标题 | 如何讲好神农架导游词 |
范文 | 如何讲好神农架导游词(精选3篇) 如何讲好神农架导游词 篇1各位游客:你们好!首先请允许我代表神农架人对大家来神农架观光旅游表示热诚的欢迎! 此次神农架之旅,将游览神农顶、香溪源、天燕、玉泉河四大旅游区,线路较长,旅途比较辛苦,我们将本着“宾客至上,服务第一”的宗旨,尽心尽力地做好服务工作,同时也希望我们的工作能够得到各位游客的支持和配合,促使我们提高服务质量,从而使大家吃得满意,住得舒适,玩得愉快,游得开心,乘兴而来,满意而归。 神农架旅游资源独具魅力,遐迩闻名,誉满中外。国家旅游局、湖北省政府已将神农架作为全国生态旅游示范区和鄂西北绿色旅游圈的龙头进行重点开发。神农架林区党委、政府确立了“立足保护,发展旅游产业,发展绿色产业,构建生态经济体系,建设富裕文明神农架”的建设方针,决心把神农架建成国内一流、国际知名的旅游精品。 神农架之旅,除传统的观光揽胜游、度假休闲游之外,还有许多各具特色的旅游项目可供选择。如:“神农架‘野人’觅踪游”。野人是世界四大谜之一。在中国,3000多年前就有关于野人的记载,神农架是发现“野人”次数最多的地区,迄今为止目击“野人”已达114次,约有360多人看到138个“野人”活动形象。如果运气好,追踪“野人”或许能一睹“野人”的风采。 还有“神农架森林沐浴行”。神农架森林原始程度高,覆盖面积大,森林覆盖率已超过88%,活立木蓄积量20__万立方米,其中林业管理局(国家森林公园)910.9万立方米,国家级自然保护区814.9万立方米,是开展森林浴的理想场所。 最后还要推荐一下“神农架高山滑雪游”。神农架冬季有“南方雪国”之称,降雪量大,存雪期长,雪质可与阿尔卑斯山的积雪媲美。冬天降临,大雪纷飞,山野苍茫,满树琼花,冰清玉洁。在雪道上滑行,可以体验到飞翔的快乐。 各位游客:今天大家来到神农架,有保存完好的生态等待着您去考察;有许多难解的自然之谜等待着您去探索;有古朴的民风民俗等着您去领略;有壮美的自然风光等待着您去欣赏。但愿神农架之旅能成为您度假的天堂。预祝各位旅行期间身体健康,万事如意。谢谢! 如何讲好神农架导游词 篇2各位游客:你们好!首先请允许我代表神农架人对大家来神农架观光旅游表示热诚的欢迎! 此次神农架之旅,将游览神农顶、香溪源、天燕、玉泉河四大旅游区,线路较长,旅途比较辛苦,我们将本着“宾客至上,服务第一”的宗旨,尽心尽力地做好服务工作,同时也希望我们的工作能够得到各位游客的支持和配合,促使我们提高服务质量,从而使大家吃得满意,住得舒适,玩得愉快,游得开心,乘兴而来,满意而归。 神农架旅游资源独具魅力,遐迩闻名,誉满中外。国家旅游局、湖北省政府已将神农架作为全国生态旅游示范区和鄂西北绿色旅游圈的龙头进行重点开发。神农架林区党委、政府确立了“立足保护,发展旅游产业,发展绿色产业,构建生态经济体系,建设富裕文明神农架”的建设方针,决心把神农架建成国内一流、国际知名的旅游精品。 神农架之旅,除传统的观光揽胜游、度假休闲游之外,还有许多各具特色的旅游项目可供选择。如:“神农架‘野人’觅踪游”。野人是世界四大谜之一。在中国,3000多年前就有关于野人的记载,神农架是发现“野人”次数最多的地区,迄今为止目击“野人”已达114次,约有360多人看到138个“野人”活动形象。如果运气好,追踪“野人”或许能一睹“野人”的风采。 还有“神农架森林沐浴行”。神农架森林原始程度高,覆盖面积大,森林覆盖率已超过88%,活立木蓄积量20__万立方米,其中林业管理局(国家森林公园)910.9万立方米,国家级自然保护区814.9万立方米,是开展森林浴的理想场所。 最后还要推荐一下“神农架高山滑雪游”。神农架冬季有“南方雪国”之称,降雪量大,存雪期长,雪质可与阿尔卑斯山的积雪媲美。冬天降临,大雪纷飞,山野苍茫,满树琼花,冰清玉洁。在雪道上滑行,可以体验到飞翔的快乐。 各位游客:今天大家来到神农架,有保存完好的生态等待着您去考察;有许多难解的自然之谜等待着您去探索;有古朴的民风民俗等着您去领略;有壮美的自然风光等待着您去欣赏。但愿神农架之旅能成为您度假的天堂。预祝各位旅行期间身体健康,万事如意。谢谢! 农 架 概 况 神农架位于湖北省西部边陲,东与湖北省保康县接壤,西与重庆市巫山县毗领,南依兴山、巴东而濒三峡,北倚房县、竹山且近武当。地跨东经109°56′—110°58′,北纬31°15′—31°57′,总面积3253平方公里,辖4镇4乡和1个林业管理局(国家森林公园)、1个国家级自然保护区,总人口8万人。是我国唯一以“林区”命名的行政区。 远古时期,神农架地区还是一片汪_大海,是燕山和喜马拉雅造山运动将其抬升为多级陆地,成为大巴山东延的余脉。山脉呈东西方向延伸,山体由南向北逐渐降低。山峰多在海拔1500米以上,其中海拔2500米以上的山峰有20多座。最高峰神农顶海拔3105.4米,为“华中第一峰”。西南部的石柱河海拔398米,是神农架的最低点,最高点与最低点的相对高差为2707.4米。 神农架是长江和汉水的分水岭,境内有香溪河、沿渡河、南河和堵河4个水系。由于该地区位于中纬度北亚热带季风区,气温偏凉 如何讲好神农架导游词 篇3Ladies and gentlemen: Hello! First of all, on behalf of Shennongjia people,please allow me to express our warm welcome to Shennongjia! This tour of Shennongjia will visit shennongding, xiangxiyuan, Tianyan andyuquanhe. The route is long and the journey is hard. In line with the principleof "guests first, service first", we will do our best to provide good service.At the same time, we hope that our work can get the support and cooperation ofall tourists, and promote us to improve the service quality, so as to makeeveryone happy Eat contentedly, live comfortably, have a good time, swimhappily, come happily, return contentedly. Shennongjia tourism resources have unique charm and are well-known both athome and abroad. The National Tourism Administration and Hubei provincialgovernment have taken Shennongjia as the national ecotourism demonstration areaand the leader of Northwest Hubei green tourism circle for key development. TheParty committee and government of Shennongjia forest region have established theconstruction policy of "based on protection, developing tourism industry,developing green industry, constructing ecological economic system, and buildingrich and civilized Shennongjia". They are determined to build Shennongjia into afirst-class domestic and internationally famous tourism boutique. Shennongjia tour, in addition to the traditional sightseeing Range Rovertour, vacation leisure tour, there are many distinctive tourism projects tochoose from. Such as: "Shennongjia" savage "to find the trace tour.". Savage isone of the four mysteries of the world. In China, there were records aboutsavages more than 3000 years ago. Shennongjia is the area where "savages" werefound most frequently. So far, 114 "savages" have been witnessed, and more than360 people have seen 138 "savage" activity images. If you're lucky, you may beable to catch a glimpse of the wild man by following him. And "Shennongjia forest bathing Tour". Shennongjia has a high degree oforiginal forest and large coverage area. The forest coverage rate has exceeded88%. The volume of standing trees is 20__ million cubic meters, including 9.109million cubic meters of Forest Administration (National Forest Park) and 8.149million cubic meters of National Nature Reserve. It is an ideal place for forestbathing. Finally, I would like to recommend "Shennongjia alpine skiing Tour".Shennongjia is known as the "snow country in the South" in winter. It has alarge amount of snow and a long period of snow storage. The snow quality iscomparable to that of the Alps. Winter is coming, snow is flying, mountains arevast, trees are full of flowers, ice is pure. You can experience the joy offlying when you slide on the snowway. Ladies and gentlemen: today, when you come to Shennongjia, there are wellpreserved ecology waiting for you to investigate; there are many mysteries ofnature waiting for you to explore; there are simple folk customs waiting for youto appreciate; there are magnificent natural scenery waiting for you to enjoy. Ihope Shennongjia tour can be your holiday paradise. I wish you all good healthand good luck during your trip. thank you! General situation of Nongjia Shennongjia is located in the western border of Hubei Province, borderingBaokang County of Hubei Province in the East, Wushan County of Chongqing City inthe west, Xingshan and Badong in the South and Three Gorges in the south,Fangxian and Zhushan in the north and Wudang in the north. It spans 109 ° 56 ′ -110 ° 58 ′ E and 31 ° 15 ′ - 31 ° 57 ′ n, covering a total area of 3253 squarekilometers. It has jurisdiction over four towns, four townships, one ForestryAdministration (National Forest Park) and one National Nature Reserve, with atotal population of 80000. It is the only administrative region named "forestregion" in China. In ancient times, Shennongjia area was still a vast ocean, which wasuplifted into multi-level land by the Yanshan and Himalayan orogeny, and becamethe remnant of Daba East extension. The mountain ranges extend from east to westand gradually decrease from south to north. Most of the peaks are over 1500meters above sea level, of which more than 20 are over 2500 meters above sealevel. Shennongding, the highest peak in Central China, is 3105.4 meters abovesea level. Shizhu River in the southwest is 398 meters above sea level, which isthe lowest point of Shennongjia. The relative height difference between thehighest point and the lowest point is 2707.4 meters. Shennongjia is the watershed between the Yangtze River and the Han River.There are four water systems in Shennongjia: Xiangxi River, Yandu River, NanheRiver and Duhe river. Because the region is located in the mid latitude northsubtropical monsoon region, the temperature is cool |
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