标题 | 导游词吉林省概况 |
范文 | 导游词吉林省概况(精选12篇) 导游词吉林省概况 篇1吉林省位于中国东北地区中部,北界黑龙江省,南接辽宁省,西邻内蒙古自治区,东与俄罗斯接壤,东南部以图们江,鸭绿江为界与朝鲜民主主义人民共和国隔江相望,地处东经122-131度,北纬41-46度之间。幅员面积为18.74万平方公里,占全国总面积的2%,东西长650公里,南北宽300公里。地形特点是东南部高,西北部低,中西部是广阔的平原。吉林省处于北半球的中纬地带,欧亚大陆东部,相当于我国温带最北部,接近亚寒带,东部湿润多雨,西部干燥少雨多风沙,是显著的温带大陆性季风气候,年平均气温大部分地区年均气温4°C左右,最高气温37.8°C,最低气温为-39.4°C,全年日照率50--70%,降水量向西部递减400-900mm/年,降水三分之二集中于全年的6、7、8三个月。冬季地面积雪平均20cm,山地40--50cm左右。吉林省的航空,铁路,公路和内河 航运等交通比较发达,基本形成了以铁路为主,航空和公路客运为辅,内河航运为补充的立体交通网络。吉林省的铁路网大体可分为西北-东南和西南-东北两个走向。全国主要铁路干线京哈线贯穿吉林南北。从吉林省内可直达哈尔滨、沈阳、大连、北京、天津、石家庄、济南、南京、上海等全国主要城市。吉林省旅游资源非常丰富,在省会长春市内有伪满洲国旧址,象征森林城市的人民大街和新民大街,苏军烈士纪念塔,汽车城和长春电影制片厂。有象征文化城市的吉 吉林大学,吉林工业大学,长春科技大学等国家大专院校42所。有以名门饭店,香格里拉饭店为代表的五星级酒店服务场所多处。在吉林市有龙潭山高句丽山城,北山,丰满松花湖;敦化的六顶山,渤海墓群;延吉的城子山山城;位于长白,安图,抚松三县境内的长白山自然保护区内,温泉群。 天池和瀑布及大陕谷;通化的靖宇陵园;集安的内都山城,洞沟古墓群,是称东方金字塔的“将军坟”,好太王碑;农安的辽塔;伊通火山群;等等。吉林省早在40000到70020xx年前就有人类活动。除汉族外,还有三大族系,一为肃慎族后改为挹娄,勿吉,女真,满族,主要居于东部;二为夫余族及分支高句丽,夫余居西北部,高句丽居南部;三为东胡族的乌桓,鲜卑,契丹,室韦(蒙古)等族,主要居于西部地区“吉林”是满语“吉林乌拉”的略称,即 沿江的意思。原是指今吉林市,当时写法很不统一,为了统一写法,清康熙20xx年(1685 年),清圣祖仁皇帝爱新觉罗玄烨下令通称“吉林”。清初东北不设行省,清顺治十年(1653年),吉林市隶属宁古塔 将军统辖,康熙十五年(1676年)宁古塔将军移至吉林市。乾隆20xx年(1757年)宁古塔将军正式改为吉林将军,光绪33年()改吉林将军衙门为吉林省公署。中华人民共和国成立以后,吉林省省会仍在吉林市。1954年省会迁至长春,成为全国唯一的省与本省中一个市重名的省份。1931年,九.一八事变,东北沦陷,被肢解为19省。吉林省仅辖一市一旗17县。长春当时称新京特别市,伪满洲国部。1945年日伪投降,同年12月成立吉林省人民政府,翌年,国民党占领吉林市,成立吉林省政府 。1948年3月,省人民政府迁回吉林市 , 1954年,长春划归吉林省。省会迁至长春市。 导游词吉林省概况 篇2吉林省位于中国东北地区中部,幅员面积18.74万平方公里。东部与俄罗斯、朝鲜交界,边境线总长1452公里。总人口2749.4万人,其中城镇人口1468.2万人,占全省常住人口的53.4%。吉林是多民族边疆省份,有48个少数民族,少数民族人口245.34万人,占全省总人口的9.15%。现辖1个副省级市、7个地级市、延边朝鲜族自治州和长白山管委会,60个县(市、区)。在全国的位置主要体现为三个“大约2%”:幅员面积约占全国1.95%,常住人口约占全国2.04%,经济总量(20xx年GDP)约占全国2.23%。 吉林省自然资源丰富,生态环境优良。地势呈东南高、西北低,东部是长白山地原始森林、东中部是低山丘陵次生植被、中部是松辽平原、西部是草原湿地,自然形成4个生态区。生态环境具有多样性、系统性和可恢复性的特点,保护较好。东部长白山区是松花江、图们江、鸭绿江的发源地,蕴藏丰富的森林、水利、矿产和动植物等资源,被誉为“立体资源宝库”,是中国重要的野生物种基因库和野生药材基地,也是全国三大药材生产基地之一,被联合国教科文组织确定为“世界人与生物圈自然保护区”。中部松辽平原土质肥沃,素有“黄金玉米带”、“大豆之乡”的美称。西部草原是科尔沁草原的一部分,草场辽阔,农牧业发达,是中国商品牛和细毛羊生产区之一。全省人均耕地面积0.21公顷,高出全国平均水平近1倍。全省森林覆盖率达43.5%,比全国平均水平高23.2个百分点。草地面积达584.2万公顷。全省已查明野生植物3890种,野生动物445种。已探明储量的矿产资源有96种,其中油母页岩、硅藻土、硅灰石、镁、钼、镍等储量居全国前列。全省建有各级各类自然保护区36个,其中国家级自然保护区13个、省级自然保护区14个,自然保护区面积占总国土面积的12.26%。1999年,中国中央政府批准吉林省为生态省建设试点。 吉林省工业基础雄厚,加工制造业比较发达。汽车、石化、农产品加工、医药、电子信息、冶金、建材等为支柱优势特色产业。一汽是中国汽车工业的摇篮,现拥有重、中、轻、轿等六大系列产品的研制开发和生产能力。中石油吉化公司是全国重要的化工原料基地,每年可提供超百种近600万吨石油化工产品,乙稀生产能力85万吨。长春客车厂是亚洲最大的轨道车辆生产基地,生产的铁路客车和地铁车辆分别占全国的50%和85%以上。 吉林省农业优势突出,发展现代农业得天独厚。盛产玉米、水稻、大豆和杂粮等优质农产品,人均粮食占有量、粮食商品率、粮食调出量及玉米出口量连续多年居全国首位。20xx年粮食产量634.2亿斤,创历史最高水平,以占全国1/25的耕地,提供占全国1/10的商品粮。 吉林省科教优势明显,科技教育实力较强。每万人拥有科学家和工程师、在校大学生人数均居全国第6位。有中国科学院和工程院士21人(不包括双聘院士)。拥有长春光机物理所、应化所、地理所、生物制品所等国家重点科研机构和吉林大学、东北师范大学、长春理工大学等国内外知名院校。其中,吉林大学是目前我国办学规模最大、学科门类齐全的重要高等学府。 吉林省旅游资源丰富,旅游业独具特色。长白山为中国十大名山之一。吉林雾凇被誉为中国四大自然奇观之一。长春净月潭是国家级森林公园。向海自然保护区载入世界著名湿地名录。列入世界文化遗产名录的集安高句丽遗迹闻名中外。四平叶赫那拉古城是著名的民俗风景区。长春伪满皇宫博物院是中国末代皇帝溥仪的宫殿。(吉林八景:长白飞瀑、高丽古遗迹、鹤舞向海、一眼望三国、伪满皇宫、松江雾凇、净月风光、查干冬渔) 省九次党代会以来,面对严峻复杂的国际国内形势和艰巨繁重的改革发展稳定任务,在党中央正确领导下,高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜,深入贯彻落实科学发展观,全面贯彻党的xx大和xx届三中、四中、五中、六中全会精神,团结带领全省广大干部群众,解放思想,开拓创新,扎实工作,全面推进社会主义经济建设、政治建设、文化建设、社会建设以及生态文明建设和党的建设,经历了严峻复杂的考验,战胜了前所未有的困难,胜利完成了省九次党代会确定的各项目标任务,全省经济发展、民生改善、社会稳定、政治安定,保持了又好又快发展的良好局面。 经济持续快速发展,综合实力跃上新的台阶。全省地区生产总值突破1万亿元,人均GDP达到5946美元,年均增长14.6%,实现历史性的跨越。一般预算全口径财政收入、地方级财政收入分别达到1620.1亿元和850.1亿元,比20xx年增长2.2倍和2.5倍。规模以上工业增加值和利润分别实现4531.6亿元和1121.3亿元,是20xx年的3.2倍和5.4倍,发展速度和质量同步提高。现代农业加快发展,综合生产能力显著增强,粮食产量达到600亿斤阶段性水平。农业产业化水平快速提升,农产品加工业实现跨越发展。特色城镇化稳步发展,突出长吉一体化、带动中部城市群加快发展等战略取得重要进展。全社会固定资产投资5年累计完成3.4万亿元,是前5年的4.5倍。一大批重大基础设施和重大产业项目竣工运营,发展基础和后劲大大增强。 经济发展方式加快转变,发展活力和动力显著增强。结构调整迈出重要步伐,三次产业结构由20xx年的15.7:44.8:39.5调整到20xx年的12.1:53.2:34.7,支柱产业不断壮大,优势产业提速发力,战略性新兴产业发展势头强劲,现代服务业加快发展,多产业支撑、多极化发展的增长格局初步形成。县域经济增速连年超过全省平均水平。民营经济撑起全省经济的半壁江山。区域创新能力明显增强,科技成果加快转化,新产品产值增长2.2倍。松花江等重点流域水污染防治成效显著,节能减排任务超额完成。重点领域和关键环节改革深入推进,长吉图开发开放先导区上升为国家战略并取得重要进展。东博会等开放平台作用充分发挥,招商引资成果丰硕,对外贸易大幅增长,全方位开放格局加快形成。 社会事业全面发展,人民群众生活水平明显改善。富民工程加快推进,城镇居民人均可支配收入和农村居民人均纯收入达到17797元和7510元,是20xx年的1.8倍和2.1倍。就业规模实现历史性增长。社会保障体系不断完善。教育事业全面发展,各级各类教育长足进步。医药卫生体制改革三年攻坚成果显著,医疗保障和服务水平大幅提高。食品药品安全监管全面加强。生态建设和环境保护成效显著,十年绿化美化吉林大地取得丰硕成果。全面推进“八路安居”工程,改造建设面积达到1.49亿平方米,全省超过1/5人口的住房条件得到明显改善。大力实施“暖房子”工程,84万户、255万城市居民受益,成为广受赞誉的民生改善工程、节能减排工程、环境提升工程和扩大内需、促进发展工程。加强社会主义新农村建设,农民生产生活条件不断改善。体育、人口计生、妇女儿童、老龄、慈善、残疾人等事业全面发展。 文化改革发展迈出坚实步伐,精神文明建设取得新的成果。社会主义核心价值体系建设深入推进,群众性精神文明创建和思想道德建设广泛开展。舆论导向正确鲜明,团结和谐、积极向上的氛围更加浓厚。文化体制改革取得重要突破。文化事业加快发展,文化惠民工程深入实施,公共文化服务体系进一步完善。文化骨干企业实力不断增强,产业园区建设加快推进,文化产业在国民经济中的比重大幅提高。文化创作生产全面繁荣,对外交流日益活跃。 民主法制建设扎实推进,社会保持和谐稳定。加强和改进新形势下人大和政协工作,各级人大和政协职能作用得到充分发挥。爱国统一战线不断巩固壮大。工会、共青团、妇联等人民团体作用充分发挥。民族区域自治制度不断完善。宗教工作健康发展。基层民主政治建设有序推进。依法治省进程加快。信访维稳工作成效显著。全面加强“平安吉林”建设,人民群众安全感和满意度不断提升。深入实施“强基富民固边”工程,边境地区社会政治稳定。积极支持国防和军队现代化建设,双拥工作取得新的进展。 党的建设全面加强,执政能力和水平不断提高。深入开展学习实践科学发展观活动、创先争优活动以及“解放思想、改革创新、转变方式、科学发展”主题教育实践活动。学习型党组织建设全面加强。干部人事制度改革深入推进,竞争性选拔干部力度不断加大,选人用人公信度不断提高,领导班子和干部队伍建设进一步加强。市县乡党委换届圆满完成,换届风气满意度等多项考核指标位居全国前列。人才兴业战略深入实施,各类人才队伍发展壮大。“三帮扶”活动成效显著,农村基层组织建设“三项工程”深入实施,城市社区基层组织建设“五有一创”工程全面展开,基层党组织凝聚力、战斗力不断增强。党的制度建设扎实推进,党的建设科学化、规范化水平进一步提高。机关作风和效能建设不断加强。认真落实党风廉政建设责任制,扎实推进惩治和预防腐败体系建设,大力整治建设经济发展软环境,切实纠正各种形式的不正之风,严肃查处违纪违法案件,党风廉政建设和反腐败工作取得新的成效。 导游词吉林省概况 篇3吉林省简称吉(省会长春),',北纬40°52'至46°18'。地处中国东北中部,,东部为山地,中部为丘陵,以西为松辽平原与西部平原。本区属于温带湿润—干旱季风气候。夏季短而凉爽,宜避暑,冬季长而寒冷,宜观冰雪、雾凇及开展冰雪活动。春秋期多风,年均气温2—6°C,1月为-20--14°C,长白山区更在-23°C,7月为16-24°C。年平均降水量400—800毫米。有汉、朝鲜、满、回、蒙古、锡伯等民族。林业发达,汽车制造业占重要地位。 旅游资源:长白山是本省旅游资源的主要优势。它有茫茫林海,巍巍高山,其自然环境和生态保存完整,因而成为国家重点自然保护区,并纳入联合国“人与生物圈”保护网。主峰白头山周围多火山遗迹,长白山天池为著名的火山湖,兼有瀑布。这些都使其成为吉林省最主要的旅游资源。此外尚有向海、莫莫格等自然保护区,皆为水草丰茂、珍禽集中之地,这些地区都是游览、滑雪、登山、疗养的好场所。松花江及松花湖,绰约多姿,其雾凇(俗称雪挂)构成一个悬珠堆玉的世界,全国闻名。辉南、靖宇之间的龙岗火山群为中国第二大火山群,包括72座火山。文物古迹中以有关高句丽古国者最多,如集安县高句丽都城“国内城”、广开土王碑及洞沟古墓群、吉林市龙潭山高句丽山城等,为了解高句丽历史提供了大量资料。而敦化县敖东城、六顶山墓则是渤海国的遗迹。长春伪皇宫是伪满洲国“皇帝”爱新觉罗·溥仪的宫殿,近年因人们对“末代皇帝”的兴趣,这里已成为参观重点。朝鲜族是吉林省特点最明显的少数民族,他们的服饰、居室别具特色,节日期间举行摔跤、荡秋千、压跳板等活动,民族歌舞欢快热烈,柔美而刚健,“长鼓”,“扇舞”、“顶水舞”、伽耶琴演奏等是传统节目。 地方文艺:吉剧流行于长白山、松花江一带,生活气息浓郁,表演朴实逼真。“二人转”是当地群众喜闻乐见的形式。一般只须两个演员,载歌载舞,便于及时表现民众心声。 饮食文化:吉林菜肴以用料名贵、营养丰富、有滋补医疗作用为特点,常用人参、熊掌、飞龙(榛鸡)、麟面(驼鹿鼻子)、猴头(蘑)、哈士蟆等,味厚而不腻。长春市的真不同酱菜、鼎丰真糕点,吉林市的白肉血肠、清蒸松花江白鱼,四平市的李连贵熏肉大饼,延边的朝鲜冷面等,都是有口皆碑的地方风味。 导游词吉林省概况 篇4清朝中期前的吉林管辖占外东北大部分的黑龙江中下游和乌苏里江流域、库页岛。现在的吉林不是原来的吉林。当时的吉林还有1000多公里的海岸线,有当时中国最大的岛屿库页岛和现在鄂霍茨克海、日本海的海洋资源和出海口。清初,自1676年宁古塔将军移驻吉林,为吉林省设制之始。其所辖范围包括现今省境中东部、黑龙江省东南部,及乌苏里江以东、黑龙江以北广大地域。光绪三十三年(1907)五月吉林省正式建制,省会设在吉林,辖区跨今吉、黑两省大部分地区,清政府设立吉林将军辖区管理外东北大部分。俄国沙皇强迫中国清政府分别于1858年签订了不平等的瑷珲条约,和1860年签订了不平等的中俄北京条约,强占了中国外东北-黑龙江北、乌苏里江东、库页岛等100多万平方公里的土地,中国还失去了日本海和鄂霍茨克海的海洋资源和出海口。1954年区域调整后的吉林省位于松辽平原中部,北连黑龙江省,南接辽宁省,西与内蒙古自治区为邻;东南有图们江、鸭绿江为界河与朝鲜半岛相隔。 松花江是东北的主要大河,发源于长白山天池西北,是省内最大的河流。其流域为东北平原腹地,沃野千里。上游水力资源丰富,可供发电;中游可以通航;沿江更是重要的工农业区。松花江带来的冲积土形成松辽平原,自该省中部延伸向西部,与黑龙江的松嫩平原和辽宁的辽河平原相接。 长白山脉在省境东南部连绵起伏,一直延伸至朝鲜半岛北部。主峰白头山海拔二千七百多米,是中国东北部最高山峰。白头山四周有众多火山遗址,长白山天池(火山堰塞湖)便是遗址之一。长白山脉的熔岩高原为茂林覆盖,植被范围从海拔六百多米伸展至一千八百多米,是中国植被较好的林区之一。长白山气候湿润,全年降雨量达一千多毫米,其中以山上的降雨量较多,较山下多一倍;山上的溶雪期则比山下迟两个月。山区的冬季长达七个月。吉林省因位于北纬四十一度以北,严冬来得早。降雪期由十月至翌年四月,长达七个月。在吉林出现的树挂(即雾凇),也始于十月至翌年三月,不过树挂以“数九寒天”(即十二月下旬至翌年二月)时最壮观。 省会长春为全省的交通枢纽,以铁路干线为主,贯通全省各地。 京哈线(北京至哈尔滨,途经长春)纵贯南北;长白线(长春至白城,远至内蒙古阿尔山)和长图线(长春至图们市,衔接牡图线至牡丹江)横贯东西;此外,尚有沈吉线(沈阳至吉林)、吉舒和拉滨线(吉林至哈尔滨)、平齐线(四平至齐齐哈尔)、四梅线(四平到梅河口)、梅集线(梅河口至集安)、浑湾线(通化至白河)等。航空线由长春和吉林市通航全国各大城市。省内的公路网也非常完善。内河航运遇以松花江为主要航道。 导游词吉林省概况 篇5The capital of jilin province referred to as "ji (changchun), ', north latitude 40 ° 52 'to 46 ° 18'. Is located in central, northeast China, the eastern mountain, central as the hills, to the west of songliao plain and western plains. This area belongs to the temperate humid - drought monsoon climate. The appropriate short, cool summer, summer, long and cold winter, appropriate view of snow and ice, rime and activity of the snow. In the spring and autumn period more than the wind, with an average annual temperature of 2-6 ° C, 14 ° C for 1 month - 20 -, more in changbai mountains - 23 ° C, July 16-24 ° C. The average annual rainfall of 400-800 mm. There are han, Korean, manchu, hui, Mongolian, xibe nationality. Prominently developed forestry, auto manufacturing. Tourism resources: changbai mountain is the main advantage of provincial tourism resources. It has the vast Lin hai, wei mountain, the natural environment and ecological intact, and therefore become a key national nature reserve, and "man and biosphere" protection network in the United Nations. Main volcanic relics around mount paektu, changbai mountain tianchi is the famous volcanic lake, both falls. All of these make it become the main tourism resources in jilin province. In addition there are the sea, momo, the nature reserve, are spread, centralized place, these areas are a good place for sightseeing, skiing, mountain climbing, recuperate. The songhua river and the songhua lake, physically, the rime (commonly known as XueGua) constitute a heap hanging bead jade world, famous throughout the country. Fai south, between JingYu longgang volcanic group is China's second largest volcanoes, including 72 volcanoes. With the koguryo GuGuoZhe most in cultural relics, such as the collection of anxian county, koguryo capital "home city", wang tablet and hole open soil ditch but, jilin Long Tanshan koguryo mountain city, etc., to understand the koguryo history provides a large number of data. While AoDongCheng dunhua county, six top mountain tomb is the remains of bohai kingdom. Changchun puppet palace is the puppet manchukuo "emperor aisin giorro puyi palace, in recent years because of interest in" the last emperor ", has become a visit key here. Korean is the most obvious characteristics of jilin province minority, their distinctive costumes, bedroom, held during the festival activities such as wrestling, swinging, springboard, ethnic singing and dancing merrily a warm, soft and energetic, "long drum", "fan dance", "top water dance", "piano playing and so on are the traditional program. Local literature and art: jiju popular in changbai mountain, songhua river area, rich life breath, show guileless. In the form of "men" is the local popular forms. Generally only two actors, singing and dancing, to facilitate performance public voice. Diet culture: jilin dishes with rare material, nutrition is rich, have nourishing and health effect of characteristics of commonly used (hazel hen), ginseng, bear's paw, dragons' surface (moose nose), hedgehog, mushroom, ha out etc, taste thick but not greasy. Changchun true different pickles, DingFeng pastry, black pudding, steamed white fish songhua river of jilin city white meat, siping Li Liangui bacon pie, the yanbian Korean cold noodles, etc., are enjoying local flavor. 导游词吉林省概况 篇6Jilin province is located in the middle of northeast China, is an area of 18.74 square kilometers. The eastern border with Russia, north Korea, with 1452 kilometers of the border. A total population of 27.494 million people, including the urban population of 27.494 million people, accounting for 53.4% of the population of permanent residents in the province. Jilin is a multi-ethnic frontier province, there are 48 minorities and ethnic minority population of 2.4534 million people, accounting for 9.15% of the total population in the province. It governs a deputy provincial city, seven cities as changbai mountain, yanbian Korean autonomous prefecture and the ac, 60 counties (city, area). Position in the national mainly embodied in three "about 2%" : the vast area accounts for about 1.95%, the population of permanent residents accounted for about 2.04%, economic output (GDP) in 20xx accounted for about 2.23% of the country. Jilin province rich in natural resources, good ecological environment. High surface southeast, northwest low, east is changbai mountain virgin forest, and central is secondary vegetation, with low hills in songliao plains, the west is the prairie wetlands, naturally formed four biome. The ecological environment has the characteristics of diversity, systemic and recoverability, protection is good. Eastern changbai mountains is the cradle of songhua river, tumen river, the yalu river, rich in mineral and animal and plant resources, forest, water conservancy, known as the "three-dimensional resources treasure house", is China's important wild species gene pool and the wild medicinal material base, also is one of the three major medicinal materials production base, by the United Nations educational, scientific and cultural organization as "man and biosphere reserve in the world". Central songliao plain, fertile soil, known as the "golden corn belt" and "the hometown of soybean" laudatory name. The vast prairie is part of the well-kown horqin grassland in the west and pasture, farming and animal husbandry developed, is one of the commodity bull and fine wool sheep production in China. The province's per capita arable land area of 0.21 hectares, nearly 1 times higher than the national average. The province's forest coverage rate reached 43.5%, 23.2% higher than the national average. The grassland area of 5.842 million hectares. The province has 3890 kinds of wild plants, 445 kinds of wild animals. Proven reserves of 96 kinds of mineral resources, including oil shale, diatomite, wollastonite, magnesium, molybdenum, nickel and other reserves in the country. The province has a nature reserve, 36, of all types and at all levels including national nature reserve, 13, 14 provincial nature reserve, the natural reserve area accounted for 12.26% of the total land area. In 1999, the Chinese central government approval for ecological province construction of jilin province. Industrial base of jilin province is abundant, processing and manufacturing is developed. Automobile, petrochemical, agricultural products processing, medicine, electronic information, metallurgy, building materials, such as competitive feature for pillar industries. Faw is the cradle of China's automobile industry, now has heavy, medium and light, car and so on six big series product research and development and production capacity. Petrochina sunup company is the national important chemical raw material base, can provide a year more than one hundred kinds of nearly 6 million tons of oil chemical products, PVC production capacity of 850000 tons. Changchun bus is Asia's largest railway vehicle production base, production of railway passenger cars and subway vehicles respectively accounts for more than 50% and 85% of the country. Jilin province agricultural advantage prominent, develop modern agriculture. Is rich in high-quality agricultural products such as corn, rice, soybeans and grains, the per capita occupancy of grain, grain forage-livestock system, food DiaoChuLiang and corn exports for many years in the country first. 20xx jins of grain production in 20xx, at an all-time high, to account for 1/25 of the country's arable land, to provide 1/10 of the national commodity grain. The obvious advantages of jilin province science and education science and technology education strength is stronger. Every ten thousand people with scientists and engineers, the number of college students are the sixth in the nation. A member of Chinese academy of sciences and engineering 21 people (not including dual member of employment). Institute of changchun light machine, should change, technique, biological products, such as the national key scientific research institutions and jilin university, northeast normal university, changchun polytechnic university and other famous universities at home and abroad. Among them, the jilin university is one of the largest scale in our country and important universities disciplines is complete. Jilin province rich in tourism resources, tourism has distinguishing feature alone. Changbai mountain is one of China's top ten famous mountains. Jilin rime is regarded as one of China's four natural wonders. The moon lake in changchun, is a national forest park. List of nature reserves in the world famous wetland to the sea. On the world cultural heritage list of world-famous set Ann koguryo monuments. Siping Ye He that ancient city is a famous folk scenic spot. Changchun puppet Palace Museum is China's last emperor pu yi's palace. (eight sights: jilin changbai waterfall, Korea, ancient ruins, cranes dance to the sea, as the eye of The Three Kingdoms, the puppet palace, songjiang rime, scenery, ZhaGanDong fishing net month.) Province nine times since the party congress, in the face of severe complicated international and domestic situation and task of heavy reform, development and stability, under the correct leadership of the CPC central committee, holding the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, further implement the scientific concept of development, fully implement the party's 17th and sixth plenary session of 3, 4, 5, 17 spirit of solidarity and led the entire province cadres and the masses, emancipate the mind, blaze new trails, solid work, promoting the socialist economic construction, political construction, cultural construction, social construction and ecological civilization construction and the party's construction, has experienced a severe test of complex, overcome unprecedented difficulties, victory completed province nine party to determine the objectives of the task, the province's economic development and people's livelihood improvement, social stability, political stability, maintain the good situation of sound and rapid development. Sustained and rapid economic development, comprehensive strength onto a new level. The province's GDP reached 1 trillion yuan, per capita GDP of $5946, an average annual growth of 14.6%, realize the historical leap. General budget the whole caliber of fiscal income, local fiscal revenue reached 162.01 billion yuan and 85.01 billion yuan respectively, 2.2 times and 2.5 times higher than in 20xx. Industrial output and profit to achieve 453.16 billion yuan and 112.13 billion yuan respectively, is 3.2 times and 5.4 times in 20xx, the development speed and improve the quality of synchronization. Speed up the development of modern agriculture, the comprehensive production capacity significantly enhanced, grain output reached 60 billion tons level. Rapidly promote agricultural industrialization level, agricultural product processing industry to realize spanning development. A good steady development of urbanization, the integration of changji, drive the urban agglomeration of central to speed up the development of strategic important progress. The whole society to complete 5 years of investment in fixed assets is 3.4 trillion yuan RMB, is 4.5 times in the 5 years before. A large number of operations, the completion of major infrastructure and major industrial development foundation and the power is greatly enhanced. To speed up the transformation economic development way, vibrant and dynamic enhanced significantly. Structure adjustment important strides, three industrial structure from 20xx to 15.7:44.8:39.5 to 12.1 in 20xx:53.2:34.7, pillar industry growing, accelerated the advantage industry, strong strategic emerging industry development, accelerate the development of modern service industry, industry support, the growth of the multipolar development pattern has been formed. The county economy growth year after year more than the entire province average level. Private economy hold up half of the province economy. Significantly enhance its capability of regional innovation, speed up the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, new products output growth 2.2 times. Key songhua river basin water pollution prevention and control of effective, energy conservation and emissions reduction task overfulfilled. Key areas and crucial links reform deepening, changji figure development pilot area rise for the national strategic and important progress. East fair open platform role into full play, such as investment promotion and capital introduction fruitful, foreign trade growth, pattern of all-round opening to speed up the formation. All-round development of social programs, people's living standards improved significantly. Accelerate the rich project, urban per capita disposable income and rural per capita net income reached 17797 yuan and 7510 yuan, is 1.8 times and 2.1 times that of 20xx. Has historic employment growth. Perfecting the social security system. The comprehensive development education career, education at various levels and of great progress. Remarkable achievements in three years to overcome pharmaceutical and health care system reform, health care and improve the service level. The food and drug safety supervision comprehensively strengthen. Effective ecological construction and environmental protection, beautify the ten years of jilin the earth has yielded fruitful results. Comprehensively promote "eight-way settled" projects, renovation construction area of 149 million square meters, the province more than 1/5 of the population housing conditions have improved significantly. Vigorously implement the "warm house" project, 840000 households, 840000 urban residents benefit, be acclaimed the livelihood of the people improve the engineering, energy conservation and emissions reduction engineering, environmental engineering and expanding domestic demand, promote the development of engineering. To strengthen the construction of new socialist rural areas, farmers' production and living conditions continue to improve. Sports, family planning, women and children, elderly, charity, the disabled and other undertakings development in an all-round way. Cultural reform, development and resolutely, new achievements of spiritual civilization construction. And thorough going efforts to promote socialist core value system construction, and ideological and moral construction is widely to promote cultural and ethical progress. Public opinion correctly and bright, unity, harmony, positive atmosphere is more strong. Important breakthroughs were made in the reform of cultural system. Cultural undertakings to accelerate development, in-depth cultural huimin project implementation, public cultural service system to further improve. To enhance cultural backbone enterprise strength, accelerate the industrial park construction, greatly increased the proportion of cultural industry in the national economy. Cultural production full prosperity, foreign exchange has become increasingly active. Democracy and the legal system made solid progress, and maintain social harmony and stability. To strengthen and improve the new situation of National People's Congress and Chinese people's political consultative conference, National People's Congress at all levels and functions of Chinese people's political consultative conference (CPPCC) into full play. The patriotic united front continuously consolidate grow. Trade unions, communist youth league, women's federations and other people's communities role into full play. Regional national autonomy system constantly improve. The healthy development of the religious work. The construction of democratic politics. In accordance with the province process to speed up. Letters and stability of achievements in their work. To strengthen the construction of "peace" jilin comprehensively, the masses of security and satisfaction. Thorough implementation of "strengthening foundation and bring edge" project, the border area social and political stability. Actively supporting the construction of national defense and military modernization, work achieved new progress. Comprehensively strengthen the party's construction, the ruling ability and level enhances unceasingly. Thorough study practice scientific development concept activity, were the first to fight for their superior activity and "emancipate the mind, reform and innovation, transformation method, scientific development" theme of education practice. Learning comprehensively strengthen the party construction. Reform of the cadre and personnel system was deepened, competitive selection strength increasing, the candidates increasing credibility of choose and employ persons, the leadership and cadres team construction to further strengthen. ShiXian Township successful completion of the transition, the party committee general ethos satisfaction evaluation index among the top. Talent industrial strategy implement, all kinds of talent development. Effective "three help" activities, "three projects" in-depth implementation of rural grassroots organizations construction, construction of urban community organizations at the grass-roots level "five one" project in full swing, the grass-roots party organization cohesive force and fighting capacity. The system construction of the party made solid progress, scientific, standardized level to further improve the party's construction. Continuously strengthen organ style and effectiveness of construction. We will diligently follow the accountability system for party to build a clean government, solid propulsion system for punishing and preventing corruption and vigorously regulation construction of soft environment of economic development, practical and correct all kinds of abuses, investigate violations of cases, the style of the new results were obtained in the cultivation of clean government and anti-corruption work. 导游词吉林省概况 篇7吉林省位于中国东北地区中部,北界黑龙江省,南接辽宁省,西邻内蒙古自治区,东与俄罗斯接壤,东南部以图们江,鸭绿江为界与朝鲜民主主义人民共和国隔江相望,地处东经122-131度,北纬41-46度之间。幅员面积为18.74万平方公里,占全国总面积的2%,东西长650公里,南北宽300公里。地形特点是东南部高,西北部低,中西部是广阔的平原。吉林省处于北半球的中纬地带,欧亚大陆东部,相当于我国温带最北部,接近亚寒带,东部湿润多雨,西部干燥少雨多风沙,是显著的温带大陆性季风气候,年平均气温大部分地区年均气温4°C左右,最高气温37.8°C,最低气温为-39.4°C,全年日照率50--70%,降水量向西部递减400-900mm/年,降水三分之二集中于全年的6、7、8三个月。冬季地面积雪平均20cm,山地40--50cm左右。吉林省的航空,铁路,公路和内河 航运等交通比较发达,基本形成了以铁路为主,航空和公路客运为辅,内河航运为补充的立体交通网络。吉林省的铁路网大体可分为西北-东南和西南-东北两个走向。全国主要铁路干线京哈线贯穿吉林南北。从吉林省内可直达哈尔滨、沈阳、大连、北京、天津、石家庄、济南、南京、上海等全国主要城市。吉林省旅游资源非常丰富,在省会长春市内有伪满洲国旧址,象征森林城市的人民大街和新民大街,苏军烈士纪念塔,汽车城和长春电影制片厂。有象征文化城市的吉 吉林大学,吉林工业大学,长春科技大学等国家大专院校42所。有以名门饭店,香格里拉饭店为代表的五星级酒店服务场所多处。在吉林市有龙潭山高句丽山城,北山,丰满松花湖;敦化的六顶山,渤海墓群;延吉的城子山山城;位于长白,安图,抚松三县境内的长白山自然保护区内,温泉群。 天池和瀑布及大陕谷;通化的靖宇陵园;集安的内都山城,洞沟古墓群,是称东方金字塔的“将军坟”,好太王碑;农安的辽塔;伊通火山群;等等。吉林省早在40000到70020xx年前就有人类活动。除汉族外,还有三大族系,一为肃慎族后改为挹娄,勿吉,女真,满族,主要居于东部;二为夫余族及分支高句丽,夫余居西北部,高句丽居南部;三为东胡族的乌桓,鲜卑,契丹,室韦(蒙古)等族,主要居于西部地区“吉林”是满语“吉林乌拉”的略称,即 沿江的意思。原是指今吉林市,当时写法很不统一,为了统一写法,清康熙20xx年(1685 年),清圣祖仁皇帝爱新觉罗玄烨下令通称“吉林”。清初东北不设行省,清顺治十年(1653年),吉林市隶属宁古塔 将军统辖,康熙十五年(1676年)宁古塔将军移至吉林市。乾隆20xx年(1757年)宁古塔将军正式改为吉林将军,光绪33年()改吉林将军衙门为吉林省公署。中华人民共和国成立以后,吉林省省会仍在吉林市。1954年省会迁至长春,成为全国唯一的省与本省中一个市重名的省份。1931年,九.一八事变,东北沦陷,被肢解为19省。吉林省仅辖一市一旗17县。长春当时称新京特别市,伪满洲国部。1945年日伪投降,同年12月成立吉林省人民政府,翌年,国民党占领吉林市,成立吉林省政府 。1948年3月,省人民政府迁回吉林市 , 1954年,长春划归吉林省。省会迁至长春市。 导游词吉林省概况 篇8清朝中期前的吉林管辖占外东北大部分的黑龙江中下游和乌苏里江流域、库页岛。现在的吉林不是原来的吉林。当时的吉林还有1000多公里的海岸线,有当时中国最大的岛屿库页岛和现在鄂霍茨克海、日本海的海洋资源和出海口。清初,自1676年宁古塔将军移驻吉林,为吉林省设制之始。其所辖范围包括现今省境中东部、黑龙江省东南部,及乌苏里江以东、黑龙江以北广大地域。光绪三十三年(1907)五月吉林省正式建制,省会设在吉林,辖区跨今吉、黑两省大部分地区,清政府设立吉林将军辖区管理外东北大部分。俄国沙皇强迫中国清政府分别于1858年签订了不平等的瑷珲条约,和1860年签订了不平等的中俄北京条约,强占了中国外东北-黑龙江北、乌苏里江东、库页岛等100多万平方公里的土地,中国还失去了日本海和鄂霍茨克海的海洋资源和出海口。1954年区域调整后的吉林省位于松辽平原中部,北连黑龙江省,南接辽宁省,西与内蒙古自治区为邻;东南有图们江、鸭绿江为界河与朝鲜半岛相隔。 松花江是东北的主要大河,发源于长白山天池西北,是省内最大的河流。其流域为东北平原腹地,沃野千里。上游水力资源丰富,可供发电;中游可以通航;沿江更是重要的工农业区。松花江带来的冲积土形成松辽平原,自该省中部延伸向西部,与黑龙江的松嫩平原和辽宁的辽河平原相接。 长白山脉在省境东南部连绵起伏,一直延伸至朝鲜半岛北部。主峰白头山海拔二千七百多米,是中国东北部最高山峰。白头山四周有众多火山遗址,长白山天池(火山堰塞湖)便是遗址之一。长白山脉的熔岩高原为茂林覆盖,植被范围从海拔六百多米伸展至一千八百多米,是中国植被较好的林区之一。长白山气候湿润,全年降雨量达一千多毫米,其中以山上的降雨量较多,较山下多一倍;山上的溶雪期则比山下迟两个月。山区的冬季长达七个月。吉林省因位于北纬四十一度以北,严冬来得早。降雪期由十月至翌年四月,长达七个月。在吉林出现的树挂(即雾凇),也始于十月至翌年三月,不过树挂以“数九寒天”(即十二月下旬至翌年二月)时最壮观。 省会长春为全省的交通枢纽,以铁路干线为主,贯通全省各地。 京哈线(北京至哈尔滨,途经长春)纵贯南北;长白线(长春至白城,远至内蒙古阿尔山)和长图线(长春至图们市,衔接牡图线至牡丹江)横贯东西;此外,尚有沈吉线(沈阳至吉林)、吉舒和拉滨线(吉林至哈尔滨)、平齐线(四平至齐齐哈尔)、四梅线(四平到梅河口)、梅集线(梅河口至集安)、浑湾线(通化至白河)等。航空线由长春和吉林市通航全国各大城市。省内的公路网也非常完善。内河航运遇以松花江为主要航道。 导游词吉林省概况 篇9Jilin province is located in the middle of northeast China, north of heilongjiang province, liaoning province in the south, west Inner Mongolia autonomous region, bordering east and Russia, southeast to the tumen river, the yalu river as the border with the democratic People's Republic of Korea, is located in the 122-131 degrees east longitude, 41 and 46 degrees north latitude. Is an area of 18.74 square kilometers, accounting for 2% of the nation's total, 650 km long, north and south 300 kilometers wide. Terrain characteristic is high in southeast, northwest low, is the vast plains in Midwest. Jilin province is in the northern hemisphere latitude zone, eastern Eurasia, equivalent to our country the most in the northern temperate zone, close to subfrigid zone, the eastern humid and rainy, dry little rain much sand in the west and is obviously temperate continental monsoon climate, annual average temperature in most of the annual average temperature around 4 ° C, the highest temperature of 37.8 ° C, the minimum temperature of 39.4 ° C, relative sunshine duration 50-70% for the whole year, diminishing rainfall to the west, 400-900 - mm/year, two-thirds precipitation concentrated in the year of June, July and August for three months. Winter an average 20 cm of snow on the ground, 40 -- 50 cm. Jilin province of aviation, railway, highway and inland waters Shipping developed traffic, such as basic formed is given priority to with railway, aviation and highway passenger transportation is complementary, inland waterway transport for added three-dimensional traffic network. Network of jilin province is generally can be divided into the northwest - southeast and southwest - two to northeast. The main railway regions throughout jilin north and south. From jilin province directly to Harbin, shenyang, dalian, Beijing, tianjin, shijiazhuang, jinan, nanjing, Shanghai and other major cities in China. Jilin province tourism resources are very abundant, in changchun, capital of manchukuo site, symbol of the people in the forest city street and xinmin street, the Soviet martyrs monument, motown and changchun film studio. Have a symbol of cultural city Jilin university, jilin university of technology, changchun university of science and technology, and other countries 42 colleges and universities. Have to noble hotel, shangri-la hotel as a representative of several five-star hotel service places. Long Tanshan koguryo mountain city in jilin city, beishan, plump songhua lake; Dunhua six top of mountain, the bohai sea tombs; The city of yenji son mountain mountain city, Located in the changbai, antu, FuSong three counties in changbai mountain nature reserve, hot springs group. Tianchi and waterfalls and big shan valley; Tonghua JingYu cemetery; Within the set of all mountain city, hole groove tomb complex, is the general "grave" said Oriental pyramid, good too king memorial; Farmers of the liao tower; Ytong volcanoes; And so on. Jilin province as early as 40000 to 70000 years ago there is human activity. : department, in addition to the han nationality, there are three, the one for me the shen clan to a Yi Lou, not auspicious, nuzhen, manchu, mainly in the east; Secondly, more branches and koguryo, more than, in the northwest, koguryo in the south; Three for east Hu Zu wu huan, xianbei, qidan, chamber wei (Mongolia) and so on, mainly in the western region "jilin" manchu "jilin ula" for short, is along the river. Originally refers to the jilin city today, at that time, writing is not unified, in order to unified wording, 24 years of the reign of emperor kangxi (1685) and qing SAN ZuRen emperor qing imperial house hiowan yei ordered known as "ji". Northeast provinces is not set up at the beginning of the qing dynasty, the qing shunzhi decade (1653), jilin city ning pagoda General governance, kangxi fifteen years (1676) ning pagodas general moved to jilin city. Qianlong 22 years (in 1757) ning pagodas general officially changed to jilin general, 33 years guangxu (1907) to jilin general government agency for jilin province. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, jilin province is still in jilin city. Moved to changchun, the provincial capital, in 1954, became the only province national and provincial namesake, a city in the province. In 1931, nine. September 18th incident, the northeast fall, dismembered 19 provinces. 17 a flag county of jilin province; only one city. The city of changchun said the new Beijing was particularly, puppet manchukuo. Puppet army to surrender in 1945, the same year established the people's government of jilin province in December, the following year, the kuomintang occupation of jilin city, jilin province government. Back to jilin city in March 1948, the provincial people's government, in 1954, changchun, jilin province. Provincial capital moved to changchun. 导游词吉林省概况 篇10吉林省位于中国东北地区中部,北界黑龙江省,南接辽宁省,西邻内蒙古自治区,东与俄罗斯接壤,东南部以图们江,鸭绿江为界与朝鲜民主主义人民共和国隔江相望,地处东经122-131度,北纬41-46度之间。幅员面积为18.74万平方公里,占全国总面积的2%,东西长650公里,南北宽300公里。地形特点是东南部高,西北部低,中西部是广阔的平原。吉林省处于北半球的中纬地带,欧亚大陆东部,相当于我国温带最北部,接近亚寒带,东部湿润多雨,西部干燥少雨多风沙,是显著的温带大陆性季风气候,年平均气温大部分地区年均气温4°C左右,最高气温37.8°C,最低气温为-39.4°C,全年日照率50--70%,降水量向西部递减400-900mm/年,降水三分之二集中于全年的6、7、8三个月。冬季地面积雪平均20cm,山地40--50cm左右。吉林省的航空,铁路,公路和内河 航运等交通比较发达,基本形成了以铁路为主,航空和公路客运为辅,内河航运为补充的立体交通网络。吉林省的铁路网大体可分为西北-东南和西南-东北两个走向。全国主要铁路干线京哈线贯穿吉林南北。从吉林省内可直达哈尔滨、沈阳、大连、北京、天津、石家庄、济南、南京、上海等全国主要城市。吉林省旅游资源非常丰富,在省会长春市内有伪满洲国旧址,象征森林城市的人民大街和新民大街,苏军烈士纪念塔,汽车城和长春电影制片厂。有象征文化城市的吉 吉林大学,吉林工业大学,长春科技大学等国家大专院校42所。有以名门饭店,香格里拉饭店为代表的五星级酒店服务场所多处。在吉林市有龙潭山高句丽山城,北山,丰满松花湖;敦化的六顶山,渤海墓群;延吉的城子山山城;位于长白,安图,抚松三县境内的长白山自然保护区内,温泉群。 天池和瀑布及大陕谷;通化的靖宇陵园;集安的内都山城,洞沟古墓群,是称东方金字塔的“将军坟”,好太王碑;农安的辽塔;伊通火山群;等等。吉林省早在40000到70000年前就有人类活动。除汉族外,还有三大族系,一为肃慎族后改为挹娄,勿吉,女真,满族,主要居于东部;二为夫余族及分支高句丽,夫余居西北部,高句丽居南部;三为东胡族的乌桓,鲜卑,契丹,室韦(蒙古)等族,主要居于西部地区“吉林”是满语“吉林乌拉”的略称,即 沿江的意思。原是指今吉林市,当时写法很不统一,为了统一写法,清康熙24年(1685 年),清圣祖仁皇帝爱新觉罗玄烨下令通称“吉林”。清初东北不设行省,清顺治十年(1653年),吉林市隶属宁古塔 将军统辖,康熙十五年(1676年)宁古塔将军移至吉林市。乾隆22年(1757年)宁古塔将军正式改为吉林将军,光绪33年(1907年)改吉林将军衙门为吉林省公署。中华人民共和国成立以后,吉林省省会仍在吉林市。1954年省会迁至长春,成为全国唯一的省与本省中一个市重名的省份。1931年,九.一八事变,东北沦陷,被肢解为19省。吉林省仅辖一市一旗17县。长春当时称新京特别市,伪满洲国部。1945年日伪投降,同年12月成立吉林省人民政府,翌年,国民党占领吉林市,成立吉林省政府 。1948年3月,省人民政府迁回吉林市 , 1954年,长春划归吉林省。省会迁至长春市。 导游词吉林省概况 篇11吉林省简称吉(省会长春),',北纬40°52'至46°18'。地处中国东北中部,,东部为山地,中部为丘陵,以西为松辽平原与西部平原。本区属于温带湿润—干旱季风气候。夏季短而凉爽,宜避暑,冬季长而寒冷,宜观冰雪、雾凇及开展冰雪活动。春秋期多风,年均气温2—6°C,1月为-20--14°C,长白山区更在-23°C,7月为16-24°C。年平均降水量400—800毫米。有汉、朝鲜、满、回、蒙古、锡伯等民族。林业发达,汽车制造业占重要地位。 旅游资源:长白山是本省旅游资源的主要优势。它有茫茫林海,巍巍高山,其自然环境和生态保存完整,因而成为国家重点自然保护区,并纳入联合国“人与生物圈”保护网。 主峰白头山周围多火山遗迹,长白山天池为著名的火山湖,兼有瀑布。这些都使其成为吉林省最主要的旅游资源。此外尚有向海、莫莫格等自然保护区,皆为水草丰茂、珍禽集中之地,这些地区都是游览、滑雪、登山、疗养的好场所。松花江及松花湖,绰约多姿,其雾凇(俗称雪挂)构成一个悬珠堆玉的世界,全国闻名。辉南、靖宇之间的龙岗火山群为中国第二大火山群,包括72座火山。文物古迹中以有关高句丽古国者最多,如集安县高句丽都城“国内城”、广开土王碑及洞沟古墓群、吉林市龙潭山高句丽山城等,为了解高句丽历史提供了大量资料。而敦化县敖东城、六顶山墓则是渤海国的遗迹。长春伪皇宫是伪满洲国“皇帝”爱新觉罗·溥仪的宫殿,近年因人们对“末代皇帝”的兴趣,这里已成为参观重点。朝鲜族是吉林省特点最明显的少数民族,他们的服饰、居室别具特色,节日期间举行摔跤、荡秋千、压跳板等活动,民族歌舞欢快热烈,柔美而刚健,“长鼓”,“扇舞”、“顶水舞”、伽耶琴演奏等是传统节目。 地方文艺:吉剧流行于长白山、松花江一带,生活气息浓郁,表演朴实逼真。“二人转”是当地群众喜闻乐见的形式。一般只须两个演员,载歌载舞,便于及时表现民众心声。 饮食文化:吉林菜肴以用料名贵、营养丰富、有滋补医疗作用为特点,常用人参、熊掌、飞龙(榛鸡)、麟面(驼鹿鼻子)、猴头(蘑)、哈士蟆等,味厚而不腻。长春市的真不同酱菜、鼎丰真糕点,吉林市的白肉血肠、清蒸松花江白鱼,四平市的李连贵熏肉大饼,延边的朝鲜冷面等,都是有口皆碑的地方风味。 导游词吉林省概况 篇12吉林省简称吉(省会长春),',北纬40°52'至46°18'。地处中国东北中部,,东部为山地,中部为丘陵,以西为松辽平原与西部平原。本区属于温带湿润—干旱季风气候。夏季短而凉爽,宜避暑,冬季长而寒冷,宜观冰雪、雾凇及开展冰雪活动。春秋期多风,年均气温2—6°C,1月为-20--14°C,长白山区更在-23°C,7月为16-24°C。年平均降水量400—800毫米。有汉、朝鲜、满、回、蒙古、锡伯等民族。林业发达,汽车制造业占重要地位。 旅游资源:长白山是本省旅游资源的主要优势。它有茫茫林海,巍巍高山,其自然环境和生态保存完整,因而成为国家重点自然保护区,并纳入联合国“人与生物圈”保护网。 主峰白头山周围多火山遗迹,长白山天池为著名的火山湖,兼有瀑布。这些都使其成为吉林省最主要的旅游资源。此外尚有向海、莫莫格等自然保护区,皆为水草丰茂、珍禽集中之地,这些地区都是游览、滑雪、登山、疗养的好场所。松花江及松花湖,绰约多姿,其雾凇(俗称雪挂)构成一个悬珠堆玉的世界,全国闻名。辉南、靖宇之间的龙岗火山群为中国第二大火山群,包括72座火山。文物古迹中以有关高句丽古国者最多,如集安县高句丽都城“国内城”、广开土王碑及洞沟古墓群、吉林市龙潭山高句丽山城等,为了解高句丽历史提供了大量资料。而敦化县敖东城、六顶山墓则是渤海国的遗迹。长春伪皇宫是伪满洲国“皇帝”爱新觉罗·溥仪的宫殿,近年因人们对“末代皇帝”的兴趣,这里已成为参观重点。朝鲜族是吉林省特点最明显的少数民族,他们的服饰、居室别具特色,节日期间举行摔跤、荡秋千、压跳板等活动,民族歌舞欢快热烈,柔美而刚健,“长鼓”,“扇舞”、“顶水舞”、伽耶琴演奏等是传统节目。 地方文艺:吉剧流行于长白山、松花江一带,生活气息浓郁,表演朴实逼真。“二人转”是当地群众喜闻乐见的形式。一般只须两个演员,载歌载舞,便于及时表现民众心声。 饮食文化:吉林菜肴以用料名贵、营养丰富、有滋补医疗作用为特点,常用人参、熊掌、飞龙(榛鸡)、麟面(驼鹿鼻子)、猴头(蘑)、哈士蟆等,味厚而不腻。长春市的真不同酱菜、鼎丰真糕点,吉林市的白肉血肠、清蒸松花江白鱼,四平市的李连贵熏肉大饼,延边的朝鲜冷面等,都是有口皆碑的地方风味。 |
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