标题 | 2023吐鲁番导游词 |
范文 | 2023吐鲁番导游词(精选3篇) 2023吐鲁番导游词 篇1高昌城于公元前一世纪,是西汉王朝在车师前国境内的屯田部队所建。他位于丝绸之路中心地带,为过往的商人与旅人提供可以歇息的地方和沙漠中的必需品——水和食物。一直到十三世纪,经过多年的战火,现在已经是残垣断壁了。可是对于我这个好奇心特强,又喜欢历史的小朋友来说,这是个千载难逢的好机会啊! “哎,不是说是个故城吗?怎么是个博物馆?”我失望得叫起来。妈妈神秘地对我说:“不要着急啊,待会儿你就知道了。”哦!原来还要坐一个观光车进去啊。车子一转弯,突然,高昌故城一下子出现在我的面前。太壮观了!虽然现在只剩下残破的围墙和建筑,可这些用土砖建成的建筑竟能在战火后屹立千百年而不坍塌,真是奇迹啊!精美的佛寺,考究的壁画,类似伊斯兰教圆顶清真寺的讲经堂……这一切都能看出高昌故城以前的繁荣与昌盛。 车子一边行进,一边播放着故城的传说和故事。最让我感兴趣的是西行取经的唐玄奘与高昌王麹文泰结拜为兄弟而留下的那一段千古佳话。 “哎——”这一声叹息包含着对历史的惋惜与感慨。我们在赞扬古人的智慧与勇敢的时候,也应该为历史上这些毁坏故城的暴君和探险家感到惭愧。 2023吐鲁番导游词 篇2Dear tourists Xinjiang is the largest grape producing area in China, and also thebirthplace of grape cultivation in China. According to the survey, there aremore than 50 grape varieties in Xinjiang. Especially in Turpan, grapes areplanted everywhere, accounting for more than 90% of the total grape plantingarea in Xinjiang, making it a "Kingdom of grapes". The grape of Turpan evokesour infinite reverie. The wonderful lyrics of "the grapes in Turpan are ripe,and anaerhan's heart is drunk" sung among people of all ethnic groups inXinjiang fully express people's admiration for grapes. Grape is known as "Pearland agate" and has become the symbol of "hometown of melons and fruits" inXinjiang. Now let's go to the most beautiful place in Turpan, Grape Valley, toexperience anaerhan's intoxicated mood! Tourists, our car is driving by the flame mountain, and the west end of themountain is the Grape Valley. Putaogou is a north-south river valley in Huoyanshan mountains, with atotal length of 7 km and a maximum width of 2 km. It is full of vineyards,inhabited by Uygur, Hui, Han and other ethnic fruit farmers. If you walk intothe Grape Valley, you will see the people's canal from Tianshan Mountain. Thewater passes through the valley. The trees are luxuriant, the air is humid, andthe climate is cool and pleasant, which is in sharp contrast to the blazingflame mountain. Looking up at the volcano and looking down at the green space,it is really a good place for summer. Vineyard → seedless grapes → raisin drying room now we come to thevineyard. The grapes here are like the green clouds covering the sky and thegreen carpet covering the ground. They are connected by pieces, and the greenshade covers the sun. They are fruitful. The vineyard in the grapevine Valleycovers an area of more than 400 hectares. The main varieties are seedless whitegrape, MARUKI grape, rose red, kashhar, bijiagan, black grape, soso grape, etc.In addition, jingzaojing, aimina, seedless purple, seedless red, rose fragranceand other excellent grape varieties are introduced from abroad. Its fruit shapeis different, there are spherical, oval, cylindrical, oval, some bright likeagate, some crystal like pearls, and some green as jade. With an annual outputof more than 6000 tons of grapes and more than 300 tons of raisins, it can becalled the "world vineyard". The outstanding grape in Xinjiang is seedless white grape, which is widelyplanted in Grape Valley. Look! The "Green Pearls" with oval fruit grains andlight yellow green fruit hanging on the grape trellis are seedless. It has thinskin, crisp meat, juicy and sweet taste. The sugar content of the fresh fruit ismore than 24%, which exceeds the sugar content of California grape in the UnitedStates and becomes the sweetest grape in the world. Because it has no seeds, itis most suitable for drying raisins. After drying, it contains more than 75%sugar, protein, organic acid and other nutrients. It is a good dry fruit withrich nutrition. The seedless raisins, which are crystal clear and jade like, aregreen and bright in color, sweet and sour to eat, and are known as "China GreenPearl". The second largest cultivated area in the grape ditch is maruzi grape. Itsfruit is long columnar or spindle shaped, with thin and tough skin, juicy andcrisp flesh, no fragrance, but especially sweet. It is worth mentioning that dueto the unique natural conditions such as low-lying, high temperature, lessprecipitation and strong solar radiation, all grapes in Turpan Basin are free ofdiseases and pests, let alone spraying pesticides. As a result, Xinjiang raisinis famous at home and abroad, becoming a rare natural non-toxic fruit. Tourists, walking in the green corridor, looking at the attractive grapes,it's really very comfortable! Just now some tourists asked: how are raisinsmade? Look! The flat topped, rectangular, civil structure house in front of usis a drying room specially built for drying raisins. The wall of drying room isa perforated wall made of soil blocks, and the rectangular holes mainly play therole of free ventilation. The door of the drying room is mostly located in thenorth or East, which can reduce the sunlight on the one hand, and on the otherhand, when transporting grapes, if the drying room can't hold for a while, itcan be temporarily placed on the north wall outside the drying room, so that itwon't be exposed to the sunlight for several hours, and the quality of the driedgrapes will not change. In Turpan, such air drying houses can be seeneverywhere, but most of them are built on the hillside or on the Bank of ditch,where the terrain is open, flat, well ventilated and dry. At this point,tourists may have understood that the method of making raisins in Turpan isunique. It is not only different from other countries that use the sun to exposethemselves to the sun, but also not use artificial heating and drying. Instead,it is completely dried by the dry and warm climate. In this way, the chlorophyllin the grape fruit is completely preserved, and the grape turns dry green. Amongthe raisins with an annual output of about ten thousand tons in the world, itcan also be regarded as an exclusive product. In addition to raisins, Turpan wine is also very famous for its good color,aroma and long brewing history. Wang Han, a poet of Tang Dynasty, once wrote apoem praising: "the wine is beautiful, sprinkle the luminous cup. If you want todrink pipa, you will be urged immediately. Don't laugh when you are drunk on thebattlefield. How many people have fought in the past The poet's famous linesdescribe the charm of grape wine and the heroic spirit of the general gallopingon the battlefield. Tourists, now we are in the north of Putaogou. On a marble tablet in frontof us is written "Putaogou" 3. This is the handwriting of Peng Zhen, formerchairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress. You cantake photos here. Here the water is gurgling and the grape stands are full. We stroll in thegrape corridor, just like enjoying the gardens in the south of the YangtzeRiver. We don't know that we are in the Flaming Mountain in the scorching sun.Through the stone bridge and in the grape Kingdom, you can see the spring waterseeping from the gravel layer of the cliff, converging into a pool. The fish inthe pool seem to be as happy as the tourists. The fish are happy, the people arehappy, and the spring is clearer. Tourists, now we have a rest in the corridor of Grape Valley. We all sitaround and enjoy the surrounding landscape. We also taste all kinds of freshgrapes and fruits with different colors, sizes and tastes. We are addicted toeating grapes. By the way, since 1990, the "China Silk Road Turpan GrapeFestival" has been held in Turpan from August 20 to 26 every year. Grape inTurpan has broken through its own boundaries and become a bridge of culturalexchanges and a link of economic and trade exchanges. There are also grape Museum, wine tasting point, Folk Museum and othervisiting facilities in the tourist area, as well as Uygur folk musicperformances. We will visit them after a short rest. 2023吐鲁番导游词 篇3各位游客: 新疆的吐鲁番有两座中国现存最完整的古城遗址,1961年被列为首批全国重点文物保护单位,分别是高昌故城和河故城,被称为吐鲁番盆地中一对风格不同的“姐妹城”。它们在经历了几千年的风风雨雨后,如今虽然只留下断壁残垣,然而当年高耸的城墙依然气势恢弘,深陷的护城河轮廓仍历历在目。下面让我们带着访古探胜的心情,先去参观一下高故城吧: 高昌故城的得名→高昌王国的历史 游客们,高昌故城位于吐鲁番以东45公里处的火焰山南麓,即木头沟河的三角洲地段,这座驰名中外的西域古都,曾先后为麴氏高昌王国和回鹘高昌王国的都城,历尽繁华,曾是古丝绸之路的必经之地和重要门户。在前往故城的途中,我先来介绍一下它的得名和历史。 高昌故城,维吾尔语中称为“亦都护城”,也就是“王城”的意思。《北史•高昌传》中称它因“地势高敞,人庶昌盛”而得名高昌。 据历史记载,高昌故城始建于公元前1世纪的西汉。当时称为“高昌壁”或“高昌垒”,汉、魏、晋历代都曾在此设立“戊己校尉”,管理屯田,抵御匈奴,故又名“戊己校尉城”。公元320xx年,前凉张骏在此设置高昌郡,开创了西域郡县制的先河。高昌建国是在公元460年(北魏和平元年),车师国灭亡,柔然立阐氏伯周为王,称其国为高昌国,从而掀开了高昌王国的序幕。南北朝时期,这里诸王争霸,但国号仍为“高昌”。公元620xx年,唐贞观年间,高昌王勾结西突厥截断丝绸之路,唐太宗派人平定了高昌王国,将高昌改称“西州”。公元9世纪末,由漠北西迁到此的回鹘人建立了回鹘高昌国,仍臣属中原王朝,史称“西州回鹘”或“高昌回鹘”。1220xx年,高昌回鹘则顺成吉思汗,称“畏兀儿王国”。1283年,高昌城毁于战火,高昌回鹘王国灭亡,至此,高昌城被废。 纵观高昌故城的历史演变,历经1500多年,其间由盛及衰,演绎了一部西域部族的兴亡史。 高昌故城遗址→ 高昌的对外交流→ 高昌文化 游客们,现在我们来到了高昌故城遗址。只见残破的城墙全用黄土夯成,倘若登高展望,全城平面略呈不规则的正方形;分外城、内城、宫城三部分。布局似唐代的长安城。外城呈正方形,周长5.4公里,城墙最高处达11.5米,城基宽12米。内城居于外城正中,周长3600米,现仅存西墙980米,南墙850米。宫城居于外城城北。请看,前方那数座高3米至4米的土台称为“可汗堡”,就是原回鹊高昌的宫廷所在地。这里发掘出的绿色琉璃瓦、纹饰华丽的石柱础和巨幅的奏乐图精美壁画,记录了故都昔日的繁华。据史书记载,鼎盛时期的能城有12个门,市内房屋鳞次栉比,有作坊、市场、庙宇和居民区等建筑,总面积为200万平方米。密集的民居和市井坊肆建筑群,风格与交河故城相似,下挖为院,掏洞为室,不用木料,为吐鲁番一奇。 汉唐以来,高昌是连接中原、中亚、欧洲的枢纽,它既是经贸活动的集散地,又是世界宗教文化的荟萃地。当时波斯等 地的商人,从他们国家带来苜蓿、葡萄、香料、胡椒、宝石和骏马来到高昌城,又从这里带走中原的丝绸、瓷器、茶叶和造纸、火药、印刷术。与此同时,世界各地的宗教先后经高昌传入内地。当时的居民先后信奉佛教、景教和摩尼教,高昌成了世界古代宗教最活跃、最发达的地方。 高昌王国鼎盛时期;还孕育了丰富的高昌文化,成为高昌的珍贵遗产。麴氏高昌王国十任国王都是汉人,因此汉文化对高昌的影响显而易见。但高昌毕竟属于杂胡地带,车师、回鹘、突厥以至后来的吐蕃、蒙古等多民族杂居,因此当地人会数种语言,语种形态丰富而有趣。此外,高昌人的服饰也十分讲究,并擅长制作美食。驰名中外的高昌古乐,更是高昌人的骄傲,它以浓烈的异域风情和丰富的艺术语汇在汉唐时流行,被列入唐朝十部大乐之中,成为中西融合的文化瑰宝。可以这样理解,高昌故城的魅力,在于其深厚的文体底蕴,使之成为代表西域历史的典范和标本。 讲经堂遗址→ 唐僧玄奘与高昌 游客们,高昌故城废弃以后,被开垦为耕地,大部分地面建筑荡然无存,遗址保存较好的除城墙外,还有外城西南角的一座寺院,下面就让我们乘着“驴的”前往参观。 各位游客,请看这座大佛寺遗址,占地近1万平方米。仔细观察,这座佛寺的山门、讲经堂、大殿、藏经楼、僧舍等建筑布局,仍历历在目。从建筑特征和残存壁画上的联珠纹图分析,其建筑年代属麴氏高昌中期,约为隋代所建。 说起这座佛寺,鼎鼎大名的唐代高僧玄奘还曾到此讲过经。相传公元620xx年(唐贞观三年),玄奘29岁时,为了提高佛学水平,不畏艰险,从长安出发西行,沿丝绸之路到佛国印度游学取经,历时20xx年。由于玄类取经起初并未得到唐朝政府的支持,他只能夹在西域商人中出行,因为没有政府发给的公文,路上还曾受到缉拿。然而玄类在克服了重重困难以后,不仅从印度取得了佛经,而且返回故土,著书立说,纠正了国内僧侣对佛经种种不正确的解释,成为最具声望的一代高僧。 回国后,玄奘的境遇与出国前迥然不同,他受到了唐朝政府的高度重视,唐高宗李治在为纪念母亲而建的慈恩寺内造了一座大雁塔,专门用来供放玄奘带回来的历7部佛经。玄奘在西行路上,途经伊吾(今哈密),当高昌王麴文泰得知东土大唐不远万里来了一位求法的高僧时,便派人把玄类请来,专门安排在王宫内居住,与玄奘结为兄弟。他还苦口婆心地劝说玄奘留在高昌当“国师”,但不能动摇玄类西行探求真经的坚志大愿。高昌王无奈,只好请玄类讲经一月后再走。 临行前,高昌王为玄奘写了24封致西域各国的通行文书,还赠送了马匹和25名仆役。出发那天,全城夹道相送,高昌王鞠义泰抱住大师失声励哭,亲自送至100公里外的交河城,才依依惜别。唐僧玄奘和高昌王麴文泰的故事为我们留下了一段舌古佳话,以致吴承恩的神话小说《西游记》中就有以火焰山等为场景而衍化出的美丽传奇。 各位游客,高昌故城的参观即将结束了。望着这屡经岁月剥蚀的故城,在领略它的古老、苍茫和凝重之余,您还将作何观感呢?“曾经的辉煌将永远让人铭记”,或许这就是历史给我们的启迪吧! |
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