标题 | 英语导游词青岛旅游 |
范文 | 英语导游词青岛旅游(精选5篇) 英语导游词青岛旅游 篇1Look at the winter of Qingdao! You go in the winter of Qingdao road, head from time to time, cold wind blowing from will make you can't help straight fight tooth and may even make you couldn't wear a jacket again, and his mouth drinking warm water. Early in the morning, you open the window, will feel the chill, out a wet cool cold fog, when you open your eyes, you will feel as if already in wonderland of the fog. Go, especially after the rain of the sea, it is beautiful, like a cloud of the sky. Qingdao snow in winter is not much, but the snow to fall once, it will satisfy. Snowy morning, open the window and turn white world appear before your eyes; Into the distance and yesterday's red tiles, green trees, houses, buildings, are all the white dyed white brushes. Put on a thick coat, opened the door, stepping white snow, every step, under the soles of the feet of snow on isalso go off by me, like a symphony music in the early morning, go to the hillside, some children are playing under the trees, all of a sudden, a bone-chilling winds blow and the snow suddenly jumped down from the branch on the tree down and fell upon the head of that a few children,, their innocent laugh, make me feel the joy of the winter. Is also very beautiful, a few hills of Snow White, green, brown, three color is linked together, in harmony, the rolling hills become more charming. Qingdao in winter is so complicated, full of poetic, bone-chilling winds, psychedelic cold, white snow, fog rolling hills constitute the Qingdao the beautiful winter scene graph. 英语导游词青岛旅游 篇2Everybody is good! Qingdao north temperate maritime monsoon climate, including the famous mountains of Taoism laoshan, piers, the May 4th square, badaguan, Olympic sailing center, silver beach, big XiaoZhuShan famous attractions, such as a year with the international beer festival will take place, international seafair, piano and violin contest and other activities. Qingdao has a long history and neolithic here began to thrive here, after qin shi huang unified China, five survey, three reed {langya}, 1919, in order to recover the sovereignty of Qingdao as the fuse, the outbreak of the famous "the May 4th patriotic movement", a watershed in the history of the nearly, modern China. Qingdao is a famous historical and cultural city, a large number of historical figures including Lao she, wen yiduo, flood depth, shen congwen and others had to give lectures in Qingdao. The classmates, you all know Qingdao there are many scenic spots like pier, shilaoren, the rainforest valley, laoshan, 10 MeiAn, underwater world, zhongshan park, etc., they are all Qingdao "bright spot". Especially the trestle, shilaoren, laoshan, underwater world, a trip to visit people is an endless stream. There is also a scenic spot is given by nature and that is the sea. The sea gives us a lot of opportunities, take the 20xx Olympic Games, for instance, Qingdao, is because of the sea, so can get the sailing events held. The sea. Has given us power, when you are tired, a glance at the sea, will vanish in fatigue. When you are stressed, looked at the boundless sea, will throw heart outside the cloud nine. The vast sea is like the sea of knowledge, let us know about the many, many. Underwater world is built under the sea. In autumn, in laoshan, the rainforest valley, ten MeiAn is the autumn wind the leaves, the earth looks like a layer of orange on the shop carpet, the man walk on the soft, can be fun! And it is so beautiful. Qingdao is so beautiful, I don't want this kind of beautiful landscape is those who litter destroyed, so we should protect the environment, make Qingdao a city with the sea more beautiful! 英语导游词青岛旅游 篇3In Qingdao, we spent three days. The first day of the pier, blue sea can be seen from the pier. The second day go to the polar ocean world and Olympic sailing base, Olympic sailing base has striking national flag, there will be "swimming bus" adventure duck, and fun four-wheel bike. The third day to badaguan second baths and spectacular naval museum, in bath can the sea, play sand, the sea and the marble floor, is the place where Chiang kai-shek lived; Navy museum has four large warships for visitors to go to visit, and tanks, artillery, and fighter...... My favorite is the polar ocean world, there are many sea creatures: penguins, white whales, sharks, seals, dolphins, sea lions... Take the door, I saw a huge turtle, I guess there are ErSanBaiJin. Go forward, I saw the colorful butterfly fish, fish head, fox... If viewed from the front, the head fish like a dog, hence the name the head fish. Then, we went to see the animals theater. Start, a person walked onto the stage cleaning, sea lions swam out of the water is always trouble, very not easy to guide sea lions in the water and sea lion jumped out again, naughty to push people out of the water, such as people climb on shore, sea lions took human barrels, people had to use water to flush, sea lions and constantly interrupt, no peace. The second performance of animal is the white whale. White whale and tamed animals frolicking in the sea, the white whale is called water! White whales will call not only, still can "sing", the white whale can make many different sounds, it "song" singing is the voice of several different collocation are together. If you're lucky, the audience could imitate an member of the movement to guide the white whale "dance", the white whale dance beautiful, very attractive. The last is the dolphin. Five or six dolphins leap from the water together, and fell back into the water together, very conspicuous. Dolphins can not only jump, but also the ball in the air. Back flip is the most wonderful dolphin 720 degrees, when dolphins to beautiful back flip fell into the water, the audience immediately thunderous applause, because this action even show not to come out of people. If you would turn the hula hoop, can compare technology and dolphins, dolphins can turn very well, you can not beat them! Animal performance is so wonderful! Finished watching the animal performance, we continue to visit to the second floor. Walk, see a sign, it says "the fish will eat milk", I'm curious, fish only whales are mammals, what kind of fish is the fish? I see someone is holding a bottle feed the fish, try a finger over the water and immediately there are fish to suck, and I feel itchy fingers. So I draw a conclusion: as long as it is to suck, sucking fish going to suck. We also see a lot of penguin, penguin is very interesting, standing still, occasionally turn a head, fierce, like a fake. 英语导游词青岛旅游 篇4崂山古称牢山、劳山。坐落在山东半岛的东南,西靠青岛,东南两面濒临黄海。面积386平方公里,崂顶巨峰,海拔1133米。既是中国道教名山,又是著名的避暑游览胜地。 崂山景区包括太清宫、太平宫、北九水、华楼宫、鹤山和崂顶巨峰等景区与景点。奇峰怪石,满山遍布,如狮子峰、绵羊石等。人称峻山的石峰是“天然的花岗岩群雕”。由于临海,山色海波相映,形成了紫霞云海乃至“海市蜃楼”的奇特景象。再加上闻名天下的崂山泉水,如“金液”、“靛缸湾”等,构成了崂山独具一格的自然景观,如《齐记》所云:“泰山虽云高,不如东海崂。” 崂山自古被称为“神宅仙窟”、“海上仙山第一”。秦皇汉武都曾来此求仙。宋元以来,宫观次第兴建,最盛时达“九宫八观七十二庵”。今尚存太清宫、太平宫、华楼宫等。这些建筑多为石壁瓦舍,简朴无华,具有道家冲和恬淡的色彩。其中太清宫中的汉柏唐榆至今仍蓊郁葱青。历代名道如邱处机、张三丰,文人李白、苏轼、蒲松龄等都曾来山中—或漫游,多有题刻吟咏,为奇丽的山水增添了几分文秀。 英语导游词青岛旅游 篇5嗨!各位游客,大家好,我叫王文慧,是这次青岛之旅的导游,你们可以叫我“王导,或“王姐! 大家知道,“八仙过海吧!今天,我们就去了解,游览一下青岛这著名的海域哦! 这片汪洋大海位于山东青岛一带。据说,有八位神仙都喝醉了,吕洞宾摇摇晃晃地说:“看这片海无边无际的,不如咱们用自己的法力渡过大海,看看谁的神通广大,“好主意!七仙异口同声的答道。于是,他们都去做了准备。最后,各显神通,到达了彼岸。这就是八仙过海的传说之地! 大家再看这里的贝壳的颜色,红彤彤的,知道为什么吗?告诉你们吧。夸父追日时路过这里,那时,她已经累得没有力气了,所以,一下子扑倒在地上,阳光照射在他的身体上,从他的身体里流淌出来的血,把奇形怪状的贝壳都染成红红的了。 大家看!在这里有座石桥,桥边有一座寺庙,庙里挂着八仙威武的画像,并且,还有他们的简介呢!可以好好看看哦! 青岛处处有美丽的地方,希望你们有机会细细的游赏。同时,我希望有缘再做你们的导游,再见! |
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