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标题 泰山碧霞祠导游词讲解


泰山碧霞祠导游词讲解 篇1





















泰山碧霞祠导游词讲解 篇2










泰山碧霞祠导游词讲解 篇3










泰山碧霞祠导游词讲解 篇4





  是铁的。殿前有香亭一座,亭内神像、摆设也都是铜质的。铆固瓦当的是水兽,用来防止火灾。正殿外的匾额由乾隆皇帝题字:“赞化东皇”、内匾由雍正皇帝题字:“福绥海宁”。殿内供奉的就是碧霞元君。东西配殿供奉的分别眼光奶奶和送生娘娘,据说,这碧霞元君、阳光奶奶和送生娘娘是姊妹仨。她们姊妹三人在老年妇女中特别有威望,而这也正是很多老年妇女执着登山的重要的原因。就好象我们的现实生活中,这做领导的有没有威信,关键就看他是否能得到群众的拥护一样,这神威不威,看来也主要是看干的事能不能干到百姓的心坎上。 好,继续参观碧霞祠。



  我们知道道教是以泰山为“群山之祖,五岳之宗,天地之神,神灵之府” ,故碧霞祠的声望远播海内外,香火非常旺盛。1982年,碧霞祠被定为道教的全国重点宫观之一。


泰山碧霞祠导游词讲解 篇5


  现在我们来到地景点是碧霞祠,它是祭祀泰山女神碧霞元君地上庙,也是泰山上最雄伟,最有特色地高山建筑。 碧霞祠是道教圣地,建于北宋,距今已有近千年地历时了。宋真宗登封泰山时,因为疏通山顶泉池,发现了一尊被毁坏地石雕少女神像,便命人更换为玉石像,并建了一座祠庙,用于祭祀,赐名为“天仙玉女碧霞元君”,号为“圣女之女”,由于帝王地发现与加封,一尊普通地石像一跃成为泰山女神。明清两代经数次重修,形成现在地规模。

  碧霞祠为前后二进院落,整个建筑群左右对称,布局紧凑,高低错落,主次分明,每当云雾开滕时,周围仙云缭绕,富丽堂皇地碧霞祠就像天上宫阙一般,威严神圣。第一进院落有东西南三个神门组成,南神门外面有一个大照壁,上面写着“万代瞻仰”四个大字,是康熙皇帝所提,照壁前有一个大火池,是供善男信女烧香的地方,纵观泰山上所有庙宇,只有这个地方是香火最旺盛的。南神门上面有一个歌舞楼,每当有刺死活动是,歌舞楼上奏响欢庆的音乐,供有人欣赏。 大家现在穿过山门重点观赏一下第二进院落,,现在我们来到的这座门叫山门。我们首先看到地是道教中镇守四方地四尊凶神猛将,左青龙,右白虎,还有朱雀,玄武,都是生铁铸造地。威风凛凛。走进山门你会发现左右两边有两座碑亭。是乾隆皇帝所以,通道两边是明代所建的千斤顶和万岁楼,这都是泰山上精美的古迹,继续往前走,殿前是“香亭”,即明代万历年间所建“金阙”之处,内供元君的小铜像,十分华丽。两侧各有一座铜碑。左边地是“泰山天仙阁金阙铜碑”也是明代万历年所立。神宗皇帝地母亲慈生太后患眼病,求过泰山老奶奶后眼疾痊愈。皇帝特地更换元君像为镀金铜像还愿。并铸造铜钟铜亭,亭子叫“金阙”。碑上刻有“金阙记”。记叙了仿武当山建造金阙地经过。亭子右边地是“泰山灵佑宫铜碑”。立于明代。这两座碑均为红铜铸造,在形式,装饰方面基本一样。高都是3.72米,这么高大地铜牌,竟找不到任何麻眼和孔洞,细腻程度令人叹为观止。

  继续前行,就是美轮美奂的正殿了,正殿共五间, 正殿采用地是金属和土木







泰山碧霞祠导游词讲解 篇6

  Ladies and Gentlemen,

  After a long hard and exhausting climb, here we are in the summit tour area of the mountain. The next spot we’re going to visit is Bixia Temple, a famous Taoist temple on the summit. Look, there it is. It’s on the other end of the Heaven Street. Shall we go? But before we get there, lets’ have a quick view of the picturesque surroundings along the way.

  This area is known as the summit tour area of Mt. Tai, and it is a wonderful part of the mountain, which is called a heavenly world. That gate we just stepped in is called South Heaven Gate and the road we’re now walking along is called Heaven Street. How do you feel now? Do you feel that “the sun is nearer and cloud’s lower”, and “ everything around is at your feet except for the sky”?

  There are many spots of interest here, including Yuhuang Summit, Bixia Temple, Sunrise View Peak, Sea Pointing rock, Inscriptions on Daguan Peak, and so on. Also enjoyable on the summit are the top four good views of Mt. Tai, i.e. sunrise in the east, sunset glow, ribbon-shaped Yellow River in Distance, jade plates in rolling sea of cloud.

  Well, Bixia Temple is coming near, now. Isn’t resplendent bathing in golden sunshine? It was first built in the Song Dynasty, and was rebuilt and renovated for many times during the Ming and Qing dynasties. It was originally named Zhaozhen Temple and got its present name since the Qing Dynasty. It is composed of four gates, three halls, dancing house, drum and bell towers, imperial tablet pavilions, incense burner pavilion. It is divided into two courtyards with a gate between, occupying about 3,900 square meters.

  According to Daoism, almost everything has a god, for example, the sun, the moon, wind, rain, thunder, wealth and even the door. These gods are enshrined in Taoist monasteries and temples. Their icons are also found in many homes, especially those in the countryside. For example, people worship the God of Wealth in the countryside in hope of achieving big fortunes. The God of Door is supposed to be able to keep away demons. Well, enshrined in this temple is a female statue named Bixia Godness. Then why do people worship her? We know that in the Dai Temple at the foot of the mountain, there is another God named God of Mt Tai. Since the Song Dynasty, Bixia Gldness has gradually taken the place of the God of Mt Tai as the most powerful immortal. She at first was in charge of sons and heirs. Then her power included control of weal and woe, poverty and health. She could cure people of illness and get rid of disasters at the petition of her disciples. So her powerfulness drew numerous men and women from thousand miles away to pray and pilgrimage in her front. So Bixia Godness became the most powerful and major God of Mt Tai. And Bixia Temple now is a precious treasure among the ancient constructions on high mountains with its fine structures and layout.

  Now ladies and gentlemen, here we are in front of the south gate of Bixia Temple. Let’s step in. You can see there are also another two gates, the east one and the west one. The second story built on the south gate is called singing and dancing hall, and the east one is called the bell tower, this is the drum tower. The main structures are in the north courtyard, shall we move on?

  Ok, here we are. The biggest building in the middle is the Great Hall. It is divided into five rooms. And it’s 24.7 meters long, 15.1 meters wide, and 13.7 meters in height. It has single extending eaves with traditional Chinese wooden structure. That two inscribed board were written respectively by Kangxi and Qianlong, two famous emperors of the Qing Dynasty. Because it is cold and windy on the summit of the mountain, all the tiles were made of iron or bronze. Now, have you paid attention to the bronze tiles on the roof? There are exactly 360 rows of bronze tiles on the roof, which stands for the 360 days of a whole year on Chinese lunar calendar. Enshrined in the middle of the hall is Bixia Godness, who looks kind and dignified. She’s in green blouse, red skirt and golden ornaments. All these colors were popular in old China. Beside the main hall are two other smaller ones, the east one is for Eyesight Godness, and the west one is for the Godness in charge of sons and heirs.

  Also in this courtyard we could see other smaller buildings. Look at the two double-eave pavilions, in the east is the imperial stone tablet of Qianlong. The inscription means renovating Bixia Temple. In the west is the tablet on which inscribed a poem written by Qianlong.

  That incense burner opposite the gate was built in the Qing Dynasty. Enshrined in it is also a bronze statue of Bixia Gldness. And beside are two bronze tablets built in the Qing Dynasty. The left one was built in 1615, on it records how the pavilion was built. The right one was built in 1625, and on it records the history of Bixia Temple.

  Ok, everybody. So much for Bixia Temple. We have seen the statue of Bixia Godness, the three main halls, the imperial pavilion and tablets, the bell and drum towers. Shall we move on to the next spot?Ladies and Gentlemen,

  After a long hard and exhausting climb, here we are in the summit tour area of the mountain. The next spot we’re going to visit is Bixia Temple, a famous Taoist temple on the summit. Look, there it is. It’s on the other end of the Heaven Street. Shall we go? But before we get there, lets’ have a quick view of the picturesque surroundings along the way.

  This area is known as the summit tour area of Mt. Tai, and it is a wonderful part of the mountain, which is called a heavenly world. That gate we just stepped in is called South Heaven Gate and the road we’re now walking along is called Heaven Street. How do you feel now? Do you feel that “the sun is nearer and cloud’s lower”, and “ everything around is at your feet except for the sky”?

  There are many spots of interest here, including Yuhuang Summit, Bixia Temple, Sunrise View Peak, Sea Pointing rock, Inscriptions on Daguan Peak, and so on. Also enjoyable on the summit are the top four good views of Mt. Tai, i.e. sunrise in the east, sunset glow, ribbon-shaped Yellow River in Distance, jade plates in rolling sea of cloud.

  Well, Bixia Temple is coming near, now. Isn’t resplendent bathing in golden sunshine? It was first built in the Song Dynasty, and was rebuilt and renovated for many times during the Ming and Qing dynasties. It was originally named Zhaozhen Temple and got its present name since the Qing Dynasty. It is composed of four gates, three halls, dancing house, drum and bell towers, imperial tablet pavilions, incense burner pavilion. It is divided into two courtyards with a gate between, occupying about 3,900 square meters.

  According to Daoism, almost everything has a god, for example, the sun, the moon, wind, rain, thunder, wealth and even the door. These gods are enshrined in Taoist monasteries and temples. Their icons are also found in many homes, especially those in the countryside. For example, people worship the God of Wealth in the countryside in hope of achieving big fortunes. The God of Door is supposed to be able to keep away demons. Well, enshrined in this temple is a female statue named Bixia Godness. Then why do people worship her? We know that in the Dai Temple at the foot of the mountain, there is another God named God of Mt Tai. Since the Song Dynasty, Bixia Gldness has gradually taken the place of the God of Mt Tai as the most powerful immortal. She at first was in charge of sons and heirs. Then her power included control of weal and woe, poverty and health. She could cure people of illness and get rid of disasters at the petition of her disciples. So her powerfulness drew numerous men and women from thousand miles away to pray and pilgrimage in her front. So Bixia Godness became the most powerful and major God of Mt Tai. And Bixia Temple now is a precious treasure among the ancient constructions on high mountains with its fine structures and layout.

  Now ladies and gentlemen, here we are in front of the south gate of Bixia Temple. Let’s step in. You can see there are also another two gates, the east one and the west one. The second story built on the south gate is called singing and dancing hall, and the east one is called the bell tower, this is the drum tower. The main structures are in the north courtyard, shall we move on?

  Ok, here we are. The biggest building in the middle is the Great Hall. It is divided into five rooms. And it’s 24.7 meters long, 15.1 meters wide, and 13.7 meters in height. It has single extending eaves with traditional Chinese wooden structure. That two inscribed board were written respectively by Kangxi and Qianlong, two famous emperors of the Qing Dynasty. Because it is cold and windy on the summit of the mountain, all the tiles were made of iron or bronze. Now, have you paid attention to the bronze tiles on the roof? There are exactly 360 rows of bronze tiles on the roof, which stands for the 360 days of a whole year on Chinese lunar calendar. Enshrined in the middle of the hall is Bixia Godness, who looks kind and dignified. She’s in green blouse, red skirt and golden ornaments. All these colors were popular in old China. Beside the main hall are two other smaller ones, the east one is for Eyesight Godness, and the west one is for the Godness in charge of sons and heirs.

  Also in this courtyard we could see other smaller buildings. Look at the two double-eave pavilions, in the east is the imperial stone tablet of Qianlong. The inscription means renovating Bixia Temple. In the west is the tablet on which inscribed a poem written by Qianlong.

  That incense burner opposite the gate was built in the Qing Dynasty. Enshrined in it is also a bronze statue of Bixia Gldness. And beside are two bronze tablets built in the Qing Dynasty. The left one was built in 1615, on it records how the pavilion was built. The right one was built in 1625, and on it records the history of Bixia Temple.

  Ok, everybody. So much for Bixia Temple. We have seen the statue of Bixia Godness, the three main halls, the imperial pavilion and tablets, the bell and drum towers. Shall we move on to the next spot?





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