标题 | 武汉归元寺导游词概况 |
范文 | 武汉归元寺导游词概况(通用8篇) 武汉归元寺导游词概况 篇1我国有句俗话说的:泥菩萨过江——自身难保,而在归元寺的罗汉堂就不能这么说了,因为这里的罗汉堂既不是木雕也不是泥塑,而是采用一种盛行于唐代的独特工艺制成的夹“伫”像。这里的罗汉每尊不超过25公斤,体轻质坚,不透水,不怕浸。很适合武汉地势低洼,湿度大的气候环境。1954年武汉遭遇百年不遇的特大洪水,很多地方都变成了废墟,这些罗汉也浸泡在水里,洪水退后,罗汉却安然无恙。所以如此看来,别说是过江,就算是让它们去漂洋过海恐怕也不成问题。 美好的时光总是让人感到如此的短暂,我们今天的黄鹤楼之行到这里就结束了。在这里我感谢大家对我工作的支持和配合,我有什么做的不好的地方和讲解不够详细的地方请大家多多批评指正,希望有缘还能够和大家再次相逢,最后祝大家爱身体健康,万事如意!谢谢大家,再见! 游完了韦驮殿后了,我将带大家去一处不得不去的地方,可能大家已经猜到了,我们下一站将是归元寺久负盛名的罗汉堂了。罗汉堂最早建于清道光年间,在咸丰年间毁于兵乱之中,于光绪年间再建。归元禅寺的罗汉堂布局呈田字形,内有四个天井式的内院,院中栽种了奇花异草,四季长青。这罗汉堂除了可供参观外,人们还喜欢用它来预测一年内的祸福,也就是武汉人说的“数罗汉”,方法是随意选中一尊罗汉,然后顺着数下去,数到和自己年龄相等时看看那尊罗汉是什么样子就可以推测这一年的运势了。 武汉归元寺导游词概况 篇2好了各位朋友,我们现在所在的位置就是大雄宝殿了。大雄宝殿是寺院的中心殿堂,这是僧人们早晚做功课,大小法会的地方。大家看到的这尊身材高达5米多,慈眉善目,珈趺与莲花之上的便是释迦牟尼了,左右两边分别立着阿难和迦叶两大弟子。相传在释迦牟尼死后,阿难和迦叶带领广大佛教弟子继续研究和推广佛学,为佛教的传播和发展做出了重大的贡献。在佛像前面这条长3.96米,高1.6米,宽0.83米的供案,也是一件不可多得樟木雕刻珍品。在释迦牟尼的背后,则是以海岛观音象为中心的雕塑群。海岛观音又称“倒坐观音”或“南海观音”。在观音的身后则是一组佛像,有兴趣的游客,大家可以数一数。有的游客已经数出来了,确实是24座,他们代表着24诸天,这些雕象采用了大型夹麻艺术工艺。大家可以发现这些雕象都呈立体倾斜式与墙面基座连接,经过测定,雕像的倾斜度有30度,从清顺治十八年,也就是公元1661年至今已有300多年历史,它不坠不毁,实属一大奇迹。 看完了大雄宝殿,我们再到前面的韦驮殿去看看!我们所看到的这尊右手持杵在地的雕像便是韦驮了,不知道大家注意到了没有,为什么各个寺院韦驮持杵的姿势会不同呢?大家可以尽情的发挥一下自己的想象力。其实,韦驮持杵的不同姿势,与寺庙的规模大小由着密切的关系。韦驮左手持杵在肩,则表明该寺庙太小,既不供吃也不供住;两手持杵的,则表明寺庙为中等规模;供吃但不供住。我们现在所看到的这尊韦驮像吃杵在地,则表明归元寺的规模很大,既能供吃又能供住。 武汉归元寺导游词概况 篇3好了各位朋友,我们现在所在的位置就是大雄宝殿了。大雄宝殿是寺院的中心殿堂,这是僧人们早晚做功课,大小法会的地方。大家看到的这尊身材高达5米多,慈眉善目,珈趺与莲花之上的便是释迦牟尼了,左右两边分别立着阿难和迦叶两大弟子。相传在释迦牟尼死后,阿难和迦叶带领广大佛教弟子继续研究和推广佛学,为佛教的传播和发展做出了重大的贡献。在佛像前面这条长3.96米,高1.6米,宽0.83米的供案,也是一件不可多得樟木雕刻珍品。在释迦牟尼的背后,则是以海岛观音象为中心的雕塑群。海岛观音又称“倒坐观音”或“南海观音”。在观音的身后则是一组佛像,有兴趣的游客,大家可以数一数。有的游客已经数出来了,确实是24座,他们代表着24诸天,这些雕象采用了大型夹麻艺术工艺。大家可以发现这些雕象都呈立体倾斜式与墙面基座连接,经过测定,雕像的倾斜度有30度,从清顺治十八年,也就是公元1661年至今已有300多年历史,它不坠不毁,实属一大奇迹。 看完了大雄宝殿,我们再到前面的韦驮殿去看看!我们所看到的这尊右手持杵在地的雕像便是韦驮了,不知道大家注意到了没有,为什么各个寺院韦驮持杵的姿势会不同呢?大家可以尽情的发挥一下自己的想象力。其实,韦驮持杵的不同姿势,与寺庙的规模大小由着密切的关系。韦驮左手持杵在肩,则表明该寺庙太小,既不供吃也不供住;两手持杵的,则表明寺庙为中等规模;供吃但不供住。我们现在所看到的这尊韦驮像吃杵在地,则表明归元寺的规模很大,既能供吃又能供住。 我国有句俗话说的:泥菩萨过江——自身难保,而在归元寺的罗汉堂就不能这么说了,因为这里的罗汉堂既不是木雕也不是泥塑,而是采用一种盛行于唐代的独特工艺制成的夹“伫”像。这里的罗汉每尊不超过25公斤,体轻质坚,不透水,不怕浸。很适合武汉地势低洼,湿度大的气候环境。1954年武汉遭遇百年不遇的特大洪水,很多地方都变成了一片废墟,这些罗汉也浸泡在水里,洪水退后,罗汉却安然无恙。所以如此看来,别说是过江,就算是让它们去漂洋过海恐怕也不成问题。 美好的时光总是让人感到如此的短暂,我们今天的黄鹤楼之行到这里就结束了。在这里我感谢大家对我工作的支持和配合,我有什么做的不好的地方和讲解不够详细的地方请大家多多批评指正,希望有缘还能够和大家再次相逢,最后祝大家爱身体健康,万事如意!谢谢大家,再见! 游完了韦驮殿后了,我将带大家去一处不得不去的地方,可能大家已经猜到了,我们下一站将是归元寺久负盛名的罗汉堂了。罗汉堂最早建于清道光年间,在咸丰年间毁于兵乱之中,于光绪年间再建。归元禅寺的罗汉堂布局呈田字形,内有四个天井式的内院,院中栽种了奇花异草,四季长青。这罗汉堂除了可供参观外,人们还喜欢用它来预测一年内的祸福,也就是武汉人说的“数罗汉”,方法是随意选中一尊罗汉,然后顺着数下去,数到和自己年龄相等时看看那尊罗汉是什么样子就可以推测这一年的运势了。 武汉归元寺导游词概况 篇4各位朋友大家好,欢迎大家来到归元禅寺旅游,我是这里的讲解员,在接下去的时间里将由我为各位提供导游服务,希望大家的这次归元之旅能够开心愉快。 归元禅寺建于清顺治十五年,也就是1685年,整个寺庙分为东、西、南、北、中五个院落,占地46900平方米,整个平面布局呈袈裟形状,为什么布局成袈裟形状呢?在这里我先卖个小关子,请大家听我的讲解,待会儿自然就明白了。归元寺现存殿堂楼阁二十九栋。据说是禅宗的白光法师在明朝汉阳诗人王章蒲的葵园旧址上兴建的,关于当时修建归元禅寺的说法有几种,有说是白光、主峰两位法师明末战乱时募化于汉阳府城凤山门外,见尸骨遍野,一片凄凉,欲行善事,建“普同塔”和“归元禅寺”,掩埋白骨,超度亡魂,王章甫问何为归元禅寺,法师答:“‘元’,数之始、道之极、物之总也。‘归元’即归真、归化、归本,出生灭界,还归真寂本元,义同‘圆寂’。‘圆’是一切功德圆满,‘寂’是一切烦恼寂灭。归元便是得道成佛之义也”。如此一说,王章甫心悦诚服,深知法师道行无量,便将葵园献出,作为建寺之地。还有一说,明宗祯末年,一富豪无名指断,幕翠微草庵长老医道非凡,隧穿草鞋来进香,祈求再接断指。长老见其心诚,果然为他接活断指,口讼“归本归元”。富豪感恩戴德,愿为长老新建寺庙,即就其规模请问长老,长老法事完毕,随手将破袈裟抛向天空:“就此一袈裟之地”,顿时,袈裟越变越大,徐徐降落,竟覆地五十余亩,富豪见长老有如此法力,欣然买得这一袈裟之地,聘全国能工巧匠,选各地上等材石,经数年营造方告成功,并由法师以“归元”为寺命名。相信我讲到这儿大家应该已经知道我前面提到的“平面布局呈袈裟形状”是怎么一回事了吧? 武汉归元寺导游词概况 篇5"Bao guang, west park, north green cloud, in yuan." To yuan temple is located in wuhan hanyang CuiWei feng cui wei road west side, and GuQinTai adjacent. Say "convenient to return yuan no 2, there are many." Yuan temple temple name comes from this. To yuan temple site for private garden in Ming dynasty, by 1658, the park owner give alms to the monk in this build three small tower, tower buried unowned bones. Deng shedding pay property to build temples, then experience generation reconstruction in succession, hence become today's pattern. Owned by yuan temple building area of more than twenty thousand square meters? Main construction points, both inside and outside. The outer court is mainly composed of gate house, courtyard, ponds; The inner court by the north courtyard, then Ursa and south courtyard sutra depository arhat hall three main body construction, as well as great, earth treasure house, etc. To yuan temple give an outstanding impression is consistent with the other temple is its architecture. It would not be symmetrical pattern of grand, but slightly clutter. Originally, built the temple, begging monk can't gather together in a short time together enough money to do the arrangement. Rich when you hurry to buy to repair, otherwise wait to raise enough money, ideas in the surrounding area has first bought by others. Monks have to can only have a sum of money in one place. The gate toward the east, but gradually from the south to the north side in buildings. Compared with the general big jungle, be yuan temple "hundred feet maolin, thousand bamboo pole, and red, brake, green around the cloud room", colorful, beautiful and pleasant. Drops after lotus leaf green lotus pond, lotus flower in full bloom, is Ursa major, the temple Buddha like guanyin is the island, on both sides and 24 the heavens like, placed on a sloping surface, high technological level. Particularly noteworthy is that the sugar like sweets before running, it is not normal fabric, but wood and wood is wiser. Behind the of primitive simplicity and elegant modelling is unique, with high appreciation value, is a rare art treasures. To the north and to the sutra depository, the magnificent building, decorative and elegant, is the treasure house of collection of cultural relics to yuan temple. Hidden inside a set of qing and bei Ye Zhenjing,.chinese or copper Buddha, both for treasures, and also has given some buddhist relics abroad. Main hall displays a Burmese jade Buddha statue, very beautiful. West sutra depository, bypass tuas pavilion, south to the south of arhat hall, went into his house, can see a "field" glyph of five hundred arhats. Their ups and downs sit, joys and sorrows, each feminine beauty, rich distinguishing feature each, or legged earphones, or design, or studying buddhist scriptures, bouldering or drive out evil spirit, each are not identical, some brave, some gentle, some naive, silly, and some vicissitudes, expressions are all different, some in the pick up ear cleaning, some in a bored manner yawning, make people laugh. Ocean's production craft level is very high, to the end of the 19th century the qing guangxu years HuangBei County wang's father and son take a nine-year into. Type used on the process linoleum bodiless lacquer special method: first use unpainted clay idol with molding model, with a thick cloth, raw lacquer paste TaoSu step by step, and make each ocean's head and shoulders, ribs, leg respectively form a tendency, thus in the line of art image draws the outline of a large surface, make the action, different expressions. This process is conducive to the screw, enduring, and corrosion protection, is not bad, it is unique to China. Wuhan flood in 1954 and five hundred arhats, floating down the house after water back but intact, so wuhan folk have bathed ocean's "five hundred". To yuan temple is also one of the birthplace of the modern buddhist revival. In the spring of 1922, too the mage to yuan temple lecture buddhist, when all the listeners, stimulate too buddhist volunteers, it is the same with listening celebrity to negotiate, to better buddhist generative, must set up the buddhist, extensive training talents of Buddhism, buddhist institute to run one of the cause of this is wuchang. 武汉归元寺导游词概况 篇6Each friend everybody is good! Welcome to yuan temple tour, I'm a narrator, here in the next time I'll provide tour guide service for you, hope you can happy happy this trip to return yuan. Be yuan temple, built in the qing shunzhi 15 years, in 1685, the temple is divided into east, west, south, north, medium five yards, covers an area of 46900 square meters, the whole layout is in the shape of the saffron why layout into gaza shape? Here, I'll fetch a XiaoGuanZi, please listen to my explanation, naturally see you later. To yuan temple hall of existing in 29. Zen is believed to be the white wizard in the Ming dynasty, hanyang poet Wang Zhangpu kwai garden built on the site, there are several theories about was built to yuan temple, with a white light, the main two collect alms while the mage is the late Ming dynasty war Yu Hanyang fucheng phoenix mountain gate, see bones and bleak, wants to do good, to build "the dong thap" and "yuan of Buddha, burying bones, over the dead, Wang Zhangfu asked what to yuan temple, the mage a:" 'yuan', the number of beginning, tao, the content of total also. 'to yuan namely nirvana, naturalization, to this, the birth and death, the company also ji Ben yuan, righteousness with' died '. 'circle' is all politics, "silence" is dead all trouble. To yuan is the righteousness of the enlightenment ". So say, Wang Zhangfu that, knew the mage way, will kwai garden gave, as a land of adding. And say, MingZongZhen late, one's ring finger broken screen CuiWei no.183 elders be special, tunneling sandals to pilgrimages, pray again after amputation. Elders to see its payoff, sure enough for him to live amputation, mouth litigation "to this to yuan". Rich grateful, wish to elder new temples, that is, its size to the elders, elders make finished, with hand broken cassock thrown to the sky: "in this land of a cassock", suddenly, the saffron getting larger, landed, but over and over 50 Chinese acres, rich for old so mana, readily buy this place, which is a cassock, hire the skillful craftsman, selected fine material around the stone, after several years to build successful, and a mage named after "return yuan" for the temple. Believe I said everybody should be here already know I previously mentioned "cassock shape" on the layout is going on? In front of everyone now is owned by three yuan temple, also is the door to yuan temple, buddhist temple gate said three, namely the three free door in the buddhist scriptures, is in the middle of the gate, the left and right, respectively is no phase and for the doors. The door also have claims of architectural form, to yuan temple three eight words in chaoyang, is a symbol of the wide knot good causes and conditions, purdue beings, meaning auspicious. You another door at the top of the blue background with phnom penh vertical rectangle plaque, according to legend, when the white light mage should leave main peak and the monk can't, had to please his name inscribed temple, permanent memorial, the white light welcome accidents, was written when he left it to yuan temple four word. Into three, greets us is the script of the late qing dynasty scholar zhang day Yu "namo amida Buddha", meaning it is converted to amida Buddha. Now is north, to the house on the right side of the people inside are chanting hall, sutra depository, such as a few buildings, let's start from north hospital visit. Everyone see the round door "CuiWei scenic spots", "CuiWei" 2 words or from the wang kwai garden, according to the record, the taihu, bought Wang Zhangfu in kwai assembled a large rockery garden, confusing CuiWei peak, for gaopeng insisted that was higher than the sutra depository CuiWei peak than now, it is a pity in the Ming dynasty was destroyed by the war. Built to yuan temple when moved away decadent residual stone, CuiWei peak in name only, the white light mage felt very sorry, and the stone will be moved to the temple right rear on little round top yet. Now return to yuan temple nearby "CuiWei street" and so on all is hence the name. "Scenic spots" two words here is to contain the color of Buddhism. Here is the chanting hall, three holy chanting hall to the west, namely amida Buddha and his two collaborators shi guan Yin bodhisattva and trend to bodhisattva. In addition to manjusri and samantabhadra bodhisattva. Practicing buddhist temple shrine 6 meters high, 5 meters wide, cresting red sun shining brightly, two dragon sea, double phoenix chaoyang, meaning "in extremely good fortune". You may have noticed the sweets? It is up to 4.5 meters, in 1935, made of carved five embossed with a design group, you can see what time? Actually it displays from left to right several plots in the classical novel "journey to the west" of China, respectively is: the emperor taizong of tang's monk teacher and pupil off, such as come to kuan ti bodhisattva said, four major Kings and "seven" Buddha, Buddha is in the tree, Buddha to tang's monk teacher and pupil. Very interesting! Under the good, please go with me to sutra depository, now we see the sutra depository was rebuilt in 1920, for two layer 5, about 25 meters high, first of all we see is the whiteness in the pavilion, radiant like jade Buddha. The Buddha came from yangon, myanmar treble in 1935 disciples, the jade Buddha weighing about two tons, the best preserved of Buddha in the temple in China. Sutra depository collection is very rich, with the southern song dynasty suzhou sand at the st institutes publication orphan "chut sand hidden" and "on the" print in the qing dynasty. "On the" 7250 volumes, intact, is one of the valuable information of the research on Buddhism in China. In the sutra depository of the buddhist relics of our country and foreign buddhist gifts, such as the northern wei dynasty stone Buddha, the ice crack net bottle of Ming dynasty, qing dynasty of the hollow out relief, pattra-leaf scriptures of India, Burma's sandal wood box, Malaysia's jade tower, etc. You can visit slowly. In the sutra depository is beside the big shi ge, mainly temple consecrate guanyin bodhisattva. You can see on the wall with the left side of the shrine willows of kannon, portrait for 闫立 this painted in tang dynasty. Portrait of the goddess of mercy, a serene, quiet, breast plump, posture is lightsome, shows the tang dynasty to plump for the aesthetic idea of beauty. Friends, where we are right now is the main Ursa to yuan temple, here to worship is the supreme god of Buddhism sakyamuni, it is the most tall statue of Buddha in the temple, what do you think he zhangs six golden body, head bao canopy, the top and sat down on a lotus and torment. Decoration behind a fire, is a magic mirror, the symbol of light, the Buddha before a statue of the lion, the image of Buddha's previous generation for the lion king. You to look at the two trees in front of the Buddha, is the representative of a Buddha nirvana double suoluo trees, it is said that the Buddha nirvana after cremation, seven Buddha appeared in the fire, so people often before prayer paper or Huang Biaozhi, incense and candle, so the leaves into a flame, also leaves each have seven Buddha. Also writing is "the Buddha, brightness, dharma wheel often turn" of eight rounds. Disciple of caleb leaves left and right of the Buddha, called "difficult". We'll see maitreya!!!! He was known as the Buddha iii of the "future Buddha", you could see him innocently, funny, don't give people a kind of blessings shallow, happy, secure, a symbol of munificent magnanimous. Become the idea of a "laughing Buddha" or "happy Buddha". Shrine have a pair of couplet: "tatu accommodate, let the world is impossible, CiYan often laughed all ridiculous people". The united legend was written by zhu yuanzhang! Please go with me to visit arhat hall below again. Image is since the tang dynasty of five hundred arhats in our country, by the five dynasties began to flourish, people will be referring to name checked out of each of the insufficient to fabricate, fill in five hundred. After the northern song dynasty temple is built around the arhat hall, and today, is preserved in temples in the country of the arhat hall has been one of the few, mainly blue cloud temple in Beijing, wuhan to yuan temple, kunming facies distribution temple, bao guang temple in chengdu, chongqing arhat temple and suzhou saionji. In comparison, again to yuan temple arhat hall is the most characteristic, the most famous. Arhat hall layout is tian glyph, there were four yuan, is in order to make the inside of the temple Luo Hanyou enough light. Another field word is positive and negative two word "all" in Buddhism superposition, this layout suggests a good god who auspicious and mystery. The arhat hall, except to visit people also like to use it to predict a year, namely people said "ocean's number", wuhan is randomly selected a statue of rohan, and then follow the number, the number to look and their age equals the number of the archat. What can predict the fortunes of the year. There is an old saying in China: clay idol of the dragon, "she added, but not in to yuan temple arhat hall said, because the ocean's neither woodcarving nor clay sculpture, instead of a prevailing in the tang dynasty's unique technology made in like, also called sloughing like or dry paint like, be yuan temple arhats statue is a rare dry paint, its production process is relatively complex, must first made human clay tire mold, after working with raw lacquer silk or grass cloth layers of adhesive on it, and then mixed with raw lacquer ash, wood powder to make paint scraping, shape details, air-dried again after buffing, then cut a small opening on the back of the statue, water flooding into mud pulp out tire mold and rinse, dry wood again after sealing, brush again on raw lacquer, gilding, and finally coated with tung oil or to maintain the luster bright paint. The ocean's cost here is very high, but the process is not only save material, and each not more than 25 kg, lightweight body strong, waterproof, are not afraid of water. Very adapt to wuhan low-lying, what is the climate of high humidity environment. Suffered the worst flooding in wuhan in 1954, many places into the ocean, the ocean's also soak in the water, flooding back, lohan unharmed. So in that case, let alone is of the dragon, it is not a problem. I am afraid, let them go across the Good friends, about to yuan temple? I give everybody introduction here, I hope I can make you satisfied, the interpretation of not detailed place also please everybody many burke. Welcome to wuhan again, take a look at to yuan temple. 武汉归元寺导游词概况 篇7五百罗汉:归元寺早年藏有清嘉庆三年(1798年)常州天宁寺石刻五百罗汉像拓本。道光季年(1850年),归元寺僧及民间工匠以拓为本,再行创作,历九个寒暑,五百尊者方塑成,雕塑艺术之高为国内所独有。到归元寺数罗汉现已成为武汉民间的一种习俗。 归元寺始建于清顺治十五年(1658年),以其建筑精美、雕塑绝妙、珍藏丰富而名扬佛门。它与宝通寺、溪莲寺、正觉寺今称为武汉的四大丛林。 寺庙由藏经阁、大雄宝殿、罗汉堂三座主题建筑构成。寺庙以弘扬佛法闻名于世,几百年来一直是佛教信徒朝拜的圣地,中外游客络绎不绝,香火十分旺盛。 建的新阁是归元寺的一大宝藏,除藏经外,还有佛像、法物、石雕、木刻、书画碑贴及外国友人赠品。有两件令人惊叹的珍品:一是在长宽不过6寸的纸面写着由5424个字组成的“佛”字,写着全部《金刚经》和《心经》原文;二是血书《华严经》和《法华经》。 新阁建筑布局分为中院、南院、北院三组。中院有放生池。池两侧为钟鼓楼,正中为韦驮殿,再进是大雄宝殿。其南北两厢为客堂和斋堂,其后为禅堂。南院罗汉堂供奉有500尊以脱塑工艺制作的罗汉塑像,形态各异,栩栩如生,是我国传统塑像艺术中的上品。北院有藏经阁、大士阁、翠微井等建筑。 寺内的建筑、佛教经典以及各种佛像历经“文革”浩劫而完整保留了下来,其中尤以罗汉堂供奉的500尊金身罗汉为显著特色,是湖北四大佛教禅寺之一,国家重点佛教寺院。 武汉归元寺导游词概况 篇8好了各位朋友,我们现在所在的位置就是大雄宝殿了。大雄宝殿是寺院的中心殿堂,这是僧人们早晚做功课,大小法会的地方。大家看到的这尊身材高达5米多,慈眉善目,珈趺与莲花之上的便是释迦牟尼了,左右两边分别立着阿难和迦叶两大弟子。相传在释迦牟尼死后,阿难和迦叶带领广大佛教弟子继续研究和推广佛学,为佛教的传播和发展做出了重大的贡献。在佛像前面这条长3.96米,高1.6米,宽0.83米的供案,也是一件不可多得樟木雕刻珍品。在释迦牟尼的背后,则是以海岛观音象为中心的雕塑群。海岛观音又称“倒坐观音”或“南海观音”。在观音的身后则是一组佛像,有兴趣的游客,大家可以数一数。有的游客已经数出来了,确实是24座,他们代表着24诸天,这些雕象采用了大型夹麻艺术工艺。大家可以发现这些雕象都呈立体倾斜式与墙面基座连接,经过测定,雕像的倾斜度有30度,从清顺治十八年,也就是公元1661年至今已有300多年历史,它不坠不毁,实属一大奇迹。 看完了大雄宝殿,我们再到前面的韦驮殿去看看!我们所看到的这尊右手持杵在地的雕像便是韦驮了,不知道大家注意到了没有,为什么各个寺院韦驮持杵的姿势会不同呢?大家可以尽情的发挥一下自己的想象力。其实,韦驮持杵的不同姿势,与寺庙的规模大小由着密切的关系。韦驮左手持杵在肩,则表明该寺庙太小,既不供吃也不供住;两手持杵的,则表明寺庙为中等规模;供吃但不供住。我们现在所看到的这尊韦驮像吃杵在地,则表明归元寺的规模很大,既能供吃又能供住。 游完了韦驮殿后了,我将带大家去一处不得不去的地方,可能大家已经猜到了,我们下一站将是归元寺久负盛名的罗汉堂了。罗汉堂最早建于清道光年间,在咸丰年间毁于兵乱之中,于光绪年间再建。归元禅寺的罗汉堂布局呈田字形,内有四个天井式的内院,院中栽种了奇花异草,四季长青。这罗汉堂除了可供参观外,人们还喜欢用它来预测一年内的祸福,也就是武汉人说的“数罗汉”,方法是随意选中一尊罗汉,然后顺着数下去,数到和自己年龄相等时看看那尊罗汉是什么样子就可以推测这一年的运势了。 我国有句俗话说的:泥菩萨过江——自身难保,而在归元寺的罗汉堂就不能这么说了,因为这里的罗汉堂既不是木雕也不是泥塑,而是采用一种盛行于唐代的独特工艺制成的夹“伫”像。这里的罗汉每尊不超过25公斤,体轻质坚,不透水,不怕浸。很适合武汉地势低洼,湿度大的气候环境。1954年武汉遭遇百年不遇的特大洪水,很多地方都变成了一片废墟,这些罗汉也浸泡在水里,洪水退后,罗汉却安然无恙。所以如此看来,别说是过江,就算是让它们去漂洋过海恐怕也不成问题。 美好的时光总是让人感到如此的短暂,我们今天的黄鹤楼之行到这里就结束了。在这里我感谢大家对我工作的支持和配合,我有什么做的不好的地方和讲解不够详细的地方请大家多多批评指正,希望有缘还能够和大家再次相逢,最后祝大家爱身体健康,万事如意!谢谢大家,再见! |
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