest Lake, fog Chongqing, night Shanghai, night Shanghai, Zhou Xuan's song, ZhaoWei's cover in the deep rain --- night Shanghai, night Shanghai! Of course, how to look at Shanghai this night? The learned can be said tobe "looking at the mountains horizontally and forming peaks on the side, withdifferent heights and distances.". So, in order to help you appreciate the charmof Shanghai in an all-round way, we can look up, look up and look down onShanghai from three perspectives. Looking at the sea: we can take the luxury cruise ship near the Bund ofShanghai, visit the international architecture Expo in Pudong, and see theJinmao pearl Conference Center on the other side of the bank from a distance, soas to record the brilliance of Shanghai in our eyes and cameras. Lu Kan: our good driver will take you around the city to see the people'sSquare in the night, Shanghai Opera House, Nanjing Road, the first street inChina, and Hengshan Road, the new commercial street, for a close look at allkinds of Shanghai's customs. Empty look: of course, to the 88th sightseeing floor of Jinmao building,let's talk about a little story about Jinmao. About the declaration of Guinnesscentury records, Jinmao building is the first in China and the fourth tallest inthe world. It's tower shaped, some like the little wild goose pagoda in Xi'an.The total cost is 1.5 times of the total cost of Nanpu Yangpu and Mingzhu, whichis 420.5 meters high. At home and abroad, there are three climbing enthusiastsclimbing to the top of Jinmao, and there is a fourth Jiangxi young man. At fouro'clock in the night, he began to climb abruptly. When he reached the 87thfloor, he was exhausted. At 7:10, he was "carried" down by the high crane. It's so dangerous. He doesn't know what to expect. Even monkeys can't helpit. At this time, you may think, the tour guide let us go to Jinmao to enjoy thebeautiful scenery, do you also want us to climb the stairs? No, everyone'ssafety is my safety, we can get to the 88th floor of 340 meters in 45 seconds,because we are taking the fastest and safest elevator in the world. When we getthere, it can be said that "we will climb to the top of the mountain and see allthe mountains". A panoramic view of Shanghai. At this time, you will sigh thatShanghai is so beautiful. Shanghai is like Maggie Cheung in evening dress. Thelights are like her shawl made of gems. Eh, is it Li Xiang who gave it to her?There are so many Li Xiang's family. Alas, hearing is truth, seeing isemptiness. What's the matter. 上海朱家角导游词-上海导游词 篇6昨天,我去了朱家角,朱家角位于上海市西面,有都会水乡之称。 我们嬉戏了:银杏树广场、上海太古文化馆、美周弄、安全桥、大清邮局、廊桥、北大街、放生桥、西井街、课植园。 我们着重嬉戏了上海太古文化馆、大清邮局和课植园。上海太古文化馆分三个展区,展示了很多文物,反应了上海先民出发糊口的环境;大清邮局建于(1903年),重庆导游词,是上海地域13家首要的邮局之一,经验了民营邮局-外国邮局-文报局-海关邮局-大清邮局等差异阶段。 它是今朝华东地域独一留存的清朝邮局遗址,也是中国近代中国邮政的缩影;课植园是姓马的老师盖的花圃,他花了30万两银子建了15年,它分为课园和植园,它的寓意是进修之余别忘了耕田。 朱家角真好玩,有许多处所还没玩到,往后我还要去。同游的尚有:妹妹、姨妈、姨夫和爸爸妈妈。 上海朱家角导游词-上海导游词 篇7Zhujiajiao Town, subordinate to Qingpu District of Shanghai, is located inthe west of Shanghai and the south central part of Qingpu District, close toDianshan Lake scenic spot. It is bordered by Daying and Huancheng in the East,Dianshan Lake in the West and Daguanyuan scenic spot across the lake, Shenxiangtown in the South (merged with it in 20__) and Dianshanhu town in Kunshan City,Jiangsu Province in the north. The following is by Xiaobian for you to bringabout Zhu Jiajiao tour guide to explain, hope to help you! Welcome to Jiangnan Water Town with me. I'm a tour guide of __ travelagency. My name is __. Our driver's surname is __. __ has many years of drivingexperience and good technology. You will feel safe and comfortable in his car.Today, we will accompany you to enjoy the beautiful scenery of Jiangnan. If youare not satisfied with our service, please make comments and suggestions. Thankyou for your cooperation. I hope you have a good time in Zhujiajiao. Zhujiajiao, where we are located, is composed of 47 square kilometers offolded fan-shaped small towns, which are inlaid in the scenery of lakes andmountains. Some people compare her to Venice in Shanghai, while others compareher to a bright pearl beside Dianshan Lake. Now this bright pearl is shiningmore brilliantly with the support of Golden Jade Belt 318 National Road. Sinceit is a millennium old town, it was named one of the first four famous culturaltowns by Shanghai municipal government in 1991. Zhujiajiao is famous for its important geographical location. Now I'd liketo briefly introduce her geographical location. Zhujiajiao is located in thetransportation hub of Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai provinces. It has a veryadvantageous geographical location. It is adjacent to Hongqiao InternationalAirport in the East, Kunshan in the north, Jiaxing in the south, Pingwang in thewest, and the downstream of Dianshan Lake and golden waterway Caogang River passthrough the town. There are nine long streets extending along the river,thousands of Ming and Qing buildings standing by the water, 36 stone bridgeswith ancient style, and many places of interest. After getting tired of the highprice of artificial landscapes, people are not surprised that there is stillsuch a well preserved natural landscape in the suburbs of Shanghai, which isfull of original flavor, real mountains and water. Here we can find a kind ofenjoyment of returning to nature and advocating wild fun. It's no wonder that afamous professor of Tongji University, after inspecting Zhujiajiao, did not feelthe admiration: Zhujiajiao has such a rich cultural heritage, which is not onlya treasure of Shanghai, but also a national treasure. Sanmao, a famous latewriter in Chinese Taiwan, was infatuated with the pattern of small bridges, flowingwater and other people. He was intoxicated with the quiet, picturesque andpoetic atmosphere. Wu Bangguo, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC CentralCommittee and vice premier of the State Council, after inspecting the ancienttown of Zhujiajiao, could not help but happily write down a few words about thefamous historical town of Zhujiajiao. At the same time, it is also because of the natural scenery of smallbridges and flowing water and the natural scenery of Ming and Qing streets thatmany film and television directors can't help admiring. They have moved thegraceful style of the ancient town of water to the screen and TV again andagain. Sometimes, several films and TV sets are shooting at the same time. ZhuJiajiao has become a hot spot of film and television shooting at home andabroad, and is praised as the suburb of Shanghai It's Hollywood. (conclusion - conclusion) the beauty of water, the ancient bridge, thestrange street, and the essence of garden in Zhujiajiao, a famous town, can't bedescribed as wonderful without being in its surroundings. How can it reflect thefeeling of boat going up the water and people swimming in the painting withoutstepping on the old stone street, exploring the deep alleys, walking on thearched stone bridge, and riding on the babbling boat?! Thank you for your support and cooperation in our work. I hope you willvisit Zhujiajiao, one of the water towns in the south of the Yangtze River, andlook forward to the opportunity to serve you again. Dear friends, I wish you apleasant journey 上海朱家角导游词-上海导游词 篇8朱家角地处苍苍九峰北麓,茫茫淀山湖之滨,东靠虹桥国际机场,北连昆山,南接嘉兴,西通平望,淀山湖下游、黄金水道漕港河穿镇而过。是江、浙、沪二省一市交通要枢,地理位置十分优越,。有人把她比作上海的威尼斯,有人把她比作淀山湖畔一颗明珠,如今这颗璀璨明珠又在“金色玉带”——318国道的依托下,放射出更夺目的光彩。 朱家角1991年被上海市政府命名为首批四大文化名镇之一。镇内河港纵横,九条长街沿河而伸,千栋明清建筑依水而立,36座石桥古风犹存,名胜古迹比比皆是。在玩腻了一个个雷同价高的人造景观后,人们莫不惊讶于上海市郊还有一块保存得如此完好的原汁原味、真山真水的天然景观,在这里可以寻找一种回归自然,崇尚野趣的享受。无怪乎一位同济大学的名教授在考察朱家角后,不觉赞叹:“朱家角有这么丰富的文化遗产,不仅是上海一宝,也是国家的瑰宝”。中国台湾著名已故作家三毛,到此曾为“小桥、流水、人家”的格局而迷恋,为清淳幽静,处处可画、时时有诗的风情而陶醉。0中央政治局委员、国务院副-在视察了古镇朱家角后,不禁欣然命笔,写下了“全国历史名镇朱家角”几个大字。 “小桥流水天然景,原汁原味明清街”,这里的天然外景不禁被许多影视导演慧眼相中,而纷至沓来,把水乡古镇的婀娜风姿,一次次地搬上银幕、电视,有时会出现几部影视同时开拍的盛况,朱家角一时成了海内外影视竞相拍摄的热点,被人誉为“沪郊的好莱坞”。 名镇朱家角历史渊源流长,1958年大炼钢铁时,镇人为了找铁,曾奇迹般地把镇北大淀湖车干,在湖底,人们意外地发现了大量新石器时代遗物,被证明是马家浜文化,崧泽文化、良渚文化和西周至春秋战国时期的文化遗存。1959年,又在淀山湖中捞起大量石刀、石犁、石纺轮、印纹陶片等,这些新石器时代至战国时代的遗物,足以证明数千年前朱家角的先民就在这里劳动生息、繁衍了。 朱家角以它得天独厚的自然环境及便捷的水路交通,商贾云集,往来不绝,曾以标布业著称江南,号称“衣被天下”,成为江南巨镇,时有诗曰:“鱼米庄行闹六时,南桥人避小巡司,两泾(朱泾、枫泾)不及珠街阁,看尽图经总未知”。明末清初,朱家角米业突起,带动了百业兴旺,时“长街三里,店铺千家”,老店名店林立,南北百货,各业齐全,乡脚遍及江浙两省百里之外,遂又有“三泾(朱泾、枫泾、泅泾)不如一角(朱家角)”之说。 名镇朱家角迷人的自然风光,在一山一湖。真山真水显现出江南水乡之特色,山名叫淀山,山虽不高,名气极大,为浙西天目余脉,此山为始,如登山望湖,有“淀峰晚照”一景可赏。 湖,即天然淡水淀山湖,面积达62平方公里,湖东区大部分在朱家角境区,有11个杭州西湖面积大,乘艇游湖,茫茫水天一色,湖区芦苇轻摇,惊起野鸭水鸟,顿觉远离尘嚣,心旷神怡。名镇朱家角更迷人、更具古镇特色的人文景观,是一桥、一街、一寺、一庙、一厅、一馆、二园、三湾、二十六弄。如果说九百岁的水镇周庄小巧精致、似小家碧玉,而千年古镇朱家角则具气势磅礴、大家闺秀的风采。首先朱家角古镇面积达1.5平方公里,为周庄面积的三倍多,家大,自然游玩的地方就多,漕港河将朱家角分成两半,北岸井亭港,南岸北大街,两岸遍布蜿蜒曲折的小巷,花岗岩石的街面,青砖黛瓦的明清建筑及众多的历史遗迹。 上海朱家角导游词-上海导游词 篇9上海不但是中国最大的城市,也是中国最好最气派的城市之一,或者说,是中国最“像”城市的城市。看过上海就知到别的城市小.和北京一样,上海也是全国人民最向往的地方。夜上海--谁不知到啊!(唱歌)在全国许多地方,差不多都有所谓“小上海”。--上海导游词--幽默概况 朋友们:上海是个滩。 所以上海滩很开阔。 开阔的上海滩有着非凡的气派。 的确,上海不但是中国最大的城市,也是中国最好最气派的城市之一,或者说,是中国最“像”城市的城市。看过上海就知到别的城市小.和北京一样,上海也是全国人民最向往的地方。夜上海--谁不知到啊!(唱歌)在全国许多地方,差不多都有所谓“小上海”。比如广东东莞__(看客人是那个区的)广东有名的夜上海,如过说上海夜京中国第一,那东莞_区当之无愧第3.第2?香港内定了.这种称号无疑是一种“桂冠”,只能加冕于那些比较富庶、新潮、文明的城镇、街道和社区头上,就像当年把上海称为“小苏州”一样。不过,“小苏州”好像只有上海一家,“小上海”却遍布全国,到处都是。今日之上海,毕竟比当年的苏州,要风光得多。 然而,“小上海”毕竟不是“大上海”。领略了“小上海”种.种好处的外地人,便都向往着能够亲自到上海去看一看。很多年来,(20年前,)能够被领导派到上海去办一点公事,差不多一直被视为一次“美差”。在物质匿乏、供应极差的那些年代,就更是如此。回家可以吹3天气球即便是现在,对于从未去过上海的人来说,上海无论如何也仍是值得一去的地方,尽管当真去了以后,也许有的人会失望。当然现在不同了,尽管夜上海越来越漂亮,但毕尽来的人多了,习惯了,来上海90%的人都看过.-------自由发挥-- 但,失望归失望,向往归向往。没去过上海的人,还是想去一去,尤其是那些比较“老派”的人。在上了点年纪的中国人的心目中上海就是三个代表,上海总是代表着优秀和先进,代表着最正宗的现代工业文明,代表着这个文明“雅致的时代”。“上海货”那里最直观地获得的感受和结论,比什么书面的说教都更靠得住。的确,在那个物质匾乏的年代,我们生活中差不多每一点小小的改善都是上海和上海货赋予的。那时,能拥有一块上海牌手表、一辆永久牌自行车或一架蝴蝶牌缝纫机,凤凰牌羊毛衫是很能让人羡慕不已的;请别人吃一块上海奶油蛋糕或大白兔奶糖,也比现在请吃生猛海鲜还有面子。这不仅因为东西稀罕,还因为东西好;也不仅是质量好,经久耐用,还因为它们都很精致,有一种特别的味道和情调,一种让人怦然心动的雅致。更何况上海又是多么大在他们看来,真正所谓“现代国际大都市”,首屈一指的还是上海,尽管这几年深圳的风头颇健。不过,新型的深圳怎么比得上老到的上海?上海的商品也许比不上广州或深圳新潮,但质量,却让人放心得多,因为上海的基础要厚重得多。 上海,在全中国毕竟是深得人心的。几乎每个中国人都知道,正如美国不能没有纽约,中国也不能没有上海。上海是长江流域的龙头,而长江流域则是中国经济的脊梁。更何况中国的现代化正是从上海起步的。1953年,美国学者罗兹·墨菲在他的一本关于上海的著作中,把上海称之为“现代中国的钥匙”,认为现代中国正是诞生于上海。现在,越来越多的外国投资者则用他们的实际行动,表明他们更加看重看好上海。这不仅因为上海的投资环境好,比方说劳动者和管理者的基本素质和整体文化水平较高,在长期的经济社会生活中养成了一整套适合市场经济的价值观念、行为规范和文化准则等等,还因为上海能给他们以“家园之感”。对于许多外国人(不管是投资者还是观光客)来说,北京让他们感到神秘,而上海让他们感到亲切。静安寺对面的万国公墓(现已迁走)里,埋葬着他们的先辈和同胞;而开在过去欧式老房子里的酒吧,又让他们想起百十年前的欧洲。上海,不论在中国人还是外国人眼里,都是好地方。 上海朱家角导游词-上海导游词 篇10Zhujiajiao is located at the northern foot of cangcangjiufeng, on the shoreof the vast Dianshan Lake. It is adjacent to Hongqiao International Airport inthe East, Kunshan in the north, Jiaxing in the South and Pingwang in the West.The downstream of Dianshan Lake and the golden waterway Caogang River passthrough the town. It is the transportation hub of Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghaiprovinces and one city, with a very advantageous geographical location,. Somepeople compare her to Venice in Shanghai, while others compare her to a pearl onthe Bank of Dianshan Lake. Now this bright pearl is shining more brilliantlywith the support of "Golden Jade Belt" - 318 National Road. Zhujiajiao was named one of the first four famous cultural towns byShanghai municipal government in 1991. There are nine long streets extendingalong the river, thousands of Ming and Qing buildings standing by the water, 36stone bridges with ancient style, and many places of interest. After gettingtired of the high price of artificial landscapes, people are not surprised thatthere is still such a well preserved natural landscape in the suburbs ofShanghai, which is full of original flavor, real mountains and water. Here wecan find a kind of enjoyment of returning to nature and advocating wild fun. Nowonder a famous professor of Tongji University, after inspecting Zhujiajiao,said: "Zhujiajiao has such a rich cultural heritage, which is not only atreasure of Shanghai, but also a national treasure.". Sanmao, a famous latewriter in Chinese Taiwan, was infatuated with the pattern of "small bridge, flowingwater and other people" here. He was intoxicated with the pure, quiet,picturesque and poetic style. After inspecting the ancient town of Zhujiajiao,member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and vice presidentof the State Council, he happily wrote down the words "national famoushistorical town of Zhujiajiao". "The natural scenery of small bridge and flowing water, the original Mingand Qing Street", the natural scenery here can not help but be seen by many filmand television directors, and come in droves, the graceful style of the ancienttown of water, again and again onto the screen, television, sometimes there willbe several films and television shooting at the same time, Zhu Jiajiao hasbecome a hot spot of film and television shooting at home and abroad, known as"Hollywood in the suburbs of Shanghai" ”。 Zhujiajiao, a famous town, has a long history. In 1958, in order to findiron, people in Zhujiajiao miraculously dried the North Lake of the town. At thebottom of the lake, a large number of Neolithic relics were discovered, whichproved to be the remains of Majiabang culture, Songze culture, Liangzhu Cultureand the culture from the Western Zhou Dynasty to the spring and Autumn WarringStates period. In 1959, a large number of stone knives, stone plows, stonespinning wheels, and printed pottery pieces were picked up in the Dianshan Lake.These relics from the Neolithic Age to the Warring States period are enough toprove that the ancestors of Zhujiajiao lived and labored here thousands of yearsago. Zhujiajiao is famous for its unique natural environment and convenientwaterway transportation. Merchants gather here and there. It was once famous forits standard cloth industry in the south of the Yangtze River. It is known as"the world of clothing and quilts" and has become a huge town in the south ofthe Yangtze River. There is a poem that says: "when Yumi village was in troublefor six years, Nanqiao people avoided small patrols, and Liangjing (Zhujing andFengjing) was not as good as Zhujie Pavilion, so it is unknown to see all thepictures.". At the end of Ming Dynasty and the beginning of Qing Dynasty,Zhujiajiao's rice industry rose, which led to the prosperity of all kinds ofindustries. At that time, there were "three li long streets, thousands ofstores", many old and famous stores, North and South Department stores, and allkinds of industries were complete. The rural foot spread over Jiangsu andZhejiang provinces. Beyond a hundred Li, there was another saying that "threeJing (Zhujing, Fengjing, Yujing) was not as good as one jiao (Zhujiajiao)". Zhujiajiao, a famous town, has charming natural scenery, with a mountainand a lake. The real mountain and water show the characteristics of the watertown in the south of the Yangtze River. The name of the mountain is Dianshan.Although the mountain is not high, it has a great reputation. It is theafterblood of the Tianmu in the west of Zhejiang Province. This mountain is thebeginning. It is like climbing a mountain to watch the lake. You can enjoy theview of "evening photo of Dianfeng". Dianshan Lake, the natural fresh water lake, covers an area of 62 squarekilometers. Most of the eastern part of the lake is in Zhujiajiao. There are 11West Lakes in Hangzhou, which are large in area. When you go to the lake byboat, the vast water and the sky are in the same color. The reed in the lakearea shakes gently, which makes wild ducks and waterfowls feel far away from thenoise, relaxed and happy. Zhujiajiao, a famous town, is more charming and hasthe cultural landscape of ancient town characteristics, including one bridge,one street, one temple, one temple, one hall, one museum, two gardens, threebays and twenty six lanes. If we say that Zhouzhuang, a 900 year old water town,is small and exquisite, like a small jasper, while Zhujiajiao, a millennium oldtown, has a majestic and elegant demeanor. First of all, the ancient town ofZhujiajiao covers an area of 1.5 square kilometers, more than three times thearea of Zhouzhuang. It has a large home and many natural places to visit.Caogang river divides Zhujiajiao into two parts: Jingting harbor on the northbank, North Street on the south bank, winding alleys on both sides, granitestreets, blue brick buildings of Ming and Qing Dynasties and numerous historicalsites. 上海朱家角导游词-上海导游词 篇11昨天,我去了朱家角,朱家角位于上海市西面,有都市水乡之称。 我们游玩了:银杏树广场、上海远古文化馆、美周弄、平安桥、大清邮局、廊桥、北大街、放生桥、西井街、课植园。 我们着重游玩了上海远古文化馆、大清邮局和课植园。上海远古文化馆分三个展区,展示了许多文物,反映了上海先民生产生活的情况;大清邮局建于(),是上海地区13家主要的邮局之一,经历了民营邮局-外国邮局-文报局-海关邮局-大清邮局等不同阶段。它是目前华东地区唯一留存的清朝邮局遗址,也是中国近代中国邮政的缩影;课植园是姓马的先生盖的花园,他花了30万两银子建了20xx年,它分为课园和植园,它的寓意是学习之余别忘了种田。 朱家角真好玩,有很多地方还没玩到,以后我还要去。同游的还有:妹妹、姨妈、姨夫和爸爸妈妈。 上海朱家角导游词-上海导游词 篇12Dear friends, now we enter Huaqiao toll station, it marks that we begin toenter Shanghai. It's strange why we always add the word "big" in front ofShanghai because it is the largest city in the world in terms of scale, area andpopulation. Even Istanbul in Turkey can't be compared with Shanghai. When wecome to this city, we can see Shanghai style, modern rendering, traffic andpeople everywhere, foreigners everywhere. Therefore, Mark Hughes, a famousAmerican traveler, said that "coming to Shanghai is like coming to the West.".Indeed, Shanghai, a metropolis, gives people the impression that it is a verywesternized city. So how big is Shanghai? Let's analyze it from three aspects. First, it hasmany cars. It is estimated that the number of vehicles in Shanghai is thelargest in the world. There are more than 48000 taxis in Shanghai alone, rankingthe first in the world. Second, there are many people. Shanghai has a permanentresident population of about 12 million, not counting immigrants. Its totalpopulation is about 30 million. The population density is about 20000 per squarekilometer. If you come here on holiday, especially in several major businessdistricts, you should say, "look at your mouth and look at your legs.". Finally,louduo. What impressed us most when we came to Shanghai is, wow, what a tallbuilding! It seems that we have entered a city like a concrete forest. Shanghaihas developed rapidly in recent years. High rise buildings have sprung up likebamboo shoots after rain. There are 1026 high-rise buildings with more than 30floors in Puxi, Shanghai alone. Let's see if it's very powerful. What's theactual area of Shanghai? It's more than 9000 square kilometers. Through theabove groups of figures, do you feel that it is big? I don't think I need to saymore. If the speed of Shanghai's development can be described as a miracle, Idon't think it's too much. But if we go to read its history, I think it is adwarf of history, not even the history of the United States. Why do you saythat? Because the history of Shanghai started in 1843, and no one paid attentionto it before that. In the course of Chinese history, there is no place for it atall. But in a short period of one and a half centuries, it has created a myth, amiracle like a gold pagoda. Don't worry. Listen to me. A long time ago, in theSong Dynasty, the most powerful historical stage in China, Shanghai was just asmall fishing village. Local residents are mainly fishing. Later, with thedevelopment of trade, the small fishing village became lively. At that time,there were 18 Dapu, including Shanghai and xiahaipu. Later, people's tradecenter was mainly concentrated in Shanghai puzhuli, so more and more peoplecalled it Shanghai. During the reign of Daoguang in the Qing Dynasty, Huatingcounty was officially renamed Shanghai, which is still called today. In 1840,the British launched the first war, which lasted two years. Finally, the Qinggovernment and the British government signed the Nanjing Treaty, the firstunequal treaty in Chinese history. In the treaty, Shanghai, Guangzhou and otherplaces were forced to open up as trading ports, and Hong Kong Island was cededto Britain. In June 1843, the gate of Shanghai was officially forced to open. Itis precisely because of such a treaty that Shanghai has really got rid of theshackles of history and started its legendary career as a machine. In this way,Shanghai came into our sight. With the passive development of Shanghai, it is no longer a small townforgotten by Chinese feudal government, but a paradise for foreigners andadventurers. Soon, Shanghai was divided up by the United States, Britain andFrance, forming a unique "concession" in world history. In fact, it is a countrywithin a country. Then where were the concessions of the three countries locatedin today's Shanghai? The British concession was the largest and most developedarea in Shanghai. It was located in the south of Suzhou River, east of Jing'anTemple and north of yangjinbang (today's Yan'an Road). North of China's city(Town God's Temple) is a French concession, and Hebei's east part of Hebei isthe site of the Americans. Later, the Ministry of industry set up a publicconcession, which is today Zhongshan Park area. I'm afraid the term concessioncan't be found in the whole world. It is a manifestation of China's backwardnessand being beaten. It was not until the middle of the Second World War and afterthe Cairo conference that the national government officially abolished allforeign privileges in China. The concession disappeared completely in theterritory of China. However, its legacy has become the witness of thedevelopment of Shanghai today, and the valuable architectural heritage left byShanghai today to the later Shanghainese, the Bund complex. |
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