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标题 昆明滇池英语导游词


昆明滇池英语导游词 篇1

  Dear friends, Hello everyone! Welcome to Kunming, a warm and humid springcity with four seasons like spring! Here you will enjoy the natural beautifulwater and green mountains, and you will appreciate the real national customs.Here, ancient and fashionable blend with each other, yesterday and todayinterweave, you will be moved by the most real and original ecology of Yunnan,infected by the mountains and rivers here, you will love this place deeply. Letme introduce the Dianchi Lake to you.

  Dianchi Lake, located in the southwest of Kunming City, is a vast andelegant plateau lake. It is a limestone fault lake formed by the influence ofthe Himalayan movement in the tertiary. The lake is 1886 meters above sea level,39 kilometers long from north to south, 13.5 kilometers wide from east to west,with an average width of about 8 kilometers. The lake shoreline is about 200kilometers long, with an area of about 318 square kilometers. The maximum depthof the lake is 8 meters, with an average depth of 5.5 meters. The water storagecapacity is about 1.57 billion cubic meters. Among all the lakes in Yunnan, ithas the largest area. Among all the freshwater lakes in China, it ranks sixthafter Poyang Lake, Dongting Lake, Taihu Lake, Hongze Lake and Chaohu Lake.Dianchi Lake is surrounded by many mountains, including Jinma mountain in theEast, Biji mountain in the west, Sheshan mountain in the North (also known aschangchong mountain) and Baihe mountain in the south. These rolling mountainsform the natural barrier of Kunming Bazi. Along the lakeside line of about 100kilometers, there are many cities and towns such as Kunming, Chenggong,Jincheng, Kunyang and Haikou, as well as scenic spots such as Daguanlou,Haigeng, Xishan, Guanyinshan, Baiyukou, Zhenghe Park, niulianxiang, YunnanKing's tomb in Shizhaishan, Panlong temple, Liulin and Guandu pagoda. Dianchilake belongs to the Yangtze River system. There are more than 20 rivers flowinginto Dianchi Lake, the largest of which is Panlong River, and other rivers suchas Jinzhi River, Baisha River and Baoxiang river. The water from Dianchi Lakeflows out to the sea, then flows to Jinsha River through Tanglangchuan and PuduRiver, and finally flows to the sea.

  Dianchi Lake water area, surrounded by mountains, rivers, thousands ofhectares of fertile land, known as "Jiangnan plateau.". Around the pool, thereare fishing villages and sails dotted with Guanyin Mountain Scenic Area; thereare flowers and trees shadow of Baiyukou Konggu garden; there are stretches ofmiles, clear water and sand Clear Beach Beach and beautiful grand view buildingPark, etc., are very comfortable places to visit, especially on the other sideof the green waves, the majestic peak of the western mountain, water floatingclouds cover. The beauty of the lake and the mystery of the sea will appearbefore your eyes. Dianchi Lake has both the beauty of the lake and the spirit ofthe sea.

  The origin of the name of Dianchi Lake has always been different. The firstis from the perspective of the geographical situation of Dianchi Lake. Accordingto the records of Huayang state nanzhong, "Dianchi county is governed bycounties, so Dianchi is also a state; there are rivers, 200 Li around the water,which are deep and wide, shallow and narrow, such as backward flow, so Dianchiis called." from this article, we know that Dianchi is Dian; the second is thatDianchi is located on the plateau, so Dianchi is named; The third holds that"dian" is the largest of many ethnic groups in this area in ancient times. AfterChu general Zhuang came to Dian, he changed his clothes and followed hiscustoms, and then established the Dian state, called the king of Dian.Therefore, the name of Dianchi came from the name of this tribe. Although thereare various opinions about the origin of the name of Dianchi Lake, it does notaffect its huge economic utility. For thousands of years, it has nurtured thepeople here and irrigated the land here. To provide people with the convenienceof boat, to provide people with rich aquatic products, and now with itsbeautiful scenery, charming scenery ushered in many tourists, really worthy of a"Pearl" on the Yunnan Guizhou Plateau.

  Now Dianchi Lake is one of the first 12 national tourist resorts approvedto be established in China, and it is also the only national tourist resortlocated in inland province. Haigeng park is close to the Bank of Dianchi Lake,and the whole park is built along the Bank of Dianchi Lake. Weeping willow greenlitchi, white wave beach, a school of colorful scenery in southern Xinjiang, isthe ideal natural swimming pool. Overlooking the Xishan Forest Park on the highmountain opposite to the lake, the park is more enjoyable. If you want to go tothe Xishan Mountain for sightseeing, there are fishing boats driven by fishermenon the dam Wharf in the park, which can cross the water to reach the foot of theXishan Mountain. You can also go to Haigeng ethnic village and take a cable carto go up the Xishan Mountain. From the cable car, you can have a panoramic viewof Dianchi Lake.

  Dianchi Lake is also the center of Kunming's scenic spots. Tourists can notonly take a boat around the lake to enjoy the scenery of lakes and mountains,but also go ashore to see Zheng He's hometown, Guanyin Mountain and other scenicspots. Around Dianchi Lake, there are two peaks of Jinma and Biji in the Eastand West, and two mountains of changchong and Baihe in the north and south.There are many scenic spots. The lake is vast and beautiful. When cherryblossoms bloom in spring, the scenery is more beautiful and charming.

  Today's Dianchi Lake, with its unique charm, attracts a large number ofChinese and foreign tourists and has become a world-famous tourist attraction.With the development of tourism, Dianchi Lake, a symbol of ecological beauty,will radiate new vitality. We will welcome you again with better tourism serviceand more beautiful tourism environment!

昆明滇池英语导游词 篇2

  Dianchi lake belongs to Fuying lake, some of which show abnormal nutritionsigns. The water color is dark yellow and green. The inner lake has seriousorganic pollution and organic harmful pollution, and the pollution developsrapidly. Part of the outer lake has been polluted by organic matter, and thetoxic and harmful pollution (mainly heavy metal pollution) is not prominent.Nitrogen, phosphorus, heavy metal and arsenic are deposited in the bottom of thelake, resulting in serious bottom pollution In recent years, it has been in thestate of "old type" lake, with an average annual water temperature of 16 ℃; Theresults of no investigation in the 1980s showed that: with the change ofecological environment in Dianchi Lake, the ecological environment of fishspawning and hatching sites was destroyed, and with the influence of overfishingand fish population interaction, the fish population in Dianchi Lake changedgreatly. There were only four indigenous fish species, and the indigenous fishspecies were on the verge of extinction. For example, the tender and deliciousgolden thread fish had been extinct, while the exotic fish species were on theverge of extinction

  Morphological description: Dianchi Lake is distributed in north-southdirection. The lake body is slightly arched, with its bow back to the East.There is a natural sand dike in the northeast with a length of 4 km. DianchiLake is divided into North and south parts, which are called Outer Lake andinner lake; With an altitude of 1887.5 meters and a total area of 311.338 squarekilometers, the inner lake covers an area of 10.67 square kilometers and theouter lake covers an area of 287.1 square kilometers. The length of the lake is41.2 kilometers, the maximum width is 13.3 kilometers, the average width is 7.56meters, the maximum water depth is 11.3 meters, the average water depth is 5.12meters, and the volume is 1.593 billion cubic meters; The bottom material of theinner lake is rich, with thick silt, animal and plant residues, black and verybad smell, while the outer lake is rich, brown and yellow, with mud. Theupstream rivers are Panlong River, Baoxiang River, Xinhe River, Yunliang River,Maliao River, Daqing River, Luolong River, Laoyu River and Liangwang river

  Dianchi Lake is located at the foot of Xishan Mountain in the south ofKunming city. Its north end is close to Kunming Daguan Park, and its south endis within Jinning County, 5km away from the urban area. Historically, it hasbeen a resort for vacation and summer resort. Dianchi Lake, also known asKunming Lake, is about 20 kilometers away from Kunming city. There are more than20 rivers in the southeast and north of Dianchi Lake, such as Panlong River. Thelake water flows out from the West Haikou and into Jinsha River through Puduriver. It is 39 km long from north to South and 13.5 km wide from east to west,with an average width of about 8 km. The lakeshore line is about 200 kilometerslong, and the lake area is 300 square kilometers, ranking first in YunnanProvince. The maximum depth of the lake is 8 meters, the average depth is 5meters, and the water storage capacity is 1.57 billion cubic meters. It is knownas "five hundred Li Dianchi Lake". It is the sixth largest inland freshwaterlake in China.

  Dianchi Lake is a plateau limestone fault lake formed by the influence ofthe tertiary Himalayan Crustal Movement, with an altitude of 1886 meters. Thereare dozens of peaks around Dianchi Lake, surrounded by mountains and water, skylight and cloud shadow, forming a beautiful natural picture.

  Dianchi Lake is a magnificent lake with broad water surface. Standing onthe dragon's gate, you can have a panoramic view of Dianchi Lake, known as "thePearl of the plateau". Its charm lies in that it changes with the change of skycolor and cloud in one day. The wide water surface of Dianchi Lake is not only agood place for tourism, but also has great economic value, such as shipping,fishing, irrigation, water supply, etc. There are many scenic spots aroundDianchi Lake, which are separated from Xishan Forest Park and Daguan Park.Yunnan Ethnic Village, national sports training base and Yunnan Ethnic Museumare connected and independent. They are ideal places for sightseeing,entertainment and vacation. In 1988, Dianchi Lake, in the name of KunmingDianchi scenic spot, was approved by the State Council to be listed in thesecond batch of national scenic spots.

  The origin of the name of Dianchi Lake can be summarized into three kinds.First, from the perspective of geographical morphology, the people of JinDynasty often said in the annals of Huayang · annals of nanzhong: "Dianchicounty is governed by a county, so the state of Dian is the same; there arerivers, 200 Li around the water, which are deep and wide, shallow and narrow,such as backward flow, so it is called Dianchi." Another view is to search forsound and study meaning, that "Dian Dian is also the highest peak of speech."Some people think that it is the Yi die (Dian), that is, dabazi. The thirdtheory is based on the national appellation. According to the records ofhistorical records, the biography of Southwest Yi, Dian was the largest tribename in this area in ancient times. After entering Dian, Zhuang Qiao, thegeneral of Chu, became the king of Dian, so the name of Dian Lake came from DianLake tribe.

  Dianchi Lake water area, surrounded by mountains, rivers, thousands ofhectares of fertile land, known as "Jiangnan plateau.". Around the pool, thereare fishing villages and sails dotted with Guanyin Mountain Scenic Area; thereare flowers and trees shadow of Baiyukou Konggu garden; there are stretches ofmiles, clear water and sand Clear Beach Beach and beautiful grand view buildingPark, etc., are very comfortable places to visit, especially on the other sideof the green waves, the majestic peak of the western mountain, water floatingclouds cover. The beauty of the lake and the mystery of the sea will appearbefore your eyes. Dianchi Lake has both the beauty of the lake and the spirit ofthe sea.

  Now Dianchi Lake is one of the first 12 national tourist resorts approvedto be established in China, and it is also the only national tourist resortlocated in inland province. Haigeng park is close to the Bank of Dianchi Lake,and the whole park is built along the Bank of Dianchi Lake. Weeping willow greenlitchi, white wave beach, a school of colorful scenery in southern Xinjiang, isthe ideal natural swimming pool. Overlooking the Xishan Forest Park on the highmountain opposite to the lake, the park is more enjoyable. If you want to go tothe Xishan Mountain for sightseeing, there are fishing boats driven by fishermenon the dam Wharf in the park, which can cross the water to reach the foot of theXishan Mountain. You can also go to Haigeng ethnic village and take a cable carto go up the Xishan Mountain. From the cable car, you can have a panoramic viewof Dianchi Lake.

  Dianchi Lake is also the center of Kunming's scenic spots. Tourists can notonly take a boat around the lake to enjoy the scenery of lakes and mountains,but also go ashore to see Zheng He's hometown, Guanyin Mountain and other scenicspots.

  Dianchi Lake pollution is a worrying topic. In order to purify the muddywaves of the five hundred Li Dianchi Lake, the state and Yunnan Province haveinvested more than 4 billion yuan in pollution control since the Seventh FiveYear Plan. Although these funds from the central and local governments and loansfrom the world bank have effectively alleviated the deterioration of theecological environment of Dianchi Lake, they have not completely eradicated thepollution of Dianchi Lake. At present, it still belongs to five types of heavilypolluted lakes.

  In recent years, the pollution of Dianchi Lake is very serious, which islisted as one of the "three lakes and three rivers" by the State Council. Thepollution of Dianchi Lake has experienced a long and complex process. Waterpollution began in the late 1970s, and eutrophication became more and moreserious in the 1980s, especially in the 1990s. The causes of water pollution inDianchi Lake are as follows: firstly, Dianchi Lake is located in the lowerreaches of Kunming City, which is the lowest concave area of Dianchi Basin;secondly, domestic sewage enters Dianchi Lake; thirdly, industrial wastewaterenters Dianchi Lake; fourthly, agricultural non-point source pollution; fifthly,the rapid development of urbanization in Dianchi Lake Basin; sixthly, DianchiLake is a semi closed lake, which lacks sufficient clean water to replace thelake water body; fifthly, Dianchi Lake is a semi closed lake; Seventh, in theprocess of natural evolution, the lake surface shrank, the lake basin becameshallow, and entered the aging stage, resulting in the accumulation ofendogenous pollutants and serious pollution.

昆明滇池英语导游词 篇3

  Dianchi Lake is also called Kunming Lake and Kunming Lake. The great lakein Yunnan Province of China, located in the southwest of Kunming City, togetherwith Xishan on the west side of the lake, is a famous resort for sightseeing andrecuperation. Dianchi Lake is formed by tectonic subsidence, which is injectedby Panlong River and other rivers. Dianchi Lake is the source of Pudu River, atributary of Jinsha River.

  Dianchi Lake is very magnificent with broad water surface. Standing on thedragon's gate, you can have a panoramic view of Dianchi Lake, known as "thePearl of the plateau". Its charm lies in that it changes with the change of skycolor and cloud in one day.

  Dianchi Lake is the sixth largest inland fresh water lake in China. In thepast, there were frequent floods in the areas around the lake. Songhua Dam wasbuilt on the Panlong River and Haikou river was dug to increase the discharge ofDianchi Lake, reduce the floods around the lake, relieve the floods, and ensurethe irrigation of farmland, urban industry and domestic water. The lake producescarp, crucian carp, goldfish, etc.

  The origin of the name of Dianchi Lake can be summarized into three kinds.First, from the perspective of geographical morphology, Chang Yu, a native ofJin Dynasty, said in the south central chronicle of Huayang state: "Dianchicounty is governed by a county, so Dianchi is also a state; there are rivers,200 Li around the water, which are deep and wide, shallow and narrow, such asbackward flow, so it is called Dianchi." Another view is to search for sound andstudy meaning, that "Dian Dian is also the highest peak of speech." Some peoplethink that it is the Yi die (Dian), that is, dabazi. The third one is based onthe national appellation. It is recorded in the biography of Southwest Yi inhistorical records that "dian" was the largest tribal name in this area inancient times. After entering Dian, Zhuang Qiao, the general of Chu, became theking of Dian. Therefore, the name of Dian Lake came from Dian Lake tribe.

昆明滇池英语导游词 篇4

  Dianchi Lake, also known as Kunming Lake, Kunming Lake. Dahu, YunnanProvince, China. In the southwest of Kunming City, together with Xishan on thewest side of the lake, it is a famous tourist and convalescent resort. DianchiLake is the largest freshwater lake in Yunnan Province, known as the Pearl ofthe plateau. Dianchi Lake is a scenic spot with magnificent scenery and widewater surface. Standing on the dragon's gate, you can have a panoramic view ofDianchi Lake, known as "the Pearl of the plateau". Its charm lies in that itchanges with the change of sky color and cloud in one day. The wide watersurface of Dianchi Lake is not only a good place for tourism, but also has greateconomic value, such as shipping, fishing, irrigation, water supply, etc. Thereare many scenic spots around Dianchi Lake, which are separated from XishanForest Park and Daguan Park. Yunnan Ethnic Village, national sports trainingbase and Yunnan Ethnic Museum are connected and independent. They are idealplaces for sightseeing, entertainment and vacation.

  Dianchi Lake water area, surrounded by mountains, rivers, thousands ofhectares of fertile land, known as "Jiangnan plateau.". Around the pool, thereare fishing villages and sails dotted with Guanyin Mountain Scenic Area; thereare flowers and trees shadow of Baiyukou Konggu garden; there are stretches ofmiles, clear water and sand Clear Beach Beach and beautiful grand view buildingPark, etc., are very comfortable places to visit, especially on the other sideof the green waves, the majestic peak of the western mountain, water floatingclouds cover. The beauty of the lake and the mystery of the sea will appearbefore your eyes. Dianchi Lake has both the beauty of the lake and the spirit ofthe sea. Dianchi Lake is the center of Kunming scenic spots. The tour is rich incontent. You can visit Stone Age sites around the lake, trace the ancient YunnanKing's tomb, and explore the mystery of Yunnan's cultural cradle. You can alsovisit more than ten places of interest and historic sites on the shore, such asXishan, Baiyukou, Zhenghe's hometown, Panlong Temple, Guandu diamond pagoda,etc. you can also go deep into towns around the lake, such as Haikou, Kunyang,Jinning, Chenggong, Guandu, heilinpu, etc.

  There are many scenic spots along the Bank of Dianchi Lake: HaigengLakeside Park, Xiyuan villa, Longmen Village, Guanyin Mountain, Baiyukou, etc.Due to the influence of the warm and humid air flow in the southwest of theIndian Ocean, Dianchi Lake has long sunshine, short frost period and an averageannual temperature of 15 ℃. The climate is mild, summer without heat, winterwithout cold, four seasons such as spring, pleasant climate, four seasons aresuitable for tourism. The origin of the name of historical and cultural DianchiLake can be summarized into three kinds. First, from the perspective ofgeographical morphology, the people of Jin Dynasty often said in the annals ofHuayang · annals of nanzhong: "Dianchi county is governed by a county, so thestate of Dian is the same; there are rivers, 200 Li around the water, which aredeep and wide, shallow and narrow, such as backward flow, so it is calledDianchi." Another view is to search for sound and study meaning, that "Dian Dianis also the highest peak of speech."

  Some people think that it is the Yi die (Dian), that is, dabazi. The thirdtheory is based on the national appellation. According to the records ofhistorical records, the biography of Southwest Yi, Dian was the largest tribename in this area in ancient times. After entering Dian, Zhuang Qiao, thegeneral of Chu, became the king of Dian, so the name of Dian Lake came from DianLake tribe. Now Dianchi Lake is one of the first 12 national tourist resortsapproved to be established in China, and it is also the only national touristresort located in inland province.





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