标题 | 河南省景点最短导游词 |
范文 | 河南省景点最短导游词(精选3篇) 河南省景点最短导游词 篇1灯台架景区位于舞钢市南部,灯台架景区主峰因酷似古代灯台而得名,距市区20公里,景区面积3333公顷,属石漫滩国家森林公园主景区之一。主峰灯台架海拔808米,是舞钢市第二高峰。灯台架景区内山岳钟秀,古树参天,沟壑相连,群峰叠翠,飞瀑流泉,万木峥嵘,森林覆盖面积达96%以上,且植物种类繁多珍奇,素有森林氧吧,植物王国美誉。 景区内有天然峡谷官平院沟、九天潭、老虎爬沟;有一峰独秀的官平院迎门塔;有以优势珍异树种命名的森林氧吧、天然空调青檀谷;有似为天而降的天池瀑布、天井瀑布、三叠瀑布、八万坡瀑布;有古树参天、古藤缠绕的官平院遗址、猴府洞天、青桐沟、望天河谷等;有形态各异的情侣洞、蝙蝠洞、仙人洞、马王爷洞,还有能预测天气的怪洞,有地质奇观原始海底,有随季节开放,争奇斗艳的迎春连翘、山桃、杏、梨、河南杜鹃,更在霜叶红于二月花的秋日红叶,冬季银装素裹、万条垂下的冰挂。在景区内,可观111个自然景观,35处古迹,还可以认识多种珍稀濒危植物,如青檀、朴树、山拐枣、河南山胡椒、天日僵子、杜仲、舞贝母等,并且还可以享受森林氧吧、自然空调的沐浴,是都市人避暑休闲、放松身心、寻幽揽胜、强身健体、同归自然的理想去处。 灯台架景区不仅自然景观丰富,而且风物传说绚丽多彩,古迹遗址众多,可令游人在欣赏美景的同时,感受浓重的民间文化气息,景区现有三条旅游环线,旅游时间可根据团队要求从三小时到一整天不等。 河南省景点最短导游词 篇2(情人瀑)过了渡仙潭,这里有山路、水路两条道路通往峡谷深处,沿水路走不远,看见有一群瀑布自高层岩石上跌落。瀑布分为三层,每个横断层都有两条瀑布相吸引融合在一起,如情人耳鬓厮磨。窃窃私语,流水终年不断,象征永结同心,所以人们把它叫做“情人瀑”。但愿天下有情人终成眷属。 翡翠潭 “清水出芙蓉,天然去雕饰”。朋友们,看完情人瀑,我们来到了翡翠潭的身边。这里的潭水深不可测,比如翡翠,因而得名“翡翠潭”。潭内多泉,潭上方有双瀑,时合时分,大家看,潭西北上访有一“翡翠宝珠”,宛如人工造园。传说很久以前,山阳城久旱不雨,麦苗眼看就要枯死,龙蛇多次行空,兴云无云,布雨无雨。于是,翡翠仙自从项链上取下宝珠,向上天祈雨,刹那间甘霖普降,时旱情得到了彻底缓解。这块翡翠宝珠也由此留在了人间,成为云“台山一宝”,同时也成了翡翠潭的标志。 金龙卧波朋友们,过了可以检测出您的体型是否标准的“减肥石”后,我们便可以看到“金龙卧波”奇观了。看见了吗?着银光闪闪,哗哗作响,由高处自由跌落的瀑布就是“银龙瀑”。瀑下那一渊深潭便是“金龙潭”。据说,谈内有条金龙,平常在潭底从不露面,但如果遇到阳光明媚的日子,金龙便会在碧波间出现,于是,人们便把这一奇观叫做“金龙卧波”。 丫字瀑在往上走,大家是不是觉得眼前突然一片开阔,对了,这就是潭瀑峡中最宽阔的地方了。大家瞧,“丫字瀑”在接我们了。丫字瀑高10余米,挂在两层山阶上,程丫字形,瀑下潭深五六米,所以这里的人们都管它叫做“丫字瀑”。 丫瀑潭朋友们,在丫字瀑下,也由一汪碧水,名叫“丫瀑潭”。这里水色湛蓝,水面宽阔,可供游人泛舟嬉戏,游泳玩闹。在丫瀑潭下有一块大平石台,泉水从台下缓缓流下,形成一条长50米的宽瀑。台上台下,长满了苔藓,斑驳陆离,如诗如画,俗称“漫水滩”。据传,这里曾时天羡慕雨后晒太阳的地方。 河南省景点最短导游词 篇3Wanxianshan scenic spot is a national AAAA scenic spot, National Geoparkand National Forest Park. It is a famous leisure resort, summer resort, film andtelevision base, sketching base and expansion training base in China. The scenicspot is composed of three sub scenic spots: Guoliang, Qingyou Mountain TownshipNanping and Luojie village. It is located in the hinterland of Taihang Mountainin the northwest of Huixian City, Xinxiang City, Henan Province, 150 km awayfrom Zhengzhou City and 70 km away from Xinxiang City. With a total area of 64 square kilometers, the highest altitude is 1672meters. The forest coverage rate is more than 95%, the air is fresh, theenvironment is beautiful, and the average temperature in summer is about 5degrees lower than that outside the mountain. It is an ideal summer resort andparadise. Wanxian mountain scenic area is a typical representative of thesouthern Taihang scenery and the embodiment of the soul of Taihang. There arenot only majestic and vast red cliff cliff, but also wonderful and elegantmountain charm in the scenic area. It integrates masculinity, danger,strangeness, beauty and seclusion. There are more than 200 kinds of scenicspots, mainly including Hongyan Cliff Grand Canyon, film and television village,cliff corridor, Tianchi, lotus basin, Bailong cave, Shouquan, sun and moonXingshi, Heilongtan waterfall, wufenglin farm, mojianfeng, danfengou, etc. Thecliff corridor is more than 1200 meters long, which is completely dug by hand.It is known as "the eighth wonder of the world". The beautiful natural scenery and simple customs attract many famousartists, film and television experts, Chinese and foreign tourists, and studentsof the Academy of fine arts. Xie Jin, a famous director, called Guo Liang "thePearl of Taihang", while Zhang Ding, a famous writer, called wanxianshan "thewonder of China". More than 40 films and TV series have been filmed here, suchas the bell of Qingliang temple, walking out of the horizon, the marriage ofunfortunate uncle, and raise your hand. Guo Liangcun is known as the "No.1 filmand TV village in China". Famous movie stars Pu Cunxin, Guo Da, Ni Ping, PanChangjiang and other artists have visited the scenic spot. More than 100 artcolleges, such as the Central Academy of fine arts and Guangzhou Academy of finearts, and more than 30 photographers' associations will set Wanxian mountain asa base for sketching and collecting styles. Wanxianshan scenic area sincerelyinvites friends from all walks of life at home and abroad to visit! |
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