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标题 5分钟广西概况导游词


5分钟广西概况导游词 篇1







5分钟广西概况导游词 篇2











5分钟广西概况导游词 篇3








5分钟广西概况导游词 篇4

  七星公园 位于桂林市区漓江东岸, 小东江流贯其间, 占地面积100余公顷, 因七星山的七个山峰,犹如天上的北斗七星坠地而得名。公园内有“北斗七星”、“驼峰赤霞”、“月牙虹影”、“普陀石林”等胜景,占有山、江、洞、石之美。著名景点有七星岩、龙隐洞、月牙岩、曾公岩、骆驼山、龙隐岩和花桥、月牙楼、儿童乐园、动物园、三将军及八百壮士墓、清真寺、盆景艺苑、桂海碑林等。为桂林最大,游客最盛, 历史性最长的一个综合性公园。

  七星山 在漓江东岸, 距市中心1000米, 由普陀山天枢、天璇、天玑、天权4峰与月牙山玉衡、开阳、瑶光3峰组成,海拔依次为265、255、248、245、255、241、250米, 7个山尖几乎摆在一个水平上。普陀月牙, 一东一西, 相互连属, 分布如太空北斗七星,山名以此而来。山体面积51.5公顷, 以岩多洞奇著称。七星岩而外, 有元风、玄武、白鹤洞和四仙岩、曾公岩等几十个岩洞。普陀山的石林, 突兀峥嵘。驼峰下的盆景苑,集桂林石木之胜, 苍劲挺拔, 气度非凡。更为珍贵的, 有隋唐以来石刻500余件。

  天柱石 在七星公园西, 花桥东。石挺拨矗立如柱, 故有“天柱”之名。又如未放的芙蓉, 亦名“芙蓉石”。石高约10米,上刻“_思想万岁”7个大字。北临灵剑江, 江中矶石上筑有小亭。东南茂树葱茏, 浓荫簇拥。石颠有小叶榕,亭亭如盖。天柱北面刻有崇宁五年(1106)和光绪十一年(1885)的洪水标记, 是研究古代水文的重要资料。晚清著名临桂词人况周颐曾住天柱峰下,有“天柱峰下人家”小印一枚, 常盖在词笺上。

  花桥 在七星公园正门灵剑江与小东江汇合处, 桥畔繁花似锦, 小桥掩映于“满溪流水半溪花”之间, 故名花桥。

  七星岩 位于七星公园普陀山腹, 岩洞长约1100米, 宽处50米, 最高处20米。七星岩又称栖霞洞、碧虚岩等, 七星岩之名起于宋代。该岩本为地下河床,后因地壳变动, 地下河上升, 露出地面成为岩洞, 其后雨水长期沿岩石缝隙渗入, 溶解石灰岩, 并不断在洞内结晶, 从而形成许多石钟乳、石笋、石柱、石幔,形成蔚为奇观的自然景致。七星岩如今是桂林最著名的游览胜地之一。

  普陀山 位于七星公园内, 由天枢、天璇、天玑、天权四峰组成。因唐时山前建寺供奉普渡众生的观音, 故名普陀山。山西南麓有元风洞, 数九寒天, 外冒暖气;盛夏酷暑, 凉风习习。山上芳草如茵, 翠柏浓郁, 古木参天。从山门拾级而上, 蝉噪鸟鸣, 林静山幽。山腰有普陀精舍, 飞檐门拱, 琉璃朱饰,素负盛名。往左过碧虚岩、真武阁、四仙洞, 即到斐声中外的七星岩, 往右继续登山, 则有为抗日捐躯的三将军及八百壮士墓。普陀山有历代石刻100余件,著名的有唐颜真卿亲笔榜书“逍遥楼”、宋李彦弼《湘南楼记》以及“龟蛇合一”浮雕等。

  普陀山门 在普陀南麓, 建于1972年。登上普陀山的第一道大门, 是仿亭式的建筑, 由一堵通花矮墙分隔着山体与平地, 中间开一个圆形拱门,上面是硬脊翘檐坡顶, 绿色琉璃瓦, 高4.5米, 长6.7米, 深4.6米, 面积26.8平方米。门上悬挂着“普陀山”的匾额, “蝉噪林愈静,鸟鸣山更幽”的对联分挂两侧, 整个山门掩映于古树浓荫之中, 显得更加清幽、寂静。

  摘星亭 位于海拔248米的七星山天玑峰顶, 单檐、8柱8角, 混凝土结构, 长宽各5.2米, 高6.5米, 面积27.04平方米,建于1958年。摘星亭是七星山7座山峰唯一的高亭, 立于亭上, 可以旷观。东可眺尧山、天圣、屏风、猫儿山; 北可望虞山、叠彩、仗波、老人诸山及清澈的漓江;西可赏象鼻、南溪诸胜, 故曾有“旷观亭”之名。

  护碑亭 在普陀山南麓山门东侧。1974年兴建, 以保护同刻在阴阳两面的唐颜真卿书“逍遥楼”和宋李彦弼的《湘南楼记》珍贵石刻,故名护碑亭。因“逍遥楼”出自大家手笔, 碑亭又被称作“逍遥亭”。亭高4.5米, 长6.7米, 深4.6米, 面积30.6平方米,为钢筋水泥结构的4柱、单檐、绿瓦仿古建筑, 简朴、典雅, 不与名碑争胜, 兼有护碑、会景的作用。步入碑亭, 欣赏书法艺术, 浏览方志资料, 兼得园林胜景之趣,实在是赏心的乐事。亭内原来还有明包裕《重修广西城碑记》, 现已他移。

  文昌亭 在普陀山半山腰, “超杜净境”右侧, 名取文运昌盛之意, 因处浓荫耸翠之间, 又名“拥翠亭”, 为重檐、尖顶8角亭。原建于明, 有楼,毁于抗日战争时期, 1965年在原址新建。高8米, 长宽各5.7米, 面积32.4平方米。亭北邻小蓬莱, 东为普陀精舍, 西、南有矮墙栏杆,是凭眺佳处。

  元风洞 古称玄风洞, 俗称劳动量荽岩。在普陀山西麓, 洞口西向, 高3~24米, 宽2~15米, 深250米,面积1945平方米。元风洞与普陀山其它洞占相通, 形成空气对流, 洞口有一股强劲气流, 洞内空气清新。由于日照, 山体热量的聚散,山洞的气温终年保持在20℃左右。洞外温度, 夏日最高达39℃,冬天最低-5℃。洞内外温度相差15℃左右。洞内题刻的“温凉别况”以及田汝成的《游记》中“冬时温如火, 盖阳伏之征也”的记载,准确地概括了元风洞冬暖夏凉的特点及其原因。宋诗人赵少隐曾在洞口建“来风亭”, 明吕调阳曾筑“七星庵”, 清改为“大贤庵”, 现已无存。

  三将军墓 在普陀山半山腰的博望坪。1944年11月, 在抗击日本侵略军的桂林防卫战中,第31军参谋长吕旃蒙、防山军司令部参谋长陈济桓、第131师师长阚维雍壮烈牺牲。1946年, 国民党政府建“三将军墓”以示纪念,蒋介石、李宗仁、白崇禧均有题字。1982年重修, 墓地呈葫芦形, 宽16米, 长20米, 占地320平方米。

  忆昔亭 在普陀山博望坪八百壮土墓旁, 1946年建。以纪念抗日阵亡将士, 抚今忆昔, 吸取血的教训, 亦名纪忠亭。高7.5米, 宽5.3米,长4.2米, 面积22.26平方米, 为砖柱、单檐、尖顶、青瓦、方形的仿古亭, 中有石桌凳供凭吊憩息。

  普陀精舍 在普陀山半山腰、第2道山门“超尘净境”后的山坡上。原为普陀寺旧址, 1959年拆除全部旧建筑, 重新修建,更名“普陀精舍”。精舍为红柱、粉墙、硬脊、翘檐、坡顶、绿瓦的2层楼阁式建筑。1层长17.3米, 深12米, 2层长度略小,总建筑面积约为400平方米。正屋开敝, 楼上四面开窗, 上有观景厅。普陀岩崖壁前的天然石屏, “超尘净境”山门、普陀精舍、文昌亭、小蓬莱等一组错落有致的建筑,形成封而不闭的多变格局, 登楼观赏, 城市风光、山林奇趣, 各呈勃勃生机。

  普陀石林 在普陀半山腰的普陀精舍前, 高9米, 面积约150平方米, 呈不等边多边形。相传, 唐代地方官员在这里选石进贡朝廷, 深得唐太宗李世民喜爱,视为“瑞石”, 镌刻著名书法家欧阳询的《九成宫醴泉铭》于其上, 钱藏宫中。李靖出任桂州总管时, 唐太宗嘱咐他考查“瑞石”产地, 得悉产于普陀山, 敕命建庆林观,并御书“庆林观”赐额。普陀石林, 林峰嶙峋, 突兀峥嵘, 最为奇美, 为桂林三大石林之冠。

5分钟广西概况导游词 篇5








5分钟广西概况导游词 篇6

  Guangxi, beautiful BaGui land. Hundreds of the beauty of the mountains, is rich in mineral resources; One thousand rivers beautiful, formed the endless ocean resources, rich in fruit, known as "fruit of the township". Peculiar karst landform, brilliant cultural relics, rich ethnic customs, make guangxi unique charm. Guangxi is a multi-ethnic place, it is one of the three home.

  Guangxi famous tourist attractions: guilin landscape, famous for its scenery, has the "landscape jiatianxia guilin". Historical cultural landscape: Cheng Yangyong dhi bridge, kunlun battle site, the office of the eighth route army guilin site, youjiang worker-peasant democratic government site, Chinese red army eighth army of workers and peasants, Chinese red army seventh army of workers and peasants, sun yat-sen memorial hall, wuzhou, the taiping heavenly kingdom jintian uprising address.

  Guangxi warm climate, rich heat, wet, wet, seasonal variation is not obvious, the sunshine is moderate, winter summer more than less, suitable for travel all year.

  Is in the west of south China, the beibu gulf in the south, bordering on Vietnam, the district jurisdiction over 14 administrative, 34 municipal district, 7 county-level city, 56, 12 ethnic autonomous county county, the other two administrative zone and 2 zone.

  During the warring states period, lingnan said more land, guangxi belongs to the best part of the more. In 214 BC, the qin dynasty unified the, set up in lingnan, the south China sea and as county, guilin guilin county and county as including today in most areas of guangxi, the capital of the republic of China in the early is so called "laurel" in guangxi in guilin. Guangxi comes from the name of the song dynasty by the organizational system of administrative units - "quang nam road", hereinafter referred to as "guangxi road", this is the origin of the name of "guangxi".

5分钟广西概况导游词 篇7

  Guangxi is one of the five ethnic autonomous regions, zhuang, han, yao, miao, dong and other 12 indigenous peoples. At the end of 20xx a total population of 50.92 million people, the resident population of 4856 people, including ethnic minority population of 19.59 million people, accounting for 38.8% of the population in this district, zhuang population of 16.65 million people, 33% of the total population. Land area of 23.67 square kilometers, in 14 cities and 110 counties (city, area).

  The development of guangxi advantage mainly include four aspects:

  One is the location advantage. Guangxi coastal, border areas, along the Yangtze river, is located in south China, southwest and asean economic circle of the junction, is the most convenient port in southwest China and opening to the outside of the window, is China's only border with the association of south-east Asian nations (asean) has both land and sea lanes of provinces and autonomous regions, is the forefront of China's open to the association of south-east Asian nations (asean) and the "bridgehead".

  Second, the resource advantage. Guangxi is one of the 10 key areas for producing non-ferrous metals, aluminum, manganese, tin, antimony, indium and other mineral reserves ranked among the top nationwide, including aluminum resources reserves of 1 billion tons, built the Asia important aluminum industrial base in the country. Water can be developed reserves of more than 1800 kw, the seventh in the nation. Guangxi is China's rice, sugar cane, silkworm cocoon, cassava production first in the country. Coastal resources and Marine resources is also very rich. Guangxi has rich tourism resources, guilin landscape, coastal scenery, border customs and ethnic customs make people linger.

  Three is the ecological advantages. The blue sky blue sea, green mountain water show, the air is fresh, is one of the advantages of guangxi. In the existing forest area of 193 million mu, forest coverage rate of 55%, the fourth in the nation, there are 22 national ecological demonstration area, 76 natural reserve. Good ecological environment, has become one of the advantages of guangxi, a big brand, is a precious wealth.

  Four is policy advantage. At the same time enjoy the coastal areas of the open policy, the western development policy, regional national autonomy policy and border trade policy. Countries approved the implementation of the beibu gulf economic zone in guangxi development planning ", specifically in the comprehensive reform, major projects, bonded logistics system, financial innovation should give policy support and open cooperation, etc. The state council formally issued "several opinions on further speed up the economic and social development in guangxi", from the national level of economic and social development in guangxi has made strategic deployment, further strengthen the support to guangxi. Superposition of a variety of preferential policies, so that the investment environment of guangxi and open conditions become more prominent.

  According to preliminary statistics, our GNP in 20xx to achieve 770.036 billion yuan, an increase of 13.9% over the previous year, the fifth growth in the country; Fiscal revenue was 96.689 billion yuan, an increase of 14.7%, of which the general budget revenue was 62.083 billion yuan, an increase of 19.8%, the growth rate ranked sixth in the country; In social investment in fixed assets 570.67 billion yuan, up by 50.8%; Total foreign trade import and export growth of 7.3%, including export growth of 13.9%, increase the national first place; Urban per capita disposable income of 15451 yuan, the actual increase of 12%. Farmers per capita net income of 3980 yuan, the actual growth rate of 10.6%.

  Current and future a period, guangxi will fully implement the party's 17th and 17 third session, the fourth plenary session spirits, and general secretary hu jintao and other central leading comrades of guangxi work the important instructions of spirit, with deng xiaoping theory and "three represents" important thought as guidance, further implement the scientific outlook on development, conscientiously implement the state council "about to further promote economic and social development in guangxi several opinions, surrounding the construction wealthy civilization harmonious new guangxi, adhere to the implementation of the scientific progress three year plan of the strategic objectives, adhere to scientific development, harmonious development, spanning development strategy of the theme, adhere to the space in time and resources in industry and in the incremental stock of strategic thinking, adhere to the industry, traffic, the priority development of strategic layout of the beibu gulf economic zone, constantly new strides in continue to emancipate the mind, realize new breakthrough on adhere to the reform and opening up, on the scientific development, promote social harmony on the new progress to see new achievements, to become a new highland international regional economic cooperation, guangxi construction new coastal economic development of China.

5分钟广西概况导游词 篇8

  广西,美丽的八桂之地。十万大山的壮美,蕴藏了丰富的矿产资源;千百条河流的秀美,形成了无尽的海洋资源,盛产水果,被誉为“水果之乡”。奇特的喀斯特地貌,灿烂的文物古迹,浓郁的民族风情,使广西独具魅力。 广西是一个多民族的地方,又是全国三大侨乡之一。





5分钟广西概况导游词 篇9









5分钟广西概况导游词 篇10

  Full name of the guangxi zhuang autonomous region of guangxi, hereinafter referred to as "guangxi". Nanning, capital is the asean countries and China's unity and cooperation meeting place, known as the green city the laudatory name. The guangxi zhuang autonomous region is located in the motherland southern xinjiang, located in east longitude 104 ° 26 '- 112 ° 04', north latitude 20 ° 54 '- 26 ° 24', between the tropic of cancer crosses the central district. Is the most convenient sea route, the southwest and southeast of resource-based economy in western China and the open economy of integration, in occupies an important position in the economic exchange between China and southeast Asia.

  All autonomous regions populated zhuang, han, yao, miao, dong, MuLao, monao ethnic group had, hui, jing, yi, such as water, GeLao nation. Guangxi is located in southern xinjiang of the motherland, is located in north latitude 20 ° 54 '~ 26 ° 23', longitude 104 ° 29 '~ 112 ° 04'. South beibu bay, and hainan province across the sea, the east of guangdong, the northeast of hunan province, northwest guizhou province, west yunnan, southwest and adjacent to Vietnam, the road boundary line 1020 kilometers long.

  River water rich in guangxi, sediment concentration, less up summer and fall winter. Landscape in guangxi belongs to hilly basin, many mountains and plains, the topography is surrounded by high, middle low. Guangxi belongs to subtropical humid monsoon climate zone, short winters and long summer heat, rainfall is rich, rain heat the same. 17 ~ 22 ℃, annual average temperature in July was the most thermidor, is the most of January. Average annual rainfall in 1250 ~ 1750 mm, rainfall is the most against the city, is the least tianyang. In addition to the mountains of north guangxi, much of the winter average temperature above 10 ℃, rare frost and snow.

  Guangxi ancient belong to the earth, has a long history. Archaeological discoveries of the baise paleoanthropological sites show that as early as 700000 years ago have primitive humans lived here.

  Guangxi since the ancient times is a multi-ethnic populated areas, is one of the five ethnic autonomous regions in China, inhabited by the han, zhuang, yao, miao, dong, jing, mulam, maonan, hui, yi, aquatic animals, kelao 12 people. Guangxi minorities have maintained their simple folk customs, in food, clothing, housing, holidays, custom and so on all have distinctive national features, and in the long-term economic interaction and influence each other in the cultural exchange, absorb each other.

  In the long history of several thousand years, people of all ethnic groups in guangxi rich created the brilliant national culture. Ancient culture, liu sanjie folk culture, stone culture, art of the white lotus makes guangxi culture is bright beautiful. The baise basin archaeological findings shocked the Chinese and foreign, special fat; National great songs BaGui large song and dance and zhuang "mama le's visit to the sky" arrogant won the double, clueless. Murals, tonggu, folk songs is a dazzling pearl in the culture.

  Localized 11 ethnic minority in guangxi, in addition to the hui dialect, use live all have their own language, and zhuang, miao and yao also have their own dialects. Guangxi region of the six kinds of Chinese dialects, which are respectively, southwest mandarin, cantonese, hakka, xinsheng township and min dialects.





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