标题 | 河南省龙隐导游词 |
范文 | 河南省龙隐导游词(精选19篇) 河南省龙隐导游词 篇1龙隐镇原名北斗镇,是西南地区独一无二、完整体现民国时期小镇生活风貌的古镇。古镇以小、全、特、巧、奇独具特色。 从宏伟雄壮的寨门子进入龙隐镇, 沿着青石板铺筑的小街道漫步,您可以看到精巧别致的筒车,欣赏到琳琅满目的具有川西北坝子风情的民俗工艺制品。 龙隐镇作为西南地区独一无二、完整体现民国时期小镇生活风貌的影视拍摄基地。小镇以它独特、齐全的场景设计在短短的时间内,共吸引了5部电视剧摄制组前来拍摄。在这里成功拍摄的电视剧有:《淘金记》、《花殇》、《王保长歪传》、《误入深山的女人》,以及由著名表演艺术家李保田先生主演的《王保长抓壮丁新篇》。其中,王保长滑稽喜剧的形象在川西坝子可谓家喻户晓。也正是因为如此,龙隐镇又以它独特的古朴魅力,吸引了《王保长后传》摄制组前来拍摄,届时,刘德一、李伯清等著名演员将联袂打造出王保长新形象。在龙隐镇,您可以自演一段影视剧,或演王保长,或演三嫂子,留作纪念,也让自己当一回明星,过把瘾。龙隐镇影视拍摄基地热忱欢迎各界朋友的光临。 河南省龙隐导游词 篇2中国龙隐景区位于河南省洛阳市汝阳县西泰山原始生态旅游区内,景区在临木路泰山村1公里处。同炎黄峰、情侣峰、会仙峰、石人山、白云山形成一条旅游线带。 中国龙隐景区内峰峦挺拔,流水四环,且质被丰厚,山产珍奇,特点是:山峻、石奇、花艳、水幽、洞美。年均气温在11℃左右,是回归自然避署寻幽的理想之地。景区以风化的花岗岩石块组成丰富多彩的幽洞、奇石,并与潺潺溪水相伴,形成中原地区少有的水、石、洞组合景观。特别是整个景区洞连洞、洞中洞,清泉汩汩、溪水流淌,加上这里众多的有关龙的传说和故事,使龙隐更加神奇,更加诱人。 中国龙隐景区主要景点有:石龙迎宾、鲵跃龙门、龙亭龙椅、龙宫、玉龙湖、龙锡双喜等含有“百龙图”中华龙书法艺术,石刻景点数十处。置身于此,若梦游龙宫。另外还有金蛙啸天、金猴抱桃等景点。石龙沟植被丰富,奇花异草种类繁多,飞禽走兽上百种。每年春天赏杜鹃,暑天乘凉养神进龙沟、秋赏红叶,品赏野生小杂果,科观洞外白雪仙洞及奇石。真是奇石设千古秀,此景不墨千秋画。 龙隐,避暑胜地。四周环山,中间盆地,海拔800-1300米,是国际上公认的人类最理想居住高度,龙隐最热月7月平均气温只有23度(人体最舒适温度),在中原旅游市场上更有23度龙隐之名。 河南省龙隐导游词 篇3各位游客,今天我们一起来游览龙隐景区。 景区位于十三朝古都——洛阳之南,生态伏牛山东大门,距二广高速55公里,交通便利、区位优越。 龙隐,取意于“潜龙在渊,飞龙在天”。龙隐象征着修养和闲隐之意,也正合当前亲近自然、调养身心、休闲度假的旅游发展趋势。 龙隐景区处于海拔800米以上的山间盆地之中,周围山势呈群龙聚首之相,龙与龙之间,三条河流,纵横流淌,最后在盆地正中央汇集成一条清澈的大河,滚滚而去。龙水相生相伴,祥瑞生动。 汝阳也是“中国恐龙之乡”,这里曾经是恐龙的家园,迄今为止在汝阳境内已发现了30多条恐龙化石,其中被命名为“汝阳黄河巨龙”的恐龙是亚洲体腔最大的恐龙,长22米,也是世界第二大恐龙,仅次于阿根廷龙。 在方圆60平方公里的龙隐景区内,有罕见的崩塌奇峡景观;宛如神话般的奇石王国;令人惊叹的水中洞天;满山盛开的杜鹃花海;清澈见底、纵横流淌的溪流和湖泊;古香古色的山村民居和住在其中依然保持着传统乡村生活习俗的原著居民…… 龙隐景区由浪漫花溪、神奇灵龙峡、高山湖泊飞来湖、童话桃花源、原始林区杜鹃岭、“华夏之顶”中央峰和“中原第一云梯”通天云梯(也叫通天峡)七大游览区组成,是一个特别适合周末、闲暇来戏水、游峡、赏石、登山、透透气儿的新景区。 河南省龙隐导游词 篇4The world cultural heritage Yinxu scenic spot in Anyang, Henan Province, islocated in the northwest suburb of Anyang, a famous historical and cultural cityin China, across the northern and southern sides of the Huan River. In ancienttimes, it was called "BEIMENG" or "Yinxu". In oracle bone inscriptions of"Yinyi", it was also called "dayishang" and "Shangyi". It was the capital of thelate Shang Dynasty in China. It was also the first ancient capital site inChinese history to be verified by Oracle bone inscriptions and archaeologicalexcavations. It has a history of 3300 years. It was the political, economic, military and cultural center of the lateShang Dynasty in China during the 255 years from Pan Geng's moving to Yin in1300 BC to the fall of emperor Xin in 1046 BC. After the fall of Shang Dynasty,it was reduced to ruins. Yin Ruins are huge in scale and wide in scope. Startingfrom Guojiawan in the East, Beixinzhuang in the west, Liujiazhuang in the south,Houying in the north and sanjiazhuang in the northeast, it is about 6 km longand 5 km wide, with a total area of about 24 square kilometers. The general layout of Yin Ruins is centered on Xiaotun palace and ancestraltemple area. It is an open ancient capital along the two sides of Huan River. Atpresent, there are many relics, such as palace and ancestral temple area, royalmausoleum area, Hougang site, many settlement sites (clan towns), familycemeteries, Oracle Bone pits, bronze casting sites, jade making, bone makingworkshops and so on. The unique cultural connotation of Yin Ruins is composed ofmagnificent palace and temple building sites, hierarchical mausoleums, scatteredresidential sites, family cemeteries, handicraft workshops and rich culturalrelics represented by Oracle Bone Inscriptions and bronzes, which shows thegrand scale and kingly style of the capital. 河南省龙隐导游词 篇5Dear friends, welcome to zhengzhou city, henan province. My name is liu qi.I'm the tour guide of zhengzhou world travel agency. This is our driver, Mr.Zou. During the tour of zhengzhou, we will provide services to you and me. Wishyou a wonderful and unforgettable time in zhengzhou. Zhengzhou, henan province, henan province's political, economic andcultural center, is located in the hinterland, kyushu, she surging Yellow Riverin the north, the west according to wei songshan, east and west wide daymarginal huanghuai plains, known as the "male central peak, airspace it,"said. Zhengzhou has a beautiful environment, green trees and a reputation as agreen city. In particular, in recent years, zhengzhou has intensified theconstruction of the city, and the city's taste has been continuously improved.Zhengzhou xinjian riverside park, bauhinia square and other large green spaceand square. Zhengzhou is rich in tourism resources, and there is a scenic spotin songshan mountain. There are shaolin temple in shaolin temple. ZhengzhouYellow River tour area, is a good place to appreciate mother river charm;Xinzheng xuanyuan emperor hometown, descendants of the yellow roots a greatplace for ancestor worship, and the river village sites, zheng han cultural,gongyi Song Ling, dozen tiger pavilion, grottoes temple, du fu, writing home andother places of interest. Zhengzhou tourism facilities are perfect, all kinds ofstar hotels, restaurants, various entertainment facilities and so on, the nightlife is also rich and colorful. During your visit, you will get a comprehensive service, feel theenthusiasm and simplicity of the people in central plains, and learn more aboutthe profound and profound culture of the central plains. Welcome to zhengzhou for sightseeing. 河南省龙隐导游词 篇6The full name of Shaolin Temple is Songshan Shaolin scenic spot in DengfengCity. Shaolin Temple is a famous Buddhist temple in China. It is the birthplaceof Shaolin Kung Fu. It is located at the foot of wuru peak of Songshan Mountain,12 kilometers west of Dengfeng City. It is one of the main core scenic spots ofSongshan Mountain scenic spot. Shaolin Temple was built in the 19th year ofTaihe in the Northern Wei Dynasty (495 AD). It was built by Emperor Xiaowen tosettle the Indian monk Batuo. It was named "Shaolin Temple" because it was builtin the dense forest of Shaoshi in Songshan mountain. In the third year ofXiaochang (527 AD), Bodhidharma, an eminent Indian monk, came to Shaolin andlived in a natural cave in wurufeng of Shaoshi mountain for nine years. So far,Shaolin is known as the "Zen ancestral court". In the early Tang Dynasty, the thirteen stick monks, such as Zhijian andtanzong of Shaolin Temple, made contributions to the Han horse war in the battleof Li Shimin, the king of Qin, against Wang Shichong, and were praised andrewarded by the rulers of Li and Tang Dynasties. During this period, thanks tothe strong support of the imperial court, Shaolin Temple developed very fast andwon the reputation of "the most famous temple in the world", and Shaolin Kung Fubecame famous from then on. The Ming Dynasty reached its peak. During the periodof the Republic of China, the warlord Shi Yousan set fire to most of thebuildings of Shaolin Temple, and the Millennium foundation was destroyed. Afterthe founding of new China, with the concern and support of the party and thestate, Shaolin Temple has been revived. In particular, a 1982 film "ShaolinTemple" has made Shaolin Temple and Shaolin Kung Fu popular all over the worldand become a top tourist product in Henan and even the world. Since itsestablishment, Shaolin Temple has been famous for its Zen, martial arts andmedicine. It has accumulated rich historical and cultural connotations. It hasbeen rated as "the top ten tourist attractions in Zhengzhou City" and the firstbatch of "4A scenic spots" in China. It receives more than 1.5 million touristsannually. It is a real tourist pearl in Central China and a tourist attractionin China. 河南省龙隐导游词 篇7游客朋友: 大家好(致欢迎辞) 今天将由我带领大家游览在我国佛教禅宗有着极其重要地位的著名寺院:少林寺。首先,请允许我为大家介绍一下登封市和少林寺的概况。 由于历史原因该寺曾被毁坏。目前大经堂已基本按原118根柱子的规模修复。现在我们来到杜康大殿,也就是大经堂,这里面积为800平方米,上下两层,规模宏大,令人费解的是,佛教寺院中的两部大藏经《甘珠尔》和《丹珠尔》也成了这里的重要藏书。大殿两侧有“甘珠尔殿”和“丹珠尔殿”。我们在寺里见到转经人的转经方向和手持转经筒的转轮方向与佛教的方向完全相反,也就是所谓“苯教逆转非佛门之道”之说。 登封市位于河南省中西部,中岳嵩山南麓。总面积1220平方公里,总人口61万。登封市是省级历史文化名城,是全国著名的“文物之乡”和“武术之乡”。登封历史悠久,据史书记载,中国第一个奴隶制国家夏王朝最早在阳城(今告成镇)建都禹都阳城,西汉武帝刘彻游嵩山,正式设立崇高县,隋代改为嵩阳县。公元696年,武则天登嵩山、封中岳,大功告成,改嵩阳县为登封县,改阳城县为告成县,金代将两县合并为登封县。1983年起隶属郑州,1994年撤县设市。 登封旅游资源得天独厚,如周公测景台、中岳庙、嵩阳书院、中岳嵩山等。其中嵩山分太室山和少室山两部分,传说为禹王的两个妻子。少室山山势险峻,不易攀登,闻名海内外的少林寺就是因建于少室山的密林之中而得名的。 色果佛殿,里面供的是能仁王管水神,这是佛自己开光的灵验佛像,此外尚有三世诸佛、胜王衮噶仁青等塑像,还有《甘珠尔》、《丹珠尔》经书。 “深山藏古寺,碧溪锁少林”,少林寺建于北魏太和十九年公元495年,是孝文帝迁都洛阳后为安顿印度高僧沙门跋陀而建。是我国佛教禅宗祖庭,少林武术的发源地,被称为“天下第一名刹”。它创自北魏,兴于隋唐,唐初,秦王李世民在讨伐王世充的征战中,少林寺和尚13人因助战有功,受到李世民的封赏。由于朝廷的大力支持,少林寺发展很快,成为驰名中外的大佛寺,获得“天下第一名刹”的称号。元代少林寺“众常两千”,明代是少林寺鼎盛时期。从清朝末年以后,少林寺逐渐衰落。特别是1928年军阀混战,石友三放火烧毁了少林寺,主要建筑和寺内珍藏的经黄、文物全部被付诸一炬。新中国成立后,少林寺经过整修,焕然一新。上个世纪80年代,影星李连杰在这里拍摄了著名的电影《少林寺》,再加上现少林寺方丈释永信大师近几年来的推广,使少林寺又逐渐恢复了过往的盛名。 现在,我们已经来到了少林寺的山门,请大家关好车窗,带好自己的贵重物品,跟我下车,游览少林寺常住院。 现在大家看到的这座寺门即为少林寺的山门,因佛寺多位于深山之中,所以称山门,又因他们象征着佛教的“三解脱”,又称“三门”、“三解脱门”山墙上的禅武两字是对少林寺是禅宗祖庭、少林武术的注解,禅为魂,武为衣,习武修禅、以禅入武,禅武双修,“进则护寺报国救众生,退则参禅习武修道行”。 进入山门殿首先映入眼帘的是大肚弥勒佛,又称迎宾佛,他慈眉善目欢迎大家的到来“端庄庄重山门喜看世间光辉照,笑哈哈迎来人祝福极乐永无穷”,一幅对联代表了只有平常心,用满面笑容来接待一切大众,才有资格入佛门。来到背后是韦陀菩萨手持金刚宝杵,保护寺院的佛法僧三宝。 走到甬道上,在东侧是碑廊,少林寺自建寺以来有1511年的历史,在其中的108通石碑中既记载了南北朝、隋、唐、元、明、清的盛世,也有隋末、元末、明末、清末、民国、__的焚毁与劫难,其中在1928年军阀石友三火烧寺院40余天,烧毁的是地面的建筑,而少林的禅武精神扎根于嵩山,扎根于全国人民的心目中。 请大家随我进入山门。我们现在看到的这栋建筑是天王殿,面前这两尊是警卫佛,传说佛出行有500随从,而主要就是这两位密迹金刚和那罗延金刚,不过人们根据《封神演义》中的戏言和他们的口型,称两位金刚为哼哈二将,少林武僧练功时发出的哼哈的声音就源于此。里面供奉的四大天王分别是东方持国天王、南方增长天王、西方光目天王、北方多闻天王,职责是扶危济困,降福人间。手中的法器代表了风调雨顺,这也代表了封建农业经济下人们最朴实的愿望。 “锤谱堂里五分钟,出来一身少林功”,现在我们来到了锤谱堂。这里共有4组216个锤谱象,用泥塑木雕形象地展示了少林武术的缘起,发展、练功,精华套路、国防功能、僧兵战绩等内容,有坐禅、跑经绕佛、八段锦、小红拳、大红拳、六和拳、通臂拳、罗汉拳、昭阳拳,瞧大家伙儿摩拳擦掌跃跃欲试,不妨趁热打铁学俩手正宗的少林功夫吧。 现在我们来到了寺院的中心建筑――大雄宝殿,他是僧人进行佛事活动的重要场所。前方东南角是钟楼,西南角是鼓楼,是寺院的固定建筑。我们常说的“晨钟暮鼓”是僧人起居和进行佛事活动的一种信号。 六祖堂在瘗发塔的旁边,建于北宋真宗年间,是为纪念六祖惠能而修建。堂内有座六祖惠能的雕像,为近年所雕,神态安祥,表情中充满了智慧。而在六祖堂前还有一只大木鱼,木鱼为佛教法器之一,刳木为鱼形,中凿空洞,扣之作声,鱼头是朝外的。按佛寺里的规定,只有十方丛林才能将鱼头朝外,由此可见光孝寺地位之高。木鱼是和尚们做法事诵经时撞击用的'法器。又因为鱼日夜都不会合眼,所以专意用它来警醒众僧,白天黑夜都不要忘记修行,才能“以至于道”。[6] 在钟楼旁边有三通重要的石碑,这一通石碑《皇唐嵩岳少林寺碑》,是李世民为表彰僧人协助唐朝平定乱党王世充的战绩,背面是《赐少林寺柏谷庄御书碑记》,说的是十三棍僧救唐王的故事,当年少林寺僧人救出的就是那时的秦王李世民,帮助平定了王世充、王仁则叔侄的叛乱,最后昙宗被任命为大将军,并且还允许少林寺自建兵营筹备五百武僧,也是上世纪八十年代由李连杰主演的《少林寺》拍摄的依据。 下面我们看到的是《小山禅师行实碑》,说的是他挂帅出征、重振少林禅宗的公德,背面是《混元三教九流图赞碑》,从不同方面分别可以看到老子、孔子和释迦牟尼的塑像,巧合的是这三人生活在同一时代。孔子曾到周国向任柱下史(相当于国家档案馆馆长)的老子学习礼乐,现在周朝都城洛阳有孔子入周问礼处的石碑。而释迦牟尼又比孔子大12岁。此碑反映了嵩山是佛、道、儒三教荟萃之地,也体现了三教合流的思想。 请大家跟我进大雄宝殿参观,大家看,大雄宝殿正中供奉的是现实佛――释迦牟尼如来佛,左边为过去佛――东方静琉璃世界的药师佛,右方为未来佛――西方极乐世界的阿弥陀佛,与其他寺院不同的是在两边还有菩提达摩祖师和被称作少林棍术创始人的紧那罗王的站像,为什么呢?答案就在接下来的参观中。好奇的朋友可能会发现在大殿的柱子下有麒麟的雕像,这代表了禅宗佛教是完全汉化的中国式的佛教。 走进紧那罗殿,在这里展示了紧那罗王持法、护法和应身三种不同的形象。紧那罗王是少林寺特有的护法神。紧那罗在梵文中的意思是佛教天神中的飞天。传说,在元至正十一年公元1351年3月26日(在元朝时有一天),红巾军突袭少林,众多的武僧纷纷被打退,在这个紧要的关头,从厨房中跑出一个蓬头垢面的烧火和尚,拿着一根烧火棍,声如吼、动如闪,退敌于一瞬间。之后,自称“紧那罗”飞仙而去。寺僧尊称他为“棍仙”和山门显武第一人。 听完了紧那罗王的故事下面来看一下达摩祖师的历史,随我走进六祖堂,供奉的是六祖拜观音,是初祖达摩、二组慧可、三祖僧灿、四祖道信、五祖弘忍、六祖慧能。当到五祖弘忍时,时间到了盛唐,禅宗分为南北两派,“身是菩提树,心如明镜台。时时常拂拭,免使惹尘埃。”是北派代表神秀的主张,认为禅宗需要长期不断的修行。而南派的慧能则主张顿悟,认为只要心诚,谁都可以立地成佛,所谓“心外无佛,我既是佛”佛不在尘世,而是在人们的心里。一首“菩提本无树,明镜亦非台,本来无一物,何处惹尘埃”奠定了他六祖的地位。在西面的山墙上画的是达摩只履西归图。魏宣武帝时南天竺僧人、释迦牟尼的第28代传人菩提达摩渡海三年来到了南梁金陵与梁武帝话不投机,后用一支芦苇渡过长江,北上洛阳后入少林寺面壁九年,首传禅宗。当他去世后有人在旅途中发现了穿一只鞋子的达摩,打开墓室里面只有达摩的一只鞋子。 下面我们来到了寺院的图书馆――藏经阁,在后面是方丈室,当年乾隆皇帝游少林时曾下榻于此。 禅宗到南宋时与儒学结合,在嵩阳书院形成了理学,程门立雪的典故被广为传颂。而在佛教中也有断臂求法的故事。话说当年我们的达摩祖师在少林首传禅宗,学徒众多,其中一个叫神光的洛阳僧人,学法心诚。在下着大雪的一天,神光在方丈室前说:请大和尚传授佛法,普渡众生。当时下着鹅毛般的大雪,没多久神光就成了雪人,达摩说:传法可以,等到什么时候天降红雪,才可以。说时迟那时快,神光抽出随身携带的戒刀,毫不犹豫地向自己的左臂砍去顿时染红了身下的雪,达摩说:慧――可,成了他的法号,也成就了他禅宗二祖的地位。也是禅宗“直指人心,见性成佛,不立文字”主张的体现。从此少林僧人右手行礼、斜披袈裟的由来,建造立雪亭来纪念他学法的诚心。 首先大家集体随我向后转,庙门正额上方浮刻极乐寺”三个一米见方大大字,笔力苍劲浑厚,落款有民国十三年七月南通张謇”字样,张謇是清朝末年江苏南通的最后一科状元,后来下海”办实业,成为中国近代著名的实业家。 来到右侧的文殊殿,里面除了供奉有文殊菩萨外,还有少林寺的镇寺之宝,达摩面壁影石。我们的达摩祖师面壁九年,入定后小鸟在他的身上搭建鸟窝,他都浑然不知,眉毛脱落形成了一种银眉茶。水滴可以穿透坚硬的岩石,而我们的达摩祖师的影子也可以在上面留下影子。实际上是他的身体透过紫外线的反射和深山中放射性镭光,天长日久影子就刻在了岩石上。 现在大家看到的是寺院最大的一栋建筑――千佛殿,面阔七间,高20米,神龛上的“法印高提”为乾隆题写。供奉的是释迦牟尼的法身佛――毗卢佛。在他的背后是大型彩绘“五百罗汉朝毗卢”,神奇的是这些罗汉面部的颜色随时都会变化,每12年就会有一个罗汉的面貌发生变化。 好了,各位朋友,少林寺常住院的游览到此结束,请大家自由参观,半个小时后我们到车上集合。 甘丹寺不仅荟萃了大量建筑与艺术珍品,无论在宗教、政治方面、建筑方面都占有相当重要的地位。它在文化太革命期间,由一于混乱,曾残遭破坏,成为一片废墟,从1980年开始,国家相继拨款予以修建,1987年,第十世班禅将原藏于该寺的国家特级文物、纯金书写的整套《甘珠尔》经和十六尊者锦缎、唐卡佛像等镇寺之宝,由北京迎请回该寺保管,受到各界群众和寺僧的热烈欢迎。现在甘丹寺已恢复了原有的模式,重新耸立在汪渡尔山。 (上车,致欢送辞) 河南省龙隐导游词 篇8Dear friends, welcome to Yuntai Mountain: Henan Yuntai Mountain, is a UNESCO Award for the world's first worldgeological park.There is a song called "home" have a look, there is a desirethat often go around, and I was so that everyone desires into reality and leavea good impression on the tour guide, you can call me Xiao Zhang, under grand tointroduce us the head the most handsome driver king master, king master hasexcellent driving technology, he escorts for us, we can lay down the heart easyto play. This saying is not one family does not enter a door, now that we are onthe same car is also one family? So in our journey to everyone on our serviceshave any comments or suggestions, please just ask, if be perfectly logical andreasonable we will try to meet all the requirements, the last wish you apleasant journey. Friends when you embark on a trip to Yuntai Mountain, whether there is akind of unable to hold oneself back feeling it, then please allow me tointroduce you to Yuntai Mountain also listen for fast. At the junction of county territory. Due to the steep mountains, thesolitary mountain show., shaped like a giant pot mouth, covered in the peaksabove the mountains all the year round, wind around the clouds. Here are thesize of mountain 36, rise amid pinnacle, Xiongqi dangerous show, Yuntai Mountainis the ancient Yubei Mingshan, now has completed the Yuntai Mountain scenic areain Henan province is the only one to have the key national scenic area, national5A level scenic area, national geological parks, national Forest Park, thenational water scenic area, national Macaque Nature Reserve District 6 statetitle in the scenic area and it is the world geological park. Now open area are:warm plate Valley, the old lake ditch, xiaozhaigou, cornel peak Yuntai Mountain risk water, cool and pleasant climate. This source of rich,lush vegetation, the primeval forest covered the hills, various types of morethan 400 trees and exotic flowers and rare herbs. Chinese herbal medicine isrich, in addition to ginseng, Ganoderma lucidum and famous at home and abroadfour Huaiyao and dogwood, Angelica 200 kinds of. Sun Simiao had been in the TangDynasty old alchemy, so far in this mountain area is also circulating heascended the story ". To tell you that we may have a doubt, Jiaozuo is a coal city, the streetshould be the dust, how could the hooks and tourism? If you don't believe inthrough the window to check my claim, in recent years, Jiaozuo in the courage tobreak traditional development pattern, in a coal is proposed on the basis of theconstruction of garden city, the grand goal, after several years ofconstruction, Jiaozuo days in the blue mountains, green, the water in theclear. Way to say to talk talk, we came to the area of parking lots, in the carbefore it I want you to draw up three chapters of law, of course, is not in ourdaily life the said laws and regulations, but everyone in the scenic tour somematters needing attention: first, it is the time requirements: wish everyone inthe area when they visit Strictly abide by the time requirements, let us striveto do a person also cannot little, less of a person too, second is the safetyrequirements, for your safety, please do not walk walking not viewing, viewing,third it is my please do scenic culture spokesman, cultural tourism begin fromme, do civilization the tourists. Good friends, would you please close the window, take your belongings, getoff with me to visit, please remember our parking place and my license platenumber in A51588 Yuntai Mountain attractions Overlooking the vast sea of clouds, the distant peaks rolling, with vastand mysterious eyes distant landscape reminds us of the Tang Dynasty poet WangWei's poem: Baiyun back, green mist into the watch, no, peak, and report thespecial. Here we come now to the "China first odd gap" red stone gorge, the redstone gorge aka "warm plate valley". Because the valley is named after thesummer and winter temperature. The red stone gorge tour you'd better stand highand remote viewing, when you close it is a wonderland of illusion, a former GuHuaiqing prefect Xu Yizhen once wrote a poem praising the "year of the ghost axlayer cliff, bird flying line open." 河南省龙隐导游词 篇9请大家顺着我收支的方向往湖对岸看,看见了吗?那座雄伟挺拔,高耸入云的山峰,多像一名头戴战盔,身披铁甲的大将军啊!他就是张良的化身,当地人都习惯地称它为“将军峰”,也就是刚才我讲到的“张良峰”了。 再往前走,我们还可以看到一条沟谷, 名曰“黄楝沟”。沟内景色宜人,泉瀑溪流,奇峰异石。最起初是沟边朝天伸展的那几座山峰,相连成佛掌,故名“佛掌峰”,佛掌峰上有“天堂”,是一独家独户的自然小村庄。故事,老百姓靠天而食,苛捐杂税沉重,有人躲到佛掌峰上,筑青石为屋,青石铺路,开垦良田,遍栽果树,在上边过起了自给自足的小农生活,也因此躲过了官府的勒索。他们在那里无忧无虑的快乐似神仙的日子,把自己的家园叫做“天堂”。在子房湖的尽头,还有两个小村庄沿子房湖东西而建,这就是当年张良隐居时住过的村庄:子房村。在隋末唐初,刘武周和李世民先后在此囤积粮食、兵器,故后人也将它称之为“东仓”、“西仓”。 (车至潭瀑峡停车场)现在映入我们眼帘的是千米叠彩瀑,这里波光粼粼,清澈见底,善于水的奇妙组合在这里发挥的淋漓尽致。我们面前的这两条风格迥异的峡谷是闻名遐迩的泉瀑峡和潭瀑峡,左边的是泉瀑峡,右边的是潭瀑峡。按照我们的游程,请大家先随我们进入潭瀑峡,来感受这里如梦如幻的景色。潭瀑峡地处云台山北部偏西,是子房河的一个源头,峡长1270米,峡谷东面,峭壁为耸,苍岩横卧;峡谷西面竞秀峰参差俏丽,争奇斗艳。 (地质博物馆)这里这一造型独特的建筑物,便是云台山地质博物馆,它是为纪念20__年云台山被国土资源部批准为国家地质公园而专门修建的。地质博物馆内部分上下两部分,上层出售当地土特产品、珠宝玉器、艺术品、饰物等,下层由影视厅和展厅组成,影视厅全天候播放由中央电视台和国土资源部联合录制的地质资料光碟,讲述云台山的地质演变史和生物进化史,展厅中展出的是各种珍惜奇特的岩石、化石、矿石等,并详细标注名称、成因和矿物含量。此外,还有反映云台山地质地貌景观的图片、名人字画等。这样一来不仅能使来云台山的游客欣赏到优美的自然风光,而且还能了解到在数亿万年前的地球板块运动中,大自然是如何造就了云台山叹为观止的灵山秀水的,特别是在20__年初,云台山被联合国教科文组织批准为世界地质公园以后,这里更是吸引了成千上万的海内外游客驻足观赏。 河南省龙隐导游词 篇10河南新郑古为有熊氏之国,轩辕黄帝降于轩辕之丘,定都于有熊。黄帝统一天下,奠定中华,肇造文明,惜物爱民,被后人尊为中华人文始祖。庄子曰:“世之所高,莫若黄帝。”如今的黄帝故里是海内外炎黄子孙寻根拜祖的圣地,被评为国家AAA级景区。20__年被公布为河南省重点文物保护单位,郑州市十大旅游景点之一。 ` 黄帝故里景区位于新郑市区轩辕路,占地面积100余亩,黄帝故里祠始建于汉代,后曾经毁建,明清修葺。清朝康熙五十四年(1751年),新郑县令徐朝柱立有“轩辕故里”碑。为弘扬中华民族优秀传统文化,缅怀始祖功德。近年来,新郑市人民政府对黄帝故里景区进行了扩建。 扩建后的黄帝故里景区共分五个区域:广场区、故里祠区、鼎坛区、艺术苑区、轩辕丘区。祠前广场、千年古枣树、国槐荫荫、百年银杏松柏参参,“乾坤浮雕圆盘”立于中道,轩辕桥下姬水可潺潺横流,“轩辕黄帝之碑”立于其右。故里祠中有前门、正殿、东西配殿,正殿中央供奉轩辕黄帝中年座像,两配殿有黄帝元妃嫘祖和次妃嫫母像。祠后建有黄帝宝鼎坛,树九鼎,黄帝宝鼎置于中宫,高6.99米,直径4.7米,重24吨,为天下第一鼎,其它分别为爱鼎、寿鼎、财鼎、仕鼎、安鼎、丰鼎、智鼎、嗣鼎,置八卦之位,鼎前有青石甬道铭文镌刻万年历史故事;两侧立有56个民族图腾玉柱;鼎坛四周建有楹联回廊,挂有当代名人歌颂黄帝功德的楹联。在鼎坛的北面是轩辕丘旧址,高大的丘内建有地穴覆土式建筑轩辕黄帝纪念馆,采用虚幻手法,展示黄帝风采。轩辕丘一侧,建有黄帝文化艺术苑,荟萃了丰富多彩的黄帝文化艺术。 叶落兮归根,故里兮牵魂。黄帝故里景区热忱欢迎海内外炎黄子孙前来寻根拜祖,旅游观光。 河南省龙隐导游词 篇11云台山位于河南省修武县以北12公里处,主峰是茱萸峰,海拔1304米,因为山势突兀,好像一口大锅,覆盖在群峰之上,在古代被称为“覆釜山”又因为它山势高耸,森林茂密,山间常有云雾缭绕,因此又被称为“云台山”。从地理学的观点看,云台山在地形上是属于南太行山地的一部分,故又称“太行云台山”。 云台山自古就是豫北名山,现在已建成了云台山风景区,也是国家级森林公园和国家级地质公园。现在开放的主要景区有:温盘峪、茱萸峰、老潭沟、小寨沟等。 好,朋友们,我们现在进入了温盘峪景区,它是由于地壳断裂运动遗留下来的断裂构造痕迹,看上去是很狭窄的线状峡谷,这就是“一线天”。我们要沿崖壁栈道进行游览,所以大家在欣赏景色的同时还要注意安全。 进入峪内,各位是不是感觉比外面要暖和一些呢?大家请看,两测试悬崖绝壁,四周群山环抱,这样就使峪内外空气不易流通,因而造成了峪内独特的气候特点,就是冬暖夏凉,全年平均气温在10℃左右,因此被称为“温盘峪”。 温盘峪全长近1公里,宽有3—10米,峪内溪流清澈见底,溪里面有一些奇形怪状的石头,在两侧的丹崖长墙上,有一挂挂珠帘式的泉瀑,竞相倾泻,形成断崖飞瀑景观,再加上青苔、野菊花及其他植物的点缀,显得生机盎然,令人赏心悦目,因此被人们称为“盆景峡谷”。 好,游客们,我们继续向西前行,经过了子房湖和漫水桥,映入大家眼帘的有一座山门,上写“老潭沟”三个大字。相传有位天河龙王为解救民间干旱之苦,不顾玉皇的旨意,私自降雨,被贬下凡间,栖身在这里的一个深水潭中,人称“龙潭”,这道沟被称为“龙潭沟”,后有人为表示对龙的敬意,将“龙”字改为“老”字,就成了“老潭沟”。 由于地质,历史上这里曾发生过剧烈的断裂构造,形成了东西走向的“u”形断崖,因而这里出现了东西走向的沟谷景观,还有又高又陡的崖墙地貌景观,大家请看,这里峰高瀑急,山雄水秀,可见大自然的鬼斧神工是多么的巧妙。 在老潭沟的尽头,就是著名的云台山瀑布,它落差达到314米,宽约5—7米,是亚洲目前发现的落差最大的瀑布,因此,又被称为“天瀑”,它也是云台山景观之最。大家请看,瀑布上端朵朵白云,又好像团团棉絮,悠悠飘落,连绵不绝,下端宛如飞花溅玉,溅起1米多高的水花,又化成一团水雾,把瀑布罩在蒙蒙的雾中。它既表现了力量,又体现了柔美,让人感觉充满了活力。 河南省龙隐导游词 篇12(情人瀑)过了渡仙潭,这里有山路、水路两条道路通往峡谷深处,沿水路走不远,看见有一群瀑布自高层岩石上跌落。瀑布分为三层,每个横断层都有两条瀑布相吸引融合在一起,如情人耳鬓厮磨。窃窃私语,流水终年不断,象征永结同心,所以人们把它叫做“情人瀑”。但愿天下有情人终成眷属。 翡翠潭 “清水出芙蓉,天然去雕饰”。朋友们,看完情人瀑,我们来到了翡翠潭的身边。这里的潭水深不可测,比如翡翠,因而得名“翡翠潭”。潭内多泉,潭上方有双瀑,时合时分,大家看,潭西北上访有一“翡翠宝珠”,宛如人工造园。传说很久以前,山阳城久旱不雨,麦苗眼看就要枯死,龙蛇多次行空,兴云无云,布雨无雨。于是,翡翠仙自从项链上取下宝珠,向上天祈雨,刹那间甘霖普降,时旱情得到了彻底缓解。这块翡翠宝珠也由此留在了人间,成为云“台山一宝”,同时也成了翡翠潭的标志。 金龙卧波朋友们,过了可以检测出您的体型是否标准的“减肥石”后,我们便可以看到“金龙卧波”奇观了。看见了吗?着银光闪闪,哗哗作响,由高处自由跌落的瀑布就是“银龙瀑”。瀑下那一渊深潭便是“金龙潭”。据说,谈内有条金龙,平常在潭底从不露面,但如果遇到阳光明媚的日子,金龙便会在碧波间出现,于是,人们便把这一奇观叫做“金龙卧波”。 丫字瀑在往上走,大家是不是觉得眼前突然一片开阔,对了,这就是潭瀑峡中最宽阔的地方了。大家瞧,“丫字瀑”在接我们了。丫字瀑高10余米,挂在两层山阶上,程丫字形,瀑下潭深五六米,所以这里的人们都管它叫做“丫字瀑”。 丫瀑潭朋友们,在丫字瀑下,也由一汪碧水,名叫“丫瀑潭”。这里水色湛蓝,水面宽阔,可供游人泛舟嬉戏,游泳玩闹。在丫瀑潭下有一块大平石台,泉水从台下缓缓流下,形成一条长50米的宽瀑。台上台下,长满了苔藓,斑驳陆离,如诗如画,俗称“漫水滩”。据传,这里曾时天羡慕雨后晒太阳的地方。 河南省龙隐导游词 篇13(行至潭瀑峡牌坊处)请大家往我手指的方向看,对面山头上有一位老人,你看他头戴乌纱,身披官袍,悠然自得的坐在高山凹处,仿佛在思考什么,那就是被当地人所传送的“唐公石”。说起唐公石,这里还有一个动人的传说。相传在明嘉靖年间,敢审诰名夫人的七品芝麻官唐成知县,因审了诰明而名声大震,但因此也遭到了官官相护的达官贵族的排挤,此后仕途坎坷,历遭磨难,在贬官途中,他曾在此游山玩水以泄胸中愁闷。从此打消了仕途之念,在此隐居至终,后人名名此峰以示纪念。 (沿山间步行道路前行)在云台山的风景画廊里。潭瀑峡可谓是大自然的上乘之作,因为隋末农民起义军刘武周曾在此安营扎寨,所以又名“小寨沟”。这里三步一泉,五步一瀑,十步一潭,呈现出千变万化的飞瀑、帘瀑、流瀑、彩瀑、奇石等景观,风光宜人,宛若秀丽江南。所以,人们还给她起了雅号:“潭瀑川”。 (渡仙潭)这个潭水就是“渡仙潭”,渡仙潭水深幽静,水剔透如玉,绿如翡翠,色如黛玉。岸石色泽如丹,犹如人面桃花,据传说,渡仙潭具有普渡众生之功能,凡饮此潭水着,是蛇可以变成龙,是人可以变成仙,故名。 传说,当年女娲补天时,曾“杀黑龙以济冀州”,黑龙的子孙四处逃窜,其中就有一条大黑蛇,躲在潭瀑峡西边的荒山中,每当夕阳西下,他便来此潭中饮水和沐浴,因得了数千年的云台山山水的灵气,修仙成龙,每逢大旱之年,他便在此升空,为人间布雨,所以民间又将其称作“龙蛇潭”。 在潭的西北上方横握着一块巨石,状似碾盘,溪水长流,故名“磬石”。潭西边基岩下,有一大石坎,名叫“龙蛇坎”石龛檐头,长着一排古柏,别看树小但是树龄可不小。虽过了一百多年依然常青。龛前放置了几块石头,就是过去民间的祈雨台。 河南省龙隐导游词 篇14Yuefei temple in Zhuxian Town is commonly known as Yuewang temple. Locatedin Zhuxian Town, 22 kilometers southwest of Kaifeng City, Henan Province, thetemple was built in the autumn and September of the 16th year of Chenghua(1470). The temple covers an area of 27 mu. It faces south in the north, with arectangular veranda and three courtyards. After many times of renovation andreconstruction in Ming and Qing Dynasties, the whole hall is magnificent, withnumerous steles and pavilions. It is rich and colorful, and has attracted YuQian, Emperor Qianlong, Yang Chengwu, Zhu Muzhi, Hu Yaobang and other historicalcelebrities to stay here. Together with Tangyin, Wuchang and Hangzhou Yuefeitemples, it is known as the four largest Yuefei temples in China and enjoys agood reputation at home and abroad. Yuefei temple in Zhuxian Town is 22 kilometers south of Kaifeng City. It issaid that Zhuxian Town was the hometown of Zhu Hai, a righteous scholar of Weistate in the Warring States period, and became one of the four famous towns inthe Ming and Qing Dynasties. The heyday of Zhuxian Town was at the end of MingDynasty and the beginning of Qing Dynasty. At that time, the town covered anarea of 25 square kilometers, had a population of more than 200000, and had morethan 40000 civil and commercial households. There are many streets anddepartment stores in the town. Jialu river divides the whole town into East Townand West town. Dongzhen was an important street in Ming and Qing Dynasties.After the reign of Emperor Qianlong, because of the Yellow River overflowing,the town suffered many floods. The terrain of the east town was low, and mostmerchants moved from the east town to the West town. In the early years of theSouthern Song Dynasty, the anti Jin hero Yue Fei led his troops to defeat JinWushu. Yuefei temple was built in the 14th year of Chenghua in Ming Dynasty. Itis one of the four largest Yuefei temples in Ming Dynasty. After liberation, itwas repaired again. Now, the mountain gate, the screen wall in front of the gateand the statue of "five traitors kneeling on their knees" have been restored.The most famous steles in the temple are "daoziya, Mr. Zhang's NorthernExpedition", "Manjianghong" and other steles, with vigorous and unrestrainedcharacters, which are the best among the steles. According to the inscription of Chenghua in Ming Dynasty quoted in Xiangfucounty annals, Jiyue temple was first built in Hubei, then in Hangzhou, third inTangyin, and now in Zhuxian Town in the south of Liangcheng. In Hubei Province,where the king of Hubei was founded; in the time of Wang Yuanbai, it was builtin the tomb of the king of Hangzhou; in Tangyin, it was the kingdom of WangTian; in Zhuxian Town, it was Wang Zhigong; in Tangyin, it was Wang Zhigong."Yuefei temple in Zhuxian Town once attracted Yu Qian, Emperor Qianlong, YangChengwu, Zhu Muzhi, Hu Yaobang and other historical celebrities to come here tostudy ink. The temple was renovated and rebuilt many times in the Ming and QingDynasties. 河南省龙隐导游词 篇15河南不仅拥有丰富的人文旅游资源,还有着得天独厚的自然景观。黄河流经河南700多公里,其间从中游到下游,既有三门峡水库的碧波荡漾,又有郑州黄河游览区的波澜壮阔,更有开封高出地面14米的"悬河"奇观。黄河小浪底水利枢纽工程已成为长江以北最大的水面,宽3公里,长132公里,出现高峡平湖的壮丽景观。近年来开辟的"大黄河游"和"黄河漂流",被游客誉为"充满野趣和史诗般的辉煌。"郑州嵩山、洛阳龙门、信阳鸡公山、焦作云台山、济源王屋山、鲁山石人山、林州林虑山都是国家级风景名胜区,加之近几年陆续开辟、推出的新乡八里沟、嵩县白云山、焦作青龙峡等名山秀水,更吸引着大批国内外游客。 二十多年来,河南省旅游业取得了长足的发展。20_年,全省共接待入境旅游者45万人次,旅游创汇1.6亿美元,同比分别增长138.7%和152%;累计接待国内旅游者8012万人次,国内旅游收入560亿元人民币,同比增长58.6%和63.8%;实现旅游总收入573亿元,同比增长65.2%,相当于全省GDP的7.2%。目前,河南省有郑州、洛阳、开封、濮阳、济源、登封等12个中国优秀旅游城市,有少林寺、关林、白马寺、龙门石窟、清明上河园、包公祠等26个国家AAAA级景区。全省有星级酒店和旅游涉外饭店338家。 其中,五星级酒店5家,四星级酒店15家,三星级酒店113家。河南是全国重要的交通枢纽。郑州、洛阳、南阳三个民航机场每周有800多个航班往返全国各主要城市,其中包括香港、澳门和台北。郑州新郑机场的飞行区等级为4E级,是内陆地区的一流航空港,已批准为国际机场。河南公路交通四通八达,高速公路网把省会郑州与九朝古都洛阳、七朝古都开封、四朝古都安阳、曹魏古都许昌紧密相连,形成了以郑州为中心的"十"字型高速公路架构,郑州至以上各城市之间的行车时间大都在50~100分钟之间。以郑州、洛阳、商丘为枢纽的铁路交通网连接京广、陇海、焦柳、京九四大铁路干线,郑州火车站每天有218趟旅客列车通向全国各地。 近几年,河南省政府对发展旅游业十分重视,已把旅游业作为全省国民经济新的增长点和支柱产业优先发展。郑州、开封、洛阳、三门峡沿黄旅游线位于我国东西部旅游发展的结合部,交通便利,旅游资源丰富,产业体系协调配套,作为旅游重点发展区域的优势十分明显。河南省政府决定将其建成国际知名国内著名的、辐射带动全省旅游业发展的黄金旅游线,以"三点一线"丰富的古文化资源为依托,突出古都、名寺、祖根、功夫特色,重点开发文化观光、寻根朝敬、休闲度假和生态旅游项目。同时,要以太行山、伏牛山、桐柏-大别山为重点和主体,大力发展休闲度假、生态观光以及特种旅游项目,加速全省旅游产品结构的调整。 河南省龙隐导游词 篇16(青龙潭)青龙潭位于黄龙潭北面,二潭相辅相成,时时相连,宛如鸳鸯交颈,潭内有一块奇石,时而浮上水面,时而又沉入水中。人称“金龟浮水’。神话告诉我们,仙界如同人间一样,也有命运的沉浮和坎坷。 (黑龙潭、黑龙瀑)过了青龙潭,来到的就是黑龙潭和黑龙瀑了,在这里,碧绿的潭水映衬着朱红色的山体所透出的鲜艳让人惊叹。 (悬石)顺着步道往前走到一弯曲处时,就是家在峭壁间的那块巨石,摇摇欲坠,人站到下边不免会感到心惊肉跳。这块石头在当地又叫试心石。未婚男子在心爱的姑娘求婚时,女方为了考验小伙子的诚心和胆量,就让他站在这块石心石下,对天发誓,与爱妻永结同心,否则天理不容。现在,每到情人节这一天,都会看到许多情侣在诗心石下相对窃窃私语,山盟海誓。 (黄龙潭)面前的这条姿态壮观的瀑布,银白色的水幕从谷顶倾泻而下,声如闷雷。青苔巧妙地生长在泉水的周围,与泉水交相辉映,雄伟壮观中不乏芊巧丽质,宛如一块硕大精美的水体雕塑。在水体雕塑南面的水中还稳稳地躺着一块形似元宝的巨石----元宝石。 (天然壁画)从黄龙潭向北走过两座铁桥,(天然壁画)从黄龙潭向北走过两座铁桥,大家可以看到右前方有一幅珠光闪闪、色彩斑斓、宛若天工妙手编织的山水壁画。泉水从一条石缝处向下溢出,有无数个塔松形状的苔藓铺垫,勾勒出无数珍珠银丝的线条。并且发出清脆悦耳的声响。因其形状像针线,所以也叫“针线瀑”,每当阳光照射到水帘上时,便会呈现出另一番更为壮丽的景象,各种染色的水珠在青苔的衬托下熠熠发光,犹如.颗颗宝石珍珠镶嵌在山体上,因此又被称为“珍珠滩’。珍珠潭流光溢彩,满目生辉,人们在此都会目不转睛的欣赏,久久不愿离去。 河南省龙隐导游词 篇17Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the ancient capital luoyang. Now I'd liketo introduce you to luoyang. Luoyang city is located in the west of henan province, the south bank ofthe Yellow River, the northern edge of the elo basin, which is named after thecity of luoshui in the ancient city. It east the conjugate tiger fastened, westaccording to xiaohan, MangShan store in the north and south of deficiency andsoutheast to song, los, Iraq, Chan, jian four rivers wan, meanwhile, sinceancient times has rivers, accused of wear, and centers of guilin, and reputationin the world. Such a narrow geographical situation and superior geographical locationmake it the ideal place for the emperors of all dynasties. According to thearchaeological excavations of calendar year and a large number of detailedhistorical documents authentication successively have xia, shang and westernzhou dynasty, zhou dynasty, the eastern han, wei, western jin dynasty, northernwei, sui, tang, back rest, the later tang dynasty, such as rising 13 dynastiesin this state, time for more than 1500 years. In addition, there are eightdynasties as a partner. Therefore, luoyang is the first of the seven ancientcapitals, the earliest, the most dynasties and the longest time. Since luoyanghas long been a national political, economic, cultural, technological andtransportation center, all the major events in history have occurred here, andthere are many important activities here. So da said historian sima guang, youask, ancient and modern waste things, please you only see the luoyang city,which means that luoyang is a microcosm of the history of China, if you want tolearn Chinese in 5000, then you must look at luoyang. Even after today's historical scour, luoyang still has rich cultural relicsand historical sites. We can't count the Numbers here, and we'll talk about themin the course of the tour. Luoyang is not only a world-famous historical and cultural city, and it isvery important modern industrial city and important scientific research base,the strength and the foreign trade in henan province, leading industry andtechnology. There are a number of well-known large enterprises and researchinstitutes in China, such as the first drag airport and the bearing factory.Luoyang is also rich in coal, molybdenum, gold, bauxite and other mineralresources and forest resources; There are highways, railways, air trafficnetworks, aviation ports and customs; There is also a large comprehensive marketin the whole country -- guanlin commercial city; There are famous Chinese andforeign famous wine du kang wine, tang sancai and luoyang water table; There isa national peony in the world. Every April, the peony flowers will attractnumerous Chinese and foreign friends to see the pomp, feast eyes. It can be saidthat the flowers are like the sea, people are like the tide, flowers bloom andfall 20 days, a city of people are crazy! Today, luoyang is by the national implementation of the western developmentstrong east wind, seize this rare opportunity to implement the strategy of eastled to the west, to speed up the pace of development - to cancel the suburbs,adjust the regionalization, widening urban framework; To cooperate with thecreation of national excellent tourism cities and civilized cities, and topromote the construction of the gay community and the improvement of theinternal and external environment; The development strategy of grand tourism isput forward, and the surrounding environment of longmen grottoes, white horsetemple and guanlin temple is managed. To make the declaration of the worldcultural heritage of the longmen grottoes, the decisive decision of the worldcultural heritage, the decisive decision, through unremitting efforts, toachieve the success; Build lupu park to create a beautiful environment,recreating the autumn scenery. Friends, the luoyang municipal party committee and the municipalgovernment, will over time, with its good social benefits and economic benefits,increasingly apparent. This is a good start. I believe that in the near future,luoyang will make a new gesture to impress the world, the future of luoyang willbe more brilliant! My introduction is over, I wish my friends a pleasant trip to luoyang inthe next few days! 河南省龙隐导游词 篇18今洛阳市南 汝阳县云梦山,古属伊阳地,唐设伊阳县,1959年因与宜阳县谐音,以县城居北汝河之北改称汝阳县至今。汝阳云梦山位于县城南约4公里处,现有鬼谷村鬼谷洞,有学者肯定认为此地为"鬼谷"校址,1993年在此地曾举办召开"鬼谷子古军校遗迹研讨会"。考察此地有关史料和地理位置,本文认为此说有其合理性,在没有确凿的史料确实证明某地为"鬼谷"校址前,此地之说暂不能轻易否定。 现见历史文献最早明确记载汝阳云梦山为"鬼谷"校址的时间是宋代。此后,元、明、清各时期又有不少地方志史料,也记载鬼谷先生所居"鬼谷"在汝阳云梦山。主要史料有:清道光年间编撰的《伊阳县志》记载:宋宁宗嘉定20xx年(金至宁年,公元1220xx年)《创修丹阳观碑记》刻石有"水帘洞为鬼谷子成道之处"文字。《明汝州全志》引《广舆记》记载:"鬼谷子尝隐此,俗传苏秦、张仪授书处"。明正德《汝州州志》记载:"云梦山在伊阳县城南七里,相传鬼谷子修道处。"明成化《河南总志》卷七记载:"云梦山在嵩县东九十里(即今汝阳),昔鬼谷子游息于此,一名鬼谷山,前有水帘洞"。《清一统志》记载:"云梦山,在伊阳县东南七里。县志相传鬼谷子修道处,其北有水帘洞,悬崖石,洞阔数武,内穿一道,崎岖约二里许,洞口有涧隔之,一小石塔,自顶滴水下注"。《河南通志》记载:"鬼谷子楚人,今伊阳县东南八里,有石洞存焉"。清道光《伊阳县志》记载:"云梦山,东南五里,鬼谷子隐处,苏、张授书于此"。可作辅证的《东周列国志》有载:"鬼谷子在云梦山采药。 有学者又引《史记·甘茂列传》"自淆塞及至鬼谷,其地形险易皆明知之",从其地形解释此鬼谷即汝阳鬼谷,此说有一定道理。古淆塞在今河南省三门峡市区东南14公里,陕县菜园乡境内,系山东段山隘。古代有盘淆、石淆、千淆之分,合称三淆。该关口为鹰嘴山和菜山结合部,马鞍状隘口。从西东至关口地势稍缓,路线较直。坡顶为关口最窄处,从坡顶到坡底仅约1华里,相对高度却有百余米,呈现雄险之势。三门峡至洛阳公路由此通过。此关口是这段险路的北端起点,今河南汝阳县云梦山的"鬼谷"则是其南端终点。 东晋郭璞有诗云:"清溪千余仞,中有一道士,借问此何谁?云是鬼谷子。"说明鬼谷子所居之地有清溪相傍。《伊阳县志》记伊阳马蓝(兰)河即古清溪。清溪在桃源山边,有古洞,位于鬼谷村边。《伊阳县志》又记载:"而南里许有桃源山,碧树清溪犹然辉映","欢之东数百武,有鬼谷洞,传称其居清溪,得马蓝水耶"。这与历史文献记载的"鬼谷"地理位置有相似之处。 "鬼谷洞"内有出土文物佐证,此洞自战国时期始,古代各时期曾有人在此居住。在古清溪河旁的鬼谷村鬼谷洞内,近年出土一批古代文物有20余件。经鉴定,其中有时间较早的东周青铜戈,有汉代陶罐和宋代瓷器,还有铁斧等。洞内还出土有供奉鬼谷先生的石碑一通。这些文物的出土,证明此洞的始用年开始于战国,历经汉、宋、元、明、清都曾使用。 汝阳云梦山有关鬼谷子办学及弟子门生遗迹,现有鬼谷洞(本地人又称云梦洞)、孙膑洞、传兵洞、桃源宫、说泪井、试剑石、石八阵、演兵场、镇奸石、孙膑墓、鬼谷墓等分布于山周围,此地的遗迹似乎较突出孙膑。 一地区流传有关于鬼谷先生居"鬼谷"和孙膑、庞涓等人的一些传说,但数量不多,内容与别地传说基本类同,并无新意。 河南省龙隐导游词 篇19Henan fu sen danjiangkou hydroelectric grand view garden is located in theworld-famous irrigation system, the main water source of south-to-north watertransfer project in ━ henan xichuan, henan fu sen pharmaceutical group co., LTD.Is to promote the rapid development of henan tourism, according to "givepriority to with medicine, multi-industry simultaneously" strategic planning,with the aid of the south-north water diversion historical opportunity,investment of nearly 260 million yuan, according to the standard 5 a gradescenic spot, and for six years, strongly built in "water culture and Buddhismculture, medicine, culture, chu culture, business culture" as the main content,set "ornamental, informative, interesting, entertaining, raise by nature", asone of the central plains and holiday resorts and prayers for the holy land. Danjiangkou hydroelectric grand view garden is composed of six into Dansmall island in the river's lake, covers an area of 10.8 square kilometers. Onthe island of flowers, pine and cypress, pine needles to shop; Thousands ofhectares of clear water in the lake, wide, tianshui color; Surrounded by hills,qunfeng stands, thrilling spectacle. Scenic area is set in danjiangkouhydroelectric xiushui to xichuan as the base of sincere history and culture, theenvironment and the planning and design institute of henan university planningand design, on the basis of complement, perfect for many times, connotation isrich, interesting rhyme stack. Built the history museum, business wizards fan lichu culture museum, memorial hall, the central plains of south-to-north watertransfer project in three sides ChengShiGuan audio and video, goddess of mercytemple, fly jiang bridge, turtle life of waterfalls, strange stone men, zodiacgallery, bono, Lin Lin square god beast, the dragon born nine children,thousands of meters along the promenade, botanical garden, Chinese traditionalmedicine water entertainment city (including swimming, drifting, sunshine beach,water chess, watch fish fishing) fine attractions, such as supporting theconstruction of the multiple large parking lot, cultural square, touristreception center, equipped with luxury cruise ships, sightseeing car, such ashigh-grade services. Improve the occasion, natural tiancheng, attracted a largenumber of tourists from home and abroad, tourism has become the central plains,leaping a shinning pearl, known as a precious name card of tourism of henanprovince. Water culture Danjiangkou hydroelectric reservoir has more than 800 squarekilometers, the lake boasts the first library in Asia, its first performance inwater quality and crisp, sweet, and so has become the main water source ofsouth-to-north water transfer, formed the fly jiang bridge, at the center of thewater level along the river corridor, artificial waterfalls, he asserts, allkinds of yacht, seaplanes, danjiangkou hydroelectric fish feast of many colorfulwater world. Buddha culture Zhongyuan ancient temple incense, yan temple next tothe danjiangkou hydroelectric reservoir in the central plains, one of four bigacquainting the temple remaining, danjiangkou hydroelectric estates will assumetemple of healing, and built the temple museum of art and Asia's second-largestshengshi guanyin of the central plains, is the preparation of the goddess ofmercy will be divided into three parts: guanyin theme, guanyin, the goddess ofmercy temple square. Guanyin theme part modelling unique, using modern sound andlight comprehensive technology, the invention. Medallion, guan Yin isaccompanied by music fountain, the rising new interpretation of the mysteriousbuddhist culture. To further enrich the danjiangkou hydroelectric gardendistrict strong cultural atmosphere. Medicine culture Dan river stretch aroundthe castle peak is eight hundred in the funiu, mild climate, rich Chinese herbalmedicine resources, natural pharmacy. Danjiangkou hydroelectric estates on the basis of the original naturalherbal opened nearly ten thousand mu of Chinese herbal medicine base, planting avariety of Chinese herbal medicine plants, as well as ornamental and medicinal,give full play to the natural resources, but also protect the soil andvegetation. On the base of Chinese herbal medicine is also set up who temple, lishizhen as architectural sculpture, and to show all previous dynasties Chinesemedicine celebrity deeds, built the national culture of rare traditional Chinesemedicine. Chu culture Xichuan danjiangkou hydroelectric reservoir is the capitalof chu period in danyang, the birthplace of chu culture. For the reproduction ofthe chu culture style, full display source of south-to-north water transferproject history culture and classics, danjiangkou hydroelectric garden set upChuFeng, danyang floor and related cultural attractions, historical celebrities,cultural origin. Visitors at the time of return to nature, and fully experiencethe unique flavor of cultural tourism and fun. ShangSheng fan li shang cultureand generation. After the prime minister chu, profession, official business,also achievement generation, rich. Its original business is still shining withthe light of truth, is the ancestor of the market economy. He proposed a"business 18" and related still has realistic guiding significance to thebusiness philosophy, praised by many businessmen scholars and research. Fan Ligeof danjiangkou hydroelectric garden planning and relevant construction aims toprovide visitors with cultural tourism at the same time, spread ShangSheng fanli business style, to carry forward, achievement more tycoons. |
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