标题 | 天山导游词 |
范文 | 天山导游词(精选15篇) 天山导游词 篇1传说天池之中有一个水怪,经常乱施,兴风作浪。搅的天池之水瀑涨,淹没左右居民,百姓无家可归四处流浪。有一年,王母娘娘在天宫举行盛大的蟠桃会。会上宴请了各路神仙,唯独忘记邀请这位天池水怪。水怪不悦,发威泄私愤。顷刻之间浊浪滔天,洪水四溢。天兵禀报王母娘娘,王母娘娘大怒,旋即取下头上的一根碧玉簪投入水中,顿时风平浪静,水退石出。那根碧玉簪就变成了一棵榆树。从此生长在天池水边,成为镇水之宝。这棵由王母娘娘头上的碧玉簪变成的榆树就被后人称为“定海神针”。 西山观松,天池西侧山势相对缓和又位处阴坡,由冰碛石和泥石流堆积物组成的山坡比较疏松,蓄水条件好,特别适宜于林木的生长。这里云杉林连峰续岭,浓阴蔽日,是旅游最好的去处。“西山松”,令人赏心悦目,心旷神怡。 悬壶飞瀑天池下游东北方冰川终碛堤上建有人工水闸,天池泻水形成瀑布。瀑布沿嶙峋山石急流直下,白练垂空,声震山谷,瀑布于谷底冲出碧潭一方,人称“东小天池”。此处环境极为幽秘。东小天池北岸为断崖峭壁,泻水又形成一条高达百米的瀑布,流银泻玉,瀑声如雷,在阳光照射下,彩虹飞舞,形成“悬泉飞瀑”胜景,有诗云“珍珠数泉悬半空,银链高挂雾蒙蒙。烟水飘渺娇阳艳,长虹飞架青峦中。” 天山导游词 篇2亲爱的游客朋友们,大家好! 我是你们今天的导游刘倡畅。很高兴能在七月与大家一起骑马上天山,去浏览那里的美丽景色与醉人山水。 我先简单介绍一下我们此行的目的地――天山:它海拔7443.8米,有“天山明珠”盛誉。景区内有连绵的崇山峻岭、有圣洁的雪山冰川、有神秘的原始森林、有辽阔的山谷草原。 在领略美丽景色的同时要注意安全,不要私自离队,我会给大家留出拍照时间,相机、手机您要拿稳了,不要在马上来回乱动,更不要上上下下,惊了马儿,那大家可要徙步穿越哟! 游客朋友们,我们现在已经进入景区,大家是不是感到了秋天般的丝丝清凉?在生活中有“雪中送碳”一说,但在炎热的夏季,天山的雪山会给尊贵的客人送来凉爽。请大家看我们的正前方,这蓝天衬着高耸的、巨大的雪峰,峰顶的冰川积雪闪烁着皑皑银火,与天池澄碧的湖水相映成趣,构成了高山平湖的绰约多姿的自然景观。 唐代诗人李商隐曾作诗曰:“瑶池阿母绮穿开,黄竹歌声动地哀,八骏日行三万里,穆王何事不重来。”这首诗说的正是那天山的水:夏季,山清水秀,清爽宜人,是绝佳的避暑盛地;冬季,白雪皑皑,银装素裹,湖上坚冰如玉,是全国少有的高山滑冰场。喜欢冒险的朋友,也可登高山,穿密林,俯览天地全景,喜欢安静的朋友,也可在碧波浩渺的湖水中泛舟横渡,饱览湖光山色…… 游客朋友们,我们的目的地到了,下面是大家自由活动时间。山里天气寒凉,大家要做好保暖。花草树木是我们的朋友,不但给我们带来丰富的视觉盛宴,更是天然的氧吧为我们送来健康,请大家一定一定爱护他们!另外,大家一定要牢记:走路不观景,观景不走路,安全第一!最后,祝大家玩的开心、快乐!我们一个小时后准时在这里集合!解散! 天山导游词 篇3各位游客朋友: 大家好! 我是本次的导游人员小陈,欢迎大家参加这次天池之旅?,我们今天将要参观的景点是天池风景区。天池,位于天山东段最高峰博格达峰的山腰,地处天山博格达峰北侧,阜康市南偏东40余公里。天池距乌鲁木齐约110公里,水面海拔1980米,长约3.4公里,宽平均为1公里,形状是狭长形,平均水深40米,最深处105米,为常年稳定湖,水储量达1.6亿立方米。天池是世界著名的高山湖泊。1982年,被列为第一批国家重点风景名胜区。博格达峰位于昌吉州阜康市境内,与乌鲁木齐直线距约60km,西北与阜康市直线距约49km,有柏油路面可通至天池,海拔5445m。博格达峰是东部天山第一高峰,耸立在阜康县南的群山之上。 来到天池,就不得不给大家讲一个神话故事,穆天子与西王母的爱情传说,天池古称“瑶池”,相传瑶池是古代西王母居住的仙境,周穆王对王母国和西王母慕名已久,但不知如何找寻。一日,他乘坐八骏御辇来到西城,终于从一无老者口中获悉王母国的所在地。他大喜过望,日夜兼程,选定吉日赶到博格达山下。通往瑶池的峡谷满是参天松柏,郁郁苍苍,路旁奇花异草,芳香扑鼻。穆王一行整顿衣冠缓缓而上,在西王母宫前受到彩衣舞女的欢迎。这当儿,山中一声金鸣,端庄美丽的西王母款款出迎。穆王心中激动无比,欲施大礼,被西王母纤纤玉手一把拦住。于是两人携手入宫。是夜,西王母与穆王在壮丽的玉石大厅里,坐在淡绿色的玉椅上互道仰慕之情。宫中美女如云,穿梭往来敬酒献艺。品着西域的醇酒佳肴,听着奇妙动听的乐曲,穆王如醉如痴,这样一住就是好几日。临别前,穆王在瑶池宫中设宴答谢西王母,留赠西王母无数丝绸锦缎和玛瑙圭璧。穆王为纪念此行,在一山石上亲笔书写“西王母之山”五个大字,并亲植槐树一株。西王母作歌曰:白云在天,山陵自出。道里悠远,山川间之。将子无死,尚能复来!意思是说:天山飘着朵朵白云,它们都出自高高的山陵。您不远万里来到这里,不畏山川阻隔跋山涉水。衷心祝愿您长生不老,希望以后能再次光临!穆王即席对歌道:予归东土,和治诸夏。万民平均,吾顾见汝。比及三年,将复而野。意思是说:我回到东方之后,和平治国造福人民。当万民都安居乐业之后,我会履行您的叮咛,顶多三五载,我将再来畅叙离情。歌毕,两人唏嘘涕零,不能自已。第二天,在云蒸霞蔚的晨光中,他们依依惜别了。 周穆王与西王母在瑶池相会的这段神话传说,激发了古往今来无数诗人墨客的缕缕遐思。唐代大诗人李商隐以此事写下了千古名句:瑶池阿母绮窗开,黄竹歌声动地哀。八骏日行三万里,穆王何事不重来。 无论究竟这则故事是历史还仅仅是传说,已不关紧要,它仍然吸引着人们向西行,去寻找那些曾经浪漫动人的故事和富有浪漫情节的美丽的西王母之国。 天池之名 在到达天池之前,我再向大家讲一个真实的故事。公元1781年到1783年,阜康县境内连续三年大旱,农作物几乎没有收成,百姓生活陷入困境。当时就任乌鲁木齐都统的明亮,是一个很为百姓着想的好官,可是要怎么解决缺水的问题呢?他想到博格达峰上冰雪覆盖,每年夏季冰雪消融,他决定上山寻找水源,开山引水。终于在博格达峰下找到了这个幽静的湖泊,一池碧水如同一块巨大翡翠,镶嵌在博格达峰的腰间,明亮也不禁被这美景震撼。水渠凿成后,他在渠口附近立石碑纪念,在碑文中留下“见神池浩淼如天镜浮空”的句子,将“天镜、神池”两词各取一字,就是“天池”之名的由来。 天池是在第四纪冰川运动中形成的高山冰碛湖,天池为高山湖泊,温度较平地低,属典型的大陆干旱性气候,因此早晚温差大。天山深处高山,天池既没有炎热的夏天,也没有过于寒冷的冬天。夏季,这里山清水秀,清爽宜人,是绝佳的避暑盛地。游人可登高山、穿密林,俯瞰天地全景,也可在碧波浩渺的湖水中泛舟横渡,饱览湖光山色。冬天的天池,白雪皑皑,银装素裹,湖上坚冰如玉,是全国少有的高山滑冰场,天池从10月下旬开始结冰,到第二年的5月上旬解冻。当山下平原“冻破石头”时,天池的平均气温只有零下10℃左右。整个冬天,天池最冷的月份也比山外的气温高出摄氏五六度左右,与长江流域的冬季气温基本接近。 天池是野生动植物的乐园,这里生长着191种高等有花植物,其中有雪莲、党参、贝母等药用植物100多种。栖息着兽类32种;鸟类144种;两栖爬行类动物和鱼类5种,其中有雪豹、北山羊等国家一级保护动物6种。1990年3月 27日,联合国教科文组织将这里纳入联合国人和生物圈计划,它是目前新疆唯一的世界生物圈保护区。 关于景区的详细情况,在到达目的地之后我将会为大家一一讲解。请各位游客随我下车。 天山导游词 篇4郴州飞天山位于郴州市苏仙区桥口镇境内,距郴州市城区约20公里,交通极为便捷。东江、郴江在这里交汇,千山万壑,云蒸霞蔚,翠竹葱茏,凉风习习,天低云淡,渔船点点,尤如梦中仙境,画里天堂! 风景区由九寨,四垣、三庙、二江、一村站组成。红山绿水、秀峰险寨、奇石怪洞构成的自然景观和村宅街巷、石佛庙宇、陵墓悬棺等历史奇观,以及度假山庄、蒙古风情、水上乐园等人文景观,使之成为独具魅力的旅游胜地。被誉为“郴州明珠湘南桂林”。 天山风景区属丹霞地貌,有被中国丹霞地貌研究会会长黄进赞为“中国之最,世界奇观”的黑垣。风景区内,奇峰异石,青山秀水,湖光山色,壮美迷人。沿江周围,石山林立,玉峰相接,连绵数十公里。更有千年悬棺,旷世之谜;临江佛雕,飞天壁画;天然卧佛,悠悠古迹;丹霞溶洞,神秘窝居;明清古墓,狮子吊陵;高山草原,圣母玉立……真是福地洞天,风观无限!风景区集自然、历史、人物奇观为一体,纳奇、险、秀、美于一身,令人流连忘返陶醉于山水之间,乐不思归! 天山导游词 篇5郴州飞天山国家地质公园属典型的丹霞地貌,位于湖南省郴州市苏仙区境内距市区18公里,总面积110平方公里。水陆交通便捷,京广铁路复线、京珠高速公路、107国道从旁而过,郴江、东江交汇于此,形成享誉江南的翠江风景带。整个风景区由48谷、9寨、4坦、3庙、2江、1泉构成,以丹岩堡寨为特色,穿坦、洞穴为罕见,温泉碧江为纽带,石佛悬棺为史脉,集山、水、林、洞、佛为一体,聚雄、奇、险、秀、巧为一身。20xx年飞天山被国土资源部评为丹霞类的地质公园。景区山顶相连,沟壑纵横,山环水绕,寨坦错落,精巧处如精雕细琢,巧夺天工,宏伟处如横空出世,壮志凌云。翠江风情能与漓江风景媲美,享有“小桂林”美誉。 飞天山,位于湖南省郴州市苏仙区境内,距市区18公里,总面积110平方公里。水陆交通便捷,京广铁路复线、京珠高速公路、107国道从旁而过,郴江、东江交汇于此,形成享誉江南的翠江风景带。 飞天山盛名已久,大旅行家徐霞客曾赞叹飞天山“无寸土不丽,无一山不奇”,并镌刻“寸土佳丽”。境区山顶相连,沟壑纵横,山环水绕,寨坦错落,精巧处如精雕细琢,巧夺天工,宏伟处如横空出世,壮志凌云。翠江风情能与漓江风景媲美,享有“小桂林”美誉。 沿江两岩“丹霞翠遥断,岩石架空来”。一路顺江飘流,只见丹峰林立,红岩绿水,怪石幽洞,古木吐翠,竹海茫茫。一年四季绿叶、三季花香,绘成罕见的“四面青山列翠屏”、“草木花光尽是春”的奇妙丹霞地貌景观。 “丹霞第一洞”——黑坦,面积5000平方米;“天下第一门——天生石桥,门高35米,跨度95米,呈拱形,洞口高悬,绝壁临渊,洞中冬暧夏凉,十分幽静,规模之宏大,气势之宏伟,为中国丹霞地貌所罕见,乃飞天山一绝。景区内的鲤鱼寨四周崖壁陡峭,古木苍穹,灌木环绕,秋色丹枫绘出十里廊,美不胜收。更有酷似象征生命之源的圣母岩和阴阳岩,栩栩如生。境内万华岩溶洞全长约9公里,洞内有13处各具特色的大厅,最大可容纳数千人。洞外有泉,洞内有天,洞中有洞,洞里有河,洞内钙化沉积类型多种多样,石田、石笋、石钟乳、石柱、石幔、石帘密布,形态各异,气象万千,尤其是“水下晶锥”(世界上第二次发现的天然奇宝,另一个在美国)和“石蛋生笋”(世界上首次发现),堪称为溶洞中的奇异珍宝。 美国洞穴考察队曾赞誉“万华岩”溶洞可与世界上任何一个最壮丽的溶洞媲美。此外飞天山的摩崖石刻、石佛、千年悬棺、古战场遗迹、长江以南第一飞天壁画等神秘历史典迹和丰富的文化底蕴以及独特的民风异俗,与这里山异、水美、石奇、洞幽、风情万种的自然风光相得益彰。 飞天山丹霞--溶洞是国家地质公园独具特色的地貌景观,无愧为国家地质公园的瑰宝,既是休闲度假的生态旅游胜地,又是地学科普与科研的天然课堂,还是民风民俗、历史文化的博物馆。“翠江山水画游,飞天丹霞心中留”。目前(20xx年),己推出“飞天侠侣”旅游专线,这里如诗如画的风光,宾至如归的服务,名扬神州,美誉海外。 天山导游词 篇6Tianshan lake, which enjoys the reputation of "the Pearl of Tianshan", is anatural alpine lake. It is located in the middle of the mountain below Bogdapeak in the eastern part of North Tianshan Mountain, with an altitude of 1980meters. The lake is half moon shaped, with a length of 3400 meters and a maximumwidth of 1500 meters, covering an area of 4.9 square kilometers. The lake isseveral to 105 meters deep. The lake is crystal clear. Surrounded by mountains,green grass and wild flowers. Tall and straight, green spruce, tasong, all overthe mountains, blocking the sky. Southeast of Tianchi is the majestic main peakof Bogda (Mongolian "Bogda", meaning Lingshan and Shengshan), with an altitudeof 5445 meters. There are two peaks on both sides of the main peak. Looking upfrom afar, the three peaks rise together, suddenly, like a penholder. Theglaciers and snow on the top of the peak are shining with silver light, and thewater of Tianchi Lake is blue and clear, forming a colorful natural landscape ofthis high mountain Pinghu Lake. Tianchi is a moraine lake. Geoscientists believe that: since theQuaternary, the global climate has experienced many severe cold and warmmovements. As far as 200000 years ago, the earth's climate turned cold for thethird time, and the ice age came, and the spectacular valley glaciers developedin the Tianchi area. The glaciers carry gravels and move slowly down the valley.They strongly erode the ice bed. They excavate and carve the valley and form avariety of ice erosion terrain. The Tianchi Valley becomes a huge ice cellar.The front end of the glacier tongue gradually stops and accumulates due toextrusion, melting water and discharge, and becomes the end moraine of thevalley. After that, the climate became warmer and the glaciers subsided and thelake became _. It is today's Tianshan Tianchi. According to historical records,from the Song Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty, Tianchi had the names of Bingchi,Longqiu, Longtan, Shenchi, etc., but there are few records about the trueappearance of Tianchi in historical records. In fact, it is difficult forancient people to reach Tianchi. In the feudal era of Da - Zhong, who really visited Tianchi, and namedTianchi for the first time was Ming Liang, a former Minister of Urumqi in 200years. In 1783, he climbed up Bogda mountain and found the Tianchi Lake. He dugthe water outlet to irrigate the farmland. He named the lake after the word"Tianchi" in the inscription on the sparse canal in Lingshan Tianchi, whichdescribes the event. It is said that later some officials and rich people whoworshiped Lingshan and Tianchi built eight temples near Tianchi, such as Fushoutemple, Wangmu temple, Wuji temple and Zhenren temple, for mountain visitors toburn incense and worship Buddha. Unfortunately, these ancient temple relics havebeen destroyed one after another, and the Qing Dynasty minister's bright stonetablet can not be found. Today, people can only see some general informationfrom historical data. In the past, due to the high mountains and dangerousroads, only the bold, ambitious and skilled riders could explore the TianchiLake. After the 1950s, the people's Government specially allocated funds to buildthe Panshan road leading to the Tianchi Lake, and built unique pavilions,waterside pavilions, hotels, restaurants and other tourist facilities on thelakeside, opening this famous tourist resort to Chinese and foreign tourists. In1982, the State Council listed Tianshan Tianchi as the first batch of nationalkey scenic spots. Tianchi is 90km away from Urumqi. In the early morning, thetourists get on the bus from Urumqi and enter the mountain pass after two hoursof eastward travel. The bus spirals up the mountain side road. On the side ofthe road, there are cliffs, craggy rocks, secluded woods and streams, flowersand birds. On the right side of the road, there is a small round pool with aradius of tens of meters. On the side of the pool, there is a waterfall with aheight of several feet. It spits out beads and splashes jade. This is commonlyknown as "Xiaotianchi". Then hover up the mountain, climb the broad ridge,Tianchi suddenly in front of you. Visitors here will sigh for the wonderfulscenery of lakes and mountains. Here, people can enjoy the gift of nature. Youcan climb the mountain together, walk through the dense forest, climb themountain and enjoy the panoramic view of the Tianchi Lake; you can also take ayacht to break the waves and enjoy the "sea" style of the plateau beyond thegreat wall; you can also come to the restaurant building by the pool, drink bythe window, enjoy the distant mountains and waters, paint and write poems, andpour out your intoxication. Over the years, many poets and painters have beeninspired here. When Guo Moruo visited Tianchi in September 1971, he wrote thispoem impromptu Visit Riga, The scenery here is better than before. Singing and dancing at the water, Cloud paper in the sky waiting for a new chapter. A pool of thick inkstone, Wan Mu Chang has a pen More like this morning's double roe deer, Feast and wine are like springs Tianchi is not only a summer resort for Chinese and foreign tourists everysummer, but also an ideal Alpine skating rink in winter. Every time the lakewater freezes, ice athletes from Xinjiang or other provinces gather here. On thebroad lake, they are bathed in bright sunshine and fresh air for skatingtraining and competition. The mountains surrounding the Tianchi Lake are also"baibaoshan" with rich resources. There are fattening pastures for cattle andsheep, forest farms for logging and deer farms for artificial breeding. Thereare Saussurea involucrata and Snowcock growing on the snow line, roe deer in thepine forest, mushrooms everywhere, and dangshen, Huangqi, Fritillaria and othermedicinal materials. There are rare birds and animals in the valleys, fish andwater birds in the lake area, modern glaciers on the top of the peaks, andcopper, iron, mica and other minerals buried under the mountains. The abundantresources and unique natural landscape in Tianchi area are more attractive tothe biological, geological and geographical workers who are keen on fieldinvestigation. Tianchi is indeed a place that people in Xinjiang have tovisit. 天山导游词 篇7郴州飞天山景区位于中国湖南省郴州市区境内,处于亚热带季风气候区内,是一个历史悠久的旅游景区,早在明代,就被著名的地理学家、旅行家徐霞客赞叹过。景区境内群山环绕,怪石嶙峋,沟壑纵横,再加上山泉围绕,呈现出一幅令人心驰神往的景象,有着“小桂林”的美誉。 飞天山旅游景区属于典型的丹霞地貌区,在景区的悬崖上可以看到粗细相间的沉积层理,由砾岩和砂岩组成各式不同的景观,形成雄奇险峻的山区风景。 郴州飞天山景区交通便利,从市区有多辆公交车可到达此处,为方便出行,从市区每隔二十分钟便有公交车可到达景点,当然也可自行驾车前往景点,周边交通设施有京广铁路、京珠高速、国道等,为方便游客,道路周边也设置了各类指示牌。 景区内除了山景,也有着文物古迹,包括摩崖石刻群、石佛寺石窟等。摩崖石刻群为第九批省级文物保护单位,具有较高的历史艺术价值。石佛寺石窟体态优雅,造型古朴,线条流畅,且佛像较多,规模较大,为湖南省内少有的景观。 飞天山景区的旅游开放时间为每天的7点至19点,四季皆宜旅游。周边著名的美食小吃有椒盐菠萝心、素虾仁海参、玉兰片、神农春蕨粉、竹香酒等,各类美食味道鲜美,给游客们留下了深刻的印象。 天山导游词 篇8郴州飞天山国家地质公园属典型的丹霞地貌,位于湖南省郴州市苏仙区境内距市区18公里,总面积110平方公里。水陆交通便捷,京广铁路复线、京珠高速公路、107国道从旁而过,郴江、东江交汇于此,形成享誉江南的翠江风景带。整个风景区由48谷、9寨、4坦、3庙、2江、1泉构成,以丹岩堡寨为特色,穿坦、洞穴为罕见,温泉碧江为纽带,石佛悬棺为史脉,集山、水、林、洞、佛为一体,聚雄、奇、险、秀、巧为一身。20xx年飞天山被国土资源部评为丹霞类的地质公园。景区山顶相连,沟壑纵横,山环水绕,寨坦错落,精巧处如精雕细琢,巧夺天工,宏伟处如横空出世,壮志凌云。翠江风情能与漓江风景媲美,享有“小桂林”美誉。 飞天山,位于湖南省郴州市苏仙区境内,距市区18公里,总面积110平方公里。水陆交通便捷,京广铁路复线、京珠高速公路、107国道从旁而过,郴江、东江交汇于此,形成享誉江南的翠江风景带。 飞天山盛名已久,大旅行家徐霞客曾赞叹飞天山“无寸土不丽,无一山不奇”,并镌刻“寸土佳丽”。境区山顶相连,沟壑纵横,山环水绕,寨坦错落,精巧处如精雕细琢,巧夺天工,宏伟处如横空出世,壮志凌云。翠江风情能与漓江风景媲美,享有“小桂林”美誉。 沿江两岩“丹霞翠遥断,岩石架空来”。一路顺江飘流,只见丹峰林立,红岩绿水,怪石幽洞,古木吐翠,竹海茫茫。一年四季绿叶、三季花香,绘成罕见的“四面青山列翠屏”、“草木花光尽是春”的奇妙丹霞地貌景观。 “丹霞第一洞”——黑坦,面积5000平方米;“天下第一门——天生石桥,门高35米,跨度95米,呈拱形,洞口高悬,绝壁临渊,洞中冬暧夏凉,十分幽静,规模之宏大,气势之宏伟,为中国丹霞地貌所罕见,乃飞天山一绝。景区内的鲤鱼寨四周崖壁陡峭,古木苍穹,灌木环绕,秋色丹枫绘出十里廊,美不胜收。更有酷似象征生命之源的圣母岩和阴阳岩,栩栩如生。境内万华岩溶洞全长约9公里,洞内有13处各具特色的大厅,最大可容纳数千人。洞外有泉,洞内有天,洞中有洞,洞里有河,洞内钙化沉积类型多种多样,石田、石笋、石钟乳、石柱、石幔、石帘密布,形态各异,气象万千,尤其是“水下晶锥”(世界上第二次发现的天然奇宝,另一个在美国)和“石蛋生笋”(世界上首次发现),堪称为溶洞中的奇异珍宝。 美国洞穴考察队曾赞誉“万华岩”溶洞可与世界上任何一个最壮丽的溶洞媲美。此外飞天山的摩崖石刻、石佛、千年悬棺、古战场遗迹、长江以南第一飞天壁画等神秘历史典迹和丰富的文化底蕴以及独特的民风异俗,与这里山异、水美、石奇、洞幽、风情万种的自然风光相得益彰。 飞天山丹霞--溶洞是国家地质公园独具特色的地貌景观,无愧为国家地质公园的瑰宝,既是休闲度假的生态旅游胜地,又是地学科普与科研的天然课堂,还是民风民俗、历史文化的博物馆。“翠江山水画游,飞天丹霞心中留”。目前(20xx年),己推出“飞天侠侣”旅游专线,这里如诗如画的风光,宾至如归的服务,名扬神州,美誉海外。 天山导游词 篇9Dear tourists In Xinjiang, there is a place to explore and explore. It integratesmythology, geology, biology and human landscape, and is known as the "Pearl ofthe plateau". It is the Tianshan Tianchi lake that we are going to visittoday. Tianchi is located in the mountains of Tianshan Mountains to the south ofFukang County in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, 110 kilometers away fromUrumqi. It's about 2 hours' drive from Urumqi to Tianchi. Along the way, we willenjoy the magnificent scenery around Tianchi and the ethnic customs of Kazak andUygur. I believe the trip to Tianchi will leave you a deep impression. Now Iwould like to introduce the general situation of Tianchi. [overview of Tianchi Lake] Tianchi, about 41 kilometers away from Fukang City, is located on thehillside of Bogda peak in the east of Tianshan Mountain. Tianchi natural scenicarea has a total area of 158 square kilometers, including 87 square kilometersof scenic area. It is a typical mountain natural landscape in arid areas ofNorthwest China. The snow mountains, glaciers, forests, grasslands, highmountains and lakes in the scenic area reflect each other, and are harmoniouslyintegrated with the long-standing myths and legends and the local Kazakhcustoms. In 1982, the State Council listed it as one of the first batch ofnational key scenic spots. The beauty of Tianchi can be summed up by "thousandsof years of scenery and thousands of Customs", which is comparable to GenevaLake in Switzerland. She shows people a strange world of central and WesternAsia. Jiang once praised: "I'm afraid there are few scenery like Tianchi in theworld." It's true. [scenery along the way → Kazakh yurt] Tourists, now our car has entered Tianchi scenic spot. Looking from thewindow, we can see that the water of Sangong River flows down from a distance.The water comes from the melting water of ice and snow on Tianshan Mountain. Itis clear and refreshing. The blue sky, white clouds and fresh air make usrelaxed and happy. In this beautiful place, there are hardworking, brave, simpleand friendly Kazakh people. As Tianchi gets closer and closer, we can see that there are more and moreyurts living along the river. They are the homes of Kazakh herdsmen living onthe banks of Sangong River. These white yurts are called "prairie hostels". Itis said that the white swan is the ancestor of Kazakh, so they have the customof worshiping white, which symbolizes purity, auspiciousness and happiness. TheKazakh people, who live by water and grass, are hospitable, United and mutualaid. Usually in front of the mountain, dozens of families gather together toform a "awul", that is, a small tribe and village, engaged in animal husbandry.They are also good at singing and dancing. There is a saying that "horse andsong are the two wings of Kazakh." [Shimen line → eight sceneries of Tianchi → West small Tianchi] Unconsciously, we have come to the first scenic spot of Tianchi, Shimen.The width of the two sides of the gate is about 100 meters, and the narrowestpart is only more than 10 meters. The two peaks are facing each other, and thereis a line between them, just like two open gates, so it is called "Shimen line".Geologically speaking, Shimen is a gorge formed by ancient river cutting, so itis also called "Shixia". After entering the stone gate, the Sangong River on theleft side is turbulent, with its peaks and paths turning and its sound vibratingthe valley. It can be said that "the two cliffs of the mountain are opposite,and the Tianmen gate is connected by a line". Before we get to the Tianchi Lake,we can already enjoy the wonderful scenery of the Tianchi Lake. Tourists, the stone gate line we saw just now is one of the eight scenicspots of Tianchi. The beautiful Tianchi scenic spot is famous for its naturallandscape. Among them, the most famous are Shimen line, Longtan Biyue, XuanquanYaohong, Dinghai Shenzhen, Haifeng Chengan, Xishan Hansong, Dingtian Sanshi andQingtian Xuefeng. I will introduce them one by one in the following tour. Now our car has been driving at an altitude of 1660 meters. From the footof the mountain to this place, there are more than 50 bays on the windingmountain road, so it is also called "Fifty dishes". Please look at the rightwindow. In front of you is a pool with a diameter of tens of meters, which isthe famous West Xiaotian pool. It is said that the water of the pool here isfrom Tianchi Lake, which seeps into the pool from the ground. The place wherethe spring comes out is like a cave, but not a cave. It is hard to find. It iscommonly known as "yinru cave", also known as "Yongquan cave". Because thespring from the ground is clean and sweet, the queen mother once came here tocomb, so it is also known as "comb cave". At the top of the pool, there is awaterfall, tens of meters high, flying down into the deep pool, forming a "JadePool silver curtain" landscape. [the shape of Tianchi → the magic water → the cause of Tianchi] Dear tourists, our car has reached the peak parking lot. Please get off andfollow me to Tianchi. Now in front of you is the beautiful Tianchi Lake. We stand here at analtitude of 1910 meters. The appearance of such a strange lake on such a highmountain really makes us sigh about the natural craftsmanship of nature. Pleasesee: Tianchi is as flat as a mirror. The water surface is open and half moonshaped. It is about 3400 meters long from north to south, 1500 meters wide fromeast to west, with an average width of about 1000 meters. The perimeter of thelake is 9700 meters. The area of Tianchi Lake in wet season is 4.9 squarekilometers, usually 3.55 square kilometers. Looking at this magical pool water, perhaps you will think, where does thewater of Tianchi come from? Of course, I want to explain to you. Tianta water isformed by melting ice and snow in Bogda mountain and the main water source isthe confluence of four tributaries. In the middle of April every year, therainfall increases, the rain water flows into the pool with snow, and the poolwater rises. After the last ten days of August, the climate changes from warm tocold, the temperature drops gradually, and glaciers begin to appear. The riverwater at the source decreases, and the water level of the pool drops gradually.This stage will last until April of the next year, which is just a cycle ofreincarnation. Therefore, the water temperature of Tianchi is low all yearround, with an average of 7.4 ℃. In ancient times, the water of Tianchi wasregarded as "divine water". Kazakh people said that it was "holy water". Interms of water quality, it basically maintained the chemical state of naturalwater, and was indeed very pure and holy. After explaining the source of water, I will introduce the depth andcapacity of the water. In the west of Tianchi, the slope is relatively large,and the water depth is about 20 meters. In the northeast, the funnel-shapedcenter is the deepest, and the maximum water depth is 102 meters. Therefore, itis estimated that the normal water storage capacity of Tianchi is 160 millioncubic meters, and the maximum water capacity is 200 million cubic meters. After talking about the shape and water of Tianchi, let me reveal to youthe mystery of the formation of Tianchi. Tianchi is a moraine lake. Most of the alpine lakes in Xinjiang are formedby the change of valley by external forces. As early as 280 million years ago inthe Paleozoic era, it was once a vast ocean. Later, due to the movement of theearth's crust, the bottom of the sea became a land, forming the original outlineof Bogda mountain. In the past two million years, the climate change has causedthe Bogda mountain to be eroded, eroded and cut while it is rising, forming amountain landform with many gullies and peaks. A large amount of material istransported to the front of the mountain by running water, and accumulated intofan-shaped land and vast plain. The Tianchi Lake was formed and developed in theQuaternary ancient glacial trough of Sangonghe River Basin. Huge glaciers sweptover the dam body and covered it with huge rocks. It was again blocked and thewater level rose. Due to the geological formation conditions of Tianchi, theunique and complete natural vertical landscape belt and modern glacier landformof Tianchi scenic area are formed. Therefore, the landscape value and status ofTianhe are incomparable and irreplaceable by any other scenic spots. If youdon't visit Tianchi in Xinjiang, you will arrive in Xinjiang in vain. [myth of Tianchi → origin of Tianchi's name] Tianchi is so beautiful that it naturally produces many beautiful myths andlegends among the people. The most famous one is the story of the meeting ofQueen Mother of the West and Mu Tianzi in Tianchi. Tianchi was called "yaochi"in ancient times. It is said that around the 10th century BC, King Jiman, alsoknown as emperor mu, the fifth generation monarch of the Zhou Dynasty, drove tothe state of Queen Mother of the West and met her. This queen mother is thefemale chief of a matriarchal clan in Xinjiang. She hosted a banquet for muTianzi and his party in the beautiful yaochi lake. During the banquet, the queenmother of the West and the emperor Mu exchanged gifts and invited the emperor Muto visit the scenic spots of yaochi and the mother country of the West. When heleft, Emperor Mu was reluctant to give up. He shook hands when he met, and hewas very glad to see his clothes stained with tears. We can imagine that thissituation, this scene and this person must be very infectious. Tianchi is also known as Bingchi, Shenchi, Longqiu and Longtan. Qiu Chuji,a famous Taoist in the Yuan Dynasty, visited the Tianchi Lake, which means "iceand snow shining on the sun". In the Qing Dynasty, Ji Xiaolan also called thiswater the hiding place of mosquito dragon, and named it Longqiu. In fact, beforethese two celebrities, Li Bai, a great poet of the Tang Dynasty, wrote a poem:"please redeem the emperor mu, you can still dance in Tianchi." Li Bai'soriginal intention is that Tianchi is located on the top of a high mountain,implying that "the pool is higher than the sky". Therefore, it should be Li Baiwho changed the name of "yaochi" to "Tianchi". [climate of Tianchi → four seasons of Tianchi] A tourist asked: what's the climate like in Tianchi? When is the best timeto come to Tianchi? The climate in Tianchi scenic spot varies greatly with the terrain. Tianchiis located in the inversion layer of Tianshan Mountain in winter. Due to theinfluence of atmospheric reflux, the temperature is relatively stable. Theannual average temperature is 2 ℃, the coldest in January, the averagetemperature is - 11.9 ℃, and the average temperature in July is 15.5 ℃. Inwinter, it generally snows in Tianchi scenic area, and the snowfall period canbe from late September to early April of the next year. After the middle ofNovember every year, the pool water freezes, and the ice layer is more than 100cm thick. The ice breaking period is at the end of April of the next year.Therefore, the best season to visit Tianchi is from the first ten days of May tothe last ten days of October every year. At this time, the Tianchi Lake is arare summer resort because of its melting ice and pleasant climate. Although Tianchi is cool all year round, the landscape of the four seasonsis changeable. When spring comes to Tianchi Lake, ice and snow melt away. Thelake water is clear and crystal clear as jade. The mountains around the lake areemerald. Spruce is like a sea. The lakeside is green as grass. Birds are singingand jumping. It's really beautiful. In summer, the flowers and trees in Tianchiare more colorful. The orange Saussurea, the golden Trollius, the red valerianand thyme, the blue gentian and blue orchid, and the white plum blossom are allcompeting for splendor. Visitors here seem to walk into a beautiful big garden.At this moment, boating in high mountains and lakes, walking in the woods,exploring the snow peak plateau, or riding up the Tianshan Mountains, people aredizzying and happy. This season is the peak of sightseeing. Tianchi in autumn,the summer to frost, ushered in the brilliant season of frost leaves red sky,blue sky, golden leaves, dark green pine tower, reflected in the autumn water,colorful, gorgeous, just like a natural picture. In severe winter, Tianchi Lakeis covered with thick ice, which makes it a good skating rink. Overlooking Bogdapeak, the lake is covered with silver, adding a magnificent northern scenery tothe silent Tianchi Lake. [Bogda mountain peak → wonderful landscape] Tourists, the beautiful Tianchi Lake and Bogda peak shine together. Bogdamountain is the main peak of Bogda mountain. Bogda mountain is a natural barrierof Tianchi Lake. Hengdou is in the east of Tianshan Mountain, stretching formore than 300 Li. The peaks overlap and fluctuate vertically and horizontally.The top of the mountain is covered with snow all the year round. Overlooking themountain, it can be said that "the snow on Tianshan Mountain is high in the sky,rolling silver waves straight from the ground", which is magnificent. Bogdamountain is called "Lingshan" and "Shengshan" because it means "spirit" inJunggar. Three peaks stand side by side on the top of the mountain. The mainpeak is Bogda peak, which is 5445 meters above sea level. It is famous for itswonder and danger. It is known as "the first peak of Eastern Tianshan Mountain".In the minds of the ancient herdsmen, Bogda peak was respected as "Zufeng". TheEast peak is 5287 meters above sea level, commonly known as "Lingfeng", whilethe West Peak is 5213 meters above sea level, commonly known as "Shengfeng", andknown as "three peaks in the snow sea". Qiu Chuji, a Taoist of the Yuan Dynasty,wrote a poem praising: "the three peaks rise together, the clouds are cold, andthe four walls are arranged in a horizontal way. If the heaven and man are notin the snow range, it is hard to see the ice pool shining on the sun and thecustom. " Today, however, it's not difficult to climb Bogda. It's only 18kilometers from the southeast of Tianchi. Bogda has become one of the 10mountaineering peaks open to the outside world, attracting countlessclimbers. After seeing the mountains, let's enjoy the scenery around Tianchi. Tianchiscenic spot rises from the mountain pass along Sangong River to Bogda peak. Itsvertical height rises from 1200 meters above sea level to 5445 meters, with arelative height difference of 4245 meters. Its geomorphic landscape presentsobvious zonal distribution. I will introduce it one by one from bottom to top.At an altitude of 1200 meters to 1500 meters, due to the weathering of rocks,there are many stone peaks, jagged rocks, tufted water and grass, and lushvegetation. Elms are tall on the beach, and the river terraces are covered withfelts on the roof. It is close to the mountains and rivers. "Cattle and sheepcan be seen in the grass when the wind blows." it is a pastoral village scenery,known as the grass belt on the low mountain platform. Between 1500 meters and2700 meters above sea level, the mountain is composed of massive andesite andtuff. Ancient glaciers are extremely eroded and scoured by flowing water. It isa "wet island" in arid areas with undulating mountains, crisscross gullies, warmand humid climate and abundant rainfall. There are dense spruce trees growing inthe area, and the shady slope in the lower part of it often intersects withmountain meadow grassland, becoming a park like sparse forest landscape, whichbelongs to the forest belt of Zhongshan gorge. Tourists, please look up again.Below the snow line, between 2800 and 3500 meters above sea level, most of themountains are gentle slopes, where ancient glacial sites, glacial troughs,glacial lakes, swimming pools and other landforms are well developed. Theclimate is cold and humid, the ice and snow melt in spring, and the water isabundant. There are cold resistant Laoguan grass, edelweiss, raincoat grass andTrollius. In summer, the grass becomes shady and full of vitality. It is anatural pasture and becomes the original grass belt of Alpine platform. Finally,let's take a look at the extremely high mountain permanent ice belt above 3500meters above sea level. The climate is very cold, with perennial snow, permanentice, and steep terrain. Glacial landforms such as knife ridge, horn peak, icedebt dike and snake shaped mound are everywhere. The huge glacier is like agiant dragon, perched between the iceberg and the surrounding valley, stretchingin the trough. The cold light twinkles, crystal clear as jade, and the icecovered silver world is amazing. [dongxiaotianchi] Tourists, the Tianchi Lake and its surrounding landscape can be enjoyedhere. Let's go to the East Xiaotianchi lake to enjoy the magnificent waterfallswith endless aftertaste. After about half a kilometer's trek, we now come to the East small Tianchi,which is located in the northeast of Tianchi. The scenic area here is about10000 square meters, with an altitude of 1860 meters. Dongxiaotianchi is formedwhen the water of Tianchi passes through bailongba on the north bank and thenflows into bailongzha to form a 10 meter high waterfall and splashes into thevalley. The flowing water looks like a white dragon, with a hundred curtains,forming a "Xuanquan Yaohong", one of the eight scenic spots in Tianchi. Togetherwith the "Yutan silver curtain" of the West small Tianchi and the "three pearlsof the white dragon" of the bailongzha, it is called the three waterfalls ofTianchi. Here, you may already understand that there are three pools in Tianchi. Thethree pools are connected by veins. The West small Tianchi, the East smallTianchi and Tianchi can be called "mother daughter pools". The big Tianchi isthe mother, and the small Tianchi in the East and West is the daughter.Therefore, the East and West small Tianchi are also known as "sister pool". TheEast small Tianchi is located in the East with high terrain and slightly largerpool, which is the "big sister"; the West small Tianchi is located in the Westwith low terrain and the smallest pool, which is the "little sister". Inaddition, there are legends that the big Tianchi is the bathing pool of thequeen mother of the west, and the small Tianchi is the foot basin of the queenmother of the West. These legends have brought people beautiful reverie. Dear tourists, the tour of Tianchi and Xiaotianchi is coming to an end. Thebeauty of the Tianchi Lake is not only hidden, but also full of spirit. It isbeyond the pen and ink. It is beyond the words. I think it's left for you tosavor 天山导游词 篇10各位游客: 你们好,欢迎你们来到郴州旅游,我是你们的导游。 飞天山旅游风景区,位于郴州市城郊苏仙区桥口镇境内,属典型的丹霞地质地貌。这里既有霞山碧水、秀峰险寨、草坡峡谷等独特的自然景观,又有摩崖石刻、千年悬棺、石佛庙宇等神秘的历史古迹,它还逝城郴州传说中半人半仙的传奇人物“寿佛老爷”修行得道的地方。因此,飞天山自古便有了“寿山佛地”之美誉。好了,现在就让我们沿着曲折绵长的挑盐古道,开始今天浪漫的飞天山之旅吧! 洗心池 飞天山诸峰海拔并不算高,但视野极为开阔,山顶往往是平坦的草坡,充满高山草原风情。我们现在穿行的只是飞天山诸多山顶草原的一小块,洗心池就在草坪的东边。相传寿佛在飞天山修行时常常在池水中沐浴净身,并命名该池为“洗心池”,即“洗却尘念,一心向佛”之意。在夏秋月夜,静坐池边,人在山顶,月朗星疏,感觉飘飘欲仙,“心池夏月”是飞天山一大美景。 寿佛寺 大家沿着石径继续前行,突觉豁然开朗,气势不凡,这地方一定不同寻常!的确,我们现在所站的地方当年是一座巨大的庙宇,叫寿佛寺,是当地百姓为供奉“寿佛老爷”而筹资修建的一座大庙。相传寿佛是与苏仙齐名的郴州又一传说奇人。它本姓周,唐朝天宝年间人,家在飞天山下朗肚坪周家岭,修行得道后,游历郴州各地,为黎民百姓造福。在寿佛的庇荫之下,周家岭方圆百里经年风调雨顺,无病无灾。当地人感激寿佛,出资在飞天山选了这块风水宝地建造了寿佛寺,以供奉寿佛,泽被子孙。寿佛寺历史上常年晨钟暮鼓,梵呗悠扬,香客云集,闻名遐迩。“寿山晨钟”是飞天山古佳景之一。可惜寿佛寺历史上屡遭兵灾火患。我们现在看到的遗址是清朝同治末年重建的,大家看这块《重修寿佛殿序》的石刻碑文,可对寿佛寺的历史有进一步的了解。1958年“大跃进”时,寿佛寺再次被人拆毁,令人长叹惜怜。如能重修,真师在千秋,恩及子孙的一件大好事。 圣母岩 站在寿佛寺前的悬崖上朝对岸看过去,只见一头巨大的石狮横卧江边,威猛雄壮,这就是“狮子岭”。再朝前看去,就可以非常清晰地看到被称为“江南一绝”的圣母岩了(也叫女阴岩)。大家知道,在广东丹霞山有号称“世界一绝”的阳元石,酷似男根,其大无比,无以配者,如能配之,唯有飞天山的“她”了,可谓一南一北,阴阳平衡,皆因形象逼真,硕大无比,而令人叹为叫绝! 卧牛山 沿着石径依山而下,来到江边,我们开始乘船游览一段秀美的水上风光——翠江。在这静谧、青翠的山水之间,我们可以领略到桂林山水的灵秀,湘西小河的古朴,同时这里还隐伏着三峡风光的雄壮,如果在夏秋季节的早晨或黄昏,江面会浮着一层薄薄的白雾,泛舟水上,仿佛船在云中行,人如画里游。大家看右边,一头同前面石狮一样大小的石牛俯卧江边,两只大大的牛眼在鼻子的两边,那优美的躯干线条是那样地流畅,这就是卧牛山。 千年悬棺 悬棺因为悬在卧牛山酷似牛口的洞穴之中,故又称牛口悬棺。关于悬棺,我们从史料或电视片中略有所知。之所以称悬棺,皆因棺木葬于悬崖之上,就像悬崖上老鹰的巢一样悬挂,逝代人一种神秘的葬法。据了解;牛口悬棺为宋代所葬,距今已有800多年历史了,国内悬棺中像牛口悬棺保存这样完好,如此具有观赏性的尚不多见。这庞大的棺木究竟是怎样送上悬崖的呢?真是千古之谜。 石佛山 泊舟于岩壁之下,踩上级级石阶,仰头可见如刀砍斧劈的巨大赤壁,壮伟阳刚,气吞山河,这里就是神仙寨。岩壁之下1620xx年前西晋时期的石佛像群雕,确为罕见,神仙寨因之又称为石佛山,山下的寺庙也被称石佛山寺。石佛山摩崖石刻共有七尊佛像,大小不一,造型各异,有端坐的、静立的、飞天的,右边独立的女佛轻张双臂,神态祥和,丰腴含笑;那腾空横飞的小飞天佛,据说只有在陕西、甘肃及敦煌一带才可见到,在南方从未有过,因而尤显珍贵。 两江口 站在石佛山前,眼见碧水翠竹,险滩奇石,扁舟轻渡,风光绮丽。哦,我们身处山水画廊的两江口了。两江口又称郴江口,是郴江与翠江的交汇处,南通东江,北人耒水而奔湘江。明代旅行家徐霞客游历至此,在其《楚游日记》中称赞此处:“江口诸峰俱石崖盘立。无一山不奇,无土不丽”。南宋诗人阮阅任郴州知府时,写有七律诗《郴江口》:“扁舟斗转急如飞,对此令人忆退之。不但郴江有佳句,叉鱼祷雨尽留诗。”诗中“退之”两字,即唐代文豪韩愈的字。韩愈到郴州,留有《郴口》、《叉鱼招张功曹》、《郴江祷雨》等诗。从诗中描写可见,800多年前,两江口便是风调雨顺、人烟繁闹的好去处。这里还有半副对联令人称奇。上联是“一渡两江三上岸”,生动地描述了一条渡船在两江口汇合处的三个渡口摆渡的情景。上联依旧,但至今无人能对出下联来,大家想试一试吗? 飞天峡谷 再次弃舟从岸,我们将要穿越的是一段神奇的峡谷,叫飞天大峡谷。亿万年来,由于地质构造运动和水流的冲蚀,飞天山形成了许多的沟沟壑壑,峡谷纵横,飞天峡谷就是其中的一段。大家看峡谷两边,悬崖峭壁,山势险峻,山顶灌木葱茏,谷底水流潺潺,鱼翔浅底。人行其中仿佛穿行时空隧道,幽明相隔。 老虎山 山道弯弯,峰回路转,眼前豁然开朗,一条凿在岩石上的石级古道,跃人眼帘,仿佛是登天云梯。“老虎山”几个红色大字就刻在古道旁的石壁上。老虎山之所以称为老虎山,一则是因为此处当年曾有老虎出没。再则,站在山顶,可以看到我们脚下的山体很像一只老虎,有狭长平整的老虎背,还有摸不得的老虎屁股,以及长长的坚实有力的老虎尾巴。 聚仙台 爬上老虎山,穿过杨梅林,顿觉雄风四起,白云端坐,瑞气浮动,纵横万里,石如汪洋,芳草连天,千山万水尽收眼底,好一派人间仙境,“美人山上看美人,聚仙台里聚神仙”,漫步聚仙台,飞天山无限美景尽在眼中,远看睡美人,近观神仙指。相传当年八仙前往东海时,途经此处,迷恋于飞天山的美景,曾在台上豪饮美酒,聚会一番,“聚仙台”因之得名。 飞天山睡美人 站在聚仙台,远看飞天峰,整个山峰就像一个巨大的侧卧着的佛像,所以此山又叫卧佛山。不过,不知什么年代,有好事者发现,山峰更像一个仰卧着的美女。你们看,美女头枕南方,脚朝北方,梳着古典的发髻,小巧挺拔的鼻子,高耸的双乳,平坦而又有一丝起伏的腹部,修长的双腿,构成一幅线条优美的睡美人图像。睡美人神奇的自然景观,为飞天山平添了无限生命的色彩。 寿高台 穿过纵马驰骋的高山草原,爬上飞天峰108级石阶,大家终于站在了“寿高台”上。相传寿佛老爷就是在此处得道升天,位列佛门的。站在寿高台,犹如立马沧海,气势峥嵘,征服一切的壮志雄心会油然而生。据称,常常登临寿高台的人,必将多福多寿,一生平安。希望大家有机会能常登寿高台,汲取天地之灵气,沐浴自然之精华,可以长命百岁哟! 赛蓬莱 下了寿高台,沿着通幽之曲径,我们到了另一处蓬莱仙境——蓬莱洞。在蓬莱洞的洞壁上,可以看到“唐宋八大家”之一的韩愈手书的“赛蓬莱”、“昌黎书”几个字,苍劲有力,流传千古。 各位游客,为了丰富景区的,飞天山风景区已作出新的规划,正在加快建设。不久的将来飞天山将会以更加绰约的风姿迎候八方嘉宾!关于飞天山我就讲解到这里,非常高兴与各位共同度过这快乐的飞天山之旅。欢迎您下次再游飞天山。祝各位旅途愉快,一路顺风! 天山导游词 篇11大家好!我是大家今天的导游张俊楠,人称“小博士”,欢迎你们来到天山。 现在是七月间,虽然在这时候,别的地方都是炎暑逼人,但在我们天山,却是最美的。在上天山的时候,没有比骑马更好的交通工具了。大家请往我的左边看,马匹我已经帮各位准备好了,等一下,会骑马的朋友可以挑选自己喜欢的爱马上山,不会骑马的朋友也不用担心,我们会有专业的驯马师保护大家。 亲爱的朋友们,现在我们已经在山腰间了,现在,炎暑已经在我们的后面很远了。大家只需要一转身,就可以看到几朵银灰色的暗花,但大家不要奇怪,这些只不过是几块白云在雪峰间投入的云影,看起来是不是很迷人呀?大家现在可能会听到一些哗哗的流水声,但大家不要慌,这只是小溪的流水声。 朋友们,现在我们已经到天上顶上了,大家可以看到那群峰脚下的原始森林。现在留给大家五分钟时间拍照,但请大家不要随便采花,因为我们在山脚下已经为大家准备好了。 各位朋友们,太阳要落山了,拍照时间结束,请大家一起跟我下山,现在夕阳西下,阳光透过重重叠叠的枝丫,在苍绿的苔藓上留下斑斑点点的碎影。大家是不是觉得在这里,马格外矫健,人格外精神呢? 快乐的时光总是那么快,今天的游览到此结束,如果你喜欢我的介绍记得给我五星好评哦! 天山导游词 篇12郴州飞天山位于郴州市苏仙区桥口镇境内,距郴州市城区约20公里,交通极为便捷。东江、郴江在这里交汇,千山万壑,云蒸霞蔚,翠竹葱茏,凉风习习,天低云淡,渔船点点,尤如梦中仙境,画里天堂! 风景区由九寨,四垣、三庙、二江、一村站组成。红山绿水、秀峰险寨、奇石怪洞构成的自然景观和村宅街巷、石佛庙宇、陵墓悬棺等历史奇观,以及度假山庄、蒙古风情、水上乐园等人文景观,使之成为独具魅力的旅游胜地。被誉为“郴州明珠湘南桂林”。 天山风景区属丹霞地貌,有被中国丹霞地貌研究会会长黄进赞为“中国之最,世界奇观”的黑垣。风景区内,奇峰异石,青山秀水,湖光山色,壮美迷人。沿江周围,石山林立,玉峰相接,连绵数十公里。更有千年悬棺,旷世之谜;临江佛雕,飞天壁画;天然卧佛,悠悠古迹;丹霞溶洞,神秘窝居;明清古墓,狮子吊陵;高山草原,圣母玉立……真是福地洞天,风观无限!风景区集自然、历史、人物奇观为一体,纳奇、险、秀、美于一身,令人流连忘返陶醉于山水之间,乐不思归! 天山导游词 篇13很高兴能跟大家介绍我们的湖南,湖南是个历史悠久,地域辽阔,人杰地灵,物华天宝的芙蓉国。它位于长江中游南岸,而且大部分地区处于我国第二淡水湖洞庭湖之南,所以简称,湖南。 湖南地处欧亚大陆东部,属亚热带季风气候,冬冷夏热四季分明热量充足气候比较温暖就像湖南的辣椒,够辣的哦~夏天有那么一段时间可以热导40°,正是因为地域气候的原因,给湖南造就了冬冷夏热的气候,尤其在春夏之间有长期的梅雨季节,湿气重,真菌容易滋生,所以我们湖南人啊,就造就了爱吃辣和足浴的风俗习惯。 好啦,刚刚我们简单的介绍了一下湖南,那么我们的此次的湖南之旅,首先就从长沙开始,我可是位地道的湘妹子哦~我们长沙啊是湖南省的省会,是全湖南省政治,经济,文化中心和旅游集聚地,是我国第一批优秀旅游城市,更是一座风景秀丽,环境优美的历史文化名城,长沙也是一座具有3000多年历史的“楚汉名城”长沙这个名字最早的时候是出现在西周,这个名字的由来说起来又炫又不失其浪漫,是因为天上的星辰而得名,天地人合一,长沙星对应的地面,就称为长沙,又名星沙。 长沙位于湖南中部偏东北的湘江下游,湘江啊,就像一把剪刀,把城市分为东西两岸,河东为发达的商业区和工业区,河西为高校区和高科技发达区。河东是繁华的闹市,河西则是幽静的书院! 哈哈接下来给大家介绍我们长沙的饮食,看我就知道,长沙的饮食文化也是比较丰盛的哦,我就不说那久负盛名的臭豆腐玉楼东的麻辣仔鸡双燕楼的馄饨德园的包子甘长顺杨裕兴的面今天跟各位介绍长沙新美食热点待会顺便带大家过去饱尝一下正宗的湘菜滋味,有橘子洲头的黄鸭叫宁乡的口味蛇四方坪的土鸡老照壁一带的小吃,去领略一下我们长沙人火辣辣的性格吧! 天山导游词 篇14各位游客: 你们好,欢迎你们来到郴州旅游,我是你们的导游。 飞天山旅游风景区,位于郴州市城郊苏仙区桥口镇境内,属典型的丹霞地质地貌。这里既有霞山碧水、秀峰险寨、草坡峡谷等独特的自然景观,又有摩崖石刻、千年悬棺、石佛庙宇等神秘的历史古迹,它还是古城郴州传说中半人半仙的传奇人物“寿佛老爷”修行得道的地方。因此,飞天山自古便有了“寿山佛地”之美誉。好了,现在就让我们沿着曲折绵长的挑盐古道,开始今天浪漫的飞天山之旅吧! 洗心池 飞天山诸峰海拔并不算高,但视野极为开阔,山顶往往是平坦的草坡,充满高山草原风情。我们现在穿行的只是飞天山诸多山顶草原的一小块,洗心池就在草坪的东边。相传寿佛在飞天山修行时常常在池水中沐浴净身,并命名该池为“洗心池”,即“洗却尘念,一心向佛”之意。在夏秋月夜,静坐池边,人在山顶,月朗星疏,感觉飘飘欲仙,“心池夏月”是飞天山一大美景。 寿佛寺 大家沿着石径继续前行,突觉豁然开朗,气势不凡,这地方一定不同寻常!的确,我们现在所站的地方当年是一座巨大的庙宇,叫寿佛寺,是当地百姓为供奉“寿佛老爷”而筹资修建的一座大庙。相传寿佛是与苏仙齐名的郴州又一传说奇人。它本姓周,唐朝天宝年间人,家在飞天山下朗肚坪周家岭,修行得道后,游历郴州各地,为黎民百姓造福。在寿佛的庇荫之下,周家岭方圆百里经年风调雨顺,无病无灾。当地人感激寿佛,出资在飞天山选了这块风水宝地建造了寿佛寺,以供奉寿佛,泽被子孙。寿佛寺历史上常年晨钟暮鼓,梵呗悠扬,香客云集,闻名遐迩。“寿山晨钟”是飞天山古佳景之一。可惜寿佛寺历史上屡遭兵灾火患。我们现在看到的遗址是清朝同治末年重建的,大家看这块《重修寿佛殿序》的石刻碑文,可对寿佛寺的历史有进一步的了解。1958年“大跃进”时,寿佛寺再次被人拆毁,令人长叹惜怜。如能重修,真是功在千秋,恩及子孙的一件大好事。 圣母岩 站在寿佛寺前的悬崖上朝对岸看过去,只见一头巨大的石狮横卧江边,威猛雄壮,这就是“狮子岭”。再朝前看去,就可以非常清晰地看到被称为“江南一绝”的圣母岩了(也叫女阴岩)。大家知道,在广东丹霞山有号称“世界一绝”的阳元石,酷似男根,其大无比,无以配者,如能配之,唯有飞天山的“她”了,可谓一南一北,阴阳平衡,皆因形象逼真,硕大无比,而令人叹为叫绝! 卧牛山 沿着石径依山而下,来到江边,我们开始乘船游览一段秀美的水上风光——翠江。在这静谧、青翠的山水之间,我们可以领略到桂林山水的灵秀,湘西小河的古朴,同时这里还隐伏着三峡风光的雄壮,如果在夏秋季节的早晨或黄昏,江面会浮着一层薄薄的白雾,泛舟水上,仿佛船在云中行,人如画里游。大家看右边,一头同前面石狮一样大小的石牛俯卧江边,两只大大的牛眼在鼻子的两边,那优美的躯干线条是那样地流畅,这就是卧牛山。 千年悬棺 悬棺因为悬在卧牛山酷似牛口的洞穴之中,故又称牛口悬棺。关于悬棺,我们从史料或电视片中略有所知。之所以称悬棺,皆因棺木葬于悬崖之上,就像悬崖上老鹰的巢一样悬挂,是古代人一种神秘的葬法。据了解;牛口悬棺为宋代所葬,距今已有800多年历史了,国内悬棺中像牛口悬棺保存这样完好,如此具有观赏性的尚不多见。这庞大的棺木究竟是怎样送上悬崖的呢?真是千古之谜。 石佛山 泊舟于岩壁之下,踩上级级石阶,仰头可见如刀砍斧劈的巨大赤壁,壮伟阳刚,气吞山河,这里就是神仙寨。岩壁之下1620xx年前西晋时期的石佛像群雕,确为罕见,神仙寨因之又称为石佛山,山下的寺庙也被称石佛山寺。石佛山摩崖石刻共有七尊佛像,大小不一,造型各异,有端坐的、静立的、飞天的,右边独立的女佛轻张双臂,神态祥和,丰腴含笑;那腾空横飞的小飞天佛,据说只有在陕西、甘肃及敦煌一带才可见到,在南方从未有过,因而尤显珍贵。 两江口 站在石佛山前,眼见碧水翠竹,险滩奇石,扁舟轻渡,风光绮丽。哦,我们身处山水画廊的两江口了。两江口又称郴江口,是郴江与翠江的交汇处,南通东江,北人耒水而奔湘江。明代旅行家徐霞客游历至此,在其《楚游日记》中称赞此处:“江口诸峰俱石崖盘立。无一山不奇,无土不丽”。南宋诗人阮阅任郴州知府时,写有七律诗《郴江口》:“扁舟斗转急如飞,对此令人忆退之。不但郴江有佳句,叉鱼祷雨尽留诗。”诗中“退之”两字,即唐代文豪韩愈的字。韩愈到郴州,留有《郴口》、《叉鱼招张功曹》、《郴江祷雨》等诗。从诗中描写可见,800多年前,两江口便是风调雨顺、人烟繁闹的好去处。这里还有半副对联令人称奇。上联是“一渡两江三上岸”,生动地描述了一条渡船在两江口汇合处的三个渡口摆渡的情景。上联依旧,但至今无人能对出下联来,大家想试一试吗? 飞天峡谷 再次弃舟从岸,我们将要穿越的是一段神奇的峡谷,叫飞天大峡谷。亿万年来,由于地质构造运动和水流的冲蚀,飞天山形成了许多的沟沟壑壑,峡谷纵横,飞天峡谷就是其中的一段。大家看峡谷两边,悬崖峭壁,山势险峻,山顶灌木葱茏,谷底水流潺潺,鱼翔浅底。人行其中仿佛穿行时空隧道,幽明相隔。 老虎山 山道弯弯,峰回路转,眼前豁然开朗,一条凿在岩石上的石级古道,跃人眼帘,仿佛是登天云梯。“老虎山”几个红色大字就刻在古道旁的石壁上。老虎山之所以称为老虎山,一则是因为此处当年曾有老虎出没。再则,站在山顶,可以看到我们脚下的山体很像一只老虎,有狭长平整的老虎背,还有摸不得的老虎屁股,以及长长的坚实有力的老虎尾巴。 聚仙台 爬上老虎山,穿过杨梅林,顿觉雄风四起,白云端坐,瑞气浮动,纵横万里,石如汪洋,芳草连天,千山万水尽收眼底,好一派人间仙境,“美人山上看美人,聚仙台里聚神仙”,漫步聚仙台,飞天山无限美景尽在眼中,远看睡美人,近观神仙指。相传当年八仙前往东海时,途经此处,迷恋于飞天山的美景,曾在台上豪饮美酒,聚会一番,“聚仙台”因之得名。 飞天山睡美人 站在聚仙台,远看飞天峰,整个山峰就像一个巨大的侧卧着的佛像,所以此山又叫卧佛山。不过,不知什么年代,有好事者发现,山峰更像一个仰卧着的美女。你们看,美女头枕南方,脚朝北方,梳着古典的发髻,小巧挺拔的鼻子,高耸的双乳,平坦而又有一丝起伏的腹部,修长的双腿,构成一幅线条优美的睡美人图像。睡美人神奇的自然景观,为飞天山平添了无限生命的色彩。 寿高台 穿过纵马驰骋的高山草原,爬上飞天峰108级石阶,大家终于站在了“寿高台”上。相传寿佛老爷就是在此处得道升天,位列佛门的。站在寿高台,犹如立马沧海,气势峥嵘,征服一切的壮志雄心会油然而生。据称,常常登临寿高台的人,必将多福多寿,一生平安。希望大家有机会能常登寿高台,汲取天地之灵气,沐浴自然之精华,可以长命百岁哟! 赛蓬莱 下了寿高台,沿着通幽之曲径,我们到了另一处蓬莱仙境——蓬莱洞。在蓬莱洞的洞壁上,可以看到“唐宋八大家”之一的韩愈手书的“赛蓬莱”、“昌黎书”几个字,苍劲有力,流传千古。 各位游客,为了丰富景区的内涵,飞天山风景区已作出新的规划,正在加快建设。不久的将来飞天山将会以更加绰约的风姿迎候八方嘉宾!关于飞天山我就讲解到这里,非常高兴与各位共同度过这快乐的飞天山之旅。欢迎您下次再游飞天山。祝各位旅途愉快,一路顺风! 天山导游词 篇15各位游客: 你们好,欢迎你们来到这里旅游。 郴州飞天山丹霞——溶洞地质公园,位于湖南省郴州市苏仙区境内距市区18公里,总面积110平方公里。水陆交通便捷,京广铁路复线、京珠高速公路、107国道从旁而过,郴江、东江交汇于此,形成享誉江南的翠江风景带。 整个风景区由48谷、9寨、4坦、3庙、2江、1泉构成,以丹岩堡寨为特色,穿坦、洞穴为罕见,温泉碧江为纽带,石佛悬棺为史脉,集山、水、林、洞、佛为一体,聚雄、奇、险、秀、巧为一身。20xx年飞天山被国土资源部评为丹霞--溶洞类型的地质公园。 飞天山盛名己久,大旅行家徐霞客曾赞叹飞天山“无寸土不丽,无一山不奇”,并镌刻“寸土佳丽”。境区山顶相连,沟壑纵横,山环水绕,寨坦错落,精巧处如精雕细琢,巧夺天工;宏伟处如横空出世,壮志凌云。翠江风情能与漓江风景媲美,享有“小桂林”美誉。沿江两岩“丹霞翠遥断,岩石架空来”。一路顺江飘流,只见丹峰林立,红岩绿水,怪石幽洞,古木吐翠,竹海茫茫。一年四季绿叶、三季花香,绘成罕见的“四面青山列翠屏”、“草木花光尽是春”的奇妙丹霞地貌景观。 “丹霞洞”——黑坦,面积5000平方米;“天下门——天生石桥,门高35米,跨度95米,呈拱形,洞口高悬,绝壁临渊,洞中冬暧夏凉,十分幽静,规模之宏大,气势之宏伟,为我国丹霞地貌所罕见,乃飞天山一绝。景区内的鲤鱼寨四周崖壁陡峭,古木苍穹,灌木环绕,秋色丹枫绘出十里廊,美不胜收。更有酷似象征生命之源的圣母岩和阴阳岩,栩栩如生。境内万华岩溶洞全长约9公里,洞内有13处各具特色的大厅,可容纳数千人。洞外有泉,洞内有天,洞中有洞,洞里有河,洞内钙化沉积类型多种多样,石田、石笋、石钟乳、石柱、石幔、石帘密布,形态各异,气象万千,尤其是“水下晶锥”(世界上第二次发现的天然奇宝,另一个在美国)和“石蛋生笋”(世界上首次发现),堪称为 溶洞中的奇异珍宝。 美国洞穴考察队曾赞誉“万华岩”溶洞可与世界上任何一个壮丽的溶洞媲美。此外飞天山的摩崖石刻、石佛、千年悬棺、古战场遗迹、长江以南飞天壁画等神秘历史典迹和丰富的文化底蕴以及独特的民风异俗,与这里山异、水美、石奇、洞幽、风情万种的自然风光相得益彰。 飞天山丹霞--溶洞竖家地质公园独具特色的地貌景观,无愧为国家地质公园的瑰宝,既是休闲度假的生态旅游胜地,又是地学科普与科研的天然课堂,还是民风民俗、历史文化的博物馆。“翠江山水画游,飞天丹霞心中留”。目前,己推出“飞天侠侣”旅游专线,这里如诗如画的风光,宾至如归的服务,名扬神州,美誉海外。 好,游客朋友们,今天就为大家讲解到这儿,谢谢各位的支持! |
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