标题 | 关于景德镇导游词 |
范文 | 关于景德镇导游词(通用17篇) 关于景德镇导游词 篇1尊贵的各位客人,自从你刚踏下飞机,刚从你繁忙的工作中,抽空来到景德镇的那一个时刻起,你就是这块土地上最爱欢迎的客人,这里由于你们的到来空气变得更加明朗,景色变得更加迷人,由于你们的参与,我们的这次活动显得分外的重要。我是本次旅游团的导游员,我姓王,从这一时刻起,我们就是真诚的朋友,我非常非常的希望我们的团队在你我的真诚的交流中成为一个非常难忘的旅行! 车已经启动,景德镇向我们扑面而来,一种气息,一种深沉的文化,一种千年的江南古镇独有的魅力,一种大街小苍处处散发的陶瓷信息,我们在这里将迎来短暂的两个小时的旅行,作为一个在地图上都很难找到经纬度的这样一个小城,在迎来了千年庆典后,这个江南的小城已经不在是个面积只有5247。9平方公里,人口152万这样一个数字性的概念了,它更多的是一种展示瓷都风彩的一个平台,一个窗口,一个让全国,甚至世界都为之惊叹的文化之都,陶瓷之城。景德镇,是因为公元1020___年,也就是宋景德年间烧制的陶瓷,作为贡品,而得名。景德镇汉称新平,近代叫昌南。在发展了1020___年以后景德镇已经成为集现代文明与古老文化与一体的著名城体。说到古老,我们不得说我们的陶瓷,这是我们的骄傲。在景德镇你可以看到世界各地著名的陶瓷的精品在这里都能够得到展示,我们当然有自己为之叫绝的特产,青花,青花玲珑,粉彩,颜色釉,是我们的四大精品。瓷都人民是那样的热情,就象窗外的那条昌江,几千年来见证着这里的一幕一幕。昌江属于江西五大水系中的饶河,他东流鄱阳湖,最后入注东海。 昌江两岸杨柳依依,微风袭人,边上的一些历史的沉淀物让我们还可以依稀可见当年这里的繁华,问问景德镇的老一辈,也可以问问我们景德镇陶瓷馆的各位专家,他会告诉你们,这里曾经有那么多的柴窖,以前昌江5000平方米的上空红光四见,代表着何止是一条昌江水系,寂静的夜晚来临,秋风还是那样的疯狂逼人,可是昌江一点都没有沉睡,也没有看见滚滚的昌江之水,因为他真的不象长江那么雄浑有力,也没有济南大明湖的那份幽静,在这里你可以感受得到的只是那红红的火光印称着两岸古树昏鸦的叫声。清晨,当太阳还没来的及普光照射,两岸已经热闹非凡,要知道这里是重要的瓷器港口,以前这时没有桥,没有这么方便的水陆交通网,没有九景高速,没有206国道,没有方便的火车,更不要说现在的罗家机场,直飞上海、深圳、北京、厦门、武汉、郑州6条航线。陶瓷是世界的,靠得就是大量的民工挑着离开昌江,离开景德镇。我们非常感谢我们的先辈在为景德镇所作的一切一切的贡献。有一位外国客人来到景德镇是这样说的,没有昌江也就没有陶瓷,我不知道他说得话到底能包含多少内容,至少我们应该这样称呼这条河,母亲河,景德镇的母亲河,如今的昌江已经成为景德镇重要的水上运输渠道,可以直通鄱阳湖,直入九江,通过长江水运,把我们这里的一切一切告诉世界。看看江两边的高楼,再看一块块的绿化地,我不知道是不是景德镇的母亲河在变,还是我的心在变。 关于景德镇导游词 篇2景德镇市的风景名胜和景观众多,有保留完好的明清古建筑村、徽派建筑群、古戏台;有号称中国第二、江南第一的浮梁古县衙;有以三闾大夫屈原命名的古建筑三闾庙;有宋太祖朱元璋作战时藏身的红塔和瑶里的仰贤台、洪源仙境、太阳岛、月亮湖、阳府寺、历居山、翠屏湖等。景德镇也是具有光荣革命传统的地区,著名的新四军瑶里改编就在浮梁县瑶里镇,红十军的诞生地在乐平市众埠镇。1997年,我市被国家旅游局等单位推介为97’中国旅游年全国35个王牌景点之一。 景德镇历史悠久,文化灿烂。雄踞长江之南,素有"江南雄镇"之称,历史上与广东佛山、湖北汉口、河南朱仙镇并称全国四大名镇,是国务院首批公布的全国24个历史文化名城之一和国家甲类对外开放城市。1953年6月政务院批准景德镇市为江西省辖市,现辖一市一县两区,即乐平市、浮梁县、珠山区、昌江区,面积5256平方公里,人口152万,其中市区人口40多万。 景德镇市位于江西省东北部,西北与安徽东至县交界,南与万年县为邻,西同波阳县接壤,东北倚安徽祁门县,东南和婺源县毗连,坐落在黄山、怀玉山余脉与鄱阳湖平原过渡地带,居东经116°57′-117°42′,北纬28°44′-29°56′,属亚热带季风气候,境内光照充足,雨量充沛,温和湿润,四季分明,山峰层叠,河流密布,山环水绕,景色秀丽。市区平均海拔320米,年平均气温17°C,年降雨量1763.5毫米,年平均日照时数为20xx.8小时。 景德镇是中外著名的瓷都,制瓷历史悠久,文化底蕴深厚。史籍记载,"新平冶陶,始于汉世",可见早在汉代就开始生产陶瓷。宋景德元年(1004年),宫廷诏令此地烧制御瓷,底款皆署"景德年制",景德镇因此而得名。自元代开始至明清历代皇帝都派员到景德镇监制宫廷用瓷,设瓷局、置御窑,创造出无数陶瓷精品,尤以青花、粉彩、玲珑、颜色釉四大名瓷著称于世。"毛泽东用瓷"、上海"APEC"用瓷及国宾馆用瓷以及各类艺术陶瓷倍受世人赞赏。景德镇瓷器享有"白如玉、薄如纸、声如磬、明如镜"的美誉。郭沫若先生曾以"中华向号瓷之国,瓷业高峰是此都"的诗句盛赞景德镇灿烂的陶瓷历史和文化,陶瓷把景德镇与世界紧密相连。 景德镇市旅游资源内涵丰富、独具优势。包括陶瓷文化、人文景观、生态环境等,尤以陶瓷资源独具优势。全市现已发现30多处陶瓷历史遗址,如古代著名的瓷用原料产地及世界通称制瓷原料高岭土命名地高岭、湖田古窑遗址、明清御窑厂遗址等等,分别列为国家级、省级文物保护单位,具有世界性的影响力和吸引力。 景德镇市的风景名胜和景观众多,有保留完好的明清古建筑村、徽派建筑群、古戏台;有号称中国第二、江南第一的浮梁古县衙;有以三闾大夫屈原命名的古建筑三闾庙;有宋太祖朱元璋作战时藏身的红塔和瑶里的仰贤台、洪源仙境、太阳岛、月亮湖、阳府寺、历居山、翠屏湖等。景德镇也是具有光荣革命传统的地区,著名的新四军瑶里改编就在浮梁县瑶里镇,红十军的诞生地在乐平市众埠镇。1997年,我市被国家旅游局等单位推介为97’中国旅游年全国35个王牌景点之一。 经过一天的愉快行程,我们的旅游活动马上就要结束了。希望通过这次旅游,能给大家带来一个好的心情。我们真诚地期望大家再次光临。谢谢大家! 关于景德镇导游词 篇3各位旅客,大家好,我是你们今天的导游,今天很高兴能和你们一起度过这一天,你们可能不知道景德镇有什么样的景点吧,那我就跟你们讲一下。 景德镇是中国国家首批历史文化名城,国家35个王牌旅游景点之一,中国优秀旅游城市,中国最值得去的50个地方之一。位于地处中国华东地区旅游热线--庐山、黄山、龙虎山、九华山、三清山、鄱阳湖、千岛湖的中心区位(均在150-200公里左右)。截止到20xx年,景德镇市拥有国家4A级景区6个,分别是古窑·民俗博览区、高岭·瑶里风景区、浮梁古县衙、洪岩仙境风景区、德雨生态园、中国瓷园;国家3A级景区3个,分别是金竹山寨、雕塑瓷厂明清园、江西怪石林。 湖田古窑遗址,湖田窑是中国五代、宋、元三代各大制瓷规模最大,延续烧造时间最长、生产的瓷器最精美的古代窑场。属于第二批全国重点文物保护单位。 景德镇御窑厂,景德镇御窑遗址博物馆位于原御窑厂遗址内,御窑厂是元、明、清时期专为宫廷生产御用瓷器的所在地,是中国历史上烧造时间最长、规模最大、工艺最为精湛的官办瓷厂。属于第六批全国重点文物保护单位,是20xx年度全国十大考古新发现之一。 龙珠阁,位于景德镇珠山旧址之上。唐代叫聚珠亭,宋代称中立亭,明代称朝天阁和环翠亭,清代又改称文昌阁,20世纪初重建后称“龙珠阁”。现已成为景德镇的城徽。 祥集弄民宅,位于景德镇市区中心,是一条保存较完整的明代巷道,内有明代住宅多处,500多年历史,品陶斋现为景德镇陶瓷考古研究所所在地。属于第三批全国重点文物保护单位。 国家5A级旅游景点:景德镇古窑民俗博览区 国家4A级旅游景点:瑶里风景区、浮梁古县衙和红塔、景德镇市得雨生态园、洪岩仙境风景区、锦绣昌南中国瓷园 国家3A级旅游景点:冷水尖、明清园、金竹山寨、怪石林、莲花塘、诸仙洞、玉田水库、三宝国际陶艺村、三闾庙古街等。 好了,我就介绍到这里,谢谢大家。 关于景德镇导游词 篇4景德镇市位于江西省东北部,西北与安徽东至县交界,南与万年县为邻,西同波阳县接壤,东北倚安徽祁门县,东南和婺源县毗连,坐落在黄山、怀玉山余脉与鄱阳湖平原过渡地带,居东经116°57′-117°42′,北纬28°44′-29°56′,属亚热带季风气候,境内光照充足,雨量充沛,温和湿润,四季分明,山峰层叠,河流密布,山环水绕,景色秀丽。市区平均海拔320米,年平均气温17°C,年降雨量1763.5毫米,年平均日照时数为20___.8小时。 景德镇是中外著名的瓷都,制瓷历史悠久,文化底蕴深厚。史籍记载,"新平冶陶,始于汉世",可见早在汉代就开始生产陶瓷。宋景德元年(1020___年),宫廷诏令此地烧制御瓷,底款皆署"景德年制",景德镇因此而得名。自元代开始至明清历代皇帝都派员到景德镇监制宫廷用瓷,设瓷局、置御窑,创造出无数陶瓷精品,尤以青花、粉彩、玲珑、颜色釉四大名瓷著称于世。上海"APEC"用瓷及国宾馆用瓷以及各类艺术陶瓷倍受世人赞赏。景德镇瓷器享有"白如玉、薄如纸、声如磬、明如镜"的美誉。郭沫若先生曾以"中华向号瓷之国,瓷业高峰是此都"的诗句盛赞景德镇灿烂的陶瓷历史和文化,陶瓷把景德镇与世界紧密相连。 关于景德镇导游词 篇5景德镇市旅游资源内涵丰富、独具优势。包括陶瓷文化、人文景观、生态环境等,尤以陶瓷资源独具优势。全市现已发现30多处陶瓷历史遗址,如古代著名的瓷用原料产地及世界通称制瓷原料高岭土命名地高岭、湖田古窑遗址、明清御窑厂遗址等等,分别列为国家级、省级文物保护单位,具有世界性的影响力和吸引力。 景德镇市的风景名胜和景观众多,有保留完好的明清古建筑村、徽派建筑群、古戏台;有号称中国第二、江南第一的浮梁古县衙;有以三闾大夫屈原命名的古建筑三闾庙;有宋太祖朱元璋作战时藏身的红塔和瑶里的仰贤台、洪源仙境、太阳岛、月亮湖、阳府寺、历居山、翠屏湖等。景德镇也是具有光荣革命传统的地区,著名的新四军瑶里改编就在浮梁县瑶里镇,红十军的诞生地在乐平市众埠镇。1997年,我市被国家旅游局等单位推介为97’中国旅游年全国35个王牌景点之一。 关于景德镇导游词 篇6大家好,欢迎来到景德镇,首先我给大家介绍一下景德镇的概况: 景德镇历史悠久,文化灿烂。雄踞长江之南,素有"江南雄镇"之称,历史上与广东佛山、湖北汉口、河南朱仙镇并称全国四大名镇,是国务院首批公布的全国24个历史文化名城之一和国家甲类对外开放城市。1953年6月政务院批准景德镇市为江西省辖市,现辖一市一县两区,即乐平市、浮梁县、珠山区、昌江区,面积5256平方公里,人口152万,其中市区人口40多万。 景德镇市位于江西省东北部,西北与安徽东至县交界,南与万年县为邻,西同波阳县接壤,东北倚安徽祁门县,东南和婺源县毗连,坐落在黄山、怀玉山余脉与鄱阳湖平原过渡地带,居东经116°57′-117°42′,北纬28°44′-29°56′,属亚热带季风气候,境内光照充足,雨量充沛,温和湿润,四季分明,山峰层叠,河流密布,山环水绕,景色秀丽。市区平均海拔320米,年平均气温17°C,年降雨量1763.5毫米,年平均日照时数为20xx.8小时。 景德镇是中外著名的瓷都,制瓷历史悠久,文化底蕴深厚。史籍记载,"新平冶陶,始于汉世",可见早在汉代就开始生产陶瓷。宋景德元年(1004年),宫廷诏令此地烧制御瓷,底款皆署"景德年制",景德镇因此而得名。自元代开始至明清历代皇帝都派员到景德镇监制宫廷用瓷,设瓷局、置御窑,创造出无数陶瓷精品,尤以青花、粉彩、玲珑、颜色釉四大名瓷著称于世。"毛泽东用瓷"、上海"APEC"用瓷及国宾馆用瓷以及各类艺术陶瓷倍受世人赞赏。景德镇瓷器享有"白如玉、薄如纸、声如磬、明如镜"的美誉。郭沫若先生曾以"中华向号瓷之国,瓷业高峰是此都"的诗句盛赞景德镇灿烂的陶瓷历史和文化,陶瓷把景德镇与世界紧密相连。 景德镇市旅游资源内涵丰富、独具优势。包括陶瓷文化、人文景观、生态环境等,尤以陶瓷资源独具优势。全市现已发现30多处陶瓷历史遗址,如古代著名的瓷用原料产地及世界通称制瓷原料高岭土命名地高岭、湖田古窑遗址、明清御窑厂遗址等等,分别列为国家级、省级文物保护单位,具有世界性的影响力和吸引力。 关于景德镇导游词 篇7欢迎大家来到景德镇!我是你们的导游,我姓x,大家可以叫我小x。为了便于大家参观游玩,下面我首先大家介绍一下! 景德镇历史悠久,文化灿烂。雄踞长江之南,素有"江南雄镇"之称,历史上与广东佛山、湖北汉口、河南朱仙镇并称全国四大名镇,是国务院首批公布的全国24个历史文化名城之一和国家甲类对外开放城市。1953年6月政务院批准景德镇市为江西省辖市,现辖一市一县两区,即乐平市、浮梁县、珠山区、昌江区,面积5256平方公里,人口152万,其中市区人口40多万。 景德镇市位于江西省东北部,西北与安徽东至县交界,南与万年县为邻,西同波阳县接壤,东北倚安徽祁门县,东南和婺源县毗连,坐落在黄山、怀玉山余脉与鄱阳湖平原过渡地带,居东经116°57′-117°42′,北纬28°44′-29°56′,属亚热带季风气候,境内光照充足,雨量充沛,温和湿润,四季分明,山峰层叠,河流密布,山环水绕,景色秀丽。市区平均海拔320米,年平均气温17°C,年降雨量1763.5毫米,年平均日照时数为20___.8小时。 景德镇是中外著名的瓷都,制瓷历史悠久,文化底蕴深厚。史籍记载,"新平冶陶,始于汉世",可见早在汉代就开始生产陶瓷。宋景德元年(1020___年),宫廷诏令此地烧制御瓷,底款皆署"景德年制",景德镇因此而得名。自元代开始至明清历代皇帝都派员到景德镇监制宫廷用瓷,设瓷局、置御窑,创造出无数陶瓷精品,尤以青花、粉彩、玲珑、颜色釉四大名瓷著称于世。上海"APEC"用瓷及国宾馆用瓷以及各类艺术陶瓷倍受世人赞赏。景德镇瓷器享有"白如玉、薄如纸、声如磬、明如镜"的美誉。郭沫若先生曾以"中华向号瓷之国,瓷业高峰是此都"的诗句盛赞景德镇灿烂的陶瓷历史和文化,陶瓷把景德镇与世界紧密相连。 关于景德镇导游词 篇8景德镇市旅游资源内涵丰富、独具优势。包括陶瓷文化、人文景观、生态环境等,尤以陶瓷资源独具优势。全市现已发现30多处陶瓷历史遗址,如古代著名的瓷用原料产地及世界通称制瓷原料高岭土命名地高岭、湖田古窑遗址、明清御窑厂遗址等等,分别列为国家级、省级文物保护单位,具有世界性的影响力和吸引力。 景德镇市的风景名胜和景观众多,有保留完好的明清古建筑村、徽派建筑群、古戏台;有号称中国第二、江南第一的浮梁古县衙;有以三闾大夫屈原命名的古建筑三闾庙;有宋太祖朱元璋作战时藏身的红塔和瑶里的仰贤台、洪源仙境、太阳岛、月亮湖、阳府寺、历居山、翠屏湖等。景德镇也是具有光荣革命传统的地区,著名的新四军瑶里改编就在浮梁县瑶里镇,红十军的诞生地在乐平市众埠镇。1997年,我市被国家旅游局等单位推介为97’中国旅游年全国35个王牌景点之一。 景德镇历史悠久,文化灿烂。雄踞长江之南,素有"江南雄镇"之称,历史上与广东佛山、湖北汉口、河南朱仙镇并称全国四大名镇,是国务院首批公布的全国24个历史文化名城之一和国家甲类对外开放城市。1953年6月政务院批准景德镇市为江西省辖市,现辖一市一县两区,即乐平市、浮梁县、珠山区、昌江区,面积5256平方公里,人口152万,其中市区人口40多万。 关于景德镇导游词 篇9欢迎大家来到这!我是你们的导游,我姓x,大家可以叫我小x。为了便于大家参观游玩,下面我首先大家介绍一下。 景德镇是中外著名的瓷都,与佛山、汉口、朱仙镇并称中国四大名镇,是国务院首批公布的全国24个历史文化名城之一和甲类对外开放城市。现辖一市一县两区,即乐平市、浮梁县、珠山区、昌江区,面积5256平方公里。景德镇是鄱阳湖生态经济区重要组成,也是国家重要的山水生态历史文化名城。 景德镇经济发展水平较高,20xx年以来更是加速崛起,预计到20xx年,人均生产总值将超越10000美元,基本实现现代化。景德镇由于制瓷历史悠久,瓷器产品质地精良,对外影响大,“瓷都”两字成了景德镇的代名词。到20xx年,景德镇已经获得中国优秀旅游城市,国家生态园林城市,全国文明卫生城市,江西省创建文明城市工作先进城市,不仅在江西省的此类记录上作出了零的突破,同时也也成为了江西省此类考核的四连冠。 市树市花,1985年9月26日,中华人民共和国的景德镇市第八届人民代表大会通过评选,将樟树定为景德镇市市树,将茶花定为景德镇市的市花。 古窑瓷厂为古陶瓷制作区,生动地再现了景德镇古代陶瓷制作工艺的全过程。这里有6 间古胚房,为珍贵的中国古代工业建筑实例。每组胚坊似封闭的三和院或四合院,由三栋四栋向院内敞开的建筑组成。胚房内,工人们以传统的手工制瓷工艺操作,妙手神工让游人惊叹不已。厂内还有一座古朴高大的名式镇窑。此窑以松柴为燃料。窑长18米,成直躺的鹅蛋形,前大后小,尾部砌筑高约21米的薄壁烟烟囱。这是古代建筑工匠巧妙利用曲木重心和弯曲外型立筑架梁的结果,可谓匠心独具,也是我国建筑史上的一大奇观。 关于景德镇导游词 篇10景德镇是历史悠久名闻中外的古瓷都。从宋朝景德元年皇帝赐名为景德镇算来已有1千年了。1千年来景德镇为皇宫烧制瓷器的御窑熊熊炉火从未熄灭过,无数精美的瓷器由丝绸之路传到世界各地,被许多国家的博物馆视为无价之宝珍藏着。 暑假里,我回到了我的家乡景德镇。一进城,景德镇新开辟马路通向四方,那路边的灯柱都已经变成陶瓷的啦。瓷灯花花俏俏,各式各样,这种景观在任何一个其他城市都是看不到的。在景德镇,到处都是瓷器,街上的瓷器店一家接着一家,琳琅满目的瓷器,使人目不暇接。在景德镇,大部分的人,都以造瓷为生。大大小小的窑厂,遍布景德镇。走到哪里,都可以看到院中摆满了各种形态的泥坯。工人们把这些泥坯放到窑里就烧出了一件件精美绝伦的艺术品。 我的舅姥姥郑云云,在那里可是名气很大呢!她的陶瓷艺术品,真是说不出的漂亮!她笔端流泻的青花瓷,真是栩栩如生。小至唧唧复唧唧的小蟋蟀,嬉游于荷叶间的小红鱼,大至迎风飞扬的阳光神骏,搏击长空的大漠雄鹰,君子竹的淡雅,芍药画的娇媚;似在摇曳的风荷,恰待展翅的江鸟总之,用一句诗来表达就是:珍珠白沁就烟雨,孔雀蓝映着月光,莹透的素颜,莹透的素颜,朦胧了琴弦上一缕檀香啊! 这天,我到舅姥姥的工作室去参观。我在一个画面优雅的瓷缸前停了下来,我看到在荷叶与菡萏之间,似有一群小小鱼儿在游动。定睛看时,不错,它们真的在游动着。这些小鱼儿,置于碧荷清水中,悠游自得。 景德镇作为中国古老的瓷都,依然焕发着青春活力。 关于景德镇导游词 篇11游客朋友们: 大家好!我是你们今天的导游小谢,欢迎大家来到景德镇。景德镇素有瓷都之称,今天我们要参观的是位于瓷都大道一号的景德镇古窑民俗博览区。 我先利用坐车的时间介绍一下古窑民俗博览区。古窑民俗博览区集中再现了景德镇千年的制瓷历史,尤其是15~16世纪景德镇制瓷业的风貌,被誉为一座“活的陶瓷历史博物馆”、“陶瓷文化知识经典景区”。 说了这么多,还不如亲自去看看,古窑民俗博览区就在前面那片宁静秀丽的小树林里,大家请有序下车随我进去参观吧! 首先我们来到陶瓷制作展览区,快来看这位师傅,他正在轱辘车上放一团泥,看,他双手轻触着泥团,轱辘车旋转起来,不久,一个大肚子花瓶的形状就做好了,这一个步骤就叫“拉坯”,瞧,那个师傅拿着刀片,正在给刚出来的泥坯休整合适的形状。现在到了施釉的环节,师傅正拿着小刷子施釉呢,这白白的一层就是釉。现在到最后一步了,这一步叫“画坯”,就是在洁白的泥坯上,画上喜欢的图案。为了让大家亲自体验一把“画坯”,这里特意设置了一个工作区,我们可以画上自己喜欢的图案,工作人员会把它烧制好寄给你哟。 下面,大家请跟我来,这个黑乎乎的拱洞就是专门烧制陶瓷的窑洞,说到烧窑,就不得不提起童宾,童宾就是古代的以为陶瓷工匠,在一次烧制的时候,为了烧制出满意的瓷器,他奋不顾身的跳入了火海,葬身于此地。后人把他尊为“风火仙 ”。烧制陶瓷最难掌握的就是火候,如果没有掌握它,那么一窑的陶瓷全都会变成残次品,然后摔碎,全都扔掉,非常可惜。 参观完陶瓷制作工艺展览区,我们要去陶瓷艺术品展览中心,咱们边走边说。景德镇最有名的四大陶瓷是青花瓷、粉彩、颜色釉和青花玲珑瓷。陶瓷艺术品展览中心就在这里,这儿有两个成年人那么高的巨大花瓶,有大象的身体那么粗的水缸,还有精致的瓷碗,瓷碟……大家赶快进去看看吧。这些碗可是会说话的哟,只要沾一点水抹在碗岩上,不停地划就行了,你们听,声音多美妙呀!如果想要,可以买一个带回家做纪念品呢! 游客朋友们,上午的参观就到此结束,下午我们再继续领略景德镇的悠久文化吧!接下来,请大家随我去品尝当地的各种美食吧! 关于景德镇导游词 篇12走进通天岩大门,首先映入眼帘的是瀑布。看着从高处落下的瀑布,好像给峭壁上的岩石拉上了一层薄薄的水帘,不禁让人想起“飞流直下三千尺,疑是银河落九天”这句诗。瀑布落下时,发出哗哗的响声,好像在演奏一曲优美的旋律。 顺着台阶向上爬,来到了一块大石壁底下,这块石壁就像一个庞然大物矗立在面前。石壁上有一个洞,洞里还有许多的砻糠,这不由得让人想起了“和尚心大吃砻糠”的传说。相传古时这个洞会自动漏出白米来,广福寺的方丈把这个秘密告诉了一个小和尚,吩咐他每天晚上去接米,这个小和尚很贪心,他用一把凿子把石洞凿大了,结果让他傻眼了,哪来的白米呀,全都是砻糠。 穿过一个狭窄的通道,来到了石窟的面前。石壁上面有许多人物画像,有的手里拿着兵器,好像正在向前冲杀;有的摆出一副攻击的姿势,好像要和别人打起来一样;有的一动不动地坐在那里,好像在念经;还有的坐立不安,好像有什么急事还没有办似的……整个石窟一眼望不到头,足有三四千米长,这可能就是通天岩获得“江南第一石窟”美称的由来。 关于景德镇导游词 篇13Welcome to Jingdezhen! I'm your guide. My surname is X. you can call meXiao X. In order to facilitate your visit, let me first introduce you! Jingdezhen has a long history and splendid culture. Located in the south ofthe Yangtze River, it is known as "the most powerful town in the south of theYangtze River". Historically, it is one of the 24 famous historical and culturalcities in China and one of the national class a open cities announced by theState Council, together with Foshan in Guangdong, Hankou in Hubei and Zhuxian inHenan. In June 1953, the Government Affairs Council approved Jingdezhen as acity under the jurisdiction of Jiangxi Province. Now it has jurisdiction overone city, one county and two districts, namely Leping City, Fuliang County,Zhushan district and Changjiang District, with an area of 5256 square kilometersand a population of 1.52 million, of which the urban population is more than400000. Jingdezhen city is located in the northeast of Jiangxi Province, borderingDongzhi County of Anhui Province in the northwest, Wannian County in the south,Boyang County in the west, Qimen County of Anhui Province in the northeast andWuyuan County in the southeast. It is located in the transition zone betweenHuangshan Mountain, huaiyushan mountain and Poyang Lake plain, with eastlongitude of 116 ° 57 ′ - 117 ° 42 ′, north latitude of 28 ° 44 ′ - 29 ° 56 ′.It has subtropical monsoon climate, and has abundant light Full, abundantrainfall, mild and humid, four distinct seasons, overlapping peaks, denserivers, mountains surrounded by water, beautiful scenery. The average altitudeof the urban area is 320 meters, the annual average temperature is 17 ° C, andthe annual rainfall is 1763. The annual average sunshine hours is 20__. Eighthours. Jingdezhen is a famous porcelain capital at home and abroad, with a longhistory of porcelain making and profound cultural heritage. According tohistorical records, "the pottery making in Xinping began in the Han Dynasty", itcan be seen that the production of ceramics began as early as the Han Dynasty.In the first year of Jingde of Song Dynasty (1004), the imperial court orderedthe firing of Royal Porcelain here, and the bottom money was signed "Jingde yearsystem", so Jingdezhen got its name. From the Yuan Dynasty to the Ming and QingDynasties, emperors sent people to Jingdezhen to supervise the production ofcourt porcelain, set up porcelain bureaus and imperial kilns, and createdcountless fine ceramics, especially the four famous porcelains of blue andwhite, pastel, exquisite and colored glaze. "Mao Zedong used porcelain",Shanghai "APEC" used porcelain, state guesthouse used porcelain and all kinds ofart ceramics are highly praised by the world. Jingdezhen porcelain enjoys thereputation of "white as jade, thin as paper, sound like a chime, bright as amirror". Mr. Guo Moruo once praised Jingdezhen's splendid ceramic history andculture with the poem of "China is the country of porcelain, and the peak ofporcelain industry is the capital". Ceramics closely linked Jingdezhen with theworld. Jingdezhen has rich connotation and unique advantages in tourism resources.Including ceramic culture, human landscape, ecological environment, especiallyceramic resources have unique advantages. More than 30 historical sites ofceramics have been found in the city, such as the famous place of origin of rawmaterials for porcelain in ancient times and the world-famous place of kaolin,the ancient kiln site in Hutian, the imperial kiln site in Ming and QingDynasties and so on. They are listed as national and provincial cultural relicsprotection units, which have worldwide influence and attraction. There are many scenic spots and landscapes in Jingdezhen City, includingwell preserved ancient architectural villages of Ming and Qing Dynasties, Huistyle buildings and ancient theatres; Fuliang ancient county yamen, which isknown as the second in China and the first in the south of the Yangtze River;Sanlu temple, an ancient architecture named after Qu Yuan, a Sanlu doctor; Thereare the red pagoda where Zhu Yuanzhang, the song Taizu, hid during the battle,and yangxiantai, Hongyuan fairyland, Taiyang Island, Yueyue lake, Yangfu temple,Liju mountain, Cuiping Lake in Yaoli. Jingdezhen is also an area with gloriousrevolutionary tradition. The famous New Fourth Army Yaoli reorganization is inYaoli town of Fuliang County, and the birthplace of the red ten army is inZhongbu town of Leping City. In 1997, our city was recommended by the NationalTourism Administration and other units as one of the 35 trump spots in China in1997. Jingdezhen has a long history and splendid culture. Located in the south ofthe Yangtze River, it is known as "the most powerful town in the south of theYangtze River". Historically, it is one of the 24 famous historical and culturalcities in China and one of the national class a open cities announced by theState Council, together with Foshan in Guangdong, Hankou in Hubei and Zhuxian inHenan. In June 1953, the Government Affairs Council approved Jingdezhen as acity under the jurisdiction of Jiangxi Province. Now it has jurisdiction overone city, one county and two districts, namely Leping City, Fuliang County,Zhushan district and Changjiang District, with an area of 5256 square kilometersand a population of 1.52 million, of which the urban population is more than400000. Jingdezhen city is located in the northeast of Jiangxi Province, borderingDongzhi County of Anhui Province in the northwest, Wannian County in the south,Boyang County in the west, Qimen County of Anhui Province in the northeast andWuyuan County in the southeast. It is located in the transition zone betweenHuangshan Mountain, huaiyushan mountain and Poyang Lake plain, with eastlongitude of 116 ° 57 ′ - 117 ° 42 ′, north latitude of 28 ° 44 ′ - 29 ° 56 ′.It has subtropical monsoon climate, and has abundant light Full, abundantrainfall, mild and humid, four distinct seasons, overlapping peaks, denserivers, mountains surrounded by water, beautiful scenery. The average altitudeof the urban area is 320 meters, the annual average temperature is 17 ° C, andthe annual rainfall is 1763. The annual average sunshine hours is 20__. Eighthours. Jingdezhen is a famous porcelain capital at home and abroad, with a longhistory of porcelain making and profound cultural heritage. According tohistorical records, "the pottery making in Xinping began in the Han Dynasty", itcan be seen that the production of ceramics began as early as the Han Dynasty.In the first year of Jingde of Song Dynasty (1004), the imperial court orderedthe firing of Royal Porcelain here, and the bottom money was signed "Jingde yearsystem", so Jingdezhen got its name. From the Yuan Dynasty to the Ming and QingDynasties, emperors sent people to Jingdezhen to supervise the production ofcourt porcelain, set up porcelain bureaus and imperial kilns, and createdcountless fine ceramics, especially the four famous porcelains of blue andwhite, pastel, exquisite and colored glaze. "Mao Zedong used porcelain",Shanghai "APEC" used porcelain, state guesthouse used porcelain and all kinds ofart ceramics are highly praised by the world. Jingdezhen porcelain enjoys thereputation of "white as jade, thin as paper, sound like a chime, bright as amirror". Mr. Guo Moruo once praised Jingdezhen's splendid ceramic history andculture with the poem of "China is the country of porcelain, and the peak ofporcelain industry is the capital". Ceramics closely linked Jingdezhen with theworld. Jingdezhen has rich connotation and unique advantages in tourism resources.Including ceramic culture, human landscape, ecological environment, especiallyceramic resources have unique advantages. More than 30 historical sites ofceramics have been found in the city, such as the famous place of origin of rawmaterials for porcelain in ancient times and the world-famous place of kaolin,the ancient kiln site in Hutian, the imperial kiln site in Ming and QingDynasties and so on. They are listed as national and provincial cultural relicsprotection units, which have worldwide influence and attraction. There are many scenic spots and landscapes in Jingdezhen City, includingwell preserved ancient architectural villages of Ming and Qing Dynasties, Huistyle buildings and ancient theatres; Fuliang ancient county yamen, which isknown as the second in China and the first in the south of the Yangtze River;Sanlu temple, an ancient architecture named after Qu Yuan, a Sanlu doctor; Thereare the red pagoda where Zhu Yuanzhang, the song Taizu, hid during the battle,and yangxiantai, Hongyuan fairyland, Taiyang Island, Yueyue lake, Yangfu temple,Liju mountain, Cuiping Lake in Yaoli. Jingdezhen is also an area with gloriousrevolutionary tradition. The famous New Fourth Army Yaoli reorganization is inYaoli town of Fuliang County, and the birthplace of the red ten army is inZhongbu town of Leping City. In 1997, our city was recommended by the NationalTourism Administration and other units as one of the 35 trump spots in China in1997. 关于景德镇导游词 篇14Welcome to here! I'm your guide. My name is X. you can call me Xiao X. Inorder to facilitate your visit, let me first introduce you Jingdezhen is located in the northeast of Jiangxi Province, in thetransitional zone between Huangshan Mountain, huaiyushan mountain and PoyangLake Plain. It is a famous porcelain capital at home and abroad. Together withFoshan in Guangdong, Hankou in Hubei and Zhuxian in Henan, it is known as thefour famous towns in China during the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Jingdezhen is oneof the first batch of 24 national historical and cultural cities announced bythe State Council and a class a open city. By 20__, Jingdezhen has won thetitles of China's excellent tourism city, National Ecological Garden City,national civilized and healthy city, and advanced city in building civilizedcity in Jiangxi Province. The total population of Jingdezhen is 156. 510000. Thelowercase Chinese name "China" means "porcelain". The English pronunciation of"China" comes from the historical name "Changnan" of Jingdezhen, whichhighlights the influence and status of Jingdezhen porcelain in the world.Pottery was fired in the Han Dynasty, more than 1800 years ago, and porcelainwas fired in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, more than 1600 years ago. Jingdezhen is known as the "porcelain capital". The poet Chen zhisui wrotein Jingdezhen: "don't laugh, dig mountains with thick hands, and work into earthand move the king's capital. In the past dynasties, people came overseas, andthe ruggedness of Gaoling was a smooth road. " Jingdezhen porcelain is famous athome and abroad for its beautiful shape, wide variety, rich decoration andunique style. Blue and white, Linglong, pastel and colored glaze arecollectively known as the four famous traditional porcelain in Jingdezhen. Thinbodied porcelain is known as a magic treasure, while sculpture porcelain is atraditional Chinese arts and crafts product. 关于景德镇导游词 篇15位于溶洞山顶,是古生代地壳变动而形成,距今有3亿多年,山上怪石嶙峋,奇花异草点缀其间,相依丛生,风光明媚。有桃花谷、松漠亭、达开峰、藤穿石、象鼻石、强盗床、双龙戏珠、骑虎难下、八戒戏嫦娥等景观。景点的林涛如潮,林谷如云,让您犹如步入仙境般的身临其境。千亩如诗如画的石林中古树名木遍布,珍禽异兽出没,野花遍地开,小鸟林中鸣,置身其中,如至梦幻中。以奇石、奇树、奇藤、奇峰著称。 奇石:造型奇特,维妙维肖,有形状似白兔、鲸鱼、山羊、山猴、野猪、蛇、大象等动物,这里石石皆景,景景不同。 奇树:古树盘踞、丹桂丛聚、翠竹摇拽,与奇石形成了紧紧搂抱的奇观。 奇藤:千年古藤,环石缠绕,藤缠树、树缠藤,可真谓树有情,木石结缘。 奇峰:青山幽谷,流水叮咚,这里有强盗峰、松漠亭、独秀谷、情人谷、幽情谷南星岩、仙姑岩、神宝峰、狮啸峰、珍珠岩等。 关于景德镇导游词 篇16景德镇历史悠久,文化灿烂。雄踞长江之南,素有"江南雄镇"之称,历史上与广东佛山、湖北汉口、河南朱仙镇并称全国四大名镇,是国务院首批公布的全国24个历史文化名城之一和国家甲类对外开放城市。1953年6月政务院批准景德镇市为江西省辖市,现辖一市一县两区,即乐平市、浮梁县、珠山区、昌江区,面积5256平方公里,人口152万,其中市区人口40多万。 景德镇市位于江西省东北部,西北与安徽东至县交界,南与万年县为邻,西同波阳县接壤,东北倚安徽祁门县,东南和婺源县毗连,坐落在黄山、怀玉山余脉与鄱阳湖平原过渡地带,居东经116°57′-117°42′,北纬28°44′-29°56′,属亚热带季风气候,境内光照充足,雨量充沛,温和湿润,四季分明,山峰层叠,河流密布,山环水绕,景色秀丽。市区平均海拔320米,年平均气温17 °C,年降雨量1763.5毫米,年平均日照时数为20xx.8小时。 景德镇是中外著名的瓷都,制瓷历史悠久,文化底蕴深厚。史籍记载,"新平冶陶,始于汉世",可见早在汉代就开始生产陶瓷。宋景德元年(1020xx年),宫廷诏令此地烧制御瓷,底款皆署"景德年制",景德镇因此而得名。自元代开始至明清历代皇帝都派员到景德镇监制宫廷用瓷,设瓷局、置御窑,创造出无数陶瓷精品,尤以青花、粉彩、玲珑、颜色釉四大名瓷著称于世。"毛泽东用瓷"、上海"APEC"用瓷及国宾馆用瓷以及各类艺术陶瓷倍受世人赞赏。景德镇瓷器享有"白如玉、薄如纸、声如磬、明如镜"的美誉。郭沫若先生曾以"中华向号瓷之国,瓷业高峰是此都"的诗句盛赞景德镇灿烂的陶瓷历史和文化,陶瓷把景德镇与世界紧密相连。 景德镇市旅游资源内涵丰富、独具优势。包括陶瓷文化、人文景观、生态环境等,尤以陶瓷资源独具优势。全市现已发现30多处陶瓷历史遗址,如古代著名的瓷用原料产地及世界通称制瓷原料高岭土命名地高岭、湖田古窑遗址、明清御窑厂遗址等等,分别列为国家级、省级文物保护单位,具有世界性的影响力和吸引力。 景德镇市的风景名胜和景观众多,有保留完好的明清古建筑村、徽派建筑群、古戏台;有号称中国第二、江南第一的浮梁古县衙; 有以三闾大夫屈原命名的古建筑三闾庙;有宋太祖朱元璋作战时藏身的红塔和瑶里的仰贤台、洪源仙境、太阳岛、月亮湖、阳府寺、历居山、翠屏湖等。景德镇也是具有光荣革命传统的地区,著名的新四军瑶里改编就在浮梁县瑶里镇,红十军的诞生地在乐平市众埠镇。1997年,我市被国家旅游局等单位推介为97’中国旅游年全国35个王牌景点之一。 景德镇历史悠久,文化灿烂。雄踞长江之南,素有"江南雄镇"之称,历史上与广东佛山、湖北汉口、河南朱仙镇并称全国四大名镇,是国务院首批公布的全国24个历史文化名城之一和国家甲类对外开放城市。1953年6月政务院批准景德镇市为江西省辖市,现辖一市一县两区,即乐平市、浮梁县、珠山区、昌江区,面积5256平方公里,人口152万,其中市区人口40多万。 景德镇市位于江西省东北部,西北与安徽东至县交界,南与万年县为邻,西同波阳县接壤,东北倚安徽祁门县,东南和婺源县毗连,坐落在黄山、怀玉山余脉与鄱阳湖平原过渡地带,居东经116°57′-117°42′,北纬28°44′-29°56′,属亚热带季风气候,境内光照充足,雨量充沛,温和湿润,四季分明,山峰层叠,河流密布,山环水绕,景色秀丽。市区平均海拔320米,年平均气温17 °C,年降雨量1763.5毫米,年平均日照时数为20xx.8小时。 景德镇是中外著名的瓷都,制瓷历史悠久,文化底蕴深厚。史籍记载,"新平冶陶,始于汉世",可见早在汉代就开始生产陶瓷。宋景德元年(1020xx年),宫廷诏令此地烧制御瓷,底款皆署"景德年制",景德镇因此而得名。自元代开始至明清历代皇帝都派员到景德镇监制宫廷用瓷,设瓷局、置御窑,创造出无数陶瓷精品,尤以青花、粉彩、玲珑、颜色釉四大名瓷著称于世。"毛泽东用瓷"、上海"APEC"用瓷及国宾馆用瓷以及各类艺术陶瓷倍受世人赞赏。景德镇瓷器享有"白如玉、薄如纸、声如磬、明如镜"的美誉。郭沫若先生曾以"中华向号瓷之国,瓷业高峰是此都"的诗句盛赞景德镇灿烂的陶瓷历史和文化,陶瓷把景德镇与世界紧密相连。 景德镇市旅游资源内涵丰富、独具优势。包括陶瓷文化、人文景观、生态环境等,尤以陶瓷资源独具优势。全市现已发现30多处陶瓷历史遗址,如古代著名的瓷用原料产地及世界通称制瓷原料高岭土命名地高岭、湖田古窑遗址、明清御窑厂遗址等等,分别列为国家级、省级文物保护单位,具有世界性的影响力和吸引力。 景德镇市的风景名胜和景观众多,有保留完好的明清古建筑村、徽派建筑群、古戏台;有号称中国第二、江南第一的浮梁古县衙; 有以三闾大夫屈原命名的古建筑三闾庙;有宋太祖朱元璋作战时藏身的红塔和瑶里的仰贤台、洪源仙境、太阳岛、月亮湖、阳府寺、历居山、翠屏湖等。景德镇也是具有光荣革命传统的地区,著名的新四军瑶里改编就在浮梁县瑶里镇,红十军的诞生地在乐平市众埠镇。1997年,我市被国家旅游局等单位推介为97’中国旅游年全国35个王牌景点之一。 关于景德镇导游词 篇17Distinguished guests, since you just stepped off the plane and arrived inJingdezhen from your busy work, you are the most popular guest in this land.Here, because of your arrival, the air becomes clearer and the scenery becomesmore charming. Because of your participation, our activity is particularlyimportant. I am the leader of this tour group Tour guide, my name is Wang, fromthis moment on, we are sincere friends, I very much hope that our team willbecome a very unforgettable trip in your sincere communication with me! The car has started, and Jingdezhen is coming to us. There is a kind ofbreath, a kind of deep culture, a unique charm of the ancient town in the southof the Yangtze River, and a kind of ceramic information distributed everywhere.We will have a short two-hour trip here. As such a small city whose longitudeand latitude are difficult to find on the map, after the Millennium celebration,this city is very beautiful The small town in the south of the Yangtze River isno longer there, with an area of 5247. With a population of 1.52 million and anarea of 9 square kilometers, it is a digital concept. It is more of a platform,a window, a cultural capital and a ceramic city that makes the whole country andeven the world marvel. Jingdezhen got its name from the ceramics fired in 1004ad, that is, during the reign of Jingde of the Song Dynasty, as a tribute.Jingdezhen was called Xinping in Han Dynasty and Changnan in modern times. After1000 years of development, Jingdezhen has become a famous city integratingmodern civilization and ancient culture. When it comes to antiquity, we must nottalk about our ceramics, which is our pride. In Jingdezhen, you can see thefamous ceramic products all over the world can be displayed here. Of course, wehave our own unique products. Blue and white, exquisite blue and white, pastel,color glaze are our four top products. The people in the porcelain capital areso enthusiastic, just like the Changjiang River outside the window, which haswitnessed scenes here for thousands of years. Changjiang River belongs to RaoheRiver, one of the five major water systems in Jiangxi Province. It flowseastward to Poyang Lake and finally into the East China Sea. Yangliuyiyi is onboth sides of Changjiang River. The breeze blows. Some historical deposits onthe side make us still vaguely see the prosperity here. Ask the older generationof Jingdezhen and the experts of Jingdezhen Ceramics Museum. He will tell youthat there used to be so many firewood cellars here. In the past, the 5000square meter sky of Changjiang was full of red light, representing more than aprosperous road River water system, silent night, autumn wind is still so crazy,but Changjiang did not sleep, also did not see the rolling water of Changjiang,because he is not really as powerful as the Yangtze River, nor Jinan Daming Lakethat quiet, here you can feel just the red firelight seal, said the two sides ofthe ancient trees crow call. In the early morning, when the sun has not yet comeand the sun is shining, the two sides of the Strait are already bustling. Youshould know that this is an important porcelain port. In the past, there was nobridge, no such convenient land and water transportation network, no Jiujingexpressway, no national highway 206, no convenient train, not to mention thecurrent Luojia airport, with six direct flights to Shanghai, Shenzhen, Beijing,Xiamen, Wuhan and Zhengzhou. Ceramics are the world's best, relying on a largenumber of migrant workers to leave Changjiang and Jingdezhen. We are verygrateful to our ancestors for all their contributions to Jingdezhen. A foreignguest came to Jingdezhen to say that without Changjiang, there would be noceramics. I don't know how much of what he said. At least we should call thisriver, mother river, Jingdezhen's mother river. Now Changjiang has become animportant water transportation channel in Jingdezhen, which can go directly toPoyang Lake, Jiujiang River, and Yangtze River We tell the world everythinghere. Looking at the tall buildings on both sides of the river and the greenfields, I don't know whether the mother river of Jingdezhen is changing orwhether my heart is changing. Jingdezhen has a subtropical climate. It has four distinct seasons, cold inwinter and hot in summer, and abundant rainfall. Because of this, the forestcoverage rate reaches 60, 2%, ranking first in the province's three consecutive years of urban airquality assessment. What is lacking here? By the way, our landscape can be seeneverywhere: the logo of Jingdezhen in the city center, Longzhu Pavilion, theCeramic Museum behind the porcelain capital Avenue, and Yaoli, a national 4Ascenic spot in the suburbs. Because of the time, our journey seems to be in such a hurry. In fact, whatI'm telling you is just a little bit of our Jiangnan Town. I'm very sorry.Sincerely hope you will come again next time, thank you! |
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