标题 | 吉林市概况导游词 |
范文 | 吉林市概况导游词(通用5篇) 吉林市概况导游词 篇1吉林市,中国吉林省第二大城市,中国唯一省市同名城市。全市幅员面积27120平方公里,总人口450万。 吉林市,一座充满荣誉和骄傲的城市。她获得的主要桂冠有:中国历史文化名城、中国优秀旅游城市、国家园林城市、倾国倾城:最值得向世界介绍的十大中国名城、中国十大特色休闲城市、中国未来20xx年最具竞争力城市等。 中国吉林市——适宜人居之城 吉林市,满语称“吉林乌拉”,意为沿江之城。清朝康熙皇帝东巡吉林写下的《松花江放船歌》中有“连樯接舰屯江城”诗句,使吉林市又有“北国江城”之称。 青山碧水环绕。吉林市,一座山水城市,由江而来、沿江而走、依江而展、因江而美。“四面皆山三面水,十里长堤分外美。欲问天堂在何处?不在苏杭在东北。”这是张学良将军来吉林市时的由衷赞美。城外“青山环绕如画屏”,“前朱雀、后玄武、左青龙、右白虎”,犹如四神拱卫。美丽的松花江呈反S型穿城而过,“一城山色半城江”,正是对吉林市美景的动人写照。俯瞰吉林市城区,犹如天然的太极图形。 生态环境优美。吉林市,森林覆盖率达54.9%,在中国百万以上人口大城市中首屈一指,是中国东北地区第一个荣获“全国绿化模范城市”称号的城市。城区人均绿地面积9.23平方米,高出中国国家标准3.23平方米。沿城区松花江两岸的百里“清水绿带”,几十处水岸精品浑然天成,风格迥异的长桥横卧江波,高楼鳞次栉比,雕塑精致典雅,绿树参差有致,花草争奇斗妍,形成了著名的城市生态走廊和天然氧吧,荣获“中国人居环境范例奖”。 文化底蕴深厚。吉林市,是史前文化发源地和中国满族发祥地之一。清朝末年吉林巨商牛子厚创办了中国最早的京剧科班,培养出梅兰芳、周信芳、马连良等一批京剧艺术大师,吉林市因此被誉为“中国京剧第二故乡”。在当代,吉林市文化发展更是精彩纷呈:吉林市歌舞团连续20xx年荣登中国中央电视台春节联欢晚会舞台,参加了张艺谋歌剧《图兰朵》、中国大型音乐舞蹈史诗《复兴之路》和北京奥运会开闭幕式等大型演出活动;吉林市拍摄的多部电视剧连获国家级大奖;深受市民欢迎的特色文化活动走在全国前列。 公共服务体系健全。吉林市,围绕发展社会事业、改善生活环境质量、增强社会保障能力等方面,大力实施民生民利工程,全市建立起完备的现代教育体系和医疗卫生服务体系,完善了城市基础设施功能,实现了更加科学规范的城市管理,开展了“平安吉林”创建活动,为人们安居乐业创造了优良的社会环境。 中国吉林市——投资兴业之城 吉林市,作为中国特大城市之一,以其丰富的自然资源、优越的区位优势、充裕的人力资源、雄厚的产业基础、高效优质的服务和广阔的发展空间,赢得海内外客商的青睐,成为投资兴业的一方热土。 自然资源丰富。吉林市,人均水资源4000立方米,是中国平均水平的1.8倍,是中国北方城市平均水平的5.4倍。发电总装机容量472万千瓦时,年发电量130亿千瓦时,占中国东北发电总量的55.5%。林地面积165万公顷,林木总蓄积量1.56亿立方米,是长白山天然绿色特色产品的主要产区和集散中心。耕地面积66.5万公顷,粮食年均产量90亿斤,人均粮食占有量是中国人均占有量的2.6倍,是中国重点商品粮基地之一。境内发现各类矿产资源82种,其中镍、钼等8种矿产储量居中国前10位。 工业基础雄厚。吉林市,是中国“一五”期间国家重点建设的老工业基地。经过多年发展,特别是改革开放30多年的发展,形成了石化、汽车、冶金、能源、农产品加工、非金属矿产等传统产业体系,碳纤维、装备制造、生物产业、基础电子及电力电子等新型产业体系。中国石油吉林石化公司、吉林燃料乙醇公司、吉林化纤集团公司在国内同行业占有重要位置。以中国一汽吉林轻型车厂为主体,以轻型车、多功能车、经济型轿车为重点,吉林市到20xx年将形成100万辆整车生产能力。中钢集团吉林炭素股份有限公司是亚洲最大、国际四强炭素企业,工艺技术等代表着中国炭素行业的最高水平。吉林市还被中华人民共和国科技部认定为唯一一个国家碳纤维高新技术产业化基地,到20xx年将成为中国最大、世界领先的碳纤维生产应用基地。吉林高新技术产业开发区、吉林经济技术开发区两个国家级开发区、15个省级开发区、北部工业新区、吉林化工循环经济示范园区、吉林—深圳产业合作示范区以及正在建设的中国吉林(新加坡)新型农业合作食品区进一步增强了项目承载能力。到20xx年,吉林市将打造五个“千亿级”产业基地:中油吉林石化公司销售收入率先超过1000亿元;除中油吉林石化公司以外化工循环经济示范园区销售收入超过1000亿元;汽车产业形成1000亿元产出能力;冶金产业全力建设北方精品钢和全国最大的冶金炉料生产基地,销售收入突破1000亿元;中国吉林(新加坡)新型农业合作食品区按1000亿元产出能力和30万人口新城市高标准规划建设。 区位优势明显。吉林市,位居东北亚地理中心,是20xx年12月中国国务院批准的《中国图们江区域合作开发规划纲要——以长吉图为开发开放先导区》的直接腹地和重要结点,南接沈阳,北通哈尔滨,西靠内蒙古,东临朝鲜,已开通的吉林内陆港与辽宁大连港实现“无缝对接”,辐射范围不仅包括东北,还可通达中国内陆,远及日本、俄罗斯、韩国、朝鲜等国家。吉林龙嘉国际机场和即将启用的吉林机场,长珲、沈哈高速公路,长珲城际快速铁路,沈哈复线铁路,连接外县(市)的一小时经济圈,构成了吉林市四通八达、快捷便利的立体交通网络。 投资环境优良。吉林市,建设“服务型、效能型、法治型、诚信型”政府,树立“亲商、安商、扶商、富商”的理念,构建了“零距离、一站式、全方位”的“绿色通道”体系和跟踪包保服务体系。吉林市的商贸、物流、金融保险、信息咨询等现代服务业发展迅猛,为投资兴业提供了有利的环境。作为中国东北重要的工业基地,吉林市拥有在职专业技术人员16万人、技术工人32.4万人。此外,全市46所大中专院校、11所职业技校,每年还可向社会输送科技专家和技术工人近4万人。 中国吉林市——旅游休闲之城 吉林市,群山环抱,碧水绕城,天赐禀赋,地呈吉祥,被誉为龙兴福地、雾凇名都、陨石之乡。 浩浩江水的浸润、茫茫林海的簇拥,造就了吉林市四季分明的自然景观和独具特色的旅游资源。 春可踏青品鱼。春回大地,万物复苏,山花浪漫,城外群山峡谷成了踏青的好去处,尤其是松花湖冰雪消融后的开江时节,伴着祭江萨满古老的歌谣,满江满湖的鲜嫩水产成就了中国北方著名的开江鱼美食节。 夏可避暑度假。盛夏时节,沿江两岸百里生态公园,绿草如茵、花团锦簇、移步易景、美不胜收。距市区仅17公里的松花湖,水域面积550平方公里,碧波荡漾,青山叠翠,令人叹为观止。中国著名诗人贺敬之游览松花湖后赋诗:“水明三峡少,林秀西子无。此行傲范蠡,输我松花湖。”炎炎夏日,江滨湖畔,松花湖休闲度假旅游节、雪花啤酒节拉开帷幕,为市民送上无尽的清爽和惬意,使吉林市成为誉满中国的避暑度假胜地。 秋可观枫赏桦。秋季来临,满目葱绿的江城转眼间披上了绚烂的盛装,灿若丹霞的红叶谷,静如处子的白桦林,沿着落英缤纷的山路,采摘天然的山乡美味,让人流连忘返。每至深秋霜降,中国规模最大、红叶品种最多、色彩最迷人的吉林蛟河红叶谷,层林尽染,色彩浓淡相宜、亮丽夺目。此时,长白山红叶旅游节盛装开幕,各地游人纷至沓来。 冬可赏凇戏雪。隆冬时分,中国北方大地千里冰封、万里雪飘,唯有吉林市区的松花江依旧碧波荡漾,呈现出“一江春水碧,两岸雾凇凝”的独特景色,这就是与泰山日出、黄山云海、钱塘潮涌并称为中国四大气象奇观的吉林雾凇。严冬晨曦冉冉,朝阳灿灿,松花江岸长堤“忽如一夜春风来,千树万树梨花开”,堪称中国北方风光之最。享誉中外的中国吉林国际雾凇冰雪节成功举办了xx届,每年都吸引大量的海内外宾客。吉林市还是闻名遐迩的滑雪天堂。北大湖滑雪场,20xx年承办了第6届亚洲冬季运动会全部雪上赛事。亚洲滑雪联合会主席李胜原先生盛赞“北大湖滑雪场的资源在亚洲乃至世界都是一流的!”。朱雀山、北山等十几座城区滑雪场,环境设施完备,让游人在绵绵雪山中飞扬驰骋,体验运动的欢乐激情。 令人称奇的是,就连一颗在太空生活了亿万年的小行星,竟也情有独钟扑奔而来。1976年,吉林市境内降落了一场陨石雨,方圆近500平方公里的范围没有伤及一人一畜和建筑物,堪称世间奇迹,其中最大一块陨石重达1770千克。从此,这颗世界最大的石陨石就成了吉林市博物馆的镇馆之宝,至今已有300多万人次观赏了它的丰姿,有幸实现了“手可摘星辰”的梦想。 让吉林市走向世界,让世界拥抱吉林市!中国吉林市,一座更加文明开放、繁荣发达、富裕殷实、朝气蓬勃的现代化城市,正以崭新的姿态快速发展! 吉林市概况导游词 篇2吉林市是吉林省第二大城市,是全国唯一的市与省重名的城市。吉林市是国务院批准的历史文化名城、甲级开放城市和全国32个特大城市之一。 吉林市位于吉林省中部偏东,幅员面积24894平方公里,总人口422.8万人,有23个少数民族。 吉林市历史悠久,气候宜人。公元14至19世纪,吉林是东北地区重要的政治、经济、军事中心。在清末、民国时期和解放初期,吉林市是吉林省省会城市。 吉林市资源丰富,物产丰绕。土地、水利、矿产、森林、野生动植物资源均高于全国平均水平,特别是水利资源蕴藏量较大,是全国少有的不缺水城市之一,人均水资源量达到3679立方米。 吉林市具有得天独厚的旅游资源。自然景观,人文景观随处可见,松花湖和龙潭山鹿场被列为国家级景点。吉林市还是冰雪体育旅游城市,冰雪体育设施在国内处于一流水平,城区内有两座滑雪场,多处旅游雪场。中国吉林雾凇冰雪节被国家旅游局列为地方大型旅游节庆活动之一。 经过50年的发展,吉林市已经成为以化工、电力等行业为主,基础雄厚、门类齐全的现代化工业城市,1999年实现工业总产值313亿元(乡及乡以上);吉林市还是全国主要商品粮基地之一,粮食总产量达到261万吨;市场流通日益繁荣,全市共有各类专业市场230个,商业网点近10万个,社会消费品零售总额达到157亿元。 近年来,吉林市对外开放力度不断加大,对外贸易稳步增长,利用外资步伐加快,经济技术合作健康发展。投资环境也得到明显改善,在载体建设方面,相继建立了一个国家级开发区——吉林高新技术产业开发区和三个省级开发区。 在经济飞速发展的同时,城市面貌日新月异。吉林市把展现山灵水秀、风光优美的城市风格作为城市建设的总目标,以自然景观为背景,以历史发展为脉络,以造型别致的建筑物为点缀,从整体上提升了吉林市的城市形象。道路、桥梁建设成效显著,公用设施日趋完善,住宅建设步伐加快,园林绿化面积逐年提高,向世人展示了古老江城的勃勃生机和多姿多彩的魅力。 吉林市积极发展社会各项事业,科技实力不断增强,教育、文化、卫生、体育事业蓬勃发展,广播电视、新闻出版业在省内处于领先水平,人民群众的生活水平不断提高,精神面貌也发生了巨大的变化。 面向未来,吉林市将继续坚持党的基本路线、方针、政策,正确处理改革、发展、稳定的关系,以开放为先导、以改革为动力,立足发挥区位优势和资源优势,强化教育、科技基础,优化国民经济结构,工农贸旅协调并进,市县乡村一体发展,使吉林市经济和社会各项事业持续发展,到21世纪中叶实现城市现代化。 吉林市概况导游词 篇3吉林市地处东北腹地长白山脉,向松嫩平原过渡地带的松花江畔,三面临水、四周环山。东经125″40′~127″56′,北纬42″31′~44″40′。东接延边朝鲜族自治州,西临长春市、四平市,北与黑龙江省接壤,南与浑江市、通化市毗邻。总面积27120平方公里。其中,市区3636平方公里。 地貌特征:吉林市有"远迎长白,近绕松花"的形势。由于不同时期的大地构造运动,以及江河的侵蚀、剥蚀和堆积,形成了中山山区--低山丘陵区--峡谷湖泊区--河谷平原区的地貌,地势由东南向西北逐渐降低的地理景观。 中山山区,位于吉林地区中、东部和东南部,是全市主要林区和特产区域。南有长白山地龙岗山脉,档南有龙岗山脉的余脉富尔岭,东北部和呼兰岭。松花湖东有老爷岭,湖西有摩天岭、南楼山、肇大鸡山,皆为中山山群。山区中有1000米以上高峰110座。最高山峰南楼山,海拔1404.8米。 低山丘陵区,分布在蛟河、桦甸和舒兰市、永吉县的中部。山岭海拔300400米,少数山峰高600-700米,是开发较早的区域。森林已经逐渐减退。除占地1748平方公里的吉林市城区外,蓁区域是全省重要的农业、林业、畜牧、渔业及工矿区。 峡谷湖泊区,分布在丰满电站大坝到白山水库上游金银别的沿湖、沿区区域,是丰满、红石、白山三大梯级电站建成后形成的地貌区域,环境幽美,景色状观,是大有前途的能源、特产、渔业、旅游综合性经济开区和建立良好生态环境的重要生态经济区。 河谷平原区,分布在松花江中游、永吉县北部、舒兰市中部及松花江支流的局部地段。一般海拔170-220米,耕地集中,土壤肥沃,适宜农事耕作,是重要的农业经济区。 吉林市幅员面积27120平方公里,辖4区(昌邑区、船营区、龙潭区、丰满区)、5县市(永吉县、舒兰市、磐石市、蛟河市、桦甸市)。辖78个乡镇、71个街道办事处。 吉林市概况导游词 篇4The second largest city, jilin city, jilin province of China, the only Chinese provinces and cities with the same. The city is an area of 27120 square kilometers, the total population of 4.5 million. Jilin city, a city full of honour and pride. She won the main title: China's famous historical and cultural city, China excellent tourism city, national garden city, America laguna, of the top 10 Chinese cities most worthy of being introduced to the world, characteristics of China's top ten leisure city, in the next 10 years the most competitive cities in China, etc. The city of jilin, China - suitable for living Jilin city, the manchu called "jilin ula", meaning a riverside city. The qing dynasty emperor kangxi tour east jilin wrote "boat song of the songhua river to put in a" even Qiang ship tuen river "verse, jilin city and is called" north river ". Castle peak green water surrounded. Jilin city, a landscape city, by the river, and walk along the river, in accordance with the exhibition, by jiang mei jiang. "All around is mountains on three sides by water, long beach is beautiful. Where you would like to ask heaven? Not in suzhou and hangzhou in the northeast." This is a hearty praise as general zhang xueliang to jilin city in 1929. Outside the "castle peak around like a painted screen", "QianZhuQiao, after basaltic, left tsing lung, right white tiger", is like a four gods vault. The beautiful songhua river through the city showed the S type, "a city lake half city river", it is moving portrayal of jilin city scenery. Overlooking the jilin city is a natural tai chi graphics. Ecological environment is exquisite. Jilin city, forest coverage rate reached 54.9%, more than millions of people in the big cities in China, is China's northeast area the first won the title of "national model green city" of the city. Per capita urban green land area of 9.23 square meters, higher than the national standard 3.23 square meters. City along the songhua river on both sides of the thyme "aqua green belt", dozens of bank products like nature itself, different styles of longbridge decumbence enami, tall buildings, sculpture is exquisite and elegant, green trees, jagged have send flowers cup yan, formed the famous urban ecological corridor and natural oxygen bar, won the "China habitat environment example prize". Cultural heritage. Jilin city, is one of the birthplace of prehistoric culture and the birthplace of China's manchu. Jilin company of late qing dynasty, established by training the earliest Chinese opera buff thick cultivate mei lanfang, Zhou Xinfang, Ma Lianliang, such as a group of Beijing Opera master, jilin so is known as the "second home" Chinese opera. In the contemporary, jilin city cultural development is more colorful: jilin city song and dance for 13 consecutive years ranked on the CCTV Spring Festival gala stage, participated in the zhang yimou opera turandot, large Chinese music dance epic "the road to revival, and the Beijing Olympic Games opening and closing ceremonies and other large-scale performances; Jilin city taken more TV play won national awards; By one of the leading enterprises in the national citizens welcome feature of cultural activities. Improve the public service system. Jilin city, surrounding the development of social programs, improving the living environment quality, enhance the capacity of social security, etc., vigorously implement the livelihood of the people, engineering, the city established a complete system of modern education and the medical and health service system, to perfect the function of urban infrastructure, to realize the city is more scientific and standardized management, carry out the "safe" jilin to create activities, for people to live and work in peace and contentment created a good social environment. The city of jilin, China - investment Jilin city, as one of China's megacities, with its rich natural resources, superior location advantages, abundant human resources, strong industrial base, efficient, high-quality service and broad space for development, win the favor of the customers at home and abroad, to become a party to invest in. Rich in natural resources. Jilin city, 4000 cubic meters of water resources per capita is average 1.8 times in China, is China's northern city of average 5.4 times. Generating a total installed capacity of 4.72 million KWH, generating 13 billion kilowatt-hours, accounting for 55.5% of the total power in China's northeast. Forest land area of 1.65 million hectares, the total volume of 156 million cubic meters of trees, is the main characteristics of changbai mountain natural green production area and distribution center. Cultivated land area of 665000 hectares, annual output 9 billion catties of grain, the per capita occupancy of grain is China's per capita is 2.6 times, is one of the important commodity grain bases in China. Found in all kinds of 82 kinds of mineral resources, including nickel, molybdenum and other eight kinds of mineral deposits in China top 10. Strong industrial base. Jilin city, is China's first five-year "national key construction during the period of the old industrial base. After years of development, especially the reform and opening up 30 years of development, formed a petrochemical, automobile, metallurgy, energy, agricultural products processing, non-metallic minerals such as traditional industries, carbon fiber, equipment manufacturing, basic electronics, biological industry and new industries such as power electronics. China petroleum jilin petrochemical company, jilin fuel ethanol, jilin chemical fiber group co., LTD occupies an important position in the domestic industry. With China faw jilin light depot as the main body, with an emphasis on economic car light vehicle, suv, and jilin city by 20xx will become 1 million vehicle production capacity. Sinosteel jilin carbon co., LTD is the largest in Asia, and the last four carbon enterprise, technology such as represents the highest level of Chinese carbon industry. Jilin city has also been the People's Republic of China ministry of science and technology identified as the only national carbon fiber high-tech industrialization base, by 20xx will become China's largest, the world's leading base carbon fiber production application. Jilin high-tech industrial development zone, jilin economic and technological development zone two state-level development zones, 15 provincial-level development zones, industrial district, north of jilin chemical industry circular economy demonstration park, jilin - shenzhen cooperation demonstration zone, and is building China's jilin (Singapore) new agricultural cooperative food area to further enhance the bearing capacity of the project. By 20xx, the jilin city will build five level "billions of industrial base:" CPC jilin petrochemical company, sales lead in more than 100 billion yuan; Besides CPC jilin petrochemical company chemical industry circular economy demonstration garden sales revenue exceeds 100 billion yuan. The car industry form the productive capacity of 100 billion yuan; Construction to the northern quality steel and metallurgy industry of the country's largest metallurgy furnace charge production base, sales income exceeding 100 billion yuan; China's jilin (Singapore) new agricultural cooperative food area according to the productive capacity of 100 billion yuan and 300000 new urban population high standard planning and construction. Location advantage is obvious. Are the geographic center in northeast China, jilin, China approved by the state council in December 20xx, "China tumen river area cooperation development planning outline, in changji during development and opening-up pilot area" hinterland of the direct and important node, shenyang in the south, north to Harbin, Inner Mongolia is in the west, north Korea in the east, has been the opening of the jilin inland port and port of dalian in liaoning, realization "seamless docking" includes not only the northeast radiation range, can also access the Chinese inland, from Japan, Russia, South Korea, north Korea and other countries. JiLinLong jia international airport and the airport, jilin will enable long han myung woo, an, shen highway, long han myung woo, an intercity rapid railway, shen double track railway, connecting the county (city) for an hour economic circle, constitutes the jilin city convenient, fast and convenient transportation network. Good investment environment. Jilin city, the construction of "service-oriented, communist, FaZhiXing, good faith" the government, establishing "kissed business, an shang, help business, businessmen" concept, build the "zero distance, one-stop, all-round" of the "green channel" system and track packages to service system. Jilin city of commerce, logistics, finance insurance, information consultation and other modern service industry develops rapidly, provides a favorable environment for investment. As an important industrial base of northeast China, jilin has on-the-job professional and technical personnel 160000 people, technical workers, 324000 people. In addition, the city's 46 colleges, 11 vocational technical school, every year to the society but also conveying technology experts and skilled workers, nearly 40000 people. Jilin city of China -- the city of tourism and leisure Jilin city, mountains, green water around the city, god-given gift, is auspicious, known as longxing, rime names, the hometown of meteorites. Huge water infiltration, the vast Lin hai surrounded, has produced four seasons jilin city natural landscape and unique tourism resources. Spring outing is tasted the fish. Nor, all things recovery, romance, mountain flower outside the mountain valley has become a good place for outing, especially in songhua lake open river after melting season, with the shaman old ballads, jiang ManJiangMan lake of fresh aquatic products made in north China's famous river fish food festival. Summer summer vacation. In the summer, on both sides along the river ecological park, grass, flowers, walk Yi Jing, beautiful. Only 17 kilometers away from downtown songhua lake, water area of 550 square kilometers, rippling, castle peak green jade, breathtaking. Famous Chinese poet He Jingzhi tour after the songhua lake chanting songs: "little water Ming three gorges, Lin Xiu west no. Visit the proud fan li, lose my songhua lake." Sorching summer, the riverside lake, songhua lake leisure tourism festival, snow festival kicked off, for citizens on endless relaxed and comfortable, the jilin city become a famous summer resort in China. Considerable autumn maple birch. Autumn comes, with light green of the river at once with a gorgeous dress, if can is danxia's red leaves valley, quiet as a pussy birches, along the tree lost its mountain path, picking the natural shan delicious, make people linger. Each to autumn frost, China's largest and most varieties, the red colour is the most charming JiLinJiao river valley, the red CengLinJinRan, shade fitting for color, bright is dazzing. At this point, the changbai mountain red tourism festival kicked off, around the visitors. Winter snow can reward Song play. Winter night, the earth and you spend in northern China, only the still rippling songhua river of jilin city area, presents "a spring waters brigitte, rime setting" on both sides of the unique scenery, this is mount taishan, mount huangshan sea of clouds, sunrise and qiantang river flood and jilin rime is called the four meteorological wonders in China. Winter dawn rising, chaoyang brassy, songhua river shore causeway "like night of spring breeze comes suddenly, thousand critics, pear tree to open", in the northern China scenery. World-famous Chinese jilin rime ice and snow successfully hosted the 15th annual international, attracted a large number of guests from home and abroad every year. Jilin city was famous ski paradise. North lake resort, to undertake all the 6th Asian winter games in 20xx snow events. Asia ski federation chairman Mr Li Shengyuan praised "north lake resources in Asia and the world ski resorts are first-class!" . Rosefinch, beishan mountain ski resort, a dozen city environment facilities complete, let visitors in the snow mountains the float in the sky, the joy of the experience of passion. Surprisingly, even a one hundred million asteroids in space, but also has a special liking on running. In 1976, landed a meteorite fall in jilin city, the extent of nearly 500 square kilometers has not hurt one livestock and buildings, is a miracle in the world, the biggest a meteorite weighed 1770 kilograms. From then on, it became the world's largest stone meteorite jilin city museum, and it has been more than 300 people to watch it, the charm of those lucky enough to achieve the dream of "hand can pick the stars". Let the jilin city to the world, let the world embrace the jilin city! Jilin city of China, a more civilized and open, prosperous, rich, vibrant in modern city, is developing rapidly with a new gesture! 吉林市概况导游词 篇5Jilin city located in the hinterland of the northeast changbai mountain, the songhua river to the transition zone of songnen plains, surrounded on three sides by mountains. Face around the water, East longitude 125 "40 '~ 127" 56', north latitude 42 "31 '40' ~ 44". Yanbian Korean autonomous prefecture in the east, west near changchun, siping, north to heilongjiang province borders on with HunJiang city, tonghua city, adjacent to the south. With a total area of 27120 square kilometers. Among them, the city of 3636 square kilometers. Features: jilin city has "far face beard, near around the songhua" situation. Due to the different periods of tectonic movement, and river erosion, erosion and accumulation, the formation of the zhongshan mountain - low hilly land - canyon lake district - valley plains landforms, terrain from southeast to northwest gradually reduce the geographical landscape. In the zhongshan mountain, located in jilin area, the east and southeast, is the city's main forest and specialty area. Longgang mountains south of changbai mountain, gear south darfur have -odd arteries longgang mountains ridge, northeast and hulan ridge. Songhua koto laoye mountain, west lake has motenlin, south tower mountains, zhao chicken, are in the mountains. In the mountainous area more than 1000 meters peak in 110. The highest mountain in the south tower mountain, 1404.8 meters above sea level. Low hilly land, distribution in the dumpling river, birch and shulan, YongJi County central. Mountains, 300400 meters above sea level, a peak, 600-700 meters high, is to develop earlier. The forest had gradually decreases. In addition to the covers an area of 1748 square kilometers of jilin city, stand area is the important agricultural, forestry, animal husbandry, fisheries, and industrial and mining areas. Canyon lake area, distribution in fengman hydropower station dam to baishan reservoir upstream, gold and silver and other lake area, along the area is plump, redstone, baishan three cascade hydropower stations built after the formation of the landscape area, beautiful environment, landscape view, is a promising energy, specialty, fisheries, tourism is a comprehensive economic open area and establish a good ecological environment of the important ecological economic zone. Valley plains, located in the songhua river middle reaches, YongJi County northern and central shulan, partial section of songhua river tributaries. Generally 170-220 meters above sea level, cultivated land, fertile soil, suitable for crop cultivation, is an important agricultural economic zone. Jilin city is an area of 27120 square kilometers, jurisdiction over 4 areas (changyi district, ship the camp, longtan area, full area), 5 counties (YongJi County, shulan, panshi, jiaohe, birch midian city). Over 78 villages and towns, 71 neighborhood offices. |
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