标题 | 山西大同导游词 |
范文 | 山西大同导游词(精选8篇) 山西大同导游词 篇1大家好! 大同,山西省省辖市,是中国首批24个国家历史文化名城之一、中国首批13个较大的市之一、中国九大古都之一、国家新能源示范城市、中国优秀旅游城市、国家园林城市、全国双拥模范城市、全国性交通枢纽城市、中国雕塑之都、中国十佳运动休闲城市。 大同是山西省省域副中心城市,山西省第二大城市,位于山西省北部大同盆地的中心、晋冀蒙三省区交界处、黄土高原东北边缘,实为全晋之屏障、北方之门户,且扼晋、冀、内蒙之咽喉要道,是历代兵家必争之地,有“北方锁钥”之称。 大同古称云中、平城,曾是北魏首都,辽、金陪都,境内古迹众多,著名的文物古迹包括云冈石窟、华严寺、善化寺、恒山悬空寺、九龙壁等。 大同是中国最大的煤炭能源基地之一,国家重化工能源基地,神府、准格尔新兴能源区与京津唐发达工业区的中点。素有“凤凰城”和“中国煤都”之称。 大同这座有着独特自然地理条件的城市,历经多年的投资与建设,城市绿化与园林覆盖取得明显效果。20xx年1月14日,大同市被国家住建部正式命名为“国家园林城市”。 山西大同导游词 篇2各位游客大家好,今天我们将要参观的是大同云冈石窟。下面我给大家简单介绍一下云冈石窟。 大同云冈石窟是世界文化遗产、全国重点文物保护单位、东方石雕艺术宝库,是国内外学术界公认的与甘肃敦煌石窟的莫高窟、河南洛阳的龙门石窟齐名的中国"三大石窟"之一,是中华民族宝贵的文化遗产。据史书记载,云冈石窟开凿于公元460年前的 北魏王朝,共有洞窟45个,现存佛教造像51000余尊,佛龛1200多个。依据武周山势自然起伏,云冈石窟又分为东、中、西三部分,今天我们着重参观第5、6窟和被誉为云冈石窟的外交官和代表作的第20窟。下面我们从第5、6、窟开始参观。 云冈石窟的第5、6窟是毗连一体的一组双窟。是云冈石窟最精彩、最为壮观、最具代表性的石窟。第5 窟的洞窟开头为椭圆形的草庐式,分前后两室。进入后室,首先感觉这一洞窟十分高大,中央这尊两腿双盘的大像高达17米,为云冈石窟的第一大佛。大佛着褒衣博带,通肩袈裟,头顶为蓝色螺鬓,佛像面部轮廓清晰,白毫点朱,细眉长目,鼻准方直,双肩垂耳,给人以一种端庄、肃穆、慈祥之感。由于后世为了积功德造福,对这尊佛像敷了厚厚的泥装,再塑了金身,可惜的是,我们看不到原始的北魏石雕的形态了。第5 窟的佛像布局为三世佛,中央的坐佛为释迦牟尼佛,佛像的右边这尊立佛是未来佛,由于这尊佛身上泥装的脱落,我们得以目睹原始的北魏石雕艺术的风采。第5 窟值得让大家欣赏的还有,在窟室南壁 门拱上方两层高约1米的8尊石雕佛教造像和拱门东侧雕有菩提树和树干下二佛对坐的石雕佛像,雕刻十分精美。 下面我们参观第6窟。 第6窟被为云冈石窟的"第一伟窟"。窟平面呈正方形,后室呈回字形,窟正中凿一方形塔柱,塔柱稿约15米,它分为上下两层。整个洞窟雕饰富丽堂皇,洞窟的四壁雕满了佛像、菩萨、罗汉、飞天、供养人和瑞鸟、神兽、花卉等,这是一座热闹拥挤、琳琅满目、美妙神奇的佛国世界。由于雕刻技艺极为精湛,雕刻内容十分丰富。第6窟被誉为云冈石窟的"第一伟窟"。你看那四塔柱上层的接引佛。整个四壁加上塔柱一共15尊,和下层大龛的5尊佛像,都采用近似圆雕的高浮雕刻法来增加佛像的立体感。在中心塔柱上层4个角和4 个9层塔柱和上层中心的四方立佛,更是采取了具有镂空雕刻法。在中心塔柱的塔腰和四壁上,独具匠心的仙人们利用有限的壁画,用浅浮和高浮雕相结合的手法,以块浮雕的形式连接排列,形象而生动的雕刻了33幅释迦佛陀本生的故事图,吧释迦牟尼佛的生平事例展现在世人面前。 接下来我们来到第20窟,第20窟就是被誉为云冈石窟的外交官和代表作的露天大佛,经历了1000多年的洞窟坍塌之后,这尊高达13.7米的大佛就端坐在光明之中了。大佛雕刻于1542年前,她的圆润的发髻,宽阔的额头,细纤的长眉,方直的鼻梁,垂直的双耳,雕刻的极其自然,那充满了无穷智慧的双眼是那样的安详和宁静。这尊佛像在端庄之中含着俊秀,在慈祥之中藏着庄严,在智慧之中有露着敦厚。堪称妙相之佛,传神之佛。作为云冈石窟5万余尊佛像的代表,她不辞劳苦,年复一年的用佛祖那博大的仁爱抚慰着芸芸众生。 好了,主要洞窟的已经向大家介绍完了,下面请大家自行游览,静静的体会佛国世界的静谧和伟大吧。 山西大同导游词 篇3春天,那里万物复苏,泉水丁冬,小花在温暖的阳光下照耀着,为人们展示出了自己美丽的面貌,她就像害羞的小姑娘掩面而笑.她那诱人的魅力,让你感觉到像是沉浮在花海中.小草也微微探出头来,风姑娘轻轻的抚摸着她那幼小的身躯,在风姑娘的帮助下她把身子倾斜过来,好像要告诉人们她现在非常舒服.柳树也抽出了点点翠绿的嫩芽,从远处看,好象是绿色的雾弥漫了整个“世界”.柳树甩着长长的辫子,迎风起舞.它们有节奏的来回摇摆,好象在欢迎我们的到来. 夏天,到了晚上,抬头仰望天空,天空就像平静的海面湛蓝,静谧.星星像一颗颗宝石闪烁着光芒,又像顽皮的小孩眨着眼睛.天空是多么的美丽啊!大同的晚上是最美丽的时候,傍晚坐在院子里,柔和的微风从你耳边吹过,你的头发时而立,时而倒;时而前,时而后;有节奏的“跳动”着.这里虽然是夏天,但你丝毫感觉不到炎热. 秋天,正是丰收的好季节.大地产下了它丰硕的果实:沉甸甸的稻子,金黄色的麦穗,又大又红的地瓜,红彤彤的苹果等等.各种五颜六色的菊花,月季,桂花等在浓露之下闪耀着,一点儿没有褪色. 这里的冬天更是美丽,早晨推开门出去时,刺骨的寒风呼呼的吹着,不时的向我袭来.并且,偶尔会有顽皮的小雪花纷纷扬扬的落下来,就像跳舞一样.六角形的雪花各式各样:有的像银针,有的像落叶,还有的像碎纸片……煞是好看.这美丽的雪景使人们沉浸在清新的空气里.到处银装素裹,美不胜收.冬姑娘真是心灵手巧啊!付出一年辛勤劳动的人们,更是感受到丰收的喜悦. 这就是我的家乡——大同,美丽有可爱,我爱我的家乡! 山西大同导游词 篇4今天,我们来到了山西大同。听说,大同的刀削面特别出名,像飞刀一样快。啊!我真是迫不及待的想去试试看看了。来到餐厅,居然还有表演和体验的。只见在台子前,一个师傅熟练地从旁边的盆子里抓上了一把干面粉,均匀地撒在木台子上。接着,他拿起了一个上面有面粉的木板,用一个不锈钢的小剃刀,飞快地削着,削下来的面条子就是所谓的刀削面了。那刀削面真的像山西八大怪中说的一样,刀削面真的像飞刀一样快。不仅快,而且下降的速度很有节奏感,都是先往上,然后往里过,慢慢的下降,最后一下子飞到了台子边缘。我自己的看着,看得目瞪口呆。那些刀削面不仅速度一样,而且是一样薄呢。 “啪”的一声,我感觉有什么东西掉到了我头上,一摸,啊!原来是刀削面。“小朋友,请不要把头伸进去。”我心里还纳闷呢。我忽然想起了头上的刀削面,一看。原来是我的头伸到台子上了!过了一会儿,当面团只剩下一半的时候,师傅停下了。我心里一愣,不知道他想干什么。接着,其他人就开始排队了。我恍然间明白了,从队伍中间插了进去,然后被挤了出来,又回到了队伍末尾。我吐吐舌头,等待着。等到我的时候,我先很酷地挽起了我的短袖的袖子,深呼吸了一下,然后拿起了剃刀和木板,准备向大家露一手。但是,事情比我想象的难多了。 我先前是拿着剃刀不知道怎么剃,然后挠了挠脑袋,想起了刀削面是像削水果一样削的,但我忘记了是往上削还是往下削。于是我想:刀削面是从上到下降落的,那应该就是往上削吧!于是我开始往上削。第一次刀削面降落在了我面前,我挺得意;第二次刀削面掉下去了;第三次我可倒霉了,刀削面不知道飞哪去了。这时,表姐笑了起来,我有点迷惑,有一种不祥的预感。我一般想问题都要摸摸头,我一摸……啊!我叫了起来,原来又是掉在我头上了。刚刚没擦,刀削面在我的头上堆了起来。我用纸巾把刀削面擦掉,然后试着往下削。这回我成功了,十分开心。啊!做刀削面真好玩! 山西大同导游词 篇5各位游客朋友们: 大家好!欢迎大家来到位于塞外古都、煤海之乡的大同观光旅游。我是大家的导游员杨丽,今天我们将参观举世闻名的佛教艺术宝库———云冈石窟。它与甘肃敦煌的莫高窟,河南洛阳的龙门石窟并称为中国三大石窟。 云冈石窟开凿于距今1500多年的北魏王朝,现存主要洞窟45个,佛教造像51000多尊,根据武周山势的自然起伏,云冈石窟又自然的分成东区、中区和西区三部分。其中第1——4窟为东区,5——13窟为中区,14——45窟为西区。下面我们就先从中区的第5区开始参观吧。 第5、6窟是一组双窟,是云冈石窟中最精彩壮观、最具代表性的石窟。第5窟为椭圆形的穹窿顶马蹄形,分前、后两室,进入高大的后室,首先引入眼帘的是这尊两腿双盘、双手叠放腿上的大佛。这种“吉祥式”坐姿的全结跏趺坐禅定印象,表示着释迦摩尼佛已进入标准的“静思维”修行状态,是佛的坐、立、行、卧“四威仪”,即四个庄严地身姿之一。大佛高17米,是云冈石窟第一大佛。专家们认为这尊大佛是北魏孝文帝为他的父亲献文帝凿造的佛陀象征。那么上述历史在此窟是否有所体现呢?请各位细看,大佛头顶为蓝色螺髻,面庞方圆,细眼长眉,鼻梁高直,唇含笑意,两耳垂肩,在端庄、慈祥的神情中透露出神圣、超凡和自信的风貌。尤其是这尊佛像身穿双领下垂,内衣束结,宽大柔软而下垂的袈裟,衣纹流畅,给人一种丝的质感。大佛的右侧是未来世弥勒佛,左侧为过去式燃灯佛。大佛的后面有一个很宽敞的甬道,那是供佛教信徒们礼佛绕行的诵经道。 第6窟是云冈石窟中以精巧著称的一窟,称“第一伟窟”。窟平面呈回字形,窟正中凿一方形塔柱。在巨大的中心塔柱和整个洞窟的四壁上,雕满了佛像、菩萨、罗汉、飞天、供养人、瑞鸟、神兽、花卉,形成了一种热闹拥挤,美妙神奇的佛国氛围,主题以歌颂佛母和表现释迦摩尼一生的成佛弘教经历为主,因而也叫“佛母洞”。请大家随我的手势来观赏面前这幅关于“右腋诞生”的画面:古印度有一个小国叫“迦毗罗卫国”,国王叫“净饭王”,王后叫“摩耶”,他们到了40岁的时候还没有孩子,非常焦急。有一天,摩耶夫人梦见一位菩萨乘白象而来,后来怀了身孕。按当地习俗,妇女应回娘家分娩。摩耶夫人在快临产时,在妹妹和仆人的陪侍下回家。半路上,他们到蓝毗尼花园休息,刚到一颗菩提树下,夫人预感快要生产了。于是,一手抓住树枝,一手在妹妹的搀扶下,从右腋生出了孩子,这就是“乔达摩悉达多”,成佛后被尊为释迦族圣人的“释迦摩尼”。 下面我们要参观的是被誉为云冈石窟外交官和代表作的第20窟———露天大佛。这尊高达13。7米的结跏趺坐佛像,面容丰满端庄,双肩宽厚平直,身披右袒袈裟,呈大日如来吉祥坐禅定印象,是释迦摩尼对宇宙、社会和人生的一种沉静思考状态。这尊大佛便是北魏文成帝拓拔睿的象征。他恢复佛法,开凿云冈石窟,大佛的嘴角微笑神态,表现出佛教徒对他的敬意。距离产生美,角度显神韵。在这尊露天大佛面前,以不同的距离和角度观赏,都会产生各种变化着的美及其神韵。 现在给大家20分钟时间在露天大佛前拍照留念,愿大佛炯炯有神的双眸,略带微笑的嘴角,给大家留下深刻的回忆,带来美好的福音。好,20分钟后我们在这里集合,谢谢大家合作! 山西大同导游词 篇6Today, we come to Datong, Shanxi Province. It's said that Datong's noodlesare very famous. They are as fast as flying knives. Ah! I can't wait to have atry. When I come to the restaurant, I have performances and experiences. I sawin front of the table, a master skillfully grabbed a handful of dry flour fromthe nearby basin and spread it evenly on the wooden table. Then, he picked up aboard with flour on it, and used a small stainless steel razor to cut itquickly. The strips of noodles he cut off are called "sliced noodles". Thesliced noodles are really like the eight monsters in Shanxi. They are really asfast as flying knives. It's not only fast, but also the descending speed has asense of rhythm. They all go up first, then go in, slowly descend, and finallyfly to the edge of the platform. I looked at it myself and was stunned. Thosenoodles are not only the same speed, but also the same thickness. "Pa" sound, I feel something fell on my head, a touch, ah! It's noodles."Children, please don't put your head in it." I'm still wondering. I suddenlythink of the head of the noodles, a look. So my head is on the table! After awhile, when the dough is only half, the master stops. I was in a daze. I didn'tknow what he wanted to do. Then, the others began to line up. I suddenlyunderstand, from the middle of the team into, and then squeezed out, and back tothe end of the team. I stick my tongue out and wait. When I arrived, I coollyrolled up my short sleeve sleeve, took a deep breath, and then picked up therazor and the board, ready to show you. But it's much harder than I thought. I didn't know how to shave with a razor. Then I scratched my head andremembered that the noodles were cut like fruit, but I forgot whether to cut upor down. So I thought: sliced noodles fall from top to bottom, that should beupward slicing! So I began to upward slicing. The first time the noodles fell infront of me, I was very proud; the second time the noodles fell; the third timeI was unlucky, the noodles didn't know where to fly. At this time, my cousinbegan to laugh. I was a little confused and had an ominous premonition. Iusually feel my head when I think about a problem. I feel it Ah! I cried. Itfell on my head again. I just didn't wipe it. The noodles piled up on my head. Iwipe the face off with a tissue and try to cut it down. I made it this time. I'mvery happy. Ah! How fun it is to make noodles! 山西大同导游词 篇7Xuankong Temple is located at the foot of Hengshan Mountain, on the Xiyancliff in Jinlong gorge, five kilometers south of Hunyuan County, Datong City.Since ancient times, it has been listed as the first wonder of HengshanMountain. Looking up, you can see that the distribution of the halls and towers issymmetrical with changes, scattered with connections, zigzag and looping,virtual and real with each other, small and exquisite, rich in space, changeablein levels, small in size, big in size, small in size, small in size, compact inlayout, scattered and dependent. Its layout is not only different from that ofthe central axis of the Pingchuan temple, which is symmetrical to the left andright, but also different from that of the mountain palace which is graduallyrising along the mountain, They are all constructed according to the concave andconvex of the cliff, the shape of the cliff and the situation of the cliff. Theyare naturally arranged in the air. They seem to be stacked and scattered, andthe changes are subtle, so that the combination of shapes and spatial contrastachieve an orderly artistic effect. Looking at the temple from afar, it lookslike a pair of exquisite relief sculptures, inlaid in the cliffs of ten thousandRen. Looking at the temple from a close perspective, it has the potential offlying in the air. Xuankong Temple is not only breathtaking, strange and spectacular inappearance, but also has distinctive architectural structure with rich andcolorful forms. The eaves have single eaves, double eaves and three-tier eaves,the mast structure has beam lifting structure, flat roof structure and bucketarch structure, and the roof has main ridge, vertical ridge, berm ridge and poorridge. The overall appearance, skillfully constructed and overlapped, creates aunique style of building in the cave, cave in the building, half wall hall, halfwall cave, cave connected hall and hall connected building. It not onlyintegrates the art of Chinese garden architecture, but also does not lose thepattern of Chinese traditional architecture. Among the existing bronze, iron, clay and stone sculptures in XuankongTemple, many styles and styles have the characteristics of early times, whichare treasures of high artistic value. Now you have 30 minutes of free browsing time. Please pay attention to yoursafety and come back here on time. 山西大同导游词 篇8At present, the place where we are is Xuankong Temple. The characteristicsof the whole Xuankong Temple can be summarized in three words, that is,"strange, dangerous and clever". In Xuankong Temple, we will find that there are many statues in XuankongTemple, but three of them are the most precious. The reason why they are nobleis that their molding art is very unique, and they are made by the process ofyarn stripping. It is 50cm high and weighs only 3kg. It is the lightest and mostvaluable statue in the temple. Then the second and third part of Xuankong Temple is the real suspension.The wooden pillars outside give people the feeling that they support the wholetemple by more than a dozen wooden pillars. In fact, most of those woodenpillars are not load-bearing. We can see that the plank road connects each part.There are some beams under the plank road. These beams are inserted into therock. During the construction, the rock is chiseled out of the small belly largestone cave, and the tapered wooden wedge is placed inside, Make the crossbeaminto a scissor shape and smash it with a strong force. The greater the force onthe outside, the tighter the bite on the inside. They press the force on therock. As we all know, Hengshan has always been a place for military strategists,so the rulers of each dynasty have their own religion to worship, and the threereligions hall is a collection of Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism, which willbe protected in any dynasty. This is also a political reason why Xuankong Templewill not be destroyed for thousands of years. Now let me show you around the hanging temple. |
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