标题 | 美丽宁夏导游词 |
范文 | 美丽宁夏导游词(精选3篇) 美丽宁夏导游词 篇1六盘山又称陇山,地处宁夏南部,位于西安、银川、兰州三省会城市所形成的三角地带中心。主峰在宁夏固原、隆德两县境内,海拨2928米。山体大致为南北走向,长约240公里,是陕北黄土高原和陇西黄土高原的界山,及渭河与泾河的分水岭,曲折险峻。古代盘道六重始达山顶,故名。山的东南垂有老龙潭胜迹,为泾水源头之一。 六盘山绵延百余公里,有四万多公顷天然次生林,是我国西部泾河、清水河、葫芦河的发源地,其独特的地理位置和巨大的生态功能对贫瘠干旱的宁夏南部山区的广阔地域环境起着十分重要的湿润调解作用。近年来,宁夏在六盘山相继建立了自然保护区和风景名胜区。 为了有效保护野生动物,六盘山区每年都开展放飞鸟类、制作鸟巢、救助受伤野生动物等活动。自1995年以来,累计放生野生动物3000只(头);同时,山区对残害野生动物的不法行为予以严厉打击。绝迹多年的国家一级保护动物金钱豹,不时地在宁夏六盘山野生动物保护区内出现;伴随着六盘山国家森林公园的建立,一些多年少见的野生动物数量也有了明显增加。 六盘山历来有"春去秋来无盛夏"之说,主峰米缸山海拔2942米,登上主峰远眺,朝雾迷漫,云海苍茫。日出云开,只见重峦叠嶂,层出不穷,春来绿树杂花,天地清澄;夏时凉爽宜人,风光独特;秋时红叶满山,层林尽染;冬时雪尽穷野,银装素裹。 美丽宁夏导游词 篇2Hello, distinguished guests You have traveled thousands of miles to our beautiful south of the GreatWall. I don't know how much you really know about Ningxia. It doesn't matter ifyou don't know. Here is a brief introduction Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region is located in the middle and upper reaches ofthe Yellow River, referred to as "Ning". It is adjacent to Shaanxi in the East,Inner Mongolia in the north, and Gansu in the south. With a land area of 66400square kilometers, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region is the only provincial HuiAutonomous region in China. It was founded on October 25, 1958 and is known asthe "hometown of Muslims". It has a population of more than 6 million. The Huipopulation accounts for one third of the total population of the region Leye: asearly as 30000 years ago, there were human reproduction, the ancient YellowRiver civilization, the mysterious Xixia history, the beautiful pearl on thewall, the majestic desert scenery, which was gradually understood by the worldafter the development of the western region "The Yellow River enriches Ningxia" The Yellow River has a total length of5464 km and flows through Ningxia for 397 km. The Yellow River flows intoNingxia from Heishan Gorge of Gansu Province with gentle flow and wide watersurface. It has created a rich Yellow River Hetao irrigation area for Ningxia.The history of diverting Yellow River Irrigation in Ningxia has been more than20__ years. Emperors of all dynasties are more concerned about water conservancyprojects A large amount of sediment and trace elements, together with Ningxia'sunique geographical environment and climate conditions, Ningxia's agriculturaland sideline products are also at the top, and it is also an important grainproduction base in the country China's mountains are basically east-west, and there are two north-southmountains in Ningxia. They are the famous Helan Mountain and Liupan Mountain.Helan Mountain is located at the junction of Ningxia and Inner Mongolia. It is50-250 km long from east to west and 456 km long from north to south. Helanmeans "horse" in Mongolian. The great temperature difference in Ningxia'sclimate sooner or later is due to Helan Mountain Helan stone, one of the fivetreasures of Ningxia, is a famous mountain in the south of Ningxia Liupanshan isthe last mountain that the Red Army crossed in the long march. Because theancient road of Liupanshan can reach the top of the mountain only throughLiupanshan, it's named Liupanshan. The great leader, grandfather Mao, left hiseternal words here. Qingpingle, Liupanshan is known as the "oil basin" in theSouth. Now it's the National Tourism poverty alleviation experimental area.Liupanshan is under development and construction, but its beautiful scenery isstill unknown It's fascinating. These two mountains are like two brave soldiers,guarding the north and South gates of Ningxia Because of the dense population and living habits of the Hui people inNingxia, the Hui population accounts for 1 / 3 of the total population inNingxia and 2 / 5 of the total population in China. The splendid Hui culture andcustoms are the most attractive signs. Mosques of all sizes appear in everycorner of Ningxia. Muslim hospitality in Hui costumes comes from afar The uniquecustoms will make you forget to return. The Xixia mausoleum at the foot of HelanMountain is telling the rise and fall of the past. As early as 1038-1227, KhanLi Yuanhao of Dangxiang nationality established the Daxia regime in Yinchuan.Because it is located in the west of the Yellow River and in the northwest ofChina, it is known as the "great Xia regime" Xixia has existed on the stage ofhistory for 189 years. However, many people don't know the history of Xixia.Even if there are records in some historical books, there are only a few ofthem. Only Xixia history is missing in 24 history, and Xixia Characters arecalled "unique learning" by historians. Few people in the world know XixiaCharacters, which was once a glorious Xixia in history Xia, because of whathappened, quietly withdrew from the world's attention. Let's go to the Xixiamausoleum and jointly decipher the mysterious country Because Ningxia is located in the northwest and surrounded by threedeserts, the sandstorm in Ningxia is also a precious tourism resource. The firstbatch of 5A eco-tourism scenic spots in Shizuishan City, Shahu, as the namesuggests, have different scenery, Shahu, as the name suggests, there are sandand lake, Jinsha embraces Cuihu, and Cuihu surrounds Jinsha. The two differentstyles of scenery merge with each other, plus Secretary Jiang's inscription,Shahu Shapotou, one of the world's top 500 environmental protection units, isfamous for attracting tourists from home and abroad and creating considerableeconomic benefits for Ningxia. It has its own scenery, such as sand mountains,green lakes, birds, fish, reeds and so on. However, it can not escape the praiseof tourists. Shapotou, a world-class 5A environmental protection unit, has alsocast her enchanting and tender feelings on this hot land Shapotou is located atthe edge of the Tengger Desert. The "wheat straw checkerboard sand barrier" hasblocked 43000 square kilometers of the Tengger Desert. It has made China's firstdesert railway pass through here. With the development and construction ofShapotou, it is also known as "the top ten most interesting places in thecountry". Go to see the endless sand sea, ride a desert boat, listen to thejingle of camel bells, and look forward to the Yellow River The sexy curve, themood at this time, you can only experience it when you are on the scene, a pieceof sand accompanied by a lake, a piece of sand and a river, maybe, such a placein the south of the Yangtze River is the place you have been pursuing many timesin your dream! 美丽宁夏导游词 篇3滚钟口山峦起伏,岩石峻峭,林木葱茏,巍峨秀丽。在西夏时,就是“西夏古名胜地”。当时,李元昊曾于山沟北部建造了一处规模宏大的避暑宫苑。现在在这片参差错落的20多处建筑遗址上,散落的砖、瓦、器物残片遗物,还俯拾即是。明清时,这里也大兴土木,建造庙宇、楼阁,修建了贺兰庙、老君堂、大悲阁、斗母宫、小洞天、关帝庙、兴隆寺、晚翠阁、观音庙等14处庙庵台阁,这些建筑依山临险,随势自然,错落有致。山内的三座山峰之上,还建有三座造型优美、小巧别致的白色喇嘛式塔。始建于清朝光绪十八年(1892年)的贺兰庙,庙宇坐落在半山之上,分为上中下三层台院,三座殿宇连成一体。主殿泥塑彩像,两侧绘有滚钟口全景图和贺兰庙全景图,殿宇雕梁画栋,蔚为壮观。据史料载:明清时期,每年六月,城镇村堡的善男信女多进香山寺,轮骑络绎不绝,名曰“朝山”,亦借以游览涤暑。景区南侧山旁的“清真寺”,有阿拉伯也门的马克伦丁·本·欧斯曼长老“拱北”墓,他曾在16世纪末远涉重洋来到中国,在银川等地传教30多年。每逢回族的传统节日,远近穆斯林纷纷前来念经朝拜,以示纪念。? 小滚历代修葺建设,成为一处著名的风景游览胜地。春夏之际,小滚钟口内满谷高杉,一片葱绿。来到景区入口,首先映入眼帘的是几棵苍劲葱茏的古槐和勃勃生机的长青松柏。进入景区,漫步于山道上,只见满山遍谷的洋槐、翠柏、白杨绿阴遮盖沟坡,郁郁葱葱。沟间坡地的山果树上挂满了晶莹欲滴的红山果和红酸枣。山涧里一缕清泉涓涓流淌。山中绿树、红花争相辉映,绚丽多彩。? 在景区北部一条宽窄变异、蜿蜒曲折的深沟内,多有寺庙遗址,故称“大寺沟”。沟内树木苍翠,泉水清澈,怪石林立,“狮吼”、“卧虎”、“顽猴”、“仙人指路”、“青羊跳涧”等奇石,神态各异,令人叹为观止。顺沟向西而下,有巨石立于沟间,上刻“西爽亭”三个大字,这里山势开阔,泉水叮咚,绿草如茵,是最舒坦幽静的休息之地。 南望群山,有三峰峭立,形似笔架,人们称它为“笔架山”。山下有人采佳石为砚,因而又称曰“砚石笔架山”。若拾级而上,登临山颠“望海亭”,可凭高四览,向西远眺,但见峰峦起伏,势若奔浪;极目东望,又见千里平畴,像风平浪静的海洋,天地相间处,云烟浩渺浑然融为一体。在这里还可观赏到“日出笔架”、“月光别钟铃”、“石嶂穿白云”等自然景观。如逢朝晖夕映时,又可观赏到“贺兰佛光”之景,堪与“峨眉宝光”争妍。六月暑日,在景区西边沟尽头的青羊溜山巅上,蓝天晴空,白雪盖顶,这就是古宁夏八景之首的“贺兰晴雪”。 |
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