标题 | 澳门地接导游词2023 |
范文 | 澳门地接导游词2023(通用3篇) 澳门地接导游词2023 篇1大家好,我是这次负责带大家参观澳门著名名胜古迹妈阁庙的导游,希望我的解说能为大家打来一个愉快的旅程。首先允许我介绍一下妈祖庙。 妈阁庙早期称娘妈庙、天妃庙或海觉寺;后定名"妈祖阁",华人俗称"妈阁庙"。妈祖"在福建话里是"母亲"的意思。此庙背山面海,沿崖而筑,周围古木参天;庙门口有一对石狮,雕工精美,形态逼真,传说是300年前清人的杰作;庙内花木错落,岩石纵横,景色清幽,由大殿、石殿、弘仁殿、观音阁4座建筑物组成。 而出游妈阁庙的最佳时期是在春节期间,因为这段时间香火最旺,而且还会举行不少传统活动。不少善男信女纷纷前来拜神祈福,庙前空地会盖搭一大竹棚,作为临时舞台,上演神功戏。 妈阁庙由"神山第一"殿、弘仁殿、正觉禅林、观音阁等部分组成,各建筑规模虽然细小简陋,但却能充分融合自然,布局错落有致。 入口大门 大家可以看到入口大门的花岗石建筑,它宽4.5米,只开有一个门洞,门楣有"妈祖阁"三字,两侧为对联,三部份均有琉璃瓦顶等装饰,其中门楣顶部更有飞檐状屋脊,脊上装有瓷制宝珠及鳌鱼。 牌坊 紧跟妈阁庙大门后的是一个三间四柱冲天式牌坊,也由花岗石建造而成,并有四只石狮分置在柱头上。 弘仁殿 大家现在来到了规模最小的弘仁殿,殿堂只有3平方米左右。 观音殿 位于最高处的观音殿,主要由砖石构筑而成,其建筑较为简朴,为硬山式做法。 正觉禅林 大家现在来到的是正觉禅林,这座禅林不管在规模上或是在建筑形式上都较为讲究,建筑由供奉天后之神殿及静修区组成。修区建筑为一般民房,属硬山式砖结构,而神殿则为一四架梁结构、主殿前有一内院,两侧侧廊为卷棚式屋顶、主殿区被二列各三枝柱分为三个开间,屋顶为琉璃瓦坡顶,两边侧墙顶部为金字形"镬耳"山墙,有防火意思,具浓烈的闽南特色,位于内院前之正立面,由左至右可分为五部份,中间最高两边渐低,墙身有泥塑装饰,墙顶则以琉璃瓦装饰,而在琉璃瓦檐下是三层象征斗拱之花饰,此外,中间部份尚开有一半径为1.1米的圆形窗洞,而琉璃瓦顶上之飞檐及瓷制宝珠装饰,亦显示出此殿之重要性。 妈祖阁平时香火不绝,每年农历除夕、三月廿三日妈祖宝诞、九月九日重九节,这里更是人山人海,热闹非凡。 见证圣火 20__年5月3日下午,北京奥运会圣火途经澳门的妈阁庙。来自奥林匹亚的圣火将与妈阁庙的香火相遇,澳门将以最具代表性本土文化迎接奥运圣火的方式,展示其中西文化荟萃的特性。 好了今天的游览就到此结束,希望这次的解说给大家留下了深刻的印象,也请大家多多关注更多澳门景点,再见。 澳门地接导游词2023 篇2On the 11th Festival, my father and mother took me to Hangzhou underwaterworld. This is something I've been looking forward to for a long time. Thistime, it has finally come true. I'm not to mention how happy I am! As soon as I enter the door, I see a large glass column, in which there aremany different shapes and colorful fish swimming around. It's very lovely! I wasattracted at once. As we walked inside, we saw a fish with a very special shape in the glasswindow, called paddlefish. It is a unique fish in North America, which is olderthan dinosaurs. It is a living fossil of fish. I also saw the little Nemo in theunderwater world. I was very excited. We walked into a long glass sea view tunnel, and there were a variety offish swimming above and on both sides of me. It seemed that I was in a colorfulunderwater world! At this time, I heard my aunt holding a high pitched hornshouting: "the shark dance performance is about to start!" this is a new thing,I'd like to have a look! I drilled left and right in the crowd, and finallyfound one A seat, we waited for a while, finally saw a diver swim over, with astring of water, the performance began. First of all, he rode on the mostferocious animal, the great white shark. Then he caught the head of the greatwhite shark with one hand and the tail of the great white shark with the other.He bent the shark into an "O" shape and circled there. It was like dancing withthe great white shark. There was a warm applause on the court. After theperformance, my parents and I left the underwater world reluctantly. Today's underwater world tour not only makes me happy, but also makes melearn knowledge. 澳门地接导游词2023 篇3Hangzhou Songcheng scenic spot is located in the southwest of West Lakescenic spot, with Wuyun mountain in the north and Qiantang River in the south.It is the largest song culture theme park in China, invested and built byHangzhou Songcheng Group Co., Ltd. Song Dynasty "ad 960-1279" is a mature Dynasty of Chinese feudal society.Its economy, science and technology, and cultural development were in theleading position in the world at that time. Song city is the first theme park inHangzhou, which reflects the cultural connotation of the Song Dynasty. It ismainly divided into three parts: the reappearance area of "Qingming Riversidemap", Jiulong square area, song city square area, Xianshan qiongge area,Southern Song palace area and Southern Song style garden area. Song city is the natural combination of song culture and song culture onthe Bank of Xizi lake, which also makes the song culture tourism in Hangzhou getpositioning. The construction of scenic spots in Songcheng city is based on thecombination of realism, romanticism and functionalism. According to ZhangZeduan's "Qingming Riverside painting" and strictly in accordance with the SongDynasty's "construction method", it reproduces the prosperous scene of the cityin the Song Dynasty. In the landscape, it creates a travel space with layers,charm, rhythm and deep sense of history. On the basis of Chinese traditionallandscape architecture, it absorbs the western theme park's cheerful, elegantand functional art processing techniques, which makes it not only simple,dignified and rigorous in the "Qingming Riverside" reappearance area, but alsohas the collection and distribution function of the axial flow of people inJiulong square, Chenglou square and Songcheng square, as well as theinclusiveness and impact of the big landscape. Dougong cornice, traffic,permeated with a strong style of the Ancient Song Dynasty. The large-scalewaterfalls in Yingzhou create a legendary atmosphere, which makes the ancientsong city full of vitality. It is a marvelous scene of the Song Dynasty. Culture is the soul of song city. It has made its own exploration inexpressing the beauty of natural landscape, landscape architecture, folkcustoms, social humanities, culture and art. It blurs the concept of space-timeand shortens the space-time distance. Song city is a kind of recollection andexpression of ancient Chinese culture. It should become a historical city witheducation and entertainment. ——Give me a day and give you a thousand years. |
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