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安徽花山迷窟导游词 篇1















  我们来到的是三十五号窟,这是中国现存的最大的古代人工石窟,有地下宫殿、清凉宫之称。石窟深170米,最高处18米,面积约1.2万平方米。内部有26 根石柱呈品字形排列,起到支撑作用,可见古代的工匠们已深谙三点固定一平面的几何原理。窟内有许多石房、石床、石桥、石楼、石槽、石塘点缀其间。






  石窟的魅力正是应在了一连串的 “谜”上。它们是如何建成的?为什么要建造这些石窟?挖出的数以百万方石料去了何处?当年是如何开采和运输的?石窟内有少量开采好的石块,为什么没有被运出去?洞内有多处厚10厘米的石壁为什么不凿开而听任其挡在石厅中间?洞内石柱上的方型和圆型盲孔是做什么用途的?如此庞大规模的石窟群,为什么至今没有见到史籍上的记载?专家们为此做出种种推测和分析,但仍是未能找到统一的确定答案。








安徽花山迷窟导游词 篇2











安徽花山迷窟导游词 篇3

  Dear tourists

  Welcome to Tianzhu Mountain! Tianzhu Mountain scenic spot is more gloriousbecause of your coming!

  Let me first introduce the general situation of Tianzhu Mountain! TianzhuMountain is located on the North Bank of the Yangtze River and in the buriedhills of Anhui Province. It is named for its towering height, such as the giantpillar holding the sky. Tianzhu Mountain used to be known as Qianshan, Wanshanand Wansui mountain. It is said that Wansui mountain was called Wansui mountainbecause Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty visited Wanshan mountain to set up aplatform to offer sacrifices to the mountain during his southern tour, andgranted Wanshan mountain the title of "Nanyue". During the sacrifice, the crowdchanted long live, so this mountain was called Wansui mountain. After Sui andTang Dynasties, Nanyue was changed to Hengshan, and Tianzhu Mountain was listedas the "middle town" of the five major towns in China. Li Bai, a great poet ofthe Tang Dynasty, once wrote a poem praising the beautiful scenery of TianzhuMountain: "Wangong mountain on the river". Wangong mountain is Tianzhu Mountain,and the poem says: "Qifeng mountain, Qiyun mountain, Xiumu mountain isbeautiful. In the Qing Dynasty, Wangong mountain was absolutely satisfactory. "After passing the Jingjia bridge, we entered the SANZU Temple scenic spot, theSouth outpost of Tianzhu Mountain. SANZU Temple scenic spot is a culturalboutique scenic spot with the most concentrated cultural attractions and thehighest cultural grade in Tianzhu Mountain. Here, we will experience themysterious religious culture and imperial culture of Tianzhu Mountain, and enjoythe cliff stone carvings group, a national key cultural protection unit, whichis known as the gallery of calligraphy art of past dynasties.

  (enter the yerenzhai village in the south gate and go up not far to theSANZU temple. This is the most famous scenic spot of Tianzhu Mountain. Accordingto legend, the temple was first built in the Southern Dynasty, and now there areonly a few Sutra collection buildings, side rooms and jueji tower standing infront of the temple. In the west of SANZU temple, there is a valley full ofboulders. The steep rocks on the side of the valley stand upright. The water inthe valley is gurgling and the pine and bamboo block out the sun. It is called"Valley flowing spring". There is a stone cave at the gate of the valley. Infront of the cave, there is a huge stone shaped like a crouching cow, which iscalled "ancient stone cow cave". It is said that Huang Tingjian, a native of theNorthern Song Dynasty, once studied on this stone and called himself "Taoist ofthe valley". A huge stone here is engraved with a poem by Huang Tingjian and aportrait of Huang Tingjian sitting on a stone ox painted by Li Gonglin, a greatcontemporary painter. This precious stone carving of ancient poetry and paintingis still clearly visible.)

  Let's leave now. Soon we will arrive at the yerenzhai scenic spot! Yezhaiis the abbreviation of "yerenzhai". How can a picturesque place like this benamed "yerenzhai"? There are two moving legends here: one is that long ago, wildpeople often haunted this area, harming people and animals. At that time, acounty magistrate was determined to sacrifice himself to save the people. Hetook good wine and vegetables, went deep into the cave, accompanied the savageto drink, and ordered people to use pig iron water to coagulate the cave and diewith the savage. Second, at the end of the Southern Song Dynasty, local tyrantLiu Yuan led 100000 Yibing to fight against the Yuan Dynasty in TianzhuMountain. He called himself "Liu Yeren" and named the first village in gukou"Yeren village". In the 18 years before and after Liu Yuan's resistance to theYuan Dynasty, he was finally betrayed by a traitor and died. In memory of him,the name of yerenzhai has been used to this day.

  Now I give you an hour's rest time, you can take photos at will, please payattention to safety, then we'll see you in an hour!

  One hour's time is really fast, I don't know whether we have fun or not!OK, now let's continue our journey!. Now we have come to the square in front ofSANZU temple. Looking up, the temple buildings with red walls and Daiwa aresurrounded by green trees and bamboos. The whole mountain is like a colorfulPhoenix fluttering its wings to fly. Jueqi tower is built on the Phoenix crown.The winding hills on the East and west sides are encircled, just like thePhoenix wings guarding the solemn Buddha's land. As the saying goes: "seeShanbao Temple far away, and see Sibao mountain near." SANZU temple, the fullname of "SANZU Valley Qianyuan Temple", is the place where the three patriarchsof Chinese Zen spread the Scriptures and spread the Dharma, and occupies a veryimportant position in the history of Chinese Buddhism. In 1983, the StateCouncil approved and announced the opening of temples in Han nationalityareas.

  The buildings of SANZU temple are erected from bottom to top along theFengxing mountain. All the way from the mountain gate to the ancestral hall ison a central axis. Burning incense and worshiping Buddha should enter from themountain gate. The gate of SANZU temple is also called Sanmen hall. The name ofthe main gate is Prajna gate, which is the gate of wisdom; the name of the eastgate is liberation gate, which means to get rid of the bondage of trouble andkarma and obtain freedom, also known as the gate of freedom; the name of thewest gate is Jingjin gate, which means to make unremitting efforts in theprocess of decontamination and filtration, also known as the gate of diligentcultivation. On the lintel, there is a plaque of "Qianyuan Temple" inscribed byZhao Puchu, President of the National Buddhist Association.

  Entering the mountain gate, you can see that on both sides of the hall,there are 5.5-meter-high "jinganglishi" standing on each side. After theSinicization of Buddhism, the two statues were shaped according to the images of"hum" and "ha" in the list of gods. Through the gate hall, step on the "Tongtianstep.". Because of the steep mountain, SANZU temple has 360 steps all the wayup. You may as well count from now on, the height difference of "Tongtian stage"is 15 meters.





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更新时间:2025/3/17 8:38:59