标题 | 河南优秀导游词 |
范文 | 河南优秀导游词(通用16篇) 河南优秀导游词 篇1郑州绿博园,即中国绿化博览园,位于郑州市区以东郑汴产业带白沙组团与官渡组团之间的生态绿化防护带内,万三路(规划的新107国道)以东,中央大道(郑汴物流通道)以南,人文路两侧,国家4A级旅游景区。 绿博园区规划设计立足生态性,注重示范性,拓展休闲性,彰显文化性和科技性,融入了绿色生命、绿色生活、绿色经济、绿色家园和绿色科技的理念,充分体现“让绿色融入我们的生活”的主题。绿化景观结构分为一湖、二轴、三环、八区、十六景,园区功能分区明确,空间结构清晰,景观特色鲜明。。 一湖:中心湖区 “枫湖”。 二轴:“绿色宣言”景观轴和“山水中原”景观轴。二轴线交汇于枫湖,形成全园视觉中心。 三环:三个景观环,内景观环体现湖光山色的“绿博”美景,中间景观环主要为各类展园,为“绿博园”精华荟萃带,外景观环为背景森林带,是整个园区的绿色大背景。 八区:入口区、枫湖区、展园区、湿地区、背景森林区、绿色生活体验区、休闲娱乐区和苗木花卉交易区。 十六景:指外八景和环湖八景。外八景是指内环以外八景,包括挹秀亭、桃花源、多彩大地、果林花溪、森林剧场、科普园、北入口、东入口。环湖八景包括枫湖半岛、阳光沙滩。 河南优秀导游词 篇2游客们,你们好!我是__行社的导游小__我们现在位于洛阳市的龙门石窟,由我带领大家进入龙门石窟窟内,愉快的龙门石窟一日游开始了! 龙门石窟的发现年代、建造年代十分复杂。龙门石窟由成千上万个洞窟组成,有潜溪寺,有莲花洞,有药方洞,有古阳洞,还有香山寺、白园、万佛洞,数也数不清。 我们先来看看莲花洞,“莲花洞”这个名字也是有来头的。您看,窟顶雕刻着一朵硕大精美的高浮雕莲花,“莲花洞”这名字就是根据这朵莲花取的。莲花是佛教象征的名物,意思为:出污泥而不染。洞内有一佛二弟子二菩萨。您能看见,左侧弟子的头部没有了,是因为头部早年被盗,现在只能在法国吉美博物馆里见到了。大家看莲花洞南壁上方,有一个个小小的佛像,它是龙门石窟最小的佛像,仅有2厘米高,这些高不盈寸的小千佛栩栩如生,可以想到,当时的雕刻技艺是多么精湛啊! 看完莲花洞,我们又来到了药方洞。药方洞因窟门刻有诸多唐代药方得名。它始凿于北魏晚期,经东魏,北齐,到唐代仍有雕刻,药方洞的药方是中国最早的石刻药方。 龙门石窟现在已经遭到严重的破坏。除了极少数的佛像外,大多数佛像的头部均遭到破坏,难以其整体造型。但是剩下的部分足以说明艺术水平之高超、神态之曼妙,我希望大家好好保护这些文物。 龙门石窟还有个传说呢。相传远古时期,洛阳南面有一大片烟波浩淼的湖水,周围青山苍翠,芳草萋萋。人们在山上放牧,在湖里捕鱼。村里有个勤劳的孩子,天天到山上牧羊,常常听到从地下传来“开不开”的奇怪声音,回到家便把这件事告诉母亲,母亲想了想,告诉他,如果再听到这种声音就回答“开”!谁知一声未了,天崩地裂,龙门石窟顷刻从山中间裂开,湖水顷出,奔腾咆哮着绕过洛阳城,流向东海。水流之后,龙门石窟就出现了。 游客们,愉快的一天就这么快结束了,希望你们玩得开心哟!让我们下次再见! 游客朋友们,我们现在要参观的是洛阳龙门石窟,你知道它为什么叫“龙门”吗?这要从地形说起,这里的地形为三山夹一水,远远望去,犹如一道天然的门阙,所以古称“伊阙”。隋炀帝建都洛阳后,因为宫城门正对伊阙,古代帝王又都以真龙天子自居,因此,隋炀帝时改称“龙门”。 龙门石窟凿于北魏孝文帝迁都洛阳前后(大约493年),经历了东魏、西魏、北齐、隋、唐和北宋等朝代,断续雕刻达400余件,现有窟龛2345个,碑刻题记2800块,佛塔80座,造像10万尊,内容除佛像外,涉及建筑、服饰、音乐、书法等,如同包罗万象的艺术博物馆,是全国重点文物保护单位、国家5A级景区,20_年被列入世界文化遗产名录。龙门石窟中雕刻最大、艺术最精,最具代表性的当属唐代开凿的奉先寺了。那么现在,我带领大家前往奉先寺参观。 大家抬头请看,几个台阶之上的正是著名的奉先寺,它是唐高宗所建,为政治需要,武则天曾捐2万贯脂粉钱。历时三年零九个月于675年竣工。寺内有一佛、二弟子、二菩萨、二天王、二力士及二供养人等一铺十一尊大像。造像布局匀称,俨然一个佛国朝廷,大家请看,这就是主佛“卢舍那”,它通高17.14米,头高4米,耳长1.9米,面相丰满圆润,方额广颐,美若弯月,双目俯视,炯炯有神,您看它略带微笑,仿佛给人已深深的同情和殷殷的关切。整尊造像,给人一种庄严肃穆之感,应是理想化的圣贤形象,我们来仔细端祥它,你有没有发现无论你站在他面前的那个位置,他都在注视着你呢?石刻的眼睛为什么这么传神?对了,这正是雕像的画龙点眼之处,卢舍那的双目,采用阴刻方法,把眼球雕洞浅凹进去,又保持瞳孔的突出,利用光线反差也就造就出了大佛睿智深邃的目光,配以少垂的佛首,使朝拜者的目光与大佛目光交汇时,畏而不惧,可亲可敬。 在卢舍那佛的左侧是弟子迦叶,一位饱经风霜的老僧形象;右侧阿难,他年轻睿智,整个一帅小伙子,旁边衣着华丽端庄矜持,二天王严肃威武硕壮有力,力士们坚毅勇猛,性格暴躁,以及那无所畏惧倾力承托的地鬼。无不形神兼备,惟妙惟俏,整个布局反映了唐代高超技艺,折射出当时佛教的繁荣和唐朝国力的强大。 出了奉先寺,我们再来参观北魏的代表作——莲花洞。因洞顶雕有一大浮雕莲花而得名。莲花是佛教象征的名物,意为出淤泥而不染,因此,佛教石窟窟顶多以莲花作装饰,但像莲花洞窟顶这样硕大精美的高浮雕可并不多见,洞内正壁为尊式造像。主佛释迦牟尼身穿袈裟,衣襟简洁明快,这是释迦牟尼的游说像,释迦牟尼外出讲经说法时就是这种形象。两侧弟子是浅浮雕,左侧迦叶深目高鼻手持锡杖,似一西域苦行僧形象,龙门石窟中最小的佛象2厘米高,这些高不盈寸的小千佛如此生动细致雕于莲花洞坚硬的石壁,实为龙门一绝!洞口北壁崖壁有“伊阙”二字,这是明代河南巡抚赵岩所题词,证明了“龙门”的原称。 好了,各位游客,由于时间关系,先讲到这里,请大家自由参观,谢谢! 朋友们,现在我们面前的这三座洞窟合成为宾三洞。它是北魏孝文帝迁都洛阳后,统一规划、有计划开凿的,因并排布局而得名。“宾阳”来源于《尧典》中的“寅宾日出”意为迎接初升的太阳。可能有的朋友已经发现了,南北二洞和中间的主窟风格迥异,截然不同,这是怎么回事呢?原来呀,在开凿的过程中北魏宫廷突然发生了内乱,打断了宾阳洞的雕刻工作,所以,北魏皇室经营的大型洞窟——宾阳三洞,实际上只完成了一个中洞,而南北两洞则由以后的隋唐两朝完成。这三座洞窟开凿的时间最长,历时长达20_年还未完工,用工多达80多万。宾阳中洞是北魏宣武帝为其父母孝文帝及文昭皇太后祈福做功德而开凿。主尊为现在世佛释迦牟尼,在它左边是过去世燃灯佛,右边是未来世佛弥勒佛。其实在洞中有两幅壁画可谓精美绝伦,就是在洞口内壁两侧,原各有一副大型浮雕分别是《皇帝礼佛图》和《皇后礼佛图》,展现当时宫廷佛事活动的场面,可惜这两处浮雕在20世纪30年代被盗走,现分别藏美国纽约大都会博物馆和堪萨斯州纳尔逊艺术博物馆。大家请随我继续往前走,再登几十步台阶就到奉先寺了,举世闻名的卢舍那大佛就在寺中。奉先寺顾名思义,就是供奉祖先的意思,开凿于唐高宗咸亨三年,即公元672年,于675年完工,皇后武则天曾捐脂粉钱两万贯用来加速工程的完工。它是龙门石窟中雕刻最大、艺术最精、气势最磅礴、最具代表性的重要石窟。好了,各位游客,现在呈现在我们面前的这尊大佛就是卢舍那大佛了。“卢舍那“是梵文音译,即光明普照的意思。卢舍那大佛通高17.14米,头高4米,耳长1.9米。为什么不零不整偏偏是17.14米呢?其中暗藏不少玄机:因为7是佛的数字,天的数字,佛语有曰:“救人一命胜造七级浮屠。”我们看,这17.14米,包含了一个10,意十全十美,而14拆开正好是两个7,再加上第一个7,就有三个7了,拥有三个7的卢舍那大佛就是无限大、无限尊崇,功德圆满了! 有人把卢舍那大佛比作东方的“蒙娜莉萨”,说她是善良和美貌的化身。的确如此,不信,您看,她的嘴角微微上翘,目光下垂,略作俯视态,两道弯眉如钩似月,满脸的笑意,一派慈眉善目的神韵。每次看到卢舍那大佛的微笑,总会让人感到如沐春风,无论您从哪个角度看她,她的目光都会和您有所交流,仿佛智者的询问,长着的关切,母亲的慈爱!在这里,我们感受到了无限的情亲和慈爱,这种由天上到人间,由出世到入世,从虚幻到现实的转变,不正是中国儒家思想在雕塑艺术上的折射反映吗?这是艺术的觉醒,人性的觉醒,中国佛教艺术经历了漫长的岁月,在唐代终于完成了它的中国化进程,中国佛教艺术在洛阳龙门奉先寺也达到了一个光辉的顶点,所以,李泽厚先生才会说:卢舍那大佛是中国古代雕塑艺术的最高典范。在20_年申报世界文化遗产的时候,所有的评委都认为是咱们卢舍那大佛的微笑征服了全世界。另外大家看卢舍那两侧站立的二弟子,左为迦叶,严谨庄重,饱经风霜;右为阿难,聪明温顺,擅长记忆。他们的旁边分别站立的是菩萨、天王、力士以及供养天人,形象逼真,栩栩如生。整个奉先寺造像主次分明,比例浑然一体,既注重形式美,又注重准确表达思想内容。奉先寺以其流利的线条,高潮的技艺,玄秘的宗教幻化为一首壮丽的交响乐章,与自然混合,夺人心魄。好了,各位朋友,参观了这么雄伟的雕刻,是否也让你的心灵受之震撼了呢,那么请拿起您手中的相机,留下这份心情。景区的主要讲解到这里就结束了,接下来的时间留给大家自由活动,11点钟我们准时在这里集合。 河南优秀导游词 篇3现在我们来到有千古名园美誉的禹王台风景区观光游览。 禹王台风景区位于开封市的东南隅,占地面积400亩,是一个古典园林式的公园,园林布局是以名胜古迹古吹台为主景,以五大植物园:樱花园、牡丹园、芳春园、石榴园、科普园为主体的文化休憩公园。我们现在所看到的就是开封著名的名胜古迹--古吹台,已经经历了2500多年的历史,被列为省级文物保护单位。为什么叫古吹台呢?春秋时期,晋国有一位双目失明的音乐家名叫师旷,他的音乐造诣很深,是晋平公驾下的一名乐师,他经常在这座高台上弹奏乐器,人们为了纪念师旷,就把这座高台叫古吹台。到了明代嘉靖二年(公元1523年)由于黄河泛滥成灾,人们饱经水患,谈水色变,为了纪念历史上治水有功的大禹,改古吹台为禹王台。 现在古吹台上所存的建筑是清代康熙七年(公元1668年)重建的,距今已有300多年的历史了,它的整座建筑,都具有典型的清代建筑风格。我们看到的这个四柱三门式的木牌坊是为了纪念春秋时期晋国盲人音乐家师旷而修建的,它初建于清代的乾隆二十七年,牌坊上“古吹台”三个大字是清代河南巡抚题写的。 现在请大家随我到古吹台上参观。首先我们看到的这座楼叫御书楼,是为了供奉康熙三十三年(公元1694年)康熙皇帝为大禹治水亲笔题写“功存河洛”匣额而建造并得名的,各位可以到御书楼上欣赏清代康熙、乾隆二帝的塑像和书法。第一组塑像是“康熙御书”,说的是康熙皇帝在古吹台上为大禹治水题写“功存河洛”匾额落款时的情景。在此康熙还题写了“嵩高峻极”、“灵渎安阑”、“昌明仁义”三个匾额分别赐于河南各地。第二组塑像是“乾隆吟诗”,说的是清乾隆皇帝在乾隆十五年(公元1750年)巡幸河南,来到开封古吹台时写下一首五言律诗的情景。在禹王台的后面,专门建有刻着这首言律诗的御碑亭。 御书楼下还保存着珍贵的康有为书法石刻。康有为是中国近代维新派领袖,又是保皇党首领,除了政治上的作为以外,其书法自成一体,还是一位著名的书法家。我们现在来看看他的书法杰作,这十块石刻是康有为在1923年应河南省督理张子衡的盛情邀请来到开封,在为他饯行的酒宴上即席挥笔,写下此诗以作留念的。我们现在欣赏的诗、书都是康有为的得意之作,也是碑刻中的珍品。 看过御书楼的碑刻,请大家到师旷祠参观。请看这个神态自若、跪坐抚琴的塑像,就是曾经在古吹台上弹奏乐器的晋国盲人音乐家师旷。师旷音乐技艺非常全面,能够弹奏各种乐器。《史记.乐书》中记载,师旷给晋平公弹琴,引来玄鹤起舞,天地动容,《淮南子.原道篇》中记载“师旷之聪,合八方之调”,说他有辨别八方风乐调的才能。他还是一个出色的作曲家,据说古曲极品《阳春白雪》东曲就是师旷所作而留传下来的。春秋时期,开封是魏国南部边境的一个小镇,当时叫仪邑,仪邑的百姓们为了纪念师旷,就把他经常弹奏曲子的地方叫“吹台”,年深日久,吹台已成为远古之事,人们就把这座台子叫作“古吹台”。 离开了师旷祠,我们进入禹王台的主殿--禹王庙。禹王庙是为了纪念古代治水有功的大禹而修建的,它初建于明代嘉靖二年(公元1523年)。东展室是大禹治水三过家门而不入的塑像,西展室是大禹治水成功后亲笔书写的文字--夏禹碑以及夏禹碑的译文和白话文。中间的这座禹王殿是古吹台之上的主体建筑,里面所立大禹塑像原来是一座八尺高铜像,铜像在1927年被毁,现在的这个塑像是1981年7月浙江美术学院的艺术家按照大禹陵的塑像原样制作的,像高5米。殿内东西两侧是大幅仿汉代的砖雕壁画,内容是大禹治水图和治水完工以后的庆功图。殿内后墙壁上四块石刻为大禹碑原碑,是清光绪二十三年(公元1897年)河南巡抚刘树棠刻制的,其碑文主要内容是歌颂大禹治水的丰功伟绩。 大殿西侧院是水德祠。水德祠始建于明代正德年间(公元1506年),奉祀自战国时期至清代的38位治水有功者,各立牌位。改建后的水德祠内新增雕塑三尊,中间的这也是战国时期魏国人史起,东边的这位是元代人贾鲁,西边的这位是清代民族英雄林则徐。水德祠中所奉把的38位治水有功者,大多数都是我国历史上的水利学家,都是曾经对治理水患做过贡献的人。东西两侧排放着38位治水有功者的牌位,其中包括战国时期两位、汉代七位、明代七位、清代七位。水德祠充分反映了饱经水患的开封人对治水有功者的颂祷和怀念。 大殿东侧院是三贤祠。三贤祠建于明代(公元1517年);是明代河南巡抚毛伯有感于唐代大诗人李白、杜甫、高适曾同登吹台饮酒赋诗而特意建造的。主殿有“三贤相聚”塑像,反映的是三位诗人相聚在古吹台上的情景。唐天宝三年(公元774年),在京名噪一时的李白因赋“可怜飞燕倚新妆”之句而得罪了杨贵纪,被解除了翰林职位。他东下洛阳,结交了杜甫。两位大诗人神交已久,相见恨晚,便相偕沿着黄河漫游,饱览锦绣山川。初夏时,他们来到开封,在开封又遇到了怀才不遇、浪迹天涯的诗人高适,文坛三杰,风云际会。这两组塑像反映的是三位诗人来古吹台上饮酒赋诗的情景。李白在古吹台上写了《梁园吟》,杜甫写下了《遗怀》,高适写下了《古大梁行》。接下来是“千金买壁”和“十载客梁园”两组塑像。 河南优秀导游词 篇4各位团友大家好!我是__X旅行社的导游员小X,很荣幸能够为大家提供这次导游服务,也十分欢迎大家来看望咱们中国人的母亲!请大家不要纳闷,因为在中国这片土地上有一条河流,所有的中国人都在传承着她特有的基因,那就是我们的肤色——黄皮肤,而她也在中国上下五千年的历史长河中孕育着我们的人文祖先。也许有的团友已经猜到了,这就是黄河,我们中国人的母亲河!而今天的游程,我们也将从母亲身边的这颗明珠洛阳开始了!整个洛阳各位团友可以从这下面这9句话有一个基本的了解: 一城之下皆为宝,在中国西北部地区有一个城市叫做西安,他是中国地面文物最为丰富的一个城市,而在中国之“中”有另外一个城市洛阳,则是中国出土文物最丰富的城市。早在60万年以前,洛阳的气候相当于两广地区,雨量丰沛,植被茂密,是最适合人类生存的好地方。通过近年考古发现的100多处旧石器时代和新石器时代遗址证明,距今1万年以前旧石器时代到新石器时代的先民们已经创造了繁荣的母系社会氏族,这种繁荣与昌盛一直持续到中国历史上第一个奴隶制王朝——夏的建立。洛阳雄踞黄河中游,地处中华腹地,西依秦岭,东临嵩岳,南控伏牛,北依太行,洛-伊-廛-涧四条水流蜿蜒城内,自古“挟崤渑之阻,当秦陇之襟喉”“盖四方必争之地”,如此险要的地理位置使得这里自古就成为“帝王州”从夏的建立到后晋,洛阳成就了13个王朝的兴衰,82为帝王的霸业,1520_年的辉煌建都史,历史的迭经是通过各种各样的手段完成,多少城池的兴盛与落寞,都被洛阳丰富的地下文物所见证,洛阳单就出土的对历史长河中洛阳的政治-经济-军事-交通-贸易-天文-历法-祭祀-乐理-药理的碑刻墓志就有4000多方,从汉代到民国,历朝历代,各个时期的都有,可谓是一部石刻“二十五史”,有人赞叹,仅这些碑刻墓志,就可以建成一座世界仅有的中国艺术馆。风格别致,世界上独一无二的古墓博物馆和近年来发掘建立的东周王城车马坑,更是历史长河中从世俗到帝王生活的现实写照。洛阳15208.6平方公里的土地上这些也只不过是小小的一部分,而其余的数不尽的遗址-古墓-石刻等有待发掘的文物更是犹如洒落的雨水,与这片土地融合在我们的生活中,使得我们脚下所走的这片土地更为深沉和厚重。 北方地区向来缺水,但是在这里确有二水出自洛阳城,被人们所津津乐道,第一水就是我们男人们所钟爱的——酒,“把酒红尘度欢时,千杯万盏轮回间”问枭雄,看市井,为男子,谁不对酒有着一种情结,而洛阳地区的汝阳,正是被人称为“酒祖”杜康发迹的地方,甘醇的杜康酒被周王室嘉封为“仙酒”,让刘伶醉了三年,更让中外宾客在口中回味着“酒祖”的妙手酿制的“仙酒”,讲到这里就不得不提及另外一水,中国人就餐习惯中,“无酒不成席”,与杜康酒相伴的洛阳水席宴更是洛阳人生活中不可或缺的一部分,据说当年女皇武则天创立武周王朝,重臣袁天堽算出女皇执政,将会在唐-永隆年至唐-神虎年起落20_年时间,为了暗示女皇武则天“维政者善”,便命令御厨制成了此宴,这道筵席以武则天的把大喜好:服-礼-韬-欲-艺-文-禅-政,为主题制成8种荤素不同的凉菜,又以四镇桌,八大件,四扫尾为主题制成16道热菜,更采用带子上朝,以“粥”换唐等上菜顺序,行云流水一样的上菜方式,衔接筵席空缺。它不但是现在中国传统筵席的一个组成部分,更是以其独特的上菜方式成为豫式菜肴的鳌头,时至今日,这道筵席配以杜康酒上桌,不仅是洛阳人红白喜事的重头戏和洛阳人生活中的一部分,随着洛阳旅游业的发展,水席在原有酸辣味殊的基础上作出了很大的改进,又添加了咸鲜-甜品-清淡等不同口味,不但丰富了洛阳人的饮食口味,也更成为了洛阳人款待来自各地贵宾和游客的首选! 水土,水土,讲过了水就要回头看看洛阳的土了,在洛阳有三土产自邙山头,第一土就是我们熟知的“洛阳牡丹甲天下”,洛阳牡丹始于隋,胜于唐,甲天下于宋,纵观古今花谱,佳丽360多种,牡丹由于其花色花型雍容华贵,被世人称为“花中之王”,唐代诗人白居易的“花开花落二十日,一城之人皆若狂”是对当时赏花胜景的真实写照,而欧阳修的《洛阳牡丹记》中记载“洛阳地脉花最宜,尤为牡丹天下奇”更是对洛阳的气候地质的一种赞叹,洛阳邙山为于黄河岸边,更是黄土高坡的余脉,土质不干不燥,潮湿有度,适宜种植,山上原住居民历代多以种植牡丹为生,直到现在山上仍有洛阳牡丹园-国花园-中国牡丹基因库三大牡丹园和多处牡丹苗圃,随着科技的发展,牡丹也正以“花开花落随人意,春去秋来不相关”的姿态成为了洛阳的美学徽章。另一土就是当年曾贵为国礼的唐三彩了!洛阳邙山的南石村盛产高岭土和瓷土,这是制作陶器和磁器不可缺少的主要原料,洛阳人运用自己的聪明才智创造出了唐三彩这种流动的火焰,运用两步锻烧,滴采点釉的人为手段结合自然流动的物理变化和化学原理,创造出来了唐三彩扣之有瓮罄声,兼具磁的开片和陶的坚实等特点,更使得这种工艺美术作品成为了居家装饰的好材料,当年之有皇室才能使用把玩的专用品,现在也进入到了我们平常百姓家。以黄-绿-白为主色调,诞生于唐代的这种工艺品,现在已经销往海外,其中黑色的将军马还被英伦友人赞颂为“伦敦黑,黑宝石”,由水火土所凝结的这件器物正可称的上是中国人智慧的结晶!当然,最具民间特色的一土还是-------洛阳铲,“生于苏杭,葬于北邙”,在邙山这无“卧牛之地”拥有着数不清的古墓葬群落,由民间盗墓工具所演变过来的洛阳铲,不单单是考古者的好工具,更为洛阳发掘除了大量的古墓葬群落,从而造就了世界上唯一的一个以收藏古墓葬为主题的古墓博物馆,大大小小的铲子将一个个深埋在地下的历史展现在世人的眼前,与此同时也创造了一个个震惊世界的传奇! 洛阳在河南省的西部,伊洛盆底北缘,自古就有“和山控戴,型胜甲于天下”“且居天下之中”的美誉。以这里为点,以河南为中心,北至白山黑水,南到两广海南,西至天山脚下,东抵东海之滨,大都要跨越三四个省,若以省会郑州和洛阳为轴心,北距京津唐,南下珠江三角洲,西入关中平原,东至宁沪杭等经济发达区,其直线距离基本上都在1000公里左右,而且随着全省的高速公路网的开通,洛阳由将会恢复到当年东至倭国,西至大秦,南达胶趾,北至漠北,丝绸之路国际大都会的显赫地位,因此又有人说洛阳之地—四方入拱道理均! 五都荟洛是奇观,指的就是在洛阳偃师到涧河一线的20平方公里的土地上序列着夏渡斟鄩-商都系亳-汉魏故城-隋唐东都城-东周王城,五大都城遗址,这些遗址展现出了中国从奴隶制王朝向封建帝制过渡的同时,更将中国的城池-园林-城市规划艺术以不同的形态展示了出来,这是世界考古界的奇迹,其中,夏都斟鄩和商都西亳更是将中国有纪年的历史上推了1200多年! 都城的出现使得洛阳城六和之内具灵气,“天下之中”的洛阳是中华文化的渊源,在漫长的历史流程中,洛阳一直是我国的政治-经济-文化的中心,或为中心之一,因此儒学-佛学-玄学-理学-道家无不与洛阳有着密切的联系,中华文化上的主流,无一不是发源于洛阳,然后流播四方,传于后世。自古以来洛阳就又“洛阳富才雄-洛阳出才子-汉魏文章半洛阳”之美誉,苏秦-贾谊-杜甫-李贺-刘禹锡-程颢-程颐等都是洛阳人,“建安七子-竹林七贤-金谷二十四友”李白-白居易及许慎-班固-司马光等无数名人学士在洛阳写下了千古绝唱或不朽的诗篇《汉书》《三国志》《新唐书》《资治通鉴》《说文解字》《齐民要术》《九章算术》《水经注》《三都赋》《论衡》,等著名作品均写于洛阳,并在洛阳问世。还有“河图洛书”“孔子入周问礼”“洛阳纸贵”等美谈佳话也发生在洛阳,可以说洛阳是灵性的聚集,是中国人思古的幽情,在东西南北上下这六个方位内凝聚了中国人最为骄傲的情结! 中国共有七个著名的古都其中而洛阳则是七大古都排第一,北京、南京、杭州、西安、开封、洛阳、安阳,只有洛阳市是建都年代最早-朝代最多-时间最长的“天下名都”,历史上的许多重大事件都发生在这里,有许多的重要的历史人物也都活动在此,因此宋代历史学家司马光说道“若问古今兴废事,请君只看洛阳城”,这就是说洛阳市中国历史文化的缩影,曾经有人说“如果你想了解20_年的中国,一定要到上海;如果你想了解50年的中国,一定要到特区;如果你想了解近820_年的中国,一定要到北京;如果你想了解近3020_年的中国,就一定要到西安;但是如果你想了解5020_年的中国,就一定要到洛阳看看”,由这些赞颂我们可以看到洛阳在这7个古城中位居第一是当之无愧的! 八大八小十六景是洛阳的特色,昔日城郭巍峨,宫阙壮丽,风物优美,胜迹如林的洛阳,自唐宋以来,不少文人墨客,衣冠人物,或为之讴歌,作画,吟诗,赋文或营建别墅,家于洛阳,留连其中,为这里的风物胜迹,留下很多风雅遗事和美丽传说,其中龙门山色-绝,马寺钟声-奇,金谷春晴-丽,洛浦秋风-凉,天津晓月-明,铜驼暮雨-妙,平泉朝游-胜,邙山晚眺-美,为洛阳八大景,关林翠柏,午桥碧草,石林雪霁,伊沼荷香,东城桃李,廛壑朱樱,西园池塘,龙池金鱼,为洛阳的八小景,八大八小构筑出来了一个美丽的洛阳,也为揽胜探奇者游览观光洛阳过程中,提供了助兴的一笔! 九朝古都洛阳城,时至今日市区总面积544平方公里,下辖涧西-西工-洛龙-老城-廛河-吉利六个区,总人口630余万,市区人口100余万,从民国时期逐渐退出历史辉煌的舞台,成为近代史上中国著名的工业城市,第一拖拉机厂-轴承厂-铜加工厂-洛阳浮法玻璃厂-612-613-5408-407等一大批全国知名的大企业和研究所,工业的发展使洛阳在计划经济时期成为了全国数一数二的工业龙头城市,但随着市场经济的搞活洛阳现在也同时进入了,以深厚的历史文化为依托的旅游城市,现在的洛阳在市委市政府领导班子的带领下,正在以建设“工业名城,旅游名城”为口号,实施“东引西进”战略乘着西部大开发的东风,加快发展步伐,撤销郊区,调整区划,拉大城市框架。市委市政府的这些举措,大大的促进了旅游业的发展,这也是一个良好的开端!相信在不久的将来,洛阳一定会以崭新的姿态让世人刮目相看! 各位团友!小X对洛阳的介绍就先到这里,在后面的游程中,小X会再为大家做更为详细地介绍!~ 河南优秀导游词 篇5各位朋友,我们现在参观的是昭平湖风景名胜区。昭平湖风景名胜区位于河南省鲁山县城西部10公里处,是依托原昭平台水库开发建成的年轻的风景名胜区。昭平台水库1959年建成,控制流域1430平方公里,蓄水量7.27亿立方米,是集防洪、灌溉、发电、养鱼、旅游为一体的一座大型人工湖。景区面积40平方公里,其中湖面面积38平方公里,这里自然景观秀美,人文内涵丰富,1995年8月,被批准为省级风景名胜区。凡到过这里的人都说:“庐山奇,峨嵋秀,昭平湖美景看不够”。 的确如此,昭平湖不但有雄浑苍郁之气概,而且兼南国水乡柔美之韵味,是不可多得的绝佳去处。随着水陆两条路线,我们可以逐一领略昭平湖每一个景点。 我们现在所处的地方叫杨家岭。据记载,公元918年,契丹族首领耶律阿保机屡犯中原,威胁北宋政权,为抵御外侮,北宋杨家的孟良、焦赞二位将领曾在此安营扎寨,操练人马,后人就把此山命名为杨家岭。山上现有的电视转播塔高130米,信号覆盖周围200多平方公里。 右面这座大大的圆柱形建筑物是昭平湖水电厂的调压塔,两旁亭亭玉立的翠柏掩映着道路向前延伸,颇有曲径通幽之感。王新宇同志纪念碑就坐落在此。当年修建水库时,王新宇同志任水文地质组组长。那年6月20日,沙河上游突降暴雨,洪水凶猛,王新宇同志为抢救国家财产不幸光荣牺牲,时年3l岁。 拦河大坝被誉为昭平湖的“佳境门”。大视的主坝、副坝总长7000余米,像一条巨龙横跨两山之间,大有“长龙卧波,未云何龙”的气韵。登监大坝,极目湖面,烟波浩渺,一碧万顷,视野尽头,山峦茸翠,苍郁窈冥。置身其中,恍若仙境。灵魂为之升华,五内为之一净,世俗的一切烦恼、焦虑会荡然无存。 坝北端那座山是招兵台山。相传东汉光武帝刘秀被王莽追杀,曾隐蔽此山,招兵买马。明末农民起义军首领李自成也曾在此招兵买马,“招兵台”便由此得名,后改名为“昭平台”,意为平安祥和之意。山坡平台上至今还遗留有当年招兵插旗的座孔。 现在我们看到的有2500平方米的阶梯、平台,是我们近年来开发建成的综合性娱乐广场。它依山傍水,采用本地优质石材构成主框架,顺地势自然伸至水面。广场周围是精品游乐项目:飞渡、垂钓园、人工浴场、碰乐车、儿童嬉水等,适应各个年龄层次游客娱乐,使您既能领略大自然古朴的风韵,又能享受现代文明热烈的情趣。 朋友们,前方那座好似漂浮在水面的小岛叫邱公城岛,它随着湖水的涨落时隐时现,是景区的海市届楼。它是鲁阳城遗址,叠压有仰韶、龙山两层文化遗物,是省级文保单位。讲到这里,我想问一下,在我们团队中有没有刘姓人士?如果有,我非常荣幸地告诉您,刘姓发源地就在此岛。别看现在此岛这么小,却是华夏刘姓始祖刘累的故邑。据史料记载:刘累是尧帝的裔孙,原为“祁”姓,出生时手纹有“刘累”字样,因此得名。小时曾从“豢龙氏”学习养龙,后来夏后孔甲得两条龙,便请刘累前来饲养,刘累养得很好,所以被封为“御龙氏”。后来有一条雌龙病死,刘累伯孔甲降罪逃到鲁山一带邱公城这个地方,隐姓改名。因此前在“邱”姓住地养龙,故改姓“邱”,后人称其为“邱公”。称刘累隐居的城池为“邱公城”,邱公即刘累。其子孙以“刘”为姓,是华夏最早的。邱公城岛曾有刘累墓、刘累亭。刘累仙逝迄今已4000年之久了。全国政协副主席周铁农,著名历史学家、北京师范大学教授何兹全等都为此挥笔题词。自建库以来,此岛时常随水位涨落时隐时现,给游客观光及刘姓人土拜祖带来很大不便和遗憾。在刘姓人士的迫切要求和协助下,于20_年2月将刘累墓迁至招兵台山,现名“刘累祠”。“刘累祠”已初具规模,欢迎刘姓人士--刘累后裔到此寻根祭祖。 现在我们泛舟湖面。这里水域广大,水色湛蓝。放眼湖面,白露横江,水色接天。 泛舟潮面,惟见上下天光,一碧万顷,沙鸥翔集,锦鳞游泳,加之画舫如织,桨声蔼乃,于是便构成了一曲情味别致的音乐和一副风格独特的画卷。遇上秋高气爽的傍晚,夕阳在天边燃起万道霞光,湖上金光灿灿,闪烁迷离,似看到一只晚归的鸟,迎着霞光匆匆飞来,此时,展现在您面前的是“落霞与孤鹜齐飞,秋水共长天一色”的绝妙景致。 遇到开库捕鱼季节的晚上,湖面的景致,更是妙趣横生。整个昭平湖,清风微拂,水波不兴,灯光明灭,渔歌互答。若身处其境,把酒临风,您会宠辱皆忘,仙邪?人邪?您自己也恍然不能自辨。 现在我们登上的岛就是昭平湖湖心岛金山环岛,此岛海拔190.3米,面积7700平方米,由观光区和服务区组成。现在我给大家介绍一位名列世界前10位的伟人,他主张“兼爱”、“非攻”、“节用”、“尚贤”,他是谁呢?这个人就是古代的墨子。我们现在看到的这座著经阁就是墨子著书立说的地方。据说墨子晚年,意欲著书立说,但却找不到一处清雅之地,后鲁阳公得知此事便在金山环岛上为墨子建造了著经阁。这里四季分明,环境清幽,绿水青山,互相映辉。墨子十分满意。就在这里用了8年时间完成了《墨子》一书。世道沧桑,他著书的楼阁虽早已消融于历史的尘烟之中,但他“兼爱”、“非攻”、“节用”、“尚贤”的思想却留传于世。为纪念这位伟人,当地群众于1994年集资重建了“墨子著经阁”。若墨公泉下有知,一定会欣慰的。 河南优秀导游词 篇6少林寺,位于登封县城西北13公里少室山北麓五乳峰下。若从郑州、开封、洛阳乘汽车,可直达寺院门前。少林寺创建于北魏太和二十年(496年),因此寺建于少室山麓的丛林茂密之处,故名“少林”。正如《说嵩》中所说:“少林者,少室之林”。少林寺是我国佛教禅宗的发样地,所以又称《少林禅寺》和《大少林》.据文献记载,北魏太和十九年(495年)印度高僧跋陀自西域跋涉来洛阳,他0幽栖,常到嵩山,又受孝文帝尊崇,“诏于少室山阴,筑少林寺而居之”。北魏正光至孝昌年间,另一印度僧人达摩来中国,修禅于嵩山少林寺。他广集弟子,传授禅宗,使少林寺的影响日益扩大,传说达摩曾在山中面壁九年,因此留影于石。 少林寺原有建筑较多,分布较广。现在少林寺包罗的范围除主体建筑常住院外,还有离寺西不远的塔林,寺西北阜地上的初祖庵,少溪河南岸的南园,钵盂峰下的二祖庵,寺东太室山麓的三祖庵,以及分散在寺周围的古塔、碑刻等。 常住院是少林寺的主体建筑,位于少溪河北岸,院内现存有山门、客堂、达摩亭、自衣殿、千佛殿(毗卢阁)和地藏殿等,常住院自山门至最后大殿南北长300余米,现有面积约4万平方米,分前后六所院落。 山门是少林寺最前面的建筑,创修于清雍正十三年(1735年),额悬“少林寺”黑漆方匾,为清康熙皇帝御书。据《少林寺志》载:此匾原悬于大王殿正门上方,大王殿焚毁后,移于此处,入少林寺山门,是一条宽阔的慢斜坡形雨道,两旁有许多重要的碑刻,有武则天撰文的《大唐天后御制诗书碑》,还有日本僧人邵元所撰的息庵禅师道行之碑,碑文反映了邵元和息庵禅师之间的深厚情谊和古代中日人民的友好关系。郭沫若为此曾题诗说:“息庵碑是邵元文,求法来唐不让仁。愿作典型千万代,相师相学倍相亲”。寺内还有《唐秦王告少林寺主教碑》、《唐嵩岳少林寺碑》、《宋苏东坡观音赞》等。另外还有许多著名书法家如米芾、赵孟頫、董其昌、蔡京等人书写的碑刻。这些碑刻不仅是重要的史料,而且都有很高的书法价值。 碑林的尽头是“三大殿”,即天王殿、大雄宝殿和法,堂(即藏经阁),这三座重要建筑都毁于军阀的兵火。除三大殿之外,被大火烧毁的殿堂还有:钟楼、鼓楼、客堂、库房、香积厨、东西禅堂、紧那罗殿、六祖堂、阎王殿和龙王殿,还烧了7棵大柏树和“五品封槐”等。据说,大火蔓延了40余天,这是历史上少林寺最惨重的一次火劫。 新中国成立后,随着旅游事业的发展,有关部门已决定对被毁的建筑进行修缮和整理,天王殿、紧那罗殿、六祖堂、东西禅房和僧院已重修复原。紧那罗殿的0、妙法、持法三尊4米多高的法身,魁梧地挺立在殿中。六祖堂内恢复了达摩、慧可等禅宗六代祖师朝拜观世音菩萨的一组泥塑。菩萨身后是一组巨型山水图景,表现的是达摩只履归西的故事,寺内的中心建筑——大雄宝殿重建工程于1986年6月完成,1985年7月寺内还新建了拥有14厅的捶谱堂,堂内塑造有坐掸、念经、练功、小洪拳、大洪拳、六合拳、通臂拳、罗汉拳、朝阳拳等204身拳武僧,形像逼真。特别是十三棍僧救唐王、明代小山和尚挂师平倭寇等,英姿飒爽,给少林寺大增风彩。 河南优秀导游词 篇7龙门石窟位于洛阳市区南12公里处,是与大同云岗石窟、敦煌千佛洞石窟齐名的我国三大石窟之一,国家5A景区。 龙门是一个风景秀丽的地方,这里有东、西两座青山对峙,伊水缓缓北流。远远望去,犹如一座天然门阙,所以古称“伊阙”。“伊阙”,自古以来,已成为游龙门的第一景观。唐诗人白居易曾说过:“洛阳四郊山水之胜,龙门首焉”。 龙门石窟始凿于北魏孝文帝迁都洛阳(公元494年)前后,后来,历经东魏、北齐、北周,到隋唐至宋等朝代又连续大规模营造达400余年之久。密布于伊水东西两山的峭壁上,南北长达1公里,共有97000余尊佛像,1300多个石窟。现存窟龛2345个,题记和碑刻3600余品,佛塔50余座,造像10万余尊。其中最大的佛像高达17.14米,最小的仅有2厘米。这些都体现出了我国古代劳动人民很高的艺术造诣。 奉先寺是龙门唐代石窟中最大的一个石窟,长宽各30余米。据碑文记载,此窟开凿于唐代武则天时期,历时三年。洞中佛像明显体现了唐代佛像艺术特点,面形丰肥、两耳下垂,形态0、安详、温存、亲切,极为动人。石窟正中卢舍那佛坐像为龙门石窟最大佛像,身高17.14米,头高4米,耳朵长1.9米,造型丰满,仪表堂皇,衣纹流畅,具有高度的艺术感染力,实在是一件精美绝伦的艺术杰作。据佛经说,卢舍那意即光明普照。这尊佛像,丰颐秀目,嘴角微翘,呈微笑状,头部稍低,略作俯视态,宛若一位睿智而慈祥的中年妇女,令人敬而不惧。有人评论说,在塑造这尊佛像时,把高尚的情操、丰富的感情、开阔的胸怀和典雅的外貌完美地结合在一起,因此,她具有巨大的艺术魅力。卢舍那佛像两边还有二弟子迦叶和阿难,形态温顺虔诚,二菩萨和善开朗。天王手托宝塔,显得魁梧刚劲。而力士像就更动人了,只见他右手叉腰,左手合十,威武雄壮。 金刚力士雕像比卢舍那佛像旁的力士像更加动人,是龙门石窟中的珍品,1953年清理洞窟积土时,在极南洞附近发现的,是被盗凿而未能运走遗留下的。只见金刚力士两眼暴突,怒视前方,二手握拳,胸上、手、腿上的肌肉高高隆起。整座雕像造型粗犷豪放,雄健有力,气势逼人。 龙门石窟中另一个著名洞窟是宾阳洞。这个窟前后用了20xx年才完成,是开凿时间最长的一个洞窟。洞内有11尊大佛像。主像释迦牟尼像,高鼻大眼、体态端祥,左右二边有弟子、菩萨侍立,佛和菩萨面相清瘦,目大额平,衣锦纹理周密刻划,有明显西域艺术痕迹。窟顶雕有飞天,挺健飘逸,是北魏中期石雕艺术的杰作。洞中原有两幅大型浮雕《皇帝礼佛图》、《太后礼佛图》,画面上分别以魏孝文帝和文明皇太后为中心,前簇后拥,组成礼佛行列,构图精美,雕刻细致,艺术价值很高,是一幅反映当时帝王生活的图画。可惜被美国人勾结中国奸商盗运到美国,现分别藏于美国堪萨斯城纳尔逊艺术馆和纽约市艺术博物馆。而洞口唐宰相书法家褚遂良书碑铭,很值得一览。 万佛洞在宾阳洞南边,洞中刻像丰富,南北石壁上刻满了小佛像,很多佛像仅一寸,或几厘米高,计有1500多尊。正壁菩萨佛像端坐于束腰八角莲花座上。束腰处有四力士,肩托仰莲。后壁刻有莲花54枝,每枝花上坐着一菩萨或供养人,壁顶上浮雕伎乐人,个个婀娜多姿,形象逼真。沿口南壁上还有一座观音菩萨像,手提净瓶举尘尾,体态圆润丰满,姿势优美,十分传神。 河南优秀导游词 篇8云台山位于河南省焦作市修武县境内,拥有十一大景点,20__年2月13日,被联合国教科文组织评选为全球首批世界地质公园。同时,还是国家级风景名胜区、全国文明风景旅游区、首批国家AAAA-旅游景区、国家自然遗产、国家森林公园、国家级猕猴自然保护区、国家水利风景区、国家文化产业示范基地,荣获了世界杰出旅游服务品牌等多项荣誉。20__年3月,“云台山”被国家工商总局认定为中国驰名商标。20__年7月,被河南省人民政府授予20__年度(首届)河南省省长质量奖。20__年9月,被国家质量监督检验检疫管理总局评为全国质量工作先进单位。 位于河南省焦作市的修武县境内,以独具特色的“北方岩溶地貌”、“云台山水”被联合国教科文组织列入全球首批世界地质公园名录。同时又是河南省唯一一个集国家级风景名胜区、首批国家AAAA-旅游景区、全国文明风景旅游区、国家森林公园、国家自然遗产、国家水利风景区、国家级狝猴自然保护区、国家文化产业示范基地等八个国家级于一体的风景名胜区。景区面积240平方公里,含泉瀑峡、潭瀑峡、红石峡、茱萸峰、子房湖、万善寺、百家岩、叠彩洞、猕猴谷、青龙峡、峰林峡等十一大景点。还有亚洲落差最大的瀑布--云台天瀑。20__年7月7日,在北京召开的我国世界地质公园推荐会上,云台山地质公园以103.85分的高分,排名黄山、庐山之后,成为我国向联合国教科文组织推荐的8个地质公园之一。20__年2月13日北京时间23时,在法国巴黎召开的联合国教科文组织世界地质公园专家评审大会上,云台山金榜题名,成为了首批28个世界地质公园中的一员。云台山景区以世界第五、全国第三的名次被联合国教科文组织命名为全球首批世界地质公园而在国内外引起瞩目,名扬世界。20__年7月11日,在由国家旅游局发布的旅-业第一份“中国旅游百强景区”排行榜中,该景区以20__年391万人次的接待量排名第22位。-《大秦帝国》、《争霸传奇》、《马鸣风萧萧》、《孙子大传》等多部影视剧在此取景拍摄。 云台山满山覆盖的原始森林,有深邃幽静的沟谷溪潭,千姿百态的飞瀑流泉,如诗如画的奇峰异石,形成了云台山独特完美的自然景观,云气缭绕,仙风回荡,为道教历代重玄派妙真道士仙居之福地洞天,道教妙真祖庭。汉献帝的避暑台和陵基,中国山水园林文化鼻祖“竹林七贤”的隐居地(至今有刘伶醒酒台、稽康淬剑石、孙登啸台等遗迹)。唐代药王孙思邈的采药炼丹遗迹,玄帝宫、重阳阁等等。唐代大诗人王维写出“每逢佳节倍思亲”千古绝唱的茱萸峰,以及众多名人墨客的碑刻、文物,形成了云台山丰富深蕴的文化内涵。 云台山以山称奇,整个景区奇峰秀岭连绵不断,主峰茱萸峰海拔1308米,踏千阶的云梯栈道登上茱萸峰顶,北望千里太行深处,巍巍群山层峦叠嶂,南望怀川大平原,沃野千里、田园似棋,黄河如带,山水相连,不禁使人心旷神怡,领略到“会当凌绝顶,一览众山小”的意境。焦作修武云台山风景区 河南优秀导游词 篇9云台山位于河南省焦作市修武县境内,拥有十一大景点,20xx年2月13日,被联合国教科文组织评选为全球首批世界地质公园。同时,还是国家级风景名胜区、全国文明风景旅游区、首批国家AAAA-旅游景区、国家自然遗产、国家森林公园、国家级猕猴自然保护区、国家水利风景区、国家文化产业示范基地,荣获了世界杰出旅游服务品牌等多项荣誉。20xx年3月,“云台山”被国家工商总局认定为中国驰名商标。20xx年7月,被河南省人民政府授予20xx年度(首届)河南省省长质量奖。20xx年9月,被国家质量监督检验检疫管理总局评为全国质量工作先进单位。 位于河南省焦作市的修武县境内,以独具特色的“北方岩溶地貌”、“云台山水”被联合国教科文组织列入全球首批世界地质公园名录。同时又是河南省唯一一个集国家级风景名胜区、首批国家AAAA-旅游景区、全国文明风景旅游区、国家森林公园、国家自然遗产、国家水利风景区、国家级狝猴自然保护区、国家文化产业示范基地等八个国家级于一体的风景名胜区。景区面积240平方公里,含泉瀑峡、潭瀑峡、红石峡、茱萸峰、子房湖、万善寺、百家岩、叠彩洞、猕猴谷、青龙峡、峰林峡等十一大景点。还有亚洲落差最大的瀑布--云台天瀑。20xx年7月7日,在北京召开的我国世界地质公园推荐会上,云台山地质公园以103.85分的高分,排名黄山、庐山之后,成为我国向联合国教科文组织推荐的8个地质公园之一。20xx年2月13日北京时间23时,在法国巴黎召开的联合国教科文组织世界地质公园专家评审大会上,云台山金榜题名,成为了首批28个世界地质公园中的一员。云台山景区以世界第五、全国第三的名次被联合国教科文组织命名为全球首批世界地质公园而在国内外引起瞩目,名扬世界。20xx年7月11日,在由国家旅游局发布的旅-业第一份“中国旅游百强景区”排行榜中,该景区以20xx年391万人次的接待量排名第22位。-《大秦帝国》、《争霸传奇》、《马鸣风萧萧》、《孙子大传》等多部影视剧在此取景拍摄。 云台山满山覆盖的原始森林,有深邃幽静的沟谷溪潭,千姿百态的飞瀑流泉,如诗如画的奇峰异石,形成了云台山独特完美的自然景观,云气缭绕,仙风回荡,为道教历代重玄派妙真道士仙居之福地洞天,道教妙真祖庭。汉献帝的避暑台和陵基,中国山水园林文化鼻祖“竹林七贤”的隐居地(至今有刘伶醒酒台、稽康淬剑石、孙登啸台等遗迹)。唐代药王孙思邈的采药炼丹遗迹,玄帝宫、重阳阁等等。唐代大诗人王维写出“每逢佳节倍思亲”千古绝唱的茱萸峰,以及众多名人墨客的碑刻、文物,形成了云台山丰富深蕴的文化内涵。 云台山以山称奇,整个景区奇峰秀岭连绵不断,主峰茱萸峰海拔1308米,踏千阶的云梯栈道登上茱萸峰顶,北望千里太行深处,巍巍群山层峦叠嶂,南望怀川大平原,沃野千里、田园似棋,黄河如带,山水相连,不禁使人心旷神怡,领略到“会当凌绝顶,一览众山小”的意境。焦作修武云台山风景区 河南优秀导游词 篇10少林寺、龙门石窟、云台山,这些词汇或许大家都不陌生。看到它们你马上会联想到河南,因为它们是河南旅游的“王牌”景点。你来过河南吗?你了解河南旅游的现状吗?今天我就给大家说一说河南的旅游。 河南的旅游曾经在全国有很高的地位。旅游界流行一句话:中国旅游看“三南”:河南、海南和云南。河南悠久的历史文化资源、海南得天独厚的热带风光以及云南少数民族的异域风情一直为国人所乐道,也是中国吸引海外客源的重要招牌。河南地处中原,经过几十年的发展,如今的河南旅游业呈现出生机勃勃的劲头和日新月异的面貌。按其特色,河南旅游大致有七个方面的特点:古、河、拳、根、花、红、绿。 说到河南的古,想必谁都不会怀疑。中华民族五千年的文明史同河南休戚相关,从原始社会到奴隶社会,从奴隶社会到封建社会直到今天,中国历史上几乎所有的历史兴衰都在中原大地上留下了深深的烙印。中国的八大古都河南占了四个,99座国家历史文化名城河南有七座,几千年历史的尘埃积淀成了我们脚下厚实的黄土地,里面埋藏着秦砖汉瓦和唐诗宋词。地下一块不起眼的小瓷片没准是哪位皇上的御用品呢!河南的发展史就是中国历史的一个缩影。中华民族灿烂的文明兴起于中原并且从这里四散开来。河南的古老让人肃然起敬。(代表景点:商城遗址、河南博物院) 河是指黄河。中国人习惯的把黄河比做是母亲,她用甘甜的乳汁哺育了中华民族。她的浩浩荡荡、一往无前的性格也是中华民族精神的一种象征和寄托。黄河全长5464公里,流经中国九个省区,九省中她惟独钟情于河南,给这里的人民留下了许多美好和不美好的回忆。许多统治者选择位于中原、濒临黄河的开封或洛阳作为自己的都城,给这里留下了丰富的历史文化遗迹。由于黄河携带大量的泥沙使得河床抬高,在历史上黄河有“三年两决口,百年一改道”之说,豫东一带常年受黄河水灾之苦,人民生活流离失所。河水过后的地面上一无所有,黄沙湮灭了曾经的繁荣,历史上诞生了“黄泛区”这个名词。如今的黄河经过治理柔和了许多。在三门峡你可以看到“高峡出平湖”的壮景,在郑州可以领略她“滚滚东逝水”的雄姿,到了开封又可欣赏到“地上悬河”的奇景,曾经的“黄泛区”商丘也大做黄河故道的文章发展生态旅游。黄河犹如一条玉带,把中原几千年散落的历史串了起来,结成一条光彩熠熠的项链。(代表景点:郑州黄河游览区,开封铁塔) 中原有两拳:少林拳和太极拳。它们不但在国内打出了声势,而且打到了国外。少林拳得名于少林寺,“天下武功出少林,少林武功拳为先”。少林寺之所以蜚声海内外,在于少林功夫的博大精深。游客到少林寺不是冲着精美的寺庙建筑和虔诚念经的和尚,吸引他们的是少林功夫。现在很多的外国人也来到少林门下拜师学艺,他们不但学到了少林功夫和少林文化,同时也宣传了河南,吸引他们的同胞来河南观光旅游。相比之下,太极拳则注重“内销”。这种发源于焦作陈家沟的拳种已经在全国普及开来。在全国随便哪一个城市,早上公园里你一定会看到太极拳爱好者的那柔美的身姿。现在陈家沟建了太极拳纪念馆,越来越多的太极爱好者纷至沓来。世界首届传统武术节的举办使河南大赚一笔,名利双收。河南双拳出击,取得了良好的效果。(代表景点:少林寺,陈家沟)) 有位作家说过一句让人听起来有些嚣张的话:河南人是中国人的娘。其实这话不无道理。中国人以炎黄子孙自称,炎帝和黄帝就生活在黄河流域的中原地区,其后代一脉繁衍,产生出许多姓氏。按人口多少排出的中国100个大姓中,有73个发源于河南,其中前五大姓氏(李王张刘陈)中李、张、陈均出自河南,王姓和刘姓最早的一支也在河南产生。每年有许多海内外人士来河南寻根拜祖。看到满头华发的华侨不远万里来到自己家族的祠堂,对着祖宗的神位三叩九拜、泣不成声,那虔诚的神态着实让人感到“根”在中国人心中的分量。(代表景点:新郑轩辕故里) “洛阳地脉花最宜,牡丹尤为天下奇”“采菊东篱下,悠然见南山”。两句诗吟颂了河南两大名花---牡丹和菊花。牡丹雍容华贵,国色天香,历来为人们所称颂。虽然牡丹遍及全国,但是提到她,人们首先还是会想到洛阳。传说武则天一日兴起,让百花在寒冬腊月开放,百花畏惧她的权势,次日纷纷破例开放,惟独牡丹拒不开花,武则天一怒之下把牡丹从京城贬到洛阳。牡丹到洛阳后昂首怒放,香溢八方,故牡丹又被称为“洛阳花”。洛阳气候温和,土壤适宜,适合栽培牡丹。每年4月15日举行的牡丹花会吸引许多爱美之人来一睹她的风姿。开封菊花的历史也很悠久,在1000多年前的北宋就驰名全国。菊花姿色优美,色彩艳丽,不但有很强的观赏性,也有很强的民族性。尤其当万木萧疏、群芳凋谢的时候,惟独她临霜不惧,傲首独放,显示出其刚毅的性格。因此人们把她和梅、兰、竹并称为“四君子”。每到10月18日菊花会期间,漫步在古城开封的大街小巷,你仿佛臵身于花的海洋,红的、黄的、白的菊花点缀了古城,也点缀了人们的心情。两地以花为媒广招宾客。难怪两地百姓脸上的笑靥如鲜花般灿烂。(代表景点:牡丹花会、菊花会) 当前全国上下掀起了一场“踏寻革命遗迹、缅怀革命先烈”的红色旅游活动的高潮。河南,这片承载着创建共和国历史的红土地,在缔造新中国波澜壮阔的历史画卷中,曾写下了浓墨重彩的一笔。在河南,追寻先辈足迹、踏访革命圣地的“红色旅游”内容极为丰富,其中有革命老区、红色根据地、伟人故居、著名战争遗址、革命事件故址、革命烈士陵园和有时代特征的建设项目与单位等。前一段时间“红旗渠精神展”在全国各大城市巡回展出,所到之处引起极大轰动,人们争相前去参观、学习,无不惊叹于林县人民在艰苦环境中的那种不怕牺牲、勇往直前的坚定信念和英雄气概。坐落在省会郑州市中心的二七纪念塔已不仅仅是一座建筑,更重要的是一种不屈不挠精神的象征。“人民的好书记”焦裕禄长眠于兰考的黄河岸边,守望着这块他曾为之奋斗过的土地。这些红色旅游景点更激起人们的爱国热情,让我们增加了信心,激励我们为了幸福的明天而更加努力拼搏。(代表景点:红旗渠、南街村) 河南不仅有着悠远的人文旅游资源,还有着风光秀美、景色宜人的自然旅游资源。温暖的气候、丰沛的降水给各种植物的生长提供了良好的条件,为河南发展绿色生态旅游奠定了基础。河南森林公园、自然保护区的数量居全国前列,首批世界地质公园河南占了两家。在发展绿色旅游方面河南走在了全国的前面,并且创造了“焦作现象”“栾川模式”这些在旅游规划、开发、营销方面的奇迹,倍受业内人士推崇。游客在苍山绿树间看飞虹直下,听溪水淙淙,他们就是点缀在河南绿色景区中的一朵朵“红花”。 (代表景点:云台山、重渡沟、鸡公山) 历史上曾有“逐鹿中原”的说法,如今许多人开始逐“游”中原。他们要在苍老的历史古迹面前与前人进行一次心灵的对话,要在生机盎然的大自然中得到一次心境的升华。大批的包机、专列、车队已经并且还在继续驶进河南,淳朴好客的河南人真诚欢迎四海宾朋的到来! 河南优秀导游词 篇11Greeting Words: Good morning Ladies and gentlemen, it’s so nice to meet youhere. My name is Jo, come from China International Travel Agency, and I’ll beyour guide for these 3 days in Henan. On behalf of CITA, welcome to Henan.Hereseated our driver Mr Lee, who has good skills and rich experience in driving.During your stay in Henan, we two would do our utmost to make your staypleasant!And your cooperation would be appreciated! If any requirement isneeded,please just feel free to let us know. We would be pleased to helpyou.Wish you a wonderful stay in Henan! Thank you! Now our car is drivingon the__X expressway, it takes about three hours to our destination—X__ scenic area.During this period of time, I’d like to give you a brief introduction aboutHenan and the place we’re going to visit. Henan, one of the largest provinceswith richest tourism resources in China, has numerous tourist attractions ofboth naturalness and humanity, and it is hard to name them over.Among them, theX__ is one of the tourist attractions with widest popularity in the world. Now,let’s focus on it and talk it over in detail and try to keep some of the mainpoints in mind since we’re going to pay a visit to it . Now, we have arrived at the __X scenic spot, please close the windowtightly, carry on your belongings and get off the bus. Our car number Yu A12345,and my phone number isplease bear them in mind. At12:00pm, we’resupposed to assemble here, please hold the time. The ShaoLin Temple The shaolin temple was first completed in 495, duringthe reign of Northern Wei Dynasty. In 527, Bodhidharma, the disciple ofSakyamuni of the 28th generation came here to practice Zen creed. As it wasconcealed in the thick woods of the shaoshi hill, it was given the name ShaolinTemple meaning “temple in the woods of Shaoshi Hill”. As you know, the shaolintemple is widely known not only for its ancient and mysterious Buddhist culture,but also for its martial arts, that is Kungfu in Chinese, which enjoys atradition of some 20__ years. So that’s the saying “Chinese Kungfu taking thefirst place under the heaven” and “the best kungfu originating from shaolintemple.” In the year 20__, the temple sightseeing zone was designated to be oneof the AAAAA-grade tourist attractions of China by the National TourismAdministration Now we’re standing in front of the Front Gate Hall. Please look up at theplaque hanging above the lintel, and you’ll find the plaque bears three Chinesecharacters, Shaolin Si, the name of the temple. This is said to be handwrittenby Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty. This work is very precious because theemperor rarely wrote. Ok please follow me. Just now, we have visited the FrontGate Hall, steles, ginkgos, and the Hall of the Heavenly Kings, and now, we arejust in the principal hall in the temple, the Hall of Mahavira. This hall isenshrined with three main Buddhas in the central part. They are Sakyamuni Buddhasitting in the middle and Pharmacist Buddha of the Eastern Glazed World andAmitabha Buddha from the Western Paradise sitting on both sides. Along the gablewalls, sit 18 Buddhist Arhats, who were enlightened Buddhist monks. On bothsides in front of the Hall of Mahavira, stand the Bell Tower and the Drum Towersymmetrically. They were rebuilt in 1994 used to report hours for the temple.Normally the bell is used in the morning, while the drum, in the afternoon,hence the saying “morning bell and afternoon drum”. In front of the Bell Toweris the stele called “the Stele of Li Shimin” telling the story about how themonks from the Shaolin Temple rescued Prince Li Shimin from being pursued andattacked by Wang Shichong during the late Sui Dynasty. Li Shimin, who laterbecame the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty wrote the inscriptions on the stelepersonally,and left with a signature of Shi min on the stele. Ok please comewith me, we are going to the next hall. So now, the pavilion in front of us, notlike the Zangjingge and the Abbot’s rooms we visited just now, enjoys a movingstory. It’s named Dharma’s Pavilion or Lixue Pavilion, that is “Standing in thesnow” in English. It says: After Boddhi Dharma came to China, many ChineseBuddhist believers wanted to be his followers, and Shengguang was the mostprominent of all of them. He always followed him whenever and wherever he went and served Dharma withheart and soul. But Dharma didn’t agree to accept Shengguang as a disciple.Shengguang didn’t lose heart and became even more steadfast. On a snowy night,he begged as usual with Budhidharma outside, standing in the knee-high snow. Themaster set forward a prerequisite: he would not meet his demand unless it wouldsnow in red flakes. Suddenly Shengguang drew out the sword and cut off his leftarm and stained the snowy ground. Bodhidharma was so moved that he passed hismantle, alms bowl and musical instruments on to Shengguang and gave him aBuddhist name of Huike. He was regarded as the second founder of the Zen sect.Emperor Qianlong wrote a phrase on a plaque in commemoration Alright everyone,now we are in the last hall, Pilu Hall, also called a Thousand Buddha Hall. It’salso the largest structure of the Shaolin Temple. This is just the highlight ofthe sightseeing zone. So until now, the visit in the Shaolin Temple is almostover. I think you may have some questions about the temple, or you want to takesome photos. So, please do remember, you have half an hour. After half an hourwe will gather in our bus, and make sure you’ll be there on time. And then weare going to the Pagoda Forest. Thank you for your attention! The longmen grottoes Around 13 km south of Luoyang, there are twopicturesque hills confronting each other with the Yi River flowing northwardbetween them, connected by an arched stone bridge resembling a natural gatetower. This is the right place named Longmen, where the well-known LongmenGrottoes is located. The grottoes, which earns the fame of one of the ThreeTreasure Houses of Stone Sculpture in China, was created over 1500 years age. Itwas first known in the year 493 AD, when Emperor Xiaowen moved his capital toLuoyang from Datong, Shannxi Province, which marked the initiation ofdevelopment and expanse of Buddhism in Central China. It prolongs for 1000meters from north to south. According to the statistics conducted in recentyears, there are 2300 caves and niches with over 100000 Buddhist figures. Inaddition, more than 2800 tablet inscriptions and some 40 Buddhist pagodas werepreserved in or out of the caves. Now, we’ve got to the grottoes. In front of you, here is the Qianxi Temple.It was built in the early Tang Dynasty around 640 AD. It has altogether 7Buddhist statues inside, of which, AmitabhaBuddha is sitting in the central partwith 2 of his favorite disciples, 2 Bodhisattvas, and 2 Heavenly Kings. Pleasecome with me. Now we are in front of the Bin yang Caves. The Bin yang Cavesconsist of 3 large caves, the North, the Middle and the South caves. The Mid andthe South caves were built under Emperor Xuanwu for practicing the merits andvirtues for his diseased parents, late Emperor Xiaowen and late EmpressDowagerWenzhao. While the North Bin yang cave was added for the late EmperorXuanwu by a eunuch in the palace. In the Western Hill of Longmen, there areseveral “the most” caves to feast your eyes. Just now, we visited theTen-thousand Buddha Cave with 15000 Buddhist images, which has the most Buddhaimages, and the Lotus Cave with 2cm-high Buddha images, which are the tiniestBuddha images. And now, we’ve come to another “most”, the Fengxian Temple.Fengxian Temple was built in the Tang Dynasty and it is the largest grotto inLongmen Temple with a width of 36 meters and a length of 41 meters. The mostimpressive figure is the statue of Vairocana Buddha sitting cross-legged on theeight-square lotus throne. It is 17.14 meters in total height with the head4meters in height and the ears 1.9 meters in length. At the sides of Vairocanathere are two statues of Vairocana Buddha's disciples, Kasyapa and Ananda,wearing prudent and devout expressions,next are 2 Bodhisattvas, Heavenly Kings,and Great Men of Strength. Vairocana means illuminating all things in thesutra. The Buddha has a well-filled figure, a sacred and kindly expression andan elegant smile. The chief Buddha gives you an impression of dignified manner,magnificent looking, wise, farsighted and kind nature. The various appearancesand delicate designs are the representations of Empire Tang's powerful materialand spiritual strength as well as the high crystallization of people's wisdoms.Looking around the overall arrangement, we would rather say that the FengxianTemple is a scene of a grand imperial court than a spot of Buddhism. Generallyspeaking, the Fengxian Temple is the most magnificent and artistic among all theshrines of the Tang Dynasty as well as an example of success in integratingpolitics with Buddhism in ancient China. Ok everyone, now you can take photoshere. Or you can ask questions that you don’t understand. After 15 minutes wewill gather right here. See you then. Yuntai Mountain Situated in Xiuwu county, Hennan province, Yuntai Mountainhas edged onto the China National Natural Heritage Candidate List due to itsunique geological landforms, rich natural resources and cultural relics. It ischaracterized by its structural cuesta, flying waterfalls on faulted cliffs,quiet valleys and clear springs.Known as a world geopark, it was one of thefirst world geoparks to be approved by the United Nations Educational,Scientific and Cultural Organization in 20__. The park is known for its massivegardening areas, overhanging high cliffs, flying waterfalls, secluded valleysand spring water, with a spring in every 3 steps, a waterfall in every 5 steps,a pond in every 10 steps .Covering an area of 190sqm, the scenic spot iscomposed of many sightseeing places, such as Tan pu Gorge, Quanpu Gorge, RedStone Gorge, Zifang Lake, Macaque Valley etc. 河南优秀导游词 篇12各位朋友: 大家好!首先欢迎大家来到我们河南旅游观光!很高兴能为大家导游服务并共同度过一段美好的时光,还请大家对我的工作予以大力支持与密切配合。今天我将带大家到鲁山县石人山旅游观光,预祝大家玩得开心。 石人山风景区位于河南省平顶山市鲁山县西部,景区面积55平方公里,地处伏牛山东段.主峰玉皇顶海拔2153.1米.它一年四季景色各异,号称"三十六处名胜,七十二个景点",被评为河南省十佳旅游景区。石人山山峰奇特,瀑布众多,森林茂密,温泉优良,人文景观辉煌,集"雄,险,秀,奇,幽"于一体.专家评论是有"华山之险,峨嵋之峻,张家界之美,黄山之秀".是旅游观光,避暑,疗养,科研,探险的好地方。石人山古称尧山,相传为刘姓发源地,因尧孙刘累为祭祖立尧祠于此而得名.战国时,伟大思想家,社会活动家墨翟降世于尧山之下,现有墨子故里遗址. 关天石人山,还有一个美丽的传说。当年女娲炼五色石以补苍天,剩下一块五彩顽石,双黑双秀丽,年深日久,修练成石人大仙。玉皇大帝让白牛大仙在广寒宫中为王母娘娘耕耘田园,因与嫦娥爱慕,触犯天规,补贬下凡,囚入苦海。嫦娥请来蟾蜍大仙,吸干海水,求出白牛。白牛也准备东山再起,大反天宫,二郎神挂帅亲征,王母娘娘也前来督战。石人来援白牛,一步迟来,鸡鸣天曙,战场化作八百里伏牛山脉。成仙是假,奇石是真,令每位来此观光旅游的中外宾客赞叹不已。 好了!关天石人山我今天就讲到这里。谢谢各位! 河南优秀导游词 篇13The construction of the Yamen here started in 1303 in Yuan Dynasty, and thepresent buildings were built in Qing Dynasty. It was the most well preservedgovernment office of country level in feudal China. Since our opening up to theoutside world in 1984, it has attracted a number of our government officials andvisitors form both at home and abroad because of its special history, science,attractive value and its own charm. We have the famous saying : Beijing is thedragonhead while the dragon’s tail is in Neixiang. It is also one of theimportant cultural relics of state level. The front part building of the Yamen was called a screen wall, which wasbuilt with blue brick relief sculpture. In the middle of the screen, there is astrange beast, which is called “Tan”. It was said to be a greedy beast thatcould swallow gold and silver treasures in the legend. Here in the picture wecan see that around it there are treasures everywhere. But he is not satisfied.His mouth opens widely intending to swallow the sun in the sky, but as a result,he falls off the steep cliff, having his body smashed into pieces. The pictureon the screen was first created by Zhu Yuanzhang, the founder of the MingDynasty. The purpose of the drawing is to warn the government officials not totake bribes and break the law. Here is the main entrance, halfway there isanother gate right in the middle, called Yimen, the second main officialentrance. It used to be open only on the day when new governor took his place orwhen higher official came to visit. On both sides of the second gate, there’retwo small doors, the one on the east was called Life door, while the one on thewest was called Death door, or Ghost door, which was used only by the criminalswhen they were sentenced to death and were going to be killed. Passing throughYimen, you can see a grand building here in front of you . That is the greathall. The great hall was the place where the governor of the county announcedthe government orders, and also some important ceremonies were held here andsome important and serious criminal cases were tried here. In the middle of it,a trial desk was placed, and on the desk, the four treasures of the study andthe red and green bamboo pieces used for trial could be found. On the front sideof the screen, there’s a picture of seawater, tide and the sun, meaning that anofficial should be as clear as the sun and the moon and as clean as seawater. Inother words, an official should be honest and upright. When the prosecutor andthe defendant were taken to the hall for trial, they must kneel down on thestones. The square stone on the east was for the prosecutor, and the rectanglestone on the west was for the accused. Since most cases involved more defendants, the stone for them was longer then. The housebehind the great hall was called doorman house. The man who guarded the housewas called Doorman, who was the county governor’s relative or people who wereclose to him. Now we have come to the second hall. It was the place where theCounty Magistrate dealt with small cases. Please look at these famous couplets,which means that before law everyone is equal. So the judges should pass thefairest judgment on people. This is called Fuzi Yard, an ancient form of addressto a Confucian scholar or to a master by his disciples. Fuzi was usually theofficial’s assistant who was usually their close friend of knowledgeable andartistic talent. Everyone, including the county governor respectfully addressedhim as Lao Fuzi, so the place where Fuzi worked was called Fuzi Yard. Finally,let’s go to the third hall. It was the place where county governor did his dailywork. If the cases he dealt with were of great importance, he would do it here.There was also a garden behind. It was here that county governor enjoyed hisfree life and got away from his government affairs. As we can see now, there’remany succinct couplets with rich intension here. But this one before the thirdhall was the most famous. It was written by GaoYigong , a county governor inNeixiang county. It means that being the local officials, we rearded the commonpeople as our parents. We worked for them voluntarily and willingly.Nowadays ,many of our Party leaders like Chairman Jiang Zemin read it with deep feelings,and Premier Zhu Rongji sings high praise of it. The words can be no doubtregarded as famous saying and epigram, and the only one of its kind. So now theYmen in Neixiang, together with the Museum Palace in Beijing, and the other twoin Hebei and Shanxi, has formed a special international tore route of the fourgreat ancient Chinese Yamens. Neixiang is now going out of Henan and into theworld. We warmly welcome all the reiends from all over the world to visitNeixiang, and enjoy the elegant demeanor of the ancient Yamen. 河南优秀导游词 篇14The Red Stone Canyon, which is a rare canyon sight in north China withwaterfalls, lakes, pools and gullies, is highly acclaimed by gardening expertsas a “natural gallery for mountain and river collections” because of its grandand exclusive landscapes. The most splendid waterfall in the canyon is theBailong Waterfall, divided into three falls, measuring 30 meters in height. Itlooks as shiny as a huge silver dragon. A good place for waterfall watching isthe Heilong (Black Dragon) Cave, which is as long as 30 meters with absolutedarkness inside. Standing in the cave, you can not only see the marvelous fallsdashing down into the deep pools but also the perilous high stiffs, narrowlyseparated from each other by fast-flowing gullies so that the sky is scarcelyvisible. The spring water flowing down the cliffs splashes into water drops thatdazzle in the sunlight like colorful diamonds, looking like a unique picturehanging on the wall. Yuntai Mountain is famous for its grotesque hill, whichextends as far as eyes can see. The main peak, Cornel Peak, is 1308m above thesea level.It is said to be famous for a poem by a famous poet in the TangDynasty called Wang Wei, who worked out a popular poem when he climbed up themountain. The poem Thinking of My Brothers in Mountain Climbing Day fullyconveys his emotion of missing friends. Mounting to the mountain top and lookingfar into the distance, you can see the Yellow River winding like a silver belt.Having a bird view of the foot of the mountain, you can see chains of peaks likesea waves. The weather on the top is often unpredictable. All at once cloudsgather and wind blows, with mist rising among the mountains. The mountains looming in the mist andclouds look so vague that you feel as if you were in a fairy world. Also, It hadbeen the secluded place of seven Bamboo Forest Sages of the Wei and the JinPeriod. Medicine King, Sun Simiao, once collected Chinese medicine here. Manyhistorical stories are spreading in the area related to some fames once visitedhere. Yuntai Mountain is famous for its numerous rivers, lakes, pools andsprings. Here we can see the highest waterfall in the country---- YuntaiSkyscraper Waterfall, which is 314 meters high like a huge pillar, reminds us ofa famous peom of Libai“ The waters puring down from thousands above of themountain, like the silver river dropping down from top of the heaven”. It looksespecially magnificent, forming a unique spectacle along with other waterfalls,such as the Tianmen Waterfall, Bailong Waterfall, Huanglong Waterfall andY-shaped Waterfall, dashing abruptly downward. Well,next spot for us is theQinglong Canyon here, renowned as “First Canyon in Central China”, attracts manypeople for ecological touring for its mild climate, rich water resources andvarious vegetations. The Garden of Market in Qingming Festival Now we’re leading our way to thecity of Kaifeng. Kaifengis one of the 8 major ancient capitals of China. Thecity of Kaifeng was already in existence before 700 B.C. During the period ofWarring States more than 2,000 years ago, King Hui of the State of Wei moved hiscapital to Kaifeng, rebuilt the city and called it Daliang. Since then, Kaifengwas the capital of several dynasties. As an ancient capital, Kaifeng has a lotof historical relics and scenic spots. Some of them have been preserved, such asthe iron Pagoda, Po Pagoda, Xiangguo Monastery, Dragon Pavilion. They areprecious heritages of the Chinese culture. The famous painting Qingming Scrollis believed by some to portray daily life in Kaifeng. The painting, of whichseveral versions are extant, is attributed to the Song Dynasty artist ZhangZeduan. Have you ever dreamed of going back to Northern Song Dynasty in Chinaand enjoy the prosperity and culture of those years? If so, come to the Gardenof Market in Qingming Festivallocated in the old city of Kaifeng in HenanProvince. Find yourself in the spectacular scenery there and you are sure torealize that dream. The Garden of Market in Qingming Festival located on thewestern bank of Longting Lake is a grand cultural garden. It covers an area of600 mu, and the construction area is more than 30,000 square meters .The builtarea consists of several architectural complexes which are re-creations based onthe famous twelfth century painting by Zhang Zeduan of 'The Qingming Festival bythe Riverside'. When you enter the Garden of Market in Qingming Festival, a statue which is16 meters tall comes into view. This figure is none other than the artist ZhangZeduan, who holds his famous drawing of 'The Qingming Festival by theRiverside'. This picture is a painted scroll which is 525 cm in length and 25.5cm in width depicting life along Bian River during the Qingming Festival. Thescenes in this painting are highly detailed and the spectacle is magnificent.There are large numbers of people and buildings. The people are shown in avariety of contemporary clothes that indicate their social standing andoccupations. The lively throng includes many animals and it is not difficult toimagine the sounds in the street scenes where the people are crowded and noisy.We can almost hear someone’s bargaining with a shop owner while others arecheering entertainers. The picture is like a live symphony of life during theSong Dynasty. Now we can find these scenic spots such as City Gate Tower, Rainbow Bridge,distinctive shops and others which are re-created in the Park according to thescenes in the painting. The Garden of Market in Qingming Festival not onlyreappears the vast vigor of the Millennium Picture, but also makes the historyliving by flexible creative idea, makes tourists the sense of backward flowingtime by entering the park, just like passing through the space tunnel. Anotherscenic spot called Rainbow Bridge is a well-known feature in the Park. It is areplica of one of the ten ancient timber bridges. The bridge is 5 meters high.The first bridge was built in 1050, and reconstructed in 1998. Four 9 metershigh columns, two at either end of the bridge, replicate the poles that wereweather vanes at the time of the Song Dynasty. A white crane sits on a disk atthe top of each column and they turn to face into the wind, indicating itsdirection. As a scenic spot for folk-custom tours, Chinese authorities have donea lot to preserve folk handcrafts and folk customs. You can see the process ofmaking handicrafts, such as Bian embroidery, paintings for new years, enamelwares, tea ceremony, spinning and weaving, figures made from flour and sugar andfolk-custom performances, such as acrobatics, folk arts and performances ofbirds, fighting cocks and dogs. Here, you are not only a visitor, but an actor.For example, you can act as Mr. Right in the competition for marrying Mr. Wang’sbeautiful daughter and have the opportunity to enjoy the traditional weddingfestivities. And you can be the No.1 Scholar in the imperial examination tobring honor to your ancestors. There is a large amusement hall built in the Songstyle, where many amusement activities are held, including swings, balance beamsand many other amusements. As an ecological scenic spot, this garden was builtand forested according to the Market Day During the QingMing Festival. The wholegarden combines natural beauty with historical flavor, thus forming a favorableplace to have a true rest and evoke your full energy both physically andspiritually. Yin Ruins Yin Ruins is at Xiaotun Village of Anyang City. In ancient times,Xiaotun was called Yin and it was the capital of the Shang Dynasty. So theperiod was also called Yin Shang. After the Yin had been overthrown, the citydeclined and the remains of it was later called the Yin Ruins. Since thefounding of new China, the Yin Ruins had been listed as the first group ofcultural relics under national protection. In order to preserve its culture, thegovernment built “Garden of the Yin Ruins” on the site. Today the garden isdivided into several sections with ancient objects on display. Because of itsgreat value in not only the historical relics of Chinese culture but also thehuman civilization of the whole world, Yin Xu topped the 100 GreatestArcheological Discoveries of China in the last century and it was listed in theWorld Cultural and Natural Heritage List of United Nations Educational,Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). Yin Xu is revealing its beauty tothe world. OK, everybody. Soon we’ll get to the Museum on Yin Ruins, the best museumfor the study of the Yin Shang Culture. The Yin Ruins is famous for threethings,i.e.the oracle inscriptions, the bronze wares and the ancient capital ofthe Shang Dynasty. As you know, China is one of the earliest countries todiscover characters. As early as 4,000 years ago, people used bones or tortoiseshells to record events of their social life. It is the earliest written form oflanguage in the world. Today we call them the oracle bone inscriptions, whichwere first discovered in the Yin Ruins. Well,let’s come to the main hall wherethe oracle inscriptions are exhibited. The oracle bone inscriptions were firstdiscovered during the years of Emperor GuangXu, in the Qing Dynasty. In 1899, inXiao Tun Village of Anyang City, Henan Province, villagers found many tortoiseshells and bones carved with letters and symbols, which unveiled to the worldfrom Yin Xu, an ancient city with a long history and splendid culture.Then morethan 16,000 pieces of bones and shells were found. But in the Shang Dynasty,they were used as divinations, when people were very superstitious. Theinscriptions cover a wide range of fields, such as sacrifice, wars, stateaffairs, weather, hunting, etc. Today, they provide important information forthe study of the Shang Dynasty. And the study of the oracle bone inscriptionshas become a new subject and is getting more popular among people. Since then this place has become of great interest to worldwide archeologists,because those inscriptions have proved to be the earliest written characters ofhuman beings, the Oracles. Apart from the oracle bone inscriptions, bronze waresare another important part of the cultural relics discovered from the Ruins,which show that the technology of bronze casting reached its peak in the ShangDynasty. The bronze wares include vessels, weapons,chariots and so on. Among allthe unearthed wares, SimuwuQuadripod unearthed in the mausoleum area of the YinRuins, the largest and the most famous bronze sacrificial vessel in the world,is 875 kg in weight, 133 cm in height. Standing on the open plaza in front ofthe great hall is an enlarged copy of the original one for the convenience oftouring and appreciation, with the original one cherished in the Museum ofChinese History. With its unusual air of majesty, together with its elegance inappearance and intricately carved in patterns, it is considered a treasure inthe bronze culture of China as well as a glorious pearl shining on the peak ofthe world art. To cast such a significant vessel carrying such a great weight,advanced techniques and experiences in organization of laborers are necessary.As many scholars have pointed out, this huge bronze quadripod reflects theadvanced slavery system of the Shang Dynasty and the unusual power of creationof the people. Finally we come to the side of the imperial palaces and tombs.Lying on the southwest of the Foundation Ruins C, Fuhao Tomb is one of the mostimportant archeology discoveries in the temple. It is also the only discoveredand well-reserved tomb of Shang royal members since the science excavation ofYin Ruins. Now, let’s know something about the first woman general in Chinesehistory.FuHao was Emperor Wu Ding’s wife,both intelligent and courageous. Shehad bravely led the Yin army fighting in many wars and made great contributionsto the protecting of the country. After her death, Wu Ding built a large tombnear the palace to honor her merits. Buried together with her were many slavesand war prisoners as well assacrificial objects. The large numbers ofsacrificial objects are valuable cultural relics in the treasure house ofChinese art. 河南优秀导游词 篇15龙门石窟位于洛阳市区南12公里处,是与大同云岗石窟、敦煌千佛洞石窟齐名的我国三大石窟之一,国家5A景区。 龙门是一个风景秀丽的地方,这里有东、西两座青山对峙,伊水缓缓北流。远远望去,犹如一座天然门阙,所以古称“伊阙”。“伊阙”,自古以来,已成为游龙门的第一景观。唐诗人白居易曾说过:“洛阳四郊山水之胜,龙门首焉”。 龙门石窟始凿于北魏孝文帝迁都洛阳(公元494年)前后,后来,历经东魏、北齐、北周,到隋唐至宋等朝代又连续大规模营造达400余年之久。密布于伊水东西两山的峭壁上,南北长达1公里,共有97000余尊佛像,1300多个石窟。现存窟龛2345个,题记和碑刻3600余品,佛塔50余座,造像10万余尊。其中最大的佛像高达17.14米,最小的仅有2厘米。这些都体现出了我国古代劳动人民很高的艺术造诣。 奉先寺是龙门唐代石窟中最大的一个石窟,长宽各30余米。据碑文记载,此窟开凿于唐代武则天时期,历时三年。洞中佛像明显体现了唐代佛像艺术特点,面形丰肥、两耳下垂,形态0、安详、温存、亲切,极为动人。石窟正中卢舍那佛坐像为龙门石窟最大佛像,身高17.14米,头高4米,耳朵长1.9米,造型丰满,仪表堂皇,衣纹流畅,具有高度的艺术感染力,实在是一件精美绝伦的艺术杰作。据佛经说,卢舍那意即光明普照。这尊佛像,丰颐秀目,嘴角微翘,呈微笑状,头部稍低,略作俯视态,宛若一位睿智而慈祥的中年妇女,令人敬而不惧。有人评论说,在塑造这尊佛像时,把高尚的情操、丰富的感情、开阔的胸怀和典雅的外貌完美地结合在一起,因此,她具有巨大的艺术魅力。卢舍那佛像两边还有二弟子迦叶和阿难,形态温顺虔诚,二菩萨和善开朗。天王手托宝塔,显得魁梧刚劲。而力士像就更动人了,只见他右手叉腰,左手合十,威武雄壮。 金刚力士雕像比卢舍那佛像旁的力士像更加动人,是龙门石窟中的珍品,1953年清理洞窟积土时,在极南洞附近发现的,是被盗凿而未能运走遗留下的。只见金刚力士两眼暴突,怒视前方,二手握拳,胸上、手、腿上的肌肉高高隆起。整座雕像造型粗犷豪放,雄健有力,气势逼人。 河南优秀导游词 篇16Chaya mountain scenic area is located in SuiPing county Zhumadian, 25kilometers away from downtown, a total of 150 square kilometers, averagealtitude of 600 meters. It is the first scenic area published in Henan,presently that wins national geological parks, national forest park and national4A scenic spots. Because of its exquisite scenery that builds a strangebeautiful scenery scroll, Chayamountain is honored “Huaxia basin” and “Jiangbeiforest of stone”. The poor landform, so that is the military commanderbattleground. As the valuable and non-renewable geological heritage, the ChayaMountain includes the steepness of Huashan Mountain, splendor of TaishanMountain, peculiarity of Huangshan Mountain, elegance of Emei Mountain andtranquility of Yandang Mountain. As the only granite landform ruins in China,also rarely seen worldwide, Chaya Mountain has great scientific values. And now, we have got into the ChayaMountainscenic, the whole scenic isdivided into four parts, namely Beeswax hill, Southhill, Northhill, six peakshill. The essence of scenic spots is mainly concentrated in the Southhillparts,just the part we're going to visit today. The mountain is bestowed with anagreeable climate and abundant resources. In each season, there is a splendor ofbeauty. In spring, birds sing and flowers give forth fragrance; in summer, theumbrageous woodlands can be seen and clinking sounds of flowing spring water canbe heard; in autumn, the mountain is fiery with maple leaves and in winter,clothed in white snow and ice。 Ok, please attention to look forward;we saw thehighest peak of the rock firstly that is the landscape of “monkey look uponmoon”, the protruding part in the center is “the sleeping Tang monk”,turn right45 degree, we will see the “drinking Bajie”. You will see his opening mouth andvertical tongue and pretty belly poured drunk in hillside, his childlike sceneis so lifelike that reluctant to leave.And then, we can see a peak that is“Beewax peak”, why entitled this name? It is side that there are full of wildflowers on the whole hill, so many bees are collecting pollen come here. And thehoney is too much and nobody collect it, so these honey were curdled in thestone. Every summer, the hill wasshined by the strong sunlight irradiation;honey will be flowedout the stone, and the whole mountain looks like besmearcovered with a thick layer of beeswax, so peopleput the mountain named "Beeswax Mountain".And the lake under the mountain also got abeautiful name Xiumi lake. ChayaMountain, compared with other mountains has itsunique, the upper mount roll over one another, everywhere is strange stone, andmountain peaks, buton the bottom have thousands of holes. The MillionMan hole isone of them.Due to natural form of MillionMan hole is the underground cave, sothere are many holes in it, like a big giantmaze.And the space of the hole canaccommodate tens of thousands of people, therefore the name "million manhole".Enter the second door of the scenic area; we canpause to look upon theleft, a big tree hanging on the steep cliff. Its leaf is thick and cold, and itsdry resistance is strong. According to the provincial forestry bureau expertsidentified, it has been growing 600 years at here. Why it can survive in thisenvironment? Experts said that the root of the tree have a special function thatits root can secrete a kind of liquid that can dissolve microelement in therock, the tree will rely on absorption this rarely microelement to keep itslife.This also responds the saying:” The survival of the fittest”. Let’s keepmoving, now we came to the center of the scenic spot stone monkey park. EnterMonkey Park like into a monkey's warm home, three monkeys feel happy, pictured aharmonious family scenes.Look, there was a deep gorge in the north of the stonemonkey park that is the boundary between Chaya Mountain’s north hill and southhill. The stone monkey before our eyes that are the largest lifelike stonemonkey in the world. Looking at stone monkey at penglai three holes, seem to seea pair of embraced young lovers. But atxiumi lake area, then you can see thepeculiar landscape that elder monkey back younger monkey, it is real that astone three scenes. It is the time that ended the explain of Chaya mountain,then you can look around freely, after half an hour, we will gather at themountain’s door and have a lunch, please take full use of the time. Thank foryour cooperation! the Native Place of Emperor Huangdi The Native Place of Emperor Huangdi is located in the north of XinzhengCity. As a scenic spot of 4A- class assessed by the National Tour Bureau, it isa holly land for Chinese people all over the world to worship their ancestors,with memorial temples, andmausoleums of Emperor Huangdi situated here. Everyyear on March 3 of the lunar calendar, the day when the first emperor in Chinaestablished the first nation in Chinese history, people of Chinese origin fromhome and abroad gather in Xinzheng, the birthplace of XuanyuanHuangdi, or theYellow Emperor, to offer sacrifices and worship this legendary ancestor of theChinese nation. To respect this great Emperor, his descendants have held largeceremonies of worship, which have been attracting descendants of Yanhuang fromAmerica, Japan, Korea, Canada and other nations and areas each year. They comeback to worship, seeking their roots here in China. Now, Here we are, The Native Place of EmperorHuangdi.This square was builtin the end of 1998.It covers an area of 15,000 square meters,of which 7,900square meters are covered with trees and flowers. It has become a very importantplace for the domestic and overseas Chinese descendants to hold large-scaledactivities to worship their ancestors. In the center of the square here is athree-legged tripod caldron, whichwas cast in the shape of bears, reminding ofthe Emperor Huangdi’s rising from the Youxiong Tribe. The three-sided body ofthe tripod caldron has the embossment of three dragons with a fireball, implyingthe glorious sun and praying for favorable weather for crops and a harvest.Standing at the center of the altar, it is laurelled as “the No.1 tripod caldronof the world” for its unparalleled size and its special origin. It is 6.99meters in height, 24 tons in weight, which has been registered in the GuinnessWorld Records. The height number of 6.99 made up of figure 6 and 9 implies themajesty of grandness in traditional Chinese culture. Through the Xuanyuan Bridgeabove the JishuiRiver , here we can see the main hall. Please look at the pairof the guarding animalssitting on both sides of the gate.They are stone bears.Do you know why chose bears to guard the gate? Because 5,000 years ago,thereused to be many bears in Xinzheng. Bear was a kind of animal,very powerful andfierce then. In order to show people’s worship, the Youxiong Tribe regarded bearas the totem of their own tribe. Well, let’s enter the hall, there’re 8 muralpaintings on the wall,which vividly depict the great achievements of the Yellow Emperor during his life.They’reThe Birthof the Yellow Emperor,Making Boat and Chariot,Setting up an alliance byEmperorHuangdi and Emperor Yandi, Crusading AgainstChiyou,Making Youxiong theCapital, Holding High the Dragon Flag, Developing Agriculture and Stock Raising,Creation of Chinese Civilization. It’s a long story behind these paintings: Itis recorded that, in the Prehistoric Times, there lived many clans and tribesaround the Yellow River and the Yangtze River, yet Huangdi was the most renownedtribal leader at that time. When the tribe lead by Yandi began to decline,Huangdi's tribe was flourishing. During this period, Chiyou,another triballeader, often lead his stronger tribe to invade other tribes, and invadedYandi's tribe. With the help of Huangdi, they defeated Chiyou.After 52battlesHuangdi united China. All Chinese, despite nationalities, regardedHuangdias our ancestor. Huangdi, the initiator of Chinese civilization, was henceworshipped by his descendants. After the capital was built,EmperorHuangdi raisedhis flag of dragon, symbolizing the unification of all tribes. The dragon wasintegrated with different parts of various animals: horse’s head, deer’s horn,tiger’s mouth, snake’s body, fish’s scales, and eagle’s claw. Since then, dragonhas been the symbol of Chinese nation. On the both sides of the main hall,there’re eastern wing hall and western wing hall.In the east side hall,there isthe statue of LuoZu, the first wife of EmperorHuangdi. She was the first personto raise silkworm and weave silk in ancient China and alsoan outstandingrepresentative of ancient Chinese women. Every feudal dynasty set up temple forher and worshipped her as “the first ancestor in silkworm raising”. While in thewest side hall, here is the statue Mother Mo, the fourth wife of EmperorHuangdi, who had invented the earliest “loom”for weaving. Later generationscalled her “mother Mo---the ancestor of weavers”. |
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